THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: OCTOBER 13, 1007. OFFERED TOR SALE REAL ESTATE riTT morrnTT for salk. iC'onlihupd.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTY FO gALE (Continued.! REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALES. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPf'BTV FOR SAtE. 'Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PRttPKItTV FOll Mlt (Continued.! REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RA.MCII LA.D FOR BALH CITY (Continued.) L nrnere; caalint ifrea. ln tMUi k mi . Connell Drug Co., (Imnha. Neb. (16) 2:6 FOR 8AI.K Ro!htnrr dft(', chairs. Tables, rug, offices fur rent.. W. A. Kerr. 4t-6 N. Life Hid. -,, SKN'D VfJ.voiir mfiil rnlU3" f"r drugs'; freight paid mi $10 lotfi. - Myer-I1Hnn tnnf Co.. Omaha. tK-' . OAK ROLLKR-'TOP DiK. lt$ cobdli !"n; must b ru)J tbl Week. V'r.: Mb ftt. .-. - . .!) M2M 14 ' IKIVROP ATIUC ritricd!ea. rwh'nlcale. re- tall.- Bhfrrrjfin McConnMI fr"g Omaha. Neb, ' ., ' .. .i- kii ISlui i i II i FOR SAt-lf-Ono' art M,'are.'gn.l ' nrt one neiHtng stove-. Address V 471. fill; M44jt ' BRrOND-HANP fwrcoats-and - ftrmrnw. Sinter, N. 1Ut. -..! VKi STO salt." , Wall,- kLT. .(' t-f hbl. .WeBtrt 1N Mthk 8 afw, new, 2d-hatuV W8 Karnafi. ' flftl V.O . .V t,'..l. .T T,,. jiiji, :- ..i KINB klt'-RW Ktp4 cowl .rtniaa for -sale cheap. -Tel, tlarnev SiWi Jbtt-eM41 hV "' e.- LARGE trnderfced furnnci.;- been In use only two vears; t, 'ZHQ W"clef. St.- Tel.' Don gins WJ1.H .?.!. . siIrM4iH) ISS' GOOD Orient motftrrvH- for-snle che4p. to N.itir ..';.." ..- 2 -ia; PATENTS : T i D. O. BAftNELli. patent attorney-tond ma chine designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. y - '.T ?(?--M428 LARSON' & CO.-Bpok f re. ; Beetf Bldg. PATENT THAT PROTKC'?! Our tljrec books for Inventors mailed on recetpt Of cents stamps. R, 8. & A- B. Laeey Rooms Pallte" Bldtf,,-WashlrrW",, l. C. Establlwhsci iWB,., , , , , . j.o-r-M;!2 IP YOU have a natant for .sale., don't ..toll to write us.' We are" reliable and long eHtabllahed. Ullbert Davlfv- t'o., .. Mln,j, - polls, Minn. 1'-,LU 1 PERSONAL THE ,EI JTFM ASSAGES Chalybeate' ic'fub'baThs; expert lady oper ator; room 206 ker hi oc; tth and Far nam; new establishment. t 14x TO DEVELOP the form. Let ub send you free Dr. Cattwrine 1,-Klly's slmpl hunie .treatment for parting lh bust plump and lull. It . Hiurafxi' ner uual -anUf iui oi her patients sometimes seven slices, and we haveyt to M a single failure. Write ; today, Dr..iKiHmftidicai t,'p.;l, .133, Buffalo, .N.J Y.i v'.' ;.' ...'( USjr. LADIES ATTENTION :Toung farmer, American, moderate clrournsiauces, wants wire or, howselteeper immediately. . Ad dress Y.Mr.Bt: (la 42 llx. YOUNG WOMEN' coming- to "Xmmhra strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association rooms, 1518 Farnam street... where they .will be di rected to-, suitable i btwrfllng. places or otherwise assisted. (18) 816 f WiMVTTf1 Osteology and Masaaga iUVtJ J. Ej K i Vjv, ypor f iwld' 'i'ub Butss.i Room X 1'f.rnV DIC AT iKT Jrivf VAUi WINDS.' PLEATIN G.,,ry Dyeing and' cl3ftntg, 'sponging.'1 end' shrinking only 6c par.-, yard. ...Sena, for price and samples. , GOLDMAN- PLETtJf 0-! t0.; -10 Douglas Block. . Tet-DbugWa l93S. (181883 A HOME'Ru-i 0iiwnuj8i(i. clmnatnient will find comfortable homes for babies , whose moMiers cannot orer far lbmr C- i will find comfortable homes for babies commoaairon mut ciassr terms reasonaoie. Address Mother Lee, Superintendent Tin ley Homo. -"FTldhe'TlOUKla inq. 4(H Ban . "PTiofie Tiougiasinq. wj, croft. THE SALVATION' HMy' solicits rfestioft clothing; ' In , fact, anything vou do not need. Wcnllei-t,' rertalf 'Sihf scltj af U ''N. 11th fit.-, for rtwt efcollettlpg,' tolthe worthy poor. Call 'pligne Doug. 41319 and Ufagon wjl ffill.;," '.it Hll-i JrilYESrvt!,i, tnvsiu. 1,Vai-jl8ss.v' fiittn 'Skin .Powdery (s fTilala jr.(Jurl!latlurlug LIFtU 08) PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HQMEMrs7 pr. King.124 i. an'.;8 V. sSveb.,; JSf 9, ' . o'nts-ftvy :v'i3 vUh-sm. WE BENT1 j'rtiaimlneif ''$i,iiv , w'pr';,3 per mohtTl'.. Kebraska Cycle Co., iccu-nen 16th and Ha;w,UlM tvoira (18-690 Building. (16)-887 pennell i i l$j rt y IH4MtERYJCO.,'l5n Douglas. I $ V j i ' ) yl8-187 Nn SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send - f,pf frea .cUlogu,; Rvere Dtllon Drug CO.; OmnliaT . W-8S5 . . -, , . : fi..r. ..a - f - . . i I ENLARGayeuttsBtuit.U Ladies V4t ft) : lfl inches at home.wtlhvpr.. Conway'a. Bu folds at trifling cdst;-$l,0o0 If we can't; -those developed In pAt-''il0 'Var pfovfl 'tig permanent, safe and ,ure. . Seaited facts 4c stamps. Conway Specific Co 164 Tremont St.; 'Boston,' Mass.' GKNTI.EM Tf f46 "R-lsltef tOvTftrJBtimpd with lady We-eimrd 'trt fftrnnnnyr ai- dress J. Urioii.'lUl -K.. lSHh-Ht...' Omsivu. .Neb. w.m ;ii.i4 ,VJI 18-) 446 13x 4 ' 'lUniin. iJuj FAIR, healthy, satin . skin . heowed .by Satin Skin Crtatofajitlkajln kth. Powder. fe. . : t (U 1 UPERFLT'OTT8 HAIR, warts end mole permanently removed, ny letrlclty cn oltatlon free1 and confidential; all work guaranteed.- ' Miss '.Alltnder. , (US., N. -,Y. " Life. v .. .. ..... . c .' . cui).... - ifi I .,1... 1; ; HANDSOMK youhg'.laijy, ' "worth $25.0, wants aconafrrtanc pf 'hnphrtiljle' feentlo,-! man; early marv'age; ' no oblectlona td poor man If hrnest.7 "Addres Mrs. W..' 7 Fulton St. Chleagi).- - "' r' -08) ' OMAHA Steam Paste -Co., manufacturers rre nour pnawv 22i0 Cuming. Tcletihbne Douglas 16J1.. ' f-nm MARRIAOH peber;- hlpbegt chhractef ; The sealed; tncftrpmnoed; flfh year: exclusive; confidential; reliable. R: K: 1ve. box JK Denver, Colo.,,, . (18)2. 13xA BCHNOOR'lt likncfn S-"hooi; nf 'xx-niMnW-ton hall, lMh1 and Jlatner!' fom'Vien.-Ing Thursday. Oct. 17. 8 p. m.- f8-M5T0 Ux REAL" ESTATE HSiLi ESTATE DEILRRI, BU68ELL M KlTRtCK TO.;' 43lamfe. .' " .' ; (19)- f ' - ' I ' .. . '.- . PAYNE INV.i CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 1781. f," ' , -', tyU 8 j PETERS TRUST Cftf tTTilu Bldg: ' ' rt -- -' -(!)- GEORGBi COMPANY, X801 Farnam..!, i a . .lI Tal. Douglas--T5& i- i. fc .'. i.- 4ttl 4. A. J. PECK CO.-Iteal estate barenln. - f -.1 m,nl - A ' i.;a, . CITY PRUPKRTV. IOR I ALE. .J . A WORQ.IO-tHE . ,wi;p , . They have always sa'd a word to the wise la sufficient; thep why fay more Dvan 65 . Qf iu original sw ui ic uunt.i urn nave been sold? This la - .doubt-the most Ideal .place for miles aroupd, for a suburban home; don't U:j tj. other fellow fnak all the mor.ey; buy mk of these sites before they are all gone; It, la, bound to double tu value' In .n veryshqrt flmey let V take you out aixl aiuw.jfoii jbow you can muke money by purchaslpg a sits In Keystone "Park PAYNE .tNVJB&TUENT CO.,.' New York Life Bldg. . D. V. SJiOLES COMPANY. , Board, ot Trade ttuiiOtu. , ., J1U1I Ti XVj BmlU, 18 tit 16n, 2d floor. : - h m ; ' m) OMAHA SUrtitwerers' trmfUitte.' Ramae 'HOMES OF ALL KINDS :" I . AND PRICES ' ' "S i-4!fJ ' rJif"-nU ' lot f"1S3. larao rooms, beautiful nk finish and oak Moors, hot wtitef h st, lertrle lights and gas, fine combination fixtures, cemented 1-ellor, rrt!tloned off. tiled bath, ' 4.5ii i7i, n. pa l Bt., roimie, recptio n hH. attic, screens, all modern conveni ences, cemented cellar, hot water hent, cement block foundation, paved street, corner Jot, nearly, new. i; ' ,-' i r . . ; v y Vlfilt-MX HI IMli 8t:.. r'ffinis, entirely modern, built for a home,' small barn, ce ment walks, screens and storm windows, good furnace. $2.T1 1714 William St., 10 roonm, rlty water and sewer, double cellar, modern ex cept heMi rents for $24, Owner wants offer. 2.4fm Jth and Ptrtkney, S rooms and reception hall, modern except heat, gas and electrfc- light. Eawy 4erms. ..ICtnofiO". Manderson 5 moms, partly modern, good lot. easy terms. I2.90O-3107 Pratt St.,' lot 5::140 feet, S-room house, a good proposition. ' ' ' fS.'flto iWll flamllton street, fine, large 7-rcom. entirely modern house, just com pMed. beatrflfully deeoratefl,' large lot 00x150 feet, nice terrace, cement steps ami wnlks all around-, bice aiVaneuient of room. You can't buy the ground a,ml build the house for the .same.' motley. Only $l,oni) to handle this. 1 Hamilton street, ground floor cottng.,-,'6 large rooms, all nicely papered, entirely modern, good funjuoe, fine, shade trees, paved street., nice barn, permanent walks, south, front ..on. car Ine. . An ideal home and tho price Is low. I2.7SO 4017 North '3tth it., stone -cottage, 7 rooms, modern except heat. Just com pleted, an Idonl coltag..- Aliat will last forever. , ji.toi) 2!W3 Martha. rooms, fine lot, modern except h3at, In good neighborhood. V5 can sell this for 1500 down, balance 6 per cent interest. K.mXai Bpauldina fit,, large H-room house, in very best or repulr. modern except hewt, full lot, 3 blocks frpm car. Owned by' a bank. They command us to Bfc.L.U. Makr u an offer on tli4 r : tJ.ton-Kih. und Vhndo. 5 ronmm orner Int. fnodein except heat, east front, 2 blocks from car. a nice piece of properly. Easy terms. ..'. v-.4"t- . . tf,..-,M I '.,'!..'....; Otnce open Monday evening. HASTINGS & HEY DEN 1704 Parnsm. , . residence sites B.2W-EI-foot n. rtb frontage on ' Cuming. between lSth and l&th. ' Wi xY4'i, corner lot. ith and Fort. $l,6t)o Wxir.0. on Sonth 2!tth, near Shirley. II.ihio 4'.xl5S, on South 24tli, near Vinton. -l,H(i-4i'xl.'jj, on South UtU, near Vfnton. JH00 50x7i, south front on Poppleton. near jrrm '...'!,' , riOO 44xlS5, east front on South 10th, near Bancroft. ' ' 1700 Full east fnht lot on paved St., 34th and Frances. - t. .. $700 South front lot on Seward, near 35th. u-Huin rron ioi on oewara, near J,,"1.' ' ... Lnt nn N,.r.h li.h ne-r Fort. JOOO 44X130, east front on 29th and Frank line. $450 40x124, eaat front . on. 2Stb, near lilondo i . .. ; $i Full lot on Fort, near J7th. ' Ji Each for two lots, near 24th. and Fort, s ' . Lqts south of Miller Park, .$160 to $200 rtewn and $5 per month. 'Phone Doug, too West Farnam Home $12,500 One of the best located homes In the city. IwUh hard wood finish and all conveniences, .Including, tiled .'bath room.- Must be sold at once, run iriiormaiion on request. J' 3. 11: DUMONT. &.S0N, i( bit Farnam fiC 0)- (16 FT. on lfitli, south of Cuming street; well rented. $12.5). F. D. WEAD, lth and Farnnm, Wend Bldg . - fi'T, -:. -'- -t c9) ,50 ACKKS,' 50th 'and Brawn' Stir'.1' eaav terms, i $1 , PM. V. D. -Wearf, ' 18t h a nd Fa r nam. WeattBldg: riS) -X 1 : !,!w ,C . AS. 'i.Jii . mil ba e PE;TERS TRUST CO. $2,100 This is brand new six-room cot- --; Jage tn the north part of the city. It - ,V' Is equipped, with eliy water and gas. . -irhe In.erlor Is finished in- oak i n-re -la a good barn in the. rear. Call us -"" utj,-r Dikwiss kat wl let u show it .s'nto you:- tt la sure to satlspy you. .' Ik". i - $2,500 This -is a - 84x--room -all modern cot - . tags bear the Park lino ckr and WtKihvortti. ft' Is -located: In a- beuu- tlful neighborhood and near one of the finest schools In the city, We tbink It l - bargain.: $2,900 Near Sherman Ave. and Madison we offer a five-room cottage Just being - -completed.1 It la modern In every re '- fepeot- It was built for a home by the , . owner, but he now has good reasons f' -to sell. ,' FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $S,W0-On the east aide of 36th St., between Woolworth and Poppleton, the north house of those facing west; Is com- piete. This has eight rooms, with large living room extending east and went across' the entire house, with ' a large brick fire piace tn the east end. ITie nrst floor IS nnlslied in "mahogtiri.' Hot water heat, trie -bst Vnd latest plumbing fixtures, a well & " house;' A ftrire pprch, 10 feet in width ijj1. frent - .i - - i ccmemea uttBtfinuui unger ruin c PETERS TRUST GO. Ground Floor New York Life Bldg. tTiURD. AND LAST CALL ; X j - $ 4 i 6 0 . This la the third reduction of $'.50 on the property - and the last one that can be made. This is the week owner planned to move, can only delay a few days, and It's going to be sold. . . "Aii good fbarius for a large family to be homed- very, moderately ai d a v rv r mmiihle amount, caeh down. . will, do; 10 rooms and atnble, lull lot, ahsde uil mi.ih lyj paved -street, -ell paid for; new roof, new ifumace, new .porcelain tub, -screens, storm windows laundry, big ante: house and: barn newly painted; very complete and now a big bargain; half , block from two car lines. West t:nd district. i1mlU property In the block, little bet ter, IS beldat $i.0fo. Don't tall to act if at all Interested; the proporty ts going. Location near Catholic new cnthedraL " WILUM KLEMrO. . 211 fi. lh. . ;'p.uuue Douglas 17. t - (19)" BEAUTIFUL front lot on 40ll. near Dewey Ave. '-.ufF. -F. D. WEAD, liiih and Farnam. Wead B S. (19) k - ' ' Ba.iOAINS. ' -so aorta, 11 miles N. W im roved. $8 '. lt acres Burt county, lirn'rivied, $12,no. iuxVii. east, 311$ Franklin, $.' KixUl, east tront, m. Hill, .-iO. t,iH.), Bouth tilth, $1.8j6. Sxl4A soulii trout, dure In. $1 .310. Near 3!t and Davenuort. StixXM, 1,CjO. Vinton, i rooms, $l.iiiO. , i ,, , an Cass tu . u-'xixi iu t:'o.' . -ji.'al iiavenpent, 7 rooms, $J,"(AI. Sjl5 Reea. $ji rental. $-'.3i. 7 rooms, rusdern, near 2olh and Grace, v - lluxl-14. N. E... 3h an Webster, $.M0. i $ atrrss and flats. $i0 rental, J;.ioii. Near lllult school. $h40i rental, $.UWI. ! lsilOO IL, corner, Ithin six blocks of nosKimce. Maui. 6 brick stores. $1,1X0 rental. $l$.Sof. N. W, cor. 14th and Dd:e. 4o ft., -story and basement, brie. $3,5. MAiti N. FRKNZEft, Opp. Old P. O. " (1 49 1$ HOME3 ON EASY PAYMENTS. F .ur i rim houses. $26 to $l.tmo. r Five -4-i ooin houses. I'M to $l.3u0. . Twenty-dye o-roym houses. l.ii to $J,3uO. ''xten t-rootn houses, $1.1 to rj.OjO. four 7-romn bouses. $l.C-uu to $..700. Ma -room bouses. $1.:1m let $4 t. Two t-room bouses, i.itO to $D."u0. Tl.rte Hrtwm houeea, ti.ttrt to ti.000. 1 - have a l.-ge llt of vacant lets. I have a large liat of invesUnenta. luvaati gals for yitirelf. BiLAd HOBBIN3, Frsnser Block. 1-4S 1$ Doug. M16. (1) jfYkrnpr I nt WpQt I JUL $1 L Farnam Excep io.nally Cheap W hnv, unld nart of the southeast corner of 36th and Dewey Ave., and are authorised to oier the balance. B4xl32 (corner) for a few days at much less than Its value. This Is a beautiful piece of ground in the choicest residence district of Omaha. Full particulars on request. J. II. DUMOXT & SON, ltu Farnam St. (19) BUY FOR A HOME OR FOR ' INVESTMENT The 7-room house and lot located near 30th and Leavenworth, newly painted and JfUl III Jeil-V. V IMMI i I Mill , in "11 irilir., $: per month. Price $3,000. 'Phone Doug. 6& EEMI3, Paxton BlocK. (lfl) 8-ROOM HOUSE Large 6-room house, thoroughly modern, hot-air furnace,- shade and east front lot W)xl5, South 35th Ave.. 2 blocks to car. Owner leaving city and must be sold In the next week. Iet us show you this and make ua an offer. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, . . 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4574. (19)-242 12 42x120 on S4th street, hear Hamilton, with 2 stores rented for $360. Prlco for lmmedl- ate sale. $$iu0w F. D. WEAD, 18th and Farnam, Wead Bldg. (19) Tel. Real Estate $6,250 On the east side of S5th 8t., between . Woolworth and Poppleton, the nild " die house of the three new ones fac ing west, we offer for sale at tnis iiKure. ine arrangement ana treat- ment inside or thi. .inht.rnnn, !,,.. is unique and stylish, extending acrotis the entire front of the house, cnhga'nVdnV.rhn' wT sleeping rooms and large bath, with ! modern fixtures, on the second floor. TapJ.rf cetVTll ment underneath entlio house. Thtae houses will have to be seen to be ap preciated. Let us show them to you. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT " , $6,500 Have you a warm house for the winter? If not, here Is one you can move rlghtlnto. This house has Just been completed. The' Interior has been beautifully decorated, has' gas and electric fixtures, and all the shades are up, and the interior presents an attrac-; tlve appearance. The living room Is large, wnn preuneu ornn lire pmi-B in uiib euu. The whole first floor is nlnished In oak. The basement is cemented and there Is a with 76 per cent, tai,B j (fi eater heatlntf capacity thi Call and let ub show thi to man necessary you, 'Phone Douglas sw. (19) 10 NET INVESTMENT Two bouses, 6 and 7 rooms each, modern except furnace; one new, the other In excellent shape; walking dis tance; paving paid in full; cement walks, lawn; rent $600 per year. Price $5,000. . . I lllS IS a genume Snap and yOU must hurry if you get it ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. Life. 09)- SEVEN-room house on 10th St., near Ban croft; lot o3xli10. $l,oCO. F. D. WEAD, ISth and Farnam, Wead Bldg, - (19) Bargain Near Hanscom Park " 50x150 $800 East-front within 2 blocks of Hanscom Park entrance; lies sightly, one block to car line. Adjoining lota are held from $l.ui0 up to $1,00 each. Address J-41&, Bee Office. (1!) W 13x $2,300 One block from 3 car lines, walking dis tance from business section; sis-room cot tage, modern except heat. See this. "WILLIAM E. ROMANO, Tel. Douglas 131$. S3 Board Trada USD 73 lSx TWO BR"AIN8. 2? P. 1Mb tt.. rooms, modern; $ lota. 3406 Burdette St., 7-room modern bouse. Make offer. 806 N. ISth tit. Tel. D. 4147. (1) 620 l$x BUT THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 26th and Fort stresis. only $??. I O. NordijulBt, Owner, ii B. h bu KEYSTONE PARK OMAHA 'S LATEST ACQUISI TION IX SUBURBAN HOME PROPERTY Is located 1H milea west of the Country Club and adjoins the city of Benson on the west. Tli's Men) acreage was put on the mar ket In May of this year and up to date ex actly slxty-rlve of the original ninety tracts hae iieen sold to tnnroiirfiily satisned cus tomers. As a suburban home location-. Keystone Park can never be equaled. The beauty of the place was formed by na ture and can never be marred by man. The natural beauty of the country has been enhanced by the artistic drives which wtnd through the grounds, and the plant ing of many beautiful trees and shrubbery, whlcn render It pleasing to the eye. The cost the thing that interests you Is o low, that It need not prevent you from be coming tne owner of one of these beautiful tracts of land THINK OF IT! You can purchase three or four acres of land for the same price you would pay for one ordinary 60-foot residence lot. As a site for a suburban home Keystone Park can never be surpassed. As an Investment It will beat a bank account, as the value of these tracts will surely double In comparatively short time ASK I.S ABOUT . Keystone Park PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg. D. V. 8HOLES. First Floor, Board of Trade. !! $2,100 Home $200 Cash. $30 Per Month. We havo a fine seven-room house, mod ern except furnace, and has a good cement cellar. Thin Is on a paved street and has permanent walks and beautiful shade trees. It Is In the west end of town and only two blocks from two car lines. This piece of property Is worth fully $3,000; our price is fci.luo; $joo cash, balance M per month. 8-ROOM HOUSE Here's your chance to Ret a aood home 1 chean. Thi. I. an oWht. ,,i- ! ern except furnace. It has permanent walks and Is only one block from the car llI10 wlce rj.Oiiu: easv terms. VACANT We have a fine lot 60x128 on 46th St., near Merkilth Ave. This Is a dundy and Is worth twice as much us we are asking for it. Price $160. $1,250 A fine corner lot, 42x152 feet, on Webster St., near 2&th, and omy one block from the car. This Is near Creiguton college and la worth 6uo more than we are aaulng. Price $1,260. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. . 'Flisi l.i Jj.ugias 1,81. (19- ACRE with 6-room houso and barn, 64th and Poppleton. $l,80u. F. L. WbAlJ, lsth and Farnam, Wead Bldg. .'I U) W. H. GATES Room 61 N. . UCe titlg. 'Phone Douglas $4,200 Seven-iooui new modern bouse near 30th and Burt, hardwood ,., .. ,, , , h,nit bmmo mil nniBh, au extra weil built house. lull basement, lioored attic, east tront lot 6UX10U 4)500-Nlne-room modern houe at 1315 Spencer bt., large barn, lull lot, LrfVed Bti.ltt. , modern touse I at Z115 Emmet bt., arraugea ior two lamllles, lot 6uxl24, paved street $3,600 Eight-room modern bouse, with hardwood finish, large bouse, at 1UU7 Pinkney St., lot 50x124. $3,000 Eight-room. well built bouse, modern except furnace, at 2514 Binney St., In nice order, built ft : owner' 80Utn .Iront 101 44xl." wuu iruti uo Buruuueij, a uvmc. $2,600 Six-room house, most new, moaern except furuace, on Spencer St., JTnMntr nt I9K ' near liin,. renting at 40. fi.uu eix-room new nouse ztxis, 3 rooms down and 3 rooms upstairs; full basement all bricked up, on a lot 50x150, la Walnut liiu; wen water BIG BARGAIN. Cheap vacant lot 51x125, on Nicho las, near 29th, paved stnfcH. only $400. Corner lot 50x100, 3uth Und Ers klne, half block to car on paved street, only $375. Cheap lot western part of city, 5 Ox 135, 3 5th and Cass, tor $400. Five-room cottage, lrge rooms, near Hanscom park, 1735 South 27th, lot 00x150, for $1,800. (19)- 5EE plat of DUNDEE in today's paper. TWO SPECIALS $4.200 New 7-room house, oak finish, three large rooms and 10x12 reception hal', on first floor, three large bedrooms, ba'.n and store room on second floor, house fully modern, combination fixtures, built , oy amy uiiur ivr ii wiiieut uumc, uui owner must go ,to California account of poor liraiLII. X BU,c oiiu nr. ii, ia iii.iu., as it Is a lovely home,- TM North 30th. $4 400 New 7-room houso, oak finish, fully modern, nice reception hall, parlor, dining room, swell 10x10 den, and kitchen ; nrst floor, three large bed rooms ana Dam j second floor, full slse basement, making a beautiful home, never onerea Deiore. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. LIFE $321 California St. (19) 437 13 HOW'S THIS? Double corner on Ohio St. near 90th St. car line: water, sewer and gas In street; $660. C. O. CARLBERG, U N. Y. Life Bldg. (1- WEST FARNAM DISTRICT BARGAIN $3,250 for all modern 7-room house, paved street, special taxes paid. Half time. $l,3cf for North Omaha cottage, gas, water and sewer. $1.8u0 for nice horns on beautiful Bristol St. Time on part. Have other properties, each of which are for sale below their actual value. CHARLES E. SMITH Tel. Douglas 3367. 404 Bee Bldg. (19) 444 Yi RRAL E8TATB MEN ,( acres of land. Want a "ve real estate man In everv town to handle our Nebraska and Ou't Coast County Texas lands. Control $n0"0 acres. Psy liberal commissions. Write for prospectus. Graasmyer-Chaaf Invest ment Co., 1H$ P St.. Lincoln, NVb. (1-12 13 BUY aeres, sell Iota and double your money In four years in Tacuma. the growing city; semi for circular with list of acre age and th reason why. D. N. Jacobs. LM C 6t., Tacuma, Wash. t"))-M306 13 GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam Street 'Phono Douglas 75G HOMES FOR SALE $3,W for new 7-room all modern home In BEMI9 l'AHK; only $1,500 cash, balance same as rent; can give Immediate possession. $3,250 for new residence on Fowler Ave. hall, all modern, south front lot, 60x132 feet. CLOSE IN HOMES M.Sou will nut-chase this ft-room modern cottage. 5K 27lh St. This property has an east front on asnhalt raved street, with an excellent location to Improve with brick $10 per month and water rent; only xi.oso casn, namncc m per monm. n win puy you to Investigate this at once. Call up our office and we will make arrangements to show you this property at any time. inn fnr Lmnm i.torv all modern home, on S 2Sth St.. nenr PoDP'.eton: lot has 60 feet frontage on asphalt paved street, and cemented basement, owner is anxious to vou If you are looking for a home In Han $1,500 for 20B9 N. ISth St., 8-room house, premises, handy to car line. JX.HiU tor s-room cotiatre, ner ana rraminon m.. iol wxi-i irt-i. $".SO0 for 5-room cottage, 213 Hamilton St.; larae lot. 6xl47 feet. $2.5(0 for brand new S-room cottage. Just finished, near '.'7th and Cnpltol Ave.; full south front lot, 60x130 feet, modern except as rent. $;t for 8-room house and two lots In Gun club, corner 8th and Avenue P; only BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE Close in. havlnar six S and ti-room apartments, hot water htfut, all apartments leased to first-class tenants; gross rental $12. WO will purchase two new modern and up-to-date pricK nouses oi i rooms eacn, near freight on college and High school; each house finished In oak and well con structed; now renting for $l,2nt) per year; corner lot, pavement on botn sides. $5,300 for two stores with flats, in norm part or the city; now renting ior ..-v per year. ' GOOD LOCATION FOR BRICK FLATS $S.000 for Kxfi feet, southwest corner 25th St. and Chicago St. $2,600 for $6 feet, west front on 22d St., between California and Webster Sts.; room for two St. Louis flats. SEE OUR SPECIAL AD IN ANOTHER PART OF THIS PAPER FOR SALE OF DUNDEE LOTS OCTOBER 19, 1907, TO TAKE PLACE ON GROUNDS AT THE END OF DUNDEE CAR LINE JUST EAST OF HAPPY HOLLOW CLUB. - (110- NEAR 18TH AND WEBSTER Full south front lot 66x132 and two houses rented at $57.60 per month. Owner says sell at $,76'. Better look this up and phone Doug. 685. BEMIS, Paxton Block. OP) 6 Room House Corner Lot-$3.100. Thla house has vestibule, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, three bed rooms and bath, all on around floor. Stairs to attic and attic floored. Two additional rooms .can be finished upstairs. Modern except furnace; room for furnace and one can be put In for $1"S. Immediate posses sion; keys at our office. $1,900 cash will handle this. J. II. DUMOXT & SON, IiajS Farnam St. 19 7-ROOM house and barn, 40th and Deciitur 8ts.-$1.100. F. D. WEAD, 18th and Farn'm, Wead Bldg (lfi WALKING DISTANCE. Brand new 6-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under entire house; double floors, nice large attic for stor age purposes; nickled plumbing; every thing modern except furnace; located on north side of Blondo Bt. Just east of 27th; go and look at it and see for yourself now It Is built; price, $2A'i0; easy terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' (1)- HOUBE and lot for sale, modern except neat. See owner, 1816 N. 22d. (19)-M865 12x FOR Three-fttory brick business property one block from Auditorium and within a short distance of the business center. Building occupies but half of the lot and produces a gross rental of 12 per cent upon the price asked. . . A vacant lot of the same size on the same street and within one block sold for $20,000 cash last week, and deeds were also recorded for another $25,000 sale in the same district. S. W. corner of 14th and Jackson streets, lot 66x132, , .$32500 ' ALFRED C. KENNEDY Telephone, Douglas 722. 20D First National Bank Bldg. $3,150 KOUNTZE PLACE HOME AT A SACRIFICE 2428 Emmet St., Price for Quick . . Sale, $3,150 Now vacant. Owner has left the city and has placed the property In my hands to sell at a sacrifice. House nearly new; ' was built for a home; thorouKhly modern; best of plumbing; HOT WATER HEAT; lias parlor, dining room, kitchen, lare pantry and china closet first floor; three bedrooms' and bath (8x$ ft.) up stairs; rooms all large; wide roomy porch; 6o-rt. south front lot; permanent walks; good neighborhood; one block from Uth St. car Hue. At present prices for labor and material, house alone (aside from lot) . could not be built for. price asked for the property. Let me show you through Uie ; property. GEO. MARSHALL , V 408 First National Bank. - 'Phone Douglas 147. .. - (19)-435 13 LOOK AT THIS. -i , i Then 'Phone Webster 1069 or Webster 3709. . $4.000 Fine new brick modern bouse; has 7 rooms, with mantle-, full lot on Fowler Ave.;, close to - boulevard and car; fine neighborhood; a rare bargain. ' - HhiO-New S-room cottage on 30th, near Spragua St.; ready to move Into. $2,0u 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace; conctete walks; lot 60x14)1; cement cellar; piped for furnace; ready for oc cupancy In one week: built of best material; fine home for someone; 2105 Grand Ave. HJ.OIO &-room mmlern cottage, near Lid and Grace Sts.; full lot; good value at this price. $2,000 New &-room modern cottage at 27th nd Ruzgles; see this before sold. IlKM-roora modern home, litith and Em met Sts. $1.4So 6 rooms, 25th and S,rague. $1.$"0 $ rooms, iath ndl.ake. $1,0606 rooms, new, 'HA and Plnkpey. $3,000 Fine store room, with i living rooms; fine locality; all modern. Lots of lots and lots of bouses for sale. O. M. L'N'"EHHILL CO., -Office 3320 N. 24th St. 091-616 13 . HOME OF 8 ROOMS ' All modern, piped for furnace, only built lust year, full inj-foot lot. near car, at IV I a and Bristol Rt. Price reduced to $.',iii. $76u cash. This mum )- sold at once. Bee J. -W. RASP CO. Biaudels Bldg. Ik- .. "T.r and Z4ih St.; 8 rooms ana large reception large lot. R.'xl32 feet. This would mako flats if desired. H.-use Is now renting for first floor Is finished In oak, with full sen ana warns oner, xuia snuuiu unvii scorn Park district. modern except furnace, large barn on furnace; only $voO cash, balance tne same East Omaha, two blocks south of Rod und $300 cash, balance monthly. $1,13S per year. LOOk AT THIS NEW TEN-ROOM i HOI'SE. Ten-room new house, thoroughly modern; hot air furnace. a:is and electric lights; lot south front, 7fixl34: near Kounte Place and onlv one block from Sherman Ave. car line; price, 3,600; a cut from $3,750 for or.ick sale. C. U. CARLBEHG, 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- $1,700 $00 CASH We can make these terms on a new o- room cottage, electric lights, city water and new small li.irn, south front lot 60x112, only 3 blocks from Harney St. car line. 'Phone Doug. 6R5. BiOMld, Paxton Block. , PULL city lot near high school $2,400. P. D. WEAD, ISth and Parn'm, Wead Bldg (l!v- SMALL HOMES 4-room cottage, near 30th nnd Buidett, lot 25x144, $750. 4-room new cottage, full corner, lot 60x128, only $1,030. $150 cash and $15 per month takes either one. See. J. W. RASP CO. 689 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 1653. (19)- HOUSE BARGAIN 2t!4 Caldwell St., 8-room house, barn and 60-ft.. south-front lot; paving and all Im provements paid for. Look at it. Price, $2,750. W. R. HOMAN, 1517 FARNAM ST. (19) M440 19 A SNAP for some one, 6-room cottagp, ..ts in every room, city water, all new. Inside corner lot, 1 block to car, little money down, balance $20 per month. Applv &I27 Blondo St. (19)-:M4ii4 16x (19) REED BROS.' 8-P-oom house, all modern, jufct finished, on full lot ut northeast corner iMh and Maple. $2,660. 6-Room house, all modern, except furnace, Just about completed, on full lot on 2!th St., between Sprague and Ituggles. . $J,iJi'. S-Room house, nearly fin ished, on 3oth St., mar Rugglea. Paved street, water, gas und sewer. $2,1im. Two nice lots at south-wi-.-t,coiiier of ilh and Ames, $j0- Two fine- lots, east front on I7th St., between Farnam and Dodge, $3o per front foot. Three full lots .at South east corner of 3H li and Dodge. $3,500. Five-acre tiaot with E-room house, about three miles west of Park. $1,500. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. (19)- BE sure to attend the Special Sale of lots in DUNDEE at 52d and Underwood Avenue next SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 19TH. Take any West Farnam-Dundee car and go to 52d St. (.)-m;iii 18 8-ROOM house, wlili furnace and burn, on l-'Hrnum f'l iJ.ane. F. I. Vi;.tl), iMn and cV.rn in,- Wead Bldg U:v- SALE GARVIN BROS. A brand new R-room cottRnv. mod ern in every respect, iCith ana vpws Avp. A comfortable home, or, if ou wish to buy for an Investment, can se cure good tenant at $2 7.50 per month rental. Price $2,800; reasonable terms. Another brand new six-room, two- story house, 3 rooms, reception hall and pantry on first Door, 3 bed rooms and bath room on second floor; ce mented basement under entire" house; nice lot. sodded; cement wa ks; loca ted in that splendid residence district building up so rapidly near 41st and Davenport Sts. Price $4,000; rea.oi able terms. Five-room cottage, city water and gas; house In good condition; lot 32X 120 ft., near 24th and Burdette Sts. Price $1,600. Near 27th and Leavenworth Sts., C room house, not modern, lot 56x1 4 ft ft.; can sell for $2,300 if sold quick. VACANT Several choice lots near 18th aud Lake Sts. at prices ranging from $700 to $750 each, on easy terms; close to school, churches and' car lines; choice building lots, on grade, In good nellv borhood. 66x188 ft., ISth and Martha Sts., $650. A bargain. 48x100 ft., corner, 18th and take Sts., good location for flat, $1,000. INVESTMENT ! 1216 and 1218 l ark Wild Ave., llatr, 7 rooms each, modern except furnacej rents $38 per month; price $3,500.. A. bargain; near wholesale district and Union and Burlington stations. '1U rent for $50 per month. 6 modern 6ight-room flats, lot 132$t 132 ft., on asphalt paved street, nine blocks from postofflce; rent $2,160 per annum. Price $18,000. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST,' MUST SELL " A 5-rpom cottage at tho northeast cornet of 36th and Charles Sts.. Is newly piilnled, papered nnd fenced, 'owner leaving city. Price, S1.bAs. "Phone Doug. 6K5. BEMIS, Paxton Block. ' . (' W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Five rooms, modern ex.-i pt furnace, north part of city, two blocks from Sherma-i Ave. car line; built one ycu;; bus vestibule, parlor, dlnin room, two larno bed roin.i. .. Urge bath room, with brt.t e lixtures; full lot; good neigh borhood. A snap at $',o"o. North part of city, two blocks from 24th tt. ciir.-5-room coUwce, city wnti r, si'Wer. gas, toilet, bricked up content lloor cellar; pciimt nent walks; newly papered und painted; new porch; Mi excellent ' repair- throu ihout. l,55o. $)0 cash, bHluncf monthly payments. STORE BUILDING On N. 24th St.. near I.r.c St., size about 24x."0. w'tli ll lug rooms on second fli;nr. Fii'f size lot. Willi pflvhig ami a'l specials ralil. Price for Ini medlatt! sale, 72,300. VACANT Seven acres In north part of city. very desirable, $2,500., Ky terms. - South front on Fowler Ave . near Florence Boulevard, $7;t. Eaay terms. North front on Fort St., near Florence Boulevard, ,'rtix!22, $3G0. Easy terms. W. T'WRNAM SMITH & CO., 1:120 Farnam Street. s Tel. Douglas lOlil. 0) 8-no rv house, near 40th St., built for a horn.- st.rtio. F. D. WEAD, 18lh and Farn'm, Wend Bid (ISO YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR YEARS FOR IMPROVEMENTS, Such as GRADING. PAVING. OI'RHINO, CITY WATER. SEWEIK HAH, KI.W. TRIC LIGHTS, PERMANENT . SID K WALKS and TREKS, when you buy in KOUNTZE PLACF'. Omaha's largest and most uniforms rwt dence district. You can buy a lot wtttt UI these improvements already in nnd 1 not pay any more than others are nuking for vacant lots without any of these Im provements. Manv of OMAHA'S BEST Bl'RtNF.RS MEN ' Are living In this beautiful addition, io. en ted between Iiciit and Pinkney, Shcr. man Ave. and 21th St. Convenient ta three good car lines, good schools, stores and churches.- Kountse Place Is aood enoueh for a QUFEN TO LIVE. It surely should be good enoueh for you. Prices range from $750 to $1,150 for lnrg lots. 6"xl24 ft. We still have a nice list to select from. Call for our book of "Konntze Place Homes." We make tertjta one-fourth cash, balance one. two and three years. HASTINGS fk HETDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Bee Bpfldlns. (!!)--194 13 SOUTH SIDE COTTAGE. 4 rooms, water, gas. cistern, nice lot, well Improved, permanent wolks; located !ith and Dorcas; prlee, $.'.H0. Will give terms. C. O. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life B'dg. (19)- WHY PAY RENT? When you can buy a modern house on rea sonable cash payment and balance monthly payments? $227.50 CASH Bix-rcom modern except furnace, almost new, cellar under entire house, permanent walks, ilrst class condition. Above cash payment; balance $26 per month. Close in. Price $2,300. $1,500 CASH Eight-room modern, first class condition, I blocks from car, close In. N. 261u I'l.i-co St. Price $3,600. O. C. OLSEN, 101 S. 16th Bt. (19;-M4tio 15 A CHOICE LOT CLOSE IN $850 31st and Jackson; larg lot and shade; vory cheap. Indeed. William Fleming, 211 So. lilli. 'Phone Douglaa 17lr. (IK; 4U It