Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
ATHlwmlt for (k want ad
eel a sane will takes antll 13 m. far
Ik evening; edition wl aatll sa.
far the morning; and i4r editions.
Cask sane ruafaa; all nrdrra for
want ads aad aa advertisement will
accented for Ira tkaa lO cents for
Ik Brat Insertion.
Rates apply ta either Tka Dally '
Sanday Ilea.
Always rout six words ta a liar.
Tamklaatloaa f laltlala or nnmbors
(on at aa aa ward.
Insertion,' per line, lO cents. Two or
more eonseeatlve Insertions, per line,
O cents. Iuach Insertion made aa add
days, lO ceata per line. fl.KO per
line per montk.
Death and Faaeral Notices, Carda af
Thaaka aad Lodge Notices, T ceata
per line for one edition, mora lag or
renin! 8 rente a line for rack ad
ditional edition. Sanday, lO ceata
llae. No ad taken tor leaa tkaa
rear advertisement la laaerted aadcr
any one of the claaalfleatlona ftliea
below, It will bo charged at tke fol
lowing rateat Oae Inaertloa, 4 ceata
per llae tkree to sLx consecntlvo in
sertion, eeata per llae rack neer
tloai urea or more eoaeecatlTO in
sertions, 3 ceata per line encfc inser
tloai 60 ceata per line per montk.
Except Agents, Sollcltora and Sales
Cowa, Birds, Doi andv Pela.
Horses aad Veklclea.
Poultry aad Eggs.
Typewriters and Sewing Maefclaea.
Pianos, Organs aa Mnslcal Instru-
mea ta.
Faralaked Roome.
Untarnished Rooma.
Housekeeping Rooma.
Boarding and Rooma.
Want ada for Tka Bee mar be lelt
it aay of tbo following drng atoee
one la "yonr coraer drogglst" tkey
are all braack ofllcea of Tke Bee aad
roar ad will be. laaerted Jaat aa
promptly and on tke aame ratea aa at
tko mala office la Tko Dee Building,
leventeentk' and Farnam Streeta.
Albach, W. C, 40th and Fai-nam.
Beranck', S. A.. 1402 S 10th St.
Wecht Pharmacy, 720 8. lhth t.
wenson Pharmacy. Benson Neb.
Pern a psik rnrmc . " - 1
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave.
Caughlln, C. R.. 6th A0
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 MilUary Ave.
Conte, J.B., 31st Ave and Farnam.
Crissey Pharmacy, 24th ana !
Cermak. Emll. 12(yl-6 8. 18th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 802 Leavenworth.
Forster & Arnold!, 213 N. 25th Bt.
Freyta John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt.
Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Pnrk Ave. ana
Oreenough. O. A., 1S S. 10th Bt,
Greenough, G. A., 1U24 8. Kith St.
Hayden Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St.
Hanscom Park Phar,. 1501 B. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St.
Huff. A. L.. 2K4 Leavenworth St.
King, H. S.. 2238 Farnam St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3Sftt N. 24th.
Patrick f ruR Co.. 1B24 N. 24th Bt.
Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton L. E.. 24th Dd Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drun Co. 24th and Amea Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Bchaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St.
Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuminr Sta.
Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha SU.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta.
. Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta.
SAUNDERS Philip J., age 24 year..
Funeral Thuraday morning, Oct 10, at
8.30 a.' m., from the family residence, 4018
N. 26th St., to the Sacred Heart church,
22d and Blnney Sta. Interment Bt. Mary a
oumetery, South Omaha.
The funeral of Robert H. Hermaaon of
8228 South Twenty-third street will bo held
from the Swedish Lutheran church at
Twenty-third and Vinton streets Thursday
afternoon at 1:30. Interment Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
The following marriage licenses have been
... 33
... 17
... 23
... 20
... 27
... 22
... 47
... n
lames E. Knapp, Omaha
Maud D. McCiuer, Omaha
Henry Larsen, Bloux City, la........
mrsune uiuriuseu, nuu
Oeorge Tural, South Omaha
Katie Kivlatek, South Omaha
Alfred J. O'Brien, Laird. S. D
Mary Mayna, Omaha
John Heldxena. South Omaha
Victoria Ursendowskl, South Omaha..
Franklin J. Coll. Jr., Hough, Neb.......
Rosa Lee McLaln, Ames, la
Births Augustine Tertsl, 1117 Paclflo
treet, boy; J. R. Pilling, 8704 North Nine
teenth, girl; J. B. Kasol, 2S07 Walnut street,
girl; Nela Hanaen. 2t22 Sherman avenue,
tlrl; John Douglas. 441$ Douglas street,
Deaths Mosea Green, 190 South Thir
teenth street, aged I months; Jane Mc
Donald. 2-18 Willis avenue, aged 73 years;
Leah D. Belew, 2130 North Twenty-eighth
street, aged 10 months.
Classes now open.
Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping,
Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business
Correspondence, General Oftlcs Practice.
Preparatory for Civil Bsrvlce, College or
t profession. Day and night teutons.
lei. D. WI0.
t , (D-M512 O10
THE CITY GARBAGE "CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth Bis. TeL- Douglas 1187.
MUSIC Bvety Evening Hotel Roma
Ish. Dkvtdge Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
Uay and evening classes. (1) MMW N8
a now open In both the DAY and NIGHT
teutons. Yet K is not too lata to enter.
Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting, Tel
.tsraphy and English. The catalogue la
the opening of hrr dreenmaklng pariora,
2012 North l!th. Xou are cordially invited
to call. ( M7W 26
r. D. WEAD haa moved hla office to Weed
Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta. !&
SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cola, 1301 Dwuglaa.
BEND for our Hat of fecond hand automo
blloa. DBKIQHT, 1M8 Farnam. 2)-8u2
NEARLY new 24-horre power. 6-paen8r
touring car; atorage battery, lull top,
lamps and equipment: roet tl 450 In May,
1M: only run I.500 milea; In flrat-claea
ahape, at a bnrgnln.
! 110 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-dnte hard
ware etnek, located In a gocd Nebraska
town of 1,000 Inhabitant; will Invoice
about $4,0(0. including fixtures. This la
a good, paying proposition. Haa a good
trade and In one of the best locations In
town. Will corslder part exchange, the
balance cash. Globe Land and Investment
company. (3) M806
TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city
property, good 287-acre farm, 3 miles from
good town; right in heart of oil and gas
fields. For full descrintlon address J. M.
Nowell. R. F. D. No. 2, Humboldt, Kan.
(3) MStf 10X
A beautiful suburban home of 7 rooma,
independent water system, large cistern,
good barn, sheds, chicken house and
yards; 6 acres of grapes, 200 plum, 2U0
cherry and 100 apple trees, and an abun
dance of small fruit and berries; a fine
homo with an annual income of $1,000 to
$1,600; might consider some land, or house
and lot in Omaha or Council Bluffs.
ALVA SMITH, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
(3) M220 llx
FOR EXCHANGE Stock' of buggies, wa-
frns and implements, located In a small
lllnois town; will invoice about $1,760.
Also house and 2 lots In aame towa.
Price foe real estate, $1,600; Invoice for
stock. Will exchange for farm land In
Iowa, Kansaa or Missouri. Globe Land
and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.
(3) 806
FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres, good
unimproved land, in Pecos valley, 4 miles
from railroad, In the shallow artesian
belt; Improved land here selling $r0 to $150
per acre; you may have mine for $10. It,
Miller, Lock Box 215, Dayton, N. M.
(3) M176 16x
A BARGAIN-WI11 aell or exchange for
land, stock of dry goods; positively great
chance; raust act immediately. Address
Y 49, care Omaha Bee.
(3)-M607 10
GOOD, clear South Dakota land to trade
for good, well-located rental property;
give description first letter. E. T. Del
bey, Hamburg, Ia (3)-M180 IPX
Are you looking for a farm, business or
We have
General merchandise atocks of all. sizes.
Shoe stocks. Gent's furnishings.
Hardware stocks.
Furniture and undertaking.
Hotels and restaurants.
Rooming house furniture.
Drug stocks. Printing offices.
Flour mills. Livery.
Houses and lots.
Farms and ranches.
Call and See
(36 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(4) M160 Octl7
Mining and Industrial Stocks
Wa buy and sell any active unlisted
stocks. We hav-3 rare bargains in In
duatrlal stocks, subject to tho most rigid
- Investigation. We have bargain In sev
eral active mining stocks in Nevada,
nlso several bargains in copper stocks.
' Wo receive weekly reports from all the
' Important mining districts In the United
States and Mexico.
Stock Brokers.
809 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 8565. Omaha. Neb.
(4) 426 029
Wo -have timber, fruit farm land In east
ern Washington and Oregon; mild cli
mate; fruit land has netted $500.00 per
acre; will exchange for hotels, good resi
dences or any property of equal value
anvwhere; can match any deal, large or
small. We have abstracts showing per
fect title down to date. Price of land
from $40.00 to $126.00 per acre. Give full
particulars in first letter, Address Box
164, Omaha, Neb. (4)-M706 llx
Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers
Quotations received from all Exchanges.
We can save you from S to 20 per cent
on sny mining stock.
We give prompt service.
604 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1294.
(4) M298
THIS COMPANY does a general real estato
and loan business; a specialty of looking
up good farming lands and locating east
ern people on them; let us hear from you;
we can serve you. Eureka Land Com
pany, 4U Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore.
(4) M101 Nov7x
FOR SALE: A drug store, earning a net
profit of 25 per cent; also a practice
paying $3,600 per year, for the price of
doctor's office. Address Box 86, Tabor,
la. (4) M15I lx
FOR BALE Machine shop, brick building,
containing two lathes, planer, drill, press,
power triphammer, gasoline engine, black
smith tools; very cheap. Address H. C.
Bchults, Lansing, la. M150 Kx
FOR SALE Small furniture and under
taking stock. Southeast Nebraska, at
cost without carriage; about $1,600. Ad
dress Box 201, Dawson, Neb.
(4)-M161 Ux
WANTED Manager branch automobile
salesroom. Responsible man with first
class references and $6,000 cash to manage
branch automobile salesroom. High-class
machines. Position pays $6,000 per year.
Highest bank and commercial references
furnished. Addresa P. O.' Box 668, Chi
cago, 111. (4 M163 10X
DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price.
write or see us lor Diirgains. Uenver
Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den
ver. Colo. H M1S6 O20X
ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee. Is..
nas unn tanas ana town property for
sale or trade. Write what you have and
warn. ttj M2 octisx
rurrfSH l-HAN CIS BUNNELL," 822 N Y.
Life. Tel. Doug. 5149. (4) 811
A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi
ness. Aaaresa tr. o. Dox in. Park City,
Utah. H) M628 17x
I HAVE from $2,000 to $4,000 to Inveat 10
per cent net. what have you to offer?
jsaac N. wataon, 1I1Q Farnam.
(4 M82S
RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; sec
ond floor; no posts; 60x60 long lease. A.
G. Ritchie, 23) 8. loth St., Omaha.
FOR 8ALE Only drug store In good north
west Iowa toan of 600 population; Invoice
about 83.50U; net prortis U.S.) yearly; good
reason for selling; only cash considered.
Address Y-lo. cars Omaha Bee.
(41M II
LUMBER YARD for sale in eastern Ne
braska; doing good business; good reason
for selling; close investigation Invited.
Address E $78, care Bee. (4 163 llx
WANTED Experienced man to organise
company to manufacture rapid selling
patented farm Implement; big Inducement
to right man. Address W. E., Bee Office,
South Omaha. - (4 164 14
OPENING for good veterinary. Lock Box
12, Wilcox. Neh. (4) 164 14
FOR HALE Good grocery business. In.
uirs Box 45, Crete, Neb. Hj-Mlirt lix
It is often unnecessary to run a "want ad" in The BEE
because frequently you can get what you want
aa a.' fk m . . aaaa, n at mm
uy simply
A NEW manufacturing plant paying 25 per
cent annual dividend on capital Invested
for sale on account of other business.
A splendid opportunity for two men with
titmn n invept. No trade proposition
considered. If you mesn business In
vestigate, If not, do not. answer. Addreaa
F. 346, care of Bee. 4)-MMI li
MONET Do you need It? We are In a po
aitlon to furnish capital for any merltorl
oua enterprises; we can aell your, atocks
and bonda quickly on commission basis;
money advanced on good aecuritles; char
ters procured in any state; do not fall to
confer with us, it will be to your interest
R. Kaats A Co., bankers, Tacoma Bldg.,
Chicago. (4)-214 9x
FOR SALE The only exclusive Implement
stock In a city of 8.000; no trade; mild cli
mate; plenty of natural gaa. Address 8.
J. Howard, Cherryvale, Kan.
(4) M606 15x
BEST country, location in Missouri for a
good doctor; has -been proven; can fur
nish fine cottage and 42 acres of land very
cheap. For particulars address A. A. Per
sona, Laquey, Mo. (4 M113 14x
WANTED To buy a good newspaper In
northwest Nebraska; state price; confi
dential. Address Y 29, care Bee.
(4J-M108 19x
NEWSPAPER In one of Wyoming's most
promising towns; no competition; receipts
$X a month; two men can do the work.
Carl B. Stow, Hamburg, la.
(4)-M120 14x
FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale
ana reian; nave me nesi iraue in ine c.
Addresa William RItihaupt, Guthrie, Okl.
(4)-MU4 21x
FOR SALE Hardware stock In Northern
Colorado town; stock and fixtures will in
voice about $5,000. Address Box 112. Eaton,
Colorado. (4)-M627 lOx
FOR SALE 15-room furnished .hotel, res
taurant and confectionery In good grow
ing town at bargain; account of sickness;
cheap rent. F. L. Bridel, Geneva. Neb.
(4)-M718 Ux
FOR BALE The best tour-chair barber
shop Jn the best town In South Dakota
Address Y 26, care Bee. (4) M608 llx
BUSINESS CHANCE In one of the best
county-seat towns In Nebraska, an up-to-date
line of millinery, ladles' furnish
ings, laces, embroideries and notions;
will sell at Invoice price, somewhere near
$3,600; did $8,600 worth of business last
year; has been established 20 years; party
wants to leave the state. Address Box
514,, Broken Bow, Neb. (4)-M6U llx
PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa
per In South Dakota town; cylinder, job
ber, power, plenty of material, large ter
ritory; good crops. Terms to suit. Jour
nal, White Rock, 8. D. (4)-M612 22x
FOR SALE $2.300 Steam laundry. Includ
ing building, at Sao City, la.; practically
new; no competition; business thoroughly
established; weekly recelpta $125 to $160.
Under aggressive management business
could be doubled almost Immediately.
This property, with equipment, will In
voice $4,000. Address H. S. Burnt, cashier
First National Bank, Sac City, la.
(4)-448 31
FOR' SALB-Flnest restaurant In beet loca
tion, 80 rooms in connection; unincum
bered, clearing $400 monthly; worth $6,OJ0,
but on account of sickness will take $3,000.
For terms and particulars addresa W. A.
Field, Box 298, Little Rock, Ark.
. (4V-M687 llx
YOUNG business man with $1,000 who will
Invest dollar for dollar with experienced
man who has amusement proposition that
will make big money; references ex
changed. Addresa H-381, care Bee.
7 (4)-M105 llx
WILL SKLL to reliable party half Interest
witn management of prontaoio coneo
roasting and distributing company. P. O.
Box 708, Houston, Tex. 4) M174 15x
BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, elegant
cigar store and billiard hall; price, $1,000
ana invoice, isuo cash, balance time. it.
H. Kamrar, Waseca, Minn.
(4)-M179 15x
HOTEL FOR SALE If you want a good
one and a money maker at a snap bar
gain, on the best of terms, write A.
Bryan. Creston, la. (4) MS36 12x
FOR SALE Movlnc Diet u re theater clear
ing $200 per month. R. A. Williams, Pitts
burg, Kan. (4 M835 12x
I WANT to aell all or half interest In fine
new stock of millinery and fixtures, well
located in El raso, Tex. Address p. u.
Box Mb, El Paso, Tex. (4 M948 12x
AN A-l proposition for party with small
amount oi money to invest. tin Be
tween 4 and o'clock. Her Grand hotel.
W. M. Robert. (4) M630 lOx
30,000 Inhabitants, and bulldine- for rent.
Addreaa A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs,
la. (4) M84Z012X
F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead
Bldg., Uth and Farnam Bis. 4)667
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (40-809
RESTAURANT" for sale cheap. 638 Broad
way, council jBiurrs, la. 7b4x
AN A-l proposition for party with amall
amount of money to Invest. Call between
ana e o'clock. Her Grand hotel, W. M
Roberts. . (4) M6S0 lOx
FOR RENT Furnished hotel In Junction
town of 800. Brick building. Address
X 105, Bee. ' (4)671 13x
NEBRASKA $3,600 practice for sale for
price of office outfit. Address Y-2. care
uee. (4) M826 012x
ROOMING houses for sale, all slses. Gan
gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3449.
BARBER SHOP; two chairs; only shop in
small town; two railroads; good reasons
for selling. McHenderson, Bomers, la.
(4) M142 16x
CLOTHING and gents' furnishing store in
good growing town; a good proposition for
the right party with some capital. Oscar
J. Mincer, Wellington, Colo.
(4)-M187 21 x
TWO , BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender,
for sale cheap. Address
W. E. Ragan, Utica. Neb.. (4)-M93l 10
ontsnerclal Artists.
H. O. BUNNELL A CO., 83 N. Y. Life.
Doug. 6149. (6) 813
Cornet Cleaning;,
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1018 Farnam.
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(6) 814
Chattel Loans.
Chaa. D. Stanton Loan Co., 501 Bee Bldg.
, Chiropodist.
DR. ROY, R. 2. 1508 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
Daaelna; Academy,
MORAND'8 classes for dancing, npp. Bur
wood theater; lessons for adults Tun. and
Frl. 8 p. m. ; first lessons privately; suc
cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041.
(15 161 Nov7
IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1358. (6)-8I7
REDFER school. R. 20, Douglas Blk. Tel
Doug. 414. (6 M471
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2.50 per day.
U03 Yates JC (6-MMi 13
reading "Utc want aus.
Drenma king Con tinned.
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam St. 6 818
MRS. BROACH, 2723 Farnam. Tel. Harney
635. (5) MHtHl Ocl24x
BAILEY 4 MACH, Sd fir. Paxton. D. 1085.
HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5)-820
Omaha, Neb. (!) 415 Octa
U HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. Tel. D. U5S.
to; n.i
J. H. HATH, 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. 30fi0.
(& 822
Go Carta.
GO-CART tires. Lawrence, 2703 Leav. St.
(5) M381 (JCIAI
THE 8CHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney
toj mt
Jewelers and Watchmakers
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry
repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367.
I (5I-830
KEYS, etc. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D.
Z74. ' W rt
LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In
the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma
terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper,
6i6 8. 2Sth St. 'Phone Harney 3r.
(S) 649 014
JOHNSON, INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Bowser, over 1503 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(6) M455 Oct3l
DRS. RINGLER. 808 Neville block. 'Phone
Red 6467. (5) MIWJ INOV1
MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville Blk. Tel.
Douglas 6170. (5) M101 N8
C. B. TRU6SELL, 115 South 16th St.
(5J 8ZS
PLUMBING and heating attended to at
once. Room1 32, U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg.,
12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4V3.
(5) 103 14
- ' Printing;.
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and job printing; no Job too large
or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306
a 18th St. Tel. Douglas 5562.
,-,;-. (5) M512Novt
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to s? our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cnp Ave.
Shoe Repairing;.
RAPID PHOK. " REPAIR CO., first-class
work. 1618V& Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red '4.
(5)-827 .
Safe Shatters, Etc.
OMAHA Safe'and Iron Works makes a
specialty of - fire escapes, shutters,, doors
and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10h
fit. (6J-31
Stove Repairing;.
STOVES, furnaces repaired, cleaned and
aet up. 823 N. 18th. 'Phone D. 2746.
(5) M160 13x
Clerical and Office.
Class now open; able instructors.
Complete shorthand and business course
ana preparatory for civil service, college
or a profession. Day and night sessions.
TeL D. 1070. (7 M513 O10
STENOGRAPHER, one who has had ex
perience In commercial lines. Nebraska
ciotnmg co. (7) 123 Vt
WANTED Lady stenographer. Perma,
nent position to rixht party. AddIv at of
flea of Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl 8t.,
council iuns. (v Mi4 line
GIRLS for railroad offices; education two
years nign scnooi. call or address .
B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P R. R.,
fourth floor, Pacific Express Bldg.,
umana, teo. u 132 lo
Factory and Trades.
WANTED 'Women for hand Ironers and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson
Bt. (7) 833
WANTED At once, an experienced choco
late dipper: one who can manage help;
good wages to right party. Address Et-
tlng candy Co., Grand island, isen.
(7)-M660 16x
Housekeepers aad Domestics.
COMPETENT GIRL for general house
work. Mrs. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave.
'Phone Webster 3723. (71-M112
WANTED Chambermaid; good character
required; country girl preferred; ticket
furnished. Address Perkins Hotel, David
City, Neb. (7)-M606 l!x
WOMEN for day work: houaekeepers
waitresses, $35. Canadian office, 15th and
Dodge. (7) KJ4
WANTED A competent, . trustworthy girl
for general housework; two In family;
good wagea. Mrs. Frank Hadley. 2521
Bristol. (7)-M987
GIRL for general housework; small family;
small house; no laundry; good wages.
Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 31st Ave.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
623 8 26th Ave. (7) 123
HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 85 years
wanted. T. Teller, McCook, 8. D.
(7)-M439 031x
WANTED Dining room girl at the Kimball
house; good wages and transportation.
Kimball, 8. D., L. J. Conant.
1 (7)-M610 lOx
I m
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good wages; small family. 605 8 29th Ave.
GOOD, steady girl for general housework.
Mrs. F. 8. Knapp, 1314 8. 35th Ave. v
(7)-685 XX
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good wages. 4819 Cass til.
'Phone Harney 1061. t7)-87I
WANTED Competent second girl for fam
ily of two. 2037 Dodge Bt. (7) M944
GIRL for housework; no washing: no cook
ing. 1328 8. 31st Bt. (71992 13 X
WANTED Chambermaid; good character
required; country girl preferred; ticket
furnished. Addrtss Perkins Hotel. David
City, Neb. (7) 115 14x
GIRL for general housework: family of
three: 85. Call on Mrs. Morand. 29o
Dodge. Oh-150 10x
WANTED Girl for general housework;
family of two. 254i California Bt.
(7)-147 lOx
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Tel. Harney 1153. (71-MU8 10
WANTED A cook and Id girl; good wages.
Apnly Wednesday morning. Mrs. H. H.
baldrlge, ftth and Farnaiu. (7)-M138 10
OCTOBER 10, 1907.
Housekeepers aad Domeatlea Cont'd
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good wages; three In family. Tel. Harney
2i3J. 113 N. 38th Ave. (7)-156 14
WANTED Good girl foV general house-
wot k; good wages; small ramliy, witnnui
children. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 S. 3tth
Ave. (7)-159
WANTED Girl for general housework;
laundress kept. 418 B. 3Sth Bt. rnnns
Harney 20. (7) 160
COMPETENT girl fortgenera! housework.
Mrs. j. f. jjale, 1333 8. list Bt.
(7)-124 llx
WANTED Competent girl to do house-
wora in lamuy oi two. iuiv ii. hi.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
imuneworK; gooa wages, nyyiy m
North 40th. () M173 16
WANTED Experienced nlteratlon woman.
v iii pay niKiiesi wanes, yj. rw. ocontiu
Cloak and Buit Co., 1510 Douglas. (71732
JOIN our Post Card club. Receive beauti
ful post cards from all parts of the world.
Bend 25c, stamps or silver. Excelsior
Post Card Club, Indianapolis, Ind.
(7)-Mii82 llx
WANTED At once, at Fort Robinson,
rtpn., oricK mnsons; good w.nfes id gooa
men. The Graham Construction Co.
, (7) M9S0 14
LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers
at nome: easy learned: fl.bu to bid per
dozen. 606 Paxton Block. (7) M129 llx
WANTED An apprentice girl, 1909 Capitol
A... re vw
WANTED Girl to work In studio. Kozy
BtUdlO, 61Z IV. 16th St. , (7) MU4 l&X
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
ARE you out of work? Call and see us;
good hustlers make good mopey. c. v.
Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (9) 125
WANTED Capable city salesman. Ken-
nara Paint ana uiass CO., loin ana Daven
port, s (9)-M762
WANTED Good salesman to canvass the
country and take orders for stock pow
der; good commleslon allowed. Address
Ideal fitock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb.
(9-M0O4 24X
WANTED Good reliable men to solicit In
the tea and coffee business. We have the
very best proposition in our line. Call or
address Jewel Tea Co., J. A. Smith,
Mgr.,' 1911 Cuming St. (9) 876 lOx
WANTED At once, experienced and suc
cessful overall salesman for South Da
kota, Black Hills and Wyoming; one of
the best lines on the road. Lincoln Over
all and Shirt Co., Lincoln, Neb.
(9)-M912 12
Clerical and office.
Classes now open; able Instructors.
Complete shorthand and business course
and preparatory for civil service, college
or a profession, uay ana nigm sessions,
. D.
(9)-M514 O10
WANTED Young man about 18 years old,
apt at figuring, willing to work days and
study bookkeeping evenings, with pur
pose of fitting himself for advancement,
can secure a permanent place with a re
liable wholesale house. Address C .176,
(8)-M137 lOx
WANTED High-grade accountants, ex
perienced in railroad accounts; also
boys between 16 and 20 for a general
training In railroad affairs. Call on or
address General Storekeeper, U. P. R.
R. Co., Omaha. (9) M169 13
Boys. t
GOOD boys wanted; first-class pay. A. D.
T. Go., 212 So. 13th St. (9)-835
WANTED Office boys; must be over 14
years old. Address Omaha Packing Co,,
South Omaha. (9) M506
BOY'S with wheels can make $35 to $45 per
month; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph
Co. (9)-M6S2 N4x
WANTED At once, twenty-five boys not
under 16; good positions for bright boys.
Bee timekeeper, third floor. The Bennett
Company. (9) 991
BOY, not under 16 years, to deliver pack
ages. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 125 13
WANTED Delivery boys. Apply a
once, Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglas.
(9J M157 12
STOUT boy or young man to learn trade.
Apply Champion Iron and Wire Worka,
617-19 So. 16th St. (9 M139 16
Factory and Trades.
MACHINIST WANTED Best wages paid
for competent, machinists, bollermakers,
blacksmiths and pipe fitters who have
had railroad shop experience; tinsmiths,
coach and freight car carpenters, tool and
mill men, bollermaker, blacksmith and
machinists' helpers and car repairers also
wanted, at high-rate pay. Call at General
Agent's office, 1S12 Farnam St., Omaha.
(9)-9H7 12
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will
equip shop for you or furnish positions;
few weeks completes; constant practice,
careful instruction, tools given, Saturday
wages, diplomas granted. Can or write
Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt.
(9)-M696 lOx
A first-class ladles' tailor wanted; wages
$25 per week and steady position. Apply
J. Jawitz, 18th and Farnam Bts.
WANTED Registered drug clerV of good
habits; give reference. H. E. Vlstuba,
Btelnhauer, Neb. (9) M9J4 26
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
WANTED First class watchmaker and
engraver at once; $25 per week. C. A.
Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. 9j i
WANTED Tailors to work In alteration
department. Will pay good wages. O.
K. Kclield Cloak and Suit Co., 1510
Douglas. (91731
WANTED Good house painter. Tel. Rod
6.17. (9)-100 8x
CANDYMAKER,9 wanted; two first class
hurd goods men; steady position. Ad
dresa Y SO. care of Bee. (9 M105 15x
WANTED Coat maker at once. G. Abra
hamson. Holdrege, Neb. (9) Mill 10
WANTED First class -coatmaker; per
manent position to a good, steady man.
Reply to The Hub Clothing House, Little
Falls, Minn. (9-l( 14x
WANTED Coatmaker, at once. McCord
Toggery Co., Atchison, Kan.
(9)-M102 11
WANTED Tailors to work In alteration
department; will pay good wages. O. K.
Scotleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1519 Douglas.
TAILOR WANTED A steady Job for a
nmt-tlass man. No Pooler wanted. Can
work bv week or piece. Married man
preferred. Address Fashion Tailor, Avoca,
la. (9I-M14 11
WANTED AT ONCE Printer for makeup
on evening paper. Fair wages. ApMy
ot once or 'phone Morton Printing Co.,
Nebraska City, Neb. (9 M149 10
WANTED At onoe, young man 18 to 21
years of age for packing room, china de
partment ; wages to twgln with II r
week. Bee W. H. Elms, second floor. THE
WANTED Competent furnaco men. 13
B. Main Bt., Council Bluffs, la.
721-723 New York Ufe Bldg.
Hours. 8 a. m. to :30 p. m.
Assistant bookkeeper, 8IA
Three office clerks, $65, $70, ITS.
Bookkeeper, $100.
Iiookkeepcr, out of town. I7
Halesmsn, $75.
If you desire a good position, we can
assist you in obtaining one. Call or write.
(.9) Mlfi6 10
WANTED Young nan of good character
and habits and ability to handle a team
and know how to plan and accomplish
his work and can sell goods of a perish
able nature, can learn of a desirshle,
Bermanent position by addressing D 877,
lee. ()-M136 lOx
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tsck signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvassing. National Dlst.
Bureau. Chicago, 111 (6J-M60S lOx
WANTED Passenger and freight elevator
men. Janitors, carpenter and plumbers'
helpers; one fireman; painters, lop wages.
104 Bee Bldg. , (9) MJ60 028x
V. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities
to wide awake young Americans, 17 to
25 years of age; men with special trades
accepted up to 35 years. An Illustrated
booklet, showing the life of the modern
man-o'wars man free to those Interested.
Visit or address Navy recruiting station,
Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Sioux
City, la. rostofflce buildings.
(9I-M319 Nix
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men And positions.. Call 812 New York
Life Bldg. (9)-M926 Oct26
WANTED One first class business getter
for each state, good money for right
party, represent Nebraska corporation,
reference and bond. Stamp for reply.
Address 8 170. care Bee. (9) 887
DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions.
Increased salariea. Denver Drug Ex
change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo.
(9) M384 O20x
A TAIIX3R wanted. Graham & Leonard,
Rockwell City, III. (9) M548 lx
LABORERS for handling freight at Inlon
Pnclfic Crunctl Bluffs transfer; wanes
1"H cents per hour. Board arranged if
necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore
man. (9) 732
WANTED Young Catholic installment col
lector In Omaha; bond and references re
quired. Address Benxlnger Bros., 211 E.
Madison St., Chicago. (9) MHO lOx
WANTED An old gentleman desiring a
good home to take care of furnace and
help about the house; must be temperate.
2324 Harney St. (9) 165 lOx
WANTED One good delivery man; salary
$50 to $70. Apply 1812 Farnam St.
(fl)-162 10
I have 400,000 cubic yards of good Swift St
Wheeler work to let In southern Ksnsas,
on Santa Fm Free transportation. Apply
to L. J. Smith, Contractor, 713 Dwlght
Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. (9)-162 13
YOUNG man 17 or 18 years old, who Is ac
quainted with the streets, to take charge
of city delivery department. Nebraska
Clothing Co, (9) 126 13
Horses and Vehicles. y
ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy,
all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double
express harness; one or two horses.
Come in. The Harney fit. Stables.
(11) 659
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson-Dnnforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th
and Jones Bts. (ID 839
Horses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug.
(11) 259 018
HORSES bought A. sold. Blake 2631 N. 16th.
(11) M466 Nix
FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap.
Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Red 5617.
RUBBER-TtRED road wagon. W. A.
Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
A HEAVY matched work team. Cash or
terms. 2517 N. Uth St. (1D-M430
PUBLIC 8ALB Standard Bred horses.
Shorthorn cattle, Poland-China bogs, Oct.
28, 1907; write for catalogue. Venture
Stock Farm. Lohrvllle, la. (ID 164 29
Poultry and Eggs. .
DUSTON'8 White Wyandottes. Pure bred,
choice breeding stock now ready to ship.
Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor
ence; Neb. Tel. Florence 1082.
(1D-M984 Oct27x
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Bquab
Co., Omeha. (11) M547 Nov2
Cotts, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
HIGH-CLASS English bull terrier pups,
the most intelligent of companions, great
watch dog, from registered stock and
sold to you under a positive guarantee
with a certified pedigree of five genera
tions; males, $15 to $20; females, $12.60 to
$15. Craneycrow Farm, Nelson, Mo.
(1D-M176 Ux
THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier puppy. 1624
Cass fit. Mrs. Miller.
(11 ss sx
FOR SALE English setter, female puppy,
9 months old; sired by "Colonel T.," Mr.
Pixley's famous field dog; $25. Address
D., 1619 Farnam St. (ID Ml 41 16
FOUND Lady's watch. Oct. S. Omaha
Van and Storage, 1609 Farnam.
(12) M11S 12
LOST Gray cravenette overcoat. Will pay
$5 reward If returned to 617 8. 18th Bt.
(12)-MI16 llx
LOST Subscriber's route book, between
ISSth and 24th St.. on St. Mary's Ave.
Finder will receive reward for return to
the Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co.. 1812
Farnam. (12) 128 11
LOST On Farnam, corner 18th or 14th,
Jardiniere containing cuttings, iasi Mon
day at 6 p. m. Reward for return. Tel
ephone Douglas 6061. (12) M165 10
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Bts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors.- 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or night.
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retention
from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE
CO., over 8. W. cor. 14th and Douglas,
Omaha. (13J-M0
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation Army
Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.,
Omaha, Neb. (12)-M108
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
DID you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE
That Is lust what we are having. WE
must loan it out at ANY OLD RATE.
If you deal with us you are assured of a
fair, square deal from start to finish.
AS LOW RATES as can be made by any
ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "get
on your feet In case of sickness or other
Omaha Mortsase Loan Co-
" lit Board of Trade Bldg.,
lain oireet entrance.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. life Bid.
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 848
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., U04 Farnam Bt.
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., rvom 8. Barker Block.
Salay and Chattels Con tinned.
loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc,
any amount; less hall rates; perfect pri
vacy and Immediate attention, on any
terms; payments suspended when sick or
disabled. 214 Karbacb Blk., 209 8. 1M h HI.
and others without security; easy pay
nients. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714 New York Life Bldg.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglas 748. 04) 260
EAGLE LOAN OFFICERellable, accom
modating, all business confidential. 101
Douglas. 04)-I
LOWEST rates, chattels or salary Ne
braska Credit Co., 114 Board af Trade.
Boarding aad Rooms,
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafa.
(16) $58
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnanv
FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 Bo. 14th,
Ave (15)-77t Q26
NICELY furnished rooms; first-class board;
reasonable rates. Tlia Rose, 2020 Harney
St. 06-92 2Bx
NEW furnished rooms, first-class bosTd;
tine location; walking distance. 218 8o.
2nth Bt. (16)-Ji79 9
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
gentlemen or married couple. Also single
room. Reference required. 114 8. 19tl
St. (16)-127 13x
MODERN room, with board. 2005 Hurt.
(16) MI63Nov9
Fnrnlsned Rooms.
LARGE furnished rooms for four students,
near all colleges. US North 18th.
(15) 871 10x
DO you want a quiet, comfortable room
for one or more gentlemen, close In.
Phone Doug. 4815. (I5)-735 11
FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly
modern. In prlvste family; suitable for
two gentlemen. 217 South 26th 8t. 'Phona
Douglas mi. (16)-736
HANDSOME modern rooms; reasonable.
308 N. 22d. (15) M868 12x
If you want to rent
of any kind
come and see us.
Tel. Doug. 8881, 808 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15-M167 10
FURNISHED front and back parlor, din
ing room, with use of kitchen, bath and
gas; close In. 'Phone Red 6341.
C15)-M905 llx
FOR RENT Two rumlshed rooms. 4121
Hamilton St. (15) 684
FOR RENT Very large, richly furnished
front room, with all modern conven
iences; suitable for two gentlemen or
man and wife. 411 N. 2 2d St.
(15) MIOSllx
LARGE, pleasant front room for gentle
men. 1611 Leavenworth St., 8d floor.
(15) M 110 llx
FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer
. ence requirea. mi Doutn iHin Bt.
G6 M OctJO
128 8. 26TH St., large east front room, suit
able for three gentlemen; house strictly
modern; roomy porches, large, shady
lawn. Uh 7&tvx
FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping
or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster
8603. 2226 Miami St. (16)-36
FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping, $14. 621
8. 14th Ave. . (15)-730 llx
NICELY, furnished rooms in new modern
flat. 214 N. 26th BU Tel. Doug. 3998.
. - (16)-68t
PLEASANT south front room, new ho;
quiet; ciose in. I el. uoug. 3832.
(15) M910
BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished; pri
vate family. 006 Bt. Mary's Ave.
(15)-M904 12X
TWO two nicely furnished rooms, strictly
modern, walking dlstanoo. 618 N. 23d.
(15) M138 14
FOR RENT Modern room, suitable for two
gentlemen, $16. 417 N. 18th. (16) 997 Ux
MODERN furnished front room. 1907 Cum.
Ing. (16) M11S Nov 7x
FOR RENT Two modern rooms for gen
tlemen. Flat B, 1618 Dodge. (16) 187 14 x
TWO furnlahed rooma for gentlemen; walk
ing distance. 1909 Cass St. (15) 166 14
ONE room, modem, suitable for gentle
man; a? per wee, su si. Z6tn at.
05)-ia ux
NICELTfurnlshed rooms, with or without
board; on car Una. 1612 N. 17th.
(15) M163 16
NICELY furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern; private; walking distance. 1911
Webster. (U) M161 It -
Hoasekeeplns; Rooms.
THREE furnished rooms, modern, for light
housekeeping. 216 N. 22d Bt. (15) 121 16x
Apartments and Flats.
AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg.. Uth and
Farnam. Apply apartment No. 1
(15) M41S
Hoasoa aad Cottag-a-s.
AN 8-room modern house and barn, a flne
lot full of beautiful trees; located at 36 tit
and Webster Bts. $30 and water rent.
Two beautiful pressed brick flats just fin
ished at 36th and Dewey Ave., In tho
West Farnam district. They have seven
rooms, reception hall, laundry, brick an.,
cement basements; targe porches, tile
roofs, cement walks and paved street.
The east flat $40 per month, the weat one
$46 per month.
836 New York Life.
'Phone Douglas 6108.
F. F. OSBORN, Mgr. City Dept.
(16) HI
Four new 7-room houses, up-to-date la
every respect; paved street; permanent
walks; close to school, churches and threa
car lines; one $32.60 per month, others
each $26. Cheapest bouses of tills kind
In Omaha.
Two 8-room modern houses, each 830 par
One 7-room house, north side; all modern,
$30 per month.
One 8-rooin, West Farnam, $50 per month.
1605 Farnam Bt.
( M170 10
FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas
tered attlo, two blocks from t4th Bt. car
line, 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at M4
Poppleton Ave. (15) M91J
WE DO expert, piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 1826. Sohmoller 4k
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-121 Farnam.
FOR RENT- 8-room modern
Lake will located.
Botisa. i
tl M171
OMAHA Van Storage Co. pack, move.
storo M tl. gooas; sior nouao iiw m N.
19 Ih. Office lu Farnam. fsL Doug. IU4.
port St. (8. E. corner), , 10-room, thor
oughly modern house, excellent repair,
beautifully arranged. Will give lease at
P6 per month. Apply to Conrad Young,
1618 Dodge 8t. (15)-Mlli
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cheap freight ratea Moving and slorsge.
Expiessmon Delivery Co. TeL Douglas
194. l-t
WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and
Storage Co. TeL Pong. 1491 Office, nil
Wtbster lit . . (15 21
FOR RENT After October 6. 81 M Chicago
street, 7 rooms, large bath room, attio
and laundry, first-class, furnace. $45.
(15) M431
CLOSE In T-room house, modern except
furnace. 518 B. 20th. (15) 61 la
F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead
Building, Uth and Farnam Bts. (U-