Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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- , . .. . ., i k i I i .
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State of Nebraska, Douglas county, ss:
Charlea C. Rosewater, general mtnittr
i of Tha Bee Publishing Company, being duly
.worn, aaya that the actual number ot
'full and completa coplea of The Dally
Moaning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during the month of September, 1907, waa aa
.follow: .....
! i 5,too it ,eo
! i M,MO IT
, t 18,00 II S6.M0
. 4 aa,io it M.B00
1 5 38,350 20 M.9S
; ...,..... 36,40 21. : ae,7o
,' 7 SS.840 21. . ! "830
95,600 21...., S7,3f0
i . 36,140 36,830
10 38,630 85 3660
36,470 2 36,630
12 36,370 T 86,600
11 34,030 21 36,660
14 36,610 J 35,660
IS 35,400 10 3860
.. .. V ... -
Total 1.093,470
Lees uniold and returned coplea. s.887
Net total
Daily average 36,116
General Manager.
Subscribed In my preaence and sworn
to before ma this 80th day of Septem
ber. 1907.
(SMl) . M. B. HUNOATE.
1 Notary Public
wiie out or TOWW.
' gnbserlnera leaving tha city ten.
pornrily stoonld '. have The Be
mailed to' them. Address will k
changed as often as requested.
In that Louisiana bear hunt Wall
street's sympathies will be with the
Bank clearings continue to show
gains In, all parts ot the country ex
cept th speculative centers.
" Scientists have discovered that it la
148 degrees below zero 124 miles up
in the air. Almost as cold as Medicine
The end seat hog is now trying to
see how much annoyance he can cause
by currying a smolderlngv cigar into
the closftd ar. ' ) 1
According to the latest claim of the
scientists the germ of hydrophobia has
been found. It- should be compelled
to wer.r a muzzle'.
"Trade reports ere Irregular," says
Bradet reefs. So some of the grand
Juries have discovered by examination
of tha hooka of the trusts.
Maine citizens are pledging them
selves to cat no meat for ten days, as
a protect a".alust the high prices.
Malno thrift is proverbial.
"Traffic is growing five times as fast
as the facilities of the railroads for
moving it," says James J. Hill. The
people, as usual, are to blame.
New York papers . are discussing
what Governor Hughes stands for. The
things that Governor. Hughes will not
stand for are more interesting.
With the addition ot a theatrical
company and a dental parlor to the
big ocean liners, the sea traveler may
now have all the discomforts of home.
The Japanese are trying to float a
loan In the United States. That is
certainly putting Secretary Taft'o as
surances of undying friendship to the
Roger Sullivan of Illinois has with
drawn bis opposition to the nomination
of Mr. Bryan. G rover Cleveland and
Judge Parker are still oft the reserva
tion. Pig iron has fallen In price $1.60 a
ton. Now la the time to lay in your
winter's supply of pig Iron, the only
commodity on the market that is not
going up.
In looking around tor a man for
second place on the national ticket the
democrats should not overlook Cap
tain Hughey Jennings of the Detroit
base ball -taam.
Railroad workmen cook, lighter
men and ctgarmakers are on a strike
at Havana. Still some people contend
that the Cubans are slow to adopt
American ways. .
That St. Lout minister who asserts
that there arc no automobiles tn
heaven must base his opinion on the
old accepted theory that they have
flying machines there.
if taa railroads had . spent more
money on equipment and leas la fancy
dividends and syndicate deals, the mov
ing ot the $7,000,000,000 crop of the
v American farmers would not be cans
lng so much worry. '
The southern tctto.i Ruiuera are cot
satisfied with th. :u. -.j.,1 law. It
threatens to Interfere with the busi
ness ot Ailing bottles with cottonseed
oil and labeling It "Pure Olive Oil.
from Lucca, Italy."
Massachusetts, the former storm
center of partisan politics, with po
litical lines closely draws, presents a
style of scrambled politics that would
have been the envy of Colorado and
some other western states In the days
when political parties and factions
were born over night. State conven
tions of both the republican and demo
cratic parties have been held with a
resultant mlx-up that will make It
Interesting for the Bay state voter in
the coming state election. The demo
cratic convention split in two, nom
inating two tickets, each claiming reg
ularity.' One democratic faction
named Henry M. Whitney for gov
ernor, on a platform of which the
principal plank demands Immediate
tariff revision and liberal reciprocity
with Canada. The other democratic
faction named General Charles W.
Bartlett for governor, the platform
touching but briefly on national Issues,
but bitterly denouncing the railway
merger recently effected in Massachu
setts. ,
With their forces thus divided, the
democrats, of course, have no hope
whatever of carrying Massachusetts
this fall, and the opposing leaders are
already charging each other with be
ing responsible for the defection in the
party ranks. "The Whitney supporters
call attention to the fact that he came
within 1,100 votes of being' elected
lieutenant governor last year", while
the democratic candidate for governor
was defeated by 20,000. The returns
showed that Whitney received a big
republican vote and was, therefore,
from a purely political standpoint, the
logical candidate of his party for gov
ernor this year. No democrat is ever
able to carry Massachusetts unless
many republicans prefer him to their
own candidate. The Whitneyites say
that William Randolph Hearst of New
York is chiefly responsible for the split
In the party convention. The Hearst
Influence was behind General Bartlett
and refused to consider any compro
mise. The Bartlett supporters, on the
other hand, charge the Whitney fac
tion with Indifference to the railway
merger, over which the state has be
come aroused, and place that as their
real reason for refusing to accept the
Whitney candidacy.
; The significant feature of the repub
lican convention, which renominated
Governor. Guild and all the state offi
cers, Is the open and avowed platform
declaration for a revision of the tariff.
The platform. is understood to have
been written by Senator -Lodge. It
calls upon the republican national
convention to adopt a plank In its
platform declaring for a special ses
sion of congress Immediately after
March i,. 1909, to revise the tariff on
protection lines.- Massachusetts has
long been a stronghold of protection,
and the fact that both republican and
democratic conventions of, the state
(agree in demanding- tariff revision has
a significance which .congress and the
country cannot welf overlook. '".-;"
The state-aided emigration from Ei
rope to South Carolina is proving .
disappointment. The experiment was
based on a misunderstanding of Vie.
law of supply and demand and (he
wage factor that cuts so much figure
In the movement of workmen. The
state set aside a fund, supplemented
by private 'subscription, to induce
immigrants to settle in South Caro
lina, where work in the cotton fields
and factories, lumber mills and on the
farms was abundant. Some 600 immi
grants were brought to SouCT-Carolina
recently, at the expense of the
state, and given employment? but they
have refused to stay "put." High,
hopes were raised that a way of solv
ing the labor problem in the south had
been discovered and a plan adopted
for enlarging the white industrial pop
ulation over against the negro, but
the results have fallen far short of
expectations. Senator Latimer de
clares the $20,000 expended In in
ducing the foreigners to locate In
South Carolina a total loss, as hardly
a man of the 600 has remained In the
state. They have all drifted off, at
tracted by better wages or more con
genial surroundings elsewhere.
The trouble with the Bouth is that
It has never been able to break away
from the cheap labor habit. Prior to
the civil war all menial work was done
by slaves, and since the war the negro
has continued to do the manual labor
at a very small wage. While the west
and north have been Divine bleb
wages for all kinds ot labor, skilled
and unskilled, the south has clung to
the old system of paying small wages
and getting little done. The European
countries from which the Immigrants
ceme understand this, and It has been
almost v impossible to Induce Immi
grants to locate south of Mason and
Dixon's line. They understand that
wages are low and that they must
compete with the negro workmen and,
most unfortunately, be classed by
most southerners as "poor white
trash." '
The south would offer wonderful op
portunities to the workman and in-
waiur it moor conditions were mora
satisfactory. The timber, iron, cotton
and agricultural resources are ex
tremely rich and await development
Great progress baa already been made,
but much more could be done It labor
were paid according to its merits and
given the recognition It deserves.- The
"new sooth", must rid itself of the
prejudices of the old eouth.
The decision by one of the district
Judges in the northern part ot the
state upholding the validity of votes
cast for name written In on the pri
mary ballot would, if generally fol
lowed, nullify the main provisions of
our new primary- law sod completely
destroy the Identity of political parties.
The state canvassing board, however,
has taken a position adverse to the
counting of votes for wrltten-ln names
and the decision referred to Is not
likely to affect anything but the purely
local condition out of which it has
Postmaster General Meyer has prac
tically completed the form ot recom
mendation he will make to congress
for the establishment, or rather en
largement, of the parcels post system.
The postmaster general announced
some time ago that he would make
such a recommendation to congress,
but has only now given publicity to
the details. According to the present
program no new legislation will be
asked, but an amendment of existing
laws will be sought to give wider scope
to the system. "We have a parcels
post now," says the postmaster gen
eral, "but the limitation upon the
weight of packages' and the high rates
charged make it of little service to
the general public."
The postmaster general -will ask con
gress to reduce the rate of postage on
packages to 12 cents a pound, Instead
of 16 cents as at present; to increase
the limitation on the weight of pack
ages to eleven pounds, Instead ot four
as at present; to establish a parcels
post with a rate of 6 cents for the first
pound and 2 cents for each additional
pound. This would make a charge of
25 cents for carrying an eleven-pound
package any place in the United States
through the malls.
It is a little surprising that ao little
progress has been made in this country
toward the development of the parcels
post system. In the Harrison admin
istration Postmaster General Wana
maker made a recommendation for the
establishment of the system on broader
lines and gave six reasons for its adop
tion. The express companies then had
an influence in the senate more pow
erful than Mr. Wanamaker's six rea
sons, and but little has been done since
that time to secure favorable congres
sional action. Senator Piatt" of New
York, representing the express com
pany of which he is president, will
doubtless fight all action favorable to
the postmaster general's recommenda
tions, but neither Senator Piatt nor
the express companies are as strong In
public affairs as they once were and
the prospects, for the adoption of the
system are reasonably bright.
Democratic organs are shedding
great gobs of inky tears over the sus
pension by order ot -the president of
the pilot of a Mississippi river steam
boat for offending against the rules of
navigation. They are dolefully pic
turing the pilot as an innocent victim
of presidential wrath and endeavoring
by distortion of the , facts to arouse
public' sympathy in bis behalf and re
sentment against the president. The
local democratic organ, for example,
in its zeal to manufacture political
capital, referring to the Incident, says:
"True, it is rumored -that his vessel
came near colliding with that carrying
the president, but this is unanimously
denied by passengers on, both ships,
who say that at no time were the two
ships within one hundred feet of each
other." What transparent evasion!
It Is always easy to find people to
guess differently with eye measure
ments ot distance, but in this case,
whether the unfortunate pilot came
within fifty or only within one hundred
feet of the boat carrying, the president,
is immaterial.
There . Is no question that the in
truder broke through the line, not
once, but repeatedly, "In defiance of or
ders from the harbor patrol and in dis
regard of the conditions of the license
under which the pilot was operating.
In the steamboat procession down the
Mississippi each boat had Its place
relative to the pilot boat and the presi
dent's boat and nothing but incompe
tence or willful disobedience ot orders
could have brought the derelict steam
boat across the line In advance of the
president. Even had there been no
risk of collision whatever, the offense
would have called for discipline and
In making his complaint and in sug
gesting what the penalty should be the
president's dispatch to the supervising
inspector Is all conditioned on the one
phrase, "it such procedure is possible."
It seems that the procedure thus ad
vised for the suspension of the license
of the pilot was not only legally possi
ble, but proper and practicable. No
one conversant with the facts will find
anyone to blame for the plight of the
"unfortunate" pilot but himself.
Actual cash In the custody of the
city treasurer, as counted by the city
comptroller, toots up to over $1,350,
000. That is altogether .too much
money to keep tied up at nominal in
terest when the city has obligations
out bearing much higher rates. If
we had some real financiers in the city
council they would devise a plan either
to prevent the piling up ot so much
city money or to have it offset against
outstanding debts.
The Nebraska Railway commission
has put a time limit on Missouri Pa
cific trains to keep them within the
safety point ot its roadbed. The max
imum speed must not hereafter exceed
twenty-five miles an hour for passen
ger trains nor twenty miles an hour
tot freight trains. Now, if the com
mission will only make this the mini
mum speed aa well people who travel
on that particular railroad might note
an improved service.
Every candidate for the republican
nomination for district judge la this
district whose name likewise appeared
on the democratic primary ballot
promised over his signature not to
run against any republican nominee.
Only one of these candidates was nom
inated on both tickets. One of the
three who lost out promptly filed his
resignation from the democratic ticket.
It is up to the other two to move.
"Ohio grew enough wheat this
year," says the Cleveland Leader, "to
make a barrel of flour for evry man,
woman and child in the state." Ne
braska grew enough to supply home
demands and furnish another barrel
of flour to every man, woman and
child In Ohio, If they need it and
have the price.
The Water board has at last let out
the Information that two of the ex
pert engineers it has engaged are to
draw $1,000 apiece, while the third is
to have a retainer of $1,000, with an
indefinite engagement at $25 a day for
excess time. Expert engineers cpme
a little cheaper than lawyers, but the
taxpayers foot all bills.
The democratic World-Herald lets
the cat out of the bag in Its latest
ebullition of nonpartlsanshlp bun
combe. It admits that what It Is after
Is the patronage. To get the patron
age the democrats must capture two of
the three supreme Judgeships one at
a time.
The annual meeting of the Union
Pacific has been pulled off according
to schedule with the re-election of all
the old directors, keeping Mr. Harrl
mao entrenched in , full control. As
long as the stockholders draw 10 per
cent dividends they may be depended
upon to stick with Harriman.
Still another bond proposition Is to
be submitted to the voters of Omaha
this year to provide $30,000 for the
construction of .a new fire engine
house. The . Water board should
hurry with its $4,000,000 scheme be
fore all the front seats are taken.
If it will ease the mind of Edgar
Howard, he may accept as authentic
the information that The Bee stands
by its endorsement of Judge Reese
when he ran as the republican nom
inee for supreme Judge in 1899. Next
With two democratic tickets in the
field in Massachusetts and the Hearst
Independence . league organizing In
every countr of the state, Senator
Lodge is evidently Justified in predict
ing republican , success at the polls
this year.
President Gets thai Goods.
Washington Post.
While Senator . Foraker r-as been get
ting nothing but warmed-over atmosphere
from tha . colored brethren, the president
has received a gold-headed cane from the
KeokttK contIrBr. : rWhafS the answer?
. I 'I I Hi I
. Ther-WU the Exercise.
MUr.tiapolls Journal.
President Jijaey'oH, having given orders
that colonels intbe army must undergo a
test to show whether they . can ride, the
rear admirals of tha navy are now pre
paring themselves for a swimming contest.
No Halt tn Law Enforcing;.
' Baltimore American..
; Tha president;; declares that. he will not
call a halt 'in hlw: policy of enforcing the
laws. Th hfir alternative seems, then,
for those who are breaking them to make
up their minds to obey them, and the hand
made panics will then stop automatically.
Collect the Fines First.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Since J. J. Hll! has Issued the flat that
tha government must grant bonuses to
help the railroads build the needed new
tracks it is no more than an obvious duty
to collect those fines for rebating so that
tha government Can have tha money
Stabled Patriotism.
Boston Transcript.
The man who owns the house in Albany
in which General Sheridan was born has
been tempted to tear it down, but has
been restrained by patriotism. Now ha
proposes to convert it Into a stable. Prob
ably this is intended also to commemorate
"the horse that won the day by carrying
Sheridan into tl) fray, etc." ,
Tha President's Activities.
Philadelphia North American.
Roosevelt's u oil vltfos in statesmanship
are so various that the people he serves
forget that he haa wrought for the nation
in a doitn field with greatness equal to
that attained in one by almost any of his
predecessors. He has been guiding the law
abiding and driving the law-breaking
classes of this country over the hill ot
danger. We doubt If many among us have
stopped lately to look beyond and tako ac
count of the far-reaching endeavors of tha
president and the workings of his policies.
I'm warranted Criticism by Judges.
Springfield Republican.
That judges are engaging In hasardous
business when they assail the legislatures
that enact the reduced fare laws, impugn
ing their motives and decrying their knowl
edge. Is clear from the indignant tone ot
Governor Johnson ot Minnesota in com
menting upon Judge Lochren's language in
granting an Injunction against tha Minnes
ota commodity rata law. His honor appears
to have gone to an unwarranted extreme
In lecturing a co-ordinate branch of gov
ernment. It Is certatin that the Judiciary
would not consider It decent for legislatures
to pass resolutions criticising the bench in
much the same style. In a contest for
public sympathy tha legislatures would be
quite as likely to win out as the Judges, In
case these unflattering observations ahoukl
Irrigation as n Wealth Prodnecr.
Wall Street Journal.
Two favorable features stand out prom
inently tn tha progress ot arid region farm
ing. One is fHa incorporation of live stock
and the other tha enormous productiveness
of fodder crops such as alfalfa. One great
obstacle to developing the small farm In
tensively Is tha scarcity of labor. But her
aa elsewhere mechanical devices are help
ing tha owner to lay tha foundation for a
new type of rural prosperity in tha United
States. When the student of tho money
movement looks for soma of tha millions
which have gone out from, tha large dla
tnbutlng centers of tha west and have never
returned, he could find them without dim
cult y, if ha had earaiarked them In advance,
doing duty In dry farming districts, where
wealth and comfort and skill and all that
goes with them tn farming prosperity are
t be found all the year.
Minor eenea and Incidents Sketched
on the Snot.
Presldrnt Roosevelt may "lay down tha
law" tn cnrnArmttons. order lasy army offi
cers to take horseback exercise, requlrj
admirals to practice swimming, compel n
tr. r.vir. in mnt for tall timber and do
other things brnttlns; the nation s chief ex
ecutive, yet Washington gossMps are in
clined to wager a pink lemonade that he
will not be able to repress his daughter
Kthel s desire to enter Washington society
this winter.
Ethel Roosevelt U a little more than 17
years old. Her sister, now Mrs. Long
worth, was not much older than that when
she made her bow. It is sure Ethel does
rot wish to be kept any longer In the
school girl class. True, Mrs. Roosevelt
has Informed the women of the cabinet cir
cle that Ethel positively will not -make
her debut" this winter; but It Is pointed out
that the girl has expressed herself as le
alrous of getting Into the whirl. Even a
speechmaklng father may bo won over by
the nonpolltical eloquence of a pretty young
daughter. Miss Ethel Is two Inches taller
than her father. She is a blonde, with a
clear complexion and abundant gold-tinted
brown hair. And dignified! She offers a
great contrast to her vivacious half-sister.
The Vnlted States government gave awny
in the neighborhood of 120000 farms to
homestead Settlera during the last year ac
cording to the report of the commissioner
bt tha general land office. The. acreage
taken under the homestead and other laws
aggregated 17.853.636. tMvt.led Into W-acre
tracta, thla would make 111.460 -farms. But
In many cases the homesteaders took less
than 180 acres.
Homestead settlement took place In all
the public land states, with the exception
of Louisiana and VfyomUv. According to
the figures, Louisiana has 5.446 acres more
public land now than It had last year, and
Wyoming 1.143.890 acres more. The "nVlals
ssy the only way to account tor It Is that
homesteaders have- been relinquishing
claim in those states and taking them
elsewhere. Alaska reported nohom-stead-
ing at all. . .
The following will show the number of
acres homesteaded during' the last year
and tha number of acres of public land
still remaining for entry, by states:
. Arrrl still
Homesteaded. open to entry'
Alabama .
Alaska ...
Arizona ..
Florida ..
Idaho ....
Kansas ..
. 4,989.937
.... 81.SW
.... JWB.667
.... 2.012.M7
.... 3,571.25(1
.... 129 926
.... 1122.926
.... 16.75
.... 19.78H
.... 353,295
Nebraska .
lvjovaita 40,WH
K.v Mexico ...
North Dakota .
Oklahoma ,
Bouth Dakota
Washington .
Totals 17.858,636
This is tha time of tha year when we
have nO difficulty In tracing tha frost line,"
said ah official of the Treasury department
"You see, It's this way. Late In tha
spring and early in tha summer farmers
and other frugal people put away their
savings in stoves, which, with Using at
mospheric temperature are temporarily put
out of commission. Now you would think
that man of that, typo before atartlns; up
the flres In the fall would first think of the
wad, but they don't. The fire Is started,
and up goes the paper money In smoke.
Then charred money begins to pour In on
the treasury for redemption.
"If we had no other way of rinding It out
we would know from the burnt money that
is sent in for redemption that the frost Una
begins in. Maine In September. In like
manner wo trace It southward and west
ward. A day or so ago It struck Green
rnnntv' Indiana, a little early for that re
gion at this season. The claims for redemp
tion are now coming In qulta regwariy, dui
as October advances and parlor stoves are
lighted for the winter they will coma in in
ever-Increasing numbers."
A Waahington woman discovered some
time ago that her German, nurse was
destroying tha money, orders she pur
chased to remit to the fatherland. She
had torn up within tha last five years more
than $509 of money orders, thinking they
were receipts for the money deposited in
the office at Washington, to herold mother
In Germany.
...v. i- t he fsot that thaTS
haa accumulated in the national treasury
millions of dollars, posalDiy ten millions,
-i it,. .atahiiBhincnt of tha present sys
tem in K64. The government assume tho
role of trustee for vne sate iransier ui
money from one Individual to another, and
tha protection is nearly perfect, yet Uncle
Sam can not always remedy tha careless
ness or Ignorance of parsons buying money
An official, speaking of the system, saia:
. uu nroMimulatlon of money Is
steadily being augmented from year to
year, and unless the people oecome oener
acquainted with the character of a money
order transaction the accumulated sum
promises to become almost fabulous. This
money has accumulated through no fault
of tha United States. The system Is perfect
and instructions relating to it are clear
and ample.
"For one thing, it la known that persons
purchasing money orders ignorantly de
atroy them, believing that the order con
stitutes nothing more than a receipt. Many
persona are also In the habit of purchasing
money orders before traveling from one
place to another, with a view to converting
them Into cash as needed, and these are
lost through carelessness, by Ore or other-
. "It also frequently happen that orders
are sent to wrong addresses, and after re
peated attempta to find the payee or re
mitter, are sent to the department, together
with advices, aa unpaid."
Did you know there was only a three
day supply of one-dollar bills in the
United States treasury, only a two days
supply of two-dollar bills, and only a ten
days" supply of five-dollar bills? Well. It's
a fact, and United States Treasurer Treat
snnounce that. In spite of everything he
can do, he can t make enough small bills
to keep pace with the demand.
The treasurer fears that In the course of
the next three or four weeks the supply of
ones, twos, and Uvea will run out and the
people trading at etorea with ten, twenty
and fifty-dollar bills will have to take aiiver
"cart-wheels" in change.
Mr Treat says that the cause of the
scarcity la hut Inability to hire enough
skilled laborers at government wages to
make th notes.
Obstacle tn tha War.
Kansas City Star.
Only two obstacles appear to present
theinselve in opposition to the schema of
tbe reactionaries la the republican party
to defeat Taft for the presidential nomi
nation ngxt year by uniting tha south and
tha east against him. The first one Is that
Mr. Taft will carry the south; Ths second
Is that Taft will carry the cast. Outside
of these two defects, however, tbe plan
may really be cousldered as "formidable."
The Best
CooxJnir of the superior sort is what every, house
wife strives to do, and it's the kind every housewife
does who uses the genuine
as an ever-ready helper in preparing many dishes.
Makes cooking and baking questionably better by
Improving thequality. appearance and delicacy. Two
" famous cooks give valuable suggestions in our book of
Original Recfpoa and Cooking Help. ;
Tells how bread, graviea, soups, jellies pastries, sauces
msv be improved in a wonderful way. Sent free.
fcewr be without th genuine K.lnirford's OnwestiCora
8tarch-the standard of quality for over hslf a century. I n.
excelled for parity ; for every use. Made lor over fifty
years at Oswego. All grocers, pound package, lo cents.
It appears that Ida Tarbell's brother Is
one of the oil men whom Mr. Rockefeller's
company has aqueexed. Standard OH
naturally refused to recognize her as a
disinterested reformer. '
Walter Soott, the late Inventor and
builder of printing presses, was one of the
thirty-nine Inventors who wer mentioned
by the commissioner of patents as having
obtained patents each year for twenty-five
Colonel M.. Emmet Urell, commanding the
Second regiment. District Columbia Na
tional guard. Is being urged as commander
of the Medal of Honor legion. He la a vet
eran of both the civil war and the war with
Harry B. Clow, . who aucceeds Fred Q.
McNally as president of the Rand. McNally
& Co. publishing house. Is a son-in-law of
the lata Andrew McNally, founder of the
big Chicago printing company. Mr. Clow
la 39 years old.
The youngest mountaineer who ever set
foot on the Jungfrau summit la Ida
Ltechtl. She is only 10 -years old, and Is
tha daughter of the Jungfrau railway
manager. Sha was born and raised among
the Alps, and learned to climb like a goat
when hardly more than an 'infant.,
Luther Wright Mott, who ha been ap
pointed superlntednent of banks of New
York state by Governor Hughea, is a mem
ber of a -family of bankers. He waa born
In ' Oswego in 1874, and graduated from
Harvard at the age of 22, since which tlino
he has been connected with different bank
ing institutions, .
American Promoters 'Working; OS
Somo Gold Bricks.
Mrs. C..R. Mlllor In Leslie's Weekly.
Ca maguey Is the home ot the land specu
lator, and the scheme Is of American
origin and promotion. Land -has boon
freely purchased in Cuba, especially In the
interior of the island, and In many In
stances car has not been taken to secure
good titles. In fact, owing to tde unset
tled condition of that country for many
years, with Imperfect records and uncertain
marriage relatione, it is difficult to deter
mine where the title is vested, or who, ha
the right to make , a valid conveyance.
But such conditions do not deter ths (and
operator, who will run chancea of the title
being accepted through lgnoranace or con
fidence, or who, when confronted with the
flaws, will have in existence a guaranty
company to Insure the title, the solvency
of which may be more doubtful than the
tltla Involved. Of marvelous fertility is
Uils land, it one chooses to rely upon the
extravagant statements made hy tha pro
moters. In this way not only are sales
made, but also more capital for further
exploitation is solicited. But when the
scheme Is analyzed It Is discovered that
the main Idea of the company, when
formed, is to be managed by tha pro
moter at n good salary. It will further
be discovered upon investigation that it
will be many year before the land could
possibly produce what the promoters claim
could be produced in a year or two. But
the principal harm of these scheme lies
in the fact that so much of the soil under
their control 1 where the palmetto lives,
and wherever that scrubby bush shows
itself It la a sure sign of shallow soli, and
without a large outlay of money very lit
tle can be produced fror it.
Bay State Kept Awake.
New York Tribune.
Massachusetts seems to crave political
excitement. Not content with electing a
governor every year, it manages to have
a democratic convention every year or two
at which the police have to be called in to
determine who shall govetn either with or
without tha consent of the governed.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the systentor tne
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little sufferiner. as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
TI1F BB AflTIFI D BFCIH AlOH fiV. Atlanta. G.
N the important matters of cut and style and fit
there is no difference between our hand-tailored
suits at $20 to $25 and those at $35 or $40.
They are all made in our own workshop! from
the same patterns and under the same super
vision. Costlier materials and more luxurious trimmings for
those who want to pay the difference. '
Whatever the price, we give you the best.
Browning, King '& Co
E. 8. WILCOX, Manager.
c Y ""k
SON. Cfcswecjo. N.
CtMTftRT. :
Railroad Gains Under the Tw.(n(
Fnro Law.
Philadelphia Record.
Ohio's 2-tent fare law Is giving prett
good results, according to figures compiled)
by tha Railroad commission from th re
ports of the companies. Tho law went Into
operation March 10, 1906, and In the fiscal
. year ending June' 30, ; 1907, most of the
i railroads show larRer . earnings from pas
sengers alone thnn for the average of tha
five previous year. In some cases tha
returns for the last fiscal . year are not so
largo as tho five-year average, but the fol
lowing llgures are striking, anjl they show
the farts as to much 'the greater part of
the railroads: '
. . Averacs
190?. or 5 Years
...$3.?n;.840 $3.flMt.591
2.8.615 2,119.919
.. 1.IM.625 1,28.454
.. 2,fi-J0.3:7 2. 178,663
.. 1.750.23 1.611,013
Baltimore & Ohio..'...
t'.. C. C. & St. L
P. Ft. W. & C,
P.. C. C. & St. L. ....
There are roads whoso earnings hava
fallen off, but the returns from, most of
them are not caculnted to create alarm In,
the minds of tho Shareholders.
"Now," said the cooking school teacht
"can any young woman tell mo what th
pie plant it?"
'I suppose," replied a bright girl, "that
that's just another name for pumpkin."-
Philadelphia Press. '
"He hasn't got that pretty typewriter anyj
more, has he?"
"No: she's got him now. They wera
married last week." Houston Post.
Husband (suspiciously) This document
looks as though It might have come from,
the Black Hand.
.Wife Well, what, of itT- It's only tha
receipt the man gives me after I had palil
him for delivering and putting in tho coal,
Baltimore American.
"Does your minister go in for highet
"Hire criticism! Well, yes,' he does com
plain sometimes that Ms salary's too small.
If that's what you mean." Indianapolis
News. . ,
Sappy She has the prettiest mouth tn tha
Chappy Oh. I don't know. . I'd put niln.
up against It. Smart Set. -
7a11 Tam't- ihat vnnth. tthA In Aftlllnff nit
you rather a raw one?
Belle Yes; that la why I Was roasting
nun. rsaiiimore uiuiricsn.
Lawyer Now, see here; before
your case I want to know If you're gul
Prisoner Am I guilty? D'yer 'spose
be fool enough ter hire the most expensive,
lawyer in town If I was innercent? Nen)
Orleans Picayune.
"Why, yes," said Cutting, "f belleva X
did say you were always lying about yours
"Sir!" cried Bragley, "I won't stand thai
sort of talk. I'm a gentleman, slrl"
"There you go again!" Philadelphia
Press. 1
"What do you want o' tha editor?" aske
the office boy, blocking up tho doorway.
"I have a manuscript poem," said the
long-haired caller, "which I wish to sub
mit for his Inspection."
The office boy closed the door, but reap
peered a moment later.
"Nothm" doln". Wo ain't prlntln' ni
poetry now," he aald, slamming tha 'door
, In the caller lace.
i "Bard out!" exclaimed the poet, tearing
I his hair. ,
"Chestnut!" yelled the boy over the parti.
I tlon. "I've heard that 'un before." C1U
! cago Tribune.
No borrowed- dignity he wears, '
In right of his own powers he standi.
No need haa be of princely airs. .
Such inborn forces ha commands.
See, here a tru, an honest man.'
Who scorns the wiles of littleness,
A stanch and tried American, '
Who knowa the way of true auccess.
A man of broadest sympathies.
And wisest views of human needs,
A leader In the higher ways
Of faithful and unselfish deeds,
Omaha.. BE'RIAll F. COCHRAN1.
Is to love children, and no'
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
i i ii i i t.
oruca.i mruugu wuilu uic ex.
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, clanger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.