i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 13, 1907. REAL ESTATE CITY PHUrtlll'V KOIl iALE. (Continue.) Boulevard Park T'i best resldrnre section of the city; level, sUhtly, easily accessible, splendidly Improve J, butum.,, restrictions prohibit Inferior hnue. dwelling" uni form distance from streot, puouc Impi ovemcnis In and paid for. community of home, within walking dis tance of Omaha's only hike, rnorl. with boating, fishing nil hunting privileges. We have repeated these facts because wa want you to go and see for yourself, select a lot and build or buy one of those convenient houses near ln compk'ttoii. Don't waste your time looking for the un flndable such modern houses for rent they are not to bo hud. Rather, buy In Boulevard Park Six rooms, neartng comple tion, modern throughout; full, bricked, cemented b'semcnt, M1( ntlid arrangement of .oom lurnace hen,. i, electric ll-.nl mid (lis. east front, on Uth St.-.1'W. Seven rooms, new. entirely modern: good basement, fur nace, gas and electric light, IkirceJuin plumbing, (Ink In basement; Just finished this week $1,300. Eight rooms, nlmnst finished, modern from cellar up; re ception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry, four bed rooms, bath, cement walks; ready In about a week or ten days. Make sure of It now $3,600. IMPROVED FliUIT FARM We offer a 25-acre Improved fruit farm Inside city limits, with plenty of bearing fruit apples, peaches, grapes, cher ries and small fruit; two houses on place. This Is to be old for less than fsrm land prices further out. Owner anxious to sell to raise some money only $250 per acre, or $d 250. Bee ua right away. Shimer & Chase Co. Builders of Modern Houses. Everything In Realty. 1609 FARNAM BT. DOUGLAS 3S67. (19) $2,500 $500 CASH Nearly new 8-room modern, except fur nace, home, near 27th and Burdette, well built In every way; cement walks, shade trees and close to car line. 'Phone Doug. 6S6. BEMIS, Pn n Block. 09) 22 Investment We are offering a good in vestment in the way of three apartments of 7 rooms and bath each. This prop erty is on corner lot on car lino and on main street of the city. Property is re. ed for $1,320 per year. Tjis is a 22 per cent investment on cash payment of $5,500, the amount necessary to swing the deal. There is a mortgage of $2,500 at 5 per cent interest, due in six years. Price $8,000. If in terested let us know and our salesman will 6how it to you. THE BYRON REED CO. 212 South 14th St. 19- J8th St. Hill Two fine lots located in the finest resi dence district of Omaha.' One north front, (1.260; one south front for $1,6&0. Cheapest lots In that section. On grade, one and one-half blocks from car. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1M6 Farnam St. v ' ()- 8TORB and dwelling, list and Ames Ave. $2,100. F. D. VVEAD, 18th and Farnam, Wead Bldg. (19)- 7-KOOM HCUSE. w th gas and it y wa'.er and tu good iralr, on grade, ha. auade trees and shrubbery, fine lawn, lot tvix 158. on Southeast corner; plenty of roo.n to build a couple of cottages for rental purposes; I blocks from cur line. This property will be on the market for a si. ri time at 4U.400, located at 2th ana Miami Sts. Call and sea us about th., It ik a money mamr for you. 6-room house or cottage, modern except furnaoe, located In a choice neighbor hood, one-hair block east of 24th St. car line on Ohio St., with new cement walk, nice shade and fruit trees, a good barn. new coal shed; fine cistern, with iron pump, on back porch. A oosy little home lor 1.9u0. If you want it call on W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. bio-7 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 111. F. F. OSBOKN. Mgr. City Dept. (i9)-iW u CHEAP HOME Three blocks from $4lh and Farnam. GOOD -ruoin house, tine neighborhood. Snap at price 4J,iuu. t an luuKe eary terms. WILLIAM E. ROMANO, Douglas 1319, 33 Board of Trade. (19 474 13x Fine Lot Near Dundee 4Gth & DOUGLAS STS. Lot S0xl2S, within a block ef Farnam car II n- ; gas. water and sewer; worth fcuo; will sell this Week f jr $Ci. Address R Ml, Bee office. (l$;-49a 1$ (!! l( U.AS EXCURSION. Tuesday. Oct. i t h. we run un excursion to the gulf roast of Texas. Low rate fur round trip. We have some rre bargains. Join us and he convinced Call or sddiesa LAND AND IMMIGRATION CO.. ZM liua liliig. REAL ESTATE C1TV PROPERTY TOR MALE. (Continued.) D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglas 49 Ground Floor THESE PROPERTIES MUST BE SOLD AND AVE PRO POSE TO SELL THEM. IT'S FOR YOUR INTEREST TO IN VESTIGATE TnEM AND MAKE US A PROPOSITION. $4fv-In Halcyon Heights, two Mocks from ! Benson car line; (oxl- feet with one-room houf. Tou can start a home and add to It. Make us an offer on this. ! ll.HX .D5 arker St., tt-room. 1-story 1 frame dwelling, city water, barn; 100x130 fl. of around: hlx-h and slahtly. It's cheap. . t-Mio 4404 No. 3th St., new 5-room mod ern cottage, ex. furnace; (4x126 ft. on paved street, one block from car. It's cheap. W.tW Ml Harney Bt., s-room bilck, nearly new, mod. ex. furnaoe. Stands on rear part of lot with room In front for St. Louis flat. This Is close In and Is cheap. $.1.150-1 743 Park Ave., lot 80x100 ft., fac na il anscom park, 7 rooms, hot water heat, all modern end a very desirable home. $3,f0 On 17th near Jackson St.. cast front lot 63x112 ft. with i. -room all modern house. Close In and desirable. $4,ixw i21 Fowler Ave., new brick house, 7 rooms, all modern, beautiful fireplace. Just finished; full lot, south front. This la a Jim dandy bargain and In a fine neigh borhood. $1.000 A Forest Hill bargain; Wl Pino 8t.; 7 rooms, modern, beautiful lot 65x132 ft. on the corner; plenty of shade and fruit; street paved and paid for. $1,20 cash, balance per cent. $t,?iiO Fronting Hanscnm park on Park Ave., near Slilrleyi new square house, 7 rooms, all modern, with good hot water heating plant. This Is a bargain. U.lbOH No. 4)th Bt., 8 rooms, all mod ern, full lot 60x111 ft., east front on the new car line. Very desirable location. $6,000 On Pacific near 31st St., north front 8-room, all modern, first-story brick, bal ance frame, with fine hard wood finish; splendidly arranged and well built Fine location. $rf.OOO 1 20 So. 37th St.. brand new t..nnm all modern house, with oak fln'sh ard floors, handsomely decorated, half block from car. In excellent location. Bee this and make us an offer. $ti,O00-Dundoe 4)4 Chicago Bt.. 8-room brick house, all modern, with 100x136 ft. of ground. Desirable and close to car. Want cash offer. $6,600-3711 No. lRth St.. 90xlfi0 ft. of ground, with s-room 2-story house, thor oughly modern, well built, first-class re pair; a good barn. This is an excellent A Genuine Snap In two beautiful building lots, located on Douglas St., be tween 42d and 44th, all graded off, ready for building, south front, 4-foot torrace, sewer, water and gas In the street Three new houses going up within 100 feet of these lots. Price If sold this week $560 each. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- THIS ISA BEAUTY $224 Harney; has Just been completed. It has large living room, dining room, kitchen and refrigerator room on first floor; three nice bed rooms and alcove on second floor; hot water heat, very hand some lighting fixtures. This property must be seen to be appreciated. Prlc for immediate sale, $4,760. ERNEST SWEET, (13 N. Y. L. BLDO. (19)- S. ARION LEWIS Acre Specialist IMPROVED ACRE PROPERTY, 18 aores and fine Improvements, viz: 7- room cottage, up-to-date, spienaia Darn, chicken houses, fruit and shade trees, fihort distance from Elm wood Park te.uoo. 10 acres, 7-room house, barn, etc, 1 miles from car, southwest $4,000. 5 acres and 6-room cottage, barn, some fruit. On very easy terms. One mile north of Benson $2,600. 20 acres, s-room house, barns, fruit, near Klmwood 17.0UO. 16 acres south of the "Bluffs," on Madison Ave., (-room house, Darn, moauy in irutt S40O ner acre. 12 acres, -room house, etc., near South Omaha $400 per acre. Want an oner. For full particulars let mo show you the places. UNIMPROVED ACRE PROPERTY. I acres, very sltely and near Dundee $3,000. t acres, high ground and very close to Dundee K.WO. 10 acres. West Dodge, one-half In fruit. Location Is fine IS.ooO. 10 acres on West Dodge, near McArdle's $140 per acre. 20 acres. West Dodge, near McArdle's $133 per acre. SOUTH DUNDEE. A few choice lots In this district at $400 each, on easy terms to home builders. COTTAGES. $1,400 for S-room cottage, West Leaven worth, near 45th $1,400. $2,000 for 6-room cottage, corner lot, JOth and Ohio $2,0u0. $1,600 for neat cottage at 4003 N. 28th St.; corner lot, 63xlOO-$l,EoO. $l.av for S-room cottage near 41st and Charles $1,800. ts.floo for 8-room, all modern, Hanscom Park dlstrlct-$6,000. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS. I have a few good bargains In this Una. Investigate. S. ARION LEWIS, Acre SDcCialist. 9S4 New York Life. (!)- 2'CrTII AND MANDERSON S-Room modern cottage, new. hot water heating plant, small lot. but think of the location and tha price, $2,000. $400 cash and $iS per month. Also four fine lots near cottage at half their value. When a bar gain appears seise It. J. W. RASP CO. $S Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1653. U- BE sure to attend the - Special Sale of lots in DUNDEE at 52d and Underwood Avenue next SATURDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 19TH. Take any West Farnam-Dundee car and go to 52d St. (19)-MtlJ 18 . FOR 8ALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard wood floors, mantels, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will sell at a very low price, to be removed fiom present premises by purchaeer. Ad dress C. C. Kosewater, Ute Bldg , Omaha. (1)-M317 , TRACKAGE PROPERTY To lease, $ni) per month. 160 ft. on 6tb St., 177 ft det-p. on B, & M. railroad. ANNA V. METCALF. Phone Douglas 671 1114 8. loth St. (18) 481 Oli HESITATE NOT Tliia Is a snap and will not stay long un til sold. 1.4-o-arnlS, on Chicago, east of Hst St. $l.2f 33x0. on 21st Htj near Jllsh school. $4.000 '''. nn corner nt ad'Chican Hts. with Urge $-room modern house. ROBINSON & WOLF Real Estate. 431 Paxton Blk. (l)-44s 13 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Fixe 6-rnom brick cottage, In course of con struction; double floors, large bath, nice attic, floored; all modern except heat; east front lot, permanent walks, one block from car line; locsted 4oth and Jonue; pr'c 2.VK; easv terms. C. O. CARLBEKO, 811 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (li- NliW tt-room modern house, excrpt fur nace. Mium 81., lot fcOxUT ft., per ?naoenl siiicwalki g2,6ot. Chris B'Vrr, 124 and Cunuiig bl. ! M4T 14 REAL ESTATE CITY. PROPERTY FOIl IALB. (Continued property. $11,000 350 No. 4th St., east front lot MW 111 ft. to alley. 10-room. strictly mod. well arranged: a well built home; hot water heat, beautiful oak finish, three pairs slid ing doors, handsomely laid out Inside; In choice location, fine shade and a big bar gain. VACANT On SPth and 21st Bts, just south of Mason, In the Briggs tract, we can sell ea.t or west fronts from 26x132 up to 60 or inn ft. In width, at exceptionally good bargains. Special terms to those who will build. Cheapest inside property on the market and it must be sold. Bee us. Sholes' Subdivision We want to close out the balance of the lots in this add'tlon on lt'.lh just south of Vinton St.; 40x120 each; high, sightly, H block from car; price, $'oo each, with 10 per cent off for cash or to caali at regular price. INSIDE BARGAIN $7,600 WxlS2 ft. east front on 1.1th, tW ft. north of Jones, opposite the Barker hotel. A snnp, hut make us a cash offer. Eastern owner wants to close out quick. INVESTMENT $JS,H09 for 66 ft. square corner 14th and Jackson Bts., with 3-story brick building renting for $3,900 per year, on 14 per cent Investment. This will pay 10 per cent net. $25.0i.O-99x120 ft., less than one-half block from the postofflce on Dodge St., In the heart of the city, with a brick holding that will rent for f i"0O per month. Owners are anxious to make quirk sale and will consider reasonable proposition, cash or terms. It offers the largest future Increase of any piece of property In Omaha at the price. om can't go wrong on this. FARM 10 acres of the finest lsnd In Douglas county. Immediately on Dodge 8t. near the end of the paving at $125 per acre. This Is tha best bargain In Douglas county. (1 411 13x A Good Opportunity On account of the owner leaving the city, we are going to offer his home for sale. It was built by the day, with the very best material, carefully selected, oak finish, strictly modern, paved street, corner lot, barn, one block from car. House has rooms. Don't fall to Investigate this prop erty. Price $5,600. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg . (1! THE MAN who wants a good home In the West Farnam district should go today and see $17 So. 83d St (between Farnam and Har ney); new house, 8 rooms, hot water heat, tiled floors In vestibule and bath, 2 nloe rooms on third floor, rear stairs from kitchen. You will like this house. See It and then see me. About $2,6cO cash re quired. , ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. L. BLDO. (19)- J. W. R0BBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOUG. 629. $4,7604116 Dodge St., a new fully modern , house of 7 rooms and reception hall, finished In oak dowatalrs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout; will be ready to occupy November 1. SEE IT. $2,4003012 Charles St., new 6-room cottage and full lot, cement walks, cellar and laundry, large attic with space to finish two more rooms, porcelain bath, gas and electric light; ready to occupy. EA8Y TERMS. $3,760 U.I Grant St., an 8-room modern house and barn and full corner lot, SNAP. $8,800 Two modern houses of T rooms each, open plumbing, tine location, within walking distance: specials all paid. Annual rental, $780; a good invest ' menu , CHOICE BUILDING LOTS t MO60 ft on Pratt St.. (now being paved) west of 24th. CHEAP. t 600 Nice lot on Hamilton, east of 38th; x Bemis Park district. I (00 Fine lot on Cd, south of Dodge. $1,(00 East frcnt corner on 40th St., south of Farnam; must be sold this month. $1,60040 ft. on 86th. near Farrram. $200 Two full lots, corner of 38th and Davenport. BEE) ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS. y (19) 470 IS Lake James Park SPECIAL SALE The best suburban home addition In Omaha. Over 100 lots already sold. We intend to close out the remaining 60 Iota this fall. Just outside city limits; saves city taxes. Exnellent street car servi!. All Iota on grade, parked. Over 400 shade trees on fronts of the lots (Six fine new homes built Ibis summer). Two acres of the addition are covered by lake and island. Phii. ES Tou can buy these Improved lots at less per aorg than acreage adjoining la held. Tt-i.Mo Very easy, one-tenth cash and . balance $2 per month. Abstract free, snowing perlect title. Salesman on ground Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 16. from 2 till d. m. Take Benson car, get off at 61st street, at our big sign (Mount Pleasant .Ave.) and walk 3 blocks north. Open Monday even ings 7 uu a. Real Estate Title-Trust Co. Chas. E. Williamson, Pres. 1201 FARNAM ST. (19) Special Sale FINE LOTS We offer this week three very choice resi dence lots In the center of the West Farnam residence district, owner obliged to sell, wlH make very i price. For particulars see HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., iM board of Traae Bldg. , (1)-6S4 1SX FOR LEASE Three acree, 24th St., near U. P. tracks. 66x113 on Cuming St., near lTth Bt. Z.xl.'O on Capitol Ave., near 14th St Suven and one-half acres for factory sites, 4uth and Harney, pn rillroad. F. D. WEAD. Wead Blda.. Utb and Farnam Sts. (13) kX IS $l,20O-$?00 CASH Balance In monthly payments will buy the new 4-room cottage at 13 Ruggioa. t hone Dou -. S8. BEMIS, Paxton Block. CU) VACANT LOT. Lot on oavod stievi near Suth St. car line. with itwfr; $'?. C. O. CAKLBKKG. 11 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 tUi REAL ESTATE CITY PROPRM'I T FOB ALB. (Continued.) SATURDAY AFTHRN00N OCTOBER 19TII, there will be a SPECIAL SALE of some of the best lots In DUNDEE Grading and careful preparation of blocks and streets at great expense. Just finished. City water, cement sidewalks, and trees are now In or will be put in front of every lot without expense to purchaser. Electric light and gas run to property, and will be extended when the demand Justifies It. All lots either on or within three blocks of car line. $475 to $675 for the lots north of Under wood Ave., except corners. Terms $100 cash, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent discount for cash. You should own a lot in this beautiful suburb. It is a good place to live. An Investment at present prices will prove profitable, as well as sare. It is reached by the West Farnam-Dun-dee car line every elirht minutes from 6 a. m. until after midnight. Go out any day this week with us and see the property. Don't forget the sale next Saturday afternoon. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam. Full information at our office. (19) M417 19 $1,450 INVESTMENT Paying 11 per cent net cottage and lot, walking distance; rents uitt per year; in good repair. PICK THIS UP TOMOR ROW MORNING. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. LIFE. (19)- O'Keefe Real Estate Company 11.600 One block to car, 5-roora cot tage, bath; rents for $16. $2,250 Only few steps to car and school on the bill; 9 rooms and hall; full lot; permanent walk. (2,300 Half block to Park line, close in, 6-room and barn. We have, a special cfeAh price on this. Va us about this. 14,000 NEW 8-rotm, all modern home, complu'j, with shades, - '"screens, ' cemented cellar, floored attic; rents $420 yearly. Would make fine investment. $5,000 Fine location, near 40th and Davenport, 10 rooms, all mod ern, on two full lots; one block to car. SUBURBAN Lx.ND A fine 80-acre tract west of UTm wood park, fronting un West Leaven worth; suitable for dividing into tracts for gardeners or dairymen; commands fine view and has a spring that never runs dry. WESTERN LAND Section in western Nebraska, near main line of U. P. R. R., $6.25 per acre. Will divide. 11.000 acres In Weld county, Colo rado, Just over the Nebraska line. Let ua send you plat and full information. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2152. 09)- WHERE CAN TOU BEAT THIS? A new 8-room house; parlor, dining room, kitchen and bedroom on first floor; four bedrooms and bath upstairs; sewer, gas and water; corner lot 50xi25, south front; located near 28th and Bpauldtng; price, 2,600; you can't afford to m'ss It. C. O. CARLBERG, yll N. V. Life Bldg. (19,- A Good Thino; 811 8. Kjth Ave., one-half block south of Leavenworth St., natural shade trees, a 6 roora house, , modern . except heat. This district Is rapidly developing. Price reduced to $2,600; $500 cash, and the bal ance monthly, PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (110 A PROPERTY on a main business thor oughfaie, having a present annual Income of $1,66, with a frontage on the side street and alley, giving a total availaDle frontage of 210 feet for future permanent improve ment, wnlch would always bring good rent; ought to be a. good purcnase at iu,uu0, 1 iiave such a piece. HENRY F. WVMAN. 1003 New York Lite Bldg. (19)-M?92 1$ EAST front GO-foot lot on 40th, near Jones bt., only $i). F. D. WEAD, lth and Farn'm, Wead Bldg (lao A PROPERTY on a main business thor oughfare, having a present annual Income ot $l,u3i, with a frontage on the side street and alley, giving a total available frontage of 210 feet for future permanent Improve ment, which would alwsjs bring good rents; ought to be a good purchase at M,(M. I have such a piece. HKNHY F. WYMAN. 1008 New York Life Bldg. (19)-M3tt 11 FOR SALE A fine nearly new T-rocm house tullt for a home by present owner. All modern but heat. Large lut, south and east ronl: fine shade trees; sume fruit trees and shrub, bery; cement walks, picket fence around whole lut. Call at 24 N. Uth cH. UXi SS8 lSx MODERN COTTAGE. New S-room cottage, thoroughly well built; double floors, surface floors being maple; large bath room, nice attic; piped for gas and wired for electric light; all modrrn flinblrig. full site screens, etc.; south ront lot (TiroO. lying high and Sightly; price, $1,930; esy terms. C. U. CARLBEKO. 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 19i- REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY TOR SALE. (Continued.) Cost, $S,ft0. Price, $4,350. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE TWO MnPKRN HOUSES FOR HOMFS OH INVESTMENT. NEAR CRETOHTON COLLEGE, TO PE SACRIFICED AT $4.8uOONE-HALF THE OKIUINAL COST. Each has 7 good living rooms, with fur nace, hath, closet, hot water, sewer and gas throughout, large roomy closets, nat ural wood finish, east fronts, one-half block from Walnut Hill and Benson cars, at 24 and No. 27th Ave. If purchased for homes. Immediate possession can be given to south house, which has been renting for $-5 per month. These are both well con-, strutted horses and need only a modest amount of repairing to put them In fine condition. Reasonable terms. See us at once if you want a big bargain.. Houses can be sold separately. Payne Bostwick & Co. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Cost, $8,600. Trice, $4,350. ' ' (19) 417 IS BARGAIN HUNTERS We want to call your attention to a variety or regular hard time snaps. Here are some properties of the Omaha Hav ings bank that failed In i$:m and these prices were made In IPi'l. Have values In Omaha Improved since 1901 six years ago? "Well Just a little." et they have forgotten to raise these prices. Jump In i now and buy these snaps ye bargalav' hunters, ye " snap" seekers. $4,Ono 132 feet cn the northeast corner of Uth and Pierce, with 2-story frame build ing tenting for $25 for a Junk shop. Good tenant would pay good rent. 110 feet vacant on paved street on car line In good business and rental district. Hon estly now this Is a steal at JI.0h. $1.760 A good 6-room cottage with lot 33x132 on Nicholas St., near 22d St. Trackage in alley, which mal es the place a good Investment and ready snle at high prices. WlH sell to colored man. Easy terms. $1,750 Cn Ames Ave., near 30th, on car line. Srrall house and three corner lots. Here 1s your cr.ance to own a home and some day build two new houses for in vestment. $1, SPA-Good 7-room house and full lot In Walnut Hill, five blocks from car line. House needs some repairs. Only $300 down. $4flf0 1318 Capitol Ave., 8-room house, lot 33x120. Lot alone worth $3,2(0. Rent, $25. We can show you how to Improve this place to advantage. We have a stilendtd corner down town on two car lines with 188 feet front that should he Improved. Present owner must sell at a sacrifice. See us for price and location. ACRES ACRES ACRES S acres beautiful land one mile north of Krug Park . at end of Ames Ave. and 65th St. Easy terms. We will buy any acreage you can show us that Is as near the postofflce at this price. , SOUTH OMAHA ACRES $3,00010 acres on West I St., Just north of brick school house, rich garden land. House and other buildings on land can also be bought from present tenant. $1,7506 acres at 40th and Monroe, easy ' $350 I-acre. equal to five city lots, at 41st and Jackson, easy terms. $1.260 6 acres at 502 and county line, high and sightly, easy terms. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam St. (19) WEST FARNAM DISTRICT n New 8-room house, strictly modern, located at 205 S. 42d St.; lovely reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and large pantry, four bed rooms and bath, (bath is 'enameled white),1 an expen- -sive oak gas grate mantle, very beautiful fixtures, natural finish, living rooms newly decorated, yards sodded, walks all In, full lot, street now being paved, nlckle plumbing, furnace. Thia is a lovely home and must be seen to be ap preciated. We will be glad to go and show this property . to you. For terms and price sea . or phone. C. P. TRAVER 1824 Farnam Street. Phone Red 4721. (19) BRICK FLATS Four fine brick houses, In the West Farnam district, strictly modern, . practically new and up-to-date, paved street, east front. This prop erty brings an annual rental of $2,100 and we arc authorized to sell It for $20,000. Better look Into this. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. oai- NORTII 24TII ST. 7-Room, new, all modern house, east and south front, full corner lot. built rig at, lih furnace $J,Sju; without furnace $-,imo; easy terms to good party, Sea. J. W. RASP CO. a Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1653. $4,500 will buy elegant 9-room modern house at 414 N. 81st St.; east front; paved sireet; permanent aide wain; beautiful ian; lare Shade trees; easy terms, if necessary. THOMAS bHLNNAN, Room 1, New lork Life Building. U 731 REAL ESTATE in Bronx Borough, New York City, is the best investment In tne Unlte.d SLatca, because It Increases stead ily in value. J. Clarence Davies, l9ib St., 3d Ave., New York City. (19)-39 Ux LEAVING elty. I wish to sell my home; also household goods; situated 1 block from good car line, 4 blocks from school, near stores. Reasonable part cash. Ad dress 8. KM, Bee for other particulars. (18) M3U3 14x 24 I.OTS in Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying well, close to car line; 20 minutes' ride to Omaha. Will sell altogether or In bunches of five. For prices and torms ad dress H 42. care Bee. (19) 167 FOR SALE. Modern 11-room residence In upper Far nam district, new and elegantly finished, for $14,0u0. Address D 292, care Bee. (19) M 13x LI8T your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. U9) m EAL ESTATE TITI.E TRUST nf CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres VW- (19) 893 SEE plat of DUNDEE in today's paper. Bws'-front lot within t blocks of Hanscom and Grand Ave., on grade; permanent walks. Call Owner, Webster (18) 409 13x i , i FOR BALE By the owner, a modern 7 room house. 1129 at 28 U. (19) ltJx REAL ESTATE at reasonable prices; write fur list. lL ii. Robinson. Sunta Crui, Ci. (13j Alaki Nix REAL ESTATE FARM A"fl RANCH LA.U FOR SALE Arkansas. BAT! Homcseeker, speculator. Investor, don't buy or move until you get particu lars concerning northwest Arkansas; you will be surprised: don't wait. Address Oswalt, Oravelte, Ark. lAo-Mill 14x 'ONE SECTION Of land In Lincoln county. Nebraska. Price, $6 per acre. Owner will exchange for small house and lot In Omaha. W. L. SELBY, Agent. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. , , (20)-M223 13 CalUernta. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED LAND-Valu-able Information for homeseekeis. Bulle tin Issued by National Irrigation congress oa the great Hscramento valley ma led free. Drop postal to Chas. t . O nr. en. iept 163, 1107 Post Bt., Kan Franc soo. Cal. (J Colorado COLORADO LAND YIELDS GOLD. In Its staple crops, It returns more profit per acre than land in any other state. More than Its gold mines. I have four fine sections under proposed reservoir at $12 at. acre. With reservoir In will bring $io. Buy now and makw money. John T. Hol brooks, 1711 California St., Denver. . UO)-354 13x i . . , i . . 1 ' I4hie. 0?CE MILLION acres of Irrigated land in trie Upper Snake river valley, Idaho, the cheapest land and the most abundant water supply on the entire continent. Three beet sugar factories In the valley. An Ideal fruit country. An unsurpassed climate. No destructive storms, no sero weather, no grain or fruit pests. The next big city Idaho Falls, Idaho. It is des tined to become the greatest railroad cen ter and the largest city In the state. For full particulars address Idaho Falls De velopment Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. (20) ' I0WAFARM 160 acres In Monona county. Iowa, lm proved, 140 acres cultivated. Pruee $09 per aire. Owner will take one-half in ex change for Omaha income property or a stock of gencial merchandise. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (20)- BEST bargain on market, 400 A., all fine land. 8 miies N. E. Spirit Lake, la., well Improved; best soil; must be sold; worth J7 per A. Price next 80 days, $4!.50; one-ihtid cah; bul. terms. Write for particulars. E. Stcbbings, Spencer, la. (2O)-M107 Ux WESTERN IOWA corn land for sale and exchange. Write H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa, la. (20) M6S5 013x Kansaa. LINN COUNTY, KANSAS, LANDS. 200 acres, improved, terms $50 160 acres, fine as silk 80 acres, close in 65 40 acres, wa.klng distance 20 bargains galore. M'CARTY & RENEAU. La Cygne, Kan. (20)-M9.' Ux Miaaoarl. FOR SALE 600 farms, stock ranches, Kansas and Missouri; prices from -'& to $uO per acre; from 40 to 2, (HO acres. Before you buy, sell or exchange, write for our free list, giving full descrip tion, location and price direct from own era. F. H. Humphrey, Fort Scott, Kan. (20)-M106 14x ' Montana. FOR. SALE Two homestead relinquish ments, covering fine tracts of agricul tural land near Culbertson, Mont.; pr.ee, $300 each. A. O. Middleton. Culbertson, Mont. (20)-M!a Ux Nebraska. . SAFE iVND. PROFITABLE Investments In Nebraska farm lands are the safest and best to be had. During the last month we , have sold several tracts of land that have shown wonder .. ful profits. A quarter sold in Perkins ' county that netted the owner over one hundred per cent in one year. One in Box Butte county , tht brought thiee hundred jer cent. One in Chase county that showed one hundred and fifty per cent. Why not buy now and get In on the SAFEST Investment poss'ble with such profits in view? We have a large line and it ' takes only a few hundred dol lars rash. Below we give a few samples: No. 8401180 acres, Box Butta county, only No. 617 lfiO acres, Scott a Bluff county, only $H40. No. 428100 acres. Box Butte county, very cheap at $XO0. No2ikJt 100 acres, Dundy county, a snap. No. 6507 lfiO - acres, Chase county, very cheap, $1,050. No. iiia liA acres. Hayes county, a very tine quarter, $1,600. . No. 640', im acres. Perkins county, close to county seat, $1,600 ' Also a fine etrhty of land all under cultivation and six miles from town, crop this last year y'elded about $l',i00. In v-.irRt rountv: all f-nred but no other improvements, . for $6,000. Call and see us, as we have thousands of acres In tracts from 90 acres to 4S0 acres. Bold on liberal terms and In many cases with enly $2u0 cash down.. PHILIP POTTER CO., Phona Doug. 470. 410-420 N. Y. L. Bldg Omaha. (20)- FIRST-CLAS8 Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or investment. Bemis, Omaha. (20-6 KIMBALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Two sections 3 miles north of Kimball, smooth land, i black eoil, $4 26 per acre. Terms can be arranged. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (20)-136 II STOCK FARMS FOR SALE IN LAN raster county, Nebraska. Onlv 12 nines from Lincoln and two miles from good little town, a fine slock farm of 620 acies. Good Improvements, 3u0 acres under cul tivation. An eastern owner obliged to make a quick aa.e offers It for $40 per acre. One of the best bargains we have ever handled. Reed 4k Knapp, 122 N 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. (2uj M3U 19x 49 ACRES Sarpy county land fur sale, $40 1 er acie; half ittuli; halance SuulU Omaha property. W. A. Wooley. Spring field. Neb.. R. F. D. No. 1 (iu-MJ6i 13x FOR BALE 640 acres of the finest stock ranch land in the west: fin hsv; un limited spring water: good gracing; I m'hs from Halgler, Neb. E C. Moran, 47 South Canal fcU Chicago. III. (20I-MH8 16x , BARGAINS In Wavne county, Nebraska, land; fine Improved (arms, good as Iowa lands, at half the prices. Inquirs of W. L. Robinson, Carroll, Neb. . (20j-M272 lSx 313 ACRES on the Sarpy county line 41I.4i. R D. Wead, lath and Farnam. Wead Bldg. t?J MAL ESTATE FIRM and RANCH I.AMnS FOR At-l3 JVebrnskM 4;tiai. lftt ACRES Improved farm Pyen mllea from Omaha... postofflce, W"- F. D. Wead. lMh and- ertian, Wead I own SOW) acres of fine level land, rich, black soil. In Deuel county, N"--..."! for numbers and barKln prices. V llllam, Madgett. Hastings. Neb. (0- , M ACRES nesr Elkhorn. $3.0 Worth Im provement. $100 an acre. Other Douglas county farms. J. A., Gibbons. Elkhorn, Neb. ' 40 ACHES, a little beyond Benson; well Improved $7.01 . , . , . F. D. WEAD, 16th and Farn m, Wead Bldg 120J i North Dakota 1 A SNAP. 80 aores choice land near Hecla, 8. D.1 must be sold at once; If Interested, Bee V. OsUorne-Hajisen, 441 Paxton block. ' jm 57 (20) 4G1 IS'T FOR SALE An elcgnnt farm In Roberta county. South Dakota, at your own price, if taken at once) must be sold. Address owner, C. K. Jorgenson, Aberdeen. 8. D. ( 366 13X Mlacell CHEAPEST land In U. S. for H the crop! no cash. Nat. Inv, Co., Brandels Bldg. - . . . - : (20)-MXU ox 160-acre farm 114 miles south of Bout It Bend: food stock farrn; SO aores under cultivation, 80 acres in pasture and sonin timbers good four-room house, barn for eight horses, double corn crib, granary. ' chicken house, hog house and other out buildings; good well at house; fenced and cross-fenced, eight acres hog tight. PrtcA, $ per acre. Located In Cassj county. Neb., and ona of tha best stock farms In the state. W. S. FRANK, XX Seville ' block. Omaha. . . ; (20)-M2SO IS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Ranch Iaua4a. FOR RENT Part of 125 acres, 1 mile norttt of Florence; small house and bHrn, 15 oerefc hill land and balance bottom land, subject to overflow wet years; splendid chicken farm or dairy cash and shar rent; possession Nov. 1. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. . (a)-M304 15 GOOD FARM to rent; lfiO acres broken out, 40 acres hay land and pasture; one-third crop, rent, and $2 per acre for hay and pasture; party must come ' well recom mended. Keorge W. P. Coates, Coleridge, Neb. (2D-356 13 ' REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemis, f Paxton Block. . . . V . . : ' (22)- WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. " ...' ' (22)-8!)7 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.; 1320 Farnam St. , . ., .. 22)-9iO $l,0no,ao TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. Y.' Life. ..... .. (22)-8 LOANS on Improved Omaha - property. O'Kcefe R. E. Co., 100 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-904 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 605 First National Bank Bldg. (22)-98 UNION LOAN ft INVEST. CO., 810 Bee Loans on Real Estate, 4 Bldf . Buy lBt and 2d mtgea. 'Phone Doug. 2904. .s , .. (22)-421 Novll $500 to $50,000 TO- LOAN Bt lowest rates; no dolay.. JARV1N BROS., 106 Farnam. ' (22)-901 WANTED Building loans. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, r .... Tel. Doug. .178t (22)-727 12 MONEY WANTED To loan, on Improved I'll IIIIL'I V CVJ S. D. F. E. sans. Gregory. (22) 367 134g rlvsttsi mnnv farms in uregory county, s. u. t. Harrison Real tterale and 44a S. D. $600 TO $65,000 TO LOAN-Prlvafe money? no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. I. Lire. . . , . . , (22)-906 $ino to $!0.cno made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., leth and Farnam. - '. (22)-M212 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (2)-03 FARM mortgage of $2,000, oer cent semi annually; also a city mortgage of $1,200. draw(ng 6 per cent, for sale. Patterson, 1823 Farnam St. ' (22)-M441 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy $ or cottages In arood location end must be tn good condition. I am buying these as sn Investment, so they must be good. Address L 849. Bee. - - . (231-247 13 ANY one having farm or small business for sale; phase write Immediately. Will deal with owner only. No agents. Lo cator Publishing Co., Mlnneap-d's. Minn. (20)-3f.8 18x WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $2,700 on gilt-edged Omaha real estate security, low rate. Address S 4i2, care Bee. (24) M448 15 WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for second-hand clotnlng, shoes, etc. 3o No. ltli t. Tl. tted tea- O)-07 WANTED To buy a good billiard and pool hall. Address T. B., Box 754, Nevada, la. (25) M982 21 x WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, rook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furnftrre, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and ail kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest prices paid. Call the rlht man. Tel. Doug. 3971. (25) M4i3 Oct31 WANTED Good buffalo kead; advlae con dition and cash price. C. C. Smith, Hist St., Pittsburg, Pa (25)-4fl 21 x CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 813 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1SJ1. (26)-206 WANTED To buy a Boston Terrier of Brlndie Bull Pup. State price and terms In first letter. Address P 388. care Bee. (3)-177 12X WANTED TO BUY. We want to buy for rash $ rooming houses, 10 to 30 rooms, 1 steam-heated, for s-t cash. Bee the KEYSTONE 4 4 Bee B1J' (35) M464 13x WANTED A small team for rural mail route. 2210 Ave. A. Council Bluffs. (35 MM3 14x WANTED A piano, first class make only; not much untd. State make, time usd and cash price. AdJrvas O 41U care Bee. (26) 479 13 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two nice rooms for light house-U-epir,g; close in; must be within 13 blocks of Bee Bldg. Auiiiress L 34. Bee. a, M140 l-x WANTED-To rent, on October 19. a 4 or 6-room modern cottage, with bath, or $ to 4 unfurnished rooms In private resi dence, for IlKht housi keeping, with use of bath: reasonable refit. Address C. A. Baiid. 181 High St., Des Moines. Ia. ui-Ma 14x WANTED Blx or 7-room modern house within walking distance from postofflce; II. children. Address E 411. Bee. (AI-M2S1 14x YOUNG gentleman wishes board and room In or'vt.o family. References. Address K 423, Bee. (.; M391 lx ROOM aud Ixiard for young married couple, walkln j(J I lane J t y Ji a 11. 2f) MI71 Vox WANTED SITUATIONS COMPETENT woman wants engagements ' r sewing In families. Address N int. Bue. ... t$7)-172 12x WANTED Position as bartender by middle-aged genilsman, with good references. Address J tale lfcrtk U0-M143 lit, . i