THE OMAHA SUNDAY ..BEE:' OCTOBER 13,' 1907. 5 1 i V. Tiie Omaiia Sunday Bee. rOUNDED BT EDWARD EOS E WATER. VICTOR ROSEWAThJR, EDITOR. Kntered at Omaha Postomre aa second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Hee (without Sunday), on year. .MM Dally ee and Sunaty, one year 6.P0 riunday Bee, one year 2.50 Saturday Hwv on year 1.60 DKUVERED BT CARRIKR. Tally fcee (Including Sunday), per wek..lfa Dally Bee (without Kunday), par wek.lOc livening Una (without Sunday), par week fco Dvmiln Use (with Sunday;, per wek...lic Address all complaint of Irregularities la delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Ban Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Counoll Bluffs 16 Boott i'.iMt, Chicago 1W Unity Building. New York U08 Home Life Insurance Bldg. . V ashlngton 801 Fourteenth 8trt- CORRBBPOSDINCa Communication relating to new and edi torial matter should b addressed, Omaha Baa, Editorial Department. RL.Vti ITANCES. Remit by draft. express or postal order MvihU tn Th Piilillxhlna (Jomtmny Only i-oent Itmiis received tn payment of mall account. Personal check, except on Omaha or caatarn exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Douglas county, ss: Charlea C. Roswater, general manager f Th Bee Publishing Company, being duly aworn, say that the actual number of full and complet copies of Th Pally Morning, Evening and Bunday Be printed during th month of September, 11W7. was as lonowst 1 38,700 . 1 88,850 ,40 17 ae,6to 88,300 It..' '. . 88.680 '..... 38,980 . II. 38,500 ... 38.350 10 88.390 88.340 SI ... 38,870 7 38,840 12 38,320 ........... 38,800 21 37,380 . 38,140 14 36,1.30 10 38,890 21 38,380 11.. 38,470 1. 38.930 12.....W... 38J70 27 38,800 IS 38,090 21 38,880 14 38,810 2 38,660 11 3S,00 SO 3898 TotAl .1,093,470 Less unsold and returned copies. t,&87 Net total 1,03,893 Dally average 3e,ll CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. Oeneral Manager. Subscribed In my presence and a worn to befdre me this SOtb oay of Septem ber. l07. (Seal) M. B. HUNQATE, Notary Public WHEN OUT OF TOWN. Subscriber leaving; the city tem porarlly should havs The Bee mailed to 'then. Address will be ckaaged as oftea aa requested. Trouble 1b bruin in the Louisiana The telegraphers' striae is still alive, but apparently suffering from locomo tor ataxia. .Chicago Is holding a corn exposition. The real corn exposition is being held on 7.365,187 acres of Nebraska farm lands. In other words, the president wants the Mississippi , to be known as the peerless stream, instead of the plerless stream; As yet the ' president's 'activities In the Louisiana ' canebrakes have not caused any reduction in . the price of bear meat; King Edward is said to be wearing a $1,000,000 diamond pin. Some hotel clerk is being deprived of his Inalienable rights. That New York minister who is reading a serial story to his congrega tion has adopted a novel way of get ting free advertising. The world is certainly getting bet ter. A local cooking club boasts of the fact that lta members are now eat ing their own cooking. An Atlanta man has been arrested for shooting into a mall box. The government already has too much trouble with dead letters. Up to date Colonel Bryan is the only person to respond to the advertise ment, "Wanted A democrat who thinks he can win in 1906." "Naming a cheap cigar after a pres idential candidate is adding insult to Injury' says a New Orleans paper. To the cigar, or to the candidate? uogs taken is me sign on a new apartment house in New York. Good Feasibly some of those apartment bo a bo managers may eventually be in duced to admit children. "Inebriates should get a good punch In the ribs," says a Chicago 'pastor Inebriates, however, will probably con tlnue to Insist that the place for a good punch is under the ribs. "I have great sympathy with the manuaoturers. says William Ran dolph Hearst. Why net? He Is the president and general manager of the greatest fake foundry in America. According to the New York Sun's editorial page we are at war with Ja pan right now, although the Sun's own news columns are a blabk' on the list of casualties in the last engagement There) are threo factions In the dem ocratic party in Massachusetts Instead of two, aa originally announced. There's the Bartlett faction, the Whit ney faction and George Fred Williams. According to the New York Tribune, "only $753,000 was used by the trac tion combine tn accelerating public opinion." - New York la really timid when It comes to handling real money. : Frank J. Cannou, former United States senator from Utah, declares that th Mormons have a contract with th republicans for th control of Utah politics. If that Is true, th contract should b broken, but it will not help matters any to upset It by a new con tract between th Mormons and the ieoioci at SOW OR LATER- There is not another community In the whole United States which occupies the peculiar position of Omaha and South Omaha. To be more specific there is not another spot In the country lying wholly within one county in one and the same state where two separate municipal governments are maintained to administer the affairs of a popula tion contiguously located', Identical in business and social interests and sepa rated only by an imaginary geographi cal line. Teat Omaha and South Omaha will eventually be one city in government, as it already is in all other respects, will hardly be controverted by anyone of well balanced mind, and that the time is close at hand to effect this union must be plain to all whose vision is not biased by considerations of im mediate or personal interest. It is to-be expected that the office holders, who would be displaced by annexation, and the political onhang ers, who enjoy or hope to enjoy political spoils resting on existing con ditions, will be strenuously opposed to consolidation and fight to ward it off whenever It is suggested. Some other people, skillfully deceived or honestly mistaken, may be persuaded to believe, that South Omaha has more to gall by maintaining its individual Identity, but those good people of South Omaha who will study the subject intelligently and dispassionately will discover that the only question they have to answer is whether the consolidation shall take place now or later. There are a gretit many convincing reasons why the present is the time to take this step and to urge that the sooner it is done the sooner will both cities reap the impetus sure to follow for still greater Industrial expansion and business prosperity. As part of the Greater Omaha of the future, South Omaha will not only continue to be the great center of meat packing industry, but will become more than ever the manufacturing sec tion of the city and the preferred dis trict for workingmen's homes. Full participation In the advantages of the larger city will prove to be com plete compensation for any loss of local prestige. At least, that has been the experience of other towns In all Blmilar cases of merger with, larger cities. The people of South Omaha will have an opportunity in voting on con solidation to rise above petty preju dices and, to adjust themselves to the actual conditions which confront them, and If they consult their true interests, the march of progress of the two cities will be quickened and advanced by several years. THE HORSE SHOW. The Horse Show has come to be one of the Institutions which distinguishes Omaha as belonging to the metropoli tan class, and its advent this year ought to arouse more interest and en thusiasm than ever before. The Horse Show has been promoted in Omaha by an association of horse lovers as a matter of publlo enterprise rather than of private profit, and has served to attract attention to our city from far and wide for public spirit and ambitious determination to keep abreast of the times. Of course, every one knows that the horses, while In themselves affording an Instructive entertainment, are not the sole attraction of the Horse Show, which gives occasion for a display by members of the so-called society set, which is equally if not more interest ing to those out of it as well as to those In It. The Horse Show is one of the events of the season into whose spirit all. classes of our people who are able to do so should enter. AMERICA' UIXACR TO NORWAY. Norway has officially decreed that the "blood-tapping process of emigra tion" must be stopped to prevent the lusty brain of the nation from seeking, better conditions in the United States. Lieutenant Colonel Morton II. Magnus of the Norwegian government is In this country for the special purpose of pre vailing on patriotic countrymen to re turn to the native land and further aiding in a propaganda against Nor wegian emigration. No more desirable immigrants come to America than from the Scandi navian peninsula. They have played an important part in the development of the west and northwest and there is little danger that they will be with drawn by any ' royal decree. The Swedes and Norwegians come to America with capacity for self-government and self-improvement well de veloped. They need no education to understand the theory of. our institu tions or to teach them respect for the law and established order. They are clean, stalwart, independent and thrive In America.- Of course, it would b lamentable, from a world standpoint, if Norway should decline on account cf the emigration of Its young and strong men and women, but Indications are that Colonel Magnus has over estimated the danger from that source. The special agent of Norway might have succeeded in arousing more sym pathy over the alleged condition of his (government if his interviews had not been published almost slmultaneoubly with the report of the American con sul at Bergen on the thoughtful car of the Norwegians in America for the old folks at home. According to this report, 55,800 remittances, aggrega ting 6,130.000 kroner, or $1,374,840, were sent back by postal order to Nor way in the first three months of the present year by Norwegians who have mad their homes In America. At this rate, which is even lobs than nor ma), the remittances of Norwegians in ,Auiciii'a to uiw loias at ouui win amount to about $5,500,000 a year, or more than $5 each for every man, woman and child In the kingdom. That may not be a very large amount of money, according to the American standard, but fS goes a long way In Norway. It Is estimated that the national income of Norway Is about $16,000,000, or but little more than three times the amount sent to that country by Norwegian-Americans. This Includes only the postal order remit tances thus made a matter of publlo record. The amounts sent by regis tered mall, drafts, express orders and International exchange cannot be defi nitely ascertained. Norway has little cause for complaint against the Nor wegians In America so long as they send home each year an amount of money exceeding one-third of all the taxes collected by the kingdom. FROM SLCM TO FA It At. Rabbi Krauskonf of Philadelphia is endeavoring to start a crusade in New York for the amelioration of the condi tion of the unfortunates In the slum districts by delivering a series of ad dresses on the subject, "A Way Out of the Ghetto." His way leads to the country, where there is land, fresh air. pure water and profitable employment for thousands who have made the natural error, upon their arrival in this country, of seeking employment and establishing homes, such as they are, in the already overcrowded tenement districts of the larger cities. Dr. Kraus kopf is carrying the cheering message to the tenement dwellers that there is room enough on Uncle Sam's farms for all who are willing to go there. The proper distribution of the Immi grants arriving in this country is one of the most serious phases of the labor question, one that has caused much worry to the officials of the Immigra tion and labor bureaus of the govern ment. Causes for congestion In the big cities are not hard to find. The average Immigrant reaches the United States with little knowledge of the conditions in this country. He is apt to have exaggerated notions of the ease with which wealth. may be acquired and a false idea of the elements of freedom and liberty In the gaining of a liveli hood. Frequently he comes with scant means, barely enough to land him at New York, or some other port of entry, and ill-prepared for a more or less expensive railroad trip to the Interior, where work at profitable wages would await him. He finds colonies of his countrymen la the big cities and Joins them, at once assuming the heavy bur den of living and diminishing his chances of getting away from the al ready congested centers. The result, as Dr. Krauskopf wisely expresses it, Is "a slum-bred physical and moral degeneracy, which should alarm the nation." He urges the Jewish charity association, to whom his addresses have been Chiefly directed, to use their funds In purchasing large tracts of lands and establishing agricultural settlements. Dr. KrauBkopfs remark are' Worthy of much wider application. The supply of cheap labor In the large cities is excessive, while the rest of the country, is calling for help, .With room in the country for every able-bodied man will ing to work, the tenement district's are filled with men, living from hand to. mouth, who must, with their families, constantly see the stress of want ahead of them. If the immigrants can be diverted to the farms and factories of the Interior they will find health and wealth and relieve an undesirable con dition that now obtains In both the city and the country; DIETETIC fADS AKD TO t LIES. After a two or three years' course of warnings against the dangers of over-eating, a drill in the list of foul products on the tabooed list and a sys tematic instruction in methods for de tecting and punishing different' kinds of germs that flourish in everything from soup to nuts, the average citizen will greet as a welcome relief the opin ion of two famous scientists to the effect that the beet thing to do to in sure good health is to eat about any thing you want, as much of It as you want and when you want 'it. These views will doubtless come as some thing of a shock to the eminent ex perts who seem' to take a special de light in telling people what they must eat and must not eat. When a person is feeling out of sorts enough to consult a physician he is usually given a liat of things he may eat and almost In variably they are things he detests and another list of things he must not eat or drink, although his appetite may be crying for them. But here comes Dr.. C. W. Saleeby, one of the most eminent biologists and scientists in the world, and Sir James Crichton Browne, recognized as the leading physician and scientist of Lon don, and both agree that "the fash ionable food tads and follies of the hour are in the nature of deprivation" and should be rejected by sane people. The' London physician, in an address before a British medical convention, declares: So fierce in some quarters Is the propa gation of dietetic asceticism that. In dread pf being suspected of gluttony, we can only. Indulge a healthy appetite tn secret. One of the main causes for such mental and physical degeneracy as exists among us is bad and Insufficient food. Dr. Saleeby goes even further and Insists that, as a rule, a roan should eat what h wants, as much as he wants and whenever he wants. Appe tite, he declares, is the guide provided by nature to ' maintain ' health and strength. He calls attention to the fact that animals follow this guide and ar never sufferers irom digestive troubles so long as they hav been al lowed to select their own food. .He thinks the case should be the same with man. Perhaps it Is not safe to offer advice where doctors disagree, but It Is a heap pleaaanter for folks to eat what they want without fearing that they are courting death. If a man wants a good old ham and egg breakfast, with a stack of buckwheats on the side, It will be a solace to him to feel that he may have It Instead of predl gested bran and a cup of near-coffee without inviting a visit from the un dertaker. Whatever the doctors may think about it, the average man will like the advice of Browne and Saleeby, both because it In agreeable and be cause It accords with common sense. The appetite should be a safe monitor, as it is furnished by nature for that purpose, and nature does not often make mistakes. After being burdened to death with scientific theories about over-eating It must be a comfort to find someone giving advice that people would give themselves. It is said that James K. Jones has written a letter to Mr. Bryan advising him to keep out of the presidential race next year. Mr. Bryan will doubt less remember what happened to him on former occasions when he followed Mr. Jones' advice. - ' Ambassador Tower admits that it cost him $35,000 a year to serve as ambassador at Berlin, while bis salary was $17,500. He wants to resign as soon as the president can find some man rich enough to fill his place. Tom Lawson announces that he will make ninety speeches against Whitney, the democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts. Lawson ought to be able to elect a man by making fewer speeches than that against him. Pie has been advanced 20 per cent in New York and the price of French bull pups Is higher than ever before. There seems to be no limit to the tax the consumer must pay on the necessi ties of life. That Hartje coachman at Pittsburg has made another confession In the notorious divorce case. He might as well desist. Harry Orchard has the Ananias belt and still defies all comers. k Safeguarding the Face. Pittsburg Dispatch. Medical men assert ' that automoblilng hurts the face. This suggest th reason for the utomoblllsta running away when they knock peoplo . down on the streets. They do it to save their face. . I Peril of Spellbinding. 'Chicago Record-Herald. Benatof Lodge said tn a political speech that there was grafting tn the Boston city hall,' and the grand Jury has decided that he 'will have to tell what he knows about it. If our politicians are' to' be called upon for facts every time they- indulge in glit tering generalities spellbinding is likely to degenerate Into a very prosaic business. Careleaaness Pays lbs IHeei - 8t.! Louis Globe-Democrat. "' The million letters that went to the dead Jjetter ofllcejn September contained $5,261.74 In 'money, of which about four-fifth was returned to the owners. But the fact that over 32,000' letters mailed dally are-unde-4' Hverable on account of carelessness or other deficiencies shows that accuracy Is a. virtue that ought to be more generally cultivated. Disappointing; Hot Air Warriors. ,-'. .'... .,,, Philadelphia Press. , W suppose It will be a grave disap pointment for the Jingoes when the battle ship fleet goes to the Pacific and returns again without a war-, with Japan. It Is too bad to disappoint them, but the two countries can hardly afford to spend sev eral billions In .money and lose a few hun dred thousand men Just to make a silly prediction come true. Iaspravement In Corporations. Wall Street Journal. There have been many evils in the admin istration of the corporations, uncovered In the ' last few years. Borne of these evils have been removed; some still remain. The publlo attention has, however, been se monopolized by the evils that It has failed to appreciate the Immense Improvement which has taken place In corporate man agement. There caa tie no doubt whatever that our railroads and our large Industries ar today being carried on with less of violation of law, loss of unfair methods of competition, less of speculative tendencies, and more of regard for efficient service, the rights of the public, , the rights of labor and the rights of stockholders, than ever before. This fact constitutes one of the most hopeful features of the business situa tion. "Pork Barrel" Appropriations. Philadelphia Record. Governor Cummins of Iowa at the water ways convention strongly condemned the "pork barrel" method of dividing the fed eral appropriations for rivers and harbors. He Is right In declaring "We must destroy the generally accepted notion that It la the duty of every congressman to secure a part of the appropriation in the rivers and harbors bill, even though he has nothing In his district to work upon but a dewdrop and a depression. We must awaken a pa triotism that will demand that appropria tions be made- for these improvements which most vitally concern the commeroe of the whole country. These natural chan nel will never bear the traffic that Is awaiting them unless we can surround the enterprise with the same Intense apprecia tion of the public good that impelled the government to undertake the Panama canal." WAGE HAH.tKHS AS HAVERS. Roans for Improvement la Che Pros roan of Thrift. Atlanta Constitution. The American worker for wages ts. In the bulk, too confiding a believer In the promises of tomorrow ar.a In his own ability always to make a good living for himself or his family: He la not wont to practice the slf-denlal of his shrewder and further-seeing brother In tho European countries, where the dltculty cf earning money has taught Its Inevitable lesson. Transient disasters: moreover, tn the shape of sickness or other exigencies which wlp out accumulations, are likely to depress him and discourage a return to th habits of frugality at th first oportunlty. It I gratifying, however, to note in th Increasing sum total of saving deposits in America a tendency to get away from these rather lax principles. It Is only ss the man whoee Caily labor Is his sole asset realises the poalblUtlea of saving., and th Individual freedom following upon Its sys tematic observance, that he ' can hope to reap for himself and Ms family the full advantages of the superiority given him by unprecedented uuaoiUcuj In this1 country. TUB HAPPY EAOX. t'neery Rays ef Astoma Uti Gladden the Landscape. Washington 1'oat. j The goldon sun of autumn shines with peculiar brilliance upon the happy land railed the United States. The busy harvest . fields, th rushing trains and steamer, th ' teeming and smoking cities, the countless ' herds and the belching mmith of mines make th greatest and most varied picture of human happiness that the rolling globe ( turns to tho sun. It Is a mighty scene, too large to. be grasped by man's Imagination, i even though winged with genius. The fruit of a year's toll Is being gathered up Into a million barns. The corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil of Joy are filling bin and cask and urn to over flowing. The music of healthy work, the laughter of muscle and steam and the con fusion of a thousand prosperities mingle In a symphony more rrrajostlc than tho dreams of Beethoven. These are the sounds of peace and health and doubtless ar rightly construed by Providence as uncon scious praise and thanksgiving. Sunburned and with the strength of youth, this glorious country faces winter and another year. The account of 1907 has been made up. Nothing remains but to store the fruits, is there anything melan choly in the approach of winter and rough weather In such a land? In the hard old days winter meant a living death to the farmer. Now It Is the season of enjoyment, when thrift feeds on the fatness it stored up betimes. Social pleasures make the dark days bright, and the roaring fire makes delightful contrast to the sleety blast. In the cities there I no cause for mournfulness In the short days and long nights. They are most . welcome to all men of open mind and cheerful soul. Espe cially In Washington, the nest of winter delights, does summer end Joyfully and autumn unfold Its husk of sweets. October comes to Washington as Robin Hood came to Sherwood Forest. This brown and Jolly month dances In, his arm encircling the balmy and buxom waist of Ceres, and the wassail flows merrily as they whirl through the scarlet woods. Jack Frost, the magi cian, is master of the revels. He hangs strange colors in the trees and conjures up a mysterious change In . the sun's light. Common things .begin to seem unreal In this Indian summer radiance. The aston ished mortal, before he Is aware, nods him self In a land of faery and must pinch him self to be certain he is not translated. October a mournful month? Bah I It Is the happiest time of the year to honest men. Only the mole-eyed., soured and thriftless wight, "whose . downward eye still looketh for a grave," has a right to be melancholy In October.' THE PRESIDENT'S APPLAUSE. An Incident of the Reeeat Address at Caaten, O. - Philadelphia Ledger. The president, face to face with a portion of- his publlo at Canton, had aa experience which ought to be instructive. When he read that, remarkable portion of his speech referring to the Latin republics, with the conclusion that "every manifestation of Ignorant envy and hostility toward honest men' who acquire wealth by honest means should be crushed at the outset by the weight of a sensible public opinion," there was no response from the listening crowd. Probably 'nobody dissented from this Just sentiment, but It was not distinctively Rooseveltlan and it -excited no enthusi asm. ' It' was not what the people were wanting to hear from hiih. As he went on, however; to denounce the "dishonest business men" "and to speak of the Importance ef'the war upon the chicanery and wrongdoing which are1 pe culiarly noxious,", because commjtted by men who -"have no excuse of poverty" for their crimes," exerybody recognised tho voice, 'and the applause was so loud surHo interrupt the speaker, who said: "Walt a moment; I don't want you to applaud this part unless you are willing also to applaud th part I read first, to which, you .listened in silence. , I want you to understand that I will stand Jut as-straight for the lights of ' the "honest man who wins his fortune ' by.'- honest methods as. I. Will stand against the dis honest man who win. a fortune by dis honest methods." He then went back and re-read the pas sage referred to, saying that he wanted his hearers "to applaud the other senti ment also," and when they had done so to his satisfaction, he continued, "Thank you, now- I'll go on." . The incident is typical. Nobody im agines that the president has ever had any other Idea than the equal applica tion of the laws to rich and poor alike. That Is Ja basic principle which should be taken for granted. But his denuncia tion of the "predatory rich" has been so Insistent and so active that nobody has paid much attention . to the qualifying adjective, and he now finds it necessary to go out of hta. way to repeat thut his war is not against wealth as such, nut only against wealth that Is "dishonest." That Is evidently what he particularly meant to say at Canton. It Is, Indeed, . a sorry day when the president o these United States must, forsooth, explain that he does not advo cate "confiscation." PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. In Philadelphia beer is going up from $ to $&S0 a barrel, and going down tn the usual way. '."' 1 ' Lightning killed a Texas man the day after he was . acquitted of muidor. The Jurors escaped. "It beats - the Dutch," murmurred the captain of thf Lusttanla as he rounded the nose of Bandy Hook. Should the Tigers eat th Cubs on the diamond all Detroit will move to Mount Clemens for treatment for the swelling. Great Britain, besides the speed record, has the added satisfaction of knowing that the Lusttanla was not "made In Oermuny." It ir, evident that the Missouri, and Ne braska railroad commissions In condemning a certain dilapidated railroad failed to give due weight to the fact that Count Bonl needed the money. - People who have white elephants on their hands will derive more or less comfort frot the declaration of a New York court that the sacred beast of oriental tradition Is not a proper, adjunct to a Sunday sacred con cart. London chemists claim to have discovered that two-thirds .of the weight of a glr! Is composed of sugar, i This Is not the only discovery mad by J. B. sines a decaying aristocracy annexed, th ucr plum of American heiresses. Carrie Nation, the picturesque hatcltetess. Is now doing her stunt in "Ten Nights In a. Bar Room" - for 90 per.' Her skill in smaahlng peper counters outshines her beet 'efforts in hacking mahogany Sit . Topekn. Besides, there's mors money In it. ... Miss Ulllan Russell says: . "I think the responsibility for unhappy marrlafien lies mostly with oir.en.'.'- The . fair U'ltan ought te know. She has been hitched how many times? No matter. Enough to give hr opinion the weight of experience. -Th affinity business is a dangerous on to engage In. The United Bute minister at Liberia mad t". mlaUk of flirting with th dusky wife-of snotner dusky dlyinat while the latter was absent from home, and will be lucky If t toboggans hum with a whole bkk MAMNIDSs OKf CREDIT Take advantage of this opportunity' to make yourself the possessor of a diamond. My BROAD' MINDED CREDIT SYSTEM is for you. .'" ' .XvV'.-, 52.50 Down: . 51.00 a Week a. f YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ........ i , t i ,- BERMOIMS BOILEqf DOWN. ' ' "" "" It takes more than sentiment to make a saint. ' A good hoe is a first class prayer against weeds. The religion you can live by will do t die by. "".' .. The man who stops for praises misses perfection. The double mind hevsf comes from an excess of brain,. The largest gifts to Ood cannot cover the least robbery of man. The song In your own heart will sustain you longer If you share it. It's the little everyday helpfulnesses that make every day heavenly. It's a poor plan to advertise the sweets of religion with a sour face. i The handsomest people are those who let happiness get Into their faces. The devil oau beat any of us at the busi ness of making fine sentiments. - , i Some folks never appear to enjoy ' life's roses .until they sit down among Its thorns. Many a church Is trying to make up for the putty in the pulpit by the starch In the pews. Tou are wasting affection It you ar pin ing for angels before you have learned to love folks. . -. ... i (.....- . Oet . heaven Inter people and you will not need to worry about . getting people into heaven. Chicago Tribune. SECULAR SHOTS AT TUB PULPIT Chicago Tribune: Trustworthy statis tics seem to uphold the brethren in their claim that it takes a great deal more money to support a Methodist preacher's family than It did twenty-five years" ago, Kansas City Journal; The minister who declared from the pulpit that "there are no automobiles In heaven" was surpris ingly Indiscreet. If It comes to a choice between giving up his automobile or giv ing up heaven, many a good pewholuer will backslide. Baltimore American: A minister in St. Louje, -announces that ,ha does not .be lieve 'the recording angel gives any credit on his books to the trust magnates for charitable contributions of tainted money. And, speaking of those books. It would make things highly Interesting If they could be produced before some of the In vestigating committee. New Tork Post: To what shifts the modern pastor must resort to lure his congregation to church is again illustrated by the Stateh ' island Episcopal clarify man who last night read from his pulpit the first chapter of an original novel. We can find nothing reprehensible In 'he act, even though some timid spirits might discern therein- a dangerous approach to wards the model church of the futjr tn on of Robert Buchanan's books, with Its stained glass windows dedicated to St. Homer, St. Dante and St, ghakespeai-'i. LITTLE THINGS "Oh yeB we're One Price and we do not pay commlsuions." Many piano dealers would reply thus if you put the inquiry. but wo. id they ue honest in such a statement! Probably not. Investi gate and you would see. To them the One Price, No Commis sion plan is a little thing. They con sider it lightly. - K a sale can be made easier by say ing they abide by the plan, they do. not hesitate, to claim it. ' They use it in an emergency. But when they believe a sale cannot be closed without paying a commission they find some reason for allowing it. And If a customer can be persuaded to think that a $200 piano is worth $300 they unscrupulously take the ex tra money, that enables them to pay WE SAVE 550 TO Mospe ; Company !' ! 1513 DouglaV Sireet , ; WE DO EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING If jmr Ebrt!!i )ui, ttrof lltx!j; SHINGLES TOR , British Columbia Clear Red These Canadian shingles run thicker, are perfectly made and go farthest. 20 per cent reduction for cali on, all lum ber. . ' - C. fj. DIofz 1!I14 FamamSI. , THIS ' FINE DIAMOND fully . guaranteed ' as. to quality and weight, will be sold during this, coming week on these ' exceptional terms. Investigate. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Tom Do you think It really does any good to tell a girl Bhe's the first woman you ever loved? Dick No, for nine times out of ten, you're not the first liar she's ever met. Phlladelphla Press. . t "My-daughter," stated the haughty mtf llonalre, "is receiving .atnUon from on of my bookkerpers." .,. "Doubtless you are perturbed about It." "Yes; I hate-to let my IS.oiio bulldog bit a I'm clerk. '.'--Washington Herald. Auntie Ard did the play turn out hap pily? .... Mece I don't know. The curtain dropped Just aa they were about to be married'. Lleveland La6er. . Reginald Would you ' love me Just the same If I were poor? - ' Alice What's the use of Imagining such distressing things? I love you too much even to be' willing to Imagfne 'you In pov trty. Somerv'ille Journal...; Patience Is she . doing ' anything t preserve her voice? " Patrloe Well, she sang Into phonograph the other day Yonkers Statesman. "Before we were married,' you told me you were well off." '. "So I did. I remember distinctly telling you that." . .i -.. , . .. t . "You lied, then?" ...... I ."That would be a wuejitlon In casuistry.'1 I was well off, all right, but 1 didn't know tt."-Pucky . i ' . . GRADATION. . ' , - , John. G Holland, . ... Heaven la not reached at a single hour; - But we build the le.duer by which we rise ' From the lowly earth to the' vaulted skies, ' And we. mount to it summit ..round by rounJ. I count this thing to be grandly true, v That a noble deed Is a step toward God, Lifting the soul from the common cloTF To a purer air and a broader , view. ., We rise by the things that-are under feet. . By what we have mastered of good and gain; -.: .- . .- .. . . By the pride deposed and the passion, slain. And the vanquished Ills that we hourly meet. We hope, we aspire, we resolve, we trust. When the mjrnlnjr calls us to life apd . light; ' .- , But our hearts grow, weary, and ere th night . . , Our fives are trailing the sordid dust We hop, we resolve, we aspire; we pray. And we think that we mount the air on wings ... . .. . , Beyond the recall of sensual things. While our feet still cling to the heavy clay. Wings for angels, but feet for men! . We may borrow the wings- to find the , way . We nmy hope, and resolve, and aspire and pray; But our. feet must rise -or we fall again. -Only in dreams la a ladder, thrown . From the weary earth to the sapphire walls; But 'he dreams depart and the vision falls. And the sleeper wake on hi pillow of stone. Heaven Is not reached at a single bound; But we build the ladder by which we rise From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies And we mount to its summit, round by round. ..... AflD BIG THINGS a commission on the next sale, i To them the One Price, No Commis sion plan is a very little tolas. I But it shouldn't' be a little tMng, j It's a big thing, a very big thing to you, Mrs. Piano Buyer,, In this store ! it's the cause of low prices, the lowest In the United States. We stick to :t j absolutely. . ' - Prices are the earn, here to the man who spends $200. as to the one who spends $900, that's what OJiK PRICfl means. We refuse to treat 'with, or pay t cent to commission taken, for it wf did so we would be compelled to raise our prices to the customers, that's what No Commissions mean. The OJTB PRICbVNO COMMISSION plan Is a bij thing here. - " $150 ON A PIANO It fa ir res' lu't cons' and m it. CASH. $3.75 Per M. , Cedars. ' Not the ordinary kind. I Lumber Co. . .TclepitonaDoua. 8S saVBstsBanSsiaseV II