Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
8 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 13, 1007. The Store That Shows the Styles Fashionable Correct Kpparel en's Attir c of Elegance and Distinction n nnpn Apparel that is Practical and Serviceable - 1 Worn XI WVMi TAtf horse show is here. This week will witness the most brilliant fun ciio7i in the annals of Omaha. Brandeis1 store, with its superior equipment and its rich assem blage, of the world's most elegatit attire is in readiness to supply the ery for the throngs of fashion wers in Onaha: No store west of Chicago equals or even competes zvith Bran- deti as an exhibitor of correct fashion- Brandeis patronage among women of good taste in dress outraiki other wislern stores in magnitude just as overwhelm ingly as Brandeis' store outranks the others in size. We give to Fashionable Omaha whmt fashionable Omaha demands'the best the world can yield. ) f ' Women's Costumes Evening GownsParty Dresses Furs Cpcra (cats Ldd CtsIiiics--Catirce Waists $35 $3S htunnlng evening and party gowns charmingly made o! messalines, crepe de chines, taffetas and chiffon voiles, newest dress features of the season worth up to $65.00, at Individual Parisian models In evening gowns and costumes, at . . $4) to )j250 ltrgular $35.00 quality Opera Coats at $10 Made In the doHrate , pastel shades of broadcloth, with self trimming of silk braid, fashioned In 1Q the new Salome cut and worth In a regular way $35, at h lCvenlng Coats for Horse-Show wear, at.''. .'. 1 '.$:$ to $10S Sostume skirts of chiffon broadcloth, French voileB, etc., at .$10 to $25 The most complete and elegant showing of very fine furs for all drees occasions and for practical wear also. Cvening and Costume Waists These exquisite models are specially adapted for evening and dress wear stunning effects in hand made lace, beautifully made over silk trimming of real lace medallions, etc. most fanciful rout ions, at The Brilliant Creations of French Style Authors Horse Show Millinery There, is a brilliancy and an elegance in these graceful hats for Horse Show wear not to be found in ordinary designs. Many of these exquisite hats that we are selling for this coming out event of fashion are the products of French designers others are conceived in the workrooms of C fv famous New York style authors the large, graceful hats pre- P dominate the color schemes are bewitching splendid line SJf $7.50 up to $49 WOMEN'S M nr ft ii T i1rir1 nWc and nrxi 4 ? We are showing beautiful new arrivals in man-tailored suits in the smart plain colors and the retined . patterns, every new style feature, M at THE "FASHION SEAL" SUITS J The style aristocratic. Suits that are ready for every fashlonable'occa- A slon new Fluffy Ruffles styles, long coat effects, military P J r tj jT models, etc. materials are the very finest made, the price is. . pD I THE LONG BLACK BROADCLOTH COATS 4- Fun satin lined broadcloth coats very smartly trimmed with braki NeVjr sllipment of the celebrated Perrin's Kid Gloves, in all the fancy shades for Horse Show wear I cut full and loose the most up-to-date styles, CI 9 17 CO 4 ' T at .JUi in 8. 12, 16 and 20-button lengths a rantre in price of .$2.75 UB to $4.50 NT w Perrin's Short Kid Gloves One and iwo-clasp-real French kid all colors and sizes, $1.50 and $2 Women's two-clasp gloves of French lambskin black, white, tan, brown, gray and red, worth $1.50, at .y ; $1.25 Women's all silk hosiery la black Women's fine silk and silk mercer- Women's all silk chiffon auto and or colors for Horse Slfow wear lzed hosiery black and fancy Fluffy Ruffles veils, will go at . .Q8C, 91.50 and $1.98 also silk embroid'r'd, 49c, C9 at . .98S.$1.49 and $1.98 Models of rarest beauty such styles as these are shown only at Brandeis in color scheme and style treatment they are simply C T C CA , superb the prices are net extravagant, at..... l"kU Millinery of Moderate Price, But Eleg&nt Appearance There are hundreds of charming and ultra stylish hats in dress shapes, even ing and street styles every one absolutely correct in every little detail of fashion prices are . . ' Women s Hij$h Quality Kid Gloves for Horse Show Wear ur-iu-uAir, vuiL& vkx &kikis 4. These new arrivals in voiles are emphatically the talk of the town jj, the styles are so smart and the materials ' i (TAOO T gt so high class the price Is pZJ,JQ T A New Fall Walking Skirts In the new flared models pleated yf (I Q and self strapped new tall models, at $Y0 4 4f diiK feiucoats. Dest ever soia nu? for.,... i'.yo j. The same quality of silk that is used In the finest and most ex- J pensive silk petticoats made. t JU trjgt lit Jt tt Jt y ijj J ty lt lit i4 Values Such as Only Brandeis Can Offer . Silks and Velvets Our display of elegant Silks and Velvets is remarked by everybody who visits our beautiful silk section. We im port direct our own designs and therefore can show the same exclusive silk stuffs an Pari3 and New York. ' We specially mention high clas street and evening silks in a fine array of combinations. Our Phantome dress srlks are high in fashionable favor. They are shown in 1 10 thirty-five different colorings; special, yard.'. ...... 44-inch French Silk Voiles, in shadow effects, very soft and clinging, still heavy enough to drape prettily without sag- ing street and evening shades very special, yard ". BLACK TAFFETAS C. J. Bonnet & Cle celebrated black taffeta (the genuine only), 27 Inch, at, yard 93 36-inch Brandeis special dress taf fetas, worth f 1.35 yd. yd...98 27-ln. Yellow Edge, made to retail at 85c yd., Monday's price. .59 21-ln. Premier Gold Medal tafffta, worth $1.00 yd. yd -50 $1 FRENCH SILK PLAIDS In the newest browns and navies, heliotropes, leather effects, com binations of gobelin and tans, navy and green, navies and Bor deaux, black and white olive and leather browns specially priced for Monday, yard $1 SILKS ON BIG BARGAIN SQUARE Arrayed for easy selection. Over 60,000 yards always displayed. An occasion to secure up-to-date silks In' plain and fancy, weaves,' reli able black silks., peau de sole, peau de Sapho, 27-inch and-36-lnch odd lines of dress ilks in a good range of colors values from $1 , to $1.50 all go Monday at, yd. . . . ( 49c-59c-69c Fine Embroidered Skirtings 1? inch fine nainsook and swlss embroidered skirt ings, flouncings and cornet cover embroideries, new shipments and choice designs, C- worth up to 75c yard, at yard n'L All Over Laces Dress and Lace Nets Fine cotton and all silk dress and waist nets, 45 inch, white, cream, ecru and black; also IS Inch all over filet mesh, crochet ' comDlnation effects, 69c-98c-I.S0-I.98 Smart Shoes FOR. THE HORSE SHOW Brandeis is maintaining its reputation as the most complete shoe store in Omaha' by show ing the most elegant thing in footwear, specially adapted for Horse Show wear. WHITE RIBBON SHOES Endorsed by the National W. C. T. U. the best shoes made for women At $3.50, $4. CO and $5.00 MEN'S FULL DRESS and TUXEDO SUITS FOR. H0R.SE SHOW This event demands proper evening clothes all ,the sat isfaction here at less raonev full dress suits at $22.50 to $35.00 Tux edo Suits, at 1U3 fit.UU IU $19-$30 Rogers-Peet Suits and Over coats are for men of good taste the prices are moderate. tl Here Are Big Monday Specials in Rugs Carpets II "We offer some extra inducements this week'. "We occupy greatly enlarged quart ers, on 3d floor. "We carry the best stock in Omaha and sell at the low prices that make this store known throughout the west. Our showing of fine AVilton, Body Brussels and Axmmster Rugs is unsurpassed. ' . Savalan Wilton Bugs The finest of Wilton Rugs shown here only, in all sizes from the small m f? 18x36 to the large room size 11-3x16. In all those soft, new shades so much sought arter. l& r 711 D D fl The 9x12 size is a decided bargain at Body Brussels Rugs 9x12 slue, at $30.00 8-3x10-6 size, at $27.50 ' A good selection and the best qual ity made. OUR DEST ALL WOOL FILLED INGRIIN ART SQUARES-AM Sizes 9x12, worth 7 I 9x10-6, worth I 9x9, worth T C I 7-6x9, worth CyJ I All larze sizes In $9. at tP 8.t vDU $7. at. . . PJ $6. at vDT 9x12 Axminster Rugs Finest oriental designs, a rug well worth $35.00, Mon day, at $25 Velvet Rugs On large lot of velvet rugs, size 9x12, floral and Oriental patterns, all new una up-to-date, a rug worth 127.60, Monday only, at 1 1 1 $19 proportion. eUeJeJ. ej, ) J 4 HERE'S A VERY SPECIAL WALL PAPER S A LE An Immense fnll hureuln of. faring. You who want tu itel H,il- liifled and nave money, buv now. BUT Hour 8potal from 10:30 to -f. A. M., tlire to. and three 10o papurs, ut. Hjr and roll. All Say Buapa Regular "c. f,c. J Co, .c, iUi'. KiC, lou. and 26o pu Sf ptr for tuiy room, only i!c, J 4c, J IMiO, 4c, r.o. Ho and loe per roll, aft Big Hour Special From 3.3U to J 4 to V. M. threu 20c tapestrlia 4 and three ibr two ton .iierx; a the seatton's nobbiect liuvoltUs, at m iu and loo roll. . All lty wtnaer -T"0 tonea and taprbtrlea, new and nppruprl- -gr ate papera.wortik jne to oc, only lo aa)d 16o roll. 10 V ' jmm tt iW 4J. 4 IN THE WASH OR IN THE WEAR 4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4- 4-4- 4- 4f 4- SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAINS Most Desirable Goods for Fall at Bargain Prices on Monday Very heavy gray, blue and pink mottled Flannels, worth 12Vic regularly 2,000 yards for, Monday at, yard. .'. ; ; Yard wide 6ateens, pretty de signs, suitable for making comforts, acttfal 19c value good, useful lengths at, yard 7k 6Jc l'lncft striped and checked outing , flannels, light and dark styles, plain ' Cinderella flannels that are always old at 12c yard. Cus tomers are delighted with the aplendid values, at, yard BlmpHon's gray and white and red and whltg full standard dress prints, worth Tc wholesale drena lengths, yard One of the uiggeut and heHt lots of fine and heuvy grade highly mer cerized Mack and colored sa teens nkirts made from same materials as retail at 11.00 and 3.i0 at, yard 8c I red and 3k t lots of lily mer- ' I r U BO- 15c New fall suitings, have the appear ance of the all wool new fall plaids and cheeks, over f 50 different styles to III choose from, at, yard. Odd lengths, yard wide bleached muslin and cambrics, including many well known brands, at yard Pretty Persian, medium and dark . colored cotton challies. Just the thing for making new fall comforts, at yard 5c 1 dark st the 4c Specials in Blankets and Comforters Cotton Blankets, 10 4. 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, white, gray, tan, German fin ished like wool, 49c, 75c, 98c. f 1.25 and up to $2.75. Wool Blanket s, strictly all" wool blankets, tan and grey colors, 11-4 size, worth $5.50 pair, $3.98. Comforters, full size sllkollne and sa teen covered, filled with white sani tary cotton, tufted and stitched, 9Sc up to $5.00. 11-4 size single cot ton blunkeu for .sheets in white, grey and tan, heavy weight with fancy borders, 70c grade, each 39c. Imported bath robe blankets slightly soiled, full size, fancy wrapper or bath rolie blankets, worth regularly S3 to $4: Ki'tcUl at, each, $l.-'5. In Our Popular Dress Goods Department Sale of Broadcloths A sale that will eclipse anything ever shown in Omaha. 500 pieces of French and Austrian broadcloth bought at u sacrifice just at a time when broadcloths are so much in favor. The colors are the new Browns, 'Marine, Bordeaux, Garnets, Leather Shades, Copenhagen Blues and Black all oi inches wide. $4.50 and $4.00 finest Austrian Broadcloth ,yard, $2.95 $3.00 French Broadcloth, yard $1.95 $2.50 French Broadcloth, yard $1.45 $1.50 French Broadcloth, yard 95c And besides we sponge all Broadcloths free of charge Monday. "We have just installed the most complete and the largest Duplex sponging machine made, insuring to you the finest work that can be produced. 54-inch Covert Cloth, in navies, tans, grays, browns, black; also 54-inch Victoria Broadcloths, with a fine hair line stripe positively worth up to $1.50 yd., on bargain square, yard ZrC-JQC New fall Dress Goods, ranging I Lupin's 46 inch celebrated black from 42 to 4 8 inches, respective ly, everything that is in vogue, Panamas, Serges, Zibellnes, fancy suitings. Voiles, French Plaids, worth up to $1.50 yard, on 3 bargain squares at, yard 39c, 49c and 69c voiles, nothing to equal. Lnpln's Voiles have a special finish not obtained in the ordinary French Voiles and the dye is a deep black, absolutely fast. Our regu lar $2.00 Lupin's i Voile, Monday, yard. I2C 5 4- fc fjf 4? Big Bargains f Linens t Hairdressi ng I Muiismg t aad MiN,,clDiaNQRL0RS t Underwear t Housefurnishitigs and Hardware X--1- ror mi MivBraisa mayww uartsaiiis in iiairuooas . m i v..,- . f! ft st I? sn. iK. 4r J Switch, !J tnchp. fine hiiir II :r, TS t4 N.uil wavy awiich. north It VL. r 5. US- T Tt Hair dreintt. manicuring. lH'trl "ft aaga and kialy trc Prove it Superiority Best Lnlon Soils la the l:0N r x:S3$BRANDEISS Coal Hods, gal vanised, extra heavy, IS and 17 Inch, worth 40c. choice 19c Toilet paper, soma- thlng new, japa nea crepa 1600 aheata In roll luc. t for as 1U0 aheata la roll 7c. 4 for 6o 700 aboats In roll Sc. for Glass bar, pol ished bar holders 15c China Salt Boxes, the cleanest thing to keep alt In V AT Call and get a free sample of our famous TUs J.ike. A varnish stain for all kinds of wood and wicker work, also linoleum. . Made of best quality broom corn regular 25c value, at 15 Brooms The genuine Wilson Toester, toasts four . pieces of bread at once, can be used on gas, gasoline or oil stoves 21c aim Wl bong-tat at a tramendoua aaorlXlca a laadlng Waw Tork im port r'a antlra stock of handi drawn Japanaa tabla Those buautiful covi-ra nave rVeu on dUpUy In our aliow wlnilow and liavo am acted uiuuh u-n-tlini. They ar made of flnrBt round tlirt-ad Hum. with etra wide hem anea jtb-30, 45-45 and 64-64 Inches. Thefc clmant cov era are actually worth up to $7.80 each on aale Monday lu Llr.en department, at, each Also a quantity of real hand embroidered, scalloped edgo, eyelet tumbler and plate doll ies, worth up to 60c each, at each 15t and 15 Table Cloth Special About 100 fine all linen pattern table cloths lribh, Scotch and Aus trian makes. Thestt aie drum mers' samples and were bought at a big discount some are slightly soiled, but none of them worth Jess than th Monday's price, each 2 I- SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ll f i nA ? iLaue bunamsf AND DRAPERIES 4 4 4 II ini4af nAn riiinv flirt nf nu Best French net and T5() UUt'U VUKO tl JtliUH long, at, pair 31 ? 4 New fall two-tone curtains-- , largest assortment 9R all the regular $4.00 grades, at pair w -. 4 portieres New fall line of f Ine 'i . . i . . . . r portieres, piain wun cora eage jr or handsome tapestry ' tmrrlers recularly prices si $7.00, pair 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- Dining llooia Tablo Cover 4j Two yards square. In all col- ora worth 12 BO. for IQ NT i .: wvj WODQS, .............. opaquer3x7 ft. regu lar price 50c pair, Monday, each. . . Best oil 4 39c 1 BRANDEISt 2Scl .l.y4f"f4'vM ?5 rj i i" i "i 4. 4: 1