11 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 13. 1907. r 1 CHAIN WOUGE MAKlvtl w. .'' ' 1 Stronjtr Aft.i Let-Up, the Heavy Realizing Lasting Two Dayi. nmlng In frech-. firm at thj aJvanee. First retells, Wl lo; second pitents, $:i.fl.'"u! no- first clears, M.vtii4.;0; second clears, 3.7la-80. i OMAHA WIIULELB MARKET. Ions on AIL CHAIN EJ 'Bftjf' DEMAKT) WKmi RtmirllirM Quickly the Opening Owing to "top la HeaTS- Profit Taklaa. 1 Aftrv the OMAHA. Oct. IX 19"". wan stronger tin la i morning of the heavy realising done The market i Her a let ud -he rmar rwn davs The significant featura of hlKli market prices la the great demand for all kinds if BTRln Juat aa -ythe country rscelrta , are orsenlng. AVJieat strengtneneo: quickly arier use ing, owing to the atop in the heavy it taking which has been Indulged in -tC'last two days. i'nhli-a came higher and prlcea worked higher and the market rlosed. showing good Mrength. December wheat opened at !)i: nd cloned at SPc. Corn was exceptionally atrorg on good buying and an Increased foreign demand. Speculation has-accepted the condltlona and have fallen In. line with the big bulla for 6 higher com market. December corn opened at Wic and closod t 57V.C. Oala opened firm and higher, with wheat and corn; lit tin, attention waa paid, however, lo the market and trading was somewhat (lull. December onta opened at M'ic and closed at 5.fcc. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher on wheat and Ainchanged to Hd lower, on corn. h k ' Seaboard reported SV000 bushels of wheat and 124.CO0 bushels of corn, taken for export. . Local range of options: choice to NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS gal reserve requirements. This is an In- so or v;,fu.3,ti, as compared wiin lasi I ween. 1 he statement follows: Artlclea.l Open. ( High. I Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat 1)11 T)ec.... t- 9wJ y 9on :v May... !: 1 1 PS'n 1 04 V. 1 US'i July... I 8uW r S4t - 95' Corn- J I ) j J lor....f BStif B7'4I . May... 113 BT'i, d-VCI BTvfcj . SM4 -July... 65V C7', 55, BTVal KVs Data- I I Ieo.... 0?! K'ni 5'-"Si( il May... b U Bt'.i 6i Jul... 48I Krl l Omaba Cask Prlcea. WHEAT No, 1 hard, tl.00en.08: No.' t hard, 99cfi$1.01j No. 4 hard, !H(f17c; No. 8 spring, 11.0101.03; no (trade, JTHjMc. TORN No. '3. B94c; No. 4, nSV69c: no Krade, B5ti67ct No. 8 yellow, Wc; No. 3 white, BS'iiraHc. OATS No. 8 mixed, 47iN8Vic; No. I color. 48M'?H9ci No. 3 white, 4Sc; No. 4 white. 48V4''aN'K,; standard, 4!'.'B'4!Pio. . HYfc-No. 2, 8.W8Bc; No. S. 800OV, Carlot Recetyrs, Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago .'. 82 314 ?00 Omaha 33 C3 60 CHICAGO GRAIX AXD PROVISIONS Featarea of tke Trading aad Closlna; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 12. A strong di-mand for cuell wheat, which wna reflected In thn price of options, caused a strona; Wheat ; market here today. At the cloaa December -wheat waa U) hc to 2i?;'.",,c. corn was ,2H2ViC higher, oata wera trp Ho and pro vlHlons were from 24o to TVtS higher. , The wheat market opened' aomewhat easier because; of Increased receipts In the north went, but within a few minutes after Jthe opening a strong buying .demand sent J up prices sharply, and the market con tinued to gain In strength, the December ".delivery touching $1.00, and nmklng a new fchlgh mark Oor the season. s The demand -for cosh whHl was stropg and higher and Tthe sales of two carloads yf cash red winter Jwheat here I Ut the ahorta to tllght and they Ought covi-rJn feverish fashion. A report Jthat Italy and Auatrla-Hungary were about -to reduce the Import duties alao stiffened prices matti tally. The fact that rain waa reported frrim Australia, where It was badly needed, was comparatively Ignored ly the marKet. December wheat opened a shado to ic lower at tl.044&1.04, sold between l WV and 81.08 and closed stronii ut ll.W4fll.0bV Clearances of wheat and . lloutwere equal to 61S.0OO bu. Prlmarv re'.Oa)s were V44.O0O bu., as against l.67,(ci0 : same day last year. Mlnneapolln, ' 'iJnuth and 'Chicago reported recelpta of ; W5C cars, as against (77 last week and B'9 ' one year ago. ; Reports of a killing; frost all oVer Iowa '. and heavy frosts In Kansas, Missouri and the Ohio valley, along with the bulge In . wheat, caused a boom In the corn market. It waa the opinion that the frost has ' caught and badly damaged much soft corn.., Shorts rushed to cover and there was alao heavy buying by longs. The buying orders . were larger than for several days and camu S from all part of the country. Late in the day some of the heavy longs were disposed to take profits, but this selling did -not ', check the market, which closed strong. r December corn opened unchanged to Ho . h'trhoi t K; 1a. j? i 1 L.n mM h.ln Sin o ;iB'.,fB,o and closed at the higher price -J?? r;. . .m . ' tt iiffi -f .U- r ..i .u..i,. oi j BARLEY Firm, malting, l. 13(51. 23, c .11111 OA Vk LUIHIHUl mtiv. Cnadltloa ot Trade and Wants! Staple and Fsaes- Prodaee - ETO-Per do., toe. BUTTER-Packing stork. 21c fanrv dairy, 25c; creamery. S"c. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, 15c; new full cream, brisk, hie; do mestic, new Bw1a. S.",f?,Jc: new llmberger, 161: ynntif merlrs. 1C LIVE POL'LTR Y Chickens. 9Mc; roost efs, 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 9il0c; geese, 70. HAY Choice No. I uplst rt. JH.x; me dium, t! 00; No. 1 bottom, l 00: off grsdes from ti 50 to $ 60; rye straw, 87. W); Nu. 1 alfalfa. 811. FRUITS. CnANt?ERRIF:S ,i'cr bhl.. 87.75. A PPLK8-Wealthy, 82.00 per bu.; Cali fornia liellefleura. 82-40; IJen Davla, 8"'0 l-t-r mil.; .Sew York ai plea, 86.2a per obU PRACHKS I'er box, Utah, and Colorado. 11.36. PFARS-Utfth, 83.00(3.60. GRAPKS M lchian, 8-lb. basket, S2c. VFOKTAni.E! NAVY BEANS Per bu No. 1, 82.90 per bu.; Lima, ic per lb. POTATOES I'er bu., 7&a0o. BEANS New wax and uing, 4030o per mm k-i I' .'Vi" , . CABBAQE Per lb., lHo. K- id, iUMAtfi au CARROTS Per bu., 75c. i' ' TTC9-Fer dos. bunches, home grown, 30c. 'IOm . oES Home grown, market bas ket crale. 60c. CUCUMBERS-Per basket. 80c. ' " ir ui. x iJ"'e. ONIONS-Yellow and red. 11.00 per bu. Nh. t M-t thfc-nr aiaitirl basket, 80c PWEET POT ATO F1 M" e'-et basket, 4Bo; Virginia sweets, per bbl 83.15. ... iitEF cli'A ... BEEF CCTS-No. 1 r.os. 14: No. ribs, 11c; No. 3 ribs. 6cj No. 1 lo'.n, 19o; No. t lnln, 13c; No. t .o!n. No. 1 chuck, BMr; No. 3 chuck. 4'C No. 1 chuck, SHq: No- 1 found, c: No. t round, 7Vc: No. 1 round, 6o; No, 1 plate, 6c; No. I plate, 4i; No. 8 plate, 4c. TPoptcAT, ymnTS. . ' LEMONS Llmonlera, 380 else, 87.00; other bl auds, om.'ii81.U0 l"-ss. liANANAS Pf med'um sliod i bunch. t.'."Kiia: .liirrbos. t2 0ofT3.6. COdnA NUTS-Per dos.. ne 1 rTira Ksr1iiws i'.c: BVer. M; Hal- lowis. Be; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, 81.00. BANANAS Per med'nm sized bunch, 82.oiKii2.25; Jumbos, 82.001i3.BO. OHANUKa r loriua, mo, iw, l.o, aw ana ill slses, 84.50. MISCEI-LANEOI H. CALIFORNIA VltlEI FRUITS Prunes are aotrewhat unselh-U by freer offerings from ' Second hands,' who seem desirous of moving stir piles of l.nmediate grades Quo tations rar.ge from 6c to o for California iruit and from 6Ho lo 8c fot Oregon. Peachea are slightly easier, with fancy yl lows aucted at ISHc. Raisins rc firm; three-crown loose Muscatels n quoted at ic; four-ciown, loc; aeeded raisins. 17i-. HIDF.ft AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. 8MtC; No. 2, 7Hc: bull hides, (ic; green hides. No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 6c: horse. .504jJ,60j heep pelts, SOc?81.2.' Tallow. K !, c; No. 2. XHc- Wool. Iti220. COFFEE Roasted, No. IS, Mc per lb.; No. 20, H'o per lb.; No 26, lo per lb.; No. 21. 12H per lb. FISH Halibut. 11c; trout, lit; pickerel, 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh frozen, 12c; whttensh, HulGc; buffalo, c: bullheads, skinned and dressed, Uc; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white baas, 16c; blacK baas, 2fic; sunflsh, 6iy9c: crappies. Hiiic: large crappies, 15c; herring, fresh frusen, c; whlteflsh, frozen, luKic; picket el, fresh frozen, "c; Spanish macKercl, native mackerel, lSdBo per fish; codfish, fresh froxeu, 12c; red a nipper, I;c, lloundors, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen. 12c; melts, lie; shad ro, 46c per 10.; frog legs, SC-o per dog.; green aea turtle meit, 2-0 per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, tec Tomatoes, fancy 1-pound cans, (1 .46; standard, I-pound cans, 81.26. Pine apples, grated. 2-pound, '.2O(82.B0; sliced, fl.7&'2.35. Gallon apples, 84.26. California apricots, 82.00. fears, 8i.7B4r2.60. reaches, tl.76tt2.40. L. C. peaches, (2.O02.6O. Alaska talmon. red, 8120; fancy Chinook. Hat. 8il"; fancy aockeye, flat. $l.5. Sardines, quarter oil, 83.; three-quarters mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes, 81.25iul.33. Sanericraut, 0c. Pumpkins, 8Oc8l.0O. Lima bean. 2-pound, 75cgfl.2&. boaked peaa, 2-DOund. o0c; fancy. NUTS California walnut, walnuts. 14c: Decans. il7fl9: 14c; BraslU, 181) '4c; almonds, idci roasted peanuts, 8c; raw peanuts, 7c. Uneasy Teelinj Which Hat Been Growing Eventuates in Tanic. PRICES THE LOWEST FOR M0NTH3 lalon Pat-Mo Leads Decline and Drops to 118 B- Stocks Tbrorra Over ladls-rrlmlnately. " NEW YORK, Oct. U.-The unensy feel ln which hna been gsthertng In the stock farket during lite week eventuated In a sharp spasm todav which Rave a demoral ized tone to tne tranmg. ira ymnn nv i of an alleeed order issiied by E. H. Harrl ... (.-.- .wji nf expenses In 11 departments of the railroad systems ..I. OViri't to me miin-i"j of the monev market, was the sole factor. Mr. Hnrrltnan a denial of having lasued thla order and his assertion that con tinued pressure of traflio on the ra'lroad l'nes concerned would preclude the cutting down of operating foroes had hut Tttle Influence In correcting the demoralized tone of the market. The favorable bank state ments had but altfht effect In the same direction, and the closing tone was much urifietUed and Irregular, and at material declines from last night's figures, and at low prices for the year In many Instances. Union Pacific touched 118S. compared with l'-'T hint nlRht and V20 at the low level In March last. The closing trice today waa 11S". Stocks were tumbled on the market Ind'scrlnilnately, and the lack of any bids In the market In some Inatanres neeess1 tated heavy sacr'flces and violent declines. It was believed that holdings of Importance were forced upon the market at a sacrifice, and support waa ap' arently withdrawn untli the wave of liquidation should have anent Its force. The uncovered bears furnished the principal source of the demand. a"d they bouaht freely to renp the large profits yielded by tho extent of the decline. The small loss In cash disclosed by the bank statement was In accordance with exrctatlons, and tia reduction of deposit llahil'tles by the loan contraction was auf lle'ent to y'cld a ret Incr-se In the sur plus showing ot comfortable proportions. With rates for time loans and for mer cantile raper above per cent, and with premiums In many cases whch add sub stantially to the rate, the stringency of the money market condition Is a factor not to be evaded. Long brokers report some offerings by correspondence of foreign bankets, but there are no supplies fron the local hanks. Foreign exchange also continued to advance today. Montis were weak, Total sales, par value, 81. 242.0io. United States twos reg'stered have declined 1ft per cent and the fours IV, per cent on rail during the week. Number of aales and quotations on the New York Stock exchange; gales. High. bow. CIim& 1-oens Deposits Circulation l egal tenders Specie Reserve Reserve required ... Furpfus Ex-U. 8. deposits... Increase. .8i.osj.4m.son . 1.0J.047.si0 6l.0n1,MX fiJ.ft'M.t-fl . t!i,."..4.H0O . 2il, 187.400 . 258.5I1.RV) 4.'M'0 .. 18.027,350 Pec. t t.i.y) 10.S5i.5i ) ;t44,m0 g.tiM,fino 1,841,100 8600 HOGS 2.2oO,M) OlIAilA iU STOCK MARKET an active buying demand sufficient to keep the supply well cleaned up. practically everything being sold on the day of ar- rival. -All deslrahle kinds of feeders have old at about steady prices. While good All Good Kindt Of Cattle Stronif fOT feeder and breeding ewes hsve sold at about . steady prices, old, thin and broken mouthed the Week. UP QUARTER TO THIRTY Boston Stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON, Oct. 12.-Call loans. 4HB6 per cent; time loans, 6a7 per lent, closing quotatlona on stocks and oonds were a follows: . M Atlantic . M4 pint him . i" Calumet A Herla . 14 . nt. nntal . 7'4 Copper P.ania ... .10 Daly Wt .141 Franalla .129 Gratlby ....120 l RflTala ... . Lit Maaa. Mining .... H..WH Mlrhtsan Mnhawk I Montana C. A C. 77"4 0ld r minion .. 51 .)srr-ola 1.1 Parrot 114 QuInrT At-hlaoa aiU. 4a. do 4a "Mn. Central 4a. J Atrhtfon do pfd Poaton A Albany . Hnaton a Maine Boat a Eleratsd Fitihburt pid ... Mfx.nn Central . N. T , N. H. A L'nlnn Pacific ... . Amer. A. C. ... do pfd Amer. Pnfii. Tube Amer. Puaar ... do pfd ......... Amer. T. A T. . Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Edition Kler. Ilium.. Maaa. Electric ... do pfd Maaa. Oaa ........ tniied Fruit .... 1'nlttd Shoe Mach. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated Biu. Asked. I'M Fhannon . 15 Tamarack S Trinity l nlt"d Copper .. II V. 8. Mining .. 40 U. 8. Oil .. 47 Vtah ..Ill Vlrtor1a .. tt X Inona .. tft WnlverlnJ .. ns North Butte . . a,.NavatU . . lCslumot A Arizona .. .. ta Arizona Commercial. .. 43 . t . 8t ." . I . 81 H . . . It . . 7 ..48 . 114 ..81 n ..19 . Il .. iv, . v . n . 87 . K . H .. 1 ,. tlVk .. 8 , . W . M .. ( l Falllna Off la hee aad l.amb II e eetpts for Week rat I.aastM Tea to Tifteea Lower, Others Generally Steady. OMAHA. Oct. 12, 1807. Cattle. Hois. Bheeo BOL'TH l .jklrttn war.,' ' Oniclal Monday 12138 J tmctul luesoav 7.(i ." OfTlclal Wednesday .h4 J.S'l Ofllclal Thursday B 3 -! oim-.nl riuay 2i8 J.' Kstlmate Saturday 600 2.700 2,-4 8.O1O 1,W 73,0.8 94.111 10i.!4 75.349 Ti,t47 0,722 Bin days this week....Jfi.!08 26. R0 Same days last week. . . .3-'.49fl SW! Hume days 2 weeks ago.. 34.01 9 J4..IK) lagie days 8 weeks ogo..o4.4Ji 3i, Saloe days 4 weeks ago.. .11,374 4i.l'7 Kama davs last vear 32.11 2I,9.'3 The folloAlng table shows the recelpta of cattle, hoge and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with last year 1W7. is. I"" 8"3.!1 7W.115 136.801 l. 4.JjT 2.044.3S7 1.6o2.278 ewes hae been In very poor demand all the week, with prlcea decidedly lower. The fact la the country does not appear to be t all anxious to feed Inferior kinds of ewes, and hen-e receivers find It rather hard work to dispose of stuff of that kind. to cho'ce k'llers: I mhs, t.75177.15: yearling wethers. tTvpOit a.,u; wethers. l.ia : ewe, 4.rjn5.tKi. So quotations sre given on fsir to good killers, as feeder buyers are taking prac tically -ervthlng or that description at j,r'i- rr than packers will pav. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, tn.nfvuian; common Ismhs. $S.K?8.00j yesrllngs. IS 3Mf 8.G0; wethers. 4.7St).10; ewes. 4.00ii4 50; common ewes, 2.2MrS.r; yearling breeding a, a-.lnu..J) aged breeding ewes, j.uo 1.78 Representative sales 1 No. 1038 Idaho lambs 42 Isho lamb culls 235 Wyoming ewe feederf... 178 Wyoming ewe feeders. .. 10S Wyoming lamb feedera.. 563 Wyoming ewe feeders... i TRADE COMMONS IN OMAHA Buyert This Tall Take Better Good Than Ever Before. LITTLE CALL FOR CHEAP 0RADE3 Oa Areoaat of larresa la Waste lllahrr Prlcea oa Glass la threatened Baaar Ad vances Tea Polats. Av. . 72 . 2 . M . 84 . 64) . 90 Pr. 7 00 I M) 4 SS 4 . 6 10 4 45 The trade CHICAGO MVB STOCK MAHKKT most rleaalnar feature of Omahi.-l this fall, ns.rte irom or ' v nn.n i 1 lie m' iwrni . , . T .ft...r aiane of goods than tney been In the habit of buying. ..,..r tndH of gomIS in hn there IS lltllB cnu. In hav Kr the clothing and groceries, al- though rrlccsre far . ova " ""a are buying the best grade strength, dua well Cattle hres Cattle Hogs 6heep The 90, ISO 49,4-1 Weak Hogs l.owe and Iambs gteady. CIIICAOO, Oct. 12.-CATTI.E-neceipts. 10.000 head: market weak; heevea. I4.00'a7.36; cows. 1.60frt.40; Texana. I380i4.; ca'.vea, the people . . . 1 . . , Khnarlna .VL"'" 7....ion of Ihe raw cotton I, til art. I "15 I" . . nifii n". v r . . 1 . "--Ven made. AU kind, of knit good. .are in strong; uemoim. - - - - .., ,i . .!...,. i, n.ani.fa,-tiirers. who are careiui l.lilm nrrlera or wnicn mem doubt of their ability to fill. A neas In hosiery lor spring is uii. intiis fi-illiwlnff taYila prices of hogs at South Omaha for tho last several das, with comparisons! I 1907. I1906.119C5. 1904. 11.1190:.1901. 15 5- 00; wrsterns, 4.0i015; stocker. and , " h"7' ""iV-" accepting orders, h..s the average y -- .... In the local marhot th activity or tno niiuo-nrvriin", .i.v iivu.., '' "r - w.,.k was extraordinary, ah ary mi lower; light. Hi aH.90; mixed. !.M K5; ; "'a are npc d o work overtime o.i heavy. 0.i!.(.f.9j; rough, 6.oriifi.30; rigs. L1 . i I. ,v of helD In the ship- Oct. t. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Out. 1 2.... 8.... 4 6.... .... 7.... I. ... .... 10... II. .. U.... 01 6 ;iV 6 804 I 84 I l I 6 741 I 13 7 141 h ..! K is a bl 7 2i 271 t 101 f 7SI S 661 7 30j t i'J 8 81 8 6 9ij 9 in 10HI 6 25 6 lX'i 20 I 6 n 6 "6 S 08 6 Oe it not s oft 5 Of. t 06 I 74' I b ti'Jl t 6H1 6 641 S Ml 5 22 4 991 6 41 ! a 071 a Sl 6 311 1 U 6 671 6 60I 7 4! 6 401 7 S9 6 191 7 2H Sti 7 14l 7 Oil 6 9 7! S3 I 59 SI 62 ft 49 6 34 a 21 18c; Chill Alberts, 1 SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Features of Tradlna; and Prlcea ol Leading Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. 12. FLOITR Recelpta, 14.745 bbls.: exports. 13,546 hb's. Market firm, with moderate trade; Minnesota pat ents, I5.6fil8' 10; winter straights, I4.6olg4.90; Minnesota bakers, I4.70(fio.l0; winter extras, 14.004.26; winter patents, 4.9i'ifi5.H5: winter low grades, 13.90(4.96, nominal. Hye flour, firm; fair to good. l5.0OtPi6.30; choice to fancy, 15 25ip6.50. Buckwheat flour, quiet, 3.u0 per 100 lbs. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, 11.601.66; coarse, fJL40l.45; kiln dried, 13.8 414.06. '..'. , RYE3 No. t western. 98c, to arrive, f. c. I. Oata narttrinaterl In t h aitvanra ot arhMt , and corn, but there was no Increase In the 'volume of trade, which haa been light tor some days. The demand for cash oats was ; poor. December oats opened Ho higher at ; 46V4c, sold between that figure and &c and closed at 6ay,(Ho. ; , The provisions market was active, there Jbelng large buying of thn January products a The strength of corn was also a bullish factor. At the close January pork was j 7,'.c higher at 116.00, lard waa up 2Uc at . 4.ris ana rips were vvwc nigner at .zziv ; : Kstlmaied recelpta for Motlday: Wheat 93 cars; corn, 514 cars; oata, &9 cars; hogs. ; Leading futures ranged aa follows: lrtlcles.l Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes y. 'Wheat Dec ) j fay July -Corn-5 Deo. f May 5 July k Oata ! ' Leo. May . July porti - Oct, ' 1 Jan. ;La,d , OcU ; Nov. 'Jan. ' Rloa . Oct. Jan. ,1 04-4.i( I 1 tn,.i jl lU-)u i aural 1 OL'Tfc'ul ";! I 1 Otis, 1 064&1 1 04S 1 w, I 1 H I UVi, 1 09SI ll 01'au'l 1 OSVsi 1 Oil I 1 03 Hj'tfVlitwVi''Ct.l 61 iS4lsi jblnWal llVai-l Oti 14 9 15 Si 9 JO M I 07H Will 55Vil 6iS! 61 Vt 14 60 1 lo 00 '" 9 25 I 9 30 MiVi , 26 11 i1 64 6ol it m 15 W 9 22h' 9 'M 9 00 07 I 10 66! i'4t 61V, 14 60 1 00 I 25 9 r.hH J I" 10 1 1 t Nw York WHEAT Receipts, 240.7PO bu.: exports, 127.S53 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red. $1.12. elevator, 11.13. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.27.. . o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter. $1.17. f. o. b. afloat. There was an early drop In wheat today, but ahorta were run In on talk of another big export trade and final prices showed V4J He net advance. December, $1,10 9-1641) l.lliS-lfl. closod $1.16; May, $1.1631.17. CORN Receipts, 22,675 bu.; exports, 22.750 btt. -Bpot market firm; No. 2, 76c, elevator, aid i.ic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white. 7'io, and No. S yelluw. 76Tc. f. o. b, afliat. The option market waa generally atrong and higher on feara of frost, a good cash de mand and light stocks here, closing So net higher. December. 74-W74c, closed 74c: May. 70", j70. closed 70c. OAT3 Receipts, 117.000 bu.; exports. 1 2S bu. Bpot market firm; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 65c; natural white, 28 to 32 lbs , 67V&61o; clipped white. 32 to 40 lbs., 624S '0o. FEED Firm; sprl"g bran, $2.40; mid dlings. $29 85; city. 129.00. HAT Julett good to choice, $1.00471.05. ,, HOPS-Oulet; state, common to choice, 1907, 14417c; ISM IKrilSV;; Vaclflo coast, 1907, U'iiHc; 19uS, 6S80. HIDES Qulei ; central American, irit Adama Evpreag Anialgamattd Copper .... Amer. Car Foundry ... du pfd Amer. Cotton Oil ' do pfd American1' Bxpraaa American ' H. L. pfd... Amer. Ira Sec Amer. Unseed Oil do pfd I Amr. Locomotive I do pfd j American 8. at R do pfd Amer. Sugar hi fining .... Amer. Tob. pfd certlf... Anaconda Mlnljig Co. ... Atchtaon do pld Atlantic Cm at Line Baltimore it Ohio ,. do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt . Canadian Paclflo Central of New Jaraey ... i Cheaapeake A Ohlc I Chlcaco Gt. Wcatern ... i Chicago 4k Northwestern . : C, M. & St. P. ; Chlcago T. 41 T I i do pfd C. C. C St. L. Coin. Fuel A Iron Colo, at gouthern ......... i do Ut pfd ' do Id pld Conaol, dated Gas Corn Products Ret. I do pfd Delaware A Hudson Del., Lark. A W.st. ... Denver A Rto Grands .... do pfd ' Dlstlllera' Securities .... Erie do let pfd do 2nd pfd General Electrls Illinois Central International Paper d pfd International Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd .- Kanaaa City Southern ... do pfd Louisville A Nashville ... M.tropolltan Swurtttea .. Metropolitan rlt. Rr. .. Mexican Central Minn. & St. Louts M , St. P. A 8. 810. M. . Mlaaouri Paclflo M.. K. A T do pfd - National Lead Nat. R. R. ef Mex. pfd New York Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western ...... do . d North American Pac.ftc Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa P., C. C. A St. L. .... Preaaed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading do 1st pfd ...1 do Id pld Republic Steal do pfd Rock Island Co. do pfd a. r. sd pta.. 8.-W si,to 50 400 1J0 64 V, 29 4 86 2 62 ! "4 83 U Foretsrn Financial. LONDON, Oct. 12. Money was In good supply and quiet demand In the market to day. Discounts were firm. The Bank of England totUy sold $2i0,000 In French gold. On the Block exchange trading finished tho week unfavorably. Console and other first class securities eased on the monetary out look. Home rails were dull aa a result of the labor troubles ond copper shares were weak on the unsatisfactory situation of the metal In New York, which affected Ameri can rails. The latter opened weak. The anticipation of a better hank statement and moderate covering cauxed a slight improve ment, but the market reacted and closed weak. Diamond shares, especially Do Beers and Premiers, were llrm on a rumor that an agreement had been reached between the two companies. Foreigners were quietly steady. BERLIN, Oct. 12. On the Bourse today , brought In today by each road was: i"An.2lly,wC'ilt, u nrtrncy lre'?,led- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hf on the Bourse today there was renewed depression as the result of heavy selling from Vienna, In connection with the reports that the condition of Emperor Francis Jo seph today Is worse than It was yesterday. tn44WitR0: hulk nf .!,. Ifi.4"ilH 70. BHEEP AND I .AM HH Receipts, 2.100 head; market steady; antlvea, $.1.00fi'S 80; westerns. 13 00irt.60; yearlings, $5.6iijii.25; lambs, $6.00ig7.36; western, $5.0007.40. Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha $2.Jf.&4.0 Chicago 2.6n'ii7.35 Kansas City 2.1O97.0O St. Louis l.Ktf7.15 Sioux City t.5tt&.50 The official number of tars Hogs. $.0iVi.2S 6.4W1S.90 .2.,ffiU.40 B.7.Vfi'6.93 6.004f6.25 of stock Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.OuO head, Including J head of southerns; market steady; choice expoit ft 4 1 and drosx.-d beef steers, $6.Xi7.0O; fair to 8 1 . good, $1.80Ji5.76; western steers, $3.74i5.ti6; slot hers and reeders. W.0USI i.so; soutnern steers, liifd 4.8o; southern cows. Iuofnt.a; native cows, T-Wj4.5u; native heifers, I3.n0 4i50O; bulls, Uu0(u4.75: cslves, $3.oO5g7.00. Re ceipts for the week, II, too head. z,t heao; mataet S90 II 10D 1,610 100 44,7110 700 44.7i0 K0 1.1O0 7,K) V0O 20) 1,100 4!ioo 1.100 liioo 20) 30J 9.100 J,6) l.fK) 1.600 2 0 10 400 'ioo IK) t.too 1H 46 4 77 2 104 4 74 V4 32 4 24 874 70 V, STs 41" 10 142 114 1K 4414 94 76 H 9114, 102H 7414 80 14 8isii 7v4j 84 V, 41)" 167H 29 1 141 114 15H 80 11 6014 160 iiii (4 4 t.0W V 114 glO 48 0 2 1.ID0 1IK) 1O0 400 114H 13314 10 t 16 1T4 90 1 60 160 18 43 44 18 41 t- 113 1I 10 h5!l.c: HogMa. 19g19c. ' , T .V tans bun 14 86 la - 17 fcst j S V74 S UJ'J I ii 16 r ; wa. 1 ' Cssh quolsHons were as follows: , k LdJVH-k itmi winter patents, $4 KWg.06; 'spring patents, $6.4v4isJt,; iMJiera, 44.0mu-4.iu. ., WHEAT No. t suriiie,'. i. lanu l.lh; No. I, 'tl.03ntl.18; No. 2 red. IIHISj 1.04, I uKN-No. 4 1, iu,4iiie; No. t yellow, tWaftiWC. it . T OAito-No. ;2. 54Se; No. S whltoV Jjf ' . HYR-No. t,. $Sc. , v;; hAltLln-Uood feeding, 85$03c; fair to choice malting. $1 0a l.utJ. . bEEDS-Flax., No. 1 northwestern, $l.tH; ;orltne timothy, $4.-; e rover, contract grades . (17.09. ' j 1 ivOVISlONS Short ribs, tldas .'Hoove). ; j7.;.t.a.50. Met, a pork, per bhl , $14.6.4) 14.60. Liiia. per nv ins., iv.w. onorx (boxed), $S.io58.io. Rece'pta Flour, bbla. .4 170 , Wheat, bu. ..; , IO.K1O if ("urn, bu , a 4."i5.oOO Vats. bu ' 264 ) i Kye. bu 4 OnO Harley. bu 89 W clear jides . fihloients. 4 14.li") 17 90t 4i',li0 2;t7.i0 l.fX) 4ti.SoO 3' cash. 61HS 61 c; No. i J cash, 62c; No. 2 while, .. On the I rodi'ce exchange the butter msr JJtet was steady. Creameries, 235:sc dt'rtes. 21i oc. F"gs. st.-aly; at iriar.t, ,'aari ncluded. 15'j iiilSc; firsts. 21c; pi line - firsia. tie- C'hcestt, alealy; 134tfUc. Mllwsakt OralaTMarkat. MILWAI'KI : Oct. li WHEAT No. I Perl hern. $l.l-tjl.?0; No. I northern. $1.1$ Hil is Iecen'ber. $1,064. bid - .1 . ' IIYE-Hlgher; No. I. S-ijytV. T 1'AULLV-Flrm; No, I, $4.12; ssjpiple. He lil.ll. T , . . r v Higher; No. Icash. 650iVic; May. S3raO bid. t . 4 fLIvrrpool Grata anal Prawtslaaa. . MVERPOOI.. Oct. )2. WHEAT Spot, no-nlnal; futi res. steaity; December, Is ;:ld: March. 6s 7,d; May, s '.d. CORN ISpot, firm; prime mixed Anur'rii, ; Is lod; futures, ,,uit.; OoluMer. 4. loid; January. Is 7d. ' ' - Mtstaeayolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOU8. Oct. )t-PR AN- In bulk. a?2 a. o-- so. at'H Khluaaaaf dtrtctlons ou flour are I.FATHKR Oulet. 244T27HO. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $14.00 4J14.50; mess, llO.Om&lO .60; beef hsms, tn.tioj packet, $1160(812.00. Pork, mess, la.atyj IZ.Oo. Cut mests, steady; pickled bellies, $10.50lt.fj0; pickled hams, 111. 0'ii 12.60. Lard, firm; western prime. $9.40(i9 00; refined, steady; continent, 19 80; South America, $10.50; -compound. $S.764t90O. Pork, steady; family, $l8.&von9.00; short clears, $16.76S'17.75; mess, $17 0017.76. TALLOW Quiet! elty ($J par pkg.) 6c; country (pkg. free), 674.&MiC. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, $Vi 45-c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Weak; creameries, special, $0c; extras, SiC. CHEESE Strong and unchanged. POULTRY Alive, demoralised; western spring chickens, lite; fowls, 14c turkeys, 13c. Dresred, quiet; western spring chick ens. I21tl8c; turkeys, loMc; fowls, 124jl4c. EGGd (Steady and unchanged. ' St. Loals General Market. ST. LOL1S. Oct. 12. WHEAT Higher: track. No. 2 red. cash. $1 .U I.O04; No. 2 hard, $l.Uiwl 0; December, $1.04; - May, COKN-Hlgher; track, No. 6Sc; December, 69c; May, white, otVv'uutic. OATS Ltie. tier; track. No. December, 63c; May, 64c; iH'VI'wc- POLLTRV Lower: chickens, Hc; spring, 0 -j ! J ev, l ie; ducks. 6'c; get-se, ityc, fIOlR Firm; red winter pttlents, ,4.75 90; extra fancy and straight, 14 6J, clear, U"U4.00. SKED-Timothy. ateady; $3-7534.S0. CORNMEAL Firm, K.ai. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track. $l.Sp $.26. HAY Firm; timothy, $16.00i8:o.OO; prairie, $9 001 13.60. IKON COTTON TIES $1.10. HAOOINO J1.15 1-6. HEMP TWINE lie. PKuVlFlONS-Pork, ateady; Jobbing, $16.60. Lard, higher; prima steam, $ .97. Dry aalt treats, higher: boxed extra sh. ria, k'.TV,. clrar rlt, 19.37; short clears. 17.; bacon, higher; posed extra airt.' J 10.46; clrar ribs, $.i.2G; short clears, $10.60. j 1 Tl Kit-Firm: ursmery, lie ECUS Firm, 18c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls luoiO a,o 0 Wheat, bu 91.0m) 7l.0) Corn, bu ei.ooO fp.oOi Oats, bu U3.00 96,000 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. 4)ct.' i;,-4.tfFEB-Msrket 'or futurrs closed dull, net unchaigd to 5 points higher; sales were rci.urted of i 0t I'scs. Including October at $..; Iiecemtier, i l c; Mutch. t! J"c: May ; Jic; SeHeiiiivr, 1 5oc; stiot, unict; N . 7 R'o, tt1-; rtH'itos, S'ac; 111IU colli t, quiet. CVrJjxa, 9'uU'iO. 8t. L. A 81. Lou I a do pfd do ptd South.'rn Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron Vexaa A Pacific T, St. L. A W di pfd Union Psclfts do pfd . U. S. fciprars V. 8. Reallr V. . Rubber do pM V. 8. Sleel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical ... do ptd T( bash Wells-Fargo Bxpreaa Weetlnshuua Kleclrlo .... Wtatern Inlos V. hallos A Lake Erie ... Wisconsin Central do pfd Northern Paclfle Central Leather do pfd Sloes Steel Great Northern pfd Inlerborough Met do pfd off- rt d. Toti.l aales for the dar. 'ioo 4i . ti "ioo io" i 600 60 49 600 W 98 1 'too 16 ii" 'im i" ii" 40 - 6 "t 2H 27 7'i 44 42 t,6'0 42 48 4(K 44 44 1L30J 100 100 L40O 80 2H 400 47 ' 800 78 75 700 66 66 l.tno 92 11 1,000 117 11 l,7' 83 82 2. SCO 83 3 1,8J0 19 18 IIi'tOO 9" 87 'ioo 74" 74" l,4i 18 1 600 U 87 t.ilK) 16 14 '00 2 80 ' H200 77 76 400 108 108 . 1.24I 12 11 8u0 47 44 ! I'iV'ii ii" iiii no !: 22 5"0 43 42 .104, K 1.1 111 800 80 60 'i'10 ii" tt 80 86 M . 6I ") 84 24 . 31.1-0 81 8 400 17 17 H r) 88 100 8 8 170 63 2,S 83 2 82 1S3 11 11 1 7 18 44 90 75 I 01 104 73 ' 0 , ,l I 80 70 ' 84 80 40 16 . 1S6 28 ' 7 141 114 4 II IT IS i! 17 1 10 ' 160 40 18 43 45 18 41 2a 4 113 133 10 to 1 5 14 88 lt 48 London Closlna; Vtocka. BOSTON, Oct. 12 Closing quotations on biochs were as ioiiows: Conaola. mo..er , ,1I., K. A T do account 82 13- 4 New York Central . Anaconda Norfolk A Western. Alrhlson 84 do pfd .. do pfd 87 Ontario A Weatorn. Baltimore A Ohio .. 8s Pennsylvania Canadian Paclflo ...183 Rand Mlnea Chesapeake A Ohio. . 80 Reading Ch.cao Ot Weatern. 8 Southtrn Railway . C, M. ft St P.... Union Pacific C. & N. W. (east) C. & N. W. (west).... C, St. P., M. O... C, B. Q. (eaat).... C B. y. (west)... C, R. I. & P. (east).. C, R. I. P. (west).. C, M. A 8U P.. De Beers D. A R. O do pfd Brl) do 1st pfd 'do 2d pfd Orand Trunk Illinois Central .. Louis. A Nash. ... SILVER Bar MONEY 2&2 .41 do pfd .. 80 14 Southern PaclOe .. 20 Union Paclflo . .. do pfd ..118 U. 8. Steel ..44 do pfd .. 83 Wabash .. 21 do pfd . .1! Spanish 4s ..102 uncertain at.28d per cent. . 2 I .loa ' . . . 80 . . 40 4 . 4i . 12 . 60 . 7a .125 . 81 . 24 . 86 . t . IT . 91 Total receipts 10 4 18 4 I 16 ,. 2 1 11 1 1 66 4 ping departments. Aevsset in Glaaa Cosnlngr- It Is said that glass of all kinds will b advanced In price soon. An increase in tno wages of the workers In the glass factories Is given as the cause of tho proposed In crease. A slight decline In the price Of turpentine took eftert early In the week. Prices on linseed oil are 8 cents higher than two weeks ogo. , No notable changes have taken plac M tho drug market. Strength marka the mar kut on uuliitn seal and mandrake root. Opium Is unchantjed. Wulnlne Is 1 cent; I for hulk In lOv-ounce tins, being unchanged; In price from three months ago. Essential oils Dhow a slight easiness, feppermlnl la 1 stronger. li.u C U steady to 5c lower": top'. $0.6:tt; bulk of sales. Leather remains steady. There la a ahort $6.3uii('6.4i; heavy. 6.!W(i -.V: packers, $i.JitP iaupply of heavy leather and the Inclination 6.45: nizs and Ichts. l6.'J6ia.5.Vi. Receipts s toward an auvance. joooers anu umnu for the week. 41,0i0 head.' SHEEP AND LAMRS-Reeclpta. 1.0(10 headt market steady, limbs. t.15iW.40; ew s and yearlings, $4.755.50; western yearlln8. $5.26(fi6.tii); western sheep, $4.u0dj6.&0; fed ewes, $3.603,5.23. Receipts for the week, 67, 500 head. The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 9$ Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co McCreary A Carey. Hill & Son J. B. Root & Co... Ken Kan Other buyers ,.. 4 1 6 ' 2W 803 1.153 409 276 843 81) 12 per o. The rate of discount in the onen market for short bills Is 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills la 414 per cent. Rank Clearings. ' OMAHA, Oct. 72. Bank clearings for to day were $2,277,663.09 and for the spnndlrg date last year $1,943,406.2$. The clearings for the week and the corre sponding week last year were: 1907. $2,192,43.25 2,115.698.60 143 2,844 1.130 St. Laole Lire Mock MnrVet. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 12. CATTLE Receipts, 700 head, Including 300 Texans; market steady. Native export steers. $4.10Cdj,15; dressed beef and butchers' steers, W.lo? $.30; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4.25(r4.8o: stockers and feeders, $2.75a1.50: cows and heifers, $3.0096.86; canners, M.bOp2.36; bulla $2.75(1.14.75; calves, $2.2."67.75; Texas and Indian steers, $3.005.3; cows and heifers, $l.(HKil4.00. H008 Receipts, 4,500 head; market 60 to lOo lower. Pigs and lights, $5.75.93; packers, $5.76f).l0: butchers' and best best heavy, $6.56.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 lieadi market steady. Native muttons, $3.6(rt6.25; lambs, $4.60(ff7.00; culls and bucks, $3.C0tr3.25; atockers. $2.7536.76. Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. Totals 4..... 1906. $2,192,615.01 1,915,673. 6 l,6o8.049.92 1.894,539.27 1.892,477.-0 1,843.406 26 .. 2,073.243.84 .. .. 2,049.138.64 .. lT7J,673.07 .$11864.376.57 ITl.r5.621 t Increase over the corresponding week last year, $1,488,733.62. New York Mining? Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-Closlng quotations on mining siccus were as follow: Cos- Adams Allca Breece R. unawlpk Con 48 I Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal A Va, ... Horn Silver Iron silver Leadvllla Con. ... offered. 16 38 86 6 18 2 41 44 100 28 86 76 44 11 11(1 83 63 18 68 loO 88 77 73 18 I Little Chief ..400 Ontario .... llOphlr m .. 4k Potoal . . 94 fiavage .. 74 Rlrrra Nevada ..lso small Hopes ... . .171 Standard .. T Movements of Specie, NEW TORY, Oct 13 Imports of specie for the Dort of New York for the week ending today are $340,982 sliver and $170,147 gold. Exports of specie from the port of I New York for the week ending today, was I $i4,i) silver ana $tf7i gold. - Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON, Oct. li Today'a state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $240,206,611; gold coin and bullion, $44,652,143; gold certificates, $84,238,640. , WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT 100 100 lJO 'ioo IT.T.a) 8.600 I.50J loO 9.8JS 400 400 70 7 ii" Uo 14 74 88 126 12 110 49 7 7" 118 13 74 88 L3 8 Is 14 j ai' 30 H I 76 I 108 11 44 136 8J 13 4. 119 80 it 46 tl k4 28 18 8 231 114 7 7 13 86 11 13 It 7 123 6 - 436.200 ebsrae. Fair latarday aad a We Bit Warmer, ays Welsh. 1 OMAHA. Oct. 12. 1907. A area of very hln pressure has spread over the central portion of the country, causing a very tlec ded,drop in temperature from the Rocky Mountains east over the central valleys, lake region and eastern States. Freeilng weather, With killing fronts, except over Nebraska and Iowa, and a temperature of 18 degrees above cero Is reported In the Dakotas. Heavy frosts oc curred In the Ohio va.ley. lower lake re-1 glon and eastern statea, and lighter frosts extended over the Misslsslpnl valley as far south as Memphis, Tenn. The weather Is growing warmer In the extreme north west, and will be warmer In this vicinity Sunday, with continued fair tonight and Bunday. 1907. 190T. 1M. 1904 Mlnnlmum temperature... 81 47 41 4$ Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 67 dugreea, .67 Inches. y In precipitation since March L 1.1$ Inches. corresponding period in 1906, I.7J Inches. V corresponding period in 1905, i.M Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local foieuatster. Total CATTLE There were a few cars of cat tle In the ards this morning, but as usual on Saturday not enough to make a market. The total receipts for the week have been very large, showing liberal gains over last week and the corresponding week of a year ago. The quality of the recelpta, however, haa net been overly good, the arrivals consisting largely of cow stuff and fsedera, with a very large mixture of what buyers ns,r,A KciirisiiT ill iisrn . 1 ucfi Birc 1 0 ui all KiMUB, tui n-irus .uu ! rangers, both good and bad, have been j lft very light receipt throughout the week. I Desirable beeves especially have been 1 scarce and there has been a complaint nearly every day on the part of buers who were unable to secure enough good killers to fill orders. In consequence of the light offerings the market has been In a good healthy condition, with prices gener ally a little stronger at the close of the week on the good kinds at least. While cows and heifers have been In very liberal receipt throughout the week, strictly good killers have been by no meana plentiful, and anything answering that de scription has sold very readily at firm prices. In fact, most salesmen are quoting strictly good cows as stronger aa compared with a week ago. On the other hand, with large offerings of common to medium grades, the market on such has had a ten dency toward weakness, being generally a little easier at the close of the week. Stockers and feeders have been coming In very fast this week, but with a large attendance of country buyers they have gone out equally as fast. All good grades of feeders have commanded strong prices throughout the week, being very free sell ers at current figures. Even the medium grades have sold very good, although pos sibly the rough-horned cattle are a trine easier at the close of the week, still the change. If any, has been slight. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $u.3087.00; fair to good corn-fed steers, $6.65'fi'i.30; common to fair range steers. 15. 254.6.76; fair to good range I 2v J bu' Bieers, n.txfuo.aj; common to ralr range steers, $3.76e4.60; good to choice corn-fed cows and heifers, $3.75(814.60; fair to good grass cows and heifers, $3.253.86; common lo fair grass cows and heifers, $1.263.25; rood to choice stockers and feeders, $4.76if 26: fair to good stockers and feeders. $4.00 4.76; common to fair stockers and feeders. f3.00iji4.00. Itepreaentatlve sales: WESTERN 6 NEBRASKA. Slonx Cltr Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 12. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head. Mar Ket steady; beeves, $5.00i&.50; cows and heifers, $2.50JM.O0; stockers and feeders. $3.00(4.75; calves and yearlings, $2 50a0.76. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head. Market D 10c lower, selling at . $.00j.26l bulk of aales, $6.066.16. St. Joseph Live "took market, st. Joseph, Mo.. Oct. 12. cattlf. Receipts, 1.612 head; market steady; na tives, $4.5006.90; cowa and heifers, $2.00 (u .i..6; i blot ters and feeders, 13.40(4. '.6. HOGS Receipts, $,828 head; marlt.t Be lower; top, $6.60; bulk of aales, $6.25 4K. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. ...108 ...to ...138 ... 1 ... 84 ...est ... is ...no Stoek la slant. Receipts of live stock at the six prlncl pal weatern markets yesterany: Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 600 2.700 Sioux City 100 8.000 Kanaas City 1.000 1,000 St. Joseph 1,611 3,828 St. Louis 700 4,600 Chicago ... 10,000 14,000 Sheep. 1,000 i.666 i'ooo 2.0J0 Totals 13.912 29,52$ 6.000 Kansas Cltr Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 12.-WHEAT-De-cember, 101H; May, $1.06. Cash: No. I hard, $l.Wa'1.0tB; No. t, ll.011.0o; No. I red. I1.OMj1.07; No. 3. $1.04("s 1.06. CORN December, 67c; May, 6Sc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 60jrVic; No. 8. 60CsoHc; No. I white, 61)lVc; No. 8. 60Mrtl61c. OATS No. 2 white. 603660 ; No. 2 mixed, 48W&49C. MAY Firm; choice timothy, $13.2513.75; choice prairie. $11.2611.60. RYE Steady. FXW'MJ Weak: extra, 23c; firsts, 21o. BUTTER Creamery, 30c; packing, tOHe. Recelnts. ShiDment BMUJU Uli-OOO facturers of shoes In Omaha still report an increased business over last year aim the market altogether Is in a very heaUhy condition. Salesmen on the road are book ing large orders. , . Y Rnllaai oa Para Food. 'Deputy Food Commissioner Johnson hag sent out a letter saying that where a re- t taller sells butter packages not properly .'Stamped as to weight he will not be prosei cuted If he has a written statement of the correct weight from the whulcisaiur, pro viding the latter Is a resident of the state. A written guarantee from a wholesaler outside the state will not save the retailer from prosecution for selling short welgnta. It Is now almost certain that the tomato pock will not nil requirements. It Is pre dicted that prices will advance 10 to $0 per cent by November 1. The Maine delivery of corn will be ahort of expectations and tho pack of the western stales Is not as large as last year. Bpot peas are scarce and the pack la lighter than a year ago. Reports from the Paclflo coast Say nrunea are easier. At present prices Jbb- bers are reluctant to place orders. Raising are freely offered. In the east there are slight declines In the price of evaporated . Another advance or io cents per i pounds on refined sugars was named early In the week, but the disparity Is still great between the price of raws and the price of reitned. It another rise of 10 points comes, as it Is expected It will within the next ' ten days,, refined will be on a basis Witt I raws. 1 Tne large amount of coffee that la b ' Ing stored under the valorization schema Is a disturbing factor In the coffee market. It is proposed to curtail the production o coffee In order to foroe prices upward. Roasted coffeea remain unchanged in price. Irving B. Dudley, American ambassador to Braall. writes from Petropolls as follows in regard to the progress of the coffe i valorisation plan: "The outcome of tho 'valorlxatlon' scheme Is fraught with grave) ! uncertainty in the opinion even of Us friends, who favor It ns probably the lessor of the two evils; while the general opinion of foreigners and others not intimately affected is that It must eventually end in collapse. The lthdrawal from the markot of the coffee now held by the Convenlo about 8,000,000 sacks has at least postponed the fall in price; but more purchases era not to be made and good crops hereafter would be fatal to valorisation, the success of which Is predicted upon an alternation of good and bud yields. For the last year tho Brazilian product has reached the unpre cedented figure of about 20,500,000 sacks." On account of the near approach of tho holidays, nuls are attracting consldeiahlo attention Just now. It Is doubtful If tho new crop of foreign nuts will be available by Thanksgiving. A large part of tho California crop has been sold already. Wire nails are unchanged In price front a week ago. In the hardware situation there Is no feature of note, no quotable changes In prica having been made. Re tailers are l'beral buyers and ares plac ing heavy orders for winter supplies. 19 cows 1007 7 cows 880 2 bulls 1540 4 feeders.. 600 22 feeders.. 797 it . rfr-rs.. S 12 feeders. Scows.... 12 leeders.. 6 cows. 670 . 8. i5 771 ..1100 am 2 66 S 06 2 50 3 75 8 66 1 00 2 50 $66 4 66 8 30 4 00 t 50 New York Money Market NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-MONEY On call nominal; time loans strong; sixty days, 6 per cent; ninety days, ; to 7 per cent; six montha. 6 per cent bid. PRIMS MERCANTILE PAPER 7 per Cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actus! business In bankers' bills at $4.8i.Vfj 4 Stai) for demand and at $4.8.'60 for sixty day bills; commercial bills, $4.8at4.8:ik. SILVER Bar, tVio; Mexican dollars, 48. c pON'pn-oovernmem, . easy; raurnaa Quotations on New York bond v,'i aa r'litiss: )iH Msn. t. g. 4a.... 108 Jex. Central 4a.... 10i do let Inc , "it. A Ft. L. 4a... 1'3 .. K 4V T. 4a .123 do Ids . 82 Vat. H. of 84. e. 4 , 86 eN. y. c. saa. !a .a N J C. fen. 6s , 8T Ns. Pacific 4a Feb- 10.a9c; 10.Jc; bids reg. V g. ref. do c upon V. I. 8a. reg in nli".n . -V. S- uew 4a. Tt do ooupoo ABIT. Tob. 4s .... do eo. aa Atrblson fen. 4a. do ad). 4a ... Atlantic C. L. 4a. B O. 4a do 8a Br. It. T. IT. 4a. Cent, of Ca. 6a. do it Inn. do td Ins. .. do 3d I c. .. C O. 4Ha ... c. a . s',e ... C , B A Q. new C. R. I. a P. R. do col. 6a PIT 1,1 88 do Us 8 7 N. a W. eona-4 4. 82 81 O t. L. rfdf. a. . M' 74 tvsn. e. 3a s 1' l a Readlnf fen. 4a 83 ... si. u 4 I. at. e. 6a..lo; ....46 ?t. L. 8. r. fg. 4a 7t .... - itH. L. 8.-W. c. 4a . .... 88 R-abnard A. h. 4a ... 8 ... . io. Paclfle 4a M 4a. 81 do 1st certlf 88 4a. 8o. Railway 6a .... 8-1 Teiaa 4s Fsclflc lsts.111 4a.. 88T . 81 L W. 4a. 7! Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 12. COTTON Futures opened barely steady: October, io.il'ffio.76; November. 10.70o; January, lo.Soc; ruary, lt8Gc; March. lO.Boc; April, May, lO.Mv; June, 10.9Jc; July, AtiKUBt. 10.78c. i Futures closed steady; closing October. 10.75c; November. 10.. 6c; Decem ber. 10.93c; January, 10.83c; February, 10.86c; March, 10.88c; AprM. 10.90c; May. lo.9:c; .June. 10.93c; July, 10.95c. Spot closed quiet. 6 points lower; middling I uplands, 11.70c; middling gulf, 11. &c; sales, , &S I uuV " -' todty' ST. LOl'IS. Oct 12. COTTON Quiet; mniUling, llc. cities, ev uii"i, rei-eiiue, oei bale; shipments, none; stock. 8.174 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 12. COTTON So it. quiet; rrices unchanged to 2 points higher; American middling, fair, 7.14c; ' good middling, $ 74c; middling, $.54c; low middling, 514c; good ordinary, 5.62c; ordinary. 4 92c. The sales of the day were $.000 bales, of which frs) were for speculation and ex port, and Included 6,100 American. Re ceipts. ;7.0H bales. Including 24 2o0 Ameri can. Futures opened quiet and steady, and closed steady; October. $''6c; October. November, I.OOHc; November-December, R94c: December-January. 6d2c; Januxry Febrtiary. 6c9c; Febtuarv-March. 69; March-Anrll. 5.k9c; April-May. 6 89c; May June. 6.8XU.C; June-July, 6.88Vc; July August, 6.670. i A I.VF-9 I ON. Oct. lt.-COTTON-Market steady at Uc. 1 15 8 cows 1051 2 65 13 cows 871 2 75 10 heifers... 803 8 80 8 feeders.. 613 $40 10 feeders.. 690 4 oc 4 feeders.. 7?fi 3 25 I cows 988 $60 I bull 1160 8 30 6 heifers.. 665 I 36 WYOMING. . L. T. Sullivan. Wyoming. ra feeders.. 102? 4 60 t feeders. .1051 4 feeders.. 10L2 3 75 34 cows 10u6 I coas HOC t 50 Dolling A Son, Wyoming. $6 feeders.. 119H 4MI 8 feeders.. 1196 18 cows 10H8 $ 60 4 cows vn HOGS It was one those slow, steady to easier markets, that while not showing very ...u.i uiimiciiue, are situ unsatisfactory to the sellers. The trade was slow In spite of the fact that receipts were even lighter than expected, with the close dull and a little lower than yeaterday. The most of the hogs here were on the heavy order, so that the sales on paper do not show up as well as yesterday. The receipts for the week, while llgher than last week, show nevertheless a little gain over the corresponding week of last year. The tendency of prlcea has Iven stesdlly upward all the week, the market being practically higher every day until today. At the close of the week the mar ket is SS'iiSGc higher than It was one week ago. Hogs are now selling at the highest point touched since the .latter part of May. ivcii iB.iiisii saica. Corn. bu. Oats, bu. .... Quotations by Logan St 26.000 17,000 10,000 29.000 at Kansas City as renorted Bryan. 112 Board of Trade: Open. I Hlgh.f Low. I Close. Wheat-December May December 1 001 99V 1 01UV. 1 O'HI 1 05 64 67 I 1 03S1 64 66H1 01 HA 67 68H oarar and Mola NKW YORK. Oct. 12. SUGAR Rw, steady; fair refining. 8.45c; centrlfuaral, 96 test. 1.95c; molasses sugar. 3.10c. Re fined, ateady; No. 6, 4 0c; No. 7. -4.4S No. 8. 4.60c; No. 9. 4.45c-, No. 10, 4 3 Jo; No. 11, 4 30c; No. 12. 4.25c: No. IS, 4.21c; No. 14, 4.1 Be; confectioners' A, 4.9'e; mould A, 5.86c; cut loaf. 8.70c; cmshul, 6. 70c; powdered, 6.10c; granulated, 5.00c; cubes, J.25e. MOLAPPES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 87 & 4 8c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fratt. NFW YORK. Oct 12. EVAPORATED APPLES Market s quiet, with fancy quoted at iowi; choice, 10c; prime, iH4o; common to fair. 879c. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged. Anrtcote and peaches are steady at recent firices. Ralstns continue firm, owing to Imited supply available on spot. Aatolnar la Europe. TTnlted Statea Consul Manfle'd. wr'tinst from Lucerne, says that It Is estimated that there were In Europe In the last season 8 ooo American touring parties in at-tomo-bllea, concerning which he adds: "Each ear carries on an average five persons, making a total of 40.000 Amer'cans m- -ring; on the continent. The expenaes will aver age $10 a day for each person, making a dally expenditure by this class of American travelers In Europe of $400,000. The Ameri can motrlts usually snend two months on the continent, which brings the aggregate expenditure up to $24,000,000 for the season. So great 1s the number of American auto mobMes that their transnort aeros the At lantlo has become a specialized business." TO THOSE INTERESTED IX TUB GRAIN MARKET: ;Wi would say. On upon a short world's rauut be side-tracked speculator, to fatten his bank account, must follow conditions as they exUt. a market based crop sentiment and the good Wool Market. ST. TtTTS. Oct 1 WOOT, Steady; me dium grades, eomWng and clothing WW 2f.c; light fine "i'-'2c ; heavy fine, 17318c; tub washed, 2o36c. 9 77 IS 88 as 81 77 8 ..lli"4 .. 9f No. ... 84... 43... 47... 41... 81... 88... 62... 41... (... 14... 88... U... 88... 44... 83... 4T... 44 ...341 , ..8') ..lis ..3.4 ...tit ... t ...837 ...:7i ...84 ...tit ...ill ...rro . ..t ...tt ..VI ...141 ...148 t'l Pr. 4 00 4 00 4 H 8 ft 4 04 Ot I U8 4 05 4 04 4 to 1 07 h 4 07 ha I 10 I : i 1 is 1 10 I livfc .o. 82... 70... t ... 68... 47... 88... T... 88... 41... 88... 66... 61... 76... 68... 61... 64... 64... av. ..J76 ..ttd ..i.l . .18 ,.2H5 ..878 ..180 ..!i8 . .tvi ..t8 ..8 ..844 ..!.. ..ti8 ..IS') ..880 ..til ia. Pr. 121) I )IV ta) I liht 4 I 1 110 I Uhi ... 8 l.hk 120 4 II 111 I 15 1.0 4 14 6') 4 II ISO 4 It 4J 4 15 . 4 It 8 6 It 120 I 17)4 ... 4 IV 80 4 !8 ... I li W. Farnam Smitli & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities, 4 Votoa -Paclflo 41 so ot. 4a 6)ht r 8. Steel. M la., 1 i4t Wabask two , 4 s W-rtrrs Md 4a ... 71 W. A L. E. 4s . 8414 W a. C.ntral 4a . , 16 J'paa 4s ' At' Llaoo ct. 4a . ,88 do ct. ta . 671a Int. Met. 4a 84 . Col". I"d ta. a. A. Colo. Mldlsr.4 4a . rvto a Bouthers 4a Cuba is D. A R. G. 4a Plal. Sao. ta t-'a prior Ilea 4a.. do sen. 4a Hork. Val. 4V4s ... Jansa 4Sa. oerttf... do Id aarlca L. N umSi-4 4a. 3.4. 0r-r4. - t'learlac Htaat Bask Statraarat. I NEW YOF.K. Oct. ll.-The statement of rlarlg bona banks fir the week shows that the sassa bold I4.606.46o more than the 1 . 88 . 6"4 . n 10Th4 . 68 . '6 . 8" hi . au 8-hi I01h . ttvt Metal Market. NFW YORK, Oct. 12 -METALS The metal markets were quiet and more or less nominal. In the absence of cat'lea. T'n was nervous and unsettled, with the trade uncertain as to (he condition of affairs In the Ixindon market, as the recent fluc tuations have been sen.tonl. Conner was easy In tone, while lead and soelter were dull and unchanged. Iron was quiet. f Dalalk Grala Market. DUT.I'TH, Oct. 12 WHEAT No. 1 north ern, tl.lft'i; No. 1 northern. II 1H; Decem ber. II 14S; May. ll.W" OATal iLiWu. BHttr-There were four cars of lambs reported In this morning, which were sold 1 to arrive, being neighed up at 17.00. Re- 1 ceipts of sheep this week show a very heavy falling off as compared with last week, there being a decrease of over 20 uoO head. There la also a laryo decrease as compared with a year ago. The market throughout the entire week has been In a most satisfactory condition, ao far aa the selling Interests were concerned, and prices have been very high as compared with those preva'l'ng at other market points. Fat shrep and 'ambs have been in I'ght sunnly throughout the week, especially sheep. At the same time there has been a very- good buying demand on the part of packers, so that the market has been In a good hea'thv condition, with every thing received selling very readily on ar-' rival. Hat aheep have sold at about ateady prcea, with the market. If anything, a 'It- tie stronger at the close. On the other hand, fst lambs have eased off under the unfavorable conditions prevailing at east ern market points and are generally quoted lo-MSo lower at the close of the week. The great bulk of the receipts this week has been made up of feeder lambs, with a liberal sprinkling of ewes and only a few wethers and yearlings. The market has been In good condition all the week, with, V4 offsr, subject to sale, 18 to 80 snares sf Stock Taids at 97 cents. 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Lougtas 104. THOMAS W. aVaWBOaT OT BOSTOW Every person who was influenced by the oredlctlons of Thomaa W. Law son and purchased mining stocks cased cn his ad vice during the past two years will hesi something of Interest ry sddri'ssuiaf I'oav office Box 2041, New York. TOBEY K"K. NEW YORK , WILL. BELL, $24,000 NEW YORK :nr rffi 3j$ 193; AT 88 & INT. BUY WHEAT, RUY OORX, BUY PROVISIONS. MERRILL GRA1MST0CU COMPANY ,212 New York Life BIdftt, 8 Phones Douglas 21 Omaha, NeK STOnK BARGAINS t.800 Penn.-Wyo. 48h4. l.Joo lRefiubllca, 81 5. .lVe-Bonda, lit aa., 11.0 0 B. Moor Tun . la prr cant. 14 O. A. Coffee, SM, 130,0004 par cast reort-1 8'Ka-Oold Bouila, B. gaira oa Chicago S'W Mlnra Co. Aa4h realty. I.OO Alma, Ida.. T I Pvinlap carpal ptd. 5V Bucna Vista, f -1,800 Hrusoa, 4h,c. M0 H dwsll tle.. tlttt pwwpig. wit Ex., ite. t'O-Bik. Ula. Cp., 47a J.W baiter Koraltr. 6a. 80 Tana. Maronal, 1 U l.OOi Tapusara, Wc. l.0V-Cal. 64 jo. Oil. :4 ,. 15 C. A N. T. Air L., aivv-rxPorcat Con., Ha 117.60. 4l El Ks.or. 4uc. t j. a. i om, ta w. j.310 Eir Ben, Nov., lo, t ftno Ot. Wert. Oil. 1H4. l.aoo Otda. Brnd.. IThta l.lwO King Sol. T. t I). 50 Old. Hub, 7Vs. lie. 8. Oi Mil. Gold El, ta I.ooa-Huhsark Flor . 10H l.OiTo Kar. Pontlao, Ic. 8.0 O-l-ttr-O esn. . J' OcUrt alln., 78c I 0CK) Man. Conibtna., 4c l.fmo t'nl. Pnsa.. Vc. 1 000 New storkt n. liic. loo ei Fsr r. 44. .' ' Tacosia. 8hc. I o Pilot Suits, 48.40. virsho O. M 1). Ve 1 ') Tralar Mln., 8c Bend for our free bulletins. ' Wii WAN r IOO V'hswk riorenca, t.m Fcnn -Wro., 41c. Sr. P-eanltol Choi., T, idfm.,,111. m.iuQui, i.uuw ijnsTI, aoc . 15 Amer. H-rcoil. 117. t" Little rtor., 8c. ' Uft Hsiter Royalty. 6c. 160 Pens. -Wyo., 4c. loo 84 bawk Dilsy. 10 Cro N. T. Air aw CM) nd. Mln., 47o. lf. ' un t'nrla Sam Oil. 4,000 Tl.ppor, Ic. 'f Comblna. Krae. 10 (' JS Calhoun. 16a, "O-Jitmho Eitas. 1V0 Mlnaa Co., Aaiar. No charge for listing. Offer your stocks Vestern Business Exchangi . 185 X Balls It., Ctilcago, ZU. B3YCE & BLASIHjIIIM, 5.t?...'.'..!K?..ff.KT. Renders customers the best lervlca ia Omaha. Trades la 1.000 bushel grain and upwards; 10 shares and upwards. A reliable firm. Room 4 N. Y. Life, Omaha. Lock dUtaDca telephone, Douglas 7646.