Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Secretary of State Junkin Getting Out
Samples for Clerki.
either Has Withdrawn train tha
Democrat le Jaalclat Ticket la'
tha DraglM Caaaty
(From Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct., .(8poeIal.) Secretary
of Stats Junkln will ret out aampls ballots
for ths guidance of county clerks fourtsen
flavs before the corning election. The can
jjhatea ot each party, where there are
4Vore than on to elect, will be placed on
ths ballot In alphabetical order. Following
1 ths form of ths ballot:
Supreme Judge (vote for one)
. M. B. Reese (republican)... j
Oeorire L. Loomls (democrat- peo-
pie's Independent)
Julian D. Graves (prohibition)
Luclan Stebblns (socialist)
Railway Commissioner (vote for one)
Henry T. Clarke. Jr. (republican)
Samuel Llchty (prohibition)
R. F. McClure( socialist)
Hegents Btate University (vote for two)
, Charles B. Anderson (republican)
George Coupland (republican)
R. J. Millard (democrat)
John L. BunJ!.in (democrat)
John L. Bundean (democrat-people's
John'H. von Sleen (prohibition)
J. N. Cater (socialist) t
G. C. Porter (aoclallst)
Regenth of University to Fill Vacancy
(vote for one)
W. C. Rodgers (socialist)
District Judge, First District (vote for
John B. (republican)
Leander M. Pemberton (republican)
A. B. McCandless (derrtocrat)
District Judge, Second District (vote for
Jesse L. Root (republican)
Harvey D. Travis (democrat)
District Judge, Fourth District (vote for
Oeorge A. Day (republican)
Estelle (republican-democrat)
Howard Kennedy republican)
William A. Reddlck (republican)
Willis (J. Bears (republican)
Abraham L. Button (republican)
Alexander C. Troup (republican)
Charles T. Dickinson (democrat)...
John O. Yetser (democrat)
District Judge, Fifth , District (vote for
Arthur J. Evans (republican)
Frederick C. Power (republican)
Oeorge O. Corcoran (democrat-peo-
pie's Independent).
i Benjamin F. Good (democrat-people's
District Judge, Sixth District (vote for
two) '.
C. E.'Abbott (republican)
J. C. Martin (republican) -.
Conrad Hollenberk . (democrat-peo-.
pie's Inf. opendent) ..'........
Oeorge H. Thomas (democrat-peo- ,
' pie's Independent)
District Judge, Seventh, District (vote for
one) . '
Leslie G. ITurd (republican)
Thomas C. Marshall (dcmocrat-peo- .
, pie's Independent.
District Judge, Eighth District (vote- for
one) -.
A. R. Olsen (republican)
puy T. Graves (democrat-people's
Independent) ........ t
District Judge, Ninth District (vote for
Anson A. Welsh (republican) a
District Judge, Ninth District, to Fill Va
cancy (vote for one) . ,
Anson A. Welsh (rept?Wlcan)
District Judge, Tenth District (vote for
J. W. James (ropubllean) ; t.
If. 8. Pungan (democrat-people's
Independent) - v.
District Judge, Eleventh District (vote to
James-H: Hanna (republican)....
James N. Paul (republican)
District Judge, Twelfth District (vote for
Bruno O. Hostetler (republican).
District Judge, Thirteenth District (vote for
pe) - t .it -
ill. M. Grimes (republican)
Wstrlct Judge, Fourteenth Distrlot (vote, for
R. C. Orr (republican).
J. L. White (democrat-people's Inde-
Fal Defeating Extraordinarv
, ... . . . Margaret Knoll
SLENDER Margaret Knolly, now. If you
please. The fascinating leading lady of
ths Bijou, now more fascinating than
ever, astonished all her friends on Broad
way ths other day by presenting to their
; admiring gaae a a volt and willowy form in
place of the plump, not to say fat. out-
. lines with which she gaily sailed away to
new triumphs and foreign shores last
January, After a good deal of diplomatic
cross-sxatnlnstlon from Interested fat ac
quaintances the secret was eautloualy
whispered to a few dear friends, with the
result that everybody knog- it now. It
was not exercise, nor fasting, nor sea air,
nor worry about her new venture that had
brought about, this wonderful willowy
changs in the charming Margaret; no, none
.of tusse; nothing but a simple mixture
which all good druggist are familiar with
and can supply at amall cost, to-wit: Ons
half ounce Marmola, one-half ounce Fluid
Extract Cascara Aromatic, and three and
ne-half ounoes of Syrup Simplex. "Grown
folks heed, a ieaspoonful after meals and
at bedtime," explained the now slender
Margaret. "It ' is simply wonderful. It
take off the fat quickly, as much aa
pound a day, and keepa It off. Tou can
eat what you like, too. In that respect It
Is unllk anything -of the kind I ever heard
of and besides it has another splendid fea
tureIt Is entirely, harmless and will not
oauss wrinkles. T think it Is about aa
essential a toilet article- for the woman
who I fat and wants to get, thinner aa
face powder. In order to get ths bast re
sults, however, you should buy the Mar
mola In tha original package and mix it
with ths other two Ingredients after you
get home." Adv.
Positively Curos
of continuous success. Printed matter
sent In plalr. envelopes upon request
All correspondence strictly confidential.
Ooraaa waty-IlfU and Caaa Sta,
' I ' !
District Judge, Fifteenth District (vbts for
J. A. Douglss (republlcsn
Daniel B. Jenrkea (republican)
J. J. Harrington (democratic-people's
; William H. Westover (democrat
people's Independent) ,
Btate Senator, First District, to Fill Va
cancy (vote for one)
David K. Miller (republican)
Maaey fee Cssisslfa.
Harry C. Lindsay, treasurer of the re
publican stats committee, la abroad In the
land after money and every loyal republi
can who has enjoyed the prosperity ot the
last few years and every good democrat
and populist who hss grown richer during
ths time ths republlcaln party has been
administering the affairs of stste Is Invited
to contribute a small or large sum, that
the expense ot the campaign may be paid.
The result of the election will determine
whether the laws are going to be construed
by republican officials, and therefore It Is
up to all loyal Nebraskans to help swell
the cash fund, says Mr. Lindsay. Chairman
Hayward went to Omaha this morning,
where he spent the day In the Interest of
tha ticket.
Complaint Against falooa.
James Bnlton, an officer of the Anti
Saloon league, has wrlttten to the attorney
general complaining that the liquor lawa
are not being enforced at North Platte;
that saloons are allowed to run open on
Sundays and after closing hours. Belton
lives at Western. Ills letter was referred
by the attorney general to the governor.
Telser and Dickinson Stick.
John O. Yelser and Charles T. Dickin
son, who ran on both the republican and
democratic tickets at the late primary and
received the nomination for district Judge
at the hands of tha democrats, have not
yet withdrawn ar.d neither have they filed
any suit to compel the secretary of state
to put them on the republican ticket. Un
less they take some action they will go on
the democratic ticket, but not on the re
publican ticket. W. A. Foster, who was
also endorsed by the democrats, though
running as a republican, withdrew his name
from the democratic ticket after the pri
mary. Fasloa Judge Withdraws.
W. L. Rose, fusion nominee in the Sixth
district for Judge, has withdrawn and the
committees of the various counties In that
dlstr'ct have substituted the name of Oeorge
H. Thomas of Columbus.
Interstate Express Business.
Rate Clerk Powell of the State Railway
commission has made a compilation, of the
amount of Interstate business done by the
various express companies, compared with
the state business. During a period of
three days the following Is the per cent
of the Interstate business done at several
towns: Grand Island, 18 per cent; Ha-t-Ings,
E5 per cent; Aurora, it per cent; Lin
coln, 43 pe' cent; Omaha, 62 per cent. In
Omaha and Lincoln only one day's busi
ness was considered. The total business
done In the towns named amounted to
$4,602.84, of whloh 11,931.95 was Interstate.
Bids for Electric Work Rejected.
The bids for putting up the poles and
stringing the wire to connect the state
house with the. lighting plant at the state
penitentiary were both rejected and new
bids will be advertised for. Only two bids
were filed, one by the Western Electrical
company of Omaha and one by Wheeler
Of Havelock.'" There 'was $300 difference
In tho bids. Wheeler agreeing to do the
work for $4,000. It was -reported Wheeler
Is a brother-in-law of Land Commissioner
Eaton, a member of the board with the
contract. This, morning Mr. Eaton denied
that he was in any way related to Wheeler
and had Only met him a few months ago.
Troabla Over Pig.
Bectuse John Doctor hold a receipt for
$10 for. a pig bought by him from (A. D.
Gil more? steward of the' Insane asylum
here, and tho sale of the pig doen not
appear In the biennial report ot the su
perintendent of the asylum, someone hss
started trouble for Qflmore. Doctor found
the report of the Institution did not cor
respond to the receipt he held, so ho
called at the office of a lawyer and told
him the story. The receipt Is dated No
ember 21, 1905. Gllmore this afternoon
aid ths bookkeeper had merely neglected
to put, the Item in the report, though
the books show the transaction all right.
The story was dug up by1 a democratic
lawyer In Lincoln, who still remembars
-he Galloway pass, published with Mich
llsastrous results to tha democrats dur
ing the last campaign..
Important Paint la tho Primary Law
Raled on hy Jada-o Welch.
DAKOTA CITY, Neh., Oct. (.-(Special.)
Under a doclslon handed down by Dis
trict Judge A. A. Welch, sitting hero for
Judge Guy T. Graves, a voter under tha
new Nebraska primary law. has the right
to writs any name he chooses on ths pri
mary election " ballot for any ' person he
wishes to vote for, Irrespective of politics,
and the parties having received the high
est number of votes at said primary elec
tion ahull be the nominees of such pri
mary, notwithstanding the provisions of
the primary law relative to performing cer
tain acta to become the candidate of a
party have not been complied with. Judge
Welch held that tha constitution gave the
voter tho right to vote - for whomsoever
he pleases, without any Its and anda
about It.
The hearing In the case of Tom Sulli
van asking for a writ of mandamus com
pelling County Clerk Ross to print names,
on ths official ballot of candidates who had'
received a majority vote at the primary
election by the democrats who had m no
way complied with the law relative to
becoming such candidates, was tho case
at Issue. The democrats In this county
only had two regularly provided for can
didates on tha primary ballot, and at the
primary election tho democrats of Jackson
connived together and cast ' upwards of
twenty votes for an agreed tot of candi
dates for ths respective offices, which was
a majority of the votes cast In the county
for such offices. Although County Clerk
Rosa had Intimated that he construed the
law as such that he would not place these
names on the official ballot, he has not
flatly refused so to do. A mandamus pro
ceeding was Instituted to compel him to
piste said names on the official ballot.
Judge Welch held that on the merits of
the case the' relator was entitled to a pre
emptory writ of mandamus, but as the
time had not yet arrived for making up
tho official ballot the writ of- mandarnusl
could not bo granted at this- time until it
wss seen that Clark Ross failed or re
fusod to perform said act. , Leave was
granted the relator to file au amended pe
tition setting out certain material allega
tions which were omitted in tho original
petition, which will be done, and a hearing
held on Wednesday afternoon of this
, Judge Welch based his findings on de
cisions rendered by the courts of. Minne
sota and Michigan on the primary laws
of their respective states, which Nebraska's
now law was patterned after.
Haadrod and Fifty Members Attend
Meetlaa- at at. Paal.
BT. PAUL, Neb.. Oct. l(Sueclal Tele
gram. The Presbyterian synod of Na-
r-raska met here this evening and was
opened with a sermon by the retiring mod
erator. Rev. a. R. Bellvllie of Nebraska
City presbytery, about UW members being
present. Following the1 sermon, the sac
rament cl the Lord's supper was, admin
istered by W. P. Cooper of Fuller-
Charcoal Kills
Bad Breath
Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking,
Drinking or Rating Can be
Instantly Stopped
Bampls Package Mailed free
Other people notice your bad breath
where you would not notice it at all.
it Is nauseating to other people to stand
before them and while you are talking,
give them a whiff or two of your bad
breath, it usually comes from food fer
menting on your stomach. Sometimes you
have It In the morning that awful sour,
bullous, bad breath. You can stop that at
once by swallowing one or two Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful gas
and odor absorbers ever prepared.
Sometimes your meals will reveal them
selves In your breath to those who talk
with you. "You've had onions," or Y'ou've
been eating cabbage," and all of a sudden
you belch In the face of your friend.
Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of odors,
as everyone knows. That is why Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges are so quick to stop
all gases and odors of odorous foods, or
gas from Indigestion.
"Don't use breath perfumes. They never
conceal the odor, and never absorb the
gas that causes the odor. Besides, the
very fact of using them reveals the rea
son for their use. Stuurt's Charcoal Lox
enges In the first place stop for good
all sour brash and belching of gas, and
make your breath pure, fresh and sweet.
Just after you've eaten. Then no one will
turn his face away from you when you
breathe or tuSk; your breath will be pure
and fresh, and besides your food will
taste so much better to you at your next
meal. Just try IL
Charcoal does other wonderful things
too. It carries away from your stomach
and Intestines, all the Impurities thero
massed together and which causes the had
breath. Charcoal Is a purifier as well as
an absorber.
Charcoal is now by far the best, most
easy and mil? Uxatlve known. A whols
box full will do no harm; in fact, the
more you take the better. Stuart's Char
coal :Losenges are made of pure willow
charcoal and mixed with Just a faint
flavor of honey to make them palatable
for you, but not too sweet. You Just chew
them, like candy. They are absolutely
Get a new, pure, sweet breath, fresh
en your stomach for your next meal, and
keep the Intestines In good working order.
These two things are the secret of good
health and long life. You can get all the
charcoal necessary to do these wonderful
but simple things by getting Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges. We want you to test
these little wonder workers yourself be
fore you buy them. So send us your full
name and address for a free sample of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Then aftr
you have tried the sample, and been con
vinced, go to your druggist and get a 2Co
box of them. You'll feel better all over,
more comfortable and "cleaner" inside.
Send us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mall a
sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart
Co., 209 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
ton nnd Rev. C. W. Weir of Hastings.
Rev. Samuel Llgh of Stuart was elected
moderator. The Omaha churches were
represented by Rev. E. H. Jenks, Rev. A.
S. C. Clsrke, Rev. W. H. Fulton.Rev. Julius
S. Schwartz, Rev. Newman H. Burdlck,
Rev. Guy W. Wadsworth; Rev. T. K. Hun
ter and Elder H. A. Dowd. Rov. Julius S.
Schwartz was elected temporary clerk.
Quaint and Carlons Features of Life
in a Rapidly Grovrluo;
. State.
Albert Duhachek has a new pair of
high tan shoes. Madison County Reporter,
South Closter Items.
We Shudder to Imagine What would hap
pen to the fellow who would suggest en
forcing the antl-treatlng law In CoiumbusT
Columbus Tribune.
Don' Speak Mlstah Bay, aomo of you
folks, how would you like to go "back
east" and gather hazelnuts, paw paws,
barberries, hickory nuts, sweet cider, pump
kin pies, chestnuts, sosafras roots and
wtntergrtei. Oh, gee! Beaver City Times
Tribune. Saving Elbow Grease Charles Wlttgow,
who Uvea J'ist west of the. park, has a
gas engine that saves lots of work. All
the water la pumped for the stock, it
runs a churn, washing machine and fur
nishes power for whatever he runs. It Is
great on wash day, and If the ordinary
farmer wants his wife to be always young,
happy and good looking, get an engine
to do the hard work. Stanton. Register. '
Across the River That one Sunday not
so long ago a Sioux Cityite with his bathing
suit wrapped in a newspaper went out to
Foye's park on the car line. A ptcnto
party was on the car, packages got mixed
and when the man stripped to put on his
bathing suit he had a roll of butter, and
the woman in charge of the picnic dinner
had no grease to spread on her picnic din
ner except a faded bathing suit. Neither
could stomach what they got. The fates
are always handing us packages we do not
want.- North Nebraska Eagle.
Real Hornets John Richards was in the
Mirror office the other day and told how he
and other boys In olden times used to have
fun with hornets' nests. The boys of today
don't hardly know what a hornet's nest Is.
Well, they are about the size of a man's
head, and sometimes Is big as a half bushel.
Ths boys would club the nest and the hind
boy got stung, as they tried to run faster
than the hornets could fly. One day Mr.
Richards clubbed a nest In a grove where
there waa a herd of cattle, and you bet ths
cattle went on an old-time stampede. Ly
ons Mirror.
Don't neglect A
indigestion. JL
It is Nature's dan- V
fferaignaL It warns J
you that you are not O
assimilating your O
rood, it u the fore
runner of diseases
is a partially digest
ed food the joint
product of Nature
and science. It builds
up your digestion,
makes rich, red
blood, and
makes you glow
with health.
Try it.
60c AaD II .CO.
Planning' Campaign Against Derelict
County Official!.
Visit Atlaraey General and atady In
A of Qss Warranto Mis
soarl Paclac ta Be Forced
to speed Limit.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. .-(8peclal Telegram.)
J. B. Carnes. superintendent of the Antl-
Saloon league of Nebraska, and Elmer E.
Thomas of Omaha, were in consultation
with Attorney General W. T. Thompson
this morning, and later they spent con
siderable time In tho stste library looking
up, the law governing quo" Warranto pro
ceedings. While not stating their pur
pose, it Is surmised here that the anti
saloon forces of the state are lining up
to enforce the Slocumb law governing the
sals of liquor and that they Intend under
a law recently enacted, to force county
legal officers to take a stand on tho- mat
ter or undergo prosecution .for failure so
to do and suffer possible removal.
The last legislature passed a bill intro
duced by Senator Backett of Gage county
which permits the removsl of derelict
county officials. The law was passed for
( the purpose of giving a leverage upon cer
tain officers who failed to see certain of
fenses while they prosecuted others. It is
be.leved thst the temperanco people are
lining up for some such contest. Tho pro
cedlngs must have the sanction of the at
torney general of the state. Mr. Thomp
son today declined to discuss the matter.
Order Against Missouri Pacific.
This afternoon or tomorrow the railroad
commissioners will probably order the Mis
souri Pacific road to submit a new time
table with a speed schedule' in accordance
wi'.h what the commission believes is safety ,
on that line. Passenger trains will not be ;
allowed to run to exceed twenty-five miles .
an hour; freight trains, not over twenty j
miles an hour, and trains hauled by what j
Is known as "battleship" engines, at not ;
to exceed fifteen miles an hour. j
It Is not known when the order will go '
Into effect. I
This order Is the result of the recent in- I
vestlgatlon of the line by Commissioner j
Williams, who found the line waa not bal- ;
lasted properly. The order will require the
road to lay new rails, ballast the track
and make certain other Improvements' be-
fore a faster schedule will be permitted. H
Commissioner Williams will go at once j
to Mason City and, investigate the recent
fires caused in that vicinity by sparks from
Burlington englifes. Much property loss
has resulted from this cause, the claim be- I
Ing that on several occasions the trainmen '
Lave removed spark arresters In order to
I produco better drafts on their engines
while making time. i
Soldiers aad Pensions. I
The Board of Publlo Lands and Buildings '
has Issued an order that will save veterans
of the Grand Island and Mllford Soldier's
homes from U W to III a month,. I Hereto
fore veterans receiving pensions have been ;
compelled to pay to tho home all they re
ceive In excess of $12 a Month. Under the
new order they will pay a follows: Those
receiving $12 and not more than $19, 10 per
: cent of the pension; those receiving $20
""and not more than $23, 20 per cent; those
receiving $24 and not more than $29, 20 per
j cent of the pension; and those receiving $3)
and over, a sum to bo- specified by the
commandant of the homo and the board.
. .. Entire Canvass Mar Result.
Unless tho supremo court reverses the
decision of the district cdur .!' Dakota
county, which ruled that names written
into the primary ballot must be counted,
it is claimed that all ot the election boards
of the state will have to meet again and re
canvas the vote of ths. last primary, for,
on the recommendation of Attorney Gen
eral Thompson, these votes were, dlsro-
0. rA a1 I
Judge Welch rendered Uie decision last '
evening, ordering the county clerk to put
! on the ballot the names of candidates writ
ten Into the ballot and 'receiving a' plu
rality of tho votes ' for their particular
Nebraska Hews Notes.
GENEVA At the opening of district court
today Judge Kurd dismissed the Jury, as
It was not needed this term.
PLATTSMOUTH The farm homo of M.
McFsll, southwest of Plattsmouth, was
consumed by fire. Loss, $t,000, with $1,000 in
surance. FALLS CITT-lIr. Techt cf Pecht A Har.
rls sold his Interest In the business to
Charles McCreery ot this city a couple of
days ago.
GENEVA Mrs. Charles A. Thorpe, who
has been seriously ill all summer. Is now
lying at the point of death, with no hopes
held out for her recovery.
PLATTSMOUTH V. J. Shobl and Miss
Marie Borlanek. both from Crete, were
united In marriage in the Bohemian Cath
olic church by Father Hancek.
TECUMSEH Ray I. Plerson of Lincoln
and Miss Gertha M. Brelner of Tecum sen
were married by County Judge James Liv-
I Ingston. at his residence, last evening.
I NEBRASKA CITY A new golf tourna-
' ment has been arranged for and the first
game will bo played before Monday next.
The prise cup Is now held by A. J. Smith.
I DAVID CITY The women of trte Social
' union will give an Informal reception In
the Methodist Episcopal church parlor Frt-
I day evening of this week In honor of their
returned Biinlsier, Rev. Buckner, and wife.
I BEATRICE Groat preparations are be
ing made among local .enthusiasts for the
foot ball game to bs played between the
Beatrlcu and Lincoln High school elevens
next Friday.
PLATTSMOUTH During a meeting of
the stockholders and the board of directors
of the Pluttsmouth Telephone company in
this city Tuesday afternoon - the capital
stock waa Increased to $3u0,U1O.
BEATRICE The tittle son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Davison, living In West Beat
rice, received an ugly gash In the forehead
yesterday by falling off the vablo . and
striking his head against the stovo.
Spencer, a Nebraska City young voman.
has gone to Chicago to resume her studies
In voice culture. She is a promising oung
vocalist and expects to soon appea.- In
grand opttra.
BEATRICE Word was received yesttr
duy announcing the death of Mrs. V. .1
Case, a former resident of Beatrice, which
occurred at Ashley, Neb. Deceased wa.t
26 years of age and is survived by a hus
band and two aons.
'FALLS CITY At the regular meeting ot
the city council It waa decided to purchase
only a portion of the land offered by tho
Falla City Park and Improvement company.
The remainder of the property will be pur
chased at a future date.
BEATRICE W. A. Noel of this city, who
recently purchased a newspaper plant at
Rockwell City. Ia., will leave next Monday
for that place, to assume charge of tha
puper. Mr. Noel wss formerly engaged In
the newspaper business at Adel, la., and In
tills city.
PLATTSMOUTH R. D. Blunt of this
city is mourning the loss of his wife, who.
It Is said, departed with his nephew, a
younger and handsomer man. Mr. Blunt
has rented his fine res Id nee and fruit farm
to Theodore A. Btuecklln and will sell his
household furniture.
NEBRASKA CITY-At a meeting of Com
pany C, Nebraska National Guard. Second
regiment, Captain Frank Shannon and Beo
ond Llentenunt Clyde McCormlck were re
elected to the positions they have held for
the last year. They are two of tha most
effective and enthusiastic members of ths
' BH ELTON A serious accident befell
Henry Batterson yesterday while working
around a threshing machine. He was on
top ot the machine oiling It and in getting
down he came down on the end of a
fork handle, which penetrated hla abdomen
to a depth of several Inches. His recovery
la doubtful.
DAVID CITY-Roy Welts, who has been
working ou the B. 4 M. section all sum
mer, met with a savers accident Monday
morning. He was onon tho tower of the
windmill, fixing It, when a sudden breese
started the mill string, pulling his left hsnd
In tho pulley, msshlng and cutting tho lead
sra In three flngrrs.
YORK The ministers of York have com
bined. They have effected an organisation,
not for the purpose of raising ssiaries, but
for the purpose of working together, and at
a meeting held yesterday elected Rev.
Thomas Maxwell. president; Rev. Mr.
White, vice president, and Rev. Mr. Cllfte,
BLUE HILt-About 00 soldiers ramped
here Inst night. They are on their way
from Fort Riley to Hastings to nttend ths
Frontier festival and take part. This Is the
first squadron of the Seventh United States
cavalry. A train will run every morning
and return In the evening to Hastings' to
attend the Frontier festival.
HARVARD Rev. 8. R. Hunt, who has for
several years been pastor of the Congrega
tional church of this city and who some
weeks ago resigned, the resignation to take
effect November 1, has accepted a call to
the First Congregational church of Poca
tello, Idaho, and mill In a few days leave,
with hla family, for that place.
YORK Rev. M. B. Williams, Mr. W. D.
Meade, W. D. Meade, Jr., and Kiting Mead
returned from a three weeks' hunt In and
around Harkberry lake, Nebraska. They
brought back with them large numbers of
ducks and chickens and report excellent
hunting and Ashing. Rev. Williams is the
well-known evangelist, whose work Is prin
cipally in me east.
BEATRICE At the city council last oven- '
ing a communication waa read from the
Beatrice Gas and Power company propos
ing to Install and maintain in ths city
streets 100 Improved boulevard street lamps
for a period of five years for $i5 each per
year. The lights are to be of sixty candle
power. No action was taken.
BEATRICE A reception will be tendered
Rev. and Mrs. U. G. Brown and Rev. and
Mra. Orrlll at the Methodist church Thurs
day evening, October 10. Rev. Mr. Brown
returns for his second year's work as
pastor of Centenary Methodist Episcopal
church, and Rev. Mr. Orrlll Is the new
presiding elder of this district.
BEATRICE Provided the . weather re
mains favorable, many farmers will com
mence gathering their corn crop in this
section next week. Heavy frosts have
occurred here the last week and this hss
had a tendency to put the corn in excel
lent shape tor gotherlng. Wheat never
looked better at this sesson of the year.
NEBRASKA CITY The report Is In cir
culation that the Mlssowl Pacific will, on
November 1, run the Lincoln train through
to this city and not stop at Union, as has
been done for the lest six months. They
will also put on an engine and crew that
will run from here to Union, and from
there go to Nehawka and do the switching
TECUM8EH Work has been commenced
on Tecumseh's new, $20,000 electric lighting
plant. .The old power house will be used
for the new machinery, with the exception
that an addition will be built. At the pres
ent time the mayor and council are con
templating an all-night service when the
new plant Is Installed. Are lights will ie
placed In the business section of the city.
T A VT1VITV A mm Ami wV. I..V nl.fl. In '
our city Tuesday, when the family of John I
Weber waa separated. Mr. Weber wss un- !
able to support wife and three children.
The Yanther, not being able either, waa
taken to the county farm, and the three
children were taken In-charge by Miss
Louise Rankin, representing the home of
homeless children. Miss Rankin took the
two boys and little girl to Omaha Tues
day noon, where she will endeavor to find
homes for them.
HUMBOLDT The Methodist church was
the scene last evening of a pleasant gather
ing from 7 until 11 o'clock, the house bh
Ing crowded most of the time by citizens of
Humboldt and vicinity, who came to bid
an Informal farewell to Rev. John Calvert,
pastor of the Methodist church for the last
four years, and his family, who leave today
for S'vtton, hla new appointment; and to
Rev. W. L. McCalllster, who has re-entered
the ministry after a year's vacation, and
who goes with his family to Hubbell.
NEBRASKA CITT The barbers of this
city have decided to advance the price of
shaves and haircuts. Some time ago they
decided to close their places of business on
Sunday and for months this city was shave
less on Sundays, but a few weeks ago the
shops opened, but were closed again. Now
comes the announcement that the price
of shaves Is to be advanced to IK rents,
which will Include a neck shave. The bar
bers claim that everything else Is advanc
ing In price and they do not want to be In
the rear.
TECUMSEH District court Is in session
here, with Judge W. H. Kelllgar of Auburn
orr the bench. The docket Is made up of
thirty-three civil and seven" criminal cases.
Amonjr the latter Is the one of the State
of Nebraska against Simeon Hudson, on a
forgery charge. Hudson, after ahootlng at
Sheriff Miner, who attempted to arrest
him, got awsy. He was later brought bark
from Kansas and for several weeks has
been condned In the penitentiary at Lin
coln for safe keeping. His case will arouse
considerable interest.
TECUMBEH-After weeks of delay In the
Installation of new machinery, the plant
of the Model Milling company of this city
Is now running. A new slxty-flve-horse-
power gas producer engine has been in-
or mincl pictures are first formed by the great Architect
Engineer. Statesman or Merchant before planning a "sky
scraper," a mighty bridge a national campaign or an
industrial revolution. ,
On. the clearness of the brain photograph, depends,
the measure of success in each great undertakingor
small one eitherl
Properly nourished brain and nerves constitute the
machinery for making "mind pictures" that can be
depended on for ' successful work in great or small
affairs. A true (
rap N tut
The daily consumers of this wholesome' appetizing
tissue-repairing food h . the. mental machinery to
keep in the lead of "successful men" and
"There's a Reason."
In do other disease is a thorough cleansing of the blood more necessary
than in Contagious Blood Poison. The least particle of this insidious virus
will multiply in the circulation and so thoroughly contaminate the blood
that no part of the body will be exempt from the ravages of this powerful
disease. Usually the first symptom is a little sore or ulcer, insignificant in
itself, but soon the blood becomes so contaminated that the mouth and throat
ulcerate, glands in the groin swell, hair and eye-brows come out, copper
colored spots appear on the body, and frequently sores and ulcers break out
on the flesh to humiliate the sufferer. S. S. S. cures Contagious Blood Toison
by purifying the circulation. It attacks the disease in the right way by going
down into the circulation, neutralizing and forcing out every particle of the
poison, and making this fluid pure, fresh and health-sustaining. The im
provement commences as soon as the patient gets under the influence of
S. S. S., and continues until every trace of the disease is removed from the
blood, and the sufferer completely restored to health. Not one particle of
the poison is left for future out-breaks after S. S. S. has purged and purified
the blood. Book on the home treatment of this disease and anv medical advice
bute of elegance and proficiency. The motorist who wants rich comfort
and luxurious durability will tind his every requirement in this Limous
ine, which would lend dignity to the garage of Creosus himself, had he
lived In the age of automobiling.
Not one convenience of the modern drawing-room awheel the
title aptly given to the Stoddard-Daytoh Limousine Is overlooked In
the equipment ot this new Model, which is interchangeable with the
body of Model 8-F. No brougham of the highest grade la finished
with any greater degree ot magnificence than marks the equipment ot
this handsome car, upholstered ia goat-skin, satin and broadcloth.
It' is lighted with electricity, provided with a speaking tube,
through which the chauffeur may receive instant instructions. Toilet
and card cases add to the completeness of a car which like all Stoddard-Day
ton machines is pre-eminently a car of silence.
In a Motor Beauty Show, Stoddard-Dayton Model 8-F Limousine
proves as distinctively handsome as a Jacqueminot rose centered In a
cluster of wild flowers. It Is the peer In beauty, speed and elegance
of cars sold at the highest price. ,
Call at our store room and see this beautiful car.
ki.n.j jMMfrTrt with ntTnnr mrwltpm mft
Diniieu, ii'(rinci - - - ,
chlnery. The mill Is the property of O. F.
Hotchkln of Tecumseh and F. N. Wilkin
son of Bt. Joseph, Mich., and It Is proposed
to sell the product In the east. Night and
day shifts are being used, the mill operat
ing continually at present, and the enter
prise Is a good thing for Teaumseh.
HUMBOLDT The body of t.. C. Hicks,
father of Mrs. A. V. Snow of this city, wss
brought up from Forest City yesterday and
Interred In the local cemetery after a short
f 11 ernl service at the Presbyterian church.
Deceased was one of the pioneers of south
eastern Nebraska and made his home here
continually until a few years ago, when
his wife died, and he has since lived a part
of the time with children at other places.
He died at the home of a daughter. Mrs.
May or Forest City. He leaves a number
of grown children throughout this section
of the state.
HAJtVAKD At the annual meeting of the
Harvard Telephone company, held yester
day In this city, the following officers were
elected: President, 8. J. Rice; vice presi
dent, J . W. Isralson; secretary, Theodore
Gricss; treasurer, George Phillips; manager,
J. H. Tost. These men. with F. C Water
man and George Keasllng, were elected a
board of directors. The reports show a
good and profitable business being trans
acted. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman, who have
proved themselves so efficient as managers
of the local exchange In this city for sev
eral years, were returned for the coming
year. '
BEATRICE In the district court ' yester
day 'Right Rev. Bishop Bonacum, Cath
olic Dtsnop OK Lincoln. - miHluwu . avium
asralnst the legatees of the . last will of
Michael Lynch for the purpose of enforcing
an agreement made by the deceased. Borne
time before Mr. Lynch's death he agreed
with Bishop Bonacum thst If he would
erect an orphanage at Omaha, or at sonv
other place which he mlht designate, for
the care of orphans that come under the
charge of the Catholic church,-that upon
his death Mr. Lynch would will to tl.s
bishop for the maintenance of the horns
all his property. Upon this agreement-the
Brain-building Food, is
Model 1908.F.......
Stoddard. Dayton
N art creation among en
closed motor car. Stod-dard-Dayton
Model o-F
Limousine possesses every attri
bishop is said to have erected a home, and
to have Interested others to put money Into
the -enterprise. It appears that shortly
before his death Mr. Lynch was visited
by some of his relatives, who Influenced
him to make a will In their favor, and
that when the will was opened it was found
that the property had been left to other
and that tho contract with the bishop had
been Ignored. Now comes Bishop Bona
cum and asks to have the contract en
forced. The case Is an interesting one and
will be pushed for all there Is In It.
BEATRICE Tho annual sunset reception
glvn yesterday afternoon at the Meth
odist Episcopal church to those neaslng tha
sunset of life) years of age and up
wardswas attended by over 2B0 persons.
The Interior of tho church was beauti
fully decorated for the occasion, which wa
the most largely attended and most sue
ccssful of anv like event ever held In ths
city. An Interesting musical and literary
program was rendered, after which a
bountiful supper was served In the base
ment of the church. The affair was given
bv the Epworth league of Centenary Meth
odist ohurch. The oldest guest In attend
ance was Mark Davis, who Is 95 years
of age.
Announcements, wedding stationery end
calling cards, blank bootf and magastns
binding. "Phone Doug. IBM. A. I. Root, Ino.
There's no chance tor an argument
s to whether The Bee want ads pay
or not. They always pay ifhey ask
anything consistent. There are so
many people In Omaha that somebody
Is qualified to fill any sort of a want.
It you want to nnd a position or some-'
body to All a position; if you want; to And
the loser or the finder of an article; Jf
you want to find a landlord or a tenant
try Bee w&ut ad.