Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 19

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m a
' a
6'malha-4lhie city off beautafful .Ihonies9'
Is flic title of an edition dc luxe of
T7 T
twill J
iA. J?lS
i W
' n
v 5
To tD2 puitDlIsSnedl Ocftotpen 20, 1907.
It iivill be beautifully printed on inlcj Qr&icl& paper and will
contain about ISO pictures of Omaha's representative
homes, parks and boulevards. It shows the beauty of
our city in a way that has never before been attempted.
; "2311 YOU Itielp si(raeiPtfl(B OmmsilTiai6?
All this which has been done with immense labor and painstaking care on our part will count for nothing if copies are not sent to the out-oiv
town friends and customers of the people who are proud of thir city ani always willing to do their share, If everyboiy sends out a few copies, it ,
will give Omaha an advertisement which will place it in a most favorable light it will give people an appreciation of what a beautiful city we have.
The Eee wants to see thousands and thousands of copies sent all over the land we want it to be an effective advertisement for Cmaha, and mak
ing a price which leaves
per copy.
you eight cents,
17th and IFA.KMA.1V1 SXS,
Order in advance to Insure our printing a large enough edition.
u H
........,.A...t.AIiaAIAUlAaillllUAI'UAIklaAIAr.A.l.A.A.l.A...........A...1...1......l.Aa...UA........l.A..ABA...liaiIAI4lLi1 M ABAH AUI AB if A.M .W AM A AM AS AH A. . . -
Searchlight Turned on the Tricki of
' Seen and Seereuei. ,
Available lformtlo. About , Blttrra
Tarard to Good Aecoaat r
Kakrra lud , . Donbtera
atroualr Imjtrcaaed.
1 1 11,1 or Will Irwln'i pavera In
t'ull'fu'a. iliolirg w'th nienuimi and flalr
vnyaoti. ivliurs thsa tj.'iJlntitaiicrB of
tint Rum-' ; ..; J : " i-
lu trotcmiional lore (here are two or tlifVe
qr-nr toile aliout beijlBnlrigs. One la
liiM la that extraordinary unonyinoua book,
'Revelatlona ot a Spirit Madluin."At u'ght
(vii, tha author was the agnostic member
In a family of plrttuallst. A wandering
niaterlallslnc medium both converted him
and peruaded )ilin that he h(n "powera"
which ha could d-relop If he would. For
three, montha, then, the boy eat lu the one night a Wffk, while hi family
n nd friend formed a :k circle outiMe.
pithing happeneil. One night a temptation
ittmo upon him. He, would glva the circle
a run for Ma money, j With hi heel ' he
produced a avrlea of rup. ', Tremendous
Benaxtlon In the circle.'. The next t'nie he
rubbt.t sulphur marches on his finger ard
thrust them throuSi- the curtains "spirit
if ': .:'
Life cf ahoc
quality of f b laath
r and tb tit.
TLls Woma'.
Oui Metal, no tip.
'fits lik your foot
Ita leather Is tha
beat lllty . ycara ot
perleoca cia aelact. '
' j a'iyTrlal'ir'ttrnB.TsatWr- T f i
light." From that he went to a long and
glorious career In materialising.
Btacea of DUIIIaalaaiuent.
A well-to-do fish merchant lived In Bos
con In the early seventies. He went wild
ver spiritualism; and a gang of the en
.erprlslng mediums peculiur to Boston took
ilm In hand. With the help of a "eplrlt
afflnlty," thoy bled him of eveiythlng h
.ad. Just about the time that he went
tito bankruptcy some one opened his eyes.
He determined to spend the rest of his
'lie exposing mediums; and to tbat end he
t adit a study of fraudulent method. When
.e had become an expert! temptation ar-
r'ved. Why not pull back hi money
hrough tho very hofe" into which he had
loured It? Ho went boldly Into tho business
and gained a name ahlch atill Uvea, lie
a now pausing hi ota sko on a farm In
New Jersey which he bought with the
,'iocoids of his "medlinnHliip." A keen
young British sudor ramo Into the port of
Ean Francisco ten years ago. With a party
of shoru-leave men, he went - to an inde
pendent alata writer who charged them a
dollar apiece. This Brltisn tar caught the
medium slipping a silicate flspx "If looks
easy," be said to himself, "I think I can
do ; that." ... He deserted from his ship,
scared the 'medium Into a confession, and
was taken Into the graft. He la the best
'ndependent slate writer performing today.
The medium is launched now. What hn
she learned In her preliminary stu1i
Simply that shrewd guessing, combined
with systematic observation, will turn the
trick. In four case out of five. It la won
derful how til mere amateur can learn
throUil. systematic observation to uncover
secrets. If you do not believe It. try It
some time at dinner, say. Listen, as you
never listened before, to the table talk.
Try to remember It all; to combine some
little thing which you have just heard
with something that you heard three min
ute ago. Study small peculiarity s in
dress, appearance, manner. If you do not
discover hidden tacts about mere acquaint!
ancea, you are a dull person. Last spring
I went to a professional clairvoyant In
Warren avenue. Boston.. She had a sitter;
t was asked to wait my turn. I had three
Boston papcra wlia mo; and after I had
glanced them over I out from each the
news items concerning a woman suffrage
banquet. Having done this, I folded n;
the papers and left them on the hst rack.
The medium was a long tlmo about It, and
I had an appointment; I called her out of
the trance stale to tell her that I would
be back that afternoon. When, at lant. I
got my sitting, Merry Kyea, tha Indian
control, sparred a nilnula for an opening
and then asked: "Your business has to do
with woman suffrage, l aan't it, cli!cftain"
Of course, sue had examined those papers,
compared tnein with, whole copies, and
rnadtf her deduction.
tVamea la the Majerltr.
Tour sitter out of every five are women,
and four women out of every five want to
teH their trouble and rehearse their
lii.cfs. 'ilii. inediu.n u not iivl-J lUt...
back. A small hint here, a slight reference
there, the application of a little practical
shrewdness In combining the two and be- I
hold, a wonderful revelation. The hopes
of the litter, too, are always with thu
medium. She I ready and eager to grasp
at the slightest semblance of truth. Tho
medium adds a sauce that makes it all
go down an optimistic prophecy of a
bright future. Condition are alway going
to Improve. The alck child will get well
the lover will come back. The sitter goes
away desiring, with all the hope in nor
foolish heart, to believe.
This Sherlock Holmes method of observa
tion and deduction Is the basis of the medi
um's art. It Is not enough, however, for a
real success. The confirmed sitter usually
visits mere mediums than one the thing
is a habit. Her steady patronage govs to
that medium who show the moat acourate
and minute knowledge of past relatives and
present troubles. Our rising young medium.
therefore, begins to revise her methods and
to take in confederate either from Inside
or outside the profession.
Methods Employed.
Here Is a typical way: The medium 1 es
tablished near a lar.'e factory, employing
many girls. Next to bereaved old women,
) working girl are the steadiest patrons ot
'clairvoyants, fortune teller, and palmist.
I Attracted by the sign, one or two gliis
! from the factory drop in. One of them, the
modlum finds. Is morally corruptible. The
medium doe , her best at this "fishing
seance" and gives a pretty good readtnt.
"How much?" asks the girl when the con
trol Is jassed. "Nothing for you, my
dear." says the medium. "I want you to
help me. I've proved my power to you th
evening because -my magnetism and yours
are tied up, like. We're affinities. But I
can't always count on It, and when It fails,
people go away disbelieving and ready tn
knock. If ou help me, there' money In
It for both of us "and she lay out- her
plan. The girt I to tell wonderful things
of this medium In th factory, and to fur
nish Information about every girl who bites.
In return, the medium Is to give her a quar
ter of the fees. When the confederal lias
sent full and unmistakable personal de
scription In advance, the medium may
give even the sitter' nam, cold from the
wold of spirit. If this confederate show
aM Ity, ahe may p'ck up a i:ttle extra money
by gossiping with the circle before public
sittings, and passing the Information along.
Will the confederate "peach?" Not If th
medium knowa her business. This g'rl has
revealed In the "fishing fitting" certain se
crets which 110 woman wants known of her
Buch blackmail Is a sure defense against
exposure by confederate or awakened
- lafumat lea Peet4.
Th bust and surest confederates, how
ever, come from the craft itself. Few me
diums, after the early beginnings, work
1 alone. They combine constantly to ex
; change information and to trad those
j "test bouk which all gocd craftsmnn kt'p.
A test book Is not a book at all, but a
classified list of Bitters, giving their per
sonal appearance, the spirits which they 1
have recognized, and such additional and
convincing fact a the medium lias been
able to learn about them. 1
Such record are traded continually In '
any given group of medium. Their use
become manifold. I showed In describing
Madame August how these fakers emulate j
green-gopd men, bunco-steerers, and wire
tapper by "passing the sucker along."
Madame August recommend Mr. Hay
wood "her controls can tell you thing I
that are hidden from mine, my dear" and
ahead of the Bitter goes a personal descrip
tion and an entry from the test book.
Investigating skeptics liave proved this
'collusion again, and again. A belliver from
I Boston went to Los Angeles. Elsie Rey
' nolds, the most marvelou demonstrator
I of immortality In the Tar west, had Just ar
I'ved from Oakland, and bus nets was great.
1 The Boston believer, sitting with a psychic
j whose specialty was reading and answering
questions In sealed envelopes, sent up a
, cuestlon addressed to her mother, Margaret
! Boone. Of course, I am disguising the
An Ere Opener.
Klther the aplrlt was careless, or the
alcohol sponge was not working well that
day, for' when tho medium saw a
bringli.g a mother's Influence hovering over
the sltur, he caug)it the name Margaret
Booth. Tiie Boutun woman did not correct
hfm. The next day she went to a slate
writer. . He cashed and sailed a pair of
double slates; .'here was a sound of writing
in the seance loom; he opened the slates
and showed a mersaga signed, "Your
Mother, Margarot Booth." Later in that
week "Effte," the famous child control of
Elsie Reynolds, spole from the cabinet to
tell this Boston woman that Marg ret Bo 1 1
was there with a n other's Influence and
hoped aoon to be ationg enough for full
form materialisation. This fictitious "Mar
garet Booth" was the -neans of uncovering
her daughter. "But 1 was a long time,"
said this woman, "before I could be
lieve that people who seemed to be so kind
and good would play upon my grief for
money." A foreign corsul in Ban Fran
Cisco began te follow the medium game for
the joy that there was In It. He I the man
who nearly put Elsie Re) nolds out of bus
Ineso by scattering fine ticks on the floor
for the confusion of her barefoot ghosts.
After that, the appearance of the first
spirit from Elsie Reynold' cabinet waa al
way preceded by a soft, whirring sound
along th floor. The believer (aid that tt
was a spirit wind; th skeptic said that It
sounded just like a carpet sweeper In action.
But I digress. This consul, who had
peculiar appearance, easily recognised from
j description, gave the false name "Mr. Al
I bert" to hi first medium. Thereafter,
! nearly every medium ho visited got the
' name "Albert" right out of the air for him.
When tivf medium begins to travel, test
j busks become a sure help. Ill th great
cities, where all kinds of stranger come'
visiting, it is Impossible for any group of
mediums to keep track of every sitter. In
a town or a small city, on the other hand,
the believers all know each other; at the
coming of a visiting medium, they all "alt."
The first medium on the ground goes away
with a test book of price. Two of the craft
meet In Chicago. "I've Just been through
Illinois," aay one. "Any test books?" asks
the other. "Best ever. What have you cn
Wisconsin?" "Nearly every town In the
state." "Suppose we trader' So they copy
records from each other and croas paths,
one to Wisconsin and the other to the one-
night stands of Illinois, there to give con
vincing proofs of spirit communication.
In every large city certain men make
a business of trading test hooks on com
mission. I talked this spring with W. D.
Le Roy of Loston, a dealer In conjurer'
supplies who sells tricks and parapher
nalia for "spirit effects" as a side Una.
He took me for a professional medium, and
we gossiped as two fellow craftsmen. "By
the way," I said a I wa leaving, "You
don't do any business with test book,
do you?" "No," he aald, "I'm not In that
line. There I a fellow, thotlgh, who gets
up book and run down Information for
meil!unn.vHe wa In here three or four
month ano." "What' his name and
I where can I find him?" I asked. "Why
I don't you ask some other medium?" saM
I Le Roy, grown suddenly suspicious. That
I wa as near ci I ever got to this Jewel of
heavenly revelations.
A et of Knockers.
Those traveling mediums who choose to
work without confederates know another
way of getting test books. "Mediums."
ssid one of the guild to me, "are a set of
knockers. Half the exposures Is started
by other mediums that Is Jealous. Women
especially." He who would dispense with
confederates and work by tilts method
must have a little capital: and it Is not
practicable for a female medium.
The operator let b whiskers grow and
gets a Job celling book, blacking or wash
boardsanything that takes him Into a
great many houses. Having laid out the
circuit of small cities which he la to play
later, he canvasses at his leisure. He
engsges the "lady of the house" In talk,
encouraging her to gossip about herself
and her neighbors. He draws from the
drug clerk and the grocery man the record
of town happenings. H gets at back file
of the local newspapers. From these
atltched things, he prepares a teat book,
which he supplement by meditations
among the tomb In the town graveyard.
A graveyard I a test book In itself. After
he ha made a careful record of eight or
'ten towns, he shaves, puts on his other
suit, and goe over the circuit again this
time a a medium. That which wa hid
den la revealed through hi marvelous
powers, and many are converted. Thi
j method known as "planting town" wa
1 common before the traffics In teat book
j began.
1 Th teal booh business grew Into the
Brotherhood of Mediums, a league of mys
tery from which the veil Is lifted now and
then, revealing a bizarre fraternity whose
great secret Is the fact of Ita own exist
ence. In such an Inquiry as this, one If
truck with the repetitions of history.
What Is this Brotherhood of Mediums but
the Eleuslnlan mysteries or the Egyptian
priesthood In greasy replica? Indeed, thi
connection Is closer than a chance resem
blance. Many trick now practiced in
physical manifestation come down In tin
broken line from the pyramid builders
According to general report, this brother
hood admits only the best professionals.
Its object is mutual protection and the
exchange of methods and Information.
Especially Is It the center of the trade in
test books.
About fifteen years ago, some captain
of spirit' lndustry"controlled" perhaps by
a great organizer gone before conceived
an idea for systematizing the test book
business. ll and hi fellow established
In Chicago "The Medium' Blue Book."
It wa not really a book It wa more like
a Bradatret commercial agency. They
kept In the home office full, classified teet
books for every big city In the union. A
brotherhood medium might Write from Bos
ton, Cincinnati De Moines, New Orleans,
and get th full local list or special llts
covering cer'a'n district and n,-ti-
of business. The fee varied with the im
portance and extent of the service, .i is
said that the Boston chapter of tha Blu,
iiook comprised 7,009 names.
Maiingi mt m Crnlc,
Love la a lesson we always learn bl
n.e younger the man. the more he thlhki
he knows about women.
W hen we take a man's word for a thing
'an we expect him to keep it, too?
Tli truth - mi.hl. n .1 ...III nM...n.
but some men would hate to have it tali
about them. ,
Poverty I the soap that protect u from
fllthy lucre.
Bomo fellow are o full of hot air thai
they ought to wear stove pipe hat to
let It out.
When a woman announce that ahe haa
nothing further to say, ahe manage to
aay It at great length.
Many a chicken live to regret that It
hadn't been hard-boiled before It waa born.
In spite of the fact that a woman' teeth
may chatter, ahe doesn't do her chatter
ing with her teeth. ,
Met Quit Clear.
A well known clergyman of Boston one
wa talking to some friends with reference
to the desirability of chronological coher
ence In Ideas. In the form of written state
ment, when he observed that there are
time when thi method become a trifle
too auggeatlve.
"For Instance," said the speaker, "I onoe
heard a minister In New Hampshire make
bis usual Sunday morning announcement
a follow;
" 'The funeral of the late and much la
mented sexton takes place Wednesday
afternoon at S o'clock.
" 'Thankaglvlng aervlcea will be held In
this chanel on Thursday morning at 11
o'clock.' " Llpplncott'a Magaaine.
Old Dutch
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