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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1907)
10 THE OMAItX DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. ' MILWAUKEE FAVORS OM All A 1 Withdraws Adrantag-e on Lumber ' Bate Held by Council Bluff i. ISSUES NEW TARIFF SHEET 1 CraarrrUI Clafca Calla Attention el 'Mllwaakee th Dleertsalna-" tloa the Rallraaa Cerrerts Rata. Council Bluffs will no longer have the advantage over Omaha in the matter 01 lumber rate to Canton, S. D.. on the Mll wniikee road. The Omaha Commercial club recently i n l 1 the attention of the Milwaukee to ihi apparent discrimination In favor of Council Bluffs. The rate from Council Bluffs on lumber to Canton la 03 cent per 100 pound and the published rate from Omaha In 20 cents. The Milwaukee ad mlttrd the rate from Omaha ought to be but 5 a car more than the Council Bluffa rate, the to being for bridge toll, but aald -a mistake had been made In the tariff. - The road has recognised the Injustice of these conditions and has Issued a new tariff, effective . November 6. making the nt in rantnn from Omaha and Boulh Omaha K.flO cents per 100 pounds, plus $5 J a ear bridu toll. Canton Is a distributing point for a large scope of country. Fall Fare for Clergy. Clergymen will have to pay full fare after January 1 on all railroads between Chicago and the Rooky mountains, eicept possibly the Texas Louisiana. Begin ning January 1. not a railroad will Issue a single cUirgyman's ertlflcate on any of the western lines. This fact has been made certain by the action of a general con ' ferenca of all the clergy bureaua. It waa decided to discontinue the bureaus In alt associations, with the exception ot me I I miiwiiiiiiaHiui . i This wll continue to Issue half-rate per . nilts to clergymen so long as the pas senger rates are not reduced In the states of Colorado, Montana, Arlsona and In the territory west to the Pacific coast. It was decided, however, to petition the railroads to permit the railroads to taki out the half rates. The withdrawal of the clergymen's rates will reduce the expenses ot the Western v . Passenger association almost T per cent and will make It come within SSO.QOO a . year. The action of the railroads Is In line with the announced policy of the roads In withdrawing all reduced-rate privileges In states where the 2-cent passenger laws are passed. narrlmaa Will Wot Attead. I I The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Pacific will be held at Bait Lake City Tuesday and the. meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Short Line will be held at the same place Wednesday aft ernoon. For some time It wss thought E. H. Harrtman was to attend these meetings In person, but he will not be there. W. D. Cornish, vice president of the Union Paclflo with headquarter In Chicago, passed through Omaha Saturday night enroute to .Salt Laka, and It la said he carried enough proxies In his pocket to control the meet ing, which Will elect officers for the coming year. He was accompanied TSV Joseph Hel len, iansintant secretary of the Union Pa-culc t -Mr DANGERS IN TEMPLE lniMi.rii trll Lemonade at Cathe t'.rrl Ceremonies Sends) and .tre Ejected. ."Remove tln ;nnry changers from the temple!" ' This in Hie command which Berg'ant Hayes of the police force had to give Sun day afternoonacveral different times, when the coming financiers of the Walnut Hill district set up stands for the sale of their warea almost before' Bishop Scannell com pleted his work wltli tlia cement and stiver trowel at the laying of the cathedral cor nerstone at Fortioth and Burt streets. ' The warea constated largely of lemonade and pink pop, which aiipeared on the scene so suddenly that It .was said to coma di rect from the city water mains. . When 12.000 persons gathered to hear the sermon Sunday afternoon famine set In. The water supply was not sufficient, and lama bright boys In the neighborhood took advantage of the situation. They bought ths pop aupply of neighboring stores, and ons little fellow appeared on the scene with a lemon, six drinking glasses, a pocketful of sugar and a cracker box. But five minutes were required for him to open business. ' , While Archbishop Ireland was speaking his audience waa surprised to hear a shrill olee pipe, almost under the pulpit, "Ice cold lemonado here. 5 cents!" The young lemonade monger was removed from the temple. He then took possession of the tool shed and a number yof times his voice could be heard crying ''Ice cold lemo-lemo-lemo!" Each time he sold out and each time an ample water bucket Oiled up the glasaea, - while the lemon was squeezed for the tenth time. Te frevent laeet trees Cracking use Quick Shin Shoe PolUb, it oils, pofc Ishes and give a patent leather finish and la water-proof. Ask your dealer for It WALNUT FURNITURE 'WAY UP So Hlan, la Fact, One Laeal Dealer Keeae feat Tw Fleets in Steele. So high Is the price ot walnut furniture, and the demand consequently so light, that one of the very largest furniture stores In Omaha keeps but two pieces In stock. Walnut Is noa 10 per cent higher than mahogonyt It makea beautiful furniture and a generation ago was very popular, but since the walnut groves have disap peared and the price of the wood has gone soaring, people are contenting themselves with mahogany, and the more modest mor tals wlta oak. Red Cross -I- Cough Drops. Mother's remedy tor children colds. Bo per box. NEW ROOF ON AUDITORIUM Contract Let for Stria ef Permanent lif Arena Ike Oater Edge. The contract was let Monday for a new root for what la known as the "Hat root" ot the Auditorium, a atrip sixteen feet wide around the outer edge. It will cost MS and. will be 114 by the Sunderland Roofing and Supply company. This strip of root will be permanent. It had been Intended to defer thla Improvement until the M0.O00 fond for finishing the building had been raised, but leak made Immediate action necessary. Ten probably have aoiue little want right ' now. And nine chances out ot ten. or there sbeuta, you could fill that want by using a Bee want ad. Tou may find your serv ants, and your errand boy a, and your gard ener without advertising, but a want ad ousts so little, and t so easy and so 'quick, and such a sure method of finding the ci earn of the unemployed that you oaa rot afford to get along without It Aunouacemeata. weddnvg siatlocorv and aalllag card, blank book and snagaatne fciodiac 'r-uua Doug. lev. A. i. Htet, ins. The Honor of Your Presence is Requested at Our Twenty-Fourth Annual Fall Opening Throughout this Entire IVeek. Special Decoratitns and Illuminations, 2 his opening display of fers unusual advantages for the selection of beautiful apparel for the Omaha Horse Show We invite yur inspection f 0ne of the most elegant reedy-twear attire. OPERA COATS All stunning new arrivals for 'fall -1; all the new evening shades pinks, light blues, champagne, light grays and resedas beautifully made t $24.50 and $39 Evening Gowns and Presses Charming French models in Crepe de Chine, French Taffeta, Chiffon Voiles, etc. adapted for horse show wear. . . . $35-349 Tailor Made Suits of Highest Vitality These are the very smartest and most elegantly tailored garments, suitable fordressy horse show at tire ultra fashionable models, at $35. $39. $49 UP, to $98 Safe Elaborate Millinery Imported Expressly for the Omaha Horse Scow There is v an atmosphere of style "about the higher class of Brandeia hats that distinguish them from . the ordinary hats either of French or American make. The fall dress and evening hats are glorious crea tions in point of style and color harmony. Brandeis hats are the admiration of fern- (Pi) A , CCA inine Omaha, at. . . V--" 10 $3" Brandeia Up-to-Date Millinery at $10.00 Handsomely trim med with ostrich plumes, feathers, flowers, rib- & f A bons and ornaments the large, graceful shapes. . CplU Extra Special Bargains Fop Tuesday 75c Embroidered Flouneings at 39c Yd. 18-inch embroidered flouneings, skirts and corset cover em broideries, in the finest nainsook, Swisses and Cambric- many in open work and shadow effects a new dTK shipment worth up to 75c a yard, at, u 1 if JT apr yard Pr. Elbow Length Lisle Gloves at 75c ijXtra good quality ot yl and lb-button length ftm gloves in good weights black and white A O snlendid barcain. at k " Three Big Lots mf Dress Trimmings Silk braids in black and all colors, mohair braids, Persian bands and fancy braids, in gold and silver effects in T?: 5c-10c-25c THREE GRAND SILK SPECIALS Strictly new plain and fancy taffetas, plaids, 27 and 36 , dress and lining taffetas and satins worth up to $1.50 a yard; on bargain CCn LQn squares, at, a yard m lv"JeU"'Uev Dress Goods Extra Specials 44 and 54-inch Broadcloths, Henriettas, Storm Serges, fancy Suitings, Mohairs ,etc. worth 75c . to $2.00 a yard on id 39c-49c-69c-79c-98c 'A. - - - - , IMatlooal Com Exposition Ctiicaoo, October 5 to lO. Over $50,000 in prizes for the best corn exhibits will be given at the National Corn Exposition. These prizes will include farms, pianos, buggies, dinner sets and watches. Over $16,000 In cash prizes will be given for the beet ten and thirty ear exhibits. The exhibition will be held in the great Coliseum .building, Chicago, and will be the largest and most elegant exhibit of the kind ever held. The decorations alone cost $30,000. Afternoon and evening concerts will be given by the Illinois Naval Reserve Band. For comfort and convenience see that your ticket to Chicago reads via the Ctiicaoo, Milwaukee k S- Paul Railway. Arrive Chicago Union Station. S:SJ P. M. 8:60 A.M. 12:28 P.M. THREE DAILY TRAIN'S , Leave Omaha Union Station. Chicago Special 7:02 A.M. Eastern Express 6:20 P.M. Overland Limited : P. M. The Eastern Express carries ELECTRIC LIGHTED Omaha sleeper and composite observation car. Folders, sleeping car reservations and tickets at CITY. OFFICE, 1524 Faroaro St., or write to F". A. NASH, OMAI1A, NEB. Geoeral Western Agent. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday Fair ami Cooler. I Horse Show w w a a ww c Arala aneertalneA and ready for yoar criti cism. We respectfully direct yoar atten tion to the hlg-a grade character of the merchandise ased la the display. Those npars robee and peerless fovni are proofs of Omaha's merchandiser pluok. The splendors of modern fashion were never before so exhibited la Omaha. We leave the question of deooratlve art, eapended In thtse windows, to yon tender opinion. - iilk Great Display of Real Hand Made Laces I nurhfft. Princess, Point Applique, Irili Crochet, Point Venice, Point f.'ai'lT anil lrln I'llo t ...... I .I..L... f. .11 II IV. ltoftllHS. 0t Hot, etc. wau a in a aj seex m t f a i "e HAVE 2.1 PER CENT TO !, PER C ENT UY Ill'YlNO HERE NOW. Sec tiiem. TTTs T71 TTT TTn FinD All lVslll PaTiam&3 worth $1.00, all wool l lliX rtll ffWUlll pfirges, Henritttas and Albatross TIpoc1 ffitxilc ia a" colors; cream and black. .1115 This Ut a great S bart a u, at, per yard- ad L Z7-lncn Elaclc Tatreta, "Cleola" suks, the best guar anteed Black Taffeta made. . We offer thi3 $1.25 grade Tuesday, at, per yard With every purchase we give you a written guarantee. 75c 33c Fancy Eiderdown in ele Kant new designs and color- lngR, saitaltlo' for Kimonas, houHe goH"ns, etc. Tuesday, yard .... 36-Inch Flannelrtteit, fine dark styles,' greys, - bines, etc., Tuesday, , per yard J A . . '. . , 25c Women's Flannel Skirt Patterns in light or dnrk colorings, nearly all ready to wear T Great bur gain Tuesday. eSC 13-4 Cotton Hlankets, tJie very Urgent and heaviest blanket we have- for $2.25, firm and fast colored borders, f IO good bargain Tuesday ."W I BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY i Buying in targe qu&ntltlea enables us to make low prices Bennett's Capitol 'Coffee, pound package . ...V.ii . ...... . 28c And HO Green Trading Stamps. Teas, assorted, pound . .- 6 So '. And 60 Ore'en-TrSdinK Stamps. Granulated "fluimx Double Orson .- Trading-- Btaiups. Bennett's - . Cfltot - Hahlns Powder, pound can..' IV . . .21c Sttreen Trading" Stamps. Bennett's Capitol 'yBxtreurt. per bottli "...(,. tSo 20 ( Green 'frartlnR !tamrs. Bennett's Capitol Oats,' ' per packaS t y . . . . .11c 10 Green Tradina' Stamps. Hhredded Codfish,' tfireo , packages'; tor . . i'ii .". ;!6e'' And 10 Oreen Tradina- Stamps. Gllletle'8 Washing .Crystal, dozen packaars .. s in 10c i Pelatour Ginger Ale, bottle lOu Franco-American Soups, Ox Tall. Tomato, Consomme, Bouillon,. Mut ton Broth, Chicken, Mulllgatawny, quart can 3jc And SO Green Trading Stamps. Pint can l'Oo Booth Sweet Potatoes, per can 19c 10 Green Trading Stamps. . Haarman'n Malt Vinegar,. quart bottle SOC IO Green Trading (Stamp. Royal Guava Cheese, per box .......... ....... Sfin' 2(1 Green Trading Stamps. Castile Toilet' Soap, " fctx' .'cakes for .Sic And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Three. Star Corn, three cans 25o And . 20 Green Trading Stamps. , ,':THENEW ThlsV model, Valtham Watch for gentlemen have you seen it? If not, spend a minute in our store. and see It . It's a beauty. Look for the name. ' S. W. LINDSAY, jeweler 1S1 Douglas Street Until Declst we will sell our $50.00 Gfte Great Queeiv Steel, Range at $33.00 ttrac tlon to our store. It will not take a judge of Steel Ranges to bey It at that price. ' ri US-''.' -k?-W-),t is The Queen has made such a wonder ful reputation In the fifteen years we have sold It that we sell no other kind. It takes so little fuel that it will bake bread with two small shovels full of coal. It will last a Ufa time. We Bell it on small payments. GAe Sioetzcl Stove Company 714 Sauth 16th St. It is presumption to say you haven't a mind of your cwn yet, that Is what Is practically said to you .when you ask for an advertised article and are offered a substitute by a dealer. He would give you what you made up your mind you wanted, but for the fact that a substitute pays , him a larger percentage ot profit Such a dealer's Interest lies only In making as much money out of yon as possible. The first-class dealer would have given .you what you asked for, by that course admitting that you had a mind of your own and were capa ble pf . exercising It. Show the svbstltutor that you have a mind ot your own by getting WHAT YOU ASK TOR. ' Business Boosters Try the Want AJ Oolawne of The Besa See Our Special Values in Robes and Gowns for the Horse Show WMPllils THB REUIABLK STRB V J A Beautiful New Line of Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 Sale of IVner Underwear Superior Bargains to Any Ever Offered The Dast ten ilavs' enormous business leaves us with many broken lines ef high class Winter Underwear to be disposed of quickly. These, together with the v remainder of our three great manufacturers stocks, form an Immense stork of superr J bargains for Tuesday's unle. Now is the time to sAYB 60 FIB CSHT OW WXWTW VKDI1WE1B PURCHASES. Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawer that o hi iiu to I1.6U; on saAe Tues- ACkf day at 75o to Wen's Shirts and Drawers extra heavy- fleeced, many-rfwlth fine wool flnece, values to II. 00 garment, at 48c, OBT S!le nd . Ladles' and Children's Heavy mibbed Un- -derwear White or gray, worth to 11.00 a garment, at 49c, 39C, J Re 1QC t.Adies' and Misses' Union Suite Worth , to $1 5o, white or gray, all slses. 1Qf . at 9c, 490 and atv 39c and Men's and Boys' Kesvy Wool Owsaters That would sell regularly at ib.oo 4( on sale at 93.50, SI. 98, 91.60, 8o and MAITT OTEBa BOVSIITO BABOAtlTS TOO JftTMIBOUS TO MXHTIOW. Grand Sale of Fleischer's Yarns wo in nmiiha Aif-nin fnr thnA epiobratvil varns and will retail them this week at lowest prices ever known for yarns of such sterling quality. Spanlsn Tarns, worm reguiariy avc: on rielsoher's Knitting Worsteds, black, - rrf. and colors, 26c valae, at a.tfV Shetland KIosh, of highest quality, - K,, Worth K.c sktMn. at TWO FOB.. -"-- Angora Wool, all colors, worth 10c fj i.ur hall at V v.a, ... ........ Ice Wool, all colors, at ball '..... . 7VzC sale at. 10c or three for ,25o Imperial Saaony Tarn, worth 15c' K( Domastlo Saxony Tarn, regular 10c value at. 5o per skein ortilli 25i ron : Exra Specials for Wednesday v ' 'V: " a -.30 a. m. One case of fine Eiderdowns, all colors, regular 99c value 10 yards limit 21C n t fi y eaXd ,.,.. " One case of Amoskoag Outing Flannels, regular 12Hc values, dark and "fhtfilC colors 10 yards limit at.. One case of fine apvon blue checks, absolutely fast colorsregular V4e value Kg in vnrHit limit jit. a vard One case of full Bleached Muslin, regular 9c value 10 yards to customer (Jl( SI, a J-tlJ. . eeesee. - - ( AT S:30 F. M. One case of Turkish Bath Towels, extra long and eitra heavy, sell regularly Qn at lc each only two pairs to customer at, each Wool Dress Goods 60c neat Wool Plaids, 25C $1.00 Scotch maids. at 69c $1.25 Broadcloth, 54 Inches wide, Qrip all colors, at. tuesday Only 3-lnch strictly All wool Pull- ings. at crv All Wool Tricots, all colors. 25C Double fold Danish Cloth, IOC at. . . . The Last Peach Sale for This Season We have secured psrt-of a car of Extra Fancy Freestone Elberta Peaches. These are Just as fancy as anything we have had this season. To wind up tho peach season we will sell them tomorrow (Tuesday), per orate. . GREEN TOMATOES ANI PEPPERS FOR PICKLES H-bushel baskets. either kind 20 The regular low prices on all Fresh Vegetables and Fruits m HMDEW ME. yO 3H iZZk ..v" I , r PI n9 MO, awifc pa pa aa mm II "f WSw ' ll from' Omaha V Ua''':' '0'' - ' Excellent Train Service. via - ' This low one-way rate, is in' ' ' "B-ftBrH Sw information inquire at . jrS''' S PhoneDoglasJ Account this bank is helpful not only to men in business, but to every man and wo man who has money to take care of. It encourages economy. It establishes your credit. It makes sending money away or ' paying bills easy.. It safeguards your cash. ' ' It Is business to have one. Why not start a check account here today? First National Bank Omaha, Neb. vltWELElo As a Wedding Gift You have never seen a bride get too much silver. Ws have all that's r.ew In dainty, exclusive deKlgns, dlr.t from the makers. The variety of design and price we show Is almost unlimited.. Don't deride until ou've looked us over. C B. BROWN CO. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, am leeatiea 1S08 FAR NAM ST- OMAHA, Pheoe Deuglae 178 Extracting 85o "VrM.. We make specialty rorcelain FlUs. .1 V '..'Il metal and roofless I Crown $2.60 np fhyi'Ji::'--'' plates. PainleM work la Bridge Work. $2.60 op vJJT VVV'Sj il operatiooa. oea Plate $2.00 op -- ' I I I ewatoge till eHdock, lth and Farnam. avcaros rzwn ooicvAarr gov aterta ITtk St. OaUt uva-cxuTiii HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA A Message of Comfort If there Is a woman In Omaha that has tender feet; or who suf fers with corns or bunions, we want her -to know that , we have the only posltlvte relief for her foot troubles In our . Anti- Bunion , Shoes They are made. of fine kid with flexible soles, specially constructed one Size smaller In the instep and two size wider In the sole. This gives snug fit and throws the foot in its natural position giving real comfort to the wearer. MUCKS RAXCiK Turned Soles- at Welt Solea 3.50 4.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 rariam St. len Tl Year Friends. H National COHN Exp osition CHICAGO: Collseom Building October 5-19. 1907 The grandest display ot the national cereal and the greatest . demonstra tion of its food value ever attempted. . , A harvest festival of unequaled . attraction. Plan to spend a few days "in the Metropolis of the West and witness this great event. Through traits on the Rock Island from all the West and Southwest direct to the heart of Chicago:' La Salle Sta tion, newest and only one on the loop. F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A. ROCK ICTLAND IINES 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 7i. m