THE OMAHA SUXDAV BEE: OCTOBEi: 13. 1907. TIMELY REAL ESTATE TALK Another of Handsome Homes That Make Omaha Beautiful Map JStiowIrifj Fart Of tllC VI1IO0C5 of y'Sew Addition Near Dundee to Be Opened Soon. . , TRACT COMPRISES FORTY. ACRES "MM? n - t ' I , ; HAMILTON ST 4 i w-w 1 1 1 1 1 hmpi 1 1 rn i I'rrhiT"1 iFil iHHTl I III Hi t TKrf 1 1 1 H . 2 LA FA VTTC AVkX I 1 Li V X f ) Grading; (omagra la Ciinlr Horn District Inrtc street Ht4 ' I.ofa Are Bought tor Patwre DaUdlng Operations. In three years the Dundee Realty oom pany fis spent $60,000 In grading property In Dundee and west f Dundee. , Forty acred northeast of ths Happy Hol low club, lying wrf of Fifty-first street and running from Dodge to liard streets. last piece to be Improved. It was twenty . yen? a , ago ,ti a part of Dup&ie, but waa never developed. It will be placed on the market shortly by George A Co. -,' ; i j The whole tract has been graded, at r eat a have been laid out and graded, -water has been brought to every lot, drain pipe have been laid .to carry off the surface water and a, layer of black soil has been put over the xlay left exposed by tha grading. Cement walks will be laid' and trees planted., Along the west side of this addition runs . the Happy Hollow boule vard, which, when completed, will ex tend three-quarters of a mile from the north end of Elrawood park to Hamtlton street. It la now completed for a quarter of a mile along the new addition. The real eatate company will begin the ale of these lota next Saturday. The lots are 60x135 feet.' Anyone who buys must agree to build no house costing less than 2,S00. . , In the Immediate vlflnlty ot this' tract, another piece of thirty acres baa, been Im- Vli tha. las .it 4 V 'III ftfi ill . ... 1 . I ft 4. , X HOME! OF "W. O. BRADFORD ON SOUTH THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET-. sold the gTound aa 62 feet and the pur' chaser later mortgaged t to Mr. Koufiue mm OCA 1V. wrm rrm n ? ,mflnunA proved In the last two years. The bp- ' ' . TO ,. 'ZZltZ ' . and when Mr. Kountae sold the property pearance of the district would surprise one I . .... . i.,,m., who has not visited It for aeveral years. There Is a thick aod on the ground graded I wo years ago, and trees are flourishing, i Two houans are In course of construction and five or six more are planjved. About a mile west, the Dundee Realty company Is grading 100 acres, extending from the Dodge street ' road to Hamilton i street. No flat places and no knoba will as C84 ' feet. Mr. Fix a says there is un doubtedly BS4 feet. If you measure by the curve of the MIL for Jljfl like Jfrfiaha Jobbe "Two or three years ago you wouldn't mention Ninth street In pom society," said E. A. Benson at the meeting of the Jtaai Estate exchange' last Wednesday. "Now we talk about It every day and we are proud of it, with Ita fine row of big buildings. ' It just shows how Omaha Is developing. It Is remarkable when you think that all this change has come about In two years." Promise Is given that the large tract of wheat land lying west of Creighton university will soon be built up. All this tract will be placed on sale at once. With the exception of that part bought recently v.. v.,...l rn- ... .thl.Hn fluM All . . . ... - If , L UlllfCIDIl, L. . ' .. ...iw - - - "I: 'v . .1 moiT' the land has changed hands lately. vjub iirvi ucen itua qui io ioiiow ine contour of the oosntryw It Is here that C. B, Hayward, . I O. Ferley and others are building fine country homes. The land tells at PM0 to J1.00O an acre and no one will be allowed to build a house costing less than $6,000. Across the Dodge road south are the fine country homes of W. S. Wright bjuJ George Fayne. East of the 100-acre tract, the company has leased eighty acres for ten years to the Happy Hollow club-for gqlfiinks. j, While 'there artfT'few olg buildings In prospect for the, near future, there are also a number In prospect for a time distant by two or three e four or Ave y ears. Rome Miller, who . nidi! the ?new ' -Rome hotel crowded to Its capacity, is already begin ning to think he. -would, like tp have It size doubled and haa opened negotiations for the lot Immediately east of .the. hotel. ,He would like to build ext year. George A. Joslyn has bought .the., trackage, lpt at ths southwest corner of Ninth and Howard streets and will soma time, erect a building for the Western Newspaper Union. There are a number 1 of persons with money who will erect buildings to suit prospective tenants. It is generally known that Mrs. E. W. Nash who erected the large ,M. ' E. Smith wholesale buildings. Ilka tor erect 'other' large Jitrnctures "While we're building that proposed court house,''- said D. C. Patterson, "we ought to build for the next 100 years. I'm afraid M.OOO.ouu will not rurolsh ample facilities for Omaha that long, judging from the way the city Is growing.- The county com missioners should figure how large a build ing the county will need fifty, seventy-five flit 100 xr a ra frAM now ff fh. .AMn -. of Increase In population, and the people P1"0 tne ,an t0 draft b,,W for ubml should vote bonds for such a building, If Blon to the Ktelature. It Is required to ,. A military road through Omaha between Fort. Omaha and Fort Crook li a vision that floats periodically through the minds of Omaha cltlxens. Since Senator Norrls Brown's visit, to Omaha . the vision has begun to float again. Senator Brown said It Is not Improbable that the' government will consider plana for ; building', such, a road, since both forts haul a, lot of mer chandise out of Omaha by wagon, and the present, roads are in miserable condition part of the time. Omaha people will wel come the ' road when it comes, but are not losing any sleep In . thought of IU Immediate construction '. ' , , ; '. i . .-(..-''" One block of grosnd on Spencer street, Just east of Sherman avenue, perhaps hold the record of recent years for quick improvement in the residence section, though , there has beea rapid growth tn all directions. A. year ago the bleck was all vacant. Now It has eight large mod ern residences representing an Investment of HO. 000. The addition' was platted b Hastings & Heyden and placed on the market last falL Governor Hughes of New York has ap pointed a Commission to . Investigate the expediency of the adoption by the state of the Torrens system, and If It shall ap- and Dodge; O. A. Scott building, at 1922 Loihrop; J. Lanalree building, at 6118 Cali fornia, and O. Kronstedt building, at 3030 California street. The plumbing and heating for a large bank and ofllce building at Lyons, Neb., Is Just being completed by the Johnson-Rowe-Daly company. Contract for the plumbing and heating for the large bank and ofllce building being erected by the First National bank of Oelweln, la., has been awarded to the Johnson-Rowe-Daly company. "The fall rush for plumbing and heating repairs is now on," said Mr. Johnson, ot the Johnson-Rowe-Daly company. "In t,p1:e of all that Is said and written warning the people to get their orders in early, a large percentage will postpone until the last minute and the consequence Is a grand rush to the plumber the first cold snap and consequent disappointment tn delay necessitated by the rush of orders." they declQe on having a, new on at all. EXTRA TRACKS FOR SIDING Union PaclOa Now Has 362 Feet for Each Frelaht Car that It Owns. . The Union Pacific Railway company now haa 3G2 feet of yard or siding trackage for each freight car It owns, whereas four years ago it had but 322 feet. This enlarse ment of sldmg facilities has been going on all over the system and in the last four years has Increased 30 per cent or 1,100 niilc-a. Extensive Improvements are now i"'nn n-aae between Council Bluffs and South Omaha, especially to the Junction of the Lane Cut-off, which is expected to bo In operation about the first of the year. An electrlo interlocking plant has been In stalled at Council Bluffs at the Junction o' the Union Paclflo with tenant lines, which use the bridge, and trackage to South Omaha, and the two new ice houses have also been built at Council Bluffs. The new trackage between Omaha and South Omaha increase the company's trackage 44,636 feet or about eight and one-half miles. Columbus has been provided with now stock yards, a brick freight depot, inter locking plant, and charging station for electrlo algnaling apparatus. To the yard trackage of the Grand Island terminal have been added 28,200 feet, besides a new inter locking plant, roundhouse, ice houses, stock yards, charging station, pumping station and a large yardmaster's building. At North Platte, In addition to minor lm- report by February V 108. It has power !to subpoena witnesses, take testimony and I rov.m .!.,, completed, Including a A few daysi ago' a funeral procession to mpel production of books and papers, ,arK8 stock yard tne company has author Holy Sepulcher cemetery stuck In tha. mud " nd lt .Erected to confer with the United ,led a conveyor type coal station of 23,000 on West Leavenworth street. This shows States authorities and the authorities of tonB capacity. , To provide for all these something of the condition of the street uoh. other countries as hava aaoptea .tne the West Leavenworth people Insist on hav- , Torrens system. Ing paved this fa)l. The contract for the . ' . '' , ' . work was let to! :;. Van Court at th.i, f,"" Z "port, buslnen very sat- , ,v, . . . . . . Isfactory. Two more of the handsome new last meeting of the park board, but there .,' . is little prospect of the Immediate begin nlng of operations. been sold within a week. Two went to present tenants, who bought because they feared they could not find houses for rent If forced out of the dwellings they ocoupy. The houses were of the six-room, partly modern type, for which there Is a great demand and an Insufficient supply. 4- SPKCXAL 8ALK ot lots lti Blocks 85 to 90 Inclusive Saturday afternoon, OctolxT 10th. . Cut this plat out and brlns it with you to the sale, or k with us any day this week and ace the proiH'rtjr Announcements, wedding stationery and railing cardn, blank book and 'magazine binding. 'Phone Doug. 1654. A. I. Root, Inc. Catarrh, Deafness, Bronchitis! Asthma, . Head Noises Cured To all beginning treatment before No vember 1st we offer our services and treatment free until cured to prove our ability to cure permanently. A small charge for medicine only. This offer will positively be withdrawn November Int. Only 19 Days Left 7Z7i aj. I u ids ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE Fourteen years ago I began to have shortness of breath and ohoking, constant wheezing and rattling In my chest. I would raise tough phlegm. Finally I got so bad I could not work. Doctors told me asthma could not be cured. The only re lief I got was from smoking an asthma powder, which only gave temporary re lief. I lost flesh and strength. I went to the specialists of the Dr. Branaman Co. a physical wreck. I can now breathe free and easy. I sleep like a child at night. I do not cough or have any more rattling or wheezing. This new treatment is a sure speclfio for asthma and I gladly rec ommend it to all. Mrs. Carolina Swan son, Benson, Neb., Oct. 12, 1907. OTJ EOMB TBATMEirr is as effec tive as office treatment. -Write for symp tom blank and book of testimonials how to cure yourself at home, free. Dr. Branaman Co. 3os nw Tomz urn L iZ 17 -1 j ,.? tt ii n jf r i 4 i f t i - " n i "1 I ' UJJ. I.I III I I L , 1 . 1. 1.1. 1 ,1 .1.1,1. bJ I f 4 we STgHH-AVS I ill,. - n , , ... m i I I i I l i t . I . Ul I I I t J rj 0 it fr t ,V t M , tt it it li tt " I I il 1.1. li I. I. I. wj Ul i I i 1 1 I I 1 il ! 1. 1 Mil I NICHOLAS ST I W 1111 1 I 1 I I '1 f I I I I I I I I I I I 1 II J- L 4 E -I l and you will be near the t . izaro ST . center of the tract. " 1 rTl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 .1 I I I I 1 I I , Grading and careful prep- - js. i : J a'ation of the blocks and 5 -f ! streets, at great expense has I p f " " jj)9iimiuii I Just been completed. I I I , i k4u ! I . I 1 . ' 1. 1 ! Lil Iril I I I li ! I I ! ! Ui Most ell lots are high and If . . .aa. lWjf tTltl 1 f fTv-1 P-V-1 I 'V I I ' I-1-1-1 M J command a fine view. 1 1 ' ' ''! jrJtJti l City water, cemrnt side- .-JlJ I I Jir 4V ! I walks and trees are now In ill r ( Vv- - i j.r ; or will be put In streetB r ' 1 5' " " " " ,JW . J without expense to purchas- M f t 1 1 1 . ' I bubt st i ' er. Electric liRbt and gas 1 i,.,. . . u. uaiLuui. . ,7 . . f. - T I --l-l l-l -l -lAlfer-- I run to the property fnd will n Jt-.iinsiTtttiiiiriiit -yi I be extended when the de- J S J7 t; ,y u I man Justifies. I K' 'V ) T X 1 Prices. $475 to $.-,73 for L ."" " " jr, . the lots north of Underwood iyeoSTem ST J avenue, except corners. ajj.i i . m- I-1' 1' I' 11 I ' I I " I I ' I ' I' I ' I 1 ' K"l I-- I Terms $100 cash, balance 0 ' ' t " " ' ' J " ' ' I $10 per month, 5 per cent Oni fe'-r' : ? , "tSS ! ! ! , , rri 31 ! , 1 discount for cash. I M j j n J ,t t u m JL ' I ilfrtslgT i - BTurfnwr VNOi.mv090 iO'IT; r I I 7 zrj "i 'Jw f loi-l I I M i l I I 11 V- I- ! I I! I-1 1 I I- VA t I 1 f f ''''' m"st4 J , J if . - O . !i tt u r ,4 t, 1 1 tj k , H i " t a f n ti u J I : ' 1 II I M I M 1 1 I, I - 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 L I CAUPOXNIA ST 5 ? &y I I X 3 P-l-l II II lM'l-T M r--- I'l-ril'l r- I v'7T r -S-9 I i 1 ! J x W J-l I I I ill II II I M M I I I I I I I I I L. ' 0 ill XX JMW CASS ST i ! x ill W. - t.i I ii J'"ri'ri l l-1-1- -!- I r J III NtV JtiHt74ti 0rmSt4tili I ' ! " Sv T-. r 4 --Sfi .! y j 1 Reasonable yUTvVXSVX ffpi ,. ---- -yj r , J building restrictions k ' 'LfjA -m,t,.sit i A most attrurtlve and "3 " ci'Jlil ' j I 1 C ix-autlful location -u which u " "'f' ' ' ' ' " w j ' j j to build. . J I I M II I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I ' i I I I I' 1 n r A place to make a safe and iAs?y...7?.ffT. . . fT... ' , t y'i profitable investment. .i ' 7(7 ''e t ' A j j i i I i Secure full information from ii"!) J ll r.nnur.c sr nr caritol ayk - 1-S l Lt lJt ,' VW. I 1 I 1 I 1"! 1 I M I I 1601 Farnam Street - L -94.-- L .tzf L- - 1 I --g. I.I. .k.X.. f I ---eODGE ST : 14 T . '-.117 . 04044Jtl ft n i tf it f ' tt t m sfa sail , lllil.LllU THE WURN OPTICAL CO. -A NEW ENTERPRISE- With an Old Experienced Optician in Charge, for Eleven Years Manager of the Penfold Optical Company. B. F. WUHN IMI r"""" Sl"" OPTICIAN J B EW&R E WE WISH TO WAHN OUR FU1ENDH THAT WE HAVE NO NOLICITOHS Oil AGENTS? OUT 8KLLING I'HOTOGnAPH COUPONS IN OMAHA Oil VICINITY. Tliei Photographer. 31J-IU7 So. 15th Street. , residences at Thirty-third . and . Harney have just been sold, one to A. E. Merrltt for $8,000 and one to Nathan Mantel for I ti 1 mi 97HA tlmmmrA atrMif in im.nilu A plaoe of land twenty-two feet wide la Bairj tor i.00Ck lost somewhere In the neighborhood of Thera ftM . ,,,,. peo ln th Blxth and Dorcur streets. . John H. ' .W market Just now trying to boy vacant lots is hunting for It. He needs it. for he sold at th, prlce, prevailing six months ago. James P. Connolly M feet of land and has not rsaimng the actual growth in value oniy iw 1.0 aeuver. .. xr. connony v nas nc, ,,arJy ,prinC, uraugni sun agajos. ar, mi ror tne re turn of 00 earnest money , because hs A la'.'ge number of contracts for furnaoea can't give title to aa much land as he , have been placed during ths past week. am ne couia. iJiere seems to oe no doubt ,Tne Jonn Hussle Hardware company re- a do in. ine juie- w in laaa tnars tnere the trouble Is, .there. is not . enough Pf Jt. The mistake came, about in this way: Herman Kountye; a Bop4. many .years ago port orders for Installation of ' furnaces for the following: Two houses for B. J. Eca'invll, at Twenty-eighth arid Fowler; William i. Creedeti. building at Forty-sixth HT NOW 1QOS eiNflNJEY STREET. ' " T , .at f i II v. ."-4 , -v ! 1 n it 2L r 'li H Modern 8-room bouse, with beautiful largo lot, only one block from' Sherman 'Ave. car line. 'Paved street, cement walks, shade and fruit trees. Good frame barn. Property cost $12,000. Our price $7,500; $3,000 cash, balance long time at 6fo interest. Death only reason for selling. A REAL BARGAIN - ' " v. ' Cronnman Iirvcot merit Co. Room 1, New York Life. 'Phone Dougia 5107. imDrovements 17 acres of land have been purchased. Another 26,000-ton coal storage I system has been authorised at Cheyenne j and 8,600 feet of additional track will be . laid. Ninety acres of land have been bought at I Rawlins for new stock yaras, una Ing plant of sixty tons per hour elevating capacity is now under way. New trackage is provided to take care of the stock and coal handling additions here. Nearly 82,000 feet of new yard track has Just been com pleted at Green River, where the Union Pa cific has also provided a water softening plant of 15,000 gallons an hour capacity, and a large coaling station of the most modern type. . At Laramie. Wyo., the company s Im provements have embraced a water supply system for the city as wen as me rail road. A reservoir pf 1.400,000 gallons , capacity has been built, sno two ana a quarter miles of twelve and fourteen-inch pips Is now being laid. Enlargement of the tie-treating plant at thia point In creased Its capacity by 1.100 ties a day. ' One hundred and forty-four acres ot ground have been purchased at Junction , City. Kan., to carry out extensive terminal plans at this point. These plans Include shop buildings as well as district terminal switching yards. The additional terminal facilities at Ballna Include new buildings, coal and pumping stations, and Xl.oOO feet of new trackage. I Improvements of the same kind ln proportion to the importance of the place are being made at Sharon Springs, Kan., Hugo and Sterling, Colo., and other points on the line where through or local traffic makes necesaary exteuaion of the company's yard track and buildings. Tak- , ing Into consideration all betterments in- I eluded under this head, the Union Pa- j clflc's terminal facilities have been enlarged ' at least SO per cent in the last four years, j TO P. H. UPDIKE BUILDS HOME Will Ereet' Twenty-Five Thoasaad Dollar Itrililrtrt This rail. P..H. Updike will build a 3.000 home at the southeast corner of Thirty-eighth street and Pewey avenue, beginning work this fall. from through the D. V. Sholcs company. The lot is lWxlt fet and sold for $7,500. It Is directly behind the home of E. A. Cudahj and across the street from the home ot A- D. Brandeib. ll. Mr. Updike bought the tot Saturday I m Anna S. R. Eastman of New York, ' U 1 ft V Chnln. .... . .- TI, .. I TWENTY THOUSAND D0LURS Aunsl Pal by T. B. Matters to P. HNVpalk. fo F.vr H.aae. T. H. Matters has bought from P H. Updike for $.OoO four houses built by V. O. Etrlckler at the southwest corner of Thirty, slgiith and Farnam streets. Four housee bought by A. P. Tukey A Son at Fortieth and Charles streets have The following low rates in effect every day to October 31, 1337, afford an opportunity to make tho trip for just HALF the regular first-class fare. to Butte, Anaconda and Helena, to Ogden aud alt Lake City. to Pendleton and Walla Walla. i to Spokane, and Wenatchee, Washington. X -4 tn 'M ail . 1 i "to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other California points. , to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcomb, Vancouver, Victoria and Astoria. to Ashland, Hoseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. . ' ' to Portland or to Tacoma and Seattle. . VIA DH0Dl) For full Information Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICII. 1324 FARNAM CTREET Phone Douglas 1020 I I' i -t