0 TTIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBEtt 13, 1S07. 1 f 4 Want-ads A rrt1 for the steal aal ealasaae will takes 111 IS a. fer h areata edltloa aa til a. av tor the HraU( aaa Saeear euUloae, Cask mast accoataway all erdere for waat ada aad aa adTrflaoaaa will he accepted far less than 10 ceata far the Aral lasertloa. Rates aeal la elthe T IHtilr "V laager oa. P Alwara ! six warda ta a llaa. Caaiblaatloaa af laltUU ar a a at hers nAn RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLAiriCAT10.f On Ineertlea, per llaa, 10 teats. Twa ar mora eeaaeeatlT lasertlene, arr llaa, 0 ecats. lasertloa xease aa fcad dare, 10 Paata par llaa. 1.80 par llaa aar sweat. CAIH RATES FOR IfOTICES. ' Death aad Faaoral Notice, Cards af Thaake aad Ledge Notices, T aeala liar llaa for aaa edltloa, ataralaa; ar pTtalaci 8 eaata a llaa for rack aa lltloaal edltloa. id eeats Una. Ne d take far laaa kaa H ceata. , SPECIAL OlASSIFICATIOlt If roar adTertleeaaeat la laeertea aader :.F aaa af tka elaaalaeatlaaia ! below, It will ba ekarit at tka fol twins rntaei tee taeertlaa,4geeats fr lla tare to el eoaeeeat$ve la-. rtloaa, S eaata aar llaa eacfc'.aaar Uoa seve ar mora coaseeatl la sertloas, a eaata per llaa eaeb laaer tloai SO eaata per llaa per meatb. RARTER AMD BXCHAWtoB. BUSINESS CHANCES. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALB. Except Areata, Selteltora aa Sale, an, OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Rlrda. Dad aad Peta. lloraea aad Veklelea. Pealtry ad Ew ', Faraltoro. Typewriters aad Sewlac Maeblaea. Pleaee, Orgaao aad Maolcal laatra saeats. s OFFERED rOR RENTS ; V , . Faralakad Reaata. 1 ' TJafaralabed Roams. .'. Haaaakeeplac Reoass. Boardlac and WANTED TO BUT. V Waat ada' far Tka Bee saar ,el . f tka follawtaa- drast stores aaa la "yoar earaer rgp" . are all braacb alBcaa af Tka Boa aad roar ad will ' laaertad Jaat a promptly aad o tka earn ' . ' t.-ll.llUV tit Btitlat OfllCV TBt D4P4B aiiiwiai Seveatceatb aad Faraaaa streets. Albach. W. C 40th and Farnam. Beranck, B. A..' 1402 S 10th Bu Raclit Pharmacy. (20 a, lwn uu aenson Pharmacy. Benson. Ne - . Pemls Pa.k Pharmacy 83d i and Cumin. , Blake's Pharmacy, ails Bherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R.. th l Clifton Hill Pharmacy, Military Are. Conte. J B., 81st Ave. and Farnam. .rissey Pharmacy, 14th and La- ., Cermak, mlU 12tU 61$ Bt. 1-slman harmaoy, 4048 Haml.ton. Fhler. F. H.. 82 nt Forater ft ArnoldL 1U N. abth Bt . Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 4th Bt Florence Drug Co.. FJojf"" Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Paclnc. Greenou 1, r ITanMRI 8t Hahsoom Park Phar.. 1501 8. 2Sth Ave. Hoist, John, K4 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L Leavenworth Bt King, II. B.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy. 1301 N. Jath. Palrlck Drug Co., 1M4 N. Wjh Bt. Lathrop, Chas. E.. 124 N. !!4th Bt. Peyton; L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. BivTstopa Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. fhosfer'g Cut .Price Drug Co.. 18th and rThaVf'er.'Anrist. tffll N. lth Bt. ctrhmldt. J. H.. 24th and fuming Sta. Btorm Phsrmsey. Iflth and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Oraee Bta. Worth O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AMD FONKRAL If OTICK9. N ELSON Alice, October U, 1907, aged 41 ri!7raf services will be held from" family residence, 140? 8. 18th 45t., Bundajr, October 13. 1907, at 1 J. m. interment, ores lwb ;emetery. Friends Invitsd. MARRIAGES HCEKSES. Ths following marriage licenses bars keen Issued: . 1 ' Nanie and Residence. Charles A. Thomas. Omaha Mrs. Mattlo A. Thomas, Omaha Age. M Z: Harry L. Hobblck, South Omaha Nora Thomaen, South Omaha T. J. Flnchem, Bloux City, Ia.. Mrs Haute Bpiague, Ouuha...... Anton J. Bortenlanger, Omaha.'..... Mary A. Ortmann, Omaha 21 47 j 13 BIRTHS ABO SWATH. Births Alfred Rssmussea. Eleventh Snd Missouri avenue, girl: Herbert B. Chaae. Uil;' Jeffersun street, boy. Deaths Joseph Kuss, 1221 8outh 8econd street, aged W years; Alice Nelson, 1407 Boutk 'Eighteenth atreet age 41 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS 'j tile INNUMERABLE BENEFITS Vou May Derive From Boyles Night School If You Will What do you do with your nights nowT , ,, .......- . Wbt actual, permanent GOOD do vou get out of Monday, Wednesday and Friday night each week? Suppose you could transform the Monday, Wednesday and Friday nlghti of this winter Into a position paying from 1800 to $1,100 a year? Would you give up Idling,' dancing and theater-going for those three nights each week to qualify for a position paying tuch a salary? , Young man or young woman It's up to you. BOYLES NIGHT SCHOOL Offers you a glorious chance to become Telegrapher, a Stenographer or a Bookkeeper In one short winter -and ft asks you to go to school only three tfVenlngs a week. If you are sincere n your dealre to beecttie absolutely In dependent to become s "crack" tel egrapher, a well-paid Stenographer or in expert Bookkeeper, you cannot ex cuse yourself for not attending Boyles College Night School, the college that It payg to attend, for the very slm-' "eason that It It the college from whuh Omaha business men have found It Seat to obtain their business assistants. The neit best Institution In Omaha to our Day School Is our Night School. If in doubt, write tor catalogue to lay, or call upon ua tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEQE ' H. B. B0YXE3, Pres. ' ' Boylee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ' CD- 61GN FAINTING tl. H. Cola, 14 Douglas, (1 lot ICaiO Every Svtalng Motel Rome W-403 ANNOUNCErOTTS (Continued.) THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth ins. Tel. Douglas 13t7. (!- PIT ATFI.ATN School pf languages. UUAl(liAXi1 French,' German, Span ish. Deridga Bldg.. lath and Fnrnnm. Day and evening claaaea. (1) l MIPS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her dressmaking parlors, iU North 18th. Toe ara cordially Invited to call. . G M75 25 AUTOMOBILES SE"ND for our Hat of second-hand sutomo bllee. DERIOHT. Farnam. , Wy-M NEARLT naw M-horae power, 6-paaenrir tour In rar; storage battery, lull top, lampa and equipment; coat H,450 In May, 1W7; only run 1.600 mUea; In flrat-claaa ahapa. at a batfaln. D. V. 8HOLE8 COMPANY, 110 Board o( Trade Bide , m?L. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A fine u(-V-daU hard ware atnek, located In a (ocd Nebraska town of 1,000 Inhabltanta; will Invoice about M.DC0, Includlnt flxturea. Thia U a ood, paying proposition. Has a food trade and In one of the best locations In town. Will corslder part exchange, the balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. (l M row. nryf-HANriR atnrk of huaaiea. wl gens and tmplementa, located In a email! TlllnAla .Ill In.nU. Km.f SI 7MV ' Alao houa and 1 lota In aame town. Price for real esute, 11.600; Invoice Tor. tfw,k. Will tphina -fn, farm land In Iowa, Kansaa rr Missouri. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.' m- FOR BALE OR TRADE S20 acrea, good unimproved land. In Pecos valley, 4 miles . from railroad. In the ahallow artesian bait; Improved land here selling 160 to flsO per acre; you may have mine for 110. R, Miller, Lock Box 216. Dayton. N. M. V ! (S)-M171EC HAVE you anything to trade? Whatever ever It la we can get you what you want; write for our new plan. National Trade Bureau, Desk P, Chicago. (3) JI70 IS TO TRADE Two quarter sections of farm land near Atkinson, Nets., tot siock or hrwJ?L i p- Olmsted, Norfolk, Neb. 611 So. 8th Bt. (3)-3" ' . , CO-ACRE well Improved farm ncur Aber deen, 8. D. : will consider small fafin, or Income property near Oamha. Wht liave you? 5. OSRORNE-HANSEN., s 441 Paxton Block. (J) 400 IS . 4 A GOOD Sarpy County farm, about 126 acrea, fair Improvements. Price It per acre. What have you to trade? Osborne Hansen, 441 Paxton Block . (3) 4U1 11 480 ACRES of tine, level land near Good land, Kan., to trade for stock of mer chandise. Price 112.60 per acre; Incum brance 12,000. Osborne-Hansen, 441 Pax ton Block, (3)46111 ' SOME GOOD land for sale or trade fot Improved property or good Business, sue No. 19th 8t Tel. Doug. 4147. (8) 49S VIX BUSINESS CHANCES Are you looking lor a farm, business or Investment? We have . J . . General merchandise stocks of all sizes. Bhoe atocka. . Gent's furnishings. Hardware atocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restauranta. Rooming house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills. Livery. Houses and lota. arms aad ranches. Call and Bee ...... - . JACOBSON CO, '938 N. Y. U Bldg.. Omaha, Neb; t4 M180 OoUT Mining and Industrial Stocks We buy and sell any active enlisted a took a. We -have rare bargains In dustrial stocks, subject to the met rigid investigation. We have bargain In sev eral active mining stocks In Nevada, also several bargains In copper stocks. We reoelve weekly reports from all the Important mining districts In the United Btates and Mexico. ROUT. C. DRUKSEDOW & CO, Block Brokers. 09 N. X. Ltle Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3&t6. Omaha. Nab. ti 42fl 029 "PEE WEE" Btylographlo Red Rubber : Pen. Never leaka. clogs or gets out of order, carried in any position or ldy's puree, ready for inatant uae; durable, cheaper and better than fountain peusr makes perfect carbon copies. S.nall ladlea' also, 1; gents' slie, 12. Guaranteed for a yeara. Bank referencee furnianed. PEE WEB CO., 1134 Broadway. New York. Agents wanted. t4)0 13x MONEY Do you need It? We are in a position to furnlah capital for any mer itorious enterprises. We can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission. Money advanced on good securities. Char ters procured in any state. Do not fail to confer with us: It will be to yo.ur in terest. R. Kaats 4 Co., Bankers, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. 4)-J Ux I HAVE a very desirable 10-room houae ..11 Mnm.rl ,nH hAlrriirL whari the owner la leaving the atate, which can be had without bonus or furniture and at 10 per cent leaa than Its fair value; It would requite about 11,260 cash; t per cent on balance, Uoou. IX you apply promptly you can succeed to a ajood bualneaa at no coat, William Fleming, m Bo. lbih Bt. Doug lag 179. . (4)-4S3 13 A NEW manufacturing plant paying S per cent annual dividends on capital Invested tor sale on account of other business. A splendid opportunity for two men with I&OjO to Invest. No trade proposition considered. If you mean business In vestigate, if not. do not answer. Aaaret F. Sa. care of See. (4)-MIWI II THIS COMPANY does a general real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farmlrg landa and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, all Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ora. f (4) M101 Nov7x FOR BALE A drug store, earning a net profit of 86 per cent; alao a practice r for the price of ,.'s Box 36, Tabor, (4) Mf6ll6x paying is.duu per dootpr's offloe. Address la. FOR SALE Machine shop, brick building, containing two lalhea, planer, drill, presi, power triphammer, gasoline engine, black, smith tools; very cheap. Address H. C. Bohults. Lansing, la. 4j M150 lx FOR BALE Small furniture and under taking atock. Southeast Nebraska, at coal without carriage; about tl.euO. Ad diss Bos 201, Dawson, Neb. . (4)V-M1U Ux BEST business proposition In Nebraska; hardware and furniture store; only fur lillure atock In town; clean, up-to-date atock! at " on the dollar; building snap; don't delay, if you want something good; come. Fettermans and Dally, Danbury, Neb. (4)-a3 Ux BTOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. In dustrial or railway company wanted tor sale; commission basis. Address full par ticulars, Clientele, P. O. box 208. New York. . H-3B1 lax tto WEBKLY and independence; 100 of our mi loues for vending salted peanuts yield 87 dally profit I any else Investment. Hllo Uum Co., Inc.. 4 80. Union St., Chicago. (4-a lix FREE land given to develop country along new Union Central R. R. In east Texas, box 7U, Dallas. Texaa . 44-47 Ux WE wish to correspond with brokers touch, li g choice Investment, with large profits assured. Lumber Co., 2?46 Ksnruore Ave., Chicago. (4-37& Ux TUB CONNEIXY HOTEL at Caney. Kan., . la offered for sale; is the only 82 per day house In city of 4.000 population; will s.'ll furniture ana real OulldUig If dealrn Write for prticulre. (4)-M37 1K MONEY We handle the flnanotng of good enterprlaea and crelltable projects. The liankera Bond Co. Pittsburg, Pa. 13s FOR SALE Pool business, of two tablea and flxturea, complete; going away; will sell caeap. Box luO, bvene, Colo. 14) -Mill lx ACME EXCHANOaTctl., Cherokee, la., haa farm lands and town property tor eale or trade. Write what you have and want. (4-Mt OcUDx BUSINESS CHANCES IComlnueu.1 Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers LISTFJ AND VNLt8Trn MIN7NO (STOCKS fHTOHT AND TOu). ivtmtattona received from all K"fhanae. WIN'T BUT STOCK FROM COMPAN T U1RBCT. , We can aare you from I to 10 per cent on any mining stork. IA9X TOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH We tire prompt aervlce. NEUSTADTL DAVIDOV. 104 N. T. Life Bids. 'Phone Fed lm. (t) M2f MR. MANUFACTURER Listen to thla: A factory haa Just been located at a city In the naw atate of Oklahoma, and be fore his machinery la Installed the manu facturer haa aold the greater portion of Ma year's output all he caraa to dispose of at a high flBure. You can probably do aa well, and besides secure liberal finan cial Inducementa from local partlea. Slate your proposition and send for complete book, "Opportunltlea." M. Bvhulter, In dustrial Commlsaloner, Rock Ialand 'FTlaco Llnea, Bt. Loula, Mo. (4 S20 II CAR BION companies have been organised In Dea Molnea, Davenport and Clinton, la.. Rock Island and Molina. 111., and Dallas. Tex., alnce I last wrote you; Lin coln stock la selling twice the price It waa - two weeka ago, and the newly Installed sign are working nicely there; Dea Molnea stock all aold, over half of It taken by bankers there; yea, Agnes, thinga ara aura enough, coming my way; call and aee me. The Car BUn Man, 11 U, B. National Bank Bldg. (4)-M2tl 14 FOR BALE-2,Sp-8teBm laundry, nolud- m ounaing, no v.iry, dtkuwi new: no competition: bualneaa thorougnly established; weekly receipts 1126 to $160. Under aggressive management business could be doubled almost Immediately. Thla property, with equipment, will In voice 14.000. Addreaa H. B. Burnt, cashier rirst National Bank. Bao City, la. (4)-44l U BHARB with us In realty profits. 110; no mortgages, no taxes, no assessments, no further paymenta. Are you Interested In owning Brooklyn real estate at Inside prices within a 60 fare from New1 York city hall? Invest 110 where your profits are safe and sure. Let ua send you par ticulars and descriptive pamphlet free. J. D. RANCK REALTY CO., 883 Jay St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (4-)4 I3x PATENT8New tK,0i, FREE. Thia book I tells all about PATENX8 and how to ob- ( tain them: explains cost of a patent and our methods of business; illustrates J00 Mechanical Movementa and contalna por traits of all the famois American Inven tors. Book mailed FREE to any address. O Meara aV Brock, Patent Attorneys, 918 F St.. Washington, D. C. (4) 412 13x ROOMING HOUSE SNAP f rooms, all modern, well furnished and full of permanent roomers, located on loth and Harnay, close In and wall looated. Will sell on easy terma. Price, $376. W. S. FEANK, 121 Neville Blk. 'Phone D. 3600. (4)- UPHOLSTERERS AND CABINET MAK ERS ATTENTION I Well established upholstering and repair bualneas, doing good bualntss many years. Central location, well equipped with tools and raw materials, good horse and wagon. Muat be sold at a sacrliice. Only I2&0 down and balance on easy terms. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. (4)-M302 15 WANTED Old defaulted bonds or un quoted or unsaleable -.securities; unsold balances of eatatea bought for cash. R. M. Sniythe, room 4u2 Produce Exchange Bldg-. JJew York. (4-iS8 lax DO you need capital to extend or start business? If so, write me before arrang ing elsewhere; exceptional facilities plac ing slocks, bonds quickly. Everett Du ' tour, Corporation Attorney, Le Droit ' Bldg.', Washington, D. C. . (4j-il8 lax DRUQ BTORE8 Anywhere, any price. Write or see us lor bargains. Denver Drug Exchange, 1711 CalUornla St., Den ver, Cohx W M3a6 O20x GOOD meat market, in good county seat Iowa town, doing a good business. B 426, Bee. (4) 61 Ux TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINES9 CALL. ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAUUili .BUILDING, 161U AiND DuDUK UTs. 14-v7 WILL aell half or entire Interest in my three-chair barber shop, best location and shop In Iowa town. Addresa Y 32. care Omaha Bee. (4) MZ4 lSx IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. OLOBiS LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. NEB. t4) M28JN11 COUNTRY DRUG BUSINESS of twenty years' standing; muat ba sold at once for first-class otter. Addreaa C 9, rare Bee. (4) M3o6 14x GREAT OPPORTUNITY-Selllng gooda by mail; we furnish everything necessary, catalogues, etc.; only i to 1U0 neces sary. Mllburn-Hlcka, Chicago. ' 4-461 13x WHEAT Of Interest to investors and trad era, our new book, "Facta and Figures." explaining option trading. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis,' Minn. (4 3u Ux FOR BALE The only exclusive implement stock in & city of 6,000; no trade; m.ld cli mate; plenty of natural gas. Address 8. J. Howuid, Cherry vale, Kan. (4J-MS06 I6x BEST country location in Missouri for a good doctor; haa been proven; can fur nlah fine cottage and 42 acres of land very cheap. For purtli ulars address A. A. Par sons, Laquey, Mo. (4 M113 lix WANTED To buy a good newspaper in northwest Nebraska; atate price; confi dential Address Y 29, care Bee. (4-M108 Us FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale and retail; have the best trade In the city. Address William Kttshaupt, Guthrie, OkL (4)-MU4 21x BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, elegant cigar atore and billiard hall; price, l,(Hi0 and Invoice, "00 cash, bala.ice time. H. H. Kamrar. Waseca. Minn. (41-M179 ISx 1 WANTED to buy. whole or part Interest, or route in laundry. Addreaa M S6L care (4)-23t Ux PRINTER-EDITOR Can buy only newspa per In Bon tli Dakota town; cylinder, job ber, power, plenty of material, large ter ritory; good crops. Terms to suit. Jour nal. White Rock. 8. D. (4)-M613 22x WILL BELL to reliable party half Interest with management of profitable coffeo roasting and distributing company. P. O. Box 70S, Houston, Tex. (4) M174 15x FOR SALE Good grocery business. In. , quire Box 495, Crete, Nab. (4) M104 Ux HOTEL FOR SALE If you want a good one and a money maker at a anap bar gain, on the best of terms, write A. Bryan. Creston, la. (4) M8312x FOR SALE Moving picture theater clear ing $JU0 per mouth. R. A. Williams, Pitts burg, Kan. (41 MS35 Ux I WANT to sell all or half Interest in fine new stock of millinery and fixtures, well located In El Paao. Tex. Address V. O. Box !, El Paso, Tex. (4 M1H8 Ux THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 30.&A inhabitants, snd building for rant. Address A, Omaha Bee, Council Blurts, la (4 M64i 012x PRl'O stores tor sals everywhere. F. V. Knlest, I0T N. Y. Life. Omaha. ( a FOR SALE Fine Ice plant, a money maker. For particulars address Dr. A. D. Finch, McCook, Neb. ( M2S6 17x FOR RENT Furnished hotel In Junction town of 80O. Brick building. Address Y lu6. Bee (4)71 13x NEBRASKA-!,) practice for sale for rlce of office outfit. Address Y-3, cars a. (4-M26 OUx ROOMING houses for sale, all alses. Gan ges lad, 40$ Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas tuv. U)-73 BARBER SHOP; two chairs; only shop in small town; two railroads; good reasons tor selling. M. C. Henderson, Somera, la. (4-Mlt3 iox FOR SALE Cigar and news store doing good bualneaa, with nice living rooms and cheap reuU Call Webster 27bi. (4)-M5t BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WANTED Creameriee. both large and small, at a number of towns and cltlea tn the aouthwest; Investigate either of theee two particularly fine loeattone: One at a Urge city In north Texas, all dairy con ditio!, a quite favorable and Inferior ranch butter now Billing for high price; the other Is at a northeast Texas town, ample mllK supply and eome local co-operation given. When answering state which in terests you. Bend for complete book "Op portunities," M. Bchulter, Industrial Com. misKioner, Rock Island-Frisco Lane, Bt, Louis, Mo. (4)-H19 11 HERB IS A CHANCE to get a good drug store tn Muscatine, la., a live city of 16.W0 people, situated on the Mississippi river; two railroad trunk llnea from Chi cago to Kansaa City runnln through it, the Chicago, Kock Island A Pacltic and the Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. l'aul, be sides other smaller rosds or branches. , Kverythlng about the atore first-class. Bltuated on the main street tn the heart j of the business district. Write for fur- 1 ther particulars to 11. E. Van luer. Rock Island, 11L 4 M400 lix FOR EXCHANGE Stock of general dry goods. Laules , men's, children's fur nishings goods, and big lines of fall and winter goods. Stock not running and can be moved to any desired point. In voiced at about la, 000. Owner must have some cash. Will trade balance for good land and will assume some emcumbrance. C. W. Somera, 600 Manhattan Bldg., SU Paul. Minn. (4) 13x IF YOU dealre to raise capital for a legiti mate enterprise, our method of guaran teeing the prompt redemption of atock end bond Issues m ill materially assist you in disposing of such securities. Write to us, outlining your proposition fully, and we will explain our method to you. Fed eral Security Co., 134 Monroe St., Chicago. (41321 13 x X WANT a man to manage a machine shop and factory In Omaha; good opening; plenty of orders ahead now, and big, solid profits; (150 per month and fair share of profits for right man; must put In about 2,ouO, but can handle his own money and some of mine; balloon Juice dealers, please don't answer. For Inter View address A 424, Bee. (4) 487 13 MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity, .desires NehraMka manager. Denionstra- tinn In Inol.iir Homrtmmil .Inr.. I HI , ' I lurtusnea; tnree years contrac t; salary . 12.100 and commission. Good ouenlnv lor man of character and ability. Address Manager, 1US8 gnowliake Bldg., Toledo, O. W IN COUNCIL" BLUFFS. Hotel furniture tor sale, building for rent; flood location; cash or payments. Cheap f taken before the first. parLlea wisn Ing to go In private place. Call at lull South Maine St, Council Bluffs, la. (4) M201 lax ROOMING HOUSE. Thirty-room?, well fu nlshed, wlt'i'n one block of post ofllce; ownti .usl leave city; can be bought at halt value; if interested see us at once. Osborne-Hansen, 441 Pax ton block. (4) 464 13 ADVERTISERS Big bargains; Increase business; ads Inserted In 1M different magaxlnes, only loc a line (whole bjnch); lists, particulars, "reasons why'' free. Queen City Advertising Co., 60 St. Paul, Cincinnati, Ohio. (4) fOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some rrony; small sav ' Ings are the foundation of large fortunes: atart a savings account "vlth J. L. Bran dels A Bona. Bankers, loth and Douglas Sta Assets over 1400.000. ( PATENT hECUKED OR FEB RB TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted, free to iny ad dresa Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress; samplo cupy .free. Evans, Wllkena a. Co., lit F UL, Washington, D. C. (4 WANTED Manager branch automobile salesroom. Responsible man with first class re'erences and tS.OOO cash to man age branch automobile salesroom. Hlxh class machines. Position pays S,ono per year. Highest bank and commercial ref erencea furnished. Address P. O. box 66V, Chicago, 111. (4) . A FINE PLACE For a private hospital, boarding or room ing house; It rooms; painted; all mod ern; two-story; built 6 Years ago; house 82x60; two lota 13-X130 feet; tor sale at 2319 S. 13th St., city. (4) KiuO PER MONTH In the real estate busi ness: 110 capital will atart you. I teach the business by mull. Write for free book, expluinlng co-operative plan. Gray School of Heal Estate, 714 Century Bid., Kansas City, Mo. (D 3-6 13x HOT peanut machines. Public beware! Parties manufacturing, using or selling machines tntrlnglng Wheatcroft patent 674,048 will be prosecuted individually. Automatlo Merchandising Co., 241 Nos trend Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (0-485 13x IF YOU wish to profit by the Nevada min ing boom, through en absolutely square deal, requiring only a small sum monthly, address for particulars O. A Erdman, Box 1136, Goldheld, Nevada. (4) 406 13x MERCHANDISE stock, will invoice about 83.UU); good reasons for selling; might take real estate at Its cash value. Ad dress Y 84, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M268 15 BLACKSMITH SHOP at a bargain; good business and no competition; better in vestigate. Address Y 36. care Bee. (4)-M271 18x TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL See "BUSI NESS CHAM.K BUNNELL," 822 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. (4) 8U A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi ness. Address P. O. box 191, Park City, Utah. (4) 17x I HAVE from $2,000 to 34,000 to Invest 10 fer cent net. What have you to offer? saao N. Watson, 1710 Farnam! (0-M626 - 1 RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; sec ond floor; no posts; 6x60 long lease. A. G. Ritchie, 220 8. lath St., Omaha. (4) 808 FOR BALE Only drug atore In good north, west Iowa town of f"0 population; Invoice about $3,6u0; net profits $J.3uo yearly; good reason for selling; only cash considered. Address Y-luti, care Omaha Bee. (4)-lM 21 LUMBER YARD for sale In eastern Ne braska; doing good business; good reason for selling; close Investigation invited; all other answers lost please answer again. Address E 378, care B;e. (4J 153 14x WANTED Experienced man to organise company to manufacture rapid selling patented farm implement; big inducement to right man. Address w. uee Office, South Omaha. (4)-ltt4 14 OPENING for good veterinary. Lock Box 13. Wilcox, Neb. l4;-lt4 14 NEWSPAPER In one of Wyoming's most promising towns; no competition; receipts i.tuo a month; two men can do the work. Carl B. Slow, Hamburg, la. (4)-M120 14x TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswlck-Halke-C'ollender, for sale cheap. Address W. E. Ragan, Utlca. Neb. (4)-Mjh 24 OLD ESTABLISHED drug store for sale; will demonstrsle excellent business. Box 1176, Fort Collins. Colo. (4-M20 17x FOR BALE $46,000 in hardware and To peka property; a big dlucount for spot cash. Address Real Estate, 8-5 N. Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kan. (4j Mm 17x FOR RENT Blacksmith shop and tools, with a good trade, at Waterloo, Neb. Apply to Jamee Walsh, Benson. Neb. (4) M2o9 17X GREAT Investment; unit deeds for sale on Seattle business property. For par ticulara write Forester & Co., Inc.. Boat tie. Wash. ) 821 Ux ROOMING HOUSES If you want to buy a rooming houae, see the Keystone, 44 Bee Bldg. . (4 449 U BUTCHER ahop In one of the beat towns In Iowa; flxturea almost new; good loca tion; good reasons for selling. Address Y 36, care Bee. (1 225 Ux WANTED A partner with $J0 In a good, paying buxiru ; experience not neces sary. Address J tii, car Bee. (4-M484 16x CLOTIIINO and gents' furnishing store In food growing town; a good proposition for he right party with aorne capital. Oscar J. MUicer, Wellington, Colo. (4)-MUT Hx RESTAURANT for sale cheap. $33 Broad way, Council Bluffs, la, lU.-fct BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cemmerelal Artiste. H. O. BUNNELL aV CO.. K3 N. T. Life. Doug. 6J4. . (6)-U Carpet Cleaalaa-. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1 Farnam. t& 2 Creamerlea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. t) 814 Ckattel Leo.es. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. 15) 81s Cklropodlat. DR. ROY, R. t. 160s Farnam Bt. Doug. . (6) 1. Daaelagr Academy. MORAND'9 classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessona for adults Tues. and Frl. I p. m. ; first lessons privately; suo cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. (16) 1U Nov! Deal lata. BAILEY ft MACH. Sd fir. Paxton. t. 1MB. (6) 51 Dressmakings IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney 135S. s-17 ' REDFERN school. R. 10, Douglas Blk. Tel Doug. 4684. (61-M471 EXPERIENCED dressmaker. 12 60 r' day. 1622 Yates Bt. (6)-Me 1J M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1628 Far nam Bt 6-l MRS. BROACH. 2728 Farnam. Tel. Harnay 636. 6 MM Ont24X MM E. WOODRUFF, 221 Neville Rlk. Tel. Douglaa 6170. (5)-M101 M DRESSMAKING and children's sewing In fsmtles, experienced. "Phone Douglas 4808. (6)-248 13X ... ....... . . . t . r , t, fll.nil.. ukcssmaiviinu mra. uro, ,, (5)-M477 IS Florists. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (B)-20 Omaha, Neb. (8) 416 Oct U HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253, )-21 J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. noo. (&-S2a Ga Carta. GO-CART tires. Lawrence, 2703 Leav. St. (6) M3H1 octao Hatela. THE SCKILTZ. European, 16th and Harney W ei.i Jewelers and Watchmakers N. P. 8TILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton BlK. Tel. utf. (6-830 Locksmiths, KEYS, etc Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D. 2974. (6)-&M Mllllaery. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, C26 8. 28th St. 'Phone Harney 3908. . (8)-649 014 Osteopathy. JOHNSON, INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 14. (5-82 Dr. Bowser, over 1509 Far. Tel. Douf. 6370. (U-M456 Oc31 DRS. RINOLER. 80S NevL'le block. 'Phone Red 667. (S M150 Novl Office gappliee. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and ofllce fixtures und sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 306 South 18th St Tel. Douirlas 651. () M290N11 Photoaraphera. C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 16th Bt. (5)-828 Plamblnsr. PLUMBING snd heating attended to at once. Room 82. U. S. Nat, Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4m. (5) 1GS 14 Frlatlagr. HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too larce or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 S. 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas Kz. (6I-M512 Novt BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don t tail to see our eleaant Imported line. Lyngs ad & Jorve, printers, 1 & Cap Ave. (5)-828 isafes,. Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe t.nd Iron Worka makes a specialty of f.ra escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 101 8. 10th Bt. (to si Stove Repairing. STOVES, furnaces repaired, cleaned and set up. 328 N. 16th. 'Phone U. 2749. ' (6)i-M160 13s STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel ftirnacea. Omaha Btove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St Tel Douglas 900. (M-M275 Novll Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618' Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red4. TBI v-j HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED iJtdy agents to take orders for our corsets; express paid on cash orders credit given. Write today for catalogue ami terms. Paris Lorset shop, 84 E Wuxhlnglon Bt., Chicago. (7) WANTED Demonstrator. Apply ut Sweet land. Brandeia, east arcade. (7j MD10 U Clerical aad Office. GIRLS for railroad offices; education twi years nign at n 001. call or address tc B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P R. R., fourth floor, Paclflo Express Bldg., umalia, Med. (7) 16 EXPERIENCED stenographer at the Key stone. (7) 4ot) 13 PERMANENT position for young lady; must be quick, neat and good pi nmen. Ad dress F 412, care Bee. 7 M262 14 WANTED Bright young girl for office work; permanent position; must have nigh school education and be able to opar ato typewriter. Address In ow hand writing stating former experience and ref erences. W 423, cure Bee. (7) M4t 15x CASHIER tor out of town at the Key stone. (71461 18 MORE ladles and girls for decorative pslnt. lng on sofa pillows, st home, whole or spare time; experience unnecessary; call forenoons. 2311 8. 13th. (7 M500 Ux Faetery aad Trades. WANTED Women for hand ironera and machines, Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson Bt. (7-Vd WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage help; good wagea to right party. Address fel ting Candy Co., Grand Island. Neb. (7-M6U Ux lleesekeepere and Doaacstlca. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2iL5 fcjbermao Ave 'Phong Webster 3723. (7 Mill WANTED Competent second girl for tarn 11 y of two. tUSt Dodge Bt. (7) MIK4 GIRL for housework: no washing: no cook HELP WANTED FEMALE lleeaeheepere aad Deaaea4lce roat'd WANTED-Chambermaid; good character required; country girl preferred; ticxet furnished. Addreaa Perkins Hotel. Ivld City, Neb (7) M Ux WOMF.N for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, 136. Canadian ofllce, Intn ana Dodge. (7) S4 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general housework; two in lamity, Sood wages. Mrs. Frank Had ley. &:1 irletoK (7)-M9K7 HOUSEKEEPER between M and yeari wanted. T. Taller, Mccook. 8. u. (7)-Mt OSlx WANTED Girl for gensral housework; good wages; small family, ae b vnn Ave. 7)-6 WANTED Chambermaid; good character required; country girl preferred; tlcart furnished. Address Perklna Hotel David City. Nerx Q) 146 14X WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; tnree tn family, lei. uarncy 32. 112 N. SSth Ave. (7) 156 14 WANTED Experienced girl for genera. nousework; good wages. ppiy i i"i North 40th. (7)-M178 IS WANTED Good cook who can wash and Iron; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sun derland, 1019 8. mh St. Tel. Harney (7)-183 ! GIRL for general housework; three In fam ily. loiS Jackson St. 'Phone uouitias hm. 7-M-oi 14x WANTED Good girl for general house work, tmall family. Call at 15li) B. sm hi. (7) 442 Ux WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, inquire Vtl Mortn in ts. (7)-M434 15 WANTED Experienced second girl; two In family; no laundry. Mrs. M. p. Dodge, jr., tm Howard St. Tel. Doug. 81U9 (7)-M305 15 WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 in family, good wages. Mrs. K. E. woicn, 414 8. SSth St. (7) 429 19 WANTED A competent girl for general housework, three In family, best or waxes, 2130 Blnney St. (7) M415 15 WANTED CSIrl for general housework; t In family. 3624 Lafayette Ave. (7) M4t is WANTED Cook and unstralrs girl. Apply 84ns Harney St.; take Farnam car nnd get oft at 33d St. Telephone Harney 773. (7) M.V9 16 GIRL for general housework; 3 adults In ramity; wages, $5. call on Mrs. Morana, 2906 Dodge. (7 M503 ISx Miscellaneous. BUYER WANTED FOR MUSLIN UN DERWEAR. INFANTS' WEAR AND .CORSET DEPARTMENTS; MUST BE CAPABLE AND KNOW HER Bl'8l NE8S THOROUGHLY; ONLY THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE AND BKST REFERENCES NEED APPLY; 8TATE ALL PARTICULARS, IN FULLEST CONFIDENCE. APPLY AT MAY CO., CLEVELND, OHIO. (7)-30T U BE A graduate nurse and earn $20 to $10 fer week; we provide home study course ecturea; hospital practice when desired; employment for students and graduates; largest training school In the world. Write today, free book. Amer. T. School Nurses, 26 Crllly Bldg., Chicago. (7)-3B7 13x WANTED Experienced alteration woman. win pay highest wages. O. K. Bcofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. (7) 783 IF YOU want a portion, see the KEY- oijuiM (7) 4i3 13 I MADE $60,000 In five years In the mall oraer ousiness: Began witn K; any one can do the work. Send for free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager. Box 670, Lockport, N. Y. (7) LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at nome: easy learned: XLfro 10 iz w per dosen. 60$ Paxton Block. (7)-M12 14x WANTED An apprentice girl, 1909 Capitol Ave. (7) 168 N7x WANTEB Girl to work In studio. Kosy Btudlo, I is', pjth Bt. (7) MI14 lox THE KEYSTONE) wants an experienced casmer at once. (7) 453 13 ANT Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers: ex perience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. , (7) GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap ply any time, uemis umana nig ro, (7) M481 NovlJ WANTED Glrla for circular work. Apply Mnnrlay morn'na- Hartman Furnl're and Carpet Co., 1414 Douglas. (7) M504 13 HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicitors and Satesmea. ARE you out of workT Call and see us; gono nustiers make good money, c. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (9)-12S WANTED Capable city salesman. Ken nsrd Paint and Glass Co., loth and Daven port. (9-M752 GET next to newest gooda. slickest schemes, money-making Diane, rnrmuias. trade an- creta. Send dime for six months subscrip tion to greatest agents paper, progreS' sive Monthly, Desk D, Brooklyn, N. Y. (9)- EXCLUSJVE territory to district manag ers; liberal contract to write our w re camera' combination health and accident certificate. Address World Accident Asso ciation. 60$ W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Net (9)- CIGAR Saleaman Wanted In your locality to represent us. experience unnecessary; $8 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monroe cigar Co., Tolrdi. O. () 366 Ux TRAVEL for old reliable wholesale house; staple well advertised line; $150 to $250 a month and expensea. Wanted a good man for Nebraska territory at one. Address W holesaler. 708 to 708 Houaer Bldg. St, Louis, Mo. (9) 3ti3 Ux WANTED Traveling salesmen to sell our line of fruit, ciders and vinegar. State experience and aalary - expected. Refer ence required.' lied i:rosa Vinegar Co, Bt Louis. Mo. , (9)-304 Ux YJU WEEKLY easily made writing con tracts for free land given to develop country along tne new l tilon Centra railroad In east Texaa. Addresa box 71 Dallas. Tex. () 308 Ux AGENTS wanted to aell $1 box of Native Herbs ror sc. Kor sample and partlcu lars write P. C. Melrose, Columbus. O. (9- s26 A WEEK and expenses for men to In troduce Poultry Compound. Reliable com pany. Experience unnecessary. Imperial Co., Dept. tl. farsons, Kan. () $100 PER month and traveling expenses pom salesmen 10 st-ii soous 10 dealers; reliable compnr y; experience unnecessary. I'urny jo., iiuragu. () iiu rm ua x selling to merchants our novelty and changeable signs. Something new. catalogue iree. tiawk riecialty vo., uepi. v, nci Moines, 1a. () ill lix $3,000 TO $6,000 paid for distributing circu lara, samples, etc. American Union I'on tiac Bldg, Chicago. (1)-J5il Ux WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute Jor slot macmnee; patented; sells on aignt tor 31; particulars. Uistia t ., An dersor, Ind. V 372 Ux AGENTS "The Teddy Beara" aell at slant big profits. Uct territory and terms quick j. o. &iegiar si vo., uiucugo. (9-3ti6 13x POST CARDS Ten good ones and money making plan all for 13 cenis. Slate age, religion. National, 841 Lakeside building, Chicago. (9)-a:il 13x AGENTS wanted, every city and county, new opportunity. Best houseiiulj mer chandise, big protlts, quick sellers. Tishesi Supply Co, box 2M Madisor) Square poslufflce, New York. (9-387 Ujt SOMETHING NEW - Make $10 a day; hustlers can make $20. Work at home; facts. C11EMOUN CO., 1616 Locust Bt., St. Loula. Mo. (9)-3tf 13x n Dine: sample and particulars free; strictly con dentlal. Dept $, Javanoaa Novelty Co.. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats aad Saleemea-Coallaae. PAPER 8ALK8M EN Desiring to extend our business, we sre looking for ex perienced salesmen for the following ter ritories: Missouri, Illinois, lows, Kansaa, Net.raena, Colorado, UklsJionia. Texaa, Arkansaa and other southern elates. Pre fer rneo now covering these terrltorlea, and who have established trado in the wrapping paper and folding box line. Give full information regaidlng expert-, ence, etc. Communications confidential, T. P. Chapmen l ayer Co., SU tome, (91 4W US SALESMAN WANTED A salesman to cover railroad and country towne, who can furnish reierences and bond, to carry, on 1'iiiiunli.sion, an established line of staple goods which sell to drug and gen eral stores on exceptional terma. Could be carried tn advantage as a aide llnet Address, stating age and experience, C C. 8., Fredonla, N. Y. (9- 13 SALESMEN write Dept. A.. 123 Sycamore Bt., Milwaukee, Wis., for best agency proposition on the market. Highly merl tdnous patented article gold medal win ner St. Loula World's fair; easily and convincingly demonstrated; appeals to all classes of people. No competition, ex clusive territory with opportunity to build up permanent trade. ( 8fc4 Ux MEN Don't accept any kind of work un til you hear from ua; make 310 per day aelllng the quickest seller on earth; UO.uoO sold in Minneapolis; new article; naw plan; costs T centa; sells for th cents. Bend 6 cents for two samples. Domeslia Mtg. Co.. Desk 8, Minneapolis, Minn. (9)-M2os Ux SALESMEN Best side line evar offered. Staple goods. Sell to all kinds of trade. Backed up by Irresistible advertising. Good men clear AK to $260 a month. Ordinary men make more money than they ever made before. Won't Interfere with regular line. Also few state men in unoccupied states. Advanced Company, 4 Front. Milwaukee, Wis. (9 REPRESENTATIVE to solicit, exclusively or side line, the saloon, drug and whole sale liquor trade for Woodland, a straight Kentucky whisky, guaranteed under the pure food law and adopted by government for hospital purposes; an easy seller; write for prices, territory, samples, etc. Woodland Distilling Company, department , lovingion, jvy. ( WANTED Tfsvellng salesman for Ne- ijuo. a. 1 it.il' reamcm or umaua. One accustomed working country stores. Positively give sge, llnea handled, aver age monthly sales to receive reply. None but wood Snle ,pn Inriklri ner rtfnt positions, need answer. Salary and ex pi-uses to right party. Bo ..,.o, ID. ()-3M Ux WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb. (9 M604 84X WANTED Salesmen calling on dry goods trade, soutnern lowa ana northern ive braska to add our line of wrappers, petticoats, etc; good commissions; largt, established trade. Lock Box 923, Deg Moines, la. (9) M191 IT WANTED At once, experienced and sue- , cessrul overall salesman for South Da kota, Black Hills and Wyoming; one of the best lines on the road. - Lincoln Over all and Shirt Co,, Lincoln, Neb. (9)-M9U U WANTED High-grade accountants, ex- periencea in rauroaa accounts; aiso boys between 16 and 20 for a general training In rai'ri affaire. Call on or addreas General Storekeeper, U. P. R, R. Co.. Omaha. (9) Ml$9 II WANTED Gentlemen and ladles to sell new article; agents can make $6 to 810 a day. Omaha Burglar Alarm Co., 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) M266 14 COMMISSION representatives, with estab lished dry goods acquaintance, tor strong, popular priced skirt lins. Unusual op portunity for man who can make good. Give all Information first letter. Address Y 31, care of Bee. () tt Ux AGENTS Name ' plates, signs, numbers. readable darkest nights. Easily sold. Profits large. Samples free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, Ills. (9)-83S Ux FAMOUS new prise gas light sells for 10c. Leave on trial and collect cash. Agents making $40 weekly. Exclusive territory. Room 616, 60 Wabash, Chicago. (9)-43 13x GASOLINE Light Men-We want ths best lamp for the least money; that means large sales and big profits to you; general agents clear $10,000 yearly and county agents proportionately. National Light, Heat and Power Co., 804 West Lake St., Chicago. 9)-87$Ux WANTED Reliable salesmen. Attractive p. in -.. Worth $300 monthly to hustler. Box 4iU, Lepu 1 2, ivauba city, (9)-333 Ux SALESMEN Advertised medicine pror M- tlon for drug trade. Bute lines sold snd sverage sales; will meat you per sonally; C. W. B., 86 Union Psrk PI., Chicago. (9) 833 Ux WANTED Energetic man to travel In Nebraska. Kvnerlence unneceaary. Good - - .,'-.. Tna4 eWhes free every 90 days. J. E. McBrady 4e Co.. Van tiuivn bi., Chicago. (9)-M0 Ux BEST advertising proposition on earth t verv prontaDle to retailer ana salesmen 1 $15 to $9D a day asaured; absolutely pew and an eaay seller. Address, riving present and past lines sold, Manufactur ers, 836 First Nat Bank Bldg., Chlraro. 9- Ux SALESMAN Experienced specialty man for Nebrsska. nign rritai stapio line with patented features. Application treated confidentially, y:vt refeteiHes, age and home addr.eis. Post Ions pinv anent. Mltchsm Mfg. Co., 1U Klf'h Ave., Chicago. 9 J7$ 'ig SALESMAN WANTED By large wait known firm, for Nebraska to sell general atorea the best advertised specialty Una In the country. A rars opening and liberal, drawing account for right man. State age and experience fully. Address Myers, Box 872, Iowa City, la. () 878 Ux SALESMAN Some of our men earned $W. net last montn, ana we can prove it. Write us asking how it waa dona. High, class, dignified line. Responsible house, A. D. Chandler, 66 6th Ave., Chics go. . . (9)-74 U IF you're the man we want, write right now; make $70 commission weekly or start as side line; well known staple sold by ' most lines every town; no samples to lug; season Just opening; liberal datlngs. Manufacturer, Box 1198, SU Loula. 1 ()-47 U PARISIAN diamonds, finest Imported stones, stand every test; write for cats- ' Icigue; liberal offer, $6 dally sure. Past Manufacturing Co., Syracuse, N. T. ( U3 UX SALESMEN WANTED Well equipped salesman to call on physicians: a very exceptional opportunity is offered for Im mediate work; nt - and ----.a Lock Box 121, Philadelphia. (9) 346 US MAKE $2(i0 a month In the mall order buaU nesa; we teach you by mall and start you; In business; If you have spare time and a little cash, write us today; we will make you prosperous. Mall Order Lvceuru. Scranton, Pa. (9) $46 Ux AGENTS AND CANVASSERS A profita ble fall and winter business; 30th oen tury heat and light in one gas burner: heats snd lights any room st cost of IlKht only. Twentieth Century Mfg. Co., 1$ Warren St., New York. (8J 13x; FREW SAMPLE-Palne's Rein Guide for single driving with first order; big salesl rug prom; v. rue nuxa iorprices; sample, 3m: A. O. PA1 tu., LTlpple creek and Denver, Colo. ()-617 18x WANTED Six good men. by rdd. Meal & Co., at once, to sell the NEW Interna tional Encyclopedia In Nebraska, Sotrta Dakota and western Iowa; good commis sion snd a guaranteed salary to the rivht irfn. Inouire at office, 71$ New York Life Bldg.,. Omaha. Neb. (9) M511 16 CAPABLE aalesrnan to cover Nebraska v.Mh stanle line. High commission, with $100 monthly advance, permanent posi tion to r'vlit man. Jess H. Bml'h Co.. De troit, 'ML-h. (8)-a&0Ux WANTED Men to travel on the road and I sell candy to the retail trade; steady . em ployment; answer at once. L M. Leach A Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. (9)-40t Us AOFNTB Our self-generating gas burners, rutins: kerosene lamus. continue a winner: brilliant gas light: liberal Inducements; description free. Eastern Gas LigM Co v Broadway, New lurk.