Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1007. nSIEF CITY NEWS " i Sect prU It,, ' Joh A. CMatlanna tor coroner. , Douglas rrlntng Co., 114-1 B. ltu fct . rN O. Klhslsr hss removed his law Offlc to suit 4. Brandel Bldg. T. A. Juunaliart, (hotographer, removed to Eighteenth and.Farnam street. Tnll Dress Baits and Prince Alberts, latest'fityles, at Vollmer's. 107 S. 16th BL w m. j. rami wrausi, omce f. n. Cor;16th and Douglas, over Fry Shoe Store, R. 1. V' Wo always have Rock Springs co,iL " Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha.' lth and Harney., . ' tfjon are so alrtady a. depositor with the. City Savings Bank, allow us to suggest thict you become one.' Jt will be of assist rte to you. ' i ' .:"' IT hr was an error In reading proof Thompson, Bolden St Co.'s sd Sunday , In which , it said broadclot hs 13, ' when the price ytiould havtf'read 12.60 per yard. On Stock of fall and winter woolens Is complete An order placed now may be filled at our convenience. ; Ouckert ft McBonald,' in South Fifteenth street. v Children Ow 14 Tsar of Age may do business with The Conservative, 1(14 Har ney; street. An account with ua may start a.rhlld on the way to thrift and financial Independence.' Southwest Xmprowr Ulect Tha annual eloctjoi of the Southwest Improvement cluhf.wlll be held Wednesday evening at the club "-rooms, . Twenty-fourth . and . Leaven- worthf.streets. , , ... . , Blvoaw for JTonsnpport Sarah 3. Smith has begun suit foe divorce frpm Stuart D Smith, charging him with nonsupport. She asks for the restoration of her maiden name, Hutchison, aids oa Hew Elevator The Nebraska Hay and Grain company is receiving bids .for the construction of a new elevator In Council' Bluffs. It Is Expected to have the building completed by cold .weather. Vew Oral Business W. J. ' Winston, . formerly a ranch owner and grain buyer of central Nebraska, expects soon to open a grain brokerage office In the Brandels building. He has applied for membership In tha Omaha Grain exchange. Tnlef BtMls Covers rrom lUeeper While V. R. Duncan, 2775 Burt street, was sleeping In his yard, under covers which consisted of his coat, a thief broke through the picket fence and stole the covers. Dun can' has asked 'the police t recover the coat. ' Drukenness and JTowrappo Judge .. Day Monday granted a divorce to Elsie E. Da via from Harry F. Davis, a packing house employe- at Soup Omaha, whom she charged with drunkenness and nonsupport. She was given permission to resume her maiden nahie, Hochmuth " Baby Palm Xoes Prise la Baby .Palmer, the little daughter of Mrs. M Palmer, 2917 North Twenty-fifth street, has compiainea 10 mo ponce oi losing a nrst . prise pin, which the baby won at the ter, rttorlal fair and baby show In Mexico. The ' officers wfll make an effort to find the pin. Aim B. Aides Beleased Amos. E. Al . den. who Is charged as an ' accomplice In the robbery of, Edward F. Gates In South ' 'Omaha last summer, has been released from the county Jail on a $700 bond, signed by - George .T. Holmes, of Cass county. Alden pleaded not 'guilty to the charge. He was ' represented by 'Matt Geiing of Plattsmouth. Christian Bndsavor Convention Ckorut Mrs. H-' J. Klrschsteln, chairman of the muslo committee ' for the state Christian .(Endeavor convention, announces that the rehearsal of the large chorus will be held vsday night at Ftsr& Presbyterian church, !'tjr,eUftonUraad -Dodge tree, In a tee 'of .le. First Methodist -'thurch." Th. time Is 7:30. " ' .. ' " , Sgg-O-Bee Committee Still Works The Committee of business men which Is evolv 'jig plans to get the Kgg-0-8e company to establish a' large factory In Omaha met Monday .morning at 'the office of G. W. .Wattles '.to talk over plans. What the committee did was not made public. The men who are .'o Inspect the eastern plants of -the coraapny have not been named. . Pur Too Exhibitors Among the. busi ness concerns which have recently decided to exhibit their products at the pure food , show at the Auditorium this fall are: The DETERRENT EFFECT IS GOOD Iowa Authorities Unite in Favor of Inebriate Hospital. HARD WORK TO EFFECT A CURE Hooka ooa Medicine Mines, Accord! for Diseased rry of Mtse Miriam Carey of Dee Molne. ' (From a Staff Corfeepondent.) DES, MOINES, OcU . 7.-(Speclal.)-That one of the best errecis or. ine witon"1" hospital and the Inebriate law fa the de ferent effect on the drinkers of the state ta the unanimous conclusion of the board of control, based on the letters from the county clerks.- Of . the sixty-nine replies received, by Superintendent Osborn of the hospital, to the tetters of inquiry he sent to the county clerks, forty-two replied that the chief effect of the'law was to, scare the drinkers Into remaining saher. .Fifteen of the sixtyntne failed to " respond to that question. , ' ' It is more than likely that as -a result of the Information gained by Superinten dent Osborn in his investigation the State Board of Control will ask. for some addi tional legistation. of the next legislature. The .statistics of cures by the institution announced some days ago Is flattering to the state board, but It is discovered that an inebriate, cannot be cured of the drink habit against . hi will.' Of those who go to the' institution voluntarily,' a' very large per cent, la fact almost all, are. permanently cured. But of those sentenced, the per cent cured Is much smaller and that only because they are afraid they will be sent back. ., ,r ' The board has discovered that the last legislature made a failure of Its attempt to stop the escapes. ' The legislature pro vided that an escapa could be punished by Imprisonment in the . county Jajl. The Board of Control has punished a number of Inebriates' sentenced to the hospital by having them Imprisoned In the county jail for escaping. Almost to a man they like the Jail sentence the best,, because In the jail they don't have to work, while in the hospital they have to work." At the peni tentiaries the prisoners are kept from es caping. by the guards who mount the walls with rifles. The Inebriates cannot be shot and don't fear Imprisonment. It Is there fore up to the legislature to find some other method of detaining them. In put ting them to work they are sent out onto the farm, .and unless there-Is one guard with each Inebriate they are pretty sure to get away. 4 . Books ae Medlelae. Books are medicine to. the diseased minds In the state hospitals for the insane, ac cording to ths experiences .of the Board of Control, and , Miss Miriam Carey Is the doctor In charge. She has been In the employ of the Board bf Control as' the librarian of the state Institutions for , a little over a year, and she -declares that the work Is meeting with the best re sult. Miss Carey was the librarian at Burling ton in the, city library.. She was engaged by the State Board of Control In March, 1906. In a report on the work that has been accomplished during that time she stated that fairy talea are not attractive to the Insane, and neither is the "latest novel" nor the "best seller.". .They pay no attention to those ihng and care little for what is popular. ' The Insane,' Miss Carey says, she finds from her year's ex perience, are peculiarly and somewhat mysterfously alert as to the good qualities of a book. must be. something substan tial and good or they care nothing for it. Properly selected, the books are a wonder ful remedial agent- In the .treatment of the Insane patients. They do not ehjoy the Imaginative, they wntthe realistic. As a rule they show good taste in. their reading and any good book will satisfy. They care nothing for the sentimental. It. has been discovered that even the violent patients can be Interested In 'reading good books, and the reading of the book soothes the wrought up natures and assists the physi-J clans In effecting cures. ' The first work ' of . Miss Carey was to properly classify, the boeks at the state In- JAPANESE SITUATION ACUTE French observer Flads' the Seal I neat la Cnnnda Most Bitter. NEW YORK. Oct. 7.-Abbe Felix Kline, one of the prominent members of the cleri cal element In France, who Is making a study of American social economic condi tions, has returned from an extensive tour of the west. Speaking of his observations, Abbe Kline said: "I wss much Impressed while on the Pa cific coast with the anti-Japanese feeling existing at Vancouver and throughout Brit ish Columbia, which is far more Intense than the feeling on the American side of the border. At Ban Francisco the anti Japanese element is comparatively small and one hears little of active agitation against the Japanese. On the other hand. I visited Vancouver shortly after the anti- Japanese riots, meeting the Japanese consul and going through the Japanese quarters. Everywhere there was evidence of Intense hostility. It was not a question of labor, but of race. The people have taken up the ehlboleth of Canada for the Canadians and they feel that the exclusion of the yellow race Is essential for their safe preservation. They are very determined In this feeling and are pressing their views forcibly on the authorities at Ottawa and London. "Before coming to America 1 shared the view of a considerable element In France and throughout Europe that tha Japanese question might lesd the United States Into war. But personal observation throughout the middle west and the far west has com pletely changed my views. The people of the west are not thinking of such a thing, and scout the very Idea of war. Even In San FranclRco, which is supposed In Europe to be the center of anti-Japanese hostility, there was much less feeling than I found to exist in the British colonies to the north. It is quite evident, also, In' witnessing the splendid development of the Pacific coast, that a war would be little short of criminal, alike disastrous to, Japan and the United States, neither of whom have anything to gain by such a recourse to barbarism. "This Canadian branch of the Japanese question Is really of much Importance to the United States, as Japan can hardly expect more from the United States than It exacts of Canada, where the opposition to the Japanese Is far more acute." WORKMEN BURN TO DEATH plans to balk moffat road BRITAIN TREATS WITH RAISULI Arraaares for Payment of Ransom to th Moorish Bandit Chief. TANGIER, Oct. 7.-The release of Cald Sir Harry MacLean, who for some time has been held captive by the Bandit Ratsull, at last seems to be within measureable distance. The Associated Press was Informed today on the best possible authority of the acceptance by the British government of Balaull's te duced terms for MacLean's release, the principal Items being $150,000 ransom and British protection for Ralsull and his family. Great Britain's advance of the ransom will be guaranteed by Sultan Abdel Asls. Sir Harry MacLean s brother Is now at Rabat bringing tha negotiations with the sultan to a close. -TANGIER, Oct. 6. The French authorities have drawn up an elaborate plan of stop ping the smuggling of arms. It Is proposed that the coast and territorial waters be divided Into- eight sections, . each having a port as a center at which a warship and one or more torpedo boat destroyera.wlll be stationed. A Moorish official will be at tached to each warship and vessels will be searched - only on his orders. The ports allotted to Spain under this scheme are Tetuan, Larasche and Tangier. .--. PARIS, Oct. . Admiral Phlllbert, com manding the French naval forces In Mo rocco, telegraphs that the cruisers Glolre and Jeanne d'Arc with M. Begnault, the French minister, arrived today - at Rabat, but the minister was unable to land In order to present the French demands to Sultan Abdel Asls, owing to the heavy surf that was running. The vessels were forced to stand out at sea all day. The admiral also reports that the last reconnotssance at Casablanca was without Incident. Four Instantly Killed and Twenty Are Fatally Injured. EXPLOSION OF MOLTEN METAL Fir Which FoTloiv Explosion Dr stroys Car Wheel Shop and Entire riant! is Enann- gered. BUTLER, Pa., Oct. . An explosion, caused by the upsetting of the metal pot In the No. 1 cupola of the Standard Steel company last night, caused the death of four men, fatally Injured twenty and seriously Injured ten others. Nearly all the men were foreigners. The large wheel plant was demolished, causing a loss es timated at $200,600. s The dead: NICK DORNA. NICHOLAS BLOTAR. JOHN VKRKCK. UNIDENTIFIED MAN. - The condition of the thirty men injurs! Is pitiable. Although still alive, the fea tures of a majority are mutilated beyond recognition. The hot metal was showered over'' them, causing horrible Injuries. Arms, fingers and ears were torn off, while a number of the men lost eyes, burned out. Several men are In flje hospital with their legs burned to a crisp. The explosion was caused by thfc upset ting of a metal pot in the cupola which contained 6,000 pounds of molten metal, ready for casting. A span in the pot broke, allowing the liquid ' Iron to spill over the wet sand. An explosion followed so quickly that none of the workmen In the building had a chance -to escape. Streams of the burning metal poured out on tha workmen, some of whom were en gulfed and literally cooked. Twenty men near the cupola had every shred of cloth ing blown off by the explosion. Many were burled under the wreckage and were not Lrescued for an hour after the catastrophe. Buildings In the city, from the force of the, explosion, shivered as if shaken by an earthquake - and people rushed from their homes panic-stricken. When flames shot from the burning car works, 10,000 persons rushed to' the scene, blocking streets and interfering with fire companies and ambulances. Through lack of room, many of the Injured were compelled to lie naked for an hour on cots in the street cars before reaching tha hospital. At the gate of the car plant men and women struggled frantically ' to gain admission and were kept out only by the assistance of a force of policemen. In the crush many women were injured and their cries could be heard block away. The car wheel plant was finished last year at a cost of $200,000. The wrecked cupola cost $30,000. Tho car works proper, costing $3,000,000, was In danger of destruc tion, but the Are department soon had the blase under cpntrol. Qnlck Bhlaa ,o. Polish contains no turpentine or acids, gives a satin finish, will not rub off on the clothing. Man wanted. It doesn't matter what you wanfa man for. It d6sn't matter whether you want a white man or a black mar), a large man, or a smau man, there s a man In Omaha who wants to serve you. He's Just the man ytiu Ht; and if you Insert an ad in The Bee s want columns today thai man win can upon you tomorrow., , stltutlons. The worthless were weeded ont 'Worcester Salt 'company, the Updike Mill- ' "n tn new purchases .are being made Ing company, the Gladbrook German Mua- ! wltn care d with the special purpose of tard company, two- oyster houses, a local canny.. factory and an eastern house which deals In perfumes, soaps and other toilet r''1'' TheraV ! iso .. substantial start articles. '--. nit Against Street Car Company Suit for $10.900 -fcaa been started in district court against the pmaha and Council .Bluffs Btrett Railway company by Mrs. Gertrude Gray of .Bloomflald. Neb., who was in jured, In a fa,U from a car near Thirty-fifth and Leavenworth, streets July 27. Hugh Gray) her husband, has also started suit for M.O0O' growing out of the same mishap. The two,, according to the petitions, were about to step oft the oar, when It 'started, throwing them, to, the pavement. Mrs. Gray weal Injured, about tha head and declare ehe f suffers from .violent headaches on no oauntof Rerhurts. .; Mr. Gray's thumb was- dislocated' and he demands damages fdr hls own Injuries and the loss of , Ma wlfig services during her Illness following the acMdeafe .' t tjANY TO REGISTER FOR LAND . Crowds ' Flock to Flerro for Oaen lac Day for Lower, Bralo. PIERRE, p. p. Oat. 7. Trains last night brought a'lafge crowd to the city to take part in-, tha Lower . Brule drawing, and everything In the way of carriages or au tomobile which could be used to get down tha land to be opened was la commis sion, today, taking people out to look over the country. . The Indications are for a large' crowd on hand at the beginning of the ' registration tomorrow. meeting tha fequlf ernents of : the Insane. The largest . libraries are at the . penlten- JAPANESE . RAISED TO PEERAGE Mea la tho Diplomatic and Civil Service Among Those to B Honored. TOKIO, Oct. 7.-A number of additional promotions to the peerage are expected to be made shortly and to include Gonsuka Hayashl, minister to China; M. Uchlda, minister to Austria-Hungary, and the gov ernors of Toklo, Osakl and Kioto. The crown prince of Japan, win leave for Corea October 10, unless the epldemlo , of cholera In that country Increases. At pres ent the disease Is spreading seriously. A case Is reported Inside the compound of the resident general. . American missionaries In Japan to tha number of 100 have signed a memorial In Which, while disclaiming any desire to- mix In politics, they assert that their sole desire Is to remove misunderstandings and to testify to the sense of International Justice, ' the faith of the friendship of the United at the boys school at Eldora and the girls school at Mltchellvllle. The selections of these books are different !frqm those'at the Insane hospitals. "The tHys and girls like the Imaginative and the heroic and the his torical. . :' t f-:-y- , Library Gets Rare Book. State Librarian Johnston Brlgham has, on the authority of the trustees of the library, mad the purchase of Plcart' Re ligious Custom and Ceremonies. The work Is In , six volumes and . was published In 1733. It U printed in two color and Is con sidered a very rare" work and very valuable." Pntn ' Ban on Batter. 1 The Iowa Health Bulletin, tha publication of the State Board of Health, will be Issued ' states, and their belief that the reports of -SHOOTKVG AFFRAY MAT IB FATAL One Man Hnntla on Another' Land Canse A gray. SIOI'X'CITT. la., Oct. 7.-(Speclal Tel. granite-William Campbell and Victor An derson got Into an altercation this morn- lng when Campbell found Anderson shoot ing on Ma land. Anderson waa shot twice, jAnc In the shoulder and one In the ab yJomen,.and lies- In A critical condition at the Samaritan hospital. Campbell says the o abdominal- wound ta serf-Inflicted,' Anderson breaking his shotgun over Campbell's about : der and shooting himself accidentally.' It's a Good Trade to leave off and take, on coffee POSTUM TtM-re'f Reason" tomorrow, and an article In the Bulletin on butter, says, "Butter as ordinarily used la unquestionably en of tha filthiest thing that can come upon the table.". This statement and dlatm la - backvd up by a lengthy discussion. It is claimed In the article that millions of germs are tn every pint of milk' and that these germ stay largely wtth the butter fat. When tha milk is sktramed. the bulk of the germs are t h th cream and when the cream Is made into butter the bulk of th germ again go Into the butter. The unskimmed milk and the buttermilk have but few of the germs. The article claim that the only way to make good butter is to pasteurise or sterilise the milk, then sterilise the cream and make the butter In a vessel where there will be little oppor tunity of the air to get to It. Finally It must be kept In a cool plaoq and eaten up Inside of a couple of days, as butter kept longer than that Is not fit. to eat. It I further claimed that much butter la not a good thing for most people for the reason that. H .destroy' the'' ackla of the stomach that are necessary to digestion. In short, butter I condemned and placed under suspicion generally. It Is pictured ae swarming with germs and bacteria of all kinds and descriptions and all the germ that are contained in milk are concentrated la the butter that ta made from the cream. It I claimed that there are about two bil lion to eight billion germs in a pint of milk, and it takes twenty pints of milk to furnish enough cream to, make a pound of butter. Hence, when a "pound of butter la made. It contains billions upon billion of germ a&d bacteria. ..... the belligerent attitude of th Japaneae do not represent the true feeling of the nation. The signatories of th memorial aay they desire to record thelf appreciation of the universal courtesy and helpfulness of the people and the government of Japan. The memorial waa unanimously signed by ml. lonarle of all sect, Th Tcaaa Wralti Cure all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatle troubles; sold by Sherman A'McConnell Drug to. ana uwi Drug- Co.. or t,w nionms treatment oy mail, tor U. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2828 Olive St. St. Louis. Ma. Bad for testimonial. ROWLAND ACQUITTED OF CRIME Have Coat lo per box you save (1.W doctor' bill. Red Cross -- Cough Drops. Writing a want ad for. The-Be Is only a moment' work, and locur but a trifling expense, and, doe th work every time. If you mail a waat ad ta The Be at mid night, enclosing price in stamps or cola, it will b printed the next afternoon and probably answered the same evening. It you would try this want filling method one you would probablv find frequent us for K afterwardsv'i . the rase wtth others- Th Bee want" ads never dlsa) poloi.. They always mi your want Ho an Wife Dcelnred Not to Killed Her Former Hnsaand. . KALJilOH. n. c, Oct. 7. Th Jury in the Rowland murder trial this morning returned a verdict of acquittal. Dr. and Mrs. David Rowland were charged with poisoning the woman' former husband. Charles R. Strange. HEN A MAN Jj"is out with a hammer his liver is doing the knocking. Per land )i gjam , . ; BoTor RreaUasl A NATURAL LAXATIVE WATER. Bottled at the Springs. Avoid substitutes. M V -i 3 j t n Ion PaelMe and Rio Grande Mr. vryors AreArlv In North west Colorado. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. The Ore- g-onlan today says that three surveying parties of the Harrlman system havo re cently been rushed Into southeastern Ore- Hon. The paper says inn surveying par ties from both the Union Pacific and Den- tier A Rio Grande linea are being poured Into northwestern Colorado, locating routes parallel to that of the Moffat roaJ, which Is building through tiiat country into east ern Utah. The Oregonlan deduces from that that the Harrlman eysteia and the Gould road purposes to put up a stubborn fight against the Moffat road in" northwestern Colorado snd by appropriating all available routes that the Harrlman system Is endeavoring to keep competitive roads out of south eastern 'Oregon. The Mount Hood railway, now construct ing an electric line between Portland and Mount Hood Is, so the paper recently de clared, the western terminus of a new transconllental line, to be composed of the Salt Lake, Moffat and Rock Island sys tems. . RIOTING RESUMED IN ODESSA Jew the Principal Object of Attack and Many Are Brntnlly Bcnten. ODESSA, Oct. 7. Despite the precaution ary measures taken by Governor General Novltskl, tho unionists today, after the funeral of M. Dalflnskl, assistant chief of the secret police, who was killed In an at tempt to break up an anarchist meeting several days ago. renewed their anti Semitic outrages. Several Jewish tea rooms were ransacked and numerou Jews were brutally beaten, It being necessary to send eighteen to hospitals. The police dispersed the mob, but made no arrests. Extreme nervousness Is felt by the Jews and the streets have been practically deserted by them. I As an Indication of the methods em ployed by the mob to catch unwary Jews, the correspondent of the Associated Press, while on his way to file this dispatch, was stopped in a dark street by six unionist's, each wearing a different uniform. Subse quently the correspondent was permitted to proceed, one of the men remarking: "We are not anarchists and only beat Jews and revolutionists." ENVELOPES BELOW GRADE Money Dne Hartford Manafnrtnrlnur Company Held Up by Postal i Department. WASHINGTON", Oct. 7. Postmaster Gen eral Meyer has suspended the payment of moneys duo from his department to the Hartford Manufacturing company of Hart ford, Conn., and has submitted the matter to the attorney general for such further action as may be deemed proper. The Hartford Manufacturing company up to July, last, supplied the stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers sold at postofnees. Chemical analyses of wrappers have dis closed the fact tl-at the composition of the envelope paper has been below the re quirements of the contract, and, according to the computations of the experts of the Postofflce department, the company has in the last four years wrongfully benefited to the extent of about $425,000.. : T Our New Style Books For the Fall and Winter of 1907-8 are fresh from the press and ready to mail to our out- of-town customers. The book for Men contains many . handsome illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous samples of the goods from which the Suits are made. The book for Women is profusely illustrated with beautiful pictures depicting the latest styles. These illustrations were made from photographs of the garments offered for sale. With these books in hand you can buy Clothing and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could if you were in our Big Store. When you write state which book you want. THEY ARE FREE. OMAHA BIG SMELTER TO CLOSE DOWN Master In Chancery Holds Fame from Its Stacks Damage Nearby Residents. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 7 Oliver Crane, mas ter tn chancery, who heard the testimony In the famous smoke case, wherein tt Is sought to close the Washoe smelter of the Amalgamated Copper company, yesterday announced a draft of his findings of fact to counnel and set October 2S as the date on which "he will near objections to thorn and make final settlement. In all except one of the Issues the find ings favor the defendant companies. The master finds' that the complainants, land the running of all the mines of Butte, wltti the exception of several ' Clark properties. CIIDDnDT COD klAUAl DDnr!DIII wui i win i uii unink r uuunrtiVl Passage of Government BUI Throagh German Reichstag" Praotlcally Aaanrod. - WEI8BADEN, Oct. 7.-The annual confer, ence of the national liberals today adopted Count Orlola's resolution committing th party to the support of th proposals to strengthen and develop the navy, especially bp the building of new vessel equal la else and efficiency to those of other pow. ers and reducing the age limit of battle. ships. The latter proposal refer to th owners in the Deer Lodge valley, have been j general demand that battleships be re. damaged by arsenic emanating from the 'placed when they have been twenty instead stack of the company's smelter and that such damage will continue so long as the plant is operated. Judge Hunt will be asked to grant ah In. junction closing down the Washoe works. Upon the operation of the plant depends . tag. of twenty-ove years afloat. The centrists and radicals belna nrtoti. cally committed to support th govern, ment's naval program Its passage Is ex. pected at the. next session of the. Reichs. Is your comb telling a story, tho story pleasant story, is story ve tell is plesnt tho story of Ayer's Hsir , .1 ' , ,j a l Vigor. Promptly stops falling hair, des- ToZ Z AHalvi troy, d.ndruff, keep, the .cslp healthy th oi he unit. Ha bnouu whal h beat. C is your como tening sic omb KJutc srijw Does not color the hsir. to. aysrOe., owolf, V .r r ..... - s MPmmSni-)r w ii lit 1 1 iii ii.- a .( r ERECT FORM 744 IS an excellent model for well developed figures. Its closely stitched front subdues ab aomlntl promt, neace and rounds the f i k u re into graceful llnea. Made of white imported c o u til. Trimmed across top. with' laca and ribbon. 'Hose supporters at front and hlp.s Size 19 to 3. Price im ERECT FORM 720 IS ' a corset for average figures. . Has; medium bust; and long hip.. Made of whits) and drab cou til. Hose up- port era . oa fro Bt and s 1 d-es. Trim med across too with lace a&e) ribbon. Sizes 18 to 30, Price $1X33 NUFOR.M403 ' Iff ILL fit ft average figure. Long ab6ve the walat which It de fines yery distinctly, showing a perfectly straight line down the front of tho figure. Made 'of white and drab cou tll. Trimmed with, lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front and side. Sizes 18 to 30. Price $1.00 JTXfPOR NUFORM 447 FOR well devel oped figures. Is a reverse gore model. The gore lines run back wards, a construc tion which restrains undue development below the back. Me ,diuni blgh bust, long hips and extra long back. Made of an excellent quality of white eoutil. elaborately trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose sup porters front and sides. Sizes 18 to 80. Price $3.00 1" . J TheW.B.RedttsoConet IS a boon for large women the ideal garmaril tor over, developed figures requiring special reMnant. It not only Kstrsia lb tendency to ever-So kmc, but it aoukk jh over-developed proportion into Ihos pleasing, graceful outline, hitherto thought to be attainabl only by slighter figuie. Th particular feature of this mode! is lb apron vet the abdomui and hips, boned in tuck s laaaaer at to giv the wearer ebaoLn freedom of Reduio Style) 75 O for tall weU-JtvtlotcJ figurtt. Made of durable eoutil ia whit r drab. Hum uppotten fiont and lidt. Sixes22lo36. Price), 8)3, Red u so Style 760 far tbort wil-aicW figum. Made of whit snd dub eoutil. Hoi supporter trout and ud. Sues 24 to 36. 1 Price),.. $3. ON SALE EVERYWHERE WON GARTEN BROS, MTra. J77- Broadway New York n w NUFORM 738 IS an ejcellenf model for average figures. Constructed sec tlonally, making the garment fit at all points, accent atlng the slender ness of the waits) line. Bust moder ately high, hip rather long. Mad of an imported eoutil in white on- ly. Trimmed wlt lace and ribbon Hose supporterej front and sides. ' 8Ues 18 to SO, Price J2.C3 T3 NUFORM , 406 a splendlj corset for medium figures,, pleasingly free ' from the bulk effect common; to p r loua models of tal type. Medium) high bust . andi deep hip ending in an unbound apron extension. Made of white and drat eoutil. Hose supporters front and sides. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. , ' Slses It to 80. ' PrSVa 1 Sfl on W W V V V