Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Mr A.
1 1
61 u Cottage Coalta1.
ETOITT romni, an modern. ST.2J Maple St.,
$23 and wiin rent.
rooms, 4u Wllltam BC, $3.
4-rKm house, 3120 Bart St., $16 and Water
CUIUS BOYEK, 22d and Cuming B1.
. QiyM-
1 10 J-room modern hon. N. Irtgr, R21
N. Y. L. TeL Red lag. Cll-124
7-tOOM modern house, 2415 . 2lh Ave.
' Tel. lie 1549. 0 M11S 10k
t24-42t NORTH 24TH ST.. South Omaha,
good location for butcher, harbsr. etc
VS. S. Curtis. VOt Harney flu H. Bohrerer, "j
i-a n. Mia u. south umina. (15 msjo
FOR BFNT Three upper floora Tno,ulr
14M Harrier. . . (15) M312
FGR RRNT Cellar, 20x40, cement floor, for
atorajre, 617 Bnuth 12th St. (UD-M Hi
Office. .
THREE office on ocond floor of new Con
servative building, Hit Harney fit., mod
ern. wo conventiently eltuated In the bual-
neaa oonter? oak finish; beet of sunlight;
host aa4 janitor service fumlahed; can
be leaaed separately or en aulte.
, MABTLNQ9 HEYDEN, 1704 Farnnm SU
- (U)-Mim J
1 -.. i .
FOR RENT Dealt room In Bee office, city
hall building, 417 N. th St.. South
Omaha, Apply to manager, USi 24
FOR HEIfTOftk apace in ground floor
room on Farnam St., near 17th. Addrea
" B-XV eare Be. 15Mllt 10
Starve, .
Cornet Locust and Sherman avenue, for
dry good, shoe or hottona; good lor
tion for right party. Inquire Joseph
H crank a, 3 Fberman avenue.
. ao-M;
One atora room Tn new "Bcargo" building
in South Omaha, near poalofflce. with
, tilted baaeraent. modem ahow windows
and awning: br- "vss1ble location. Hall
... Distributor Co.. VI Firbt Natl. Bank Bid.
Vaone Red 70C U MAM
FOR RENT Lares store room. llh and
Vinton fits. C M. Baclimann. 437 Puxton
, block. - 15W0
FOR lerturoa, cotirwta, dance and. belli.
Fraternity ha'l, 1J1 Harney Bt., oppoaite
Piblle Uhrary N- P. Podre tt Co., 1714
Faroam, St. . (1-MX7 OH
. t)RUi STORE: be: unoccupied location
for local dru bualneea In city. Will aj.
' y . ter and leaa to richt party. Alao A-
.arnrery location. BF.MlS, MM Paaton. '
'. BIk. 'Fhoaa Doualaa US. nt.)-MM0
IMCTlOK and Iron fenclBK; wire fenelna
Lr a per foot. 30e N. J7lu St. Tel. Red Hi
'' i ' - ' -
' ..I'Oli BAI.K FunUrura of a 30-room house;
all or part; furniture muat be moatly
. aab -ar terms. 8,17 N. 13th St.
- (1CV-M447
1 ' KO nearly sew. aUtcMty ueed, htctt-crade
'. atovna ana sauiaM. Teu can eave bait
' by burin of via. We do 'what's rtajht.
' XDS DodMa. TeL 'Deua;. 4781
'- - Oir-UI Ont.M
SI IIAXU f nrnH um ortaht and aold; buat
,w neea n tbe saoara. RooenberK. formerly
' iritA Chltava Fur. Co-, los R. 14th. Doug.
sam. ' (i6-vr4 Oct. si
FOR HAUE Fw isjH are at t-room honaa, atl
, tn good ctmdStlan, iM-rtnr cltr. 1417 Ohio
914 .' '
' Flea, O rename, Jfwaleal Kaatraaaoatat-
the -cash;
Orer 1100.009 worth of pianos sold at
- laos tlaa Jactory cost. Call or write
rat one tor prices, catalOffa and
. baxxsin Ujt.
New Pianos for rent, $3 and up.
- TELSOUQ. 125.
TOR SALE Excellent oprlfht piano, taken
j In on mortatkce. , Ur. f rlbttenow, Ui Kar-
saca cuou. . ' titi lei
8TEIKTWAT piano, oond-hand, food con.
.'. dlUon,. cneap. UH AlcCigue Bid.
f .-.v .. OM-427 Oct
I" I' RIGHT Kimball piano, Una condition.
owner nuat, eeii. ioiv uavenport.
.. - 0) 63 X
Typewriter a Sewlaa; afa, ta.
FOR BALE High arade aeoond-hand type.
writer; good oondiUoat a barrain at tod.
,A.aii room soa. ue Bias. (iii 7l
u ONE Remington typewriter. No. , l good
concuiion. tor eeie -cneap. can at nee
fflca t
FOR EALaV-Kew and second-hand billiard
and pool tablea. W lead the world In
olteap bar fixtures; easy payments. Br una
, wlok-BaUa-Colicndar. 407 & 10th 6t.
r (1)-W
TWO nearly new Oliver typewriters, cost
" no each, for quick sale, $37.(0. (41 Pax ton
;'; Block. uo-taat
' ' Mtsoallaaaaaa.
, . .S3A.galloa Worth Uigton duplex pump, all
UsWixl. for sal about October Thla
- pump baa aoen about alx month' actoal
aervlo and la la good condition; will sell
at a barsaia. Apply W. 11. Bridge. anglV
: ar Be Bid. ' . . o 7
HALF PRICE, Small monthly pay men ta;
Rldpaih'a Uiatory of the World, Amexi.
cantaed Cacyolopela, WetMler'a Mew
Dictionary. B. H. Roberta southwest ctr
aar.litb aa4 Faraain. tl Mii 10
FOR SvALUV-A butnber'a refrigerator, HV
era! Ui-w cases, a peanut roaster,
latse oaffia mill, two Urge automatl
n lenka and alr fVxtares to numerous
t nienlion. Glub Land aud luveaunant
Co.. Omaha, Neb. OO-
PRUOS at cut price ; freight paid on all
ordara; catajoaue fro.
aa, tiar a
FOR SALIfe-Roll top desk, chalra. tabla,
ntc-s. Oifx-e fer rent W. A. Kerr. 404-
N. T. LU Bid. U 4J4
SEND ICS your - mall order for drugs;
I ratx-nt paid on 1 lota Jajrers-Dtiloa
Tlrug C., Omnha. tU) Sft
FOR SALS Fumaoe, aultable far bcatlna;
a a-room beuee; geed as new; apyiy at
onoe. aufl Harney tic tl 3
HOMXOPAraiC medlcin, whlsal and
retell, kr.oriiieii a MoConaeU . Drug Co.
81MP80X Rockawar. nearly new. very low
- prii If taiwu at do. tU Jenee BU
'Pkene Xeeualaa 1TA OO-aM
CHERMN-WILLIAalS CO.. best mixed
palnv fihartnaa 4k JAaCoonall Drug ( a
' tla-7
VEr bartaln in Id hand ada Uantama
..unthiy rmenta. leriht. Mil Farnam.
OT aAIA-eVlgh-grade tl ran', alee
tjas rli; Aildrvea i2l Suutli .th Art.
' 'flutum riamey -sr-. t!6) Mi3 Sx
tlaeellaaeae CoaMaaed.
Largest, meat up-to-dat etock at lowest
prices ti the city, reluct now. Delivered
when needed. Inspection Invito.
$13 go. th SU : ' Tel. pong. OBJ.
tl) 273
LARGE frame church building on
19th St, j ait south ( Farn'ani, for
Rale for removal or w recking. Sub
mit bld by October 10 to William
A Debord. 620, First National Bank
Bldtf. . ;." .. (ieMllS 8 '
IN Tins It06M. . I
All bar fixture, restaurant furniture.
kitchen utenslla, jru alow, coal at eel ranite,
electric light fixtures and fane, and other
thinira in tli bulldtnft. WedneadaiC, Oct.
'),. vtSi. 10 o'clock n. ,m. . :-
D'-id IV. X. L.UO UldK., DOltK. U7.
W. W. UOIjGK, Truaue In Bankruptcy,
(18 M81i
KAXJ8 aaCe. ltl Famare.
HAY-00.rr ton. Wagner, ul N. lth.
for aale at a bargain. In lota to auit; win
quit the wtne buelneaa tn Kan.aa; writ
at once. The -Doniphan V'n'',rd"' Atchi
aon. Kan. ... (16 M Oix
SECOND-HAND" nvrrcoata and firearm a.
Singer, 41S K. lth. . r . l-7
FOR BAX.B Gaa tanae. and hard coal
heater at a Harguln. .mi.j, eolith omana.
U)-7S7 J
wnnttDB; tn buy a Hutehtaon maa-
aacon for thn relmr or dearnena can get
one cheap by applying to Mra. A. P.
Wood, M B. 25th St., Omaha. ' '
(16 MS31 15x
FOR' KAJjK A medlirrtir-alred baae burner;
goon t ondittnn; I1j. t:. -N. Han, aiis I 'even-
port. (16) M900 8
flln-'ps repaired and sfM. Anything; In
u .. fen 1.1 n , t u
(1 M1S4 Nov.7
bane burner, and one 12-aoot counter. 2S1J
franklin atreet. . (16 M973 8x
D. O. BARNEIX, patent attorney- and ma--
tnineiieaigner. j-4i.XLon Dia. Tel. Kea ,U7.
ai)-fn ootu
LARSON tt CO, 3ook free. Bee Blag.
books for Inventors mailed on receipt of
a eta. atampa. K. s. & A. B. laoey,
Roams 2IM Paclne Bldg Wshlnnton,
D. C. Established ISiW. iuldi2S
Chalybeate acrub baths; expert lady oper.
atox. Roam 3' Barker Blk. IMh and Far-
nato; new eatabllsliment. (IS) Ml fx
YOUNO WOMEN cemlng to Omaha a
strangers are invited to rialt tbe Tung
. Women's Christian Association rooma, lsu
Farnam aueet, where they . will be di-
. rooted t aulUble lr(Un places er
owerwia aasiateo. ti) i
Xf A fJNT!TTf3 Oateelagy and Massac
Room X C04 Farnam 6t iti floor.
f' (U M2 Oct2
Dyelnz and Cleanlnr. arjanslne and
shrinklrne only Bo per rard. Send for
pnoe list ana samplea.
19 Dooclas Block. . TeL Dongias IBM.
u,,-. :... w-m4
A HOME for women dnrlnc confinement
will find, comfortable homes for bable
wnoae mothera cannot car for them; ao
pommodatlon first -claim, terma reaaonabla
' AddreseMother Lee, Bunerlntendent Tbv
ley Home, 'mane Sauglaa W.I. 408 Ban
crort- iis ia ocus
TUB SALTATION ARMT solicit caat-eft
clothing; in" fact, anything' you do net
' need. We oil act. repair and sell, at 114
n. inn tt iat east or collecting, to tbe
' worthy poor. Call "phone iJoug. 1S5 and
wagon will saiL aa-u
Dr. King, 1K4 24th St. Tel. Web. mtm.
WE RENT machlnna. tl tier week, or II
per month. Nebraska Cycle Cot, corner
Mia ana ranittj ttta . , (u s
WANTED To correspond wrth ladiea be-
twean 2 and SO; object, matrlare. No
nirtaaona. jtexerence . . ranuinto. Ad'
dress M SOS, Bee. U M657: x
MAnNTTTTf! troetment and bath. Mm.
lUAUllliJ.lV; Kmllh 111 -N: T OA ...
OMAHA Stammerers . jjiatltuta. 'Ramga ,
JuUdln. . . 0MI -
r K.N IV KULi . AUXivUM HI CO. .'15U Doug.
OJV-ir? Nar.1T
BTRrNGES,' robber1 roods, by mad; cat
price a. Bend for free catalogue. Myer.
ANT ONE desiring to lake the on year's
' course in th trattilng" arttool for nilraes
at th Oirtd, Saving Instttnte- ah o aid
apply at lfth and OWo Bta Graduates
' receive tdS and $3 per Week." Telephone
vveDBier (l , ,. (m MJ70 IX
YOtTR mirror will tell yon Batra Skin Pow-
uv t wi nm ur,uiuMi TVUllUri e. JDC. i
OMAHA Steam Paste ' Co., manufacturer
pure nour paaxe, . euv chiming. Talephoce
tw a
PATNiS 1NV. CO.. let floor N. T. L. Dong.
ku. U3) avi
' . , ' u- tis) srs
1S4 Farnam. TeL DourleaTStk
crrr fropebtt roav salsi.
To lease, t0 per month, 1F4 feet on Sixth
Bt, 177 ft. deep on t). M. railroad.
A BO Ik .f f CvrVi A V m
M r VH " w- m
iUg. 7t ; , T . li4 1
So. 10th Bt
US J Ml Octl4
FOR BALE A welt built lA-room frame
V . .. W-.,,. ie,,11v flnlah. In V.ur ... , .
HV.n, "' ".' .......... , . wuw,
hard wood floors, mantels, modern bath
room, and conveniently arranged, will
ell at a very low, price, to bo removed
from present premises by purchaser. Ad
dress C. C. Rosewatcr, Be Bid. Omaha
. . . . U) MW7
will buy elegant nine-room, modern houae
at 414 North Slat Bt.;. east front, paved
0Vr"v, MruiKavii iiuw,ib, ijcauutui iiwni
large shade trees; easy terma. If necessary,
Room l.,N. Y Life Bids. '
KOR SALO-Two beautiful lota on tlih and
fcim; on grade, plenty or shade.treee
either for business or residence nroDertr
711 Bo. rtb Bu. 'phone Douxlas SM. I. B.
Bond, direct from owner, nd commission.
M LOTS ta Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying
well, eloe to car line; St minute' "Clue
to Umalia. Will aeU alloeth.r vf l
bunches of five. For prto and terma ad.
area 11 a car nee. us4j
LIST your ptoueify with Chls Boyr, 3d
and Cumlnaj Sta. a-2t
Lot at Wth and Von street only tra a
O. Noi dqulau Owner. 4?t U. S'th Bt.
'Hid uti i uunv p-... vyw
Many Omahxxns have won success through
"BEE Want Ads." Many nibro' could clo tho
sarno if they would uso :VBEE Want AdsV
(Continued, k
Buy a Bubnrb&n tract tn
Build a suburban home tii
' Lead a truly rirral life tn
KEYSTONE "PARK I acoeaalbt.
KETBTONH PARK I healthful.
KEYSTONE PAKfe ta all right.
1 Everybody U talkinar bout
call for
A map
Prices nnd
Keystone Park
New. York Life Bid-..
and ,
. ' d: V. SHOXEB CO.. . .
, . Board of Trade. .
' U9(-AWS7 7
tSt B. Est St., t rooms sewer, water, gas;
close to town; oniy iZ.jH.
8S23 Miami Bt., 7 rooms, modem exceat fur
nace; iuu lot; permanent walk, paved
street; needs soma rrpntre. A bargain at
Near 30th and Ames, house 1 rooma, one
acre or ground; aplendld pierce; I3.7&0.
S4th and Ames Ave., new' modem houae;
everytning- nice; full lot; ,3a0.
3028 Plnkney St., new cottage,1 ( .rooms.
mooern; cement waixs; X43UU.
Three houses, on corner; paved street, etc'
vMt iuj- f .hi. rnce omy ax.ixi. .
A good 'modern house, rooroii, on car line
ana nice location. , Want to .trade for
farm. : ,'....' . ..
" 604 Be Bnlldln's. '
0-4 10
Altractive Investment
Beven-room house, modern except
furnace; barn, good neighborhood;
PAred strcot; two blocks from car line
$2,1 00. ., Can rnaks reasonable
tcrrna , Is tbl what yon want? .
Tlrrt FL, K T. Ufa Bldg.. -
Tel. Dong, am.: v V
BaJanc monthly for new t
, room cottaira Elegantly
" . finished. Modern except furn
ace; north part t town. Prlc, ' '
..' .0dl . '
Balance monthiy for S-raom '
cottage. Ban Cnish, closer
ins modern except furnace. .
. Price. tXTTa, , .... I
O. C. OLSEN,? "5
101 9. IStk Bt.
i Hanscom Park M
. ... . . .
Bargains .'. i
JUit located within twa blocks of Han-
, oom para entrance, one piocx irom oar
Una lie sightly, worth 11. ao: caii be pur
c&aaed direct from owner thla week for,
e'e. cw, V. 4. 0W M,J , w ia
.r : : : r : y ". '
JElpe Lot Near Dundee
Lot MXUs, within a block of Farnam car
line; gas, water and sewer: worth l&O,
will sell this week for 4& Address B itl,
Be oSice. I . (!) 7x
924 NORTH 42D
7 rooma - all modern; eaat
front, on corner lot. Price la ,
$2,600 a good deal lea, than
' the Improvement ooat. Term -can
be arranged.
1001 N. T. Life. . 'Phone Doug. ttt2.
" 0t M896 I
FOR SALE Four oottages on 60x1 yj, on
R St. In South Omaha, two blocli from
all packing houae. Oilt-edge Invest
ment Addrea. O 170, Bee.
, (1)-S51 Tx
A PROPERTY on a main business thor
oughfare, having a present annual Income
of $1,530, with a frontage on the side atreet
and alley, giving a total available frontax
of 210 feet for future permanent Improve
ment, wnicn wouia aiway oring good
rente: ought to be a good Durchaeo it
$31,0(0. I have such a piece. . 1
1008 New York Ufe B'.dg.
'.' (1)-M61J
THREE lot cheap. Third and Bancroft
Bla. Addrea R. A. Lee, 4(4 Bancroft.
(1)-Mai Octiox
HOl'815 and lot for sal, modern .except
beat. Be owner. 1K16 N t2d.
. UI)-M(WS 12X
FOR BALb, C'HliAP One ten-room houa
and barn, alth all modern Improvements,
on lot JSxl&u, walking distante; gilt-edge
Investment; owner wants to mov away.
A ....... 1 m V, Ill UA
. BTRACTS OF TITLE ar th aafeat.
' You . ar protected by a . $lo,uoo bond
agalnat loaa by error. You' don't buy a
-, law suit when yoa buy a "Kerr" abstract.
1(14 Harney. Tel Douglas 147. (l)
W will advertise a pedal barrain list
Wednesday evening; and Thursday morning
ef thla week ta thl paper. It you nave a
special bargain you would Ilk tt-t ad
vert!, send It In.' If you ar mtereaW la
buying a bargain, thla list will hlP yeu.
'. Harrison a'morton., -'
. ', . vt '. tl M10J S
- $L8oav . .
S-room house, good repair. partrf tnsdern,
Sklh gnd Hamilton, la-sy terma.
M. FhiVGtiR, J N. r. LIFE.
TeL Red Sill (li MIX
! tContin-ueU.)
Iarge corner lot, south' and
east front;- on ckr line. Hear
Bemls Park; Hire good cot
tages In flrst-clnss repairs.
. Thl property ran b bought . '
at a"' bargain If sold at once.
W would Ilk to show yon
th property today or totnor- .
row. W feel "bur If you look '
at it you" will be more .than .
pleased with th property as
weU tho price. Call and
ke Irs. '
Sol. Agnnta.' '
Main Floot, N. Y. Life Bid a-.
, ' '- ... , (19V-M148 '
REAL ESTATE at reaaonahl nrlrea; write
for list. H. R. Robinsnn, HHnta Crux,
California. ' , a) MM0 Novix
FOR B.ALE Ktght-roora modern honse;
large barn, fine shade, one block from
two car Una, paved street. Call at SUI
N 22d St. 0)M!iMlx
FOR SALE By the ewnor, a modern 7
reoro liouae., IMS 8. h, , t!9) M36x
SAY! homeaecker, . speculator, Invesrlir,
don't buy er more until you get par.
tlculara concerning northweat Arkansas;
yeu will be snfprised; don't wait..' Ad
dress Ob wait, 3ravette, Ark.
. t20 Mill llx ;,
WESTER T lOWX oora land foi'saJe and
xchang. WHte'tt L.' Craven a C.
Onawa, la. . (20)-Mfttt OUx
BEST bargain on -market, 400 A all ana
land. ml. Nr-Ev falrk Lake, la.; w.-li
itnprovHi; beat-eollf rriust be soil; worth
tVt.OO per A. .Price nrxt SO day. $17. S;
one-tKIrd casTif'bal. terms. Write for
partlculara E. Btehbtnga, Spencr. Ia
' ' i . (20V A1107 14X',:
KANSAS LANSSfWrtt for our complete
ltt f ' Kansaa 1anda Agents wanted.
aib Land and Investment Co., Omaha,
Meb. . ... -v, .. . A-AilOU
FOR SALE Fin farms In eastern Kan
sao, 40 miles soulh of .Kansas City. Bsr-
ttln. if you mill ' see or write J. W.
ewla. LouiaOarx. Ran. (20) MC36 Ix
linn county, Kansas, lands.
2no aorea, improved. tarnja.....
100 acre, fin ,llt, ,...4.. ....... 38
HO aorea close -In,..,,......,..,.......,.,'.,., 6
40 acre, walking austaace , So
Bargain apalora
r ',11 ,y , , I 0 MM 12x
. atlaaaaai. .. ,
la sooth eaat Mlaeonri. T farmers, home,
aeeker and aOeeMlator I 'wish t call your
attention to aoutheast Missouri land as the
best soil that cnaiujr can buy; I am maklne
a specialty of MlSalselppi county land; I
have farm all isr and prices: my list Is
too large to advertise; but If ym ar inter.,
ested, writ ni- for full description a ta
these land that will grow 76 to 100 buahela
of corn and M to 60 bushels wheat and to
T ton of alfalfa jer acre. I can sell you
land from SM- to' $ per acre, according to
Ma and improve-nent. Parties looking for
home or speculation will do weU to let me
know wliat they want. I have it frem 60
to i,w acre, ana price ar neht. After
reading- thl ad write me and tell mo what
you want and what you want It for, and I
will put you on the right track, or It you
can, call and see' me. Fail description of
southeast Mlaaourl land mailed at your re
quest. J. L BPRAQIK, 421 Chemical nidg,
L, Lauia, Mo. j: ,.'. ? mm Tx
FOR BALE 600 -farms, stock ranchcM,
. Kansas and MlasourK price, from $36.00
to $60.00 vtr cre; frem 40 to 2.0Ut a -re.
. Befor jrou buy.r4),or exchange, wrlU
for our-fro list, giving full Jostrlp
tlon, location and price direct from own-ra-'jF.
H.Humpbrey, Fort Boott,''Xan.
4.-1.:- . 4:o)-i.j14a
- Mataaa. -
. '..v i .-i'n ...-.. -, '.;.".".:"
FOR BALIS fwo'Tiom'etead "relinquish,
meotg, cortng fin tracts of agrlcul-,
tural land near Culbartaon, Mont; pi-i.-e.
. $800 e(.hv,A. pr, Mlddieton,.CulbeitJon,
: .Mont.,'. 'v'.'. - (2b) mi i4x -
FOR 8ALB1 40-cre farm 8H mile from
town; on rural rout and telephone line;'
oil me-ilum heavy and level; 120 acre
- broke,-16 aara flfalfa and red clover,
10 acra ot ash Ucibar.. Price for th next
. 20 -days. $40 per acre. Easy term. .Ad-
dreaa Box 2. Orchard,- Neb. J. C. Alex-'.ander.-
!- e.j. ,...- (20)i-401 10x
FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farm and ranches
for horn or Investment. Bemls Omah.
20)-j '
V. D. WEAD ha moved hi offlc to Weed
Building, 18th and Farnam Bts. ( 0b0
640 Acres -good land; four miles from Kim
ball, Neb., by owner, easy payment; $4.50
per acre. L. J. Brain, Paxton Hotel.
ta-Mu x
CHEAPEST lanY 1n"u7 S. for H the crop;
no cash.' Nat. Invt. Co.. Brandela' Bldg.
. 20)-MJTi2 O.-
Farm aad Rlack Laada.
A.' 880-ACRE stock farm, on th Loup val
ley, five mile from town, equipped. for
feeding 600 cattle yearly; double at of
bulldlnga in aame yard; 270 aeres plow
land, sixty acre alfalfa,, balance meadow
and tsm pasture; river front; $2,400 cash
or will take a good men In on sharea
Theodore Relmera Fullerton, Neb.
(30) M748 0
LOWEST RATES-IP inta- Pxton Block.
WANTED City loan. , Pater Trust Co
- (to a.3
$1,000,060. TO LOAN on buslaea and resi
dence property la Omalia; .ot,t ralea
n delay. Tloma Brsnnan. Room 1 N.
Y. Life. (23) 304
WANTED City, loan and ; warrants' Yf.
Farnam Smith Co., W2O Farnam fit.
LOANS "on . Improved Omaha . property.
O'tleef R. ,L. Co.. Ii01 K. Y. Life Bldg.
LOANS n lmprovd oily proparty. W. H.
Thomaa 606 First National Bank Bldg.
; . . . ' ;
660S TO IBO.OO TO LOAN at lowest rates:
n delay. GARVIN tRO.r 1606 Farnam.
- ,
PRIVATH MONEY F. D. Wd, 16 Doug.
WANTED Building lean.
, , TeW Loug, 1781, ,
'-. ' (B)-Tn 12
M0 TO ISL60 TO LOAN-Prlvau mn4y
a delay. J. H. tiaerwaod, W7 K. Y, L.
MONEY TO LOAK Payne InvaUtMtat Ca
n . ta-.
FARM mortrag of $2,000, per cnt semi,
annually; also a city mortsage-of $100,
rtrawlnn f, per cent, for aale. Patterson,
IOCS Farnam Pt. (S)-M441 2$
r. D. WKAD hs moved his office tn Wead
Bulldjnjf, ltth and Farnam P'n. .(gi'i-.ffll .
l,ono FOR 3 to ( years at per cent; beat
real estate security. Address L M7. care
Bee. VM2n?!;'-3;' ?il
CASH . paid for second-hand clothing,
shoes, .elc. SO No. lSth St. Tel. Red
1325. (X)-SIS
WANVEll to buy. a good billiard and
. pool hall. Address T. B., Box 7S4, Ne
vada, la. (25 M63 21X
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets,
Isums, office furniture, old clothes and
hoes, planca, feathera bed pillows, qullta
and all kinds of tools: or- will buy the
furniture of your house complete. Tin
highest prices paid. Call the right man.
Tel.- Daug. J97L (28) M46VS Oot. 81
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co.,
Ill S. 14th. f hon Dougla 1211. 25)-tl
WANTED Good buffalo head; advise con
dition ami cash price. C. C. Bin It h, filet
street, ritlaburg, fa. - () eatf 2ix
WANTED To buy or rent, a 8 or S-horse
power hoisting engine, tn good ordr. A4
jareMjaS.15thBt. M12SJJL.
WANTED Small furnished house or apart
ment; two In family. Telephone Harney
$977. (20)-ia x
GENTLEMAN and adult daughter want
rooma and board In private family. Ad
. dress M 817, Bee. (26)
WANTED Unfurnished room in modern.
- neuse, near Min una rxriiviu d., iui
a young lady. Address 8 372, Bee.
(2)-M9 $x
MAN. Wife and son, 6 years old, want
ROOMS, WITH BOARD, vicinity of La
throp sahooL L. R. Vorce, 2924 Bherman
avenue. 'Phone Webster 406, office; Web-
ster 1V. residence. (26) ItWTi 8x
WANTED Room in nrivate family bv lady
teacher-, near car line. Address
N 363, Be. . . . Oif-MW9 8x
WAfTJED By a young man, ase 17, a
home with a nice family; good appear
ing; aend for my photograph; kiw!
habits and willing- to worK; object is
. home. T. L. B-, Gen., Del., Aurora, III.
(36) M104 10X
YOUNG lady desires board and room In
private family; walking distanoa Ad
dress W.87S, care Bee. (26) M125 lOx
YOUNG man stenographer will be open
for position about Oct. 1; ha clerical
experience; references. Address L 24$,
car Bee. (27i MUi
WANTED Position as clerk In dry good!
store in am all town by young lady; ex
perienced. . No,. ISO, Stuart, la.
, . -7- (S7)-M66 08x
WANTED Position a chauffeur, expert,
would car for furnace also. - Kef. fur
nlshed. single. Addreas N 301, Bee.
... . .. (a7)-M666 6x;.
MIDDLE agod Jady wants posit Ion as
- hotmekeeper for widower. Csll Ash 17IT1,
Cuncll Bluffs. (27) Mj0 $x
WANTED By, ' experienced dreiemaker,
a.rk rlr Ira f. Viv it rlav Crt 1 1 rvrt n w at
I dress '106 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 3760.
tril) 9i- 1.DVJ
WANTED Poaltlon a bookkeeper or office
clerk; references furnished. Address
N 318, care Bee. (27)-723 7x
POSITION Experienced stenographer. Best
references. . Railroad work - preferred.
'Phone .-3276, or addrera E 844, Bee.
.- - - . 27) M8 8x
W. G. Bhiiver nd wife to Jomi '
H. Bum. w40 feet of lot 4, block
4, PatrUk'a addition.. $ 1
Joseph D. Her and wlfo to GottliV. ,
Storm, lot 2, block 4, . West ,Cutn . '
ming addition. 1 .......... . 1
F. O. Nsylor and wife to I. I. Niy
lor. lots 10 and 11. block 2, Raun- '
dra and Hlmnhauch'' addition... 10.000
Anna C. Felt to Joseph Brown, lot
4. block 1." Paddock Place - 830
John W. Rasp and wife to Kst'ier
Segall. w of lot 7, block 74,
Omsha 6,000
Louis Segall and1 wife to John' W..
Rasp, same. .-. ..''.... f."' 4,000
Matgaret K. Mlcklo to C, C. Kn- '
dall. 22 feet of . lot 6 H block 4j,. , 1
v Omaha ,
George Power' and wlf to Anna
. Graf, lots 4 and 5, block S,
Waterloo , 95
Mary Beth Wallace to Frank H.
Ramjet 6, lot it., block 11, Bedford
place . ." '. , 1,10(1
Kate P. Martin to Nlccodemua Dar-
faczewskl, lots 23. 2tf. 27. 30 and
1, block 3, Brookline 1.200
WilllHjii V, Graft .to John Graff. .t
3 and "8, blo k S, Waterloo. 11,0
Dennis 1. Craven and wife to Thor
veld Hansen, n58 feet of lots 23
and 24, block 16. Omaha View 1,500
Mary 44. HarrlKon and husband to .
George H. Sleek, part of lot 60. '- '
GiseV addition , 1,000
Hasting tx Heyden to Nathaniel
Melster. lota 14 and 16. block 6.
and lot 17 and 18, block T, Mon
mouth Park 2
Margaret O. Ritchie and husband lo
Minnie Foster, lots It and 20,
block 1, Tukey Height 2,000
Kenwood Realty company to Christ 1,
A. gorensen, iota iHi, 23 and 24, .'
Kenwood addition 185
Coltuge Home Building company ta
TUlie F. limm, nl25 feet of lot
2, block 28. West Omaha , . 1
George Forgan and wife to Eleaeor
L. Boyer. lots 18 and 1. block 3,
Clifton Hill. 1.600
Hasting & Heyden to the Im-
manuel ueaconesa Institute of
Omaha, n86 feet of Iota 1, 2 and 3,
and all of lota 4, 6 and 6. block 7.
Monmouth Park , 1,550
John. Nichols ami wife to John J.
Nichols, lot 18 block 7. Brown
Park ., .' , j
City of Omaha to Elmer I Ke'ir,
part of alley adjoining e24 fen
of lot i. block 3, Bweexy addi
tion ji
John H. Trenerry and wife to John
L. Tumm, lots and 10, block 8,
Kendall's addition 8S0
Total ..,
will bo received by the undersigned un
til 12 o'clock noon of the 15th day of Oc-
tober, lstif, for the erection and con
at ruction of one (1) fireproof
one (1) cottage, and one tl) atere
epecincaiioii". 1 n, cine nu.iu vi riuuo
Lands aad Bil!4tngsreserves tbe right to
reject any or all bids and waive defect In
same. Plan and apectnoauon can b seen
at the office of th undersigned, state cau4
tsl building, Lincoln. Nebraska, or at J he
emoa of the Hospital for th Insane at
Neriolk, Nebraska, or at the office of th
tat architect, George A. Berlinghof,
room 6u2-u4 Burr block, Lincoln, Nebraska,
Tha state architect will, upon request,
gocompaftied with a check ar money order
for $4). nd. axtra set of plan and apecl-
,.,.l.n. .I.f IHlvate limm tnW tl..
to b built un the grounds of th Hua-
rttal for th Insane, .Norfolk. Nebraska,
lids for th steam heat'ng, plumbing
and electric work to be taken separately.
A rertined 'heck of $1.6v0 on a bank doing
buaineas In Lincoln, Nebraska, must accom
pany eacn uiu tunuiiioiieii mm mwi tiir&u iinofr
paragraph No. Is, page 3, of the technical
string them, and 6- f thl amount a ill be
refunded wt.en plans and specifications ar
returned In . good erdnr. GLOKUrl O.
JL'NKIN, oecreiary of Stale. C4d 6t j
Quartermaster. Cheyenne. Wyoming, Oc
tober 4. 1i7. Sealed propoatils In triplicate
will be reserved ut this oftloe until ll:.w
o clock, mountain time. Novefmer 4. 1i7.
an 1 th.-tt oiiene'1 in public, for furnisliing
all materlHl nnd llor requtri'd t coi. struct
a Me(l fence for enclosing quartermaster'
inrrals. at Fort r. A. Kuasell, Wyoming,
Full Information, blank forms, plans atnl
specifications fvitnisheil oi application to
llila ofllie. The 1 tilted States reserves the
right to acciet or reject any or nil bid or
any pnrt there'if. Envelopes conialntng
pinpoSHla ehnuld he endorsed "Proposala for
Bteel Fence, at Fort D. A. Runeell, Wyom
ing." and addresaed to Captain V. K. Hart,
15th Infantry, I'. S. Army, In charge of
Construction, Cheyenne-, Wyonimg.
O 6-11-17-23 N 1-2
Heaver City, Nebraska. Wster bonds
of lleavor City, Nehtaaka, In the
amount of $rs.0m. issued In denominations
of $S00 each, interest 6 per cent, dated day
of delltery. pnvabl,! at Nebraska Fiscal
agency, New York City, N. Y., twenty
years after date, with option of city to
redeem same any time after $ years from
their dale. Sealed bids will be received
by W. K lonsrd. clerk, up 1o and In
eluding October 16, 1P07, 8 p. m. Clj re-l
serves the right to reject anv and all
bids. W. L. LEONARD, City Clerk.
- crs
t'alon Paclfi.
leave. Arrlv.
?ha Overland Limited.. 8:50 am a 6:40 pm
he Colorado Express- a $:M pm a 1:00 pm
Atlantic Express '. a 1:80 am
The Oregon Kxprees... a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
The Los Angeles Llm. al2:55 pm a:16pm
The Fast Ms'.l a 6:80 am a 6 41. pm
Th California Express a 4:M pm a 6:60 pm
Colo. -Chicago Special. al2:10am a 6 50 am
Beatrice Local b 7:42 am t6:lSpm
North Platte Local. A., a 7:42 am a 6:16 pm
Chicago l lertk wearera.
Chicago Daylight a 7 J am
St. Paul-Minn. - Exn a 7:60 am
ill M pm
aio oo pm
Chicago Local all :80 am a 8:28 pm
Sioux City Passenger,.. a vw am a 8:28 pm
Chicago Paasengei a 6:00 pm al:80m
Chicago Special ilMpm a 6:21 am
St. Paul-Minn. Llm a 8:2 pm a 7:40 am
Lo Angeles Limited-. .a :30 pm a12:Upm
Overland Llmltml ...10:00nm a 8:2.1 am
Vast Mall , ,
a 1:04 am
a 8:20 am
a 1:13 pm
a 7:40 am
a 6:33 pm
aU:25 am
Sioux City Local . a 8:50 pm
Fast Mall
Twin City limited tttMpm
Norfolk-Boneateef a r:40 am
Ltncoln-Chadron ...b 7:40 am
Dead wood- Lincoln a 8 :00 pm
a 6:3S pm
Casper-Shoshonl ...a ...a 8:00 pm all lSsm
Hastings-Bunerlor ....bS:00nm b6:13pm
-Fremont-Albion b 6:86 pm b!2:46 pm
C'hleaa) Great Wester.
Bt Paul-Minneapolis... 1:20 pm 7:80 am
St. Paul-Minneapolis.. 7:30 am 11:35 pm
Chlcage Limited. 6:66 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Express......... 7:80 am 11:86 m
Chicago Express.. ... 1:20 pm 2:80 pm
Cklraa;o, Mtlwaake A St. Paal.
8hlcago c Coin, Sp'I....a 7:02 am aU:C0pnt
al. ex Ore. Expreaa..... 6:20 pm al:2n2pm
Ovetland Limited a (:! pm a 8:30am
Perry Local a 4:16pm alOJOam
Chlcaa. Reck Islaa aV FarlS.
Chicago Limited a 1:45 am all :80 pm
Iowa Local a7:Aam 1:80 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4. om al2:20ora
Iowa Local au:4 am b 161 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:60 pm a 1:83 pin
Chicago Flyer .a4:00pm a S:6 am
Rocky Monntaln LJm..all:41 pm a 2:83 am
Colo, and Cal. Ex al:Sbpm a4.40pni
OkL and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a 2:46 pm
Lincoln-Falrburr Paaab 8:4u am bl0;14 am
Mtaaoarl 1'aclflo.
K. C. 4 8t- L Exp a 8:00 am
K. C. Si St. L. alxp all :16 pm
Nebraska Local a 2:00 pm
a 6:66 am
a t ii pm
aU :40 am
St. Loul Express a 6:30 pm a$:30aai
Bt. Loul Local (from
Council Blufls) a 1:30 am alLlipm
Stanberry Local - (from
Council Bluits) b 6:00 pm bl0:18 am
Ullaol Oaatral.
Chicago Expreaa ....a 7:20 am ' a 8:46 pm
Minn. 4k St. Paul Exp...b 7:20 am k 1:66 pm
Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm a 8:30 am
Minn, at Bt. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm a UM am
. Lear. Arrive.
...a 4:10 pm a 4 10 pm
...a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm
...a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm
...a 6:80 pm a 6:46 am
...a80am al:10pm
...a 1:20 am a 6:10 pm
...b 1:46 pm al2:ll pm
Denver V California.
Northweat 8pcll....
Black Hill
Northwest Express..
Nebrsska points
Nebraska Expreaa...,
Lincoln Fast Mall....,
Lincoln - Local....'.....
d 1.00 am
a 1:00 pm
Lincoln Looal.
Louisville St Plattsm'thrb 3:10 pm bl0:20 am
pelUvue-Plattsmouth ..a 8:10 pm a 7 am,., am ...
Bellevue-Plattamouth b 1:30 pm
Denver Limited all :6,1pm a 6 -48 am
Chicago Special a 7:00 am all:48 nm
Chicago Express a 4:80 pm at:66pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:80 pra a 8 so am
Iowa Local a 8:18 am all :80 am
St. Louis Expres a 4:45pm all-BOam
Kansa City St. Jo...alO:46 pm 6 80 am
Kanaaa City Pt. Jo. ..a 91Rm a 610 Dm
Kansa City r Bt Jo ...a 4:46 pm ....... m
St Paal, Mlasiwapolt 31
Twin City Passenger.
Bloug City Passenger
Emerson IOcal ,
Emerson Local
Mlaaanrl FaelS.
Local via Weeping
Falla City Local..,...,,
..b 6:34 am
..a 2:00 pm
. .b 6:48 pm .
..e 8:46 am
b 8:10 pm
all:20 am
b 610 am
C 6:80 pm
.a 1:0S am
.a 3:60 pm
a 8:80 pm
all:20 am
a Dally, b Dally except Simday. c Sunday
only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally ex
cept Monday.
By the Royal Mall Steamer at th
Canadian Pacific Railway
Salllnt Iron Vancouver, BT. C.
OsescsIM eenie to tfee onsat ea ear aaa.
ra, gaipreaa of India, gmiims ml Cklaa a4
Smsrna at Jlsaia. Thrmm Mssmtra ars ta
lasuat kslwsM Asmlsa a4 las tar aaa.
Staaimr MaeUsfla ee elaes el ctbl
- iMMenser eaiy, al th laUnosdiaia rate.
Isliluss about evsry wa Says.
Iuibui Mnaa, Mtawsra aai Araet forw
tka ouly liae te Australia; eiealieat
SMKtaUesa. lalllast mmmm a awata
far raiss, lalwaiatiea sa lIMratars, as
sir u
.C. tkiw. Csa. til S. Ciirk S! Ckltsjt
Price Preaieted tor Mar Cros) an
the Local Exekasg by
"May wheat at $1.26 before Christmas."
wk tie cry that rang through the Grain
exchange again aad again' Monday morning
during the excitement caused by the swift
upward sweep of the wheat market.
Within an hour after tha market opened.
May wheat was Selling nearly 2 cents above
Saturday. In the last two weeks It has
advanoed from $1 to nearly 81 10 a bushel.
Th heavy export demand la a leading fac
tor In the activity. . Local grain meii ar
receiving large order from exporter and
on of the big exporting houae of Buffalo
ha aent to Omaha an agent, Mr. Jackson
ta buy all th wheat he can st'
E. C. Taamley is congratulating himself
on the accuracy of hla. prophecy regarding
th market. When he returned early In
August from Canada, having obaerved the
wheat crop would be mallr than usual,
he expressed the belief that May wheat
would sell at $LW befor Thanksgiving.
;. Man wanted. It doesn't matter what you
want a man for. It doesn't matter whether
you want a white man or a black ma a, 'a
largo man, er a wall man, there' a man
In Omaha who want to erv you. He's
just th man you want, and If you Insert
an ad la Tb Bee' want columns tdsy
that man wilt call, upon yu tomorrow.
Mrs. J. J. Brown Announoes Engage.
raMit'of Dang-riter. "
(oaalry ('lab aad llannr Hollow F
pecte.1 to Afford Chief Ratertain.
meat More Poaalar Vlalt
, lea Women Fxpected.
it Is often sed thnt Monday rules every.
pother dy of the week, and If that la true
the outlook for sec'.oly for the next even
day la far. from gay, Monday' calendar
I almost a blank. But there will not be
an absolute dearth of. entertainments, a
the Country and Happy Hollow club will
b enlivened on ladles' dy and the Satur
day evening dinner and donee 'at bo11i wlU
bring out the Usual crowds. There wro a
number of supper at the " Country club
Sunday evening, the torsest'ef which aaa
given by Miss Gertrude Mooreheid In hono
of Mlsl Hstel Remltigfrm ot Grand Raplda
Mich., who Is the guest cf Mr. and Mr.
Harley G. Moorehead. Those present were
Miss Hax.l Remington, Miss Untejrklrcher
of Burlington, la.; Miss Katherlne Moore
head. Mr. I. I Hamilton. Mr. and Mr,
Harley cl. Moorhead. Mr. Stockton Hethi
Mr. Elmer Cope.. Mr. Harry Tukey. Mb
1-awrence Brlnker and Mr. Roa Towle,
Mr. Sherman Canfield had as hi suesta
Mr. and Mra W. K. Martin. Mr. and Mra
E. M. Fairfield. Mr. and Mra Clark Dun
can, Miss Curtl. Mies Carlta Curtla' Mr.
Frank Hamilton and Mr. Ralph Hoaglnnd
of Chicago. .
With Mr. and Mra Edwin-- T.- Swobe
were Mr. and Mra Gould Diet, Miss Mar
garet Wood and Mr. Warreo, ,
At another (able were Mr. and Mra, a
V. Iwls. Mra Chase of Chicago, Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Klnsler and Mr. Moaher Col
petser. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 'Low had a thelf
guests Mr. and Mra Arthur Gulott.
Having supper together were Mr. an
Mrs. William Redjck. Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur
Remington, Mr. and Mr. W." J. Foy and
Mr. K. M. Spragta
Reservation for small parties were made
by Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull, who had four
guests; Mr. and Mrs.' C; W, Hull, five:
Captain and Mrs. Thomas Swobe, two; Mr.
Harry McCormlck, ' two; Mr. and Mra
Kennedy, alx. and OeneraL Cowln two.;
At nappy Hollow.
Very few except the golfer took supper
at the Happy Hollow club Sunday evening,
and those who entertained Only reserved
places for? four. Mr Thoma Crelgh,' Mr.
A. G. Edwards and Mr. A. J.J Cooky were
Among these. '
Among tfios who will give luncheons at
the club Tuesday will be Mr. C. C: Belden,
who will have fourteen guests; Mr. H. n.
Fish, fourteen; Mr. Sweeney and 'Mr.
Goodrich, seventeen;' Mrs. ' J. II. Hart,
eighteen; Mr. A. G. "Edwards, twenty,
snd Mrs. W. A. Tlcl three.
Thursday Mrs. C. C, Belden will hav ,
fourteen fciiests, Mr. Charle Marsh four,
Mrs. A. O, Edward, twenty and Mr. E.
Haney taetity-one, ..
. Eosageueat i;ea. .
Mrs. J. J. Brown save a small tea Satur
day afternoon at her home, 101 South Thirty-second
avenue, when aha announced th
engagement of her daughter, Mis Jeannl
Brown," to Mr, T. D. Lauer of Lincoln. I
came as a surprise to 'most of the guests
and the young people ar" busy recelvtnaj
congratulations from a hosi of friends. Tha
weddln Is to take place in November or
early In December. Those present at th
tsa were Mra .J.. W. Gannett,. Mr. Hor
bach.-Mra E. -M. Moraman, Mr. George B.
Lake. Mrs. Philip Potter, Mra' E. Wak
ley. Mr. A. P. Tukey, Mr. Erat,u Young,
Mr. Gallagher. Mra. J L. Webster, Mrs.
C. B. Rustln, Mrs. E. W-Nash, Mrs. C. J.
Greene. Mra Crelgh, Mra vMcS ween, Mr.
M. Kitchen, Mrs. Burgess, Mrsv J. N. H.
Patrick. Mlas Turner,. .Miss. Kennedy, Mlsa
Jessie Millard and the Misses Wallace.,
For Mra. Bond,
Mr. Carrie Jacob Bond of Chicago ha
been spending a few day with Mra A. J.
Poppteton.' Sunday she was a guest at
Walden," th summer home of Mr. and
Mr. Myron Learned, near Florence. Sh
returned to the city Monday and wa honor
guest at a luncheon given by Mrs. W. 8.
Popplelon at th Country v club, when cov
er were laid for nlna .
A Baltimore wedding which will be of In-
tercet In Omaha occured Thursday even
ing-, October 3, at 7 o'clock, . when Miss
Emma Katherlne Wlgart, daughter of Mr.
Emma Raborg Wlgart, wa married to Mr.
Upton BllnglufT of Omaha, n of Mr. and
Mr. Isac Sllngluff of Gloucester, Vt. The
ceremony wa performed by Rev. F. X.
Brady, pastor of the St. Ignatius' Cathollo
church. The bride. wore a handsome gown
of white marquisette . trimmed with point
lace and carried a grayer book -bound la
purple and gold, which formerly belonged,
to her grandmother. She 'was attended by
Mlws Rlda Louhje Revell a maid of honor.
who wore a pretty gown of whit mousse-
liie over t a yet a and carried a bouquet ot
white carnations. The -best man wa Mr.
R. Pas Hunter. After th reception Mr.
and Mra BUngluff left for a wedding jour
ney through the south and on their return
will reside in Omaha
- Caae-aa-Uo Goaelp,
Mr. E. W. Dixon returned Sunday mora
lng from a summer spent on a yachting
crulae along th Atlantic coast.
Mr. Ernest Van Tasaell, who ha been
spending three week in Lo Angeles, CaL,
returned horn Saturday morning.
Mr. Chat Ridick left Monday morning N
for a week; business trip in Tea man.
Mr. Jacob ot Hot Bphlng 1 expected
Tuesday to be the gueat of Colonel and
Mr. 8. 8. Curtis. Mra Jacob ha visit ea
In Omaha several time and her return
wilf be welcom new to her mahy frlenda
Many social affair are already being
planned In her honor.
Acts uaturailv. acts f rulv
T t. .V .
4i I jaxfilive. ....
I3ejt forlenVt3men artri CjiuoV
ini"yuuuj" uiiu uiui , -
tet its ljeaeficlaltlfects
e (genuine vvKlrh
ihe full m
name of ine vx)m-
Pa Strut Co. '
wUm it I e.jou(oturd printed en tng
frent ef ovt-ry poc-kave.
iie only, rcjulr jm-s. tfrkejt:i
a 4
Cleanses the yteih Jkltpct
uaUyt Dispels Colas analleaf
antes aao 10 uonsiipuiiom
) v