Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1907, Page 12, Image 48

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French People Have Way of SoMnf
it American Have Hot
ork Along the Barkhaa la Im Bl
Drnud There mm Yet Thla
Meat la tiiltaewa
t Yankees.
"In theaa days of hlRh pricee of trotter."
laid E. C. Ryan, meat Inspector of Omaha,
"I think it would bt. well for the people
to know of the plan adopted In France to
meet similar conditions. In that country
there la a ateady demand for what la
known In trade aa 'fat barks." These are
the pieces of hog lying along the back
bone, after the piece of lean meat under
the fat haa been removed. These plecea
are practically unknown In America, aa
the greatest part are exported, but they
can b bought either icreen aalted or dry
ealted. It la In . the latter condition they
are shipped to France, where they are
fried and the lard which reaulta la used
In plnce of butter. Contrary to what
might be expected, the taate of thia fat
la not like lard, but possessea a flavor
which la pleasant to the average person
and aa a aubatltute for butter la difficult
to excel.
"I noticed the remarka of Patrick Cudahy
on the aubject of beef, published In The
Bee a few daya ago and desire to approve
them with one exception, and that la aa to
the Inability of American cooka to handle
rheftn moats. The trouble is not eo rauon
with the cooka as with the people who
do the buying. As a rule the buying of
ment Is in l lie bunds of men in this coun
try and they seem to have a dislike to
order nnytliirg cheaper than porterhouae
or sirloin. If they knew the real facta in
the case they would know that when they
Were ordering these choice cuts they were
really getting poorer meat than when they
buy 'chucks' or "rounds' from the eame
Goea to Blgr Hotel.
Very little of the best alrloin or porter
house Is offered over the countera of meat
markets In Omaha or any other western
town. The alrloin and porterhouse cuts
of coinfed ateera practically all go to the
laiger hotels and resturanta of the United
States and foreign countrlea. In aome
oases they go direct from the packing
houses, but locally they are handled
through meat dealers, who not ao very
long ago won a contest with the packing
houses for thla trade. They buy the meat
from the packera at 22 cents a pound and
sell It to hotels and reatauranta of the
highest clasa for 26 centa a pound. After
tho steak has been trimmed it costs tha
hotels at least 40 centa a pound and goea
on tho table for $1 to $1.60 a pound, which
Is not excessive when one consldera the
service which accompanies It. Now the
'rounds' and 'chucks' from the steer, which
supplies the fancy cuts are sold to retail
Sealers for their ordinary trade, while the
alrloin end porterhouae found on the
chopping blocks come from old cows or
teers fed on grass, Passing the point of
relative value of different parta of the
animal It can easily be seen that the man
who ordera the choice cuta in the meat
market Is really 'passing up' the best
tnoat in favor of a poorer quality."
Report of Milk Inspectors.
Reports of milk Inspectors received at
the office of the city commissioner of
health ahows that the butter fat is now
ranging from 8.S per cent to 4.2 per cent.
where a few montha ago the range waa
from 2.6 to 8 per cent. Speaking of thla
allowing the health commissioner ' says
"It will be seen that under existing condl
tions milk at 7 centa a quart la cheaper
than it waa when It waa selling at 6 and
cents a quart Tha householder can pay
the present price, add water sufficient to
reduce the cost to S cunts a quart and atlll
iiave a higher percentage of butter fat In
his combined milk than he had two or
three months ago."
Mlaor Pie Biter at tha Cltr Hall Re.
fasea to Come Across for
Appointees of democratto city officials are
beginning to experience one of the disad
vantages of holding positions under a hun
gry party now that the county committee
1ms reached out for the sinews of war for
the pending campaign.
.' For the first time in the history of the
city aa far aa the memory of man runneth
not to the contrary, city office holdera are
not permitted to contribute to the cam
paign funds aa they may dealre, but are
placed Nupon an arbitrary basis. This
method of raising funds waa supposed to
be secret and would probably have re
mained ao had not one elevator conductor
objected to the also of hla assessment. His
aulary Is 156 a month and Friday ha waa
notified by ona of hla superiors that he
would be expected to pay to tha commit
tee a part of his laat month' wagea. Ha
was willing to give up a 16 bill to the party
who provided his position, but was said
that he had been asaessed for J14.80, and
that the sum must be paid aa soon aa pos
sible, aa the committee waa In need of
The elevator conductor asked for time
to consider. He went to a former city em
ploye and asked how much the "ante" waa
In the old daya. He waa surprised to be
told that no city employe had never been
requested to ' give any specified aum, but
waa allowed to fix hla own contribution.
.Then ha went on the war path and de
clared he would pay nothing.
I The next move la "up to" the man who
preaented tha demand and the elevator
conductor la wondering how much men
who were elected and those who are draw
ing $2 to hla one are expected to contribute.
anmdni mSBmL
Consult the Cano Agency at once. This agency Is established for the
purpose of furnishing to business houses, stenographers, bookkeepers, sales
men, office assistants and all kinds of clerical help. No charge whatever la
made for this service and no filing fee la required from applicanta listing with
us for positions. Tell us Just the nature of help wanted and we will save you all
the worry and anxley of examining applicants. Tell us the kind of position you
want and we will secure It for you. Our business methods are open to Inspec
tion at all times. It will cost you nothing to consult with us aa to the help
you require"; it will require no advance fee to list your name with us for em
ployment. There are hundreds of good openings in Omaha for first-class help
let ua assist you In bettering yourself.
'BRAIM brokers
insj-itfj A4,rj; i?loj
r , T- .10
ar jm a w
JT Ft MM B -ir laay
Wtmww aajaj aaluaui aJwrwreaa - V
Horse Show
'miTTim' TTTTiiTn
iiijm Wat rind
- C F M OR t W
Yeur Dank Account
May not be large, but it is very
important to you to know that it is
placed with an institution which is
absolutely safe. The personel of
the directorate of this bank will con
vince you that you are making no
mistake when you entrust your
money to our care.
We extend all depositors every courtesy
consistent with sound banking principles.
CAPITAL (1,000,000.00
Btlwctn Farnsm and Deugl
Shoe Styles
Aa the - Horse Show .', Is
latest fashionable ' event
In Omaha, ao are .the fall
ahoes at . this store the
latest fashionable styles
Saturday to pass the formal resolution au
thorizing the transfer of the cathedral
property to the new owner, the John Deere
Plow company.
The corporation has received a check for
$95,000 from the plow company for the real
estate' at Ninth and Harney. streets. A de
posit of $5,000 waa- formerly .made on the
property.- .
Redacrd Paaaeua-er Pares Will Be
Put Into Effect by Ifarrl
mii Lines. '
The Union Pacific and allied lines have
given notice that they Intend to put Into
effect In the spring low colonist ratea for
the settlement of the north and northwest.
Many roada objected to the announcement
of low colonist ratea for next spring, be
cause of the heavy traffic on all lines, and
the policy-of the roada to give no reduo-"
tions-since. the paasage of the 1 cent pas
senger laws by -western states. , This waa
looked upon aa 'quite a blow to several of
the western statea, which are now 'making
strenuous efforts toward the upbuilding of
their states by Inducing easterners to move
west ' to ' locate... The announcement waa
made Friday from Chicago that the roada
were ' not going to give any low rates In
the spring. This , proves to be erroneous,
for the Union Paclflo has given notice that
during March .and April,' 1908. It will put.
Into effect 'to .California and the Pantile
northwest and Intermediate points tho same
low one-way ratea which were in effect
during September and .October of the pres
ent year. " ' , ......
vicinity for tha last thirty-five years. The
cold snap is general all over Nebraska,
Iowa and the central Missouri valley, with
heavier frosts In the lower Missouri valley
and as far south as Memphis. Heavy
frosts also prevail in the lower lake region
and In the east. A temperature of IS Is
reported at Bismarck and Huron In th
Dakota and freezing temperature north
ward up the Missouri valley.
Kather MtGsvcrs Celebrates Final
Maaa sal Bishop Bcnnaell
Will Prtsck.
Sunday's services will be the last held In
Bt. Philomena's cathedral. Low maaaea
Will be said at the usual hours 4 a. m., 7:30
and 8. and high mass beginning at 10:SO.
' Itev. P. A. McOovarn, paator, will cele
brate the last mass, assisted by Rev. Wil
liam J. Lee of Beaumont, Texas, as den
eon, and Rev. J. C. Buckley aa aubdeacon.
Xlght Rev. Richard Scaineil, vested In
cappa magna, will participate in the cele
bration and deliver the farewell aevmon.
lie will be attended by Monslgnor Colanert,
V. Q., and Rev. William Kelly and Rev.
John J. Jennetta. Rev. Jamea W. Btenson,
assistant pastor, will direct the ceremonies.
. The musical part of the masa will be
suited to the occasion and will be In charga
f the organist, Mlaa Margaret Swift. Ail
former members of the cholra of the ca
thedral have been Invited to participate
tn the musical program and join tho pres
ent choir In making memorable the fare
well service.
The cathedral congregation goes to St.
Magdalene church. Nineteenth and Dodge
streets, and the priests will remain at their
present home until the buildings are raaed.
The cathedral corporation, consisting of
Xilahop 8cannell. Mgr. Colenerl, Father Ho
tflovern. P. H. Carey and Albert Miller, met
Training Department at Im Angeles
Agitates Union Operators
a Strike.
Union telegraphers on the Southern Pa
cific are much exercised over the report
which la going around that tha company
la establishing a school of railroad teleg
raphsra at Los Angeles. The old men
claim this Is a move on the part of the
railroad company to provide men In ad
vance In case of any trouble between the
telegraphers and the road.
The railroad men are not the only ones
aald to be agitated over the school, but
telegraphers In other branchea consider the
movement a grave danger to their organ
isations to have a large body of men and
women who may be called to any part
of the country at any time tn case of strike
i and thua used aa strikebreakers. General
I Manager Calvin of the Southern Pacific
haa announced the opening of the school
for this week and the ruiea governing It
provide that the graduates are guaranteed
positions ranging from Stf to 196 per month.
fronts P. Sternberg; Meet Death on
Union Pnclfle Saturday
Louis p. Sternberg, a Union Pacific engi
neer, waa killed In the yards at Council
Bluffs Saturday morning In a collision. His
engine waa standing at a switch when a
wrecking train approached and . crashed
into it. Sternberg waa caught between the
cab and the -tender and, killed Instantly. .
He lived at 2401 North avenue and lcavea !
a wife and one child. The Inquest will be
held - Monday. -
ilJ Dentist
405 Paxton Blk.
Let us Insure
you against
a toothless
We'll aave your decaying teeth or
make new ones If they are gone.
Our operators are relablo, c ireful
and expert and our prices place their
aervicea within the reach of all.
'Phone C74.
ours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Forms Octoner 12, Average Data of
First Killing Frost (or
Many Yeara,
The first Ice of the season In the vloinlty
of Omaha was formed Friday night. It
waa not very thick, but It was Ice, and
with it came the first killing frost recorded
for this locality for thla season. The
temperature registered 81.
A peculiar coincidence In connection with
the cold snap Is that the data of Ita oc
currence. October .11 is the average date
of 'flrnf killing frosta ff Omaha and
Mix half ounce of Concentrated oil
of yine with two ouncea of glycerine
( ina a nair pint oi gooa wnisney;
shake well each time and use In
i doses of a teaapoon to a table-spoonful
very rour noura.
Thla la the formula prescribed by
the renowned throat and lung spe
cialist who established the caino for
consumptives In the pine woods of
Mitlne and whose remarkable cures
attracted wide apread attention among
me rueaicai rraiernity. tie aeriarea
hat It will heal the lungs and cure
iny cough that la curable and will
break up an acute cold in twenty-four
1 houra. The Ingredients can be se
cured from any prescription druvrlst
t a small cost and la easily mixed
t home.
Re sure not to bur the oriUnnnr
iilc nil of nine nnr oatent medicine
Imitations. They will nrwlue nii
""n account of the Imnurltlee they con.
in and frfninlv do permanent In
"v to the rinnevs
The real "Ooncen
'n nut tin for m1
which protect it from heat
Tnd lia-ht.
it m lo aatri to be an eCAllnt
"""fiv fr lnnnbo and I1 firmn of
,.i,mHwnv rar fM pur
pose It Is taken raw; a few drops on
i-ir niirii? ana mornm.
ited" oil of nlt- V
rticlnal use In hlf 1
$3.50 "$4" $5
Are the prices for which
we are selling some . of
the best styles of the sea
son. Leathers of the lat
est tannage in both dull
and shiny kinds, and
workmanship that ahows
Its quality In the finish of
the shoe.
. Call at the Fry Shoe
Store to aee the correct
fall styles.
16th andJDoufflas Streets.
...I. ' ri
Is no safer than a diamond.
Each represents a certain
amount of money: but the
diamond haa a continual
wearing value besidea; It Is
growing in value all of the
time. We sell them just a
cheaper than other
people do; quarter oarat dia
mond I or V3U.OO io
' Boom It Bushman Block. Bntranoe
115 Bout leth Bt., Opposite Old
oatoa Btore,
Platea.ap from tXOO
lold Crowns S3.60
Bridge Tsetft a.50
Amalgam r tilings SSo
SUTsr Tilling Wo
a old Tilings, up from TSo
-7g 113m Somnoforma the latest 1m
provsd method of extracting tscta
without pain. Opea evenings till t.
Bandeys 10 to 3.
Horse Shou
Drug Pries
Visitors will find our drug store the
most convenient and well located phar
macy In the city.
Our store la open dally from 7 a. m.
till 12 p. m , and we wul be pleased to
have you make our store headquarters
after tha performances.
Ouf diug prices ai e the most attrnctlse
In the city. For example we quote below
some of the most ailrartlve:
I6o Mennen'a Taicum Powder for.... 15c
-uv. ,tu. till feoai ior . ..13c
26c Juvenile Soap luo
Iwc cuueura cmap Sua
H pint Pure Itauan Olive OH for taole
use 30o
I pint Pure Italian Ollva OH for taole
use 4uo
1 quart Pure Italian Oilve OH for taole
uae ll.uo
H gallon Pure Italian Olive OH tor table
use $1.75
1 gallon Pure Italian Olive OH for taole
use ts.vs
We will be glad to furnish samples of
the above oil to interested parties.
60c Kmart Set Chocolates, every tiat
uruay, zc. 1 hee goods were not. origin
ated for the purpoae of being sold at
A trial will convince you that their reg
ular value Is really 60c.
3-ounce bottle White Pine Muriate Am
monia 26c
6-ounce bottle White Pine Muriate Am
monia boo
buieiy aome one haa told you of the
merits of this article for winter cold.
It is unequaled. Cure guaranteed or
money refunded.
60c Horlick's Malted Milk 46o
11.00 lioill.k's Ma. ted Milk ko
13.75 Horlick's Malted MlU i..o
11.00 Listeilne S9j
11.00 Peruna so
11.00 Lydia E. Flnkham'a Compo Jiid . . KJo
We Wiah especially to cail your atten
tion to our North Window this woek. If
you have any need for a Chest protector,
our block la complete, and all at popular
prices, ranging iroin 60o to 15.00.
'I he Candy geaaon la now on, we beg to
advise you that we are sti.l agents for
the oeleuraUd Huyler's Candy, iud s'l
at New York prices. Ouooa received
lresh each week.
Also for Original Allngrettl Chooolate
Ci earns; Chicago prlcos Due.
Drug Co.
Cut Rate Druggists"
Sixteenth and Farnam Sts.
P. S. Send or call ' for Free . rtubbor
Oooda Catalogue.
(Liiuareii s
die Natural Last
Eesl (or Growing Feet .
: -' .' -Let
lit remind you of your
children's : shoes again. We
have shoes here built on the
Orthopedlo last the natural
last. It gives plenty of room
for the child's toes nnd la the
most comfortable shoe a child
could wear. As to lasting
qualities they are wonders
outwearing any shoes you
ever saw.
Size 5 Jo 8. ..... 51.25
Size 8 to 11; . . . . . 1.50
Size 11 1-2 to 2, . . . . 1.75
Size I to 5 2.00
Bauno ur raa toustobtxbs.
Drcxel Shoc Co.
1419 Faroaa SL
25 Years Ago
The Center of
Omaha was
Today This Sit
la Occupied by
"The Rubber Gtore"
Largest In tha Wast
Everything In Rubber
Have You VisitcdOur Ladies' Tailoring Depl?
To Tiait It and commit with Mr. Gljronnon. our Miwrienocd
Tailor, will certainly profit yow both In aplridld dTiiw in savin
on Uie new salt or gown. We cordially Invite you to visit this new
department. :r '
The Fall Clothes Question
is easily settled for men of dis
criminating taste if they come to
good elothea headquarters
lillMy MM
CoprrleM 1907 by
IWt SchulTner fj Marx
You couldn't pay less price and
expect highest quality. You can
easily pay more and get less in
style and quality. When you
come here well fhow you tho
Schaffner & Marx
hand-tailored clothing. Recog
nized by those 'who Vnow as tho
most perfect ready-to-wear gar
ments on the market'.' All wool
fabrics, charmingly individual in
ptyle, perfection in fit and finish.
Kight in price. Could you ask
Suite that combine best- Btyle with? quality that Insures perfect satisfaction,
superior values at r. .$15.00. 810.50 $18.00 to $33.00
See our display of Boys' Suits and Overcoats, at $1.05. $2.03. $3.50
up to $7.50
Top Coats The kind you'll feel proud to wear, $18.00, $15,00, $1S.60..$10
Cravenetto Coats In the very newest patterns and colors, rainproof In fact
as well as name, at $25.00, down to $15.00, $12.50, $10.00 and . . . .$7.50
Overcoats In almost unlimited assortment of colors and style, best values
Bhown anywhere at our prices, $15.00, $16.60, $18.00 to ...... . .$35.0
. ;"Make" your figure. They fit as accurately
. as if made to measure, and are comfortable jTE
rrA nllnKln Tf li oAa -nrrr n'T,ill l,'-. P ; U ' W
cuiu puaMic. tic 11c v nun a mil line Ui LliC i fj
latest Fall models in stock in all lengths,
. suit all figures. r Ml
Til J ' J ' 1 A
inustratea is a corset specially designed tor
; a good shaped, full figure. Price in coutil No.
, F-4 or Batiste No. F-5 , .$3.00.
Eiiry Pair Guaranteed
,y V
Are Money
A little Investigation will show you that
diamonds are the safest and Quickest reli
able investment that can be found. Ttu
prices of diamonds are steadily rlBlng, im
the figures we quote below are really, ac
cording to the market, phenominally low.
Perfect and white 1-4 and 1-8 carets. Tiffany
or Fancy mounting
White 1-4, 1-16 and 1-64 careta. Fancy
. mounting
White perfect 1-4 and 1-32 Tiffany or Fancy
1-2 and 1-16 perfect Tiffany ,
Perfect and white 3-4 carat Solitary Tiffany
or Fancy mounting ' i
Blue and white perfect 1 carat, mounted in
any kind of setting
. Diamonds put their stamp on a man, add to a lady's
grace and beauty. Call in and look over our stock,
we have Just what you want.
TIV0 ST0R.ES At Ih. Sign of The Crown
514 South 10th St.
111 ;
115 South 16th St.
Now Is the tlm for top coats and
light Jackets. Lt us clean ihom and
thsy will look like new.
Top coats $1.50; light Ji.-kets
(short) $1.00; 14 length, $1.40; Crav
enettes. $1.60.
We aUo put in new llnlriKs and
do all kinds of altering and repair
ing. Wagona to all parta of tha city.
Try ua.
The Pantorium
"oood ouAjrxmr"
1B13 oaea Si, Tel. Doug. SS3.
P. 8. Out-of-towa business re-
celvea prompt attention.
Im4 I k. tm rriaaeU.
Table d'llotc Dinner
Chesapeake Cafe
11:39 a. m. to 8:09 p. m.
1508-10 Howard Street
Po ter's MaaJslin Orchestra
The Chesapeake
New Grill Room
1512 Howard Street
Strictly Everything First Claae.
A complete line of wines, liquors
and cigars. Import rd and domestic
rrved from our owa bufftC
-r TO
Arkansas I ntfl an Territory
Louisiana - New Mexico
Texas Republic of Mexico
Oetobar ISlh .
Novambar 6th and 19th
Dacambar 3rd an J 7th
STOP OVEItS will bo allowed both going and returning after first
Horneseekera' Dolnt en route.
To those who are not satisfied with present condltlona and who
are seeking new locations, thla will afford an excellent opportunity for
investigating localities in tha Wast and Southwest.1
For farther information, ate. addess
TOM Hl'GIIES, T. P. A, Omaha. Neb. T. P. OODFItK, P. and T. A.
C. Im STOXE, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Louis, Mo.
. i