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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1907)
TJ IK OMAHA .-SUNDAY UEKi OCTOBER 13. 1007. .IT-. Ridpalli's ffislory oi the World Mae Itssslv Voril Octavo Wolunss, 4,000 aonMa eolnnn rtjes, ICM er.rrrb tTlastra lions. Brand Ifew, latnt ration, down to uats, beautifully toouaa la half Morocco. At LESS fhtn DAMAGED SETN were ever told TTe will name our price onlv In eUreo letter to thn sending us the Coupon ffvr. Toir off the Oonpon, Writ asm and address plainly, and mall to us sow -fore yon forftt It. Ir. Rlrlpnth family derive an Inromf from his history, and to print ow price broadcast, for the rkn of more quickly selling these few sets, would causa great Injury to fature sales. Welrhi . 1 t.rr fXXATH takes you back to the dawn of history, long before the Pyramids of Egypt were built: down through the romantic, troubled times of Chaldea's grand Viir and Assyria's mssnlf Iconco. of Babylonia's wealth and luxury; of Greek and floman splendor; of Mohamtnodan culture and refinement; of French elegance and trltlsh power; to the rise of the Western world, Including the complete history of ha United States and all other nations down to the close of the Russia-Japan war. NEW AMERICANIZED ; ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANMCA 40 Per Cent Saving. Your Last Chance at This Price. ' Sign and mall the coupon today In the corner below, and we will send 70a 'fall particulars FHKK of charge. We now offer yon the very latest and best j encyclopedia In the world for ONE HALF the price of any other similar work, j IlKUiM. ME the bonks come direct from the factory to you, and thereby saving yo the LARGE FKOF1T of the middle men. t7k4 threat JUserrolr of tiie Wisdom of the Centuries; Tha Oraaar? of tbs Knowledge f the World. Treating' on Every Subject Known to the Hainan. Mind. EARTH 10,000,000 YEARS OLD And Not Growing Any Cooler, Prof. See Conclude!. OLD GREEK THE0EY IS REVIVED Croat Only A boat Twenty Mllra Thlrk, anal Earthquakes, Vol canoes and Mountains the Iteanlta of Leaks. r XWOTCLOFIDIA COUOW I B. B. Hoberti. 101 Tamam It Please send me. Free of Charge, your catalogue and small monthly payment plan of your Enoyolopedia Offer. Nam Address Which Will You Take? ' ZX8TOBY COUPOJT ' B. 8. Boberts, 1601 Varnam t.l Please mall, without coat to me, cample pages of Bid path's History containing his famous "Race Chart" In colore, map of China and Japan, dia gram of Panama Canal, etc, and write me full particulars of your Speolal offer. Name Address Itl. Dong. 3663 - O. D. ROBERTS, - lbOl larnam Mree . I vrt $350 N07 V TOU WOMEN I TnE fAMOUS 5001: fTVB two artists thtsame paints and the same cim vas. One will return you a mere picture a com. monplace thing; the other a creation of genuis a treasure of art It is the same with shoes. Don't majce the mistake of classing "Queqn Quality" chos merely by price. They are distinctly superior to ordinary shoes at the same price. The Autumn styles are now ready. Haynlen IBros. mm ijjYssiflT OU can save some trouhla a lot of monev if you drum A Y vour how In Security Bond Guarantsad S5 Boys' Suit that costs only 15.00, Double at and knesa all th way across, patent Holland . waist bands and pock tings and every wear lag part doubly strengthened. Fries la $3.00 only, and the "Money-back, if -not - utlsflod" juaraDiee goes with 1U If ynir dcultr hwi'i't then CUtki$ inttocl; "t'llyla&y direct you to tnt tcho has. Send 10 cevti in $'umpt for set of CU vt r Volley fk' I 1 la I Fotr$ ready to WERJHEIMER 8.SMITH (Si f 739-7-f! 'CtCCO I and I lti4 II it t , 1 7 ) a ft, M i r f ? f 1 l 1 I ! r7 1 11 if if 11 A. I I A.. ? J I . " In the September number of the Proceed ings of the American Philosophical Society, Prof. T. J. J. See, United States navy, has a memoir on the cooling of the earth and the theory of earthnuakes held by the an cients. In rart the memoir Is a further elaboration of the paper publlshi J last March by Frof. See to show that earth quakes are duo primarily to the leakage of the ocean's bottom. ' For almost, a century scientists generally have held that the earth Is cooling, and thertfnra slowly . contracting. In . this way they explain arthquakes and mountain for mations. Now conies Prof. Bee with an elaborate argument more exhaustive than that of Lord Kelvin, tending to show that the effects of secular cooling of the globe are Insensible, and totally denying the con traction of thu earth. Prof. Pee's memoirs may be aummarlxed as follows: The earth's temperature has an ellptical distribution within, being about 8.3(0 degrees Fahrenheit at the center, and falling oft toward the surface, where It is ero. As the earth slowly cooled, the crust was the only part which experienced an ap preciable fall In temperature. Orlaln of Karthqnakea. Hence the crust Is thin, with a thickness of not more than twenty miles, which agrees with the depth deducted from the study of the world fthakiitK earthquakes. The great enrthqunkes originate at the depth of about twenty mlle3, and none is known of a depth exceeding forty miles. As the earthquakes all have superficial origin, and no shakes have a deeper source. It follows that ther? Is 'no deep seated contraction of the earth. Consequently all chances In the crust are due to ordinary earthquakes, and to no other cause. SccuWr cooling Is tnfnite!y slow, and affects only the crust, whk roas world shak ing earthquakes proceed from the layer Just beneath the crust. As earthquakes occur mainly along the seacoat, they can not depend on secular cooling, but must be due to the expulsion of lava from be neath the oceans. Hence trreat carthquages arc not due to scular cooling at all, but to the leakage of the oceans, which produces steam be neath the crust. This eventually pushes out at the sides, and raises mountains along the coasts. As the -effects of secular cooling ure In sensible, It follows that the earth Is not contracting, as held In the books for three, generations. - Dr. See shows, Indeed, that at an early stage of the earth's history contraction , was going on, but It ceased after our planet became encrusted. In fact, he thinks that so far" from contract ing, the earth may now be slightly expand ing,' owing to the formation of pumice everywhere beneath the crust. The old theories that mountains are due to the secular cooling and contraction of the globe must therefore be abandonrd. The mountains are formed by the expul sion of lovi froi.i; K-ivUli the sea, and hence they are parallel to the coast. Ak of tha Earth. Dr., fete concludes by a mathematical In quiry that the aje of our encrusted earth does not exceed some 10,0C0,(KO years, which is a much shorter time than geologists have generally allowed. -Jle also flnds .iba radium, plays no Important part In the de velopment' of the globe, v; V' Prof. See translates Aristotle's theory of earthquakes, which has never before been made accessible to English readers. The Greeks all held that earthquakes were due to the agitation, of vapors within the earth which tended to t-scapo and diffuse them selves In the atmouphere. Aristotle ob served the eruption of a volcano and con cluded from the vapor noticed to-escape that all earthquakes were due to thu same causa as that producing eruptions. . When Plato was 64 and at the head of the academy In AtUeps and Aristotle was a boy II years old the Homeric city of Helike, on the southern' shore of the Qu'.f of Cor inth, was thrown down by an earthquake and overwhelmed by a seismic, sea wave. The cause ot this disaster perplexed the Athean sages, and iius remained one of the mysteries of the centuries. Now comes Prof. See, who shows that It was due sim ply to the expulsion of lava from beneath the Gulf of Corinth, which thus made the sea bottom unstable, . and when It gave way t also carried the shore on which Hellke stood; Imdeed, the city was nrsi devastated by the movement of lava be neath the crust and afterward subsided about one hundred feet, so that it was covered by the waves to such a depth that only the tops of trees remained above Besides the sinking of Hellke, other cases I of the subsidence of the land are mentioneu and In the concluding note attention Is called to the elevation of the mountains and the sinking of the sea bottom now going on in the vicinity of the Aleutlun and Kurlle Islands the north Paclilc. SMI FTTD iCiMo S 11 IE. W iTilk rrn mmwM 413-15-17 Sootln Sixteenth Street We Are making Special Price Inducements for the Benefit of Visitors During 11 E SHOW Week in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains CARPETS AMD RUGS..;;;' .:; There are many interesting features this week in our Carpet Department" The new stock of Wilton Rugs, Axminster Rugs and Brussels ' Rugs are specially -worthy' of. .your attention. Patterns are Oriental, Floral and Scroll and cannot fail to meet your approval. You are invited to call and see this immense stock shown cheerfully whether you buy -or ; hot. WILTON RUGS $6.00 Wilton Hug, 27x54, v. ..... $4.50 $8.50 Wilton Rug, 36x63. :;.;, $750 Large Sizes Same Proportion AXrVIINSTER RUGS 8-3x10-6 ;.. .. t. 20.00 9x12 ....... ,$22.00 Larger Sizes Proportionate $18.50 27x54 ..$2.25 36x72 $3i50 6x9 :. $10.50 EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK $22.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12 v . SALE OF CARPETS 80c Brussels Carpet, with or without border, per yard. .... 57l 90c Brussels Carpet, with or without border, per yard. . . : .66c? $1.25 Wilton Velvet Carpet, with or without border, per yard, 05c? $1.35 Wilton. Velvet Carpet, with or without border, yd $1.05 $1.35 Axminster Carpet, with or without border, per yard, $1100 Special for this week, BRASS BEDS, IRON BEDS, LIBRARY TABLES, DINING TABLES.1:. A VERY COMPREHENS.VE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE GOODS AT MEDIUM PRICES.; . " Library Tables in quartersawed, golden oak and birch finished mahogany, with and without shelf, ranging in price from $35, $19, $18, $17, $15 and ,..........$14.50 Dining Tables, American c -ill I Will I .-!. 111 4 Vi.n in quarter. sawed , oak, with and without pedes tal center pieces, $75, $ 2 0 . 5. 0 , f 19.50, $1-8.50, $17, $16.35 and $14 Iron Beds, In all the different colors, cream and gold, green and gold, - white and gold, Vernls Martin . and .plain white, ranging In price , from $15. , $5.. $4.75, $4.25, a .o o, t. o, to ..... ..$1.05 Brass Beds, With 2- Inch 'posts nd Inch 'fillers,4 ranging in price from I2D.00. Iand $20.00 'V'.LACE CURTAINS. r We are closing out aver 1.000 pairs of Lace Curtains at a Special Discount, of 20 off. v.. Regular Price. Greater Values Have Never Before Been Shown In This City. Always Rsad Tim OMAHA DEC C2ti". West ... 1 1 v seva toe ftv dollars f s vesta. (U . Cu'stws mm aas tASt t AltolST fUl. for tntermsitM, wr.i M Ciiluraia Traral Aiaocuiioa, GxeaM i i t'Jt-. Us aa, Calilwais. ANTIDOTE FOR OPIUM CURSE Aar.-ifa V'ow "Wnrels to Malaysia to Obtain rare'Ior Il Brother, , iv.t,.,in.t to save V.or brother from the opium habit, no matter what the cost might be- to her, Miss Agnci -llaviland of Phlla- has Just returned from a trip to the West Malay I'eninsula, whi-re she ob tained a cure. Having traveled thousands or miles, enduring privations of every sort and character,', this heroine, with an ample supply of the remedy obtained from fresh m thnt far-off land. Is putting Into effect the published accounts of the efficacy of the antidote.. M( HMvllsnd suent about a month in land around Pelangor. capital of the west! Malay Peninsula, and the horrors due to the opium habit seem like a nightmare to This was converted into a pleasant I dream, however, when she noted the many I cures made by the, little, recently discov j ered plant. n.r hrother has been a victim or me opium curse for several years. First taken as a soothing drug to relieve meniai ana nhv.iral distress, he had to Increase the I amount taken almost dully, as the deaden Ing effects of the smaller doses were de- creased. Blowly but surely he became en- I mnalipd In thtt clutches of the dist.llca poppy, until his life was a burden to him. Then he apiwuled to bis sister. There was nothing she could do. Blie had en gaged the best physicians in Philadelphia. but each had given up her brother a case as hopeless. One day she read a story a newspaper that an opium cure had I been discovered. t'rnm an article based on report of Consul Ueneral D. t. V "her. she learned 1 that the Malays had really discovered a cure for the lu-.blt. Frail of physique, but dauntless In de termination. Miss llavlland determined to get this cure If possible. First, however, she would make a personal Investigation. In June sha left her borne and Journeyed across the continent to Seattle, where sh ' .n,iirkil on her lung oceao vcyast. I talked with Consul Uenera wnoer of the cure," said Miss llavlland, "and his testimony established my faltn In the vine. The sclentlflo name of this plant is Com brctum sundalcum, and not Tamal bsl, as some seemed to think. "From Mr. Wllber and others I found that the way to prepare this vine for use was as follows: First, boll over a gentle charcoal Are In the proportion of. three pounds of water to one ounce of the pre pared drug for about four hours, till half the original water remains. Second, strain the preparation and leave It to cool, and It is ready for use. Third: fill two brandy bottles with the preparation; into bottle A put burnt opium to th quantity the pa tient used to consume in one day. The opium will dissolve at once with a milky color. Fourth, take two tablespoonfula of the mixture from bottle A whenever Xhe patient craves for opium, shake the bot tle before use, and directly after each dose la taken All the same quantity of the preparation from bottle B into bottle A. No opium la to be put into the medicine after the first bottle." Continuing . her story, Miss Hav1lan satd: , "Upon visiting the Chinese towkay, who had Introduced the medicine in Seremhan with good effect, I learned that the leaf had been discovered In Jelebu by a young man who was an opium smoker. He had been told by a friend to take the leaf of a certain plant growing in the Jungle and to boll it and drink the medi cine. He did so and found that he could: break f his opium habit. He told others about It, and when the Seremhan towkay j went to Jelebu to collect his home rents J he was told of the medicine. He ordered his mining coolies to collect the plant for him, and then introduced it into Serem ban. "The Chinese preachers and young men enthusiastically took up the matter" and the medicine was prepared at tha mission hall. The news spread and hundreds came every day, until the mission hall and street outside became blocked with people. Never shall I forget the touching spectacle of these men eagerly asking for help; chil dren coming asking for the cur for their fathers." She saw the Rev. W. E. Horley, who has done so much to spread the cure among the Malayans, and from him ob tained two sacks of the precious remedy. which is a vine not unlike the American morning glory, and has come home a messenger of good cheer to her stricken brother. That the remedy Is effective Is believed by Miss Havlhtnd because of Instances which came under her observation. She saw one Chinaman, who had been a user of the drug for flfteen years, broak his pipes and with an ax destroy the bunk on which he reposed when under the opiate Influence. She saw three hundred men and women each with a bottle, or some vessel with which to carry ' the remedy, come daily to the depots where the Belangor Anti-Opium society gave free medicine to those afflicted. Government officials of the Malay I'eninsula told bet that the Importation of the drug had already been reduced from eighty to thirty chests each month . and was still falling. Philadelphia Inquirer. For the Womau That's Fat A Detroit physician says that the cheap est and safest mlxturs a fat woman hj wants to get thin can use is one-half ounce Marmola (get it in the original half-ounce package), one-half ounce Fluid Extract Casrara Aromatic and three and one-half ounres Syrup Simplex. The proper amount to take is a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. 1 Thess Ingredients may be obtained from any druggist at small cost and make a combination that is not only excellent fs a fat reducer, being able, it is claimed, to take off a pound V day without tauslr.g wrinkles, but is also a splendid help to the system as a whole, regulating tbs stomach and bowels (where the fat person's trou bles begin), and clearing the akin of pirn' pies and blotches. No exercise Is required to help tha remedy In its work and, best of all, no dieting is necessary wiiiU U--inf It jou can eat what you Uka Adv. FAMOUS MU1R GLACIER PASSING Most Fascinating; of Alaska's Ifataral Woudrrs Doomed by an " Earthquake. . . The Mutr glacier, ons of the most fasci nating of the natural wonders of Alaska, is dying. This summer, for the first time in nine years, steamers have been ab's to enter the bay into which the glacier empties its gleanings of ice, snow and rocks, and the sight ot this king hidden Ice pack was a sad one for those who had known the glacier before it received, its mortal wound from an earthquake in J898. The Pacific Coast Steamship company's liner Spokane, which has Just returned to this port after a summer spent in making excursion trips between the sound and Alaska, was the first vessel to penetrau the bay, which, sines th earthquake of nine years ago, has been closed to navi gation by Jagged barriers of ice. The Spokane had no easy task to fores its way through, but when the barriers had been passed the steamer floated in the clear water at the glacier's face, and tue sight. lthough vastly different from what had been expected, was rich repsyment for the struggle. When those who had known tha glacier in it prime last saw it Its face was full two miles long. It stood 20 feet above the water and extended below the surface to a depth of 8M feet Every foot of the tao miles was full of life, and atXlvely en gaged la tha titanic labor ot manufacturing and launching Icebergs. T. J. P.ichardson, sn artle. who has spent sixteen ' years of ths last twenty three at points along tha northern coast of the Pacific ocean, and who has known tha Mulr glacier since 1(01, thus describes the glacier In action: ' 1 "It was a grand and awe Inspiring sight, for the great lea mass was disintegrating fast and the detonations as the bergs dropped off into tl.e r were like the roar of artillery. Hardly ten minutes would pass without ths collapse of some great piece of ice, and the tidal waves which would follow ths submerges of a big frag ment would send a wall of water ten feet high or mors rushing in to ths shore. One had to be constantly on guard for these combers when on the beach. Ths sight of ths falling masses of k-e used always to make ms think of a fight of giants, fu which those fas 'ths front rank were con stantly falling, pushed on to destruction by the fellows behind." Mr. Richardson thus describes the Mulr glacier as he found It this summer: "Only about half of the former face of the glacier Is active in discharging to the sea. Today the active portion may be described as the left arm. The right arm la hardly active at all and in my opinion will be 'dead' In a comparatively few years. Already in front ot the face are showing sand and gravel ridges in the water, which lndloate that the ice mass Is forming a terminal to such proportions that the glacier will be entirely separatea rrom the sea. "A live- glacier, speaking technically, is one which discharges directly Into the ocean, while a dead glacier is one which ends on land and Where the loe mass is dissipated by the action of the sun alone. It melts away, while tha live glacier dis integrates In huge masses which float away to sea in the form of Icebergs. The dead glacier is of comparatively small Interest to any save the scientist, while the live one, with its awe Inspiring detonations and activity, will hold the' attention of any creature, no matter how' unschooled, for even the uneducated - natives will stand for hours watching ths movements of the ice." 8an Francisco Call. RELICIOIS NOTES. Ths Five Points mission school In New Tork City has an Industrial department, iu which are taught dresxmaking, chair can ing, basket weaving, shoemaklng and the repairing of clothing. - '- Ths three months' tent campaign by the evangelistic committee of New Vork City was most suoc -ssf ul In Its work. 1,6 meet ings being held In eighteen tents, with an aggregate attendance ot over iM,(MJb. Rev. Frederick J. Kinsman, professor of ecclesiastical history In the General Theo I' Kiai -e i lner . N"W V"rn. hue he-n elected vice-rector of St. Paul's school, Con cord, N. H. Mr. Kinsman is an alumnus and former master of the school. Church union in Canada has run against a snag In the apportionment of benevo lences, the methods of the Presbyterians and Methodists being so radically different in the mutter of raising funds that it is hard to strike a common ground. ltev. Wfll'arn K. Tell, who has lust en tered on bis new duties as archdeacon of the Chicago diocese ot the Episcopal church, was born In Bedford, England, lie was ordained la Chicago, nowever. by Bishop Vhltehouse in IKlC'.'.'.T,. The last Sunday in.Augupt, was a note worthy day In London from the point of view of American pulpit oratory. Dr. Qnn saulua of Chicago preached at City temple, Ir. Cadmun of Brooklyn at Wiiltrtltld s tahernade and Dr. Neliemlali Doynlon at Wardsworths In the suburbs. The University of "Leeds has conferred the degree of Doctor' of Letri rs on Rev. Robert Cqllycr, the well., known Unitarian clergyman of New York. Dr. Collyex will be 84 years old In December and started life as a. blacksmith In .Yrkshlr, England, where he was born. , Governor J. Frank Hanly of Indiana. Rev. Charles Stelzle of the department of rhurclt and labor of the Preshjterlan Church and Kev. Dr. Collins Denny of Vauderbllt uni versity are aiming the men who have ac cepted Invitations to address the snnual general rmivenilon of the Wesley Brother hood ln,,quhviiie, Ky November U-SL. Iivv. Henry .Van Runssoiaer, a well known Roman Catholic priest, tor, the lam ten years anslstant ' pastor of St. Francis Xa vler's church, -West Sixteenth street. Man hattan, died at St. Vincent's hospital Thurs day morning at the age of 66. He was a grandson of the lust putroon, Stephen Vun Reaselaer, who. though an Episcopalian, contributed toward the building of the tlist Roman Catholic church in Albany; he him self, though educated for the Episcopalian ministry, was converted to' the Humid faith,, became. a member of the Jesuit order and gave ail his wealth, . which was large, to the church. A sister likewlre tunnd Cethollo and Joined the sisters of charity Rev. Henry Van ieuseeiar W a life nf exemplury devotion aqd service, .and evcu In his iast duj-H, when he was a clvlng man, he persevered In direction of the chuiitaMo eiiicipiiNue he had tounded. - On tha Other llaaa. The preacher was ofTerlnor his f . tlens to tno newly married ouple. , "Young man," he suid, Vyoti have gained one of the fuirest maids' in th..i conimunitv; and you. youtixr lady, have -won h slul wart partner, whose ool rlabt. arm will lovel every Gbsiublo thut stunda In the way of your success In life," "Lett, Mr, Ooodman, left," hnrrecttd the bride, with a proud look itt thu sinewy athlete by her aide, "(.ioiti is a south paw, you know." Chicago Tribune. . - - L(X LltaMtus. Leaked. WlnWey lleai"aru,t bc Joke on J-igltyf Hllnkkt Nop wilat lM.4t? ... Wlnlilcy Sinoa ha moroJ Into a prohibi tion squt hi has hud his xh!iaraurton sent by express in a plain Hiox, marked "Booker" . .. - . . Blink ley Well T Winhley The other dsy he got a postal front the express agent reading: "Dear Blr: Your books sr leuklpf;; pU-aac come "dgel.lthony'-Judge. , . . Erery mother feels great dread of the pain , and (laager 'attendant upon the most critical, period of her life. Btcominv a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation Dne of . misery. Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieves -women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which U dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is t.0ided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing condition are overcome, the system Is made ready for the coining eveat, aad tkg serious accidents so common to the critical' ",,,.,. hour are briated by the oe of Mother' .'n m knl 'J. Friend. "It it worth its weight In gold." L Jflfj If&TfiZ ays many who kave used It. fi.oo per lliiO U U Wli J euiuo at crcj itcrcs. doos. containing -valuable information oi interest to all women, wilt be scat to any address free upon application crjtonnp nzavmroa oo., Atlanta, o r WiZ