Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1907, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1907. Want ads Al?rllHiiifiti fee e WHt ad rolsatas will be takes aatU IS aa. fee the fffilac edltloa til s. m. far tha aaeralaa; ! Baaday edltleas. Caak wast aecesnataay all orders far "Ml ada aad advertleesneat will be accepted for lose tkaa 10 eewte far first loaertloa. Rates apply te either Tha Dally miliar Baa. v A Inuia roast six words te a Hae. Ceaablaatleas of initials or taara coast aa oao seerd. CASH RATKS fOH WART ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, per Use, 10 eeata. Twa or mora eeaseeative Insertions, par llae, eeata. Kara laaartloa aaaae oa odd days, 10 eeata per Hae. gU.SO par itae per suoath. CASH RATES FOH NOTICES. Death aad Faaeral Notices, Caraa at Thaaka aad Lodge Notices, T eaata , per Hae for oao edltloa, aioralaf or erealaci 8 eeata a llae for aaeh ad dltlonal edltloa. Saadar. lO eeata a llae. 'Urn ad takea fa less taaa SO eeata. i , SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If your advertisement la laeerted aade tay aao of tha elaaaldcatloaa lvea below. It will bo charged at the fol lowing ratea i Oao Insertion, 4 eeata per llae three1 to ol eonsecstlve In sertions, 3 eeata par llae each luaer- float seven or aiare consecutive la sertiena, a eeata per llae each laser float BO eeata per Hae per month. BAItTER AND EXCHAIfGB. BUSINESS CHAMCEl. HELP WANTED rEMALK. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Areata, Sollcltora aad Inlet mea. v " OFFERED FOR SALE. Co we, Blrda, Don aad Fata. Hone aad- vehicles. Poaltty aad Baas. Faraltaro. Trpewrlters aad lewlaf Machlaea. Plaaoa, Orgaaa aad Blaaleal laatra meats. OFFKHED FOR RESTl Faralahed Rooms. Lafaralahad Reonaa. Housekeeping? Hooaaa. ' Boardlaa; sad tveoxes. " WANTED T BUT- Waat Ada for The Be may be left t say of the followjac drogi stores one Is "pear aoraer areae-let"- they are all breach oOleea of Tha Baa aad soar ad will bo laaerted ' Jest promptly aad oa the same ratea aa at ths mala omee la The Bee BaUdlaa, bereateeath aad Faraam Streets. Aluach. W. C 40th and Farnam. Boranck. B- A., 140J! 8. 10th Bt. JJecht Pharmacy, 720 B. lth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Beml Park Pharmacy. S3a and turning. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R.. th and Pierce 8ts. Cllfion Hill Pharmacy. 211 Military Ave. Conta. J. B., iat Ave. and V arnam. Crlzsey Phaimacy, 21th and Lake. Ccrmak. Emll, 124-6 8. 13th St Eaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. . Kbler, F. H.f 2802 Leavonworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th Bt. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. . . Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Qolriman Pharmacy, th and Lake. Green's Fnarmacy, corner Park, Ave. n . Pacine. Greenough, O. A., 102S S. 10th Bt. Greenough, Q. A., 124 B. 10th St. Hayden, Wm. C. 2820 Farnam St. Park Phar.. 1601 8. 81 h Ave, . Hou-t. John, fct N. 18th Ht ' Huff. A. I, 224 Leavenworth St. King. H. B.. 22SS Farnam Bt. Kounts Place Pharmacy. .14 N. 34th. Patrick Drug Co., Ifi24 N. 24th Bt. ' I.athrop, Cha. E , 1324 N. f4th Bt. Peyton, L. U. 14th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 2th and Amea Ave , Schaefer's Cut Prlca Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. Srhaefer, August. 2681 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, lth and Martha SU. Walnut HIM Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, -anh and Oraca Sta. . Worth. O. 40th na Hamlon Sts. DEATH) AND FUNERAL NOTICES SAUNDERS Philip J., age 14 years, at ths residence or nis parent, tui Morin i wen ty-fifth atreet. Funeral notice later. MARRIAGES LICENSES. Th following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. iMward E. Docekal, Omahs Lucy Dleslng, Omaha. Roman Pokarskl, South Omaha..., . Alice Clemont, South Omaha Age. ... 23 ... 20 ... 23 ... 23 Charles Machurek, David City, Nb.... Bessie Hllfen. David City, Neb.. ... 21 Scott C, Johnson, Omaha Maud Cochran, Council Bluffs, la.. Frank Kramolls, South Omaha.,... Agnea Jiran, Plattsmouth ... 28 ... 2SI ... 27! ...a ... 31 ! William M. Smith. Omahs... Anna, H. Foaler, Omaha William J. Grant,, Omahs.... ... 36 ttose uannon, umans Austin T. Guernsey, Extra, Ia....u... Bernlce Belbert, Extra, la Klaus J. Kelblg, Omaha Mrs. Mary Dutaen, Omaha.... Albert W, Bonner, Omaha , Nannie M. Jenaen, Omahs ... 2J . 16 . 21 . 43 . 60 . 22 . U BIRTHS Alt D DEATHS. Births Rassmas Nelson, 1418 Saratoga si i tel. boy; F. H. Baden, Twenty-fourth and Pratt, boy; Emmett E. Halm, 1704 South Fifteenth atreet, girl; William Hunting, Fifty-first and Burdette, boy; Sam B. Irvine, Grand avenue, boy; W. E. Her, 1340 South Tenth, bey; Jamea Schmidt, 23J South Fourteenth, boy; Joseph T. Watklns, 117 South Twenty-eighth avenue, girl; Al bert Melor, 1616 Cuming, girl. Deat ha Theresa Merses, 41 Bouth Twen tieth, age ti years; Mary A. Corey, liit North Twenty-fourth, age 80 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS M'CAR'fNEY INSTITUTE, lwl FARNAM ST. Classes now open. ABLK l.NSTKUCTORS. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, General Office Practice. Also Preparatory for Civil Service. College or . profession. Day and night sessions. 11. p. W.o. O MM1 Olt All ta ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her dressmaking parlors. VI . ' " MMUJ.I1V III , . - , A ..alt S1 V. : U f mi - D-Mio8 OSS TILE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE f now open in both the DAY and NIGHT urssiona. Yet It la not too late to enter. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting. Te legraphy gid English. The catalogue la ,Ut"' H. R. BOYLES. PRES. BOYLES BLDU.. OMAHA. NEB. tU-stt THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sta. TL Dc-uglaa 1307. U-19S MI'bIC every evening. Hotel Rome. Ill 7U F D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building. 18th snd Farnam eta. (1) ION PA1NTINO-41 H. Cole. IK Douglas. . (lj-l V 11 EN writing to advertisers it 1st but a stroke m- two of the pen to say you w the ad la Ttie U . AUTOMOBILES SEND for our lift of second-hand automo biles. DERIOHT. IfU Faraam. U Sue NEARLT new 14-h p. t-pasaenger touring car; storage battery, full top, lamps ami equipment; cost S1.4& In May, Iflnf; only run 1.6"0 miles; In rlrst -class shape, at A bargain. V. V. BIIOI-.BS COMPANT, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard, ware atock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1,000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about 14,000, Including fixtures. This Is s good, paying proposition. Has a good trsde and In ona of the best locatlona In town. Will consider part exchange, tha balance cash. Globe Land snd Inveatmant Company. (1) Moll FOR EXCHANGE 3ffl acres of land "7 mllea from Falrbury, Neb., good Improvements, 140 per acrs. Want stock of general merchandise. S65.CO0 Omaha rental property paying 10 per cent net; will take good land In ex change. (Hit acres, Pawson county. Neb., at 130 per acre; some of the best land In the county; well Improved. Trade for Omaha property. . These are good. Match aome of them. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG (XX 110 Board pf Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. . Ground floor. , U6)-14 7x FOR BALE Or exchange, fine section of land In Kimball Co., Neb., at $6.60 per acre. Can give clear title, or long time on suout $2,000. What have you 7 It' a bargain. Who wanta It T AMERICAN LAND & IMMIGRATION CO., Sidney, Neb. (D-M571 TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city property, good 287-acre farm, three miles from, good town; right In heart of oil and gas fields. For full description address J. M. Nowoll, R. V. U. No. z, Humboldt, Kan. (3) M61S 10X SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. A beautiful suburban home of 7 rooms, . Independent water system, large cistern, good barn, sheds, chicken -house, and yards; 6 acres of grapes, 2Q9 plum, 300 cherry and 100 apple trees, and an abun dance of small fruit and berries; a fine home with an annual income of 11,000 to l,6ou; might consider aome land, or house , and lot In Omaha or Council Bluffs. ALVA SMITH, Council .Bluffs, Iowa. 13J-M220 llx FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa gons and Implements, located In a smalt Illinois town; will Invoice, about V.T.. Also house and Z lots In tame town. Price for real estate, 11.600; Invoice for stock. Will exchange for farm land In Iowa. Kansas or Missouri Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. - t3 M517 A BARGAIN Will sell or exchange for land, stock of dry goods; positively great chance; must act Immediately. Address T 49, care Omaha Bee. () MC07 10 BUSINESS CHANCES READ Ax you looking for a farm, bualneaa or Investment? We have General merchandise stocks of all sixes. Ehoe stocks. Gents', furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurant. Booming house furniture. -Drug Blocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms snd ranches. Call and See JACOBSON & CO.. I3S N. Y. L. Bldg., Omahs. Neb. . . 44) M160 Octl Mining and Industrial Stocks. We buy and sell any active unlisted stocks. We have rare bargalna In in dustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid Investigation, we have bargains In sev eral active mining stock in Nevada, ' also several bargalna In copper stocks. We receive weekly reports from all the ' Important mining districts In the United States and Mexico. ROBT. C. DRUE8EDOW . CO., Stock Hrokers, . 80 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8665. Omaha. Heta. (4 426 0 FOR EXCHANGE We have timber, fruit farm land In east ern Washington and Oregon; mild cli mate; fruit land has netted 1600.00 per acre; will exchange for hotels, good rest donees or any property of equal value anywhere; can match any deal, large or small. We have abstracta ahowlng per fect title down to date. Price of land from $40.00 to 1125.00 per acre. Give full particulars in first letter. Address Box lo4, uniuna, iJeD. (4)-mi iix . f Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers LISTED AND AnLISTED MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchangsa. DON'T BUJf STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. We can save you from t to 20 per eeat on any mining stock. LIST YOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH US. We give prompt aavlce. NEU8TADTL sV DAVIDOV. 04 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1294. ' (4 MS A NEW manufacturing plant paying 2S per cent annual dividends on capital Invested, for sale on account of other bualneaa. A splendid opportunity for two men with lo Invent. No trade proposition considered. If you mean bualneaa In vestigate, If not, do not answer. Address F 846, care of Bee. U Um 11 T I FOR BALE AT A SNAP If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at Yankton, five paaaenger trains daily oa the Milwaukee; train No. $ stops twenty minutes (or supper; will sell at Invoice or lump it off al $1,650. Don't atop to write, but come Htti aee it; It la a bargain for the right man. George F. Harrington, Yank ton, 8. D. 4)-M3M OtX MONEY Do you need ItT We are In a position to furnish capital for any merit, orlous enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; ' money advanced on good securities; char ters procured tin any atate; do not fall to confer with ua. It will be to your in terest. R. Kaats A Co., bankers, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. ' . . (4)-214 x FOR SALIS Tha only , exclusive Imple ment stock in a city of i.uoo; no trade; mild climate; plenty ef natural gaa. Ad dress H. J. Howard, Cherryvale. Kan. (4) MJuSjix WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest lew people to talent of 16.000 or $,0uw. You can make same or more at no ex pense to yourself. YAddress L tt. Bee. I . . 4-Min BEST country location In Missouri for a. good doctor; has bsen proven; can fur nish An cottage and 41 acres of land very cheap. For fcartlculare address A. A. Parsons, Laquey, Mo. 4 Mill llx WANTED To buy s good newspaper la northwest Nebraska; state price; confi dential. Address Y-28, care Bee. (4)-Mlo8 19x FOR BALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale ana retail; nave the best trade In the city. Address William Rltshaupt, Guthrie. Okl. 14)-MU4 Ux NEWSPAPER In one of Wyoming's most promising towns; no competition; receipts lot) a month; two men can do the work. Carl B. Blow, Hamburg, la. 4 Ml 14x THIS COMPANY doea s general real es tate and loan buslriees; s specialty of looking up good farming lands and lo cating eastern people on them; .let tis hear from you; we can serve you. Eu reka Land Company, 411 Buchanan Bldg. Portland. Ore. (4) Mlul NovVa FOR SALE The best four-chair barber shop In ths best town la South Dakota. Address Y 26, aare Bee. 4 M40 tlx FOR SALE Hardware atock In North ern Colorado town; atock and fixture will Invoice a bo lit $i.00U Address box 111 Eaton. Colorado. 4-Mt7 lOx HOTEL FOR BALE If you want a good one and a money maker st a snap bar gain, on the best of terms, write A. Brysn. Creston, la. 4 MAM Ux FOR SALE Moving picture theater clear ing -" per month. U. A. Williams. Pitts burg. Kan, Ui-MM Ua Nearly everybody - in Omaha Want Ads." .BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. 1 I WANT to sell ell or half Interest In fine new stock of millinery snd fixtures, well located In El Paso. Tex. Address P. O. Box !(, El Paso, Tex. 4 MM8 12x FINE 10-room bouse, modern, fine location, walking distance, full of roomers. Must be sold, lesvlng town. Address J-217, care Bee. (4) MfiOJ 8x AN A-l proposition for party with small amount or money to invest, call be tween 4 and o'clock. Her Grand hotel. W. M. Robert. - 4 M630 10a P. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building. 18th and Farnam Sta. f 87 WILL pay 11,000 commission to anybody that can raise $6,000 for a proposition that will pay more than 100 per cent on the Invest ment' every year. For particulars write P. O. Box 84. (4)-6S2 8x THE BEST MEAT MARKET In s city of 80,000 Inhabitants, snd building for rent. Address A. Omahn Bee, Council Bluff a, I. 4)-M642 OUK WILL someone please Inform me of good opening for restaurant? Address O 802, care Bee. (4)-M544 x DRUG stores for ssle everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T. Life. Omaha. (ty-V RE8TAFRANT for ssle cheap. 3 Broad way, Council Bluffs, la, 4) 754x AN A-l proposition for party with small amount or money to invest, uau Detween 4 and o'clock. Her Grand hotel, W. M. Roberta. (4) M6S0 lOx FOR RENT Furnished hotel In Junction town of 800. Brick building. Addreas Y 108, Bee. , . 4)-;i lSx NEBRASKA 13,00 practice for sale for price of office outfit. Address Y-l, car Bee. (4)-MC Olix ROOMINO house for sale, all sizes. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. TcL Douglas 8449. 4i-738 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS, Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. for sale cheap. Address W. K. Ragan, Utlca, Neb. 4)-M931 10 DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price, - ..a ...,tn. hnnvft. Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver, Colo. (4) M8H6 02UX OPENING In good Minnesota ttown for art store snd photographic atudto; prop erty for rent or sale. Address the owner, D. D. Chap in, Hutchinson, Minn. (4) M ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee. la., has farm lands and town property for sale or trad. Write what you have and want (4) M284 OctlSx TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 MCAOUE RIULDING. UTH AND DODGE STS. 4)-2u6 FOR BALE Half Interest In good saw mill to man to manage and will take output of mill aa cut; good proposition. Pstolflje box ius, Houston, Tex, (4) 463 7x TO BUY, TRADE OR BELL see "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL." 823 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. Doug. 6148. (4)-207 BUSINESS CHANCE In one of the best county seat towns In Nebraska, an up-to-date line of millinery; ladies' furnish ings, laces, embroldeilea and notlona; will sell at Invoice price, somewhere near 83.600; done 88,800 worth of business, lsst year; has been established 20 years; party wants to leave the state. Address box '614, Broken Bow. Neb, (4)-Mll llx PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only news paper in South Dakota town; cylinder, jobber, power, plenty of material, large territory, good crops, term to ult. Journal, White Rock, S. D. (4)-MGJJ X2x FOR SALEt 82,800. Steam laundry. Includ ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically new: no competition: business thoroughly established; weekly receipts, 1125 to $160; under aggressive management, business could be doubled almost immediately. Thla property, with equipment, will Invoice ii.wo. Address H. . Burnt, caanter irsi National bank. Sac City, la. 4 M448 OctSl FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 1? hundred: t rail, roada; am going Into other ruvness. Will sell building and fur-ilfjn- -r fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel H block from depot. If looking for a snap get busy. Address Y 178, Bee. (41 M6U FOR SALE Finest restaurant In best lo cation, SO rooms In connection, unin cumbered, clearing $400 monthly, worth $6,000, but on account of sickness will take $3,000. For terms and particular addreas W. A. Feild, Box 296, Little Rock, Ark. ' (4) M687 Ux FOR BALE 18-room furnished hotel, res tsurnt Aai coniectloueiy, in guod grow ing town st bargain, account sickness. cneap rent. r. ju ttriaei, ueneva, sseo. (4)-M718 UX A SMALL, clesn, profitable drug busi ness. Address p. u. box iSl, fsrpt city, UUh. (4) M628 17x I HAVE from C.000 to K000 to Inveat 10 Kr cent net. What have you to offer 7 iso N. Watson, 1710 Farnam. (4 MS26 RENT Ritchie' hall. South Omaha; second floor; no posts; toxw; long less, a. U. Ritchie. 120 8. Utb 8U Omaha. (4)-6C4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CeaMserelal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL 'A CO.," 838 N. T. Llf. Doug. 614. &-Ml Ctrset Cleaalagj. , 8ANITAET Peanlrig Co.. 181 Farnam. u-mi Chlaa ralatla;. OIL AND CHINA PAINTING Class les sons until Oct. 1, duo. ngure painting a specialty. Mrs. Ethel Vols, 2Z21 Dodge. 'Phone Taylot 4246.1 (5-M44 O Crease erlea. . DAVID COLE CREAMERT CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5-tH Chattel Learn. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bue Bldg. (i Mi. ChlresedUt. DR. ROT. R. t 1506 Fsrnsm St. Doug. 647. ti Ji6 Pre laklag. IN FAMILIES M las Sturdy. TeL Harney ISA. (i-U REDFERN achooL R. , Douglas Blk. TeL Doug. 4684. 6 M47J M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. MSX Far. nam Hi. tt 1U Mrs Broach, 8728 Farnam.. Tel. Harney tat. a M6M OcU4x EXPERIENCED dressmaker, 82.60 per day. Iba Yale St. i-MU6 llx DeatUts. BAILEY As MACH. 8d nr. Paxtoa. D. 1061 (a-tll rieetata. 8E88 A aWOBODA. 1408 Faraara.sTI-81 U HENDERSON, Ul Farnam- TeL D. ISM. -& J H. BATH. 1628 Harney. TeL Doug. 8000. -M4 Caurta. OO-CART Tires. Lawrrnca, J708 Leave n wortn street. Is) MM Octtt Hotels. THE SCHILTZ. European, lata and Harnay 0--l That's why they bring results BUSINESS DIRECTORY . (Continued.) Jewelers aad Watchmakers. M. P. BTILLINQ Watoh, clock. Jewelry repairing, 8-8 Paxtoa Blk.' Tel.. a7. w Locksmiths. KEYS, ate. Heflln, 1824 Farnain. Tel. D. 2871 ' 5ia Millinery. , LADIES !:st made over snd trimmed In the Istest styles; hata, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, 2 S. 28th 6t. 'Phone Hartley 8808. (K)-648 Oil Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 164. Dr. Bowser, over 1608 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (5) M466 Oct. 31 DRS. RINGLER, 806, Neville block. Phone Red MW. v ivioiu non PlaaMag. PLUMBING snd heating attended to st once. Room ii U. B. Nat. Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4MB. o 486 7 rhntographere. C. B. TRUS8ELL, 115 South ISth St. 6-4 Prlatlaa. i HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten, let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., SOi Bo. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6Wi2. (8)-M5U Nov.l BEFORE placing your 190. calendar order don l rail to aee our elegant importea una. Lyngstad A Jorve, printers, 16 a Cap Ave. h oe Repairing. RAPI0 SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9t 6 !27 Baiea, gaattera, Ete. J OMAHA Ssfe and Iron Work makes a specialty of fire escapee, shutters, door and safes. O. Andreen. Prop.. 102 S. 10th fit. 3)-S HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. v M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1802 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; bie instructor. Complete shorthand and business course nd preparatory for civil service, oollexe or s profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. 5. 1070. (7)-M618 O10 GIRL8 for railroad offices; education two years High wchoot. Call or address F. B. Southard. A. P. A., IT. P. R. R., fourth floor. Pacific Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (7)-22 8 WANTED Strong office girl; experience unnecessary; typewriting; no stenogra phy; high school graduate, living with parents In Omaha, under 21;' 18 a week. 707 N. Y. L. 'Phone Douglas 87S6. Must be strong, neat snd quick In her work. (7) M124 $ STENOGRAPHER, one who has had tx- k peiience in commercial lines. Nbrasna tioining vo. - (ij mih ii WANTED A ladvVstenngTapher. Perma nent position to figiit party. Apply at of fice of Leonardj.hiverett, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. . (7)-M144 lOx Factory nd grades. WANTED Women -or ikand Irnncrs and machines. Kimbalt Laundry. 1611 Jackson Bt. ; . , (7-Ma40 WANTED At once, ran experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage help; good wages to right party. Addreas Etting Candy Co., Grand .Island, .Neb. Of- M650 15x COAT MAKER wonted, st 1818 Case Bt. . ,(- (7) M872 8x ' Moasekeeaers, aad Domestics, COMPETENT ' GIRL for general house . work. Mrs. Hall, 21$. Bberman Ave, 'Phone Webster 8728. (7)-M113 WANTED Chambermaid ; good -:haract?r required; country girl preferred: ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel, David City. Neb. 17) M606 I2x WOMEN for day' work; ' housekeepers, waitresses, S23. Cas&disa cfSce. Kit ana Dodge. - 7i- WANTED-A compeUnt. trustworthy girl for genersl housework; two in family; good wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley, 2521 Bristol. (7)-M8S7 GIRL for general housework; small family; amall houae; no laundry: good wages. Mr. M. M. Robertson, Ul N. 81st Ave. (7)-387 WANTED A girl to do genersl housework. 628 S. 86th Ave. ' OY 4 HOUSEKEEPER between 16 snd 88 year wanted. T. Teller, . McCook, 8. D. (7)-M43 OSlg WANTED Dining room girl .at the Kim ball bouae; good wagea and transporta tion. Kimball, S. D.. L. J. Conant. (7) M61010X WANTED Girl for -general housework'. Good wages. Email family.. C06 8. 29th Ave. 7)-8 GOOD, steady girl for general housework. Mrs. F. 8. Knapp, 1814 8. 8slh Ave. (7)-686 x GIRL for general housework; no washing or cooking. 13J8 a 31st St. (7) 4S0 7 WANTED Girl to do housework. Mrs. Wm. F. Baxter, 8030 Marcy St. CO-833 WANTED Competent girl for general houaework. Good -wagfa. 4818 Cass St. Phone Harney 105L. (7)-73 WANTED Competent second girl In family of two; references required. Apply -332 South 87th BC (T)-TJ8 7 . WANTED Good second girt. 1816 B. 82nd Ave. TeL Harney 82a. (7)-7S8 7 GOOD, experienced second girl at once. Mra. A. Mandelberg, 2244 Landon Court. . ,7) MJ WANTED Competent second girl for fanv l yof two. 8 37 Dodge St. (7)-Mt4 GIRL for general housework; no washing; Ave In family; wages. $6 per week. A p. ply 37 Seward St. Phone Webster 6il (7) M963 8x GIRL for housework; no washing; no cook ing. 1228 8. 81st St. () Mft 13x WANTED-Good girl or woman for kttchtn: no Sunday work. Apply Young Women's Christian association, paxlon H'k. (7)-M12l 8 WANTED Girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 1162. 7-MU8 10 WANTED A cook and 2d girl; good wagea. Apply Wednesday morning, Mra. H. H. Baldrtge, 8Mb snd Fsrnam. (7)-M138 10 MIscellaaeeaB. WANTED Experienced alteration women. Will ay highest wares O. K. Bconeld Cloak snd 8U Co., 1610 Douglas. 7)-U3 JOIN our Post Card club. Receive beauti ful post cards from sll parts of the world. .Send 86c. stamps or stiver. Excelsior Post Card club, Indianapolis. Ind. 7) M681 lis WANTED At once, st Fort Robinson. Neb., brick masons; good wagea to good men. The Graham Construction Co. (7 MX0 14 WAITRESS Permanent position. Bach elors Hotel. tOth and Farnam. (7) 171 LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.60 to 82 0U per uosen. au Pax ton Ulk. (7)-MiJf4s tg55raSass52 reads 'BEE HELP .WANTEDMALE A aT eta, Beltelters aad galea asea. ARB you out of work? Can snd see us; good hustler make good money. C. F. Adsms Co.. )trt Howard St. ()-l WANTED Capable city salesman. Ken nard Paint A Glass Co., 16th and Daven port. ()-M762 WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take order for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Address Ideal Btock Powder Co., Dunbsr, Neb. () M604 Ux WANTED Good reliable men to solicit In the tea and coffee business, we nave xne very best proposition In our line. Call or address Jewel Tea Co., J. A. Smith, Mgr., 1911 Cuming Bt. 9j 7d lOx WANTED A salesman to sell on commis sion a line of furniture for a southwestern furniture factory. Address, stating ex perience and territory, Y 28, care Bee. ()-M26 1 WANTED At once, experienced and suc cessful overall salesman for South Da kota. Black Hills and Wyoming; one of the best lines on the road. Lincoln Over all and Shirt Co., Lincoln, Neb. (8-M913 12 Clerical aad OBSee. .M'CARTNET INSTITUTE, 1802 FA S" AM 6T. Classes now open; aoie Instructor. Complete shorthand and business course snd preparatory for civil service, college or a profession Day and night sessions Tel. D. 1070. () Mol O10 WANTED Young man about IS years old, apt at figuring, willing to worn nays ana study bookkeeping evenings, with pur pose of ftulnrf himself fo advancement, can secure a permanent place with a re liable wholesale house. Address C 876, Bee. . (9)-M137 lOx Boy. WAVTED-A bright My. over 16 yesr. t hoU." copy for proofreader. Call at Be composing loom. fV 'M GOOD bo;' wanted, flrat class pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 So. 18th Bt, (9-M868 WANTED Office boys, must be over 14 years, old. Address Omaha Packing Co., South Omaha. k)-M6c WANTED Good boy over 16 ears; good wages. The Wardrobe, 2016 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1729. v 9)-638 8 BOYS with wheels can make 836 to $46 cer month, $36.00 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9) M682 N4x WANTED At once, twenty-five boy -not under is; good positions for bright boys. See timekeeper, Thlr Floor, The Bennett Company. () 891 6 BOY8 for printing department; good pay, steady work, liemls Omaha Bag L'o. (9)-993 8 OFFICE boy wanted; must run errands; one who has had aome experience in copying lettera, etc., preferred. Her A Co., 821 Howard St. (9) M108 14 Factory aad Trades. MACHINIST WANTED Best wages paid for competent machinists, bollermakera, blacksmiths an J pipe fitters who have had railroad ahop experience; tinsmiths, coach and freight car carpenters, tool and mill men, boilermaker blacksmith and ma chinists' helpers and car repairers; also wanted, at nigh rate pay. Call at Gen eral Agent' Office, 1612 Farnam Bu, Omaha. (9) 907 11 WANTED Men to legrn barber trade. Will equip ahop for you or furnish positions. Few weeks completes; constant practice, careful Instruction, tools given; Satur day, wages; diplomas granted. Call or write Motor Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. 0D-M696 lOx TAILORS. A first class ladles' tailor wanted; wages, $2b per week, and steady position. Ap ply J. Jawltx, 18th snd Farnam St. (9)-M7l7 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. H. E. Vlstuba, Stelnauer, Neb. () M924 Oet26 WANTED Tile ditchers to work bv rod; make 12.50 to 83.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. - (-Il6 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. . F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (9J-231 WANTED First-class watchmaker and , engraver st once; 126 per week. C. A. Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. (9J-888 WANTED Tailors to work tn alteration . department. Will pay good wages. O. K. Scofield Clock snd Suit Co., 161 Douglas. (9)-m WANTED Three first-class, galvanised sheet-Iron workers, preferably those fa miliar with ventilating work. Superin tendent Ventilating work, Methodlat hos pital, 86th and Cuming street. (9) M50J 6x ' PRINTERS Keep away from Hammond plant (Fremont Tribune); union printer on atrlke for eight-hour day and fair con ditions. Fremont Typographical Union. (9 MSflS 8x WANTED Good house pslnter. Tel. Red 6647. . (9)-109x CANDYMAKERS wanted; two first-class hard goods men; steady position. Ad dress Y 30. care of Bee. (9) Ml 06 lCx WANTED Coatmaker at once. 3. Abr hamson, Holdrege. Neb. 18) Mill 10 WANTED First-class coatmaker; per manent position to a good, steady man. Reply to The Hub Clothing House, Little Falls, Minn. 49) 109 14x sllacellaaeoBS. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC., 721-722 New York Life Bldg., Hours, 8:00 a. m., 6:30 p, m. Office clerk, one who can speak Spanish, $100. office clerk, 'bank, 840. Steno.. real estate and ins, 850. Steno., out of town, $100. Bkpr., out of town, $76, single. Bkpr., out of town, married, 890. Several bkpra.. In and out pf town, $7 to $90. i Draftsman, out of town; good salary If you want a good position call and seo ua. We can place you. t M141 S U. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to 6 years of age; men with sped si. trades accepted up to 36 years. An illustrated booklet, allowing the life of the modern inan-o'wara man free to those Interested. V islt or address Navy recruiting atation, Omaha, Lincoln, Haatlnga, Neb.; Sioux . City, la. Post ofiico buildings t9-M61 Nix WANTEDOne first class business gsttei iow each state, good money for right arty, represent Nebraska corporation, inference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address S 170. care Be. - )-J2e DRUO CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Increased salaries Denver Drug Ex change, ITU California St., Denver, Colo. (-M384 O20x FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions.. Call 84 New York Lite Bldg. (Ii-MIM OctlS WANTED Young man of good character and habits snd ability to handle a team and know how to plan and accomplish hla work and can sell goods of a perish able nature, can learn of s desirable, permanent position by addressing D 877, Bee. -MlM U)x BOUND young men. aged 18 to 88, for firemen and crakemen dvtlng rush sea son on lesdlng railroads here. In the west and on new lines being eomple'ed; experience unnecessary; flremvu. 310 monthly, become eng,nsrs. 8200; braks men, 8100 monthly, become conductors. $160; many positions now open; write st once for particulars. National Railway Training association. 420 Pa i ton block. Omaha. Neb. 41 Oct WANTED Competent furnace mea. 123 a., Main Bl. Council Bluffa. la. HELP WANTED MALE Mlseelleaeeai wwtlaaed. TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $16 per week. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and llickory. (-47 T WANTED Motion two-Picture operators. Apply Cross. 1408 Douglas. It) 492 7x A TAILOR wsnted. Graham A Ionard, Rockwall City. Is. . () M648 16x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dtat. Bureau, Chicago. III. (6)--M03 lOx WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men, Janitors, carpenter and r'umbers' helpers; one fireman; palntera; top waxes 104 Bee Bldg. (9)-Mai0 OiHX LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific Council Bluffs transfer; wagea l"f cents per liour.x Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore man, -j ! s 191732 WANTED Young man of neat appearance to collect several days; must live with parents; $1 daily: state age and if you have a bicycle. Address A-374. care Bee. 19) M117 8x WANTED Young Catholic Installment collector In Omaha; bond and references required. Address Benalger Bros., ill E. Madison St., Chlcngo. t9 Ml 10 lOx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE . Morses aad Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one douol express harness; ens or two horses. Corns in. Tie Harney St. Stables. tll)-4C WE are selling delivery wagons teaming gear, buggies, carriages and harness chesper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnon-Danfnrth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea St. - UD-237 Horse bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug., UD-269 018 HORSES bought A sold. Blake 331 N 16th. (1D-M466 Nix FAMILY horse snd buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 27 Homer St., or Tel. Red 6H47. lin-476 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A Stone, 803 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluff (ID M 101 A heavy matched work team. Cash or term. 2617 North 18th street. (1D-M430 Poultry aad Bags. DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. Pur bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest Lawn Wysndotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. (1D-M9S4 Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model SquaS Co., Omaha. (11) M547 Nov2 Cows, Blrda, Dors and Pets. THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier puppy. 1X24 Caaa St. Mrs. Miller. (11) 998 9x LOST AND FOUND LOST 320 In bills, Saturday afternoon, on the way from South Omaha: 35 re ward. 1648 Park Ave. (12) M988 Jx LOST Monday morning, between 88th and 89th on Cuming St., black pocketbook con taining bills. Return to 8821 Cuming St. and receive reward. (12) MU3 8x BUNCH of keya, between trie Burwood and 16th and Farnam. Return to C. Schlank, 13U7 Douglas St.; reward. (12)-M140 9x MEDICAL FREE medical and , surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport St.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 117. Call anawered day or night. ; U3)-12 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten. tlon from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO.. over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. (13) -242 ANY poor girl In need of friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8S24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. I U2)-MH4 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray' Narva Food Pills," 81 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConneU Drug Co.. Omahs. (131-2)3 v MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CUATTBL1. -f- Dld you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE OF MONEY? t , That la Just what we are hsving. WH HAVE TOO 1UCH MONEY, on hand and must loan It out at ANT OLD RATE. . If you ! with us you are assured of a fair square deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES aa can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "get on your feet" in case of sickness or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., ' 11 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 16th Street aUurance. U4)-M714 Bowen, 703 N.VY. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattol or eat ery; easy to gel; no red tape. You get money same day aaked for at amall cost. Open evenings tUI 1. (14) 14 DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONET loaned on furniture, planoa, horses, etc., any amount; less hair rates; perfect pri vacy and immediate attention, on any terms; paymenta auspended when sick or disabled. 214 KaTbach Blk., C S. 15th St, (14)-M438 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 Dougla. ' (14)-46 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TUB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglaa 76. (14)-2SO CHATTEL, salary and atorage receipt loans Foley Loan' Co., Ib04 Farnam Bt. (14)-tt6 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., rcom 8. Barker Block. (14)- MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 61 principal cities.' Tel man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. LOWEST ratea. chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co.. 211 Board of Trade. CFFEREDFOR RENT Boardlaa aad H earns. VIENNA botel; private dining rooms; cafe. 7 15)-iii DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnsnv. (16) 264 FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 So. 84th Av. (16 77 OA NCELY furnished rooms: flrst-clsss board; reasonable rales. The Rose, '.t Harney St, UIJ svt SOX NEW furnished reotn. rst -class board; fine location; walking dlatance. 218 So. 2ith Bt. (tf)-678 8 BEAUTIFUL front room, furnished in red, brass bed, suitable for two gentlei.-ien; best home tsblc; everything flrst-cluss: stneth private; references. Address U 846. Bee. (16-M9U X LARGE room with board, suitable for two or married couple; referencea. 8204 Web ster. (16-M744 x Paralaaed Reesas, LARGE furnished rooms for four students, near all colleges 118 North 48th. (16-71 10x DO you want a quiet, comfortable room for on or more gentlemen, close In. 'Phone Doug. 416. (15) 736 llx FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern. In private family; auitabla for two gentlemen. U South 2th St. 'Phone Douflea es4l- (16-7i4 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Rooms Continued. FURNISHED room with private family, on Park Ave., large south Mom, for on or two young women. 'Phone f 7rney IMii (K-? 6x When you want room of sny kind ... , "THE M K 8 T WAT" ' Saves your time. OMAHA RENTAL CO.. Tel. Doug. 881. -80S N.4Y. Life Fldg. 16)-M127 8 HANDSOME modern rooms; reasonable. 80S N. 22d. (16) MKS8 12x NICELY furnished front room; gaa. hot water, bath; breakfast If desired; reason able. Call 412 No. 12d St. (U)-M 8 FURNISHED front and back parlor, din ing room, with use of kitchen, bath snd ga; close In. 'Phone Red 6.M1. (16-M90e 12x v FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Hamilton St. (16) 634 FURNISHED ROOM-Verjr desirable, refer ence required. 640 Bouth 14th St. (16) MUM Oot2 , 128 B. 26TH St., large east front room. suit. able for three gentlemen; house strictly 1 modern; roomy porches, large, shindy lawn. (IB-J6x FURNISHED rooms In private family. 275 California St, on Harney car line. . (16) M617 8x FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webnter 3003. 2226 Miami Bt. (15)-866 FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping, $14. 621 8. 24th Ave. (15)-730 Hx NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 N. 26th Bt., Tel. Doug, 3P'. 05) 6m PLEASANT south front room, new houses quiet; close In. Tel. Doug. 8RJ2. (15 M910 12x BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished; prW vate family. 006 St. Mary's -Ave. (16)-M904 12a W ELL furnished front room, steam nest and all conveniences. In strictly privet family. 'Phone Webster 2114. (16) M90 8x TWO two nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern, walking distance. 61 N. 23d. (16)-M133 14 PLEA8ANT furnished room; modem; ref erences required. 2701 Woolworth AVe. (15 44 7x FOR RENT Modem room, suitable for twa gentlemen, $15. 417 N.- 18th. (16) 997 13x MODERN furnished front room. 17 Cum. lng. (15) M136 Nov 7x Apartments aad flats. 6-ROOM modern flat, 2910 Shirley St , $77.60. ' (16-491 7x NEW 4-room brick . flat, 820; 22d snd Nicholas, ground floor, modern steel range, gaa stove, kitchen cabinet, fur nished. References required. Patterson, Red 2947. 1628 Farnam. (15)-eA7 AN APARTMENT, Davldga Bldg 18th and Farnam. Apply apartment No. 2. (16I-M415 Furnished Honses. . . ' I FURNISHED house for rent for the win ter on West Karnam dlatrlct. For full Information oall on ' GEORGE A CO., 1G01 Fsrnam St. (15) M878 Mosses aad Cottagreev FOR RENT 7-rootn modern house,; tl snd Chicago Sts.; walking distance. Ap ply C. W. Bllxt, 408 N. 3Mh St. (16) M828 8 FOR. RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. car line, 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at Seof Poppleton Ave. (15) M917 FOR RENT Houae, 8 rooms, modern, de tached; 2 blocks from 24th St. line to South Omaha. 2611 Pierce, r 'Phone Ma ple 6100. (16) 74 7 t FOR RENT' $28.601111 So. 28th St, rooms, sll modern. I'osscEsion Oct. is. $32.607 rooms, all modern, new, SSS Pratt St. Ready Oct. 20. $20.00104 So. 10th St., 7 ooms, modorn ex furnace. $26.00-3i'7-31 No. 41st St, 6 rooms, all mod ern, new. $46.00306 So. 26th St. rooms, modern, steam-heated. . $G5.00 Two store rooms snd (-room flat, also barn, 18th and Vinton. D. V. SIIOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. , . Ground floor. . (16)-913 7 NEW HOUSES FOR RENtf . There are not many new houses on the market for rent. The following are In splendid condition, well located, and you can stay won't have to move right away. 2S10 Ames Ave., 7 rooms, large reception hall, storeroom, bath,- closet, gas auti electric light-$i:8. 2323 N. 27tii Ave., corner Ersklne, 8 rooms, bath, cloeft $25. 27th and Chicago, just finished, 6 and room cottagbs, modern except neat-$22.a and $25. G. G. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. 'Phone Douglaa I960. (!)-; T FOUR new 7-room houses, up-to-date Is every respect; paved street; permanent walks; close to school, churches and three car lines; one $32.60 per month, others esch $36. Cheapest houses of this kind In Omaha. Two s-room modern house, each 880 pet month. One 7-room house, north side; all modern, 830 per month. ) One 8-room, West Farnam, $60 per month, J. H. DUMONT A SON, . 1606 Farnam St. 06)-M132 I ON CHARLES, near 84th. new 8-R., all ' modern, on Harney car line, 833; near 86tli and Burt, 8-R., sll mod., near Cuming -and Harnty car lines. $32.50; one 29th, near Amea Ave., 6-R., new, bath, $20; :i N. 4Jd, 7 rooms, all modern, $30. O'KEkFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. ESA (16 Muot 8 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices TeL Douglas 1&!.. fcVhmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1111-1318 rsrnam. ' (6)-25 FOR RENT-8-room modern houso. 2111 LaUe well located. (16) M172 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. oaek, move, store H. Ii. goods; atorebouse ILie 84 N. lllh,' Otflce 16o rsrnam. Tel. Doug. i5ol OW-2; HOUSEHOLD goods packed. ' forwarded; cheap freight rales. ' Moving and atorage. Sxpiessmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 84. (li)-i8 WE MOVE PIANOB-Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel Doug. 149. Office. 1718 Webater St (ltj 261 FOR RENT After October 6. 8116 Chicago street, 7 rooms, large bath room, atlis and laundry, Oist-class, furnace. $46. (16)-M432 ITATTfinn In All n.r(. nf hA eltw T., . . UUUOr.O TruTt'co:; N. T. Life aid, ti)i i CLOSE In 7-room house, modern except m ,,a a a,... ,it, ,. luruttiv. a. win. i,ua ia F. D. WEAD hss moved his office to Wead Building. 18th and Farnam Sta. (L6)-u FOR KENT -room houae. 2216 Dodge St I rent, $w. 'Phone Douglas 1468. (lt)-784 1 2633 Patrick Ave.. rooms, new and mud- ern $a. , 'Phone Douglas 683. BEMIS, Paxtoa Blk. - - (U)-724 FOR RENT Modern s-room cottage, one block fronf car line; paved street. 911 No, 41at St Tel. Douglas 1636. (15) 677 7 HOU8E1. Insurance. Rlngwalt Bsrker Blk. (16 24w FOR RENT Four rooms sad bsth; every thing modern; turners. TeL Webster i28. 26J6 N. 2btu Bt (16-11 HOUSES m r"t th" '" "UUOWJ Crelgh B0.1S A Co.. Bee Hidg. ' (16 174 FOR RENT Modern S-room brick house; sll conveniences; close to cur, rent 8-A 8o0 Willis Avenue. Inquire C. M. Bsrti mann, 418 Paxton Block. sii0 C9-M7 ' ,