THE OMAHA SUNDAY IWK: OCTOHKH 1,V 190. a1 I .1 J ! r I il 1 t i 1 SOCIETY AWAITS HORSE SHOW Sor Lislrind Gtrnm Complete for Big Social Event (.Winter. IIAITT HOLLOW ALONE IS LIYTLY With Formal Closing; of Conntrr f'laU ' Onlf- Tnt Wki Off, Satordar "' found Only Qnlet . Oat Benson War Pomlltfy "Wbr do they call It the Qreat WhIU Wayf A mm Inquired of his piisfled sire, t A with weary footstep, they both did stray 'Mid neetbing puddles and heaps of mire. ? And the sire looked doubtful; he paused, i.- and aald: ' : "lleius " then , desisted and scratched - , ' hla head. ' . v . . Cut peace to the young hath no form or cause, ' And Main made the hopeful hla plaintive say: "You've told me no anawer Hps In 'Be muse, . Bo why do they call It the Great White Way?" ' '.And the aire-, having thought, with- trium phant air, i ', Said: "Because of the White Wings who onco were there." . , The SuJTerer. Tfc SoclM." Calendnr. MONDAY Opening -of, fourth annual , -Horse Show al Aud'tnr'um; Mr. Will ' ' frvhnors of Council .Bluff a, stag dinner . ' for Mr. Harry Montgomery. i TTF.3DAY Miss Zola trllorker. Informal ' Itea for Mis Mary Bedwell.; Ladles' dny .''at Happy flMldw ehlbf .VMItlns Nurses - (association die',at Chamber'; Mrs. D. ' K. Mrf.'ullcv rtirl Mr Htrelirht. luncheon ' at Happy Hollow rlub! Mr. V W. Wnck " li'irn, 1'inchenni at appy Hollow elrb. V KDNKSDAYt-J ftflltw" day, at Country Huh; .Inhnaon-ftlorttKomtTy wedding. . Tta'BSI)AYB.'.lwell-MoN.wn wedding; Lnrtlos' dnv at HappV Hollow club, r , BATl'RDAY Pinner arid dance at Happy ' . Hollow and Country clubs.) " ' . T ' LA 11 Important mi Iho social Calendar for .tjila week lij the Horti Show. It will open Monday evening at ilic Anrtitorliim and . the entire week will find Omuha's-amnrt ait eagerly antf eTitliusiaiifteally'Joinirig In hiat fhMilonnble. cvcnt.j , " . !'. ' i Luncheoiia ol dinners are ah-cady belnj plnnned to curp'plete the week, the subject f of gowna tbat haa received. Ita full share of attention 'of late 'la practically " aettled and everything la now In readiness for this resplendent and joyous c m Ion..' Theie has been a large denim... for boxes 'if Bon Bons FOR THE Horse Show Balduff's Gold Mehal Chocolates and Bon Bons are a" 'superior con fection for prespritatlon. Their rich, crearayml deljclous centers win the approval -of all. lovers of fine sweets: They ar'e tiacked In many kinds "of beautiful fancy boxes different.' sIzbb, ' different prices. ' ' . 1," - They are also put up In plain, attractive ..'l, 2; i. 5 and 10 J pound boxes at. per; pound; GO. 1 ; ''''.i ' 1S18-20 Farnam Street. Phone Doug. 711. t . , Table b'liote Dinner Sunday served from 11:30 a., m. to 8:00 p. to. Price 76c.-; (TO IMPROVE COMPLEX ION iffome Treatment ' Said to fce Most Effective in Bringing the Glow of Health '.to Ballbw races. , If The Wash and massage as -given la. the I J ... . i SormUla Delow runnv from thi nmrwl S -B. . . . . . - ' ' srenon aermaioiogist an is most gener- i ally used among.tiKS ladles of t'hp exclusive 'social cUcUsa of parts '-where' puwder knd Uosmatles of sll' Winds are now scorned. I .Qbtaln from .your druggist the folio-j lng: Two ounces ot Rose Water; ons k (dunce Cologne Spirits; four, ounces crys '' tulllied Sartoln (skin food), i !' Put the Sartoln in- a pint of hot water v .not bulling); let It 'cool, then' strain . Wirough a fine cloth Into a bottle or small f. jfi'.ult ' Jar and add the Rose Water i.nj iotogns Spirits. '.''." - ' This will make' a sufflclent "quantity, to ihit for a long time and is an Inexprn- T" - """- " Wive toilet preparation, at the same time being, the most effective known to the pro fession. The, only thing to rmmbr-m 'using it Is that It must be well mutsr.gid Into the skin If -this l done and it is lined persistently It Is remarkable bow It T will restore that envlabl youthful bloom We are Agents for Proctor. & White's Washington Choco ( , litca. oue to five pouad, boxes, O j -. , per pound GUC ' JBowe's Alleuretti Chocolates fg - and Bon-Bons, per pound ..,.0JC Losrney'B Chocolates, per pound 60c Beaton'i regular 60c grade Chocolates, ii-' In ona-rouad botes only, Oit C ' per pound Beaton Drug Go. '. 15th and Farnam TENTH 5KASON IN OMAHA Dslmbre Ghsney MASS BARITONE Teacher ol VUe Cullnre and the - Art cl Slnglna Kew Studio, 401-432 Boyd Theater and the list now Inrludea Mr. T. J. O'Brien, Mr. Fr-d IL Krug, Mr. J. E. Favm and Mr. D. A. Bourn, Mr. K. C. Rarton. Mr. T. C. Dyrne, Dr. Oilmore and Mr. A. J. Beaton, Mr. John N. Baldwin, Mr. John U Webster, Mr. Ocorge A. Keellne, Mr. Q. P. Moor-head, Mr. A. P. Brandela and Mr. H. H. Brandela, Mr. P. H. Pavla and Mr. Victor Caldwell. Mr. A. U Feed and Mr. F. P. Klrkenrtall. Mr. W. H. McCord, Mr. K P. Peck, Mr. Victor Rosewater, Mr. Alfred Darlow, Mr. R. Baker. Mr. H. Kelly and Mr. Allan Hamilton, Pr. Dor ward. Mr. T. B. Mcpherson, Mr." R. C. Howe, IJr. H. O. Edwards, Mr. Arthur C. Smith, Mr. A. H. Rawltier, Mr. K. A. Cudahy, Mr. O. M. Hitchcock, Mr. M. T. Barlow. Mr. O. W. Wattles, Dr. B. B. Davis, Mr. John A. McBhane, Mr. Joseph Cudihy and Mr. L. T. Kountse, Mr. Joseph Barker, Mlaa Loula Long, Mr. Georgo Redlck, Mr. Ward M. Burgess and Mr. C. T. KounUe, Mr. O. W. Megenth. Mr. T. T Ha-ikell, Mr. C. H. Crelchton, Mr. F. A. Nash, Mr. George A. Joslyn, Mr. William Hayden and Mr, A. L. Meyer. At Harpr Hollow. Happy Hollow was the only one of the country clubs that was enlivened by enter taining Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beldcn entertained one of the largest dinner parties, their guests being R.v. and Mrs. Frank Li Lovcland, Miss Loveland, Mr. Forest Loveland, Mr. and Mrs. W. t Sclbj. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Goss, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Towle, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. fl-ecken-rldge, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brr-ck'-nrldgo. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Welter, Mr. and Mn. E. T. Magaret. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bturgess and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Cameron. Their table was pretty with autumn leaves. With Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burket were Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Conley, Mr. and Mra. A R. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clarke, Mra. Walson B. Smith and Mlaa A. E. Haskell, Mrs. Henry C. Van Gieson had as her gucsta Dr. and Mrs. Exlson Rich, Mrs. Bar. rell of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Abereomble of Houston, Tex., Dr. and Mra. Henry, H. Lemere and Mr. Sidney Smith. With Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser wore Judge and Mrs. Lee S. Bsflle and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Zackery. . . ' Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry enteitHlned Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wagner and Dr. and Mrs. E. C. II my. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roes entertained In honor of Mr. and Mra. C. 8. Loblngler of the Philippines. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Loblngler, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard and Dr. and Mrs, Albert T. Hunt. With Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin were Mr. and Mrs. George. Bldwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Coutant. Among others entertaining at dinner were Mr. and Mra. A. P. Wood, who had fifteen guests; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Blackburn, twelve; Rev. anT Mrs. Edwin H. Jenks tour; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Austin, four; Mr. J. O'Henlon. four, nnd Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McCulloy, four. A large luncheon will be given by Mrs. D. E. McCulley and Mrs. Strelght Tuesday at the Happy Hollow club. Covers will b laid for sixty. Mrs. T. W. Blackburn will also entertain j when her guesta will number twenty. i Directors of the Happy Hollow club have elected these officers: E. A. Benson, presi dent; Euclid Martin, vice president; W. I Belby, secretary; 11. W. Yatea, Jr.. treas urer. The club will close October SI with a Hallowe'en party. Much work ia being done on the golf links, and the club will nave eighteen holes in good shape for playing at the opening of the club In the spring. Coming Events. ' Miss Z'ola Dellecker will give an' informal tea TueadaV afternoon In hnnn. nf ui.. I Mary Btdwell, who will be one of this week's . brides. " ; Mr.x.WJU Bchnorr of Vouncll Bluffs, who Is to be the best man at the Jphnson- i Montgomery wedding, will give a stag dinner Monduy evening at his home in j honor Of Mr. Harry Montgomery. The Visiting Nurses' association will give Its first dancing party for this season Tues- ! day evening at Chambers'. The patronesses for this year include Mrs. Victor B. Cald well, Mra. D. Cameron, Miss McPherson, Mrs. Herbert M. Rogers, Mrs. Benjamin Gallagher, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. T. J. Ma- I VirtnoV ll.a Cha.lna U.t. U T . V. T . v .. y , v . . . i u i a ...v is, mm. ju.iiiri ja Kountte, Miss Alice Buchanan, Mrs. J. fionnenberg, Mrs.' P. B. Myers, Mrs. Edson Rich, Mrs. II.' D. Reed, Mrs. Albert Noe, Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck, Mrs. T. K. Wsrd, Mrs. C. A. Sweet, Mrs. C. E. Herring and Mra. P. C. Morlarty. Invitations have been lssupd for the fifth annual meeting of the Park Place alumna at the Sucred Heart academy, Thlrty-alxth and Burt streets. - to be held October iV. Tho program begins at 90 in the morning, hen high mass will be celebrated In the ........ . ..l. 1 . Jt i. . . .. . i vukijvi, iununi ur u rreeuiiuii I An.l .. n .i , o In r.. Vi.l t l. m.nlla An ..1 .. 1. """ vv io- 0!ato luncheon will be served, after which ther w,n a business meetilng and sfflcers for th 'ear wl" The after- noon entertainment will close with solemn bonedlction. A large attendance of gradu ates of the Sacred Heart acsdemy Is promised, as the association numbers about one hundred members, and all resident and many nonresident members have signified their intention of being present, ,. The orlicers for this yeur are Miss May McNamara, president; Miss Bertha Daumor, vice president; Mrs. May McBhane Foye, recording secretary; Mrs. Lillian Uushman B.,,ur. Hnonoi.i .ia,v Bmi Mrs Mnrv J rt; r B"d Mnl' MRry ' Pleaanres rat. Mrs. It- L. Hamlltor.. Mrs. Edwin T. swobt,-Mrs. George C. West. Mrs. Pascal Ware and Mrs. Howard Edwards. Mrs. A. C. Fsrre-ll gave a pretty dinner e hotel for of Gales- Thursday evening at the Rome her guest. Miss Jennie Farrell burg, 111., and Mrs. F. A. Green of Los Angeles, Cal. Covers were laid for ten. Mr. it V M.vw-rdl entertulned at whist at her homo yesterday afternoon, twelve nxmcn being present and three tables In pluce. Prises were won by Mra. J. H. Mc Donald. Mrs. L. Musoer and Mrs. B. W. Oiniojnii of Llnculri. M'ss.s Louise and Alice Kemp. X3 Chi- Johnson, and Mr. Marry Pae Montgomery topics department will hold Its first meet cajo slrett, save a oarty Thurndav evening will take place Wednesday evening at lng Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the In honor of M'ss Elsie l-ech and Mlsa Lot- tie Sarused of Beatrice, who have been their guests for the lust two weeks. A Urge number of young people were present and the evening was spent with music and cards. M'ss Enid Valentine wus hovteas Friday afternoon at a bridge party In honor of Min Vnletk'rcher of Turlington. Ia.. who Is the gjest of Mrs. IX. ii Hamilton. Two tables were placed for the same and lha prlre was won t.v Miss t nterKireocr. i oose present were M H!.,m l, Cnterklrcher. M's Nell Clabaugh, M'"s Josephine Young, Mrs. Richard J. Skankey entertsined at 0"'!.I"r .V:U:a. JilThwrsrla at hi.h noon ., the home of u" " : of the winter ser es. The club colors, red and white, were carr'ed ott in a very pretty manner. The evening was snent In cards Mle -Virgil-RedftM, winning ftha, pr'se, aj pretty brouie candle stick. Luncheon was served. Thou present were the Mlsnes Sue Mlfleld. Virgil It.d ied. Edith Marlev. Emiva Allen lues BonnH. Maud Bonell, .toe Lymai. Fav Lyman, Ke'l'e Winn. Ste'la Sbaw, Ruth I'ulhr, Mrs. Loyd, Mra. Rey. nolds and Mrs. Skankey. The members of the Phun Phlndets' club were entertained at curds at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris 'Friday even ing, the party being given In honor of Mr. ami Mia. Floyd Wull.ei tou, who will lave shortly to make their home at Wahoo. Those preaent wers Mr. tnd Mrs. A. K. Beahm. Mrs. Richard Harris of St. Loi!s, Mr. and Mrs. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Con Btegner, Mr. and Mra. V. J. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watherston, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. leaser, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stringer. Mra. T. J. Sonlera entertained the Swatlnka club Friday afternoon. Two tables were placed for the card aetne and prlies were won by Mrs. A. F. Foote and Mrs. C. Webber. Ref rcohments were served during the afternoon, when the guesta were seated at one lunre table, which was pret tily deiorhled with red rosos. Those present were Mrs. F. N. Pwcarlnger, Mrs.' J. R. Shaffer. Mrs. T. J. Bonier, Mrs. A. Jeyles, Mrs. ". W liber, Mr. A. F. Foote, Mrs. J. C. Kn.l- r. Mv. Martin and Mrs. M'-r-rlam. The ii-xt meeting of tlx- Hub IH be in two weeks, at the hanie of Mrs. F. N. Bwearlngi-r. Mr. and Mrs. P. Edniun celebrated their twenty-fifth wcdJing anniversary Monday evening at their home. SOU Franklin street. The house- waa profusely decorated In stnllax and cut llowers. About forty friends were present. Speeches and mush mado .he evening a plensuiit exvaslon fin all present. Connratul.itions wvr received from St. Paul. Minn.: Denver, Colo., und I Portland, Oie. A number of beauiliui gins In silver were received. The out-or-town giKSls were Mr. and Mrs. palilman of Wahoo, Mr. and Mrs. I.imllxi'1 f Craig and Mrs. B. E. Dove of Denver. Colo. Came nnd Go Gossip. Mrs. C. U Wright Is visiting friends 111 St. Louis. Mrs. A. C. Bmce has returned from a week's visit In Kansas City. Mrs. Herman Kountze Is the guest of her sister In Dunkirk. N. Y. Miss Jessie Wheeler bus ns Riirst Miss Nora Fields of Chicagj. Mlas Constance Kemp of Chlrntfo Is l ho guest of Mrs. Will Monaghan. Mrs. John S. Brlggs returned Thursday from a' visit of two months at Washta nnd Cherokee, la. Mrs. J. P. Ballon and little daughter. Marguerite, have returned from northern Iowa and St. Paul. Misa Kittle Bolton, who Iibh been visit ing friends In Omaha, has returned to her home In Des Molnep, la. . Mr. Ee'k Stutsman of Oshkotth, Neb., is visiting his brother, Mr. W. O. Btutaman, at 812 South Nineteenth street. Mrs. J. P. Fallon and small daughter hnve returned from summer's outing at Waverly, la., 'and St. Paul. Minn. Mrs. F. J. Dunnlgan and daughter. Eliza beth, are visiting relatives and friends In Syracuse, N. Y., and other eastern cities. Miss Anna Johnson of Omaha 'and Miss Mary Johnson of Florence have returned from a visit to Jefferson county, Mis souri. Mrs. John M. Hudson has returned from a visit In the south, and will spend the winter the guest of her sister, Mra. C. N. Diets. Mr. J. H. Schmidt, accompanied by his sons, Masters Paul and Joseph, left Frl- day evening for Chicago to be gone until next week. Mrs. C. D. Freds and son, Mr. John Freds of Kearney, Neb., have been visit ing Mrs. Freds' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Johnson. The Misses Clara and Elva Hammer, ot Harlan. Ia., who were guests of Mlsa Stella Shaw during Ak-Sar-Ben week, have returned home. Xli ITrtaiHa tit frnrfrnr Ta. fnrmiTlv of Omaha, arrived Saturday morning to"' be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees for several days. 1 1 Mrs. Luther Lelsenring and little daugh. I ter, who'have been spending the summer i In Omaha with her parents, left Friday j morning for her noma in Placcvllfe. Cal. 4 Mrs. Will McCullough and Miss Loulso I Branen of Central City. Neb.. HWSperia.! i lng a few days with Mrs. W.- G Stuts man at 613 South Nineteenth street. The Misses Elsie and Vera Noyes of Chicago, and Miss Etta Beemsn of Kansas City, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Johnson until after the Johnson-Montgomery wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Orumons of Brooktield, Mo., who have been spending a week with Mrs. W. O. Stutsman at 612 South Nine teenth street, have returned to their home, accompanied by Miss Somers, who has been visiting In the city. Mr. J. I. Tamlnoslan left Saturday even ing for Binghamton, N. T., , where he Will visit his sister, Mrs. Asurlan, wliom he has not seen for eighteen years. He will then go to Boston and visit his brother. Dr. T. Tamlnoslan, and will visit New York City on business before returning home in two weeks. Social Cnlt- hat. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hart have moved into their new home at 2030 Vinton street. Mr. 8. A. Searle has been called to Lin- I .Ki 1 n fin i.njiiinf .if Hi. llhiuua a Li. - t brother. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stuart have moved Into their new home st 4o2 South Thirty sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love will close their home at Benson this week and spend the Winter at the Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Waterman of 1334 South Twenty-eighth street sre rejoic- lng over tne Dirtn or a son. Mrs. Dwlght Swobc has been very ill in Redlands. Cal.. with typhoid fever, but iuie reports are mat ene la slowly lm- proving. .. o--t' " recency returned from their wedding trip, r. ..u oir. Arumr ogers. wno nave sre housekeeping at Twenty-fourth St. Mary's avenue. "nd Wedding and Engaaewents. Invitations have been Issued for the wed ding of Miss Agnes Qorst snd Mr. 3. A. svaBe' whlch w, take place Wednesday even,n' ttt tne Perl Memorial church. . iim Kiiiiuuiic-iiiriii. whs mitae inis weea of the engagement of Miss Ethel Lucilo Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. u- "ooeri-un. io mr. rreaeneg r. nam Ilton. The wedding to take place In the TVorann's Club. j nea- future. I Tn8 worK ot ttle Omnha Worran's cl-ib The wedding of Miss Marion Reed John- begins In earnest this week with the open son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. ng of several dep.-.rtments. The current o'clock at the home of the Lrlde a parents, 424 South Thirty-fifth street. Dean Bee-e' will perform the cereaiony and Mr. Will Bchnorr of C-.vincll Bluffs will, bo best There will be no maid of honor, I but the bridesmaids will be M'ss ' Marv Allcs Rogers. Miss Marlon Haller. Mls Ruth Moorehead, Miss Etta Beeman ot ' Kansas City, Miss Mary Morgan and Miss ! E1,, Noves of Chicago. Little Miss Peggv ' Rd w(n ,ct rinf bearer. Mr. and , Mrf Montgomery will be at home after j j,, j ,t tia Ifard ,tree,. i The WE.11,nT of M,M Mary Betwei, I n(, r McNow w1 Uk, ,ac. the bride's rrents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. . . .. . ' . Bedwell at S1?2 Cblcaro street. Rev. F. L. I Loveland will ofclate. After a southern I wedding trip Mr. and Mra. McNown will j be at home at 300J Lincoln biulevrrd. Invitations have been issued for ths Wed- Cr of Lieutenant Edward Davs of ths Kleverlh cavalry, U. 8. A., formerly of Omaha, and aid-de-camp to ths late Oen eral Wlnt, and Miss Alice Lawrason, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William W. Steel, which will take place Tuesday noon, November I. In Hsvana. Cuba, at rWj Trinity church. Mr. Davis Is at present with his regiment at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. iWORKOFTUE V0MEN4S CLUBS State W. C. T. U. Meeting Will Attract Bis Attendance. HASTINGS MEETING A SUCCESS Amonic Hest In lllstor- of rlirnkn Federation of Women's C'luhe anil One of Most l.aratrlr Attended. Now that it lias craned to be a fad, that ! c hili !, m!. t .!; I:rs come mr n 'in- avltb-i!. foiiclt-ntim.e. liitclll.Ti st w-uk inl re?:x 'iislMllly r.MVi' sifted out the tiro's, one frequent I v bears that the nmn'o club nioveiiient !s on the decline, If the stability cf sn orpnclratlon j t be reckoned by the number rath.T than tlu character of Us membership therci may be ground for such on assumption, for It Is it f ict that the- club is not n ptviulnr with son-.e wonien as It was at Hist, but this Is not the case In Nebraska. there Is a change, coming over the. cl-ib movement ennnut be dinio.1, but to the discerning one It is the chf'Vge of evolu tion rather than decline. The thirteenth annual convention of the Nebraskn Federa tion of Women's Clubs held lust week at Hastings afford'-d an admirable Illustration of the evolution of "the club movement In the state. In striking to the strenuous conventions of the naKt. wlvic club politics, serious problems of reform and the struggle of the conservative with the Degressive element or the federation mingled with social nivalis of more or lews formal nature In sessions wearying to voul and body'. alike. , the Ilaitier.s convention with well balanced attention to all bra wiles of federation work waa Interesting and hcliitu! In every detail, without Jar or friction or even a little excitement when the election came around. To be sure this is an "off" year. The women afked for much und guined much last year In the way of legislation, and the tilings that necessitate work thnt Is not always pleas ant, ami this yuer are enjo.vimr their re ward of quiet study. . The club pendulum has swung a long way to the side or philanthropy and In spite of woman's al leged love for meddling In "men's affairs" rlfb self-culture club Is still the most attrac tive to the average woman. This was evident at' Hastings. The program was adrhirably arranged and proved attractive far beyond the expectation of the hostgysef. The convention was one of the largest ever held, with Its 152 delegates, rcpresent'ns eighty-four towns, besides manv other club women who came merely as visitors. The presence of the traveling art lean exhibit of the General Federation contributed an attractive feature, while the exhibition of manual training school work from the public schools of Columbus afforded oppor tunity for comparison of methods and work m a nne n which the great majority of i clubs are Interested. The literary program. on which Prof. S. H. Clark of Chicago was the chief speaker, waa a conspicuous fea- . ture of the convention. Almost no business Icama before the meeting, excepting the election of officers. Tlv "-icli discussed V amendment providing 'TV' biennial In stead, of the annual of the state .'convention was not even "rented, much I to the surprise of the majority. This was i doubtless Hun to the fact that the weakr-r diBtrlcts are not yet ready for the change. It Is likely,' however, that the amendment will come through the constitution corn- mlttce next year and be acted uponthe year following, whan it will undoubtedly be passed. One Of the closing acts of the convention, and one from which much is expected, was the passu gn of a resolution iuOUnavth 8tataUB4Ntrdo EducatUw to Introiuco jethlcal Instruction Into the curri culum of the schools Of the state. . ' The unanimous re-eleotfon of Mrs. H. L. Keefs of Walthill as president of the feder ation Indicates not only appreciation of her 1, n ,UA ..AO. 1.... . 1. ,..: :l"':r.-: "I "X Z ieir iiic vuiiiiiik . jurs. a. kj. i nomas ... Of Kearney was re-elected vice president, Miss Margaret Steel of Fall City record ing secretary, Mrs: Ida; Hwanson of Oak land corresponding secretary, Mrs. " J. D. French of Hastings treasurer, Mrs. C, S. Langworthy of Seward auditor and Mi's. O. M. Stonebraker ' of Lincoln General Federation secretary. District vice presi dents: First' district, Mrs.'H. D. Travis of Plattsmouth; Second. Mrs. Ed A-nrd John son of Omaha; Third, Mrs. John Ehrhardt, Fourth. Mrs. D. D. Cropsy of Falrbury, Fifth, Mrs. O. C. Bruce of Holdregr ; Sixth. Mrs. Max Hoste'ltlcr of Bhelton. A few new officers replaced Uie old officers not eligible to re-clcctlon and the board is one ot the strongest the federation bus ever had. Willi the W. C. T. I'.. Workers. Omaha Is to be well represented st the convention of the Nebraska Women's Chris tian Temperance union, which opens at Lincoln Tvfsday. Mrs. Llll'an M. N. Stev ens of Portland, Me., president of the na tional society, and Miss Anna Gordon of Evanston, 111., national vice president, will pass through Omaha Tuesday enroute to Lincoln for the meeting. They will be met at Council Bluffs by members of that union and escorted acro3s the river, where mem bers of the Omuha and South Omuhu unions wni Join them nnd accompany them to Lln- coin. The cal delegation will include: Mrs. c,ara BurD.,nki Mrg Helen A. Borshelm. Mrs. A. B. Hunt. Mrs. J. P. Roe, Mrs. Mrs. A. w. liuni. nirs. J. f. leoe, Mrs James Taggart, Mr.. C. W. Ogle, Mrs. M'n nie McKltrlck. Mrs. V. A. Cha'lis. Mrs. Q. W. Clarke, Mrs. Margaret Park, Mrs. ! ' O. W. Covell. Mrs. Adelald Rood, M'S. D. ! Banner, Mrs. Loren C. Banner, Mrs. Shin- ' rock, Dr. Mlllen and Miss Mattie Broder. I Mrs. Fred Patterson of Omaha Is corres ponding gecretary of the statu organization and will go to Lincoln Monday to attend the board meeting. It la expected that other women will go to Lincoln during the '. week for special session. east parlor. Mra L. J. iieuly will act as 'eader of ilie day. The following program has been announced: Vacation notes, by the members; review of current events, Mrs. Oherle; "President Roosevelt's View ot th Trusts," Mrs. Franklin; "The Hum orous 6'de of Elate Conventions," Mrs. C. R. Glover; "What I Think of Women's Clubs," Dr. Fredle Lankton; review of the literary world, Miss Edith Tobltt. Tuesday afternoon at4o'ileck the psychol ogy department, under the leadership of Mrs. Mary Newton, will meet tn the east parlor. Mrs. Newton Is planning a course that promises to make this department one of the most Interest lng of the club. Mra. Decker at Lincoln. Mra. Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver, pres ident of the General Federation of Wom en's Clubs, was the guest of the club j women of Lincoln Saturday, en route to Weill Virginia, where she will attend the cemvention of the e:at federation. A re ception was held tn her honor In the after noon and in the evening she. was honor guest at a banquet. Mrs. Decker left on the midnight train for the east. Mr. Chambers and pupils' china and water-color exhibit. uU Ruaige building, October 17, 18 and t FORMERLY nif-SCDFIELD uiciqak&su;tco. GRAND DISPLAY'QF THE MEW MOVELTIEg (HE HORSE SHOW will brine thousands of visitors to.our city and every helping to make Omaha has ever known. Our storo, bring au oxrlusive Cloak aiul Suit house, will do its part in showing the new ami exclusive apparel. We have niajje a thorough search of the style world and have brought here the most beautiful and original creations to be found in Coats, Suits, Furs, Skirts and Waists. ... . . WOMAN LANDS CONVENTION Assisted br Captain Palmer, Mrs. Rath, Kenyan Brings nnral I'nrrlers to Omaha. The credit of securing the annual con vention of the National Association of Rural Free Delivery Carriers for Omaha in 1908 is due to Mrs. Ruth A. Kenyon of Monroe, Neb., and Captain H. K. Palmer, postmaster at Omaha. Mrs. Kenyon, who has been a member of the rural carrier force since the establishment of the system in Nebraska, was in Omaha a few weeks ago enroirto, to AtktnUriOa.a delegate to the national convention. She called upon Captain Palmer to secure his assistance In locating the convention In Omaha for 1906 Catain Palmer succeeded In Interesting the Commercial club In the matter, visiting the , V'IIIIIIV-1 "club with Mrs. Kenyon. The club urged . . 4. her to try for the convention if possible ' . .' . . . but was a little skeptical about her success. There are B0,0o0 rural free delivery car riers In the country and the number is con stantly Increasing. The convention prom ises to bring at least 10.000 strangers to the city. It will be held early In October, 1908 Be sure to attend the special sale of lots In Dundee, at Fifty-second and Underwood avenne. next Faturday afternoon, October 19. Take any West Farnam-Dundee car and go to Fifty-second street. ' Building IVrmln. Josenh Kurd, frame dwell'ng, Thirteenth and Boulevard, $1950; Joseph Kuncl, re pairs, 1204 Fairfield street. $500: C. O. Carl berg, frame dwelling. Thirty-eighth and Mason streets, J1.900; C. Q. Carlberg, Thlr-ty-elKlith and Mason streets, brick dwel ling, $?,"00; C. O. Carlb'erg. frame dwelling, Thirty-eighth and Muson streets, $1,800. H BLANCHE SORENSON VOICE CULTURE New pupils received Tuesdays and Fridays. Studio, 548 ltamge Building. Telephone Harney 2687. CJust Received An extremely well s lected assort- Si merit of Jewels appropriate for the Horse Show. Just the thnr to ulve ' a that Individual touch co your toilet H and Btamp you correctly gowned. Hnrv?p Shnw Jptvplrv s-r v mm w w W W V m J 7 down, you wlli always have the plSaa- r ure of aoeint; thlnu that you will E not see at other places. Ag-cLt for ths rat ok PhUUpp Watch. ALBERT E0H1M 18th an.l Kaiacy St. VaVTRY US FIRSTS iicr,. jinciax. 16-JEWEI. AdfiiMei) double roller, CIS--1 A In O. F. tJ'ild mi-Hi Ciiae. Ciiar tii teed 0 years 410 00. S&st watch la tht wor.d for tie mooey. T.L.C0MBS 6C0. 1520 Douglas 51 OMAHA i 15 IP DflUGkftSStji retail establishment should do its best. in this week the greatest festival occasion 11 71 I r W in all the newest styles and of grT finest materials, In all colors. VKKV bi KC1AL miCH PRACTICAL FURRIER .;" v J :t. '-ir A . i,-' Mi v A , ' ' . ' ' ' ' - G. E. SHUKERT, Pr!c-s R33Sjn:b:e UP-TO-DATE FURRIER 'S.'WSM'irdWWtWiT1 T E FIGURES GIVEN OUT by the department of electricity of tho city of Chicago show thnt in 1903 only 4-'J out of 0,087 fires were caused by electricity and that the total. loss was only $"00. Do you need more con vincing proof that electric light is safe?, ln vebtigate. Omaha Electrh Lijlit & Pov2r - Co, 'Phone Douglaa 1062 X3 FORMERLY 0 ;.SCDF!ELD ICLCAK&SUITCa Our Exclusive Evening Coats. ." Tho highest types of refined style are repre souted In our showing of beautiful Evening Couts. Every new style of merit created has boon adopted by us. A collection of Evening Cu-d s that is entirely new und out of tiio ordinary. Prices . -u.o o $45 $55 P $100. timart iifcW wvieec Ooats. tlvcry niio will dt'ligtu and cuoose from this grauii euile-etiun i.l new iiieet Louts; tiut Iit tniK soles, senil-lkiing and loose siyjea. All juo uiuue e1 iinsi ail wool maevnais, in black or colors. I'iieeB g bio iJO.iu $29.75 "p to' $50. Exclusive New Tailored Suits.. A eollecllon of new and exclusive tailored f? tfults will be shown here this week that will add lo tu: omnia prestige &s stylo leaders. iioueis that, have the many smart features that are most sought for. We have many styles from which to bulect, so that they are more attractive." Prices $35 $45 $55 $65 "Pto 3100. Special Offering of Suits at $25.00 An out of the ordinary collection of Suits to offor at Ibis popular price; a real. y. beautiful line and It will be the opinion of all who see them, that they are suits that would easily sell for much more. These suits are finely tailored 33- HIS week special showing of Furs for the Horse Show " Ermine, Chinchilla, Sable, Blue Lynx, B.ack Lynx, Natural Lynx. i nr- . t i. ..t..t i. i ne cnoiccsi siyics ui rA) manufacturers' prices See our line of Automobile Mulls and Keckwcar.... 1 Animal shapes the latest. . 313-315 SOUTH 16TH STREET.... 516 XViBCH CLOCK Y. U. C. A. Bldg. 00Umm9m0mm?J i. 0 4 Hi