12 TTTC OMAIIA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1907. a i. h a r f r i i i i f ii - ' 1 a ill m ii i ' 1 B E ' J I ' P I f . 1 I ill I r I I it a - i : " u I i i f t ( f M l . ' , I l I - S I I I I 1 i Ul r 4 - - fg We Will MAke Frldaj w"- r'""li)Vi"iriH' i. IT A 1 !.' v r n tv Great Bargain Day With This Record Breaking Sale ef ! juu ill Li U IIV ET3 si w If S0 H 0 I iM- ? .r se -:." smm jbs OMAHA WKATHKIl FOUKCAHT Fri'Ujr: Fair. OMIHA'I rTTKB TOOO CSHTZa KKSTAtRANT Have you trlnd our New Restsu rant on Second KlocrT A Noon day Lunch here Is worth coming for. Testy Cooking. Intelligent Service. Moderate 1 'rices. Know) Table Linen. Ollt MAKKET FrogB' Legs, per doz. pair. Herring, OHO Air 1 f To give you choice from a demonstra te Uik lilil tion of stunning styles styles in such superlative qualities at such close prices, as to make you declare, by no other suggestion than that of personal sat isfaction or entrancing delight "This is Omaha's great style store." $ FrcRh Baby Halibut, per lb. .11 ft ueniner nouea jierring, wun f j y 4 ; X Salted Ocean Shad, something new, Ti i This is a big special occasion. Every remnant day at tint $ Ppr Dund -13 We J Crandeis' is a money saving event that no woman should fh '2 keg $1.00 miss, but tomorrow's bargains are the biggest of the TV season. Another Shipment of Fins Mill Ends U Lbs WW iiJV OM BAKSAIN SQJARE AT ASTONISHING! BARGAINS The materials are 44 to 54-inch Panamas, Armurcs, Pop lins, Serges, Henriettas, fancy Suitings, Melrose, Batiste nnd 54-inch Covert cloths the shorter mill h Fa ends running from 2 yards to 3Yz yards J) worth to $1.00 yard, on bargain square, all f( pL? .go at, yard wW In nrtriltlnn in tho flhnrn wa nrrv ' jy . 5 a full line of Freeh, Salted and & a-4 v Smoked Fish, including Clams, J tT4 K Oysters, Lobsters. fc y Bee our Saturday ad on Smoked W 'Ag aj Hams. We will save you 4c on R (i every pound. R rtj GROCERY BARGAINS jjjj Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb., 20 20dC J II II kl A I I J M hi y 1-lb. can Vienna Sausage. ,. .y w 2-lb. can Vienna Sausage. . . . 1 8r i fc, C- Sweet or Sour Pickles, bottle, 7 fi K & 3-lb. can Apricots 1 n is I !J K3-,b- ca" Pumpkin 10 I i Dollar Talfela Silk Th , rctiicoais lor . . - S Just one hundred fine Plaid and Roman striped Pelticoais; bouaht at Filly cents on the dollar and we give you His benefit. Friday Mcraing. See Harney Windov Ends cf Dress Goods at 63c and 93c Yard From SV2 yards to 10 yards, Broadcloths, Panamas, tailor suitings, Hair line suitings, shadow stripes and divers makes of fashionable dress goods, 44 to GQn HRn 54:inch, worth a high at $2.00 yard, at, yard" w!UUb lfa.iA 1 f n-.l IV 1 . ' Mini tc, iuaaiuui, lu. p&K., W Corn Flakes. 3 pkgs for 25(f x KOETAULES ASD FRUITS ft In this department we take spclal M ?, pains to havfi rverythlns; thnt In Ink ,-son antl out. Including Encllsli, Sfe ft Hot Houwp Ciappn. Sprkpl Ppere, ("j DuchPSH IVnre. Kresh MuHhrooms, i'i j Artlctiokea, HrunReln Kprouts. Kndivn, R rauliflowrr. Perpimmone, Paw Paws, n Ijetc. rtc. , A 5 I Cponnncy n Go. All the Longer Lengths of Mill Ends Much finer;material8, every fall shade is represented pr nice fashionable dress goods at less than cost to manufac- ture the goods. One large bargain square filled with hundreds of styles at one-half and less their value. d Special S2 Dress Goods at S1.25 Yard 54-inch imported Broadcloth all the leading shades and Jj black plenty of navies and browns worth Q1 QC $2.00 yard, at, yard M - - " f 1 ' (; 17tli and Ponglas Sts. A g Tel. Donclai 647. , Private Exchange Connects All Depte. A 50 dozen AVomen's Muslin Gowns at 48c $6.50 Plaid-and Plain Taffeta Waists for.. '.$4.95 $10.00 French Voile Skirts, for '.. .....$5.95 $15.00 Broadcloth Coats, full ' satin lined. " $9.75 " Ml i S Haacd Saturday, 2000 Children See Friday Evening Id lor Particulars See Our Special Rug Boys' Knee Pant Suits at 51.95 and $150 Greatest Values Ever Offered. I) THB RKCIABLB TRB Bargains Saturday. Friday Is Remnant Day In Our Famous Domestic Room. Two Great Special Sales, One in the Forenoon and One in the Afternoon. BEGINNING AT 10:00 "We will place on sale yards of Remnants of all kinds of silk warp Ginghams, Fan- BEGINNING ' AT 8:30 A. M. 10,000 yards of all kinds of 'Cotton Goods in mill ends, worth up to 15o yard, will go at, yard .lc Remnants 12M;c Outing Flan nels, at yard .' GVC Itemnant 9c Sheetings 4-4 at 5c Remnants of Dress Ginghams at yard . , 3V$C Remnants of all kinds of "White Goods, worth 15c yard, at 5c a. rV 25,000 cies, Organdies and Mulls, also Madrases, Autoclothes, fine Wash Goods, worth to 59c yard, all go at one price, yard 10c AT 2:30 P. M. All the balance of fine Wash Goods Remnants, worth to 59o yard, will bo clos ed at one price, yard .... 7liO Remnants of Wool Dress Goods Over 2500 Yards of All Kinds of High Grade Dress Goods Remnants, Broadcloths, Princellas, Fancies, Tailor Suitings, ttc, that sold regularly from 75c to $3.98 yard, on sale Friday In four lots, at ' Lot 1 yard Lot 2 yard Lot 8 yard Lot 4 yard 25 300 490 500 ran KIS DLK : IN REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS High class fancy silks from a recent purchase of a .Paternon, Bilk Manufacturer. 20,000 yards of the newest fall silks, plaid silks, plain and fancy dress silks, MessaHnes. 27-in. Radium silks a great many of the above silks are 27 and 36-inch would f-. Ct. Pfl-. sell in a regular way to $1 to $1.50 4aC-0aCbijC yard. In three lots at. yard 1 www f'ample pieces Velvets and Silks travelers' and house samples hundreds of different styles for trimmings, fancy work, etc, accordlnn to size, at each Ml 5cto49c Brandels' ere'al yard wide Kiiara n t c e d dresemakore taffeta, 100 plrfti. Jf wortn $1.75. J 1,j yard, ot y 1 1 Black Taffeta 27-Inch, wide, which we hlffh- ly recommend for drop BKlrte, ptti coata, lining, rtc., 85c . values, yd. . . . 59s Fancy Velvets, suit able for waists, chll . dren's dresses, coats and trlmml worth 7 5c at, yard 19c tTRA' SPECIALS IN DASEMENT New Fall Suitings pretty plaids, nas tne ap- -rj pcarance of all wool dress goods makes up II beautifully, waist ana aress leuiuo, ov, . . f mpr- lleasy eneencu ,e,v- i , i Mnii n outing flannels, Bn ulne Cinderella baby blue, pink, cream and white flannels. Kou will be pleased with the fine qual- ft 1 ity. priced 11 Oli Th finest nants ever received from the mill, black and - 60 different shades.' In deelrable lenKths, splendid bar- day. at SofVf InVsh black Henri etta and heavy mer cerised Wack batiste remnants, a reprular is... 10c Short "ie'nirth fancy printed Ticklr. cre tonnes and denims for . laundry bags waist boxes, pillow tops, plaid shirt 34c h, long IQc ii , vurrl. ir.tra heavy twilled white daisy cloth, long remnants, a 15c value, u va rd . . . . A s-ood (Trade striped pink nnd blue outlnR flannel, unbleached nnd Meeched shaker flannel and remnants . Ot.nton ilannel will be sold CH 1 1 per y C jiiui. suiting, worth lc off the bolt, many pieces to match, two cases for Friday, yd. ...Go 1 Heavy gray striped fleeced skirting in mill lengths, at, 0ynTyd:..:....3ic Navy and medium blue, 16 Inch wool shirting flannels, a regular BOc value, main flannel depU yard. 25s etc., at yard. . . t.i?,i ii, t f 0A : other Olg oaiguiua iuj jl iaj And many vertised LI MEN REMNANTS f Big Mm BaTgaTTsauare of table damask remnants in table cloth . k. at less than cost to manufacture. lengths at less 1 hlta coUon dia per, best quality 26-inch wide worth $1.00. 10- fC vard bolt VlUil If C-wheel teneriffe dcilles. each 25c scarfs, squares and , lf iwv V 6c Rub Dry Wash Cloths. I 3 each 1 9? tl.vO quality. lightly lm- flft M perfect napkins, dozen. 49& linen towei- ssiil am nanti of lug. .worm i0c-s,ar,i.2ic ..2ie dollies, each. Ac CO mot wlflhi this bank is helpful not only to men in business, but to every man and wo man who has money to take care of. It encourages economy. , 1, i V..1.-1. . . . n . . ... Jl, It makes sending money awuy or , paying bills easy. It safeguards your cash. It is business to have one. Why not start a check account here today? First National Bank Omaha, Neb. Garflalns'lrt LINEN'Sj 64-inch Green Table Damask, heavy and durable, 9 (Jo worth 40c per yard, yard uuis TtoffrmV.rn.fr T nin TTnnl Afnl y-i 1.1 n wr. 1Q I r-, r ,1 . f round and square, worth 50c, each Bed Spreads, hemmed, full size, good weight and nice quality, worth 85c, each 1TT1 ! A - J - 1 i. 1 11. T.T IT -. . . vnue goous, suori lengins, rrencn Jawns, a rencn liatiste, , Orerandv.' Persian Lawn and Dimitv 4 a 4 " : - j j worth up to 40c, yard.' 35e 69c i At 2:30 P. M. Remnants of Wool Drcba Ooods in black and colors, worth to $3.00 yard, at 19c, 25c, 39c and 490 licmnants of Half Wool Dress Goods, the greatest bargains ever shown tn Omaha, Friday at. yard 10c, 12 Ho and 15J 5 8. Special Sale of Linen Remnants 10c Igloves y value, on bargain counter 0 at A lot of Ireland Bros.' one clasp genu-, ine Mocha Gloves, all colors. $1.25 70f 1 Ladies' 2-clasp Kid Gloves $1.00 value. 59c I UNDERWEAR Ladles' bxtra Hcd y Fleeced Vests and 1'ants, 350 O ?T value for Ladles' Medium weight Vests and Pants, 60o fJru...:v?35c Ladles' Kleecedf' T'nlon Bults. 75c lfir value for "vty tliiUlli.Kttili.tb Lauies tiomatiiched tt w I s s lianuKer chicfs, 6o tg value for .... Ladies' Pure Linen initial Handker chiefs, 8 He Kr, value for. . . i . . Ladles' very sheer Pure 'Linen Hand kerchiefs, Ql r 15o valiie 03 Men's Fancy Colored silk, 60o on-, value for 4MJs HOSIERY Ladles' Fast Black Seamless Hose. 17c ,v0arlur isc Ladles' Imported Lisle Hose, fiOo OQri value for ....V; Children's Fast Black Hose, 17c - 01 value for Remnants of Irish, - Scotch, German and Austrian Table Lmonst, woith up to $1.98 yard, will 10 on salo Friday in four great iOji nt, tLclco 25c, -69c, 49c and Union Linen Remnants at. . no 150 Remnants of Domestic Linens, wofih to 39c yard, at.... .. ...190 35c Mercerized Linen Reixmau's on sale at, yard 190 Toweling Remnants, worth tri lVjo yard, at .l 5 Grand Sale of Silks and Velvets Friday In Our Domestic Room. ' r 39c for colored Velvets in pin oh, minor and chiffons, every shade on the card,' some slight ly wrinkled but actual $1.00 to $1.50 values, all one price in Friday's sale, yard 39c From 1 till 6 P. M. A beautiful line of silks in splendid ' fall styles, some . short remnants, but mostly in dress and waist lengths, regular values to 75o yard, on sale in one great lot, Friday, at yard. . .250 Three Great Specials in Haydens' Silk Dept. WM AT. 1 TIME IS IT? Did you ever ston n think what a satisfaction there is to always having the correct time? Perhaps , you, watch or clock ts out of order. . Then see us. WS ABB EXPERT WATCHtUEDBI AND MAHTJ7ACTUB.il O nWIilSl. . We repair all kinds of Jewelry, also make Kings, Pins, etc., from old gold. 'Phone Douglas 4367 N. P. STILLING, EZPCBT JBWEIH AW9 D1AUOHD (IIK. Roomi S and 3, Tazton Block, OH IKS I.AKDISO. Mens Sample Sale Saturday Every Saturday Especially Tomvrrow We shall sell nice, fresh Saturday Candy (Llggelt's) for 890 Hemember, this Is a OOu assortment of Chocolates, Nuts and Fruits, a old Battir day only and in One Store Only in every ciiy In the United States. Look out for Imitations, for the marks'' Is full of them hut there's only one Ligcett's Sat urday Candy which ts the genuine and delicious kind, the kind that's :ld la every city buiurday only, fresh. Lo. (SHERMAN & McCONXKLL VHVG CO. Corner 16tta and Dodg-s Bts. OWL lHti:G OOMI'ANV, Cor. 16tk and Barney Bts.. Omaaa, zrtb Sec Friday Evening's Adv. CANDIES GKOCEKT SECTIOV. Mackintosh "I fir Toffee. like. -AU And 10 Green Trad ing Stamps. Runkel Bros. Milk Chocolate, i (f two pkgs. ... AUV A'nd 10 Green Trad ing Stamps. Mixed Candy, pound for . . . Two pound for 8o ,.16o BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ,K Granulated Sugar, $1.00 Iienneti's Best Coliee, three pounds fill mi And 100 Green Trading Stamps. ipX.W licnnett's Hest Coffee, pound And 30 Green Trading stumps. . V Teas: H. F. Japan, oolong, Gunpowder, Kw., Knglish Ijrpakfast, Ceylon, pound ."O" And 75 Greea Trading Stamps. Dennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 6 lb. can fl And 100 Green Trading titamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, Pound package QETV) And 20 Green Trading Stamps. li3 Delatour Ginger- Ale, t flo bottle lor --vv Bennett's Capitol Extract. - Q, bottle for XO And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Egg-O-See, Toasted Corn . ' Flakes, four packages .... Uutavla Currants, pound 101, 10 Green Trading St'ps. iii 2 Swanudown Cod Fish, three packages for dJj And 10 Green Trading Stamps. ivinpereu iierring, can r u uiwn i raaing stamps. Three Star Salmon, can And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, assorted, qt. And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Pint can for And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Country Butter, per pound Dixie Split Pickles, seek And 10 Green Tindinir Slamns. Ulieese, New York (ream, pound. 4tm And 30 Green Trrttn'r Stom"s." r 20c . . . . 20c can :35c 20c 24c 10c 22c 10c N"fchatel Hnd Cheese Cheese, for for Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar And 6 Green Trading Stamps. JeM-O, assorted, three packages And 10 Greed Tradina Stamps. , Three Star Corn, three Cuns for rr . And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Smoked Salmon, csn -j And 5 Green Trading Stamps. XUly Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle..; And SO Green , Trading Stamps Uneeda Blsrnlts, four packages ...... And 10 Green Trading Stumps. Lincoln Butterlne, two pounds '.. And 6 Green Trading Stamps. Jersey Butterlne, two pounds And 6 Green Trading Stamps. , Premium Butterlne, two pounds And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Olives, large queen, pint , ' And 10 Green Trading Stamps. ; Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, H-lb. can.., And 10 Green Trading Stamps. ) 25c 25c 15c, 25c 34c 42c 25c 24c New Crepe de Chines complete line of best shades, greatest values ever shown a Omaha, at yard 49 & 55 27-inch Novelty Taf fetas and Pongees, 36 in. la black Peau de Soles, Taffetas and Plaids, Vajues to $1.60 $1.60 black Swiss.. Taf fetas 35 In. wide, and ' Black Peau de Sole, at yard $1.00 $1.00 Black Talfelas, 27 in. wide, at tlftg 190 & 550 I yrl. at yard .-690 I 27 ,n- w,(le. t C9 Special Sale of Staple Notions q ' m sss, skim a- a a 500-yard 100-yard spool In Great Domestic Room Friday ,(i 23o Back Combs, each. ..74 2."o pkgs. Needles, each AVtC Be Crochet Silks, at. ..... . .3 V! 20c 'Hose Supporters, at, ..... . . 90 All sizea Cotton Tape l Dig lot of Embroideries and Inberitnirn, worth double, go Friday at yd Spool Cotton, per spool. 1 Linen finished Thread, per .,.2Vi Gold Kye Needles, per pkg ........ 10 2 packages Pins for 4V0 15c Fine Combs, each -4V40 15c Metal Back Horn Combs.. 40 STUDDED STEEL ELASTIC BELTS -The very newest styles, with silk elastic Belting, special values Friday, in seven lots at, choice. . . . . .$1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1, 75c, 49c and 39c ! Sweeping Underwear Bargains Friday I Scores of Unmatched Bargains In Men's, Women's and Children's Win ter Underwear. Manufacturers' Samples, Odd Lots and Broken Lines from our Own lteular Stock on Sale at Less Than Mill Prices. K. Twelve Grcat Squares Piled High With the Greatest Lot of Undergarment Bargains ' ever offered. Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced, worth to $1.00 garment, . on sale at 49c, 39c and 290 Men's Wooleu Shirts and Drawers, that sold up to $2.00, including Wright's health underwear, on sale at 45c, 75r and. . . ... ......... -980 Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers that sold to $2.60, In Friday's sale, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Men's and Boys' Wool Sweaters, regu lar values to $2.50, all sizes and colors, on sale at $1.50, 98c and 49 From O till 10 A. M. Knit Shoulder Shawls, made from finest Shetland floss, many silk warped and worth to $1.00, sale price 250 From 10 till 11 A. M. Ladles' Out ing Flannel Gowns and Knit Skirts, worth regularly to $1.50 garment, on sale at 390 j Several Other Rousing Underwear Bargains, to Buy Can Afford to Miss This Sale. Ladies' Vests and 'Pants, heavy rib bed, worth to J5e garment, salo prices Friday, at 85c, 26c and. -190 Misses' and Children's . Underwear All sizes, beavy ribbed or flat fleec- ' ed worth double at, garment, 25o and .....190 Ladies' Union Suits Fine wool, gar-, ments, worth to $3, blacks, whit or greys, open down front or across bosom, while they last, choice 980 Misses' and Children's Union Suits, worth to $1.50 garment, on sala Friday at 69c, 49c and -390 From 11 A. M. till 12 M Men's shirts and drawers, heavy fleeced lined and worth to $1.00 garment, limit 4 to a customer, at, garment "250 From 2 till 8 P. M Misses' and Chil dren's vests and pants tn all sizes," 16 to 34's. worth regularly to 60c, at. garment ....150 No One with; Underwear Food (or?X WHO CHOOSING ., -;!,... it hut not so' tf you let us a gift Is someiiuir. . ,.(,,Ur nH(t Puf BaKa, Lok for the name 9. W. -LINDSAY. Jeweler lSlf Soaglaa attest I nervous mea who find their power to NArVac fork and youthful viiror ci vca, tons as a result of over work or mental evert Ion shoud taks ti HAY'S NICK VK POOD PILS. They WUI Stake you -at and sleep snd be a man agaufc $1 Bos: 3 boxss S3. 60 fey laaU. SBXXMAjr k McCOWHEI.1. sauo 00, Ooraar 16th ana Dodg s Vts. UWL SltOO COMJAH k. Cor. lSta, and feuaey Sis. umaaa. Xso "eai Luncheonettes North Balcony Friday Special Drapery Bargains IS MAIN DEPARTMENT A Pspar for tha Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best t1". West WILL BE T0ASTMASTER7 tCa.ter- Mas. M'.-t t. D Hoaors 4 nt Bryaa Dollar . Iklxaer. 1 lhlmai DoinoLracy coinuutttos workitig on tho dullnr dinner to be given in Decem t.er in honor of Mr.- Uryan are holding daily meetings -and at tlie club rooms Fri day nlaht will mftko a partial report. The committee will ask that it be irlven -csrte tl.srcha upon the rl'.ib treasury for.ex incideiitdl tu ir.-tiaratlon for the (lujL It lias been decided the tiaW-Kt will be spread without the assistance of a caterer under contract. Members of the club will have direct charge of the service and will employ a force to do tuo necessary motlc The question of a. toastmaster n interest ing tlis committee at this time, as the club desires to secure a man whose ability Is uuiqje. U has been sufftested that the touslmaster come from an eastern state In. a the west vlll huve a speaker in Mr. l?ryan and the south U to be represented by an orator of national reputation. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES DElLEVUE college COIXSGB tl-f.lcl, MLottHc. phi Muphto.1 eoureaa ACihity A ccru4 ki(k Kkaol prafxras ler beii.tue er any otber eolls or univcrauy. MOKL trlliMll. Kltm.ui.rr au Itllllll i-oun.1. OnlBctii craut. CONbKUVATuHY Ihsorr ot Buda, bUss. roiv. viliu. e'wutloo aoa art. OMAHA fONNKCTloNS Blactrlc Una a Barllas ios rallw.r- Four fetod.ra brmitorMO. Adilr Pr.aM.nt WliUwulk. bliaua. Mah. Foley's Kidney Cure will curs any rait of kidney trouLle tint Is not beyond medi ikl aid. For i.io by all diuggltta BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENING Twanty Yoara Experieno Work for Board. EipanMt-Tuition ana board Reasonable) WrlleC. W. EROnX. Jl.. lar fill fsrtUs'sri U Street, Llaelu, Nebraska. mzs. EM. J L J Li U FV Fg r" 1 You i ii ; 1 ! i i II I 1 -a A can Save a little from your salary each month if you will oj.en a bank ac count and pay your bills with thtcks. You will be surprised how much more convenient it will be, be sides a bank account gives prestige ;uid iaduces habits of economy which nothing else can. Above all things, select a safe, conservative tank. Call and see us before you decide the Question. Or-i MH.LARD. mmmu. w WALLACE. CF Mc O R t W, V M BUCMOL2 c f RANK BOYD OMAHA NATIONAL F1ANK CAPITAL ai.ooo.ooo.uo 13TH STREET Brwttn Farnam and Louy laie Clrarari Cable Net, Irish Point and Brussels Net Curtains, regular $7.60 to $10 values, great bargains at pr. $4.98 $1.50 Bar Net Ecru Curtains. Just 60 in the lot. on sale Friday, choice, at 92.98 Tapestry Portieres, worth $5.00, plain colors, vtlth 4-in. border, great snap at $3.75 l?f DOMESTIC ROOM. Traveling Men's Samples of Lac Curtains., lVi - and 2 yards long, in two lots, Friday at, each 25c and -12H0 Lace Curtains, splendid assortment ot patterns, worth $1.00 pair, each, t 250 Lace Curtains, worth $1.75 pair, on sale Friday at, each 37 '4 0 40-inrh Drapery Swiss, limit of 10 yds. to a customer, on sale Friday at, yard ' 80 No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It Read Haydens' Grocery Prices Highest Qualiiy Goods on the !ood Japan Klce. per pound . 7 C la & ren in's Haut e, per bottle ...... i3o Crosse A Blsckwells Vinesar. bottle iOe Unyder's or Blue Label Catsup, bottle iOc U lb cans Cochran's-Mustard for ....15! 1 lb. cans Van Houton'a Cocoa for ...8c j ib jr Crosse Hlackwell's Jams 25c V pint i)uikre Kalad Dressing for ....Oo 1 lb cans Uoldrtm Hips Olives for. ...18o Hlpe or Muffed Olives, per bottle ..e peanut Butter, per Jar So Imported riardines. jut can S 1-So 1 lb. cans assorted 8uups ............ 7 He Mulle Ollvi. per bottle ,.23c Celery Kellsh. Bweet Plkles. Hour Plrk-U-s, Chou Chou, oi-. Onions, bottl.t 8 1-Sc 12 trs best Family Iaundry Hoap 26c BromanBeli.n, Jellycon, or Jello, pkg. 1 Ho K'ljah's Marina, per 'package lOo Kna-OKee. per packaite 4c Malta Vita, per package .. . 7V.C The best Crisp Oini;vr Knaps, per lb. 6s The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound 6s Fancy No. 1 Creamery Hutter, per lb. 2)g yEBK TldETABlB 1PXICBI OMAHA'S BXiAlMr MAJif.r' Kresii rSpliuich, per peck ..; I0o Fancy Virginia Sweet potatoes, lb.. 2 He Lrge heads Fresh Cabbage for .2He ( heads Fresh Outdoor lettuce for 6c i heads Frenh Hothouse Lettuoo for 5c ( bunches of Radlahvs for :&. Fresh Heets or Turnips, per hunch ....! tN'hlte or lied Drwd Onloiis, pe lb. ,...3t r'renli Wax or Ureen beans, per lb. 2H ;ape -Cod Cranberrlirs, per quart ....7 He booking Apples, per peck ',,. .2'K fresh Car ruts, per peck , K Tokay Orses, l.er peck 7 H Hubbard .Siiuasties, each . .4 ......... 7 Vc Hummer Huashes, each IHt Citrons for 7ies.-rviiis". each .......... 1 0t Fresii ltoaaled feauute, per quart ....(