THE OMAHA DAILY . BEE: ' -TUESDAY, OCTOBEir P. 1907. The Omaha Daily Bee FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. V.nUred at Omaha . Postoffic aa second class matter. TERM 9 OF "UUSCRIPTION. lalty Bee (without Rundav). one year. .14.00 Daily Km and Sumlay, one year - Hunday Bf. ene year 2.60 Saturday Be, one year 1.60 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally Bra (Including Monday , per week.. 15c Dally Bee (without fiunriav). per week..lOo Evening Hoe. (without ftiindav). per week kc Evening Bee (with Sumlav), per week. ..10c Address all rnmplalnta of lrr"ulailtlea In delivery to City Cirrulntlon Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Bulldlnit. Huuth Omaha :ity Hall Building. Council Bluffs 115 Scott Btreet. Chicago K Unity Building. New York 1608 Home Life Insurance BIdg. , ashingtnn 51 Fourteenth Street. I CORRESPONDENCE. Commilnicatlona relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould be addreaaed, Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. . REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, expreas of postal order payable t The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent atampa received In payment of mall account. Personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Slyte of Nebraska. Douglas county, as: . Charles C. Kosewatrr. general manager if. Tha Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of September, 1907. was aa ouows: 36,T0 ae,640 36,300 38,980 30.380 34.840 36,840 35,00 38,140 36,680 36,470 1 36,680 17 . 36,90 H 38,580 19 36,600 J...., 7 ...., 11 20 21 22 "23 :4 25 26 38,290 36,970 35,320 37,380 38,630 36.380 30,630 13 36,370 13 , ... 36,020 14......... 30,810 It 39,400 37 38,600 28 36,600 29 35,660 30 38,890 Total 1,093,470 Less unaold and returned copies. 6,887 Net total ......... 1,083,583 Dally average 36,119 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 30th day of Septem ber, 1907. tSeal) -. M. B. HUNGATE. , Notary Public. WHEN OUT OP TOWN. abacrlbera leaving tax city tem porarily ahould ' have Tfce ' Bee wailed to 'them. Addreas tvlll be chaaged aa often aa requested. The new court house may be post poned but not for long. "We shall never sell' the Philip pines," gays Mr. Taft. Anybody want ing to buy them? ' ' . . Impoeaible as It may now seem, Ak Sar-Ben XIV will be 'bigger and better than Ak-Sar-Ben XIII. So far aa his policies are concerned the president has simply taken to wa ter, instead of taking water. In the taeanttthev; Lieu, tenant' "Oot ernor Hopewett' jV provlfi'g . himself a capable, understudy for official cere roonles.j Vis whisky . a; medicine?" asks the Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune; It de pends on whether you live In a prohi bition atatav. ,; "Foraker Is left alone with his thoughts," .says an Ohio exchange. In which event, the senator will not have '. buy coal this winter. John P, Rockefeller is now wearing a green vest. Those who have tried to And anything else green about him have been disappointed. Paid lobbyists, who never have liked the designation, will thank Lemuel Ely Qulgg for coining the title "Accel erator of Public Opinion." Delaware democrats propose to nom inate Judge Oray for president. It appears that there Is still "an enemy's country" for Colonel Bryan to Invade. "Sharks have made thelri appear ance In the Potomac river." says a Washington dispatch. Must be get ting ready for the next session of con gress. ' A San Francisco attorney admits that he received $20,000,for defend ing former Mayor Scbmltz. Some at torneys will do almost anything for money. . Just as The Bee has several times predicted, the movement for consolida tion of Omaha and South Omaha has found Us starting point In South Omaha. Authorities are pretty well agreed '.hat one of the greatest needs of the transportation interests Is the double tracking of the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers. Au Inventor has devised a plan for taking on passengers without stopping the car, , If the car will stop, the pas sengers will get on without the aid of any patent devices. The New York World says that 240 murders are committed In that city every year. The public will be sur prised that the number does not aver age at least one a day. Kansas City will this year make its horse show a part of its annual live stock exhibition. That may be all Hint for the horse, but It will never do at all for the dressmakers and the milliners. The chief of police of Richmond, Vs., ought to be given an honorary membership in the American Press Humorists' association. He has com plimented his force for the ability with which It handled the crowds and pre served the peace duriug the Episcopal general conference. THK SATiOSAL COllS SHOW. The west should feel a special in terest in the national corn exposition in Chicago which will continue until October 19. About half of the fortr slx states In the union, giving Okla homa the credit of being a near-state, are represented by exhibits, and every subject of interest or benefit to the producers of this great cereal will be discussed. The Department of Agri culture will be represented by experts, who will demonstrate the results of the latest experiments and tests for the improvement of the quality and yield of the staple. Incidentally, the best ways of preparing corn for its proper share in the list of food pro ducts for the table will be Illustrated. The exposition Is a proper tribute to the imperial crop gf America. Corn Is king, despite the determined efforts of rivals to usurp the throne. The south Insists upon loyalty to cotton, as the greatest source of national wealth derived from the soil, but the statistics refute the claims of the pre tender. The cotton crop for the pres ent year is estimated at $600,000,000, while the Department of Agriculture figures the corncrop for 1907 at $1, 166,000,000, or nearly three times the value of the cotton yield. Hay, one of the courtiers 'in King Corn's court, is valued at almost as much as the cotton crop, while wheat, generally recognized as the Indispensable cereal, is of a, little less value, measured In dollars, than the hay crop and a little more than the cotton supply. About four-fifths of the world's corn supply is raised in the United States, the production for the present year in this country amounting to some 2.500,000,000 bushels. Most of this Is grown In the central western states. Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Mis souri, the Dakotas and Minnesota, while Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and a few others produce corn in quanti ties equal to their Immediate demands. The chief purpose of the corn ex position in Chicago is to evolve plans for enlarging the world's market for corn. Last year we exported 120,000,- 000 bushels more than any year since 1900, when the shipments to foreign countries amounted to 213,000,000. Only a limited amount of missionary work has been done to educate foreign countries to the use of corn products as food. Its marked nutritive value and its cheapness, as compared with wheat, will, it is believed, create a new and enlarged demand for it when the foreigners are more fully ac quainted with its merits. The subject is one In which the entire west should feel a special interest. AS THE JAPASE8U SEt IT. While the New . York Sun, the New, , York World Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson,, j Senator . "Bobbie'.' Taylor end a few , other alarmists,' are persistently insisting that the dispatch of ' the fleet of American . battleships to Pacific waters is to serve as a sig nal of war with Japan, the Japanese, with an enlightment that ought to shame some Americans, have another view of the situation. The Japanese Advertiser, published 'at Yokohama and recognized as a semi-official repre sentative of the Japanese rulers, in discussing the proposed, transfer of the fleet to the Pacific, in a recent issue, said: The wladom of such balancing of power has long been patent, paying aside all question of International relations, a coun try should have Its means of defense evenly distributed. The Atlantic coast defenses have now been developed to a fair degree of efficiency. The Pacific coast,-a seaboard of tremendous importance, not alone 1 in present population and wealth, but also in potentiality of unprecedented develop ment, a growth of solid permanence, at the rata of a mushroom, is almost bare. The detached territories of Alaska and Hawaii would be at the' mercy of a fleet of nun chantman armed with field pieces, Tha Philippines, with all their incipient wealth, are mora Isolated and hardly better pro tected. In tha Atlaotlo lies Idle a great fleet soon to become the second in, the wortd. Could any sane mind ratify the keeping of it off tha protected shores of a compact, aettled part of the country while the shores waahed by the wavea of tha future lay bar as Crusoe's island? The argument offered by the Japan ese paper Is obvious and Incontroverti ble. It makes the howls of the New. York papers look-silly and childish. It should be embarrassing to them, however, to have to take a lesson in American patriotism and administra tive wisdom from a foreign source. TBt CUBAN COXSPlAiCT. . When Governor Magoon found it necessary recently to imprison certain Cuban "generals" fof conspiracy against the Cuban government and the officials of the "Second American Occu pation," an effort was made by the sensational press to show that certain Wall street interests had fomented the conspiracy to embarrass the Amer ican administration , at Washington. Governor Magoon's official report puts a quietus on this silly canard, but it also throws a new and significant light on the disturbed conditions prevailing In Cuba. . The formal Indictment against the men arrested charges them with a plot to overthrow the provisional gov ernment and to "destroy property of foreigners, excepting Spaniards, and to burn bridges and kill Americans." The American officials are disposed to believe that the words "excepting Spaniards" were used in the plot to dl-, vert suspicion or create race hatred, but there is no question of the fact that the .plotters had a scheme for as sault upon the American resident of the island and possibly upon the Amer ican troops. . The Indictment serves to illustrate the constant need of military forces on the island. NVhen the United plates rescued the affairs of CuAia in 1888 from 'he "tyranny of Sialn,". cery possible showing was made by the Cubans of their gratitude and loyalty, with the understanding that they were to take the management of the re public Into their bands. The experiment was tried too soon. It is now believed and resulted disas trously. To give Cuba another trial the army was sent to Havana again. The strong rule of Governor Magoon has kept the Insurgents and discon tented under cover pretty well, but the old spirit of anarchy. Is still strong among the Cuban "patriots" who want no government they cannot con trol with the possibilities of loot. The Cubans have yet to learn the absolutely essential and invariable connection between peace and pros perity. Until they learn this lesson any withdrawal of the army of occu pation would be a signal for further insurrection. Planters and foreigners, who control most of the industries of Cuba, appreciate the situation, and are already petitioning for abandon ment of all plans for another Cuban election, preliminary to setting up another native government. , It seems to be a situation where we must hold on because we can't let go. A SHORT RtOlSTltATlOtr. The compiled figures showing the registration to date of voters in Omaha point to an exceeding light vote in November unless the shortage is made good on the final registration day. With. two out of the three reg istration days passed, less than 9,000 voters have beon enrolled for the whole city of Omaha, which is not more than 40 per cent of the total number of voters entitled to partici pate in the choice of public officers. The second day's registration, in par ticular, is the most disappointing, be ing but a little over 3,000 and more than 2,000 short of the first day's reg istration. To get anywhere near a full vote registered would require the third day to bring out as many as the flrBt two days together. The shortness of the registration is, doubtleso, due In some part to the changes made in the law, already ex plained by The Bee. Many people who voted at the primary and neg lected to register at the same time are, doubtless, laboring under the impres sion that nothing more is required of them. While the intention was to make voting at the primary self-operative for registration, the law does not specifically say bo. The important point now, however, Is to impress every one who has not yet registered that only one more opportunity re mains and that the next and last reg istration day comes on Saturday, Oc tober 26. This 1b a weok earlier than heretofore and gives ten days for checking up and verifying registration after the Jboyks shall have been closed. Failure to register amounts to disfran chisement. ' ."' 1 -. - If Omaha Is to, make anything like a creditable showing In the election and be a real factor in the state con test our people will have to see to It that a better registration record . is made on the last registration day. The construction of a new cathedral as the religious center of the Roman Catholic church In Omaha, for which the cornerstone has just been laid, Is significant In a two-fold way. In the first place, It reflects the march ot progress and prosperity attending the growth of the city and making the old cathedral Inaccessible by reason of new surroundings. - In the second place, it Indicates the steadily Increasing strength of the church and its mem bership, collectively and individually. In ' Omaha's forward movement Its Roman Catholic citizens have kept con stantly at the head of the procession. The democratic World-Herald is very much distressed over every sign indicating that the republicans are getting together for a winning cam paign in Nebraska this year. The only hope of the democrats rests on imaginary republican dissension and division and the democratic organ is showing its disappointment already. Governor Sheldon will not have to go to the front In person to file a com plaint with the railway commission for further revision of the Nebraska grain rates Inasmuch as another vol unteer has offered to sign the docu ments. The governor however, will hold himself in reserve for emergency services If required. The comparative freedom of the city from criminal depredations during Ak-Sar-Ben week testifies alike to the good behaviour of the carnival fan makers and the precautions taken by the local police. Street carnivals else where are generally accompanied by a carnival of crime. It Is not so long ago that Editor John C. Sprecher was a statesman and a patriot, as viewed by the fusion or gans throughout Nebraska. But since he has refused to swallow Judge Loo mis he has suddenly become a ma licious prevaricator and a whole lot of other things. . Caleb Powers has been in jail seven years awaiting trial for complicity in the assassination of Governor Goebel of Kentucky and now another Indict ment has been found against him. It looks as If Powers would be relieved ot the necessity of working for a living any more. The prominent part in the cathedral dedicating ceremonies taken by the South. Omaha contingent affords an other demonstration .of the real soli darity of the two cities. South Omaha Catholks are just as muvh interested in the new cathedral as are the Cath olics of any Omaha parlBh. In fact, the church recognizes no line ot de markattan resting on the separation of, the two cities. This object lesson teaches that It's all one Greater Omaha and that the Catholics who live In South Omaha are coming to realize it. The total output of salt In Japan for the last year was 1,257,361,523 pounds. Considering the astonishing freshness ot the Japs, it must be In ferred that they re-sold all that salt to foreigners. "Ladies without escorts must not loiter in saloons," rules a Chicago Judge. The "lady" who does not feel like taking someone into a saloon with her will be expected to buy her drtn and get out.' Chicago is seeing th light. ' f While he does not like the Okla homa constitution, President Roose velt has an Idea that it the Oklahoma people want the kind ofWsrConstitution they have adopted It will not hurt any body else to let them have it. Commissioner Bowers ot the I'nlted States fish bureau , denies the report that the lobster is becoming extinct. He nays the supply is practically inex haustible. This will be good news for the chorus girls.- Two Wall street brokers fought to a finish for the possession of a $1 bill which they found on the sidewalk. No one can blame them. Real money Is mighty scarce in Wall street tnese days. Mo Limit to the Para. Cleveland Leader. Among other small Jobs the president would regulate the. Mississippi and all of the corporations that do Interstate busi ness. Talk about the strenulous life! Ilarmonr at Ar Price. Indianapolis News. The day Is not . passed when great men are willing to sacrifice themselves for their country's good. Note the rapprochement of Mr. Sullivan of Illinois and Bryan of Ne braska. The Toocn toot Thrills. Minneapolis Journal. The ship subsidy bill will "persist' through the next congrets. Thereis noth ing so cheerful as having a government give you a wad of money to put Into your business. It helps enormously. fftanaV to Ilia (Ions. ' New York Presa. President Roosevelt' stands to his guns, and the American people .stand with him. No administration can, fall to continue the work of compelling, the special interests to obey tha law and submit to the popular will without befog rejected at the polls. Relief from Moaotoay. Cincinnati Enquirer. The statement that Secretary Cortelyou has been -achemlngt-ogai-jat J&ecretary Taft In tha matter of the republican nomination for . president lapfWM-S- -v, hav been orlg tnate4 , ln.WahlfiKtaaand to be mainly sustained Jthere. Jtjl such stories should be labeled WshliVton." The capital is not a commercial jjlty and at seasons of the year when government Is only on a sort of half duty any tellef from monotony Is welcomed. ' Prlaejplea to Bara. Nework Bun. Tha, Nebraska democrats thus subscribe in blank a Mr. Bryan's unequalled col lection of principles: . "Wa reassert tow fidelity to-the prin ciples Which he has so ably advocated, and which at this time arc so generally accepted by a large majority of tha peo ple of tha United States." . Among tha principles which the' Lin coln of Lincoln has so ably advocated are government ownership of railroad trunk lines, federal licenses of corporations, the election of , federal judges, and the Initi ative and referendum. Theae Nebraska Innocents actually quote Jefferson In their platform, prattle about state rights and hug tha delusion that they hats "centralisation." AGAINST THE INJUNCTIONS. Soatnera View of a Nebraaka Repalt llcaa Platforaa Plaak. New Orleans Tlmea-Democrat. The platform adopted by the Nebraska republicans at their atate convention in Lincoln last Tuesday contains a plank that is . calculated to cause- aurprtsa In many quarters and may be taken as indicative of the popular sentiment that 'has been roused by the recent Interference with state 'authoritlea ifcr tha federal courts. After indorsing Secretary Taft aa tha log ical successor of President Roosevelt, and Insisting upon a continuance of the Rooae velt policies, the (convent ion Incorporated in Its platform thla significant clause: We favor tha enactment of a federal law. and It necessary an amendment to the federal constitution which will forbid the federal courts from Issuing writs of In junction against atate officers charged with the enforcement of . the state stalutea. Such a declaration, coming from a north ern and normally republican atate, la little short of remarkable. It aervea to show how deeply the popular feeling has been stirred by the recent usurpations of the federal Judgea. - Following as it Joes tha endorsement of the Roosevelt policies, it may be suggested that' there la a slight dissonance ' between the two expressions. While Attorney General Bonaparte baa been discreetly silent throughout the con troversy between the states and the fed oral judgea, the concert of action Indi cates that the judges are pursuing a course tacitly agreed to by the administration; for tba Judgea would bardly ears to take the risks of serious- embarrassment with out the assurance? ef administration sup port. But tha Nebraska republicans have discreetly ignored the apparent Inconsist ency In their platform, and It la Icglcal to assume that tha plank apposing the Is suance of federal writs against "state of ftcers charged with tha enforcement of State statutes" has been adopted In obe dience to the strong popular demand for an expression upon the subject Western republican leaders have evi dently been quick to perceive that this question of Judicial interference with tha statea muat become an Issue in the next campaign. Having gauged the popular feeling on the matter, tha Nebraskana have apparently determined to anticipate the democratic platform by an explicit demand for the establishment of limits for the au thority of the . minor federal judgea Whether the republican national conven tion will have tha courage to take a simi lar stsnd or whether H will endeavor to "straddle" the Issue remains to be seen, but the fact Utal tha republicans of a state that Is normally so strongly republican have unequivocally denounced the encroach ment of federal courts is most encouraging, for It shoos that popular feeling on the subject la be-oin I ng aa thoraughl aroused in the n'.'itli as In tl south. ARMY r.OSHIP I WASHINGTON. Carrent Events cleaned from tha Army a?ad Navy Register. Most favorable reports are being received from prominent senators and representa tives who have expressed themselves con cerning the bill for lucresse of service pa". If there Is ar.y objection to the measure among the nv-inbers of the next congress It has not been disclosed. The present pros pects, therefore, ate entirely on the side of the cnttetment of the measure. Those who are engaged in accumulating Information bearing upon the bill continue to receive statistics which should be of Influence with congress. The most striking comparison It Is possible to make Is a stntement of the psy and allowances of the I'nlted States army ss compared with that of enlisted men tot correpor.dtng iosllljn In the Ca nadian army. The suggcKtlon has been made that en listed men of the army be permitted to wear civilian clothing when thoy are "on pass" to the rnd that thry may not feel tiiemselves conxpicuoua wlien not on duty and when away from tnelr stations. Thoss who advocate this proposition believe that It will have Its decided Influence upon en listment as well as encouraging re-enlistments, results greatly to be. desired. It is n user ted that many soldiers desire the priv ilege of wearing civilian clothing under the conditions described and that some of them even make the change of costume when they visit the towns or cities near their posts. If this Is the rase and It has any such value ns Is described by those who ought to know, It would appear that the military authoritlea may. very easily take a step which promises to be of such de cided advantage. This would assist In solv ing the vexatious problem of compelling respect lor the army uniform by getting rid of any question of Its proper recogni tion. It is only natural thnt enlisted men should desire to avoid attracting attention, and their wishes In the direction might very well be observed. - The army quartermasters who have to do with military clothing and equipage are keenly Interested In the action of congress at the next session upon the estimate which has been approved by the secretary of war In favor of an appropriation of $5,500,000 for military material needed i during the next fiscal year. It was expected that the secretary of war would reduce the estimate from the quartermaster general's office, but It was plainly shown to him that the fund was greatly needtd. Inasmuch as the 'stock of clothing Is depicted and there are no means of replenishing It. Last year the ap propriation amounted to $3,400,000 nnd the year before to but $3,000,000. For this rea son the withdrawal of clothing has been steady, with disastrous effects upon the reserve supply. The 'War department Is on the track of an army officer against whom evidence has been obtained "that outside influence la perhaps being UBcd" by him to obtain a change of station. The Incident has been under discussion by the general staff, where it was recognlied ot once aa coming within the prohibitions of the executive order which with due aolemnlty admoniahea of ficers to refrain from employing Influence which shall, obtain for them any sort of favor. The recommendation approved by the War department was "that the officer be called upon for an explanation." These Instances possess an interest In showing that if an officer wants to resort to out side aid in getting a detail or obtaining any favor, he ahould employ enough in fluence of a sort which cannot be resisted and which will protect hlra from trouble. The, people who obey a presidential order f this sort are those who have not enough Influence to raaka it worth while to. engage It. Other . people who can do something with their Influence need have no fear of any official rebuke, - The coming test of horsemanship In the army. In accordance with tha Instructions of the President," poseessea a lively Inter est not only for those who will participate In this event, but for Ita invitation to con jecture respecting the fata of those officers of the army who fall to achieve the fifteen miles of varied gait exacted In the regula tions. Of course, it Is out of the question to try the delinquents by court martial, and there Is no provision of law which would justify the summary retirement of an of ficer who falls by the wayside, literally or metaphorically. It Is possible that cuch an unfortunate would be ordered before a re tiring board, but there Is no assurance that the medical officers who must pass upon the fitness for service will report the ob ject of their scrutiny as entitled to retire ment. The military authorities are dis creetly silent upon this subject. An Important circular letter Is being sent out by, the paymaster general of the navy to all general storekeepers and purchasing pay officers. It refers to a subject of gen eral Interest to the aervlce and will relieve officers of the necessity of obtaining from their landlords signed receipts for fuel al lowances : "Aa after October I receipts will not be taken for paymenta made by check. It will not be necessary after that date for officers living In apartmenta, other than public and not metered, to obtain receipts from their landlords for their heat and light allowance. The form of receipt (305c) will be discon tinued. Form 206b has been amended to answer both as certificate and voucher and will be used In accordance with Instructions printed thereon. The general atorekeeper at Washington has been directed to furnish a aupply of the new form 205b to all gen eral storekeepers without dels)-. Each gen eral atorekeeper will furnish officers whose heat and light Is obtained through his of fice with the new form. When a check la mailed in payment of such allowances, tha officer making payment will advlae tha landlord or agent for what purpose and for otiose account tha payment la made and request that credit be given accordingly." Secretary Root la Mexico. Springfield Republican. The Mexicans are said to be determined to eclipse In splendor the reception of Sec retary Root at the Braxilian capital. In fact, the fetea at the Mexican capital will be characterised' by great magnificence combined with that perfect tasta with which great public functiona there are al ways distinguished. In Mexico, on' such occasions, the most noted artists are called into consultation by tha government of ficials. For floral decorations tha lower or "hot" country la drawn upon, and not Infrequently ' the entire facades- of great buildings are literally covered with tha loveliest floral designs. Br. Lvon'i PERFECT Tooth Povdor Cleanses, preserves and 'beautifies the teeth, and Purifies the breath N A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Et abtished . in 1 866 by Reverend Sam Jones's Widow Gels $1,000 per Year for Lile Tha nafne ami the fame of Rev. Sam P. Jones ha (rone, over the nation. While the noted evangelist . preached the Gospel with great power, it now transpires , that he provided for his wife with great good sense. As a result of this foresight and self-denial The Mutual Life Insurance Company is now paying Mrs. Jones $1,000 per year, and will continue to do o during- her life. In a recent letter Mrs. Jones thanks the Company for the way in which this matter has been handled. .This is all good for Mrs. Jones, but how about the woman yet unpro tected and the roan yet uninsured ? The need is great and certain. Tha Company is strong and ready. Write and learn more about how auch protection can be secured. The Time to Act b NOW. For tha new forms of policies write to The Mutual Ufa Insurance Comnanw V5aw f Now Or STANHOPE FLEMING, Manager, Flint National Bank BIdg., Corner 18th and Famam Streets, Omaha, eb. PERSONAL, NOTES. John Wanamaker says business In this country is expanding- and rowing stronger every day, and he Is in a position to know. Governor Hughes la no longer a real, dent of New York City. He haa sold his homo fTiere and will establish tola legal residence In Albany,' where he will cast his next vote. James L. Ormmell is one of the oldest, If not the oldest, postmaster in the United States. He was appointed postmaster of Freeland, Md., In 16!. 1 during President Fillmore's administration., Met la now 1)1 years of age, and has been In the service of the government for fifty-six years. Abbas If. the Khedive of Egypt, la one of tha most cultured of oriental rulers, and. la thoroughly European In his tastes and habits.' He la an expert linguist, a devotee of music, a composer, a practical agriculturist, something of a mechanic, a horseman and a motorist. He is a ready wit and is fond of a Joke. Senator Augusta Calvert, for fifteen yeirs a member of the French house, and one of the moat noted politicians of France, who la on a visit to this country for the study of economic conditions, la In Wash ington, and aaya he Is very much Impressed with the native beauty of the city, and still further aays: "Of all the sights seen here I regard tha congressional library aa tha most wonderful." : v POINTED PLEASANTRIES. - Bay!" :' ... ' "Yep?" "How does a doctor know w'en a man he'e treatin' le goin" ter die?" -" , "Well, he knows what he's been dopln' him wld, don't her Cleveland Leader. Mr. Crimaonbeak Jtow do you like this new hat ot mine, dear? I . Mrs. Crimaonbeak I Ilka It. John. It makes you look sedate and almost sober. Yonkers Statesman. "Before we were married you told me you were well off." "So I did. I remember distinctly telling you that." Tow lied, then?" "That would be a question In casuistry. I was well oft, all right, but I didn't know it" Puck. "Every hair of your beadla dear to me," said th ardent young husband to his bride. It waa not wholly sentiment, for he had No woman who uses ''Motlier'S and Ganger luuucut w uu ui( iui it iuuo uiuvu jl uvuv and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child U :'Motherhood," u ; worth ijyjyjj y yytbii " e" - o , .J ... . . I woman, and will be sent iree mpiain I envelope by addressing application to 3 Uri I 1 1 1 1 1 Brfldfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Go. U UUULaUUliy You Can Enjoy Th6 Benelils of many useful electrical devices at a small cost with elec tric, light in the home. The electric heating pad, chafing dishcoffee percolator, large or small water heater?, and the flat iron can be attached to any lamp socket. Our re presentative will call with full particulars. Investigate. . Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. 'Phone Douglas 1062 Y. M. C. A. BIdg. ' THE 33HE emphasis is on Hpecial Browning at $3.00. both Derbies and Browning, R. 8. WILCOX, Manager. r 1 York. N. Y. Just given her $10 for natural "rat" for her all-around pompadour. Baltimore American. "What did the rector say wtlcn the curat read th lesson from Oenesls so badlyT" "Suffering Moses!" Harper's Weekly. Doris But I never told you that I hav a brother-in-law who Is a senstor. , Harry No matter, darllnir. Even that fact cannot separate us. Judge. Patron I want to get a book called "Be nevolent Trusts." Librarian Yea? ' Patron But i don't find . It In- th cats- '"Librarian Have you looked nnder the head of "Fiction ?"-Cloveland Leader. THE PICTfRM POST CARD.. J. W. Foley in New York Times. . A soldier of the legion lay dying in Al giers You remember all the details of the lack, of woman'! tears How his comrade bent beside him . while hla life blood ebbed away. Bent with sympathetic glances. Just to hear what he might say; ' You remember of th letter and th token Just a line To be taken back to vBlngcn to Blogcn on the Khlnn I hav heard from sou foes truthful that th letter that ha starred Through these many years of reading was a PJcture Postal card. On the pyramlda or obelisks or something of the kind . I waa never much for detail o'er In Africa you'll find Quaint Inscriptions, funny pictures, who real meaning waa unknown ; Till aome delving antiquary found tha queer Roaetta atone: I have heard, and think It likely, that th plcturea and the tninga Long supposed to be the annals of a lln Is of a Aln of tne'Vvtl t Egyptian of miffhty Kings - Were not annals or the Irerses Egyptian bards; But old Rameaea' collection ot Postal Cards. When th ark had settled gently on tha top of Ararat And when Noah coined that telling speech, "Pray tell me wher we re at?." When - th dove was loosed and fluttered from the window Into apse To discover if th freshet had subsided any place. You remember the returning, how th dov bore In Ita bill Something that brought Joy to Noah, that there were some islands stmt I have heard, and give it credence, though to shake old faiths Is hard. I waa not a sprig of myrtle but a Picture Postal Card. . And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mother suffer, can be avoided by the use of is a God-send to women, carrying' them through their most critical Arrival xpith safVtv and no nain. Frleni" need fear the suffering HAT THE when we refer to our Hat, which is very popular .. It is an exceptionally fine hat at the price. Others at $4 and $5. We've all the newer shapes and colors in Soft Hats. King i Co