THE OMAHA DAILY. BEEj WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. i r s j ' i i t. 1 1. l l i : . (1 Want - ads i Advertisements tor th Bat ad rolamn will be Ukra antll IS as. for tka rlt edltloa aad aatll a. a, for lk BioralK nl Baadar editloaa. C'aaa maat a front aa r all order for nam ada aad aa advertisement will be accepted for lea thaa lO feat for (he flrat lasertlaa. Hate apply rltkrr The Dally "aadar Baa. Always ronat six worda la a liar. Combinations of laltlala ar mambcra roaat u rat word. CAHII R ATE" FOR WANT AD". IIKOI LAR CXAHfllFICATIO.V M Insertion, per liar, lO rent a. Twa or more eoaserntlve .Insertions, ff line, eeata. Eark Insertion mad aa odd days, lO cent per liar. 1.60 per line per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad FaneraJ Notices, Carda of Thanka and Lodge Notice. T eeata per llae for oae edltloa, moralag or evealnm 8 eeata a llae for eaeh ad ditional edltloa. Bandar. 10 eeata a line. No ad takta for leaa thaa 3 eeata. SPECIAL. CLASSIFICATION 1 roar advertisement la laaerted aadrr aar oae of the rlaealBcatloma ! below, It will be ebau-gred at tha fol loiflnt rateai Oae laaertloa, 4 eeata per llae three to six eoneeeatlT In aertloaa, 8 eeata per llaa each aaer tlon sevea or more eonaeeatlve la ertloaa, a eeata per llae each laaer tloa BO eeata per llaa per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BtSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Areata, Solicitor aad Sale mea. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cow, Bird. Don aad Pete. Horse aad Vehicle. Poultry aad Eg. Faraltare. Typewriter and Bewlne; Machine. Pianos. Oman aad Maalcal laatra meata. OFFERED FOR RENT. Famished Room. U a far niched Room. Housekeeping Rooma. Hoarding aad Rooma. WASTED TO BUY. Waat ada for The Bee mT be lell at aar of followlaa; drna alorea oae la "roar corner drnaicUt" ther are all branch office of The Be aad roar ad will be laaerted Jat aa promptly aad on the aame at the mala office In The Bee Balldluir, Heveateenth aad Faraam Street. Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. lleranck. S. A.. 1402 ! 8. 10th St. Brcht Pharmacy, 730 S. loth Bt. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, 'l r.mnm Hemls Psik Pharmaeyi 83d and Cuming. WaT Pharmacy, ai Sherman Ave. Csughlln. C. U.. 6th A Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military At. Conte, J B., 81st Ave. and Barnim. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. , (Vrmak, Kmll. 1264-6 8. 13th Bt. F-ar.tman Pharmacy, 404 Hamilton. Ehr. F. H., 23 Leavenworth. . porrtir Arnoldl. 21 N. 25th Bt. Freytog. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. "J- Goldman Pharmay, 20th -a Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana POreonouh. a. A.. 1 8. 10th St. Greenough. G. A., Ib24 8. 10th Bt. Haydcn Wm. ., 2l) Farnam St HanBcom Park Piar,. 1501 B. 2tn Ave, Hoist. John. 824 N. 11th flt Huff. A. T... 2924 Leavenworth St, King. H. 6.. 2238 Farnam 8t Kountze Place ,""?' ?t & th Patrick Drug Co.. 124 N. 24 h St. I.athrop.-Cha. E..1324.N. 24th St. . Peyton U B. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drue Co., 24th and Amey j Schaefer a.Cutf Prtce Drug Co.. lflth and chaefer. AUKuat. 2631 N. 16th Bt Bchmtdt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bt. Storm Pharmacy. 18th and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace St. Worth. O. H.. 46th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICJBS. M' DONALD Jane, October 7, 1907. aged 71 years, . . f. orvir-o will be held from resi dent of her son, John W. McDonald. rS Willis avenue. Wednesday, ucwrow . ri, at 10 a. m. . Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Funeal private. Please omit flower. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following marriage license have been. Issued: , Name and Residence. ' BUlney W. Rock wood. Curtis, Neb., Nellie F. Gilbert, Curtla. Neb Jaine I. Shea, Omaha Gertrude M. Caughlin, Omaha....... Herbert E. Phillip. Lincoln, Neb. Amy C. Blackford, Omaha Joaef Novak. Bouth Omaha...,..:... Emma BohaboJ, Omaha.. Gilbert Henry Keith, Rockford, 111 Catherine McMenem, Omaha Age. ... 24 ....20 ... 31 ... U BIRTHS AND DEATHS. BirthWill Van Hook. 706 South Six teenth street, boy; li. 11. Waterman, 1334 Bouth Twonty-elghtu street, boy; Nathan Vlilrowlls, if. 9 Bouth Twenty-fifth street, girl; Emery Dunmire, 830 South Nineteenth street, boy; Morri Fedlln, 111 North Twelfth treet, boy; Arthur Friedman, Omaha General hospital, glai; T. H. Thur ton, 2J07 Woolworth avenue, boy; Frank Hack, 7"3 North Seventeenth street, boy; Morrl William. 3316 Ruggle street, girl; Clement Pattersoa, 8124 California treet, girl; S. A. Dulcher.,lIO Ames avenue, hoy. Deaths Thomas C. McMannls. 3416 Pratt street, aged- 1 month; male child, county hospital, aged 8 months; A. F. Gallagher, Tenth and Jackson streets, aged $7 years; Theodore Huettelmares, 3415 South Fif teenth street, aged 2 day. ANNOUNCEMENTS M CARTNEY INSTITUTE, ' lv'i FARNAM ST. Classes now open. ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business Correspondenpu, General Oltlce Practice. Also Preparatory for ClvU Service. College or a profe'sion. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (l)-MMl OIQ MISS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces tlie opening of her dressmaking parlors. 51S North 18th.' You are cordially Invited to call. U.i Mi o 86 f 'I I TFJj I N S10"1 Unguageg. I lllLLi.i French. German, Span ish. Davldge Bldg., 18th and 'Arnm. Day and evening classes. U Mi N8 THE FALLTERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now opes tn both the DAY and NIGHT sessions. Yet It Is not too Iste to enter. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Tel egraphy and Eupllsh. The catalogue Is t"e H. U BOYLE8. PRE8 BOYLK8 BLDG.. OMAHA. NEB. THE CITY lUtiHAiili v. Leavenworth ' t Tel. Douglas l.J?7. (118-1 MUSIC Everjf Evenli)'- Hotel Rome. (l)-fcOJ ANNOUNCEMENTS ' (Continuao- F. D. WF.AD ha moved lit office to Wead Bldg., Mth and Farnam Bt. (1) 6 SIGN PAINTING S. II. Cole, 1308 Doug-la. (!) AUTOMOBILES SEND for our tint of 4econd-hand lutorno" i bile. DER1QHT. IMS Farnam. 0020 NEARLY new 24-h.p. -pasenger touring car; atorage battery, full top, lamp ana equipment; cont 11, 4f In May, lii; only run I.M miles; In firnt-rlas shape, at a bargain. D. V. SHOLEB COMPANY, 119 Board ot Trade Blug. f2 994 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A fln up-to-date hard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1.000 Inhabitant; will invoice about 14.000, Including natures. This I a good, paying proposition. Has a good trade and In one of th best location In town. Will consider part exchange, th balance cash. Olobe Land and Investment company. () Mali FOR BALE Or exchange, fine section of v land In Kimball Co., Neb., at W W per acre. Can give clear title, or long time on about S2.U09. What have youT It'a a bargain. Who want It T AMERICAN LAND & IMMIGRATION CO., Sidney, Neb. (3)-M57t TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city property, good 287-acre farm, three miles from good town; right In heart of oil and gas fields. For full description address 3. M. Nowcll, R. F. D. No. 2, Humboldt, Kan. (8) MB13 10X SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. A beautiful suburban home of 7 room, Independent water system, large cistern, good barn, sheds, chicken house and yards; 8 acres of grapes, 200 plum, 200 cherry and W apple trees, and an abun dance of small fruit and berries: a line home with an annual Income of $1,000 to 11.500; might consider some land, or house and lot In Omaha or Council Bluffs. ALVA SMITH, Council Bluffs, Iowa (3) M220 llx FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa gons and Implements, located In a small Illinois town; will Invoice about U.TtA Also house and 2 lot In came town. Fries for real estate, $1,600; Invoice for stock. Will exchange for farm land in Iowa. Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha. Neb. - t3) M517 FOR 8ALR OR TRADE 830 acres, good unimproved land. In Pecos vnlley, 4 mile from railroad. In the shallow artesian belt; Unproved lar.d here selling $50 to $150 per acre; you may have mine for $10. R. Miller. Lock Box 215, Dayton. N. M. a) M176 Ux A BARGAIN Will sell or exchange for land, stock of dry goodt,; positively great chance; must act Immediately. Address Y It, care Omaha Bee. S) M807 10 GOOD, clear Bouth Dakota land to trade for good, well-located rental property; give description first letter. E. T. lal bey, Hamburg, la. (3) M180 10k BUSINESS CHANCES READ Are you looking tor a farm, buslnes or InvastmaotT We have General merchandise stocks of all sixes. Bhoe stocks. Uents' furnishing. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurant. Ronminsr house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. House and lota. Farm aud ranches. Call and Bee JACOBSON & CO.. 38 N. Y. U Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (4 M160 Octl J Mining and Industrial Stocks. We h'-y and sell any active unlisted atrwkii- We have rare bargain in In dustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid Investigation. We have oargains in ev- eral active, mining , stocks in jNevaaa. Ian aeveral tiararaln in. CODDer Stocks. We receive weekly report from all the important mining districts In the United eiaies ana jnemco. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW ft CO., Stock brokers, BAG XI V T.lfa PI Mir Tel. Douglas 8K6u ' Omaha, Neb. (4) 42 ua FOE EXCHANGE Wa tiavat tlmher. fruit farm land In east ern Washington and Oregon; mild cli mate; fruit land ha netted $500.00 per acre: will exohansre for hotel, good resi dences or any property of equal value anywhere; can match any deal,, large or small. We have abstracts showing per fect title down to date. Price of land from $40.00 to $125.00 per acre. Give full particulars In first letter. Address Box 164, Omaha. Neb. ' (4)-M7p6 llx Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers LISTED AND UNLISTED MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD, Ouotatlons received from all Exchanses. DON'T BUY STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. We can save you from t to 20 per cent ' on any mining stock. LIST YOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS , WITH IIH 14 I ' we give prompt service. "I NEUBTADTL DAVIDOV, 22 ! 801 N. Y. Life Bldg.' Phone Red I2H 1 , - 4-M2 1 A K V. W manlif anturlna' ulant rtavlna 9K m cent annual amuenaa on capital invested, for sale on account of other 'business. A splendid opportunity for two men with to.Otu to invtht. . No trade proposition considered. If you mean, business In vestigate, if not, do not answer. Address F 246, cHre of Bee. 14) MfcKB 13 FOR BALE AT A BNAP If taken at-onae: th Deoot restaurant at Yankton; five passenger trains daily on the Milwaukee; train No. $ stops twenty minutes for supper; will sell at Invoice or Iuiiid It off at 81.650. Don t stop to write but come an! see It; It Is a bargain for the right man. George F. Harrington, Yank ton, B. D. t4 M3u6 OVX MONET Do you need It? We ar In a position to furnish capital for any merit orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonus quickly on commission basis money advanced on good securities: char ters procured In any state; do not fall to confer with us. it will be to your in terest. R. Kaatg A Co., bankers, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. (4) 314 x FOR BALE The only exclusive Impl ment stock In a city of 6,000; no trade mild climate; plenty of natural gas. Ad dress S. J. Howard. Cherryvale. Kan. (4 Miof lSx WISH to meet gentleman 'ho can lntsrest few people to extent jI tb.&M or $6,0ua you can max same or mo more at no ex pens to yourself. Address L 82, Bee. (O M271 BEST country location In Missouri for good doctor; ha been proven; can fur nish fine cottage ana iz acre of lan very cheap. For particular addresa A A. Parson, Laquey, Mo. (4) Mil llx WANTED To buy a good newspaper la nonnwesi iNeorasxa; state price; conn. aentisi. Aaaress i-i, car Bee. (4-M108 Ux FOR BALE OR RENT-Bakery, wholesale and retail; nave the nest trade In the city, Address William Ritxhaupt, Guthrie, Okl. (4) M114 21X NEWSPAPER In one of Wyoming's most promising towns; no competition; receipts iXfO a month! two men can do th work. Carl B. Btow, Hamburg, la. (4)-M130 llx THIS COMPANY doea a general real es tate and loan business: a specialty of looking up good farming lands and lo cating eastern people on- them; let us hear from you: we can serve you. Eu reka Land Company, 411 Buchanan Bldg, Portland. Or. (4) M101 NovVx FOR BALE The best four-chair barber shop in the best town in Buuth Dakota. Address Y 26. care Bee. (41 A10 llx FpR BALE Hardware stuck In North ern Colorado town; stock and fixtures will invoice about $5.D00l Address Box 112. Eaton, Colorado. 4 M6Z7 lOx FOR BALE UVroom furnished hotel, res taurant and confectionery. In good grow ing town at bargain, account sM'kne. Cftean. rent. F. L. Bildel, Geneva. Nth. V (4)-M 718 UX Want Ads." BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BL'SlNESS CHANCE In one of tha best county seat towns In Nebraska, an up-to-date line of millinery; ladle' furnish ings, laces, embroideries and notion; will sell at Invoice price, somewhere near ISC, done 1)1,600 worth of business last year; has been established 20 years; party wants to leave the atate. Address box 614, Broken Bow, Neb. (4) M8U tlx PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only news paper In South Dakota town; cynnoer, jobber, power, plenty of material, large territory, good crop, terms to ult. Journal, White Rock, B. D. 4)-M61J 22X FOR 8ALE-$2,300. Bteam laundry. Includ ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically new; no competition: business thoroughly established; weekly receipts, $125 to $160; under aggressive management, business could he doubled almost Immediately. Thla Jiroperty.- with equipment, will Invoice 4,0ii0. Address H. 8. Burnt cashier First National bank, Sac City, la. (4) M448 OctSl FOR BALE A good paying hotel In Cea- irai lowa. town or lu to 1 nunareu: i rail roads; am going Into other business. Will sell building and fumtfJiT .-r fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel tt block from depot. If looking for a mnty get busy. Address Y 173, Bee, 14) MS11 FOR SALFi Finest restaurant In best lo cation, 80 rooma In connection, unin cumbered, clearing 1400 monthly, worth $6,000, but on account of sickness will take $3,000. For term and particular addrea W. A. Felld, Box 298, Little Rock. Ark. (4) M887 llx TOUNO business man with $1,000 who will invest dollar for dollar with experienced man who has amusement proposition that will make big money. References ex changed. Address H 3S1, care of Bee. (4) M105 llx WILL SELL to reliable party half Interest wnn management ot prontame corree roasting and distributing company. V. O. Box 70S, Houston, Tex. 4 M174 16x BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, elegant cigar store and billiard hall: price, tl,0'0 and Invoice $600 cash; balance time. R. H. Kamrar, Waseca, Minn. 14) M179 lfix HOTEL FOR SALE If you want a good one and a money maker at a snap bar gain, on the best of terms, write A. Bryan, Creston, la. (4) M838 12x FOR BALE Moving picture theater clear ing $200 per month.. K. A. Williams, Pitts burg, Kan. (4) M836 12x I WANT to sell all or half lntereat In fine new stock ot millinery and fixture, well located In El PaSo, Tex. Address P. O. Box 818, El Paso. Tex. (4) M48 12x AN A-l proposition for party with small amount or money to invest, uau De tween 4 and 6 o'clock. Her Grand hotel. W. M. Robert. (4) M630 10X THE BEST MEAT MARKET in a city of 30,000 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A, Omahn Bee, Council Bluffs, la. (4)-M643 OLix WILL pay $1,000 commission to anybody that can raise xtj.wu tor a proposition tnat win pay more than 100 per cent on the invest ment every year. For particular writ P. O. Box 349. (4)-632 8x F. D. WEAD ha moved hi office to Wead Building, 18th and Farnam Bt. (4 657 WILL someone please Inform ma of good opening for restaurant? Address u 3W, care Bee. (4)-M544 9x, DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. z. Life. Omaha. (O-iftj RESTAURANT for sale oheap. 833 Broad way, Council Bluffs. la- . (4) 7Mx AN A-l proposition for party with small amount or money to invest. jsii Dei ween 4 and 8 o'clock, Iler Grand hotel, W. M. Roberta. t mbu iux FOR RENT Furnished hotel in Junction town of 800. Brick building. Address Y 106, Bee. i (4)871 13X NEBRASKA $3,800 practice for sale for price of omce outni. Adoress i-j, car He. yiiairm uus ROOMING house for sale, all sixes. Gan- gsstad. 4t Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 44s. . (41-73 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswick Balke-Collender, for gale cheap. Address W. E. Ragan, utlca. Nab. (4) miku iu DRTia STORES Anywhere, any price. Write or ee us for nargatns. uenver Drug. Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver, colo. (4J lt JiVX OPENING In good Minnesota town for art store and photographic studio; prop erty for rent or sale. Address the owiwr, D. D. Chapin, nutcninson, Minn. (4) M ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee. Is.. has farm lands ana town property zor sale- or trad Writ what you have and warn. waaia ucuu TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 MtAUUH BUILDING, 15TH AND DOIJUH HIS. (4-3u , 1-. , , TO BUY, TRADE OR BELL ee "BUBL Wh-BB CHANCH1 UUNNIILU KB . X, Life. Tel. Doug. U4. (4) -207 A SMALL, clean, profitable drug bus! ness. Addres P. O. box 191, Park City, Utah. (4) M62s I7x I HAVE from ?,000 to $4,000 to Inve! 10 per cent net. What have you to offer? Isaac N. wataon, 1710 f arnam. (4)-M62S RENT Ritchie' hall, Bouth Omaha; second floor; no posts; ooxw; long lease, a. (J Kltcbie. 220 S 15th St.. Omaha. (4-r8 FOR 8ALF-Only drug store In good north west Iowa town of &X population; Invoice about $3,500; net profits $2,300 yearly; good reason for selling; only cash considered Address Y-100, care Omaha Bee. (4)-158 21 LUMBER YARD for sale In eastern Ne braska; doing good business: good reason for selling; close Investigation Invited. Addrei VANtTE ddreas fc, 378, care Bee. (4) 153 llx WANtTED Experienced man to organize company to manufacture rapid selling patented farm Implement. Big Induce ment to right man. Address W. E. . Bee Office. South Omaha. (4 154 14 OPENING for good Box 12, Wilcox. Neb. veterinary. Lock (4) M1T8 Ux FOR BALE Good grocery business. In quire Box 496, Crete, Neb. (4) M104 15 X BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Art lata. H. O BUNNELL CO., 821 N. Y. Life. Doug. 8148. (5-MiA4 Carpet Cleaalac. BANITAKT Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (6-21i Uataa PalatlagT. OIL. AND CHINA" PAINTINO-Clasa lee son until Oct. 1, 80c. Figure pslntlag a specialty. Mrs. Elbel Vols. 2227 Dodge, phone Tayloi 4346. (5)-U448 O Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co.. Oman, U)- Chattel Chaa, XX Etactoa Loan Co., IU Boa Bidg, a)-Msi8 CklrspWUt. DR. ROY. R. i 180 Fsxnsra Bt. Doug. 84(7. (6-2i6 Daaelag; Aeademy. MORAND'B clasaes for ancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lesruns for adults Tuea. and Frl. 8 p. m.; first lessons privately ; jo cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. loug. lHl. r.l6)-141 Nov7 That's why they BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Draaaaaa kl a g. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. u RKDFERN school. R. 10, Dougla Blk. Tel. Doug. 4684. (t mid M DO WELL Dressmaking School. 1833 Far, nam fct. w u Mrs. Broach. I72J Farnam., Tel. Harney (3a. W Mti! ucuu EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.60 per day. 1522 Yate B.t. (5) M866 J8x Deatlsts. BAILEY ft MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10R. W-H "Florists. HESS A bWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5-zl L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. dj suits Go Carta. GO-CART tire. Lawrence. 2703 Lea v. Pi. (5) M381 W Hotels. THE 8CHILTZ, European. 16th and Harney Jeweler aad Wa tea maker. K. P. 6TILLTNG Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 3-$ Paxton Blk. Tel.. 387. , (Bj 4 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 3V74. v)sa aftlllaarr. LADIES' made oyer and trimmed In the latest styles; -fists, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, W B. 28tb St. 'Phone Harney 3808. 4.8) 649 Oil Osteopatay. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 166i Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 8370. DRS. RINGLER, 808 Neville block. Phone ftea (. - w Mom ixov.i MM El WOODRUFF, t3 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 6170. (5) M1U1 XN rkotovrapker. C. D. TRUSSELL, 115 Bouth 16th St. (b zn PlamtAagr. PLUMBING and heating attended to at once. Room 82 u. "8. Nat, Bang ruog., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4503. (5)-63 14 - rrtatlac HIGH-GRADE ifnltatlon typewritten let ter and job printing; no job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 So. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6562. (5) M512 Nov.l BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don v rail to see our elegant imported tine. Lyngstad Jorvi printers, 16 & Cap Ave. i,- - . (5)-996 bVsms s Reaalrlas;. RAPID BHOBT BSPAIR CO.. flrat-clas work. 1618Vi Oapltl Ave. 'Phone Red 991 t)-S27 a tea. lukattera, Ete. OMAHA Safe ana) Iron Work make a specialty of fire -escapee. h utters, door ana aalea. u. Anoreen. rrop,, iux a. mo Bt 1 3-sa HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical- aad OHc). M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1803 FARNAM BT. Classes now orxm: able Instructor. Complete ahortuand and business course and preparatory for civil service, collego or a proteaaion. vay ana mgni Brouin. Tel. 5. 1070. ' (7)-M513 O10 GIRLS for railroad offices; education two years High school. Call or address F. B. Southard. A. P. A., U. P. R. R.. fourth floor, Pacific Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb, (71423 8 WANTED Strong office girl; experience unnecessary; typewriting; no atenogra nhv: his-h school graduate, living with parents in Omaha, under 21; 18 week.. 707 IN. X. L. fnone uougiaa aieo. nun be strong, neat and quick In her work. (7) M124 9 STENOGRAPHER." one who hks had ex perlence In commercial line. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) M121 13 WANTED A lady f stenographer. Perma nent position to right party. Apply at of fice of Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. . (D-M144 lOx WANTED Experienced knitted underwear saltaiwomen. Thompson, Belden A Co. (7)-146 8 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Women for hand Irnnrr and machine. Kimball Laundry, lilt Jackson Bt . (7)-M540 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; oie who can manage help; good wages to right party. Address Ettlng Candy Co., Graijd Island, Neb. . . J (7)-M5B0 lSx Hoaaekeeper aad Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general heGss work. Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. 'Phone Wehter 8723. (7)-M113 WANTED Cksmbermald ; good - haracUr required; country girl preferred: ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel. David City, Neb. 47) M608 12x WOMEN for day work; housekeeper, waitress, $30. Canadian office, I6tb and Dpdgc. Oi-S9 WANTED A competent, trutworthy girl for general housework; two in family; good wages. Mrs. Frank. Hadley, 21 Bristol. (7)-M9e7 GIRL for general housework; small family; small house; no laundry: gooa wages. Mrs, M. M. Robertson, 111 N. llat Ave. (7 397 WANTED A girl to do general housework. 841 S. 26th Ave. Oh-i HOUSEKEEPER between 28 and year wanted. T. Teller, MoCook, B. D. (7)-M43 OSlx WANTED Dining room girl at the Kim ball houae; good wages and transporta tion. - Kimball, S. D., L. J. Conant. (7) M610 10X WANTED Girl for general housework. Good wages. Small family. 606 B. jth Ave. (7)-o36 GOOD, steady girl for general housework. Mr. F. 8. jCnapp, 1314 aV loth Ave. , (7-588 Ix WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wagea. 4619 Casa St. 'Phone Harney 1L (7)-73 GOOD, experienced second girl at once. Mrs. A. Mandelberg. 2244 Landon Court. (7) M9u WANTED Competent second girl for fam ily of two. Su37 Dpdge BL (7V-M9I4 GIRL for housework; no washing; no cook ing. 132 & list Bt. (7 992 Ux WANTED Girl for general housework. TT Harney 1151 (7I-M118 10 WANTED A cook and Id girl; good wages. Apply Wern-aUay morning, Mrs. II H. Baidrlge. 8Kb aud Farnatu. (7J-M1M 19 bring reSMKsj HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper aad Dm aa est toe -Ce4 GIRL for general housework: family of three; $5. Call on Mr. Morand, 2906 Dodge. ' (71-1 lux WANTED Girl " for general housework; family of two. 2545 California St.- (71-147 lOx WANTED Chambermaid: good character required: country girl preferred; ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel, David City. Neb. (7)-H5 14x WANTED Girl for general housework: food wages; 3 In family. Tel. Harney iiSZ. 12 No. Will Ave. (7) 166 14 WANTED Good girl for general hquse work; good wages; small family, without children. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 8. th Ave. (7)-159 WANTED Girl for general housework; laundress kept. 416 8. 88th 8t. 'Phnn Harney 2C50. (7) 160 Mlsrellaaeoaa. WANTED Experienced alteration women. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Butt Co., 1510 Dougla. (7)-732 JOIN our Post Card qlub. Receive beautl- iui posi earns irom an pans oi ins woria. Send 25c, stamps or silver. Excelsior Post Card club, Indianapolis, Ind. (7) M6S2 llx WANTED At once, at Fort Robinson, Neb., brick manons; good wages to gnoa men. The Graham Construction Co. (7) M980 14 LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfer at home: easy learned: 81.50 to Bdl per - doien. 608 Paxton Blk. (") M129 14x WANTED An apprentice girl. 1909 Capitol Ave. . (7) 168 N7X WANTED Girl to work in stidto. Koxy Studio, 612 N. 16th St. (7) M114 15x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adam Co., 1619 Howard Bt. ()-128 WANTED Capable city salerman. Ken- nard ralnt & Ulasa Co., lain and uaven port. (91-M752 WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commlssron allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb. (9) M604 24X WANTED Good reliable men to solicit In the tea and coffee business, we nave tne very best proposition in our line. Call or address Jewel Tea Co., J. A. Smith, Mgr., 1911 Cuming St. (9)-676 10X WANTED At once, experienced and suc cessful overall salesman for 8outh Da kota, Black Hills and Wyoming; one of the best lines on the road. Lincoln Over all and Shirt Co.', Lincoln, Neb. (91-M912 12 $100 PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid salesmen to sell good to dealers; reliable company; experience unneces sary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9) M181 x Clerical aad Office. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. . 1802 FA3NAM BT. Classes now open; am instructors. Complete shorthand and business coura and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession Iwy and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (8)-M51 O10 WANTED Young man about 18 year old. apt at figuring, willing to work day and study bookkeeping evenings, with pur pose of fitting himself for advancement, can secure a permanent place with a re liable wholesale house. Address C 378, Be. (91-M137 lOx Boya. . WANTED A bright wy. over 18 year, to holt.' copy for proofreader. Call at Be compiling room. (9-M GOOD boy wanted, first class psy. A. D. T. Co.. 213 Bo. 13th St. (9-MS68 WANTED Office boys, must be over U years old. Address Omaha Packing Co.. South Omaha. (9) M5u6 1 WANTED Good boy over 16 years; good wages. The Wardrobe, 201B Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1729. (9)-538 8 BOYS with wheel can make $35 to $48 per month, $35.00 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (91-M692 N4x WANTED At once, twenty. five boya not under 16; good positions for bright boys. See timekeeper, Thir Floor, The Bennett Company. (9) 991 I BOYB for printing department; good pay, steady work, tiemis umana nag co. (9)-993 8 Factory aad Trades. MACHINIST WANTED-Best wsges paid (or competent machinists, nouermakers, blacksmiths an J pipe fitters who have had railroad shop experience; tinsmiths, coach and freight car carpenters, tool and mill men, bollermaker blacksmith and ma chinists' helpers and car repairers; also wanted, at high rate pay. Call at Gen eral Agent's Office, 1512 Farnam St.. Omaha. (9 907 12 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Will equip shop for you or furnish positions. Few weeks completes; constant practice, careful instruction, tools given; Satur day, wages; diplomas granted Call or write Muler Barber College, 110 B. 14th 8U (8) M696 lOx A first class ladles' tailor wanted; wages, u per weea, ana steady position. Ap ply J. Jawltx, lsth and Farnam Bt. (91-M717 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. H. E. Viatuba, Btelnauer, Neb. (9)-M924 Ocl26 WANTED Tile ditchers to work bv rod; -make $2.60 to $3.50 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink. Nlckrsoiu Neb. (9) Its POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. V V. Knlest. 7u7 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-ai WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $25 per week. C. A Tucker. Lincoln, Neb. (9188 WANTED Tailors to work In alteration department. Will pay good wages. O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 161 Douglas. (9)-"31 WANTED Good house painter. Tel. Red 647. (9) 100 9x CANDYMAKERS wanted; two first-class hard goods men; steady position. A'i dresa Y 30. care of Bee. (9 Ml 08 15 WANTED Coatmaker at' once. G. Abra hamson, Holdrege, Neb. (9) 11112 10 WANTED First-class coatmaker; per manent position to a good, steady man. Reply to Th Hub Clothing House, Little Falls, Minn. (9j 109 llx WANTED Coatmaker, at once. McCord Toggery Co., Atchison, Kan. (9)-M102 11 j, meeellaaeeiBa. WANTED Young man of good character and habita and ability to handle a team and know how to plan and accomplish his work and can sell goods of a perish able nature, can learn of a desirable, permanent position by addressing D 377, bee. (9I-M138 lox WANTED Competent furnace men. 123 So. Main BL, Council Bluffs. Ia. (9-M70T GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing, National Inst. Bureau. Chicago. III. (6 M603 lOx WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men. janitors, carpenter and plumbess' helpers; one fireman; painters; top waxes. 104 Bee bldg Hl-JlaijOai 1 HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellaaeeas satlaaeal. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. INC. 721-723 New York Life Hilg Hours: 8:00 A. M. to 6:30 1'. M. Office mgr. to handle details, correspoml - ence, general supervision of books, oo , twern 27 and $5, $150 to $200. Bookkeeper. Wyo.. will give Interest in bt'iiness If services are satisfactory, $90. . Akeeper, Wyo., must be single Young man, between 23 and 26, to taka charge of small office. $75 and expense account. . .-r Bookkeeper and cltv salesman, tt5 to $ Assistant bookkeeper, young man, 8o0. Stenographer, $55. The character of position we secure can be judged bv the above vacancies which are open for Immediate consideration. We handle only high-grade culls, and can place a good man on short notice. Cnll or write for complete list of va cancies. (9) M 108 9 U. 8. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to 25 years of age; men with special trades accepted up to &'i years. An Illustrated booklet, showing tlio life of the modern man-o'wars man free to those interested. Visit or address Navy recrultlr.g station, Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Sioux City, la. Post ofllco buildings. )-M519 NIX FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call M2 New York Life Bldg. (9-M926 Oct26 DRUO CLERKS Exceptional propositions, Increased salaries. Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9-M3St 02 BOUND young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemnn rush sea son on leading railroads here. In the west and on new lines bolng completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $1U0 montnlv become engineers, $.'00; brake, men, $100 ' monthly, become conductors, $150; many position now open: write at unit) lor particular. National Railway Training association, 820 Paxton block. Omaha, Neb. () 415 Oots WANTED Oae first c'ass business gettei for each state, good money for right parly, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address 8 170, care Bee. (9) 335 A TAILOR wanted.- Graham & Leonard, KOCKW311 City, la. (8)-Mo 16X LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific Council Bluffs transfer; wages liMi cents per hour. Board arranged It necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore man. (9) 732 WANTED Young Catholic installment collector in Omaha; bond nnd references required. Address Benzlger Bros., 211 E. Madison St., Chicago. (9) M110 10X WANTED An old gentleman desiring a e,iruu nuiiiB ii lane care til i u 1 1 itic.i unu help about the nouse; must be temperate. 2324 Harney St. (91165 lOx WANTED-100 RELIABLE YOUNG MEN AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDKNT8 TO DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS. 802 FARNAM. (91-169 8x WANTED One good delivery man; salary $50 to $70. Apply 1812 Farnam St. (91-152 10 , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I have 400,000 cubic yards of good Swift A Wheeler work to let In southern Kansas, on Santa Fe. Free transportation. Apply , to L. J. Smith, Contractor. "12 Dwlght Building. Kansas City. Mo (9) 162 13 TWO men wanted to help move. Apply Carpenter Co., Stationery Dept. ; (9)-M173 9 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; cne or two horse. . Com In. Ti e Harney St. Btablea. UU-6J WE are selling delivery wagona teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Jobnson-Danforta Co.. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones -St. (11) 237 Horse bought and aold. Myers, 1114 Doug. (11) 259 018 HORSES bought & sold. Blake 1531 N 16th. (1D-M466 Nix FAMILY horse and buggy for salu cheap. Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Rtd 5647. . Ull 478 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 108 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (1U-M!03 A heavy matched work team, terms. 2517 North 18th street. Cash or (1D-M430 PUBLIC 8ALE Standard bred horses. Shorthorn cattle, Poland-China hogs, Oct. 28, I),;' write for catalogue. Venture Stock Farm, Lohrvlllc, la. (11) 154 29x Poaltry aad Bggi. DUSTON'S White Wyandotte. Ture bred, choice breedlnar stock nnw resHv tn ahln r Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, neo. aei. Florence iuxj. (1D-M981 Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab jo., umana, (ID M547 Nov2 Cows, Birds, Don; aad Pet. HIGH-CLASS English bull terrier pup, the most Intelligent ' of companions, great watch dogs, from reg'stered stock and S'lld to you under a positive guarantee with a certified pedigree of five generations; males, $16 to $L1; females, $12.50 to $15. Craneycrow Farm, Nelson, Mo. - (U)-M176 15x THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier pupoy. 1624 Casa Bt. Mrs. MHler. (1D-998 Sx LOST AND FOUND LOST $20 In bills, Saturday afternoon, on the way from South Omaha; $5 re ward. 1542 Park Ave. (12; M988 8x FOUND Lady's watch, Oct. 3. Omaha Van and Storage, 1609 Farnam. (12) M116 IS LOST Gray cravenette overcoat. Will pay $5 reward If returned to 617 8. 18th St. (12) M115 llx BUNCH of keys, between the Burwood and 15th and Farnam. Return to C. Schlank, 1307 Douglas St.; reward. (12)-M140 9x MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at C I rlpllll'll WVUIWH. vw,.-0Vf - ' " " WV- enport Bta.; special attention paid to con. flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college piofanaors, 'Phone Douglas 1167. Call answered day or night. (13)-12 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14:h and Douglas. Omaha. (13) -243 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 21th Bt.. Omal.a. Neb. U2)-Mlo BEST nerv braGer for men, "Gray' Nrv Food Pill," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConneU Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN .AH Y AUD CHATTU BALAH ICLfl. Did you ever htar ot a BARGAIN SALS OF MONEY? That Is lust what w ar having. WB HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you ar assured of a fair rquare deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATEa as can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "get on your feet" In case of alcknea or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, 11 Board of Trad Bldg. loin aUret fc-n trance. (14) M714 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advance pi i vat money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money earns day asksd for at small coat. Open evening tUl 7. (14) 24 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ment. Offices In 63 principal cities. 'ioL man, regin 714 s'w York Life BUig. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Caatfela Coatlaaed. DR. PRinPENOWS MONET loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount: less half rates: perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any lernts: payments suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbacfl Blk., 209 8. 15th Ht. 14)-M4SS EAGLE I.OAN OFFICIO Reliable, accom modating, all business confidential. 130 Douglas. (14-4 FOR A SQUARE PEAL GO TO TUB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary losns. '631 Paxton Block. 'Phnn Douglas 78. (14) 3M CHATTEL, salary and storage recslpt loan. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam 8U 0-8 FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan l a. room a. Barker Block, (14) 268 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Tr 'HI-MM OFFERED FOR RENT Roardlag; aad Roosoa., VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cfj 15) 2b DEWEY European Hotel, 11th and Farnsm, n5)-3M FIRST-CLASS board and room. (08 Bo. 14th Ave jib) 779 025 NICELY furnished rooms: first-class board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney Bt. (U)-392 2bx NEW furnished rooms, flrst-clas board; line location; walking distance. 218 So. 2oth Bt. (16)-679 9 r LARGE room with board, suitable for two or married couple; references. 2204 Web tr. (1S)M744 8x Famished Rooms. LARGE furnished rooma for four student, near all college. 118 North 18th. (15)-71 10X DO ,you want a quiet, comforfabl room for one or more gentlemen, close In. 'Phono Doug. 4M 5. (16)-735 llx FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern, in private family; suitable for two gentlemen. 217 Bouth 25th St. 'Phona Douglas 337. (IS) 73d IF YOU WANT ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished, With or without hoard, or for light housekeeping. "THE BEST WAY." ' OMAHA RENTAL CO,. Tel. Doug. 381, 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. " ' ; j (15) Mi98 9 FURNISHED rooms with private family, on Park Ave., large south room, for one or two young women. 'Phone Harney lhw. (16)-847 8x HANDSOME modern rooms; reasonable. 308 N. 22d. (15)-M858 12x FURNISHED front and back parlor, dire ing room, with use of kitchen, bath and gas; close In. 'Phone Red 6341. (15)-M902 12 FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms. 41X1 Hamilton St. (161434 FOR RENT Very large, richly furnished front room, with all modern conven iences; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 412 N. 22d St. (161 M10Ulx LARGE, pleasant front room for gentle men. 1611 Leavenworth St., 3d floor. - 05) Ml") llx FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer- ence required. 540 Bouth 24th St. - (15)-Mi Oct20 128 8. 25TH St., large east front room, suit able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; roomy porches, large, shady , 'awn. ' (l6)-75ot FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster 3603. 2226 Miami Bt. (W-6 I,' , i FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping, 814. 621 a. zu Ave. (15)-730 1i NICELY, furnished reems lit new into d0rn 86 F flat. 214 N. 25th St.,. Tel. Doug. 8996. (15)-5S6 PLEASANT south front room, new house; quiet; close. In. Tel. Doug. 3633. (15)-MM0 12x BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished: pri vate family. 2O06 St. Mary Ave. y (15)-M904 128 TWO two. nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern, walking distance. 618 N. 23d. , (15)-M133 14 FOR RENT Modern room, suitable for tw genUemen. $15. 417 N. 18th. (15) 97 13x MODERN furnished front room. 1907 Cum. " (15) M138 Nov 7x FOR RENT Two modern rooms for gen- ...-...r... 0t luJa isoage. (ltj is MX TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen; walk B uiaiuiivv. Jtruy I.BSB Ell. (ID) lb 14 Apartment and Flat. NEW 4-room brick flat, $20; ' 22d ni - - o iium, muuern ateel - a, . u . , Snellen cauinei, iur nished. Reference required. Patterson Red 2947. 1621 Farnam. (16)-7 fur-. AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., 18th anc Farnam. Apply apartment No. 1 (16)-M41S Famished Hoascs. FURNISHED house for rent for the win- ter on West Farnam district. , For full Information call on V GEORGE? A CO., 1601 Farnam St. ' (15)-M878 Hons aad Cottage. FOR RENT Modem. 8-room house,' viae. tered attic, two block from 24th St. car line, 2D70 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26ot -.. Poppleton Ave. (lb) M917 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 162S. Schmoller Mueller Piano Co.. 13U-13U rarnant. s 05)-i5 FOR RENT- 8-room modern house. 2111 Lake well located. (16) M171 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. oack. move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 11244 N. I9lh. Offloa 160 Farnam. TeL Doug. 16. (16)-21 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT-1177 Daven port Bt. (S. B. corner), 10-room, thor oughly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at S per month. Apply to Consad Ynuna. 151S Dodge Bt. (16)-M11J HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Sxpieaamen'a Delivery Co. Tel. Dougla ; . U)-ioi WE MOVE PIANOB-Maggard Van and Storage Co. TeL Doug. . 1496. Offlc. 17U Webster Bt (16) 263 FOR RENT After October 8, 3138 Chicago street, 7 rooms, large bath room, aula and laundry, flrst-clasa, furnace. $45. (15)-M431 houses A .' th cl;r: wp va ,tr , rm I mn Trust Co.. N. Y. Llf Bldg. ua)-inv CLOSE In 7-room hous. modern em furnace. 518 8. 20th. (15) 5ii3 9x F. D. WEAD has moved hi offloa to Wad Building, 18th and Farnam Bt. (14) g 2533 Patrick Ave., rooms, near and mod ern 'Phune Dougla 586. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (15)-T HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk. (15)-16 FOR RENT Four rooma and bath; every, thing modern; furnace. TeL Webster 6a. 261 N. 30th Bt. tl4-531 HOUSES J?'.,L,'a,'rw of city. UUUOUO Crelgu 8oja Co.. Bee BMg. v (U-8J4 4 FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house; all conveniences; close to car; rent J. Km Willis Avenue. Inquire C. M. Bsch mann. 418 Paxton Block. (15) 477 T-room house, modern except furnace, 683 Bo. SUh Bt. (15)-14 llx FOR RENT Walking distance, two new brirks. 8 rooms, all modern, oak OnXMi, 346 CO. Addrea 'iiii Capitol Ave. Tl. Dougla 469. U) AlrflIA 258 I si i 1 V J