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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1907)
he Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. tbeerlb Per THE OMAHA DEC Best West EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 12. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXXVII NO. 17. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF AN EVENT canf weefc n the ca'endar for the tasteful tor-mm or win at. 1 Horse Show IVVefc 5 fashon's gnndest inspiration. It is fashon's friumoh. It is fathion's stii a id fhw:r. Thii is the misf signifi- It Is mv thit the writ's sty-tertilitf is euMazoiei in all Us beauty and worth. Omaha's Fourth Annual Horse Show finds this great store sphnlidly eqSipp:d to expo J id and illustrate Dame Fashio offer on this page prov emphatically the slmjth of oir butinj orgmzitnn, a streng h that's elojienl not only h but rather in the magnifance of th: fibritt a li th: finished qirmenls h:r:w th oterei. Oir txlnoriinary success Fashion s oDpcr lessons, vaiuss c in extraordinary prce concessions maamtcsnce of th: fibrin ail th: finished airmentt hsnw th o ttrii. Our txlrjorlmarv success in leaini me wj ijr dfmtnd for hinhpr , i i - . . - - . ,,- - , , ., ,. i - --. r w w ,ti.? t agjaaajASiKautfjas-.g -' v,pgi i - J mm jj fij Fine Silks Tht qnn1t cjffer'fji of fine s'lks in Omihi. We sell th: very best si'ks oil,. Qji'ily is the first anilerVioi; stt'e in I price follow. Thse silks are nit con nil, they have an individuality. FALL COATS FOB WO MEW W ar showing all th varied etylee that ar anthcntlo and tip-to-dat th lonjr loo ffct, th ml-loo ffct and th tight-fitting. There's also th nobby thirty-six Inch Ftinc Chap Coat. Whatever your tat or pookt book, w guarantee yen a perfect fit. Loose Box Coats Made of broadcloth, 52-inches long, satin lined throughout, collar and cuffs trimmed in velvet and braid; special Monday price 9.75 Pure Silk l'laids $1.25 and $1.00 pure silk plaids, no other 6tore offers these rich 'new silk plaids cheaper than $1.00 and $1.25; the colors are the choicest, qualities the best. Monday your choice, yd. .59c Black Tallela Silks for Monday 27 inch black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed to wear; "Cleola" the famous silk handled by u3 exclusively In Omaha; very heavy and lustrous, Monday, per ard 79 Received twenty-five pieces of beauti ful novelties for evening wear, swell styles, some come la colored grounds with broad satin stripes and floral designs, Monday special, at per yard 59 and 75 Tight Fitting Coats Made of fine chif fon broadcloth and lined throughout with guaranteed satin, h dsomely tailored; special Mo nd ay Q 50 If Broadtail Caracul Coats Made of fine imported cloth, 24 and 26-inches long, double breasted, collar and cuffs hand somely trimmed in braid and buttons, Skinner's satin lined; special 1A A Monday price , AvJU BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES Costumes of chiffon, lace, voile, messaline and taffeta silk, at- $49.50. $69.50 and $89.50 ' 'Mr,;?,-" TAT.T. SUITS FOB WOHEir Tb. acooropanylnf Illus tration represent on of a cor oftyle; each tyl guaranteed triotly correct. The nlt ar tellor made; ar th proper leug-th for smart dressers. There's lndlvldnality In each and oar price ar lass than jroo'd willingly pay. 0 HANDSOME 1ML0R MADE SUITS at $19.50,$29.50, $39.50 lew moaeiB jt-r uorse onow week. The styles were never so chic as this reason materials and cln that will please the V most fastidious. The popular shades in broad- y cloths are brwns, blues, greens, plums, garnets and the staple ft T7T . . 7 . 7 . Jl. . fi: ocacfc. JC0r siyte ana vaiue wity have no equal. 1951-2951-3951 Dress Gccds We sponge and shrink I every yrd of dress goods. We positively guarantee our ma terials wilt n?f soot or shrin'i after wearing. EVENING COATS AND CAPES, of broadcloth, handsomely braided at $19.50, $25.00 and $39.50 Your Criticism is Solicited CHARMING WAISTS Kvnlnf Waists ol dainty lace, flirt nets and rhlffon at $7.50 912.50 $15.00 and $19.50 See the Horse Show Windows j Sale of Fine Cotton Blankets Cotton Blankets, In . all pretty borders, Mon day, per pair. colors, 39c The best SI Cotton Blankets, In all colors, Monday, fifls . - w v per pair $1.35 Cotton Blankets Monday In all colors, large size palr.,89 $1.60 largest Cotton Blankets, xtra heavy, per pair ....$1.10 $2.00 Cotton Blankets in gray, tan or white, Monday ... .$1.39 Laces and Embroideries Swiss and Nainsook embroideries with dges and insertions to match, from two to five lnchen wide, worth up to 20c, per yard , 20-Inch Cluny and Venice lace allover, Kultablo fur walsttngs and yoking. fCQ worth to $2.00, per yard tJiJKj 18-ln. corset cover embroideries. In twenty five now nHsorted patternH, 211 worth to 60c, per yard d3Vj ViML.IiNGS 10 000 yards chiffon veilings In all the new fall colors, worth to 85c, 15C per yard n Linen embroidered coat sets. " if0. worth to 60c H Large and new ansortment of feather boas. ranKinf in prices from 2.8 up to 125.00 each. Art Needlework Dep't 1,000 b tamped pillow tops, all new JdW de'ens. worth ip to aftc, each.. LAUSOaT BAGS 20 by 2 it, made of fancy creton, worth up to -t fn 60c. each AUl All kind of stamping done at the Art Needle Work Department. A com plete line of new patterns. CMRMIKG p0 SLLIWY r 0 HORSE SnOW : : : There Is really no par alt it to the prices we make for Mon day and Tuesday in fancy dress hats. For correct styles no millinery salon offers superiority. Hals in purple, and peacock shades; tan pes, leathers, gre?ns, browns and navys. We can suit any gown from our superb selection of hats. REMARKABLE VALUES FOR. MONDAY A beautiful hat, trimmed with morning, glories or roses, fancy pins, velvets and ribbons; a real swagger style , $15 Same color combinations In fancy effects, difference in price due to slight differ ence In matrlals, at. $10 OUR GREAT $5.00 LINE Thoroughly stylish, and .correct, copied from imported models, exquisite creations, exclusively tj r trimmed, at vpI New line of Girb' Caps and Tama, in new nrfi CO materials, with ear laps; a great variety, at . . 3L"v w L SEC THE WINDOV 8 VISIT SECOND FLOOR 'fell 1 71 w, u ,.-.-u-,i ., .t .wTBwwyyyyrryiiri -.www!wwTmfnniii') w a-...- A Fancy Broadcloths 62-lnch Fancy Broadcloths; these goods are In great demand for suits or separata skirts, come In all the new shades, make tip very swell coat suits, on 9C sale Monday per yard 54-lnch suitings striped effects, gray grounds with mixtures of various color ings, red, green or black. This cloth will wear, usually sells for 1.26. G4C Monday per yara Imported French Cloth Fine Imported French Cloth plaid suitings, beautiful fall colorings, rich brown or navy blue grounds, with black over plaids, block effects. Exclusive French materials for suits or separate skirts. Monday per yard. fl-j QQ 11.50 to P $2.50 new striped broadcloths for coat suits, separate skirts or coats; every color you desire, stripes come In various widths, in wine, brown, navy grounds with black stripes. The new styles Just arrived; 52-lnch wide Monday JgJJJS per yard Sale of Wool Blankets 110 all wool white Blankets, In pink and blue border, Cft 'TS. Mondav. ner Ddlr... 18.50 and f 9 all wool plaid Blank ets, some in small checks; 1IV.. hlna nli.1 tan 0 W 99 pair ......... 7. .7. 7 Monday, per pair. $12 and $14 All Wool White Blankets, the very fnest grade we have Monday, per pair $8.05 Some of these are traveling men's samples. LINEN SPECIALS 72-lnch full bleached, heavy weight and good designs, well worth f 1.85 . Ci Af and $150. per yard epJL.UV 24-Inch bleached satin damask napkins, table cloths to mutcU, wortn $4.50. per dozen $3.50 Battenberg Scarf. 18x54-lnch, well mad and durable, worth $1.50, SX.00 Bed Spreads, full bed size, hemmed, good weight and good designs. B (YCi worth $1.25. each VJ-,UW PENINSULAR A Cold Wave Coming Peninsular Oak Heater 6.50 Peninsular Art Base Burner. tK epeci.l Tkrk...:ir RANGES Buy That Stove Now Peninsular Advance Steel Range. specUl 4.75 Peru ct. on ill floater. special HIGHEST GRADE China and Cut Glass Cut Class in a glare of beauty. The Crystal Room, Libbey's complete line of nes cuttings at prices no higher than the common k.nds of glass. Handsome Electroliers, bent glass effects, hand painted shade. French Bronae, Japanese Bronze and Gilt finishes, $5.00 to $76.00. Dlnnerware and Dinner Sets, $160.00, $126.00, $100.00. down to $8.00 for 100-plece sets. Steak, Chdff, Berry, Sajad, Chocolate, Tea, Salts, etc.. all prices. Novelties in China and tilass not to be found elsewhere. Spjchls in ART SECTION See the picture ya ue$ in our Ha -ney St. window The Sun-bonnet children, for the baby's room, 10 Oval, Gilt and Black framed heads, regular 69c values, each 59 Daniel's Answer to the King, each 79 Tho Feast : SI. 30 Many other items specially priced for this sale. Get onr prices on framing, we do the work right. Large assortment of Burnt Wood, start now. RE-NOVA ilG V,- SHEET MUSIC SALE To make room for new stock we will sell all popular music Monday at 17c per copy: "Lov Me and the World Ik Mine," "While Tou Are Mine," "Dreaming," "Moonbeams and Dreams of .Tou," "Every Little Bit Added to What Tou Got. Etc.," "Under the Tropical Moon, San Antonio," "Napanee, 'Iol'a" with without words, "Awakenl the Birds." "Is It Very to Heaven. March ol Teddy Bears, "Lady Mil etc. Monday only Half off on Schirmer Library and Wood editions. nlngoffl t TrSmy Suits For Boys Th Jiu Jistuknee trouscr suits f all wol waterproofed mater ials, are the greatest boy suits cn earth for .-. ...-...--.-v-w:.; y,riM ' S4 Dennett's Q2& ....,.. 15 .....12H? Grocery .' TkeU.wel value la Ireia reettel Cell;. Etlc4 1 eceniaeat. Three thousand on pound poa of ttoa- SlSf nott's Caoiiaa Wolleo. two p.cxtol Ww ani (if y green traaln iamis Tale will be serve tl .i leu HiJ cree. Try ii eelere yea er. Salmon, smoked, can And 6 Green Trading Stamps. Batavla Currants, pound Ard 10 Grn Trading Stamps. Blood of G.ate Juice, pt. bottle 23 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Dr. Price's Food, four packages 25c Australian Valencia Kalaena. lb. 15 And 6 Green Trading Stamp. Diamond S Preserves, large Jar JSe And 30 Grteu Trading Stamps. Lte Buoy Soap, six cakes . ...2"C And 10 Green Trading SUiup. Shredded Codllsh, 3 packages . .23 And 10 Green Trading Stamp. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can And 20 Green Trading biamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, package ' lit? And 10 Green Tradiag Stamps, pepper, pure, ground, can lOt And fc Green Trading Stamps. Diamond C Soap, nine bars i-25t POTATO SPECIAL Early Ohio Potatoes, splendid quality, bushel SO? Ik.'.K.--ij 21 DRAPERY Sliver End, full brass plated Curtain Rods, extend to 64 Inches, each 7 White cotton Curtain Loops, 36 Inches long, with tassel, pair 3 Ruffled Swiss Curtains, full size, dots or figures, per pair 89 Irish Point Curtains, neat dainty effects, for parlors, sell up to $7.60. pr. 3.89 Genuine Red Cedar Shirt Waist Boxes, strictly moth proof, each $8.75 & $0.75 Matting Covered Skirt Boxes, 48 inches long, ea. $0.75 The NewCorsets When planning the new govt h for fall and winter he Mite to study the new Aiuiricdi-i lnutj corset models. Note particularly the high bust and long hips, tbi'M are the essential changes that mark the latest style. A careful study of the various well known corsets will reveal the fact that the "American Beauty" models have been .planned rloug the most ex quisite Lines, and are most admirably finished. ; EXPERT CORSETIEKS are constantly lif the department to aid in the fitting of new models, and you are cordially Invited to benefit by their exper ience and skill. All corsets from $2.00 up are fitteo free. American Beauty Corsets Range From SI to $ CARPETS Brussels Carpets, full width, desirable patterns, with stair and border to match, per yard 39 Velvet Carpets, strictly all wool pile, all colors, with stair aud border to match, per yard 89 Brussels Rugs, room sue, 9x12, made without a seam, sells for $22.00, Monday at $10.48 Royal Wilton rooui s.e Rugs, 9x12, in all the lead ing shades, Persian and Oriental patterns, at. $30 Extra Heavy Cotton Chain Ingrain Carpets, big, variety of patterns, 65c value, fer yard 49 Matting, full yard wide 10 r patterns, all different shades, per yard ..12H "Forest Mills" UNDERWEAR Sxolnslv agent for "Tortst Mills" band trim med nnderweai for ladle' and children. It's mad from th finest (elected yarns and considered the best fitting underwear. Ladles' medium weight vefcts and. pants, combed yarn 60c Ladli-s' heavy weight vests antTpants, combed yarn, at 60c Ladles' heavy weight vests aud pants, fin merino, at M Ladles' medium weight vests and pants, silk and cotton tl.25 Ladles' medium weight vests and pants, silk and wool $1.25 Undies' heavy weight vests - and pant, silk and wool, at $125 Ladles' medium weight union suits, combed cot ton $100 Ladles' hpavy weight union suits, combed cotton. .tl.HS Ladles' heavy weight union s"ls. fine merino. .. $1.75 Ladles' heavy weight U"ion suits, fine merino. ... $1.90 Ladles' medium weight union suits, silk and wool for $2.25 HAND Ladles' medium weight union suite, silk and cot ton $2.60 Ladles' heavy weight union suits, silk and wool., $8. 60 saaessss38Bgg5 1 GO-CAIU sale, $18.00 kind for- S9.00 KNOX COL LAPSIBLE Reg ulnr $8.00 kind, whili they last $4.00 This is an oppor-. trinity to get a Go Cart at your own price. SPECIALS ON BUFFET and CHINA CLOSETS Six patterns of Bed Davenports at less than cost. New line of parlor rockers in polished or wax finish quartersawed oak 3 78 24x24-inch Parlor Tabled, beautiful Btyle and finish, French leg, best construction in genuine mahogany. BIRD'S EYE MAPLE Or large flakey quarter sawed oak, remember the price :7-;, ,v,-w ;.v ; ISO I hi .4.98 STOOL. Stool like cat,. Bamboo with Chinese matting top, Monday eaci L&c HORSE SHOW FOOTWEAR WWe are demonstrating daily thut we are equipped of furnish dress and evening foot wear to the critical buyers of Oiiiahit. Evening slippers to match your costume; blue, pink, red, white, lavender, kid and calf and the new brown shade of Schmidt's cleanable colored calfskin. . .$5 Pink, blue, white, canvass, Gibson ties and pumps, the right shades, $2.60 values at... $198 AUTO ilOOT Like Cut The proper footwear for the short skirt, bench made, cork filled soles, in tan button, tan lace, gun metal and . patent colt V.S5.00 Riding boots, special for Horse Show week- only , $9.98