Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Faralsked Roes
Want - ads
A4rfrlMnati - fa tke nut ad
will be takea 411 II as. fo
tke areata adltlea and aatll a. at.
far tke aaeralaa; aad taaday edltloae.
Cask asast tenaftir all order for
rut aa4 aa advertleeiaeat will
ke aeeeated far lose tkaa 10 aeata far
ke drst laeertloa.
Ratee apply ta eltker Taa Dally
Baaday Baa.
Alwaya eoaat alz atrti ta a Ilaa.
Coaaklaatloae af taf'als ar a a a bore
at aa aaa word.
Insertlea, per llaa, 10 eeata. Twa or
era eeaaeeatlve lasertlons, par liar,
eaata. Eak laaartloa nad aa add
daya, 10 eaata aee llae. fl.SO par
Ilaa par aaeatk.
Deatk aad raaaral Notices, Carda at
Tkaake aad Lod Notices, T eaata
areata 8 eaata a llaa far each ad
dltlaaal edltlaa. Baaday, 10 eaata a
Una. Ke ad takes far leaa tkaa SO
rear advertlseaaeat la laaerted aader
kelew, It will be ckarged at tke fel
lewlac rateai Oaa laeertloa, 4 eaata
par llaa tkree ta alz coaeeeetlve ia
aertloaa, S eeata per llae eack laer
laai sevea ar mere caaeeeatlve la
aertloaa, eeata per llaa eack laer
ileal SO eeata per llae per oaoatk.
Ezeept Agents, Solicitor aad Saloe
t'orra, Blrda, I) aad Pete.
Here aad Veklclee. ,
Pealtiy aad Karat.
Typewriter aad Sawlac Maeklaea.
Pianos, Orgaas aad Maatcal I astro.
neat a.
Faralsked' Rooasa. '
Uafaralsked Rata.
Housekeeping Roeaae. "
Boarding- aad Heosas.
a a. f a7 ir ka left
. pt aar af tke tllonilc dro atarea '
... -- k.V I
ait la "year eeraar -
are all braaek office , Tka Bee aad
yunr ad will ke iaeerted laat aa
preatptlr aad aa tke aanie ratea aa at
tke mala office la Tke Bee Balldla,
Sereateeatk aad raraans Streeta.
Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam.
Beranck. 8. A.. 140 B. loth By. v
Decht Pharmacy. 'iJ 8. lth St.
Benson Pharmacy, Beraon, Neb.
, Hemls Park Pharmacy, UA and cumin.
biske's Pharmacy, mt Sherman Aye.
Caughlln. C R.. th and Plrc Bu
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2211 Military Ave.
vonie, 4. a,, v
Crlsrey Phaimacy, 2!th and Lake. ;
Cermak. Emit. 1264-8 B. 13th Bt.
Kastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton.
Khler. F. H., 2802 Lea von wort U.
Foster Arnoldl, 113 N. 26th St.
Freytag, John 3.. 1914 N. 24th St. -Florence
Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, aoth and Laka.
Orecn'a Pnarmacy, corner Park Are. ana
Oreenoush, O. A., YT H. 10th Bt.
Orecnough, O. A., 124 B. 10th St.
Hayden, Wm. C. 20 Farnam Bt.
Hanacom Park Phac. 1601 B. Ivth Ave.
Holnt. John, C4 N. 18th Bt-
Huff, A. I. 2924 t.avenworth Bt.
Kln. Hj 8. Farnam Bt.
KonntM Place Pharmacy. 8904 N. UvK
, Patrick Prc Co.. 1624 N. 24th Bt.
l.athrop, Chaa R , 1314 K. 24th Bt.
Peyton, I. B.. 24th and Tavenworth.
Baratoira Dru Co., 24th and Amea Are.
Bchafar'a Cut Price Drus Co., lth and
Chicago. ... .
Bchaofer, Augunt, 5831 N. lth St.
Bchmldt, J. It.. 24th and Cuming 8t.
Btorm Pharmacy. 16th and-Martha Bt.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming.
' V'alton Pharmacy. Soth and Grace Bta.
Worth. O. H.. 40th and HamUon Sta.
Claaaea now open.
Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping,
Commercial Law. . Penmanship. Business
Correspondence, General Office Practice.
Preparatory for Civil Service, College er
a profession. Day and night sessions.
fel. V. 1070. '
nj-MBll oi
iCHNOOR'B Dancing school, commencing
at South Bide Turner hall, lSth and Vin
ton Sts., Monday. October 7; at Wash
ington hall, Thursday, October 17; chil
dren, t p. m; adults, '$ p. m.
(D MS31 7x
the opening of her dressmaking parlors,
3011 North 18th. You are cordially In
vlted to call. (1)-M;65 Q
ta now open In both the DAY and NIGHT
sessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter.
, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Te
legraphy and - English. The catalogue Is
, !-
IHB CITY OARBAGH CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth Bta Tel. Douglas 13X7.
klL'eiC every evening. Hotel Rome.
F. D. WEAD has moved lls office to Weed
Building. 18th and Farnam Sts. (1) 4
ION PAINTINO-sTh. Cole. 1303 "Douglas.
. li i-
END for our list of second-hand aulome-
biles. DERIOHT. !! Farnam 2vO
9M acres of land 7 miles from Falrbury.
Neb.,' geud Improvements. $0 per acre.
Want atock of general merchandise.
$u6,0O Omaha rental property paying 10
per rent net; will take s good land In ex
change. errea, Dawson county. Neb., at $30 per
kcre; some of tire best land In the county;
rell Unproved. Traile fi,r Omaha property.
Titfse are good. Match some oi them.
U4 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 4$.
Ground floor.
" ' , - 16)-ai4 7x '
fOK EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard,
ware stock, located In a good Nebraska
ton of 1.000 Inhabitants; will Invoice
about $4,000. Including fixtures. This la
a good, paying rriosltlun. lias a good
traae and In cue of the best locations In
town. Will consider part exchange, tbs
La lanes cash. Globe Land and Investment
ceinpany. (3) Mill
. beautiful suburban heme of ? rooms,
independent water system, large cistern,
good barn, shed, chicken house and
yards; 6 acres vt grapes, 3M plum.
cherry and lu apple trees, and an abun
dance of small liuit and berries; a Ana
home with an aunual income of $1,000 to
(l.W, ailght oontider some land, or house
ad l't in Omatta or Council Bluffs.
ALVA &HIIH, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
;-Ml- Xix
Are you looking for farm, builneaa or
W have
Uvnrral morchandl Ptorka of all tiX
Bhoe atotks. Ucnta' furnlihlnga.
Hardware atocka.
Furniture and undertaking.
Hotel! and reatauranlr. .
Booming houae furniture.
Irur eto'ka. Printing offlcea.
Flour mill, livery,
llnueaa and lota.
Farma and ranrhee.
Call and Bee
N. Y. U Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
, (t)-Mlbv OctlT
Mining and Industrial Stocks.
We buy and ecll any active unlisted
etock. We have rare hareetna in in
dustrial etorke, eubject to the mont rigid
Inveatlgatlon. We have bargalna In ev
eral active mining atocka in Nevada,
lao several bargaina In copper stocks.
We receive weekly reporte from all the
Important mining districts In the United
Slates and Mexico.
Stock Brokers
M N. T. Life Bt
Bldg, . .
Tel. Douglas &&
omans, jncd.
(4) 424 Q2
We have timber, fruit farm land in east
ern Washington and Oregon; mild cli
mate; fruit land hae netted 1&U0.OO per
acre; will rschange for hotels, good resi
dences or any property of equal value
anywhere; can match any deal, large or
small. We have abetracta showing per
fect title down to date. Price of land
from HO.oti to 1125.00 per acre. Give full
particulars In first letter. Address Hox
164. Omaha. Neb. 4)-M705 llx
Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers
(Quotations received from all Exchanges.
We can save you from 6 to 20 per cent
on any mining stock.
We give prompt service.
4044J. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1294.
A NEW manufacturing plant paying 26 per
. cent annual dividends on capital Invested,
for aale on account of other bualness.
A splendid opportunity for two menievith
b,itv to invest. No trade propowuon
considered. If you mean business In
vestigate, If not., do not answer. Address
F 346, care of Bee. t4)-MS88 Vi
FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies,
f ons and Implements, located In a small
illnola town; will Invoice about $l,7t
Also house and t lota In same town. Price
for real estate, 11.600; Invoice for stock.
Will exchange Jor farm land In Iowa,
Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In
vestment Co.. Omaha, Neb. ID M517
FOR SALE Or exchange, fine section of
land in Kimball Co., Neb., at $6.60 per
acre. Can give clear title, or long time
on about $2,000. What have you? t's a
bargain. Whe wants it T
Sidney, Neb.
. (J)-M671
TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city
property, . good 2s7-acre farm, three
miles from good town; right In heart of
oil and gas fields. For full description
address J. M. Nowcll, R. F. D. No. 2.
Humboldt, Kan. 3 MC13 lOx
A BARGAIN Will aell or exchange for
land, stock or dry goods; positively
great chance; must act Immediately.
Address Y 49, care Omaha Bee.
, (1) M40T 19
If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at
Yankton; five passenger trains dally on
the Milwaukee; train No. S stops twenty
minutes for supper; will sell at Invoice or
lump It off at $1,660, Don't atop to write,
but come ani see it; It Is a bargain for the
right man. George F. Harrington, Yank
ton, S. D. (4) M368 0x
MONEY Do you need It? We are In a
position to furnish capital for any merit
orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks
and bonds quickly on commission Dasis;
money advanced on good securities; char
ters procured in any state; do not fall
to confer with us, It will be to your In
terest. R. Kaata 4 Co., bankers, Tacoma
Bldg.. Chicago. (4)-214 x
FOR- SALE The only exclusive Imple
ment stock In a city of (.000; no' trade;
mild climate; plenty of natural, gas. Ad
dress B. J. Howard, Cherryvaie. Kan.
() MoOilSx
WISH to meet gentleman T-ho can Interest
few people to extent t $6,000 or $&,0U0.
You can make same or more at nb ex
pensa to yourself. Address L 62, Bee.
FOR SALE The best four-chair barber
shop In the best town in bouth Dakota.
Address Y 2$, care Bee. (4) MOOS lit
FOR BALE Hardware stock In North
ern Colorado town; stock and fixtures
will Invoice about $5,000. Address Box
111. Eaton, Colorado. (4) M627 lOx ,
HOTEL FCR BALE If ou want a good
one and a money maker at a anap bar
gain, on the best of terms, write A
.Bryan, Creston, la. (4) M836 12x
FOR BALE Moving picture theater clear
ing JM per month. R. A. Williams. Pitts
burg. Kan. . (4-M836 12x
I WANT to sell all or half Interest In fine
new stock of millinery and fixtures, well
located In V. Paso. Tex. Address P. O.
Box $1$, El Paso, Tex. (41 M948 12x
FINK 10-room house, modern, fine location,
walking distance, full of roomers. Must
be sold, leaving town. Address J-iW,
care Bee. (4 M603 8x
AN A-l proposition for party with small
amount of money to invest. Call be
tween 4 and o'clock. Her Grand hotel.
W. M. Robert. . (4f MU30 lOx
F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Weed
Building, 18th and Farnam Sts. (4) S7
WILL pay $1,000 commission to anybody that
can raise $6,000 for a proposition that will
pay more than 100 per cent on the Invest
ment every year. For particulars write
P. O. Box 349. (4)-623 8x .
$0,000 Inhabitants, and building for rent
Address A, Omahn Bee. Council Bluffs,
la. (4)-M42 UUX
FOR SALE Pioneer reataurant, Hastings;
good location for right party. Tlbbe,
Morey ft Fuller. Hastings. Neb.
, (4)-MJ7J Oot7x
WILL someone please Inform me of good
opening for restaurant? Address O
eare Bee. (4I-M544 x
DRUG store for sale everywhere. r V.
Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (O-W
RESTAURANT for sale cheap. (33 Prosd
way. Council Bluffs. Ia. (4 754x
AN-A-l proposition for Tarty with small
amount of money to Invest. Call between
4 and o'clock. Her Grand hotel. W." M.
Roberta. (4-MO0 lOx
FOR RENT Furnished hotel In Junction
town of 800. Brick building. Address
Y 10$, Bee. t4 71 13x
NEBRASKA I3.M0 practice or sale for
price of office outfit. Address Y-2. care
bee. (D-M-i-e OUx
ROOMING houses for sale, all sites. Can
celed, fl Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas 1143.
, . . ..... (ii-7tf
TWO BOWLING ALLETS. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.
for sale cheap. Address
W. E. Rsgan. l't lea. Neb. (4) MK31 10
DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price.
Drug Exchange, 1711 California Bt., Den
ver. Colo. (O-MJb O20x
OPENING In good Minnesota town for
art store and photographic studio; prop
erty for rent or sale. Address Ilia ow iit,
D. D. Chapm, Hutchinson, Minn.
. " . (4) M
ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee, la.,
has farm lands and town property for
aale or trade. WrlU what you have and
want. (4V-M2S4 Octltx
FOR BALE Good law. loan, real estate.
Insuranoe aad abstract business; com
plete st of abstract books to all lands
in rounty. Addreal Box ttt. Msysvllla,
Mo. (4M447 Ix
Grocery and meat inartet doing $1,000 busi
ness a morth for at slki on the dollar,
or $1 far ail KiJ West lromiy. (Vun
ea bluffs. Jx
lNCdiiy cvci)uuuy in vjuiaua
B Want Ads."
FOR BALE Half Interest in good saw mill
to men to manage ana win tune uuii-ui
of mills aa cut; good proposl'lon. Poftottlue
box "n, Houston, Tex, (4) 4W 7x
FOR SALE OR RRNT A modern hotel, lo
cated in Central, Neb. Fully equipped.
Good reasons for a change. Address Y
27, care Omaha Bee. (4) M68 7x
RENT Rltchle a hall. South Omaha; second
floor; no posts; 0x"u; long lease. A. G.
Ritchie, Va B. 16th St.. Omaha. W 6
Lite. Tel. Doug. 614$. (4) 207
BUSINESS CHANCE Will exensnge new
corn shredder. In first class condition, for
any kind of property or stock; write
quick. V. A. Greer, Elmore, Minn.
(4)-M441 7x
BUSINESS CHANCE In one of the best
county seat towns In Nebrsska, an up-to-date
line of millinery; ladies' furnish
ings, laces, embroideries and notions;
Will sell at Invoice price, somewhere near
$3.u00; done $8,600 worth of business last
year; has been established 20 years; party
wants to leave the state. Address box
614, Broken Bow, Neb. (O-Mtill llx
PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only news-
Japer In South Dakota town; cylinder,
obher, power, plenty of material, large
territory, good crops, terms to suit.
Journal, White Rock, 8. D.
(4)-M6IS tTx
FOR SALE $2,300. Steam laundry, Includ
ing building, at Bao City, la.; practically
new: no competition; business thoroughly
established; weekly receipts, $125 to $160;
under aggressive management, bualness
could be doubled almost Immediately. This
property, with equipment, will Invoice
$4.0iO. Address H. H. Burnt, cashier First
National bank. Sac City, la.
(4)-M44$ Oct31
FOR SALE A 'good paying hotel In Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 17 hundred: 2 rail,
roads; am going Into other business.
Will sell building and ftir,itf..r- ..r fur
niture alone and rent building. Hotel Vi
block from depot. If looking for a snt?
get busy. Address Y 171 Bee. (4J-M611
FOR SALE Finest restaurant In best lo
cation. 30 rooms in connection, unin
cumbered, clearing $400 monthly, worth
$6,000, but- on account of sickness will take
$3,000. For terms end particulars address
W. A. Felld, Box 298, Little Rock, Ark.
(4)-M687 llx
FOR SALE 15-room furnished hotel, res
tsurant and confectionery. In good grow
ing town at bargain, account sickness.
Cheap rent F. L. Brldel, Geneva. Neb. .
(4)-M718 llx
A SMALL, clean., profitable drug busi
ness. Address P. O. box 191, Park City,
Utah. (4) M6L"8 17x
I HAVE from $2,000 to $4,000 to Invest 10
fer cent net. What have you to offerT
aaao N. Watson, 1710 Farnam.
- (4)-M625
Commercial Artists.
H. O. BUNNELL ft CO., 823 N. T. Life.
Doug. 614$. (6-Mj9
Carpet Cleaalaaj.
SANITAtT Cleaning Co.. 1911 Farnam,
' (61-211
Cklaa Paiafla.
sona until Out. 1, 60c Figure painting a
specialty. Mrs. Vols, 2227 Dodge.
Phone v Tayloi 4246. (5)-M446 OA
to Beatrice creamery Co., Omaha,
Ckattel Loaaa.
Chae. D. Stanton Loan Co., $01 Boa Bldg.
- Vklrepodlst.
DR. ROT. R. 3. 160 Farnam St. Doug. HIT.
(0 n
IN' FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. TeL Harney
136$. . , WJ-U
REDFERN school. R. 20, Douglas Blk. Tel.
..... Ik
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School 1623 Far.
nam Bt. w x
Mrs. Broach. 2723 Farnam., Tel. Harney
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2.50 per day.
1622 Yates St. (5-M866 13x
- , , Doatlata.
BAILEY ft MACH. $d fir. Paxton. D. 108$.
HES8 ft bWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 5)-21
L. HENDERSON, lilt Farnam. Tel. D. 136$.
J H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. $000.
Ga Carte.
GO-CART Tires. 'Lawrence, 2708 Leaven
worth street. . (6 M381 Oct)
LADIES' 7 ats made over and trimmed In
the latest styles; hata. feathors and ma
terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper,
Cj6 a. 2k tb St, . 'Phone Harney 3308.
, (t0-e4t 014
THS SCHILTZ, European. lth and Harney
KEYS, sic Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
2(71 (6-323
JOHNSON, INS.. 41$ N. T. L. Tel. D. 1661
' . (S)-223
Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. (37a
(S)-M466 Oct. 31
DRS. RINGLER, 8W Neville block. Phone
Red 647. (6)-M610 Nov.l
PLUMBING and heating attended to at
once. Room 32 U. H. Nat. Bank Bldg.,
12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douaias 4503.
kaa Rcpalrlac.
RAPID FHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class
work. lfilSVCapitol Ave. 'Phone Red S4
6 Ul
OUT-CF-TOWN merchants. Ak-Sar-Bea
visitors, call and see our new lmported
calendars tor ltos. Lyngstad ft Jarve, 16tu
and Capitol Ave. ($)-&
HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten, let
ters and Job printing; no Job too largs
or too small. .Anchor Publishing Co., Ju
Bo. 18lh 8U Tel. Doug. 66e2.
(S) M6I3 Nov.l
Jewelere aad Watekasakera.
N. P. 8TILLINO Wateh, clock. Jewelry
repairing. I Paxtoa Blk. TeL. a7.
. Bates, Shatters, Bsc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron 'Works makes a
iMHrtalty of tlie eecapec. shutters, doors
end U- AAdiSeu, Prvu- 103 B. Iota
That's why they bring results
C. B. TRUS8ELL,' 11 South lth St.
( ?il
Clerical aad Office.
Classes now open; able instructors. -Complete
shorthand and business course
and preparatory for civil service, collec
or a profession. Day and night sessions.
TeL D. 1070. (7) M613 O10
GIRLS for railroad offices; education two
years High school. Call or address F.
Bj Southard. , A. P. A., V. P. R. K.. fourth
floor, Pacific Expresa Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
t7)-622 $
Factory aad Trades.
WANTED Women for hand Imncrs and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson
Bt. (7) Mott
WANTED At once, an experienced choco
late dipper; one who can manage help;
good wages to right party. Address Ettlng
Candy Co., Grand Island, Neb.
- - 7)-M560 lBx
COAT MAKER wanted at 11 Cass Bt.
(7) MH72 X
Hoaackeepere aad Domestics.
COMPETENT GIRL for general houss
work. Mrs. Hall. 221S Bberman Ave.
'Phone Webster 8723. (7)-M113
WANTED A settled white woman to cook
and do general housework for two; good,
permanent home; good wages; references
wanted. Mra. J. P. Morris, Col-man, Tex.
(7)-M464 7x
WANTED Chambermaid; good vharaetr
required; country girl preferred: ticket
furnished. Address Perkins Hotel, David
City, Neb. t7) M05 12x
WOMEN for day work; housekeepers,'
waitresses, $35. Canadian office. 16th and
Dodge. (7)-i
WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl
fqr general housework; two In family;
good wages. Mrs. . Frank Hadley. 2321
Bristol. , (7)-M987 .
BEAT Inducements offered first class girl.
'Phone Harney 204$. (7-M61
GIRL for general housework; small family;
small bouse; no laundry; gooa wages.
Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 81st Ave.
(7) 397
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
ba a. zbin Ave. kii t-w
HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 33 years
wanted. T. Teller, Mccook, b. u.
(7)-M.43 031x
WANTED Dining room girl at the Kim
ball house; good wages and transporta
tion. Kimball, 8. D., L. J. Conant.
(7) M610 10X
COMPETENT girl for housework, no wash-
i ..I. n . i . . I in m
ina. iio nun sirrefc. v aiTia ia
WANTED Girl for general housework.
uooa wages, email family, boo b. istn
Ave. (7)-63
GOOD, steady girl for general housework.
Mrs. jr B. Jvnapp, 1311 B- Soth Ave.
, . (7) 585 Bx
GIRL. for general housework; no washing
or cooking. 139 B. 31st Bt. (7) w
WANTED Girl ' to do housework. M
win. r. xsuxier, jRUU asarcy oi. tjooo
WANTED Competent girl for. general
nousework. Good, Wages. 48lv casa ttt.
'Phone Harney lSl.' . ., (7)-73
WANTED Two waitresses. Koehler hotel.
Grand Island, Neb, Wages, $18.00. Will
furnish tickets. (7) M697 7
WANTED Laundress two days each week.
136 IN. 41 St Bt. . , (7J M63 TX
WANTED Girl for ' general housework;
small family; plain conking; good wages.
4901 Webster St., Mrs. G. C. Edeerly.
Tel. Harney 3454. . (7) M699 i
WANTED Good girl for general ' house
work; small family, call 1311 Bo. B'ltti
Ave. (7) MfiJl 1
WANTED Competent second girl In family
of two; reference required. Apply 332
Bouth 37th St. . . (7j-7a 7
WANTED Good second girl, 1911 8. $:nd
Ave. Tel. HarneyMll. (7)733 7
GOOD, experienced second girl at once.
Mrs. A. Mandelberg. 2244 Landon Court.
I (7)-M9w
WANTED Competent second girl for fsm
l.y of two. 37 Dodge St. (7)-M9M
GIRL for general housework; no wsshlng;
five In family; wages, $e per week.- Ap
ply 2237 Seward Bt. Phone Webster 622.
(7)-M963 $x
WANTED Experienced alteration women.
Will pay highest wsges. O. K. 8cofleld
Cloak and Suit Co.. 1610 Douglas. (7i-732
JOIN our Post Card club. Receive beauti
ful post cards from all parts of the world.
Bend 25c, stamps or sliver. Excelsior
Post Card club, Indianapolis, Ind.
(7)-M082 llx
LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers
at home: easy learned; $1.60 to $2.00 per
doxen. 60 Paxton block. (7 M470 7x
WANTED 20 girls to fold papers; 75c a
day; Tuesday morning, 8 o'clock. Farm
Mortgage, 1412 Farnam a'reet.
(7) M0S7 7
WANTED At once, at Fort Robinson,
Neb., brick masons; good wsges to Kod
men. The Graham Constructlon'Co.
(7) M380 14 -
W'AITRESS Permanent position. Bach
elors Hotel. 20th and Farnam. (7) 372
WANTED Experienced bon-bon dipper and
pattle dropper. Apply Candy Dcp't. J. L.
Brandele & Sons. (7) M714 7
AaTcats, Solicitors aad Salesmen.
ARE you out of work? Call and see us;
good hustlers make good- money. C. V.
Adams Co.. 1 Howard St. (S)-l
WANTED-M3ood salesman to canvass the
country and take orders for stock pow
der; good commission allowed. Address
Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb.
(I) M604 24X
WANTED Good reliable men toollclt In
the tea and coffee business. We have the
very best proposition in our line. Call or
address Jewel Tea Co., J. A. .Smith.
Mgr., 1911 Chiming St. ($-(.( 10x
WANTED A salesman to aell on commis
sion a line of furniture for a eouthwestern
furniture faetorr. Address, stating ex
perience and territory, Y 2$, care Bee.
(9) MJ6 8
WANTED A aalesman for the aouthern
Hair or lowa ana it ui nroiw.
overalls, pants and shirts exclusively,
or aa a side line; must be familiar With
tbla class of goods and know the cloth
ing and dry goods trade of said terri
tory. The Ehrmann Mfg. Co., Torre
Haute. Ind. () M98 'i
OUR Inverted Gaa IJghts are the correct
thing for library, dining, sewing or music
room; good agents wanted, inverted Oas
Light Co., 417 Paxton Blk. Phone Red
Ufi. (9)-M37x
WANTED Capable .city salesman. Ken
nard paint ft Glass Co., 16th and Daven
port. ... . - (9)-M763
WANTED At once, experienced and suo
ressful overall aaleamap for Bouth Da
kota, Black Hills and Wyoming; one of
the beet lines on the road. Lincoln Over
all and Stilrt Co..' Lincoln, Neb.
(9-M912 13
When you have anything to advertise re
member It only takes a stroke er two
of the pen to mention the fact that yoe
aaw too ad in The bee.
icau ull
Clerical aad Office.
1802 FA !IN AM ST.
Classes now openr able Instructors.
Complete shorthand and business course
and preparatory for civil service, college
or a profession Day and night sessions.
Tel. IK 1070. " (9)-MS14 O10
WANTED Young man for office work,
with wholesale house; must be good
writer and quick at figures; state age,
and salary expected. Address IC 316, Bee.
()-M713 7x
WANTED A bright vy, over 1( years, lo
holt copy for proofreader. Call at Pee
composing room. (8'4
GOOD bo.'s wanted, first class pay. A. D.
T. Co., 213 So. 13th 8t.
WANTBD Office boys, must be over 1
years old. Address Omaha Packing Co.,
South Omaha. ) M5oJ
WANTEiD Good boy over 16 years; good
wages. The Wardrobe, 20115 Farnam 8t,
Tel. Doug. 173. (9-638 t
BOY8 with wheels can make $35 to $45
Jer month, $36.00 guaranteed. Postal
Telegraph Co. ()-M6B2 N4x
Factory aad Trade.
MACHINIST WANTED Best wages paid
for competent machinists, bollermakers,
blacksmiths an.1 pipe fitters who have
had railroad shop experience; tinsmiths,
coach and freight car carpenters, tool and
mill men, bollermaker blacksmith and ma
chinists' helpers and car repairers; also
wanted, at high rate pay. Call at Gen
eral Agent's Office, 1512 Farnam St.,
Omaha. (9) H07 W
WANTED Carriage blacksmith; one with
experience in welding flat and channel
tires; also boxing-room foreman with ex
perience; both good positions. Address
Anchor Buggy Company, Cincinnati,
Ohio. , 9)M711 7x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Will
equip shop for you or-furnish positions.
Few eeks completes; constant practice,
careful Inatrurtton, tools given; Satur
day, wages; diplomas granted. Call or
writ Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St.
(8) M696 lOx
Till nnu
A first class ladles' tailor wanted; wages.
vuv yr-i TTt-r-n. BMU leuuy position. Ap
ply J. Jawilx, 18th and Farnam St.
WANTED-Reglstered drug clerk of good
habits; give reference. H. E. Vlstuba,
Stelnauer, Neb. (9) Ma24 Oct2C
WANTED-Tlle ditchers to work bv rod;
make $2.50 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink, Nlckeraon. Neb. (9) $15
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F
V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
WANTED First-class watchmaker and
engraver at once; $26 per week. C. A.
Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. 19J $89
WANTED Tailors to work In alteration
department. Will pay good wages. O.
K. Scofteld Cloak and Suit. Co., 1610
Douglas. (9) tji
WANTED Three first-class, galvanized
sheet-iron workers, preferably those fa
miliar with ventilating work. Superin
tendent Ventilating work, Methodist hos
pital, 86th and Cuming streets.
(9)-M502 8x
wants a butcher.
PRINTERS Keep away from Hammond
plant (Fremont Tribune) ; union printers
on strike for eight-hour day and fair con
ditions. Fremont Typographical Union.
' (9)-MS( 8x
U. 8.' NAVY offers attractive opportunities
to wide awake young Americans, 17 to
15 years of age; men with special trades
accepted up to 36 years. An Illustrated
booklet, showing the life of the modern
man-o'wars man free to those Interested.
Visit or address Navy recruiting station,
Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Sioux
City, la. Post office buildings.
.9)-M519 Nix
WANTED One first class business getter
for each state, good money for right
party, represent Nebraska corporation,
reference and bond. Stamp for reply.
Address 8 170. care Bee. (9) 336
DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions,
nureaaea salaries. uenver Drug Ex
change. 1711 California St., Denver, Colo.
(D)-M384 O20x
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men find positions. Call 842 New York
Life Bldg. (B)-M92 Oct26
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No csnvasslng. National l)it.'
L Bureau. Chicago. III. (0) MC03 lOx
W ANTED Passenger and freight elevator
men. Janitors, carpenter and plumbers'
helpers; one fireman; painters; top wages.
104 Bee Bldg. (9)-M20 O.'kx
HUSTLERS everywhere. $25 to $30 made
weekly distributing circulars. . samples;
no canvassing; steady. Merchants Out
door Ad. Co.. Chicago. 9 M700 7x
BOUND young men. aged 18 to 36. for
firemen and trakemen diu'lng rush sea
son on leading railroads here. In the
west and on new lines being comple'ed:
experience unnecessary: firemen. $109
monthly, become engineers, f.ft: brake.
,men. $100 monthly, become conductors,
$150; many positions now open: wrhe at
once for particulars. Nntlonal Railway
Training association. tiO Paxton Mock.
Omaha. Neb. (9) IIS Oct J
Steady work, wages $12 to $16
per week. Sunderland Bros.
Co., 20th and Hickory.
t9) 178 T
WANTED Motion two-picture operators.
Apply Cross. 14u2 Douglaa. (9j 402 7x
MAN for general housework. Call C to 7
evenings. 128 So. 26th St. (9) M431 7x
A TAIIA)R wanted. Graham ft Leonard,
Rockw;H City. Ia. (9 M04 16x
GOOD, energetic collector; good oppor
tunity for the right man. Apply T. Urmly,
131 Farnam 6t. .!)-Mii 7x
WANTED Competent furnace men. 123
So. Main St., Council Bluffs, Ia.
LABORERS for handling freight at Union
Pacific Council Bluffn transfer:, wsges
17ty cents per hour. Board arranged If
necessary. Apply Thomas Bcanlon, fore
man. (9)-713
721-722 New York Life Bldg.
Hours: 1:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M.
Anyone In need of a position should rsl)
and Investigate our plan. Furnishing
aa we do, the" largest end best hous-s
In Omaha and vicinity, we are naturally
enabled to secure anyone with nood
references a first-class position tin short
notice. (9) MS4 7
WANTED Experienced clothing man;
also experienced dry goods man. rna
that can trim windows. Apply, Julius
Goldstein, Merchants' Hotel, between 10
a." m. and 4 p. m. (9) M98 7
, Hereee aad Veklclee.
OKE 2-seat. ' two runabouts, top buggy,
all rubber-tired; hack harnesa, one double
express harness; ens or two noraea
Coiue la. Tte Harney St. Btables. t
WE are selling delivery wagona teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other Arm In Omeba.
Johaaon-Daaforta Co., S. W. Cor. loin snd
Jones St. Ill) $37
Horses aad Veklela Ceatlaaed.
BIX head of good horses, city broke, sound
and In fine condition for work. Farmers'
Creamery, 8th. and Harney streets.
' (lD-Mrtl I
Horses bought and sold. Mytrft, 1114 Doug.
(11) 3t$ Oil
HORSES bought ft soM. Blake M.M N 1(th.
. (11-M4 Nix
FAMILY horse and buggy for salu cheap.
Inquire 927 Homer 8t or Tel. Red 6047.
(11 47(
RUBBER-TIRED road ' wagon. W. A.
Stone, $0$ Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
A heavy matched work team. Cash or
terms. 2617 North 18th street.
(11) MOO
Poaltry aad Eggs.
DUSTON'B White Wyandotte. Pure bred,
choice breeding stock now ready to ship.
Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards. Flor
ence, Nrb. Tel. Florence 1082.
(1D-M981 Oct27x
G2VE5N"MBNT b00lt free. Model Squat)
Co.. Omaha. (W-M&47 Nov!
LOST Saturday morning, smalf black
purse, containing rings, railroad ticket
and currency. Reward for return to 2i67
Harney St., or Tel. Douglas sins.
(121-M9K 7x
LOST $20 In bills, Saturday afternoon,
on the way from South Omalis; $6 re
. ward. 1643 Park Ave. (11) M98$ f x
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement casas; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or night.
RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas. Omaha. OD-24J
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. Itk
Bt., Omaha. Neb. , UD-M1C4
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Oray'a Nsrre
Food Pills," $i a box. postpaid. Bhsnnaa
ft McConnall Drug Co., Omaha.
Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALS
That la Just what we are having. W3
and must loan It out at ANT OLD
If you deal with us you are assured of
fair square deal from start to finish.
AS LOW RATES as can be made by any
ALL THE TIME necessary for yea to
"get on your feet" In case of sicknea
or other trouble. .
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,
DJ Board of Trade Bldg.
16th Street ntranc.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.
advances private money on chattola er sal.
ary; easy to get; no red tspa. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenlnga till '.. 14) (4
loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc.,
any amount; less half rates; perfect pri
vacy and Immediate attention, on any
terms; payments suspended when sick or
disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 a 16th St,
(14) M438
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom
modating, all business confidential. 1101
Douglaa. (14)
pftOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. - Ki3 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglua 76. (14)-3W
CHATTEL, salary and storage ' receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Bt.
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 3, Barker Block.
and others without security; easy pay
ments. Offices In 83 principal cities.' Tol
nian, reom 714 New York Life Bldg. .
LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne
braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade.
'14) M3
Boardlagr aad Roams.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe,
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam,
FIRST-CLASS board and room. 60$ Bo. 14th
Ave. ' (U 779 Oi!o
NICELY furnished rooms; first-class board;
reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney
Bt. (15) 391 36x
NEW furnished rooms, first-class board;
fine location; walking distance. 218 Bo.
26lh St. (16)-79 9
BEAUTIFUL front 'room, furnished In red,
Itmss bed, suitable for two gentlemen;
best' home table; everything first-class;
strutly private; references. Address G
&4C Lee. (16) M911 8x
LARGE room with board,' suitable for two
or married couple; references. 2204 Web
ster. (15)-M744 8x
Faralsked Raaaae.
LARGE furnished rooms for four students,
near all colleges. 118 North 18th.
(16) 872 lx
TWO front rooms; furnished; light house
keeping. 14W Jones, fiione 1 6099.
(U M8S3 7
DO you want a quiet, comfortable room
for one or more gentlemen, close In,
'Phone Doug. 4815. (15) 735 llx
TOR RENT Iarge southeast room, strlcllv
modern, in private family, suitable for
two gentlemen. 217 South 26th Bt. 'Phone
Douglas SWT. , 15)-73C
FURNISHED rooms with private' family,
on Park Ave., large south room, for one
or two young women. 'Phone Harney IMi
(li.) 847 (x
HANDSOME modem rooms; reesonable.
3i N. 221L . (16) Mo3 12x
FURNISHED front and bark parlor, din
Ing loom, with use of kitchen, bath and
gas; closo In. 'Phone Red 6341.
, (li)-M902 Kx
NICELY furnished front room; gas. hot
water, bath; breakfast If desired; reason
able. Call 412 No. rl Bt. 1)-MW 8
FOR RENT Two furnished . rooms. 411$
Hamilton St
FIVE furnished front rooms for carnival,
transient; take -Harney car to California
Bt. and go one block east. 64 N. 23d.
'Phone Douglas ibSO. (In) MB29 07x
FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refor-
ence reuiurea. cui couin :in m.
(16-3M OetU
U8 8. 26TH St., large east front room, suit
able for three gentlemen; bouse strictly
modern; roomy porches, large, shady
lawn. Ul-;&x
NEWLY furnished, strictly modern front
room; furnace heat. 641 S. 24th Ave.
FURNISHED rooms in private family. VZt
California St., on Harney far line.
(15 M517 Ix
FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping
or sleeping, one or alL 'Phone Wehdir
$603. 22.6 Miami Bt. (15-$M
FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping, $14. 622
B. 24th Arc. (15) 730 llx
NICELY furnished rooms In new modera
flat. 214 N. 3Uh Et., Tel. Doug. IM.
(li 6M 9
PLEASANT south front reem. new house;
quiet; close In. Tel. Doug. 13$2.
BEAUTIFUL spsrtments. furnished; pri
vate family. 81. Mark's Ave.
lli)-M4 12
WELL furnished front room, steam heat
snd all conveniences. In strictly prlVMtu
family. 'Phone Webster 3114.
(16) M906 it
PLEASANT furnished room: modern; rr
erencea required. 1701 Wool worth Avr.
v15-f04 7
Aaertaaeats aad Flats.
$4.o(MllH No. I4th St.. South Omaha: '
room apartment In new "Scargo" building.
All modern conveniences. Including lint
water In kitchen and bath. Hnll Dis
tributer Co, $17 First Natl Bank mlf.
'Phone Red 7406. (16) Mtil3
l-ROOM modern flat, 2919 Shirley St., 327.(0.
(15-4tl 7x
STKVAM-HEATED flat, modern. $20 N.
(li -VI4:ii
NPTW ' 4-room brick flat. $20; S2d
Nicholas, ground floor, modern
range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet.
t. fur
nlshed. References required. , Patterson,
Red 2947. 16a Farnam. (16)--S7
AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bltlg.. 18th and
Farnam. Apply apartment No. 2.
(151 M4IJ
Famished Hoascs.
FURNISHED house for rent for the win
ter on West Farnam district. Kor full
Information rail on
GEORGKi ft CO., 1601 Fsrnnm Pt.
Oil M878 1
Hoaaea aad Cottages.
FOR RENT 7-room modern houe, 2th
and Chicago Sts.; walking distance. Ap
ply C. W. Bllxt, 408 K. 2th Bt.
, (IS M928 8
FOR RENT Modern, 8-rormi house, plas
tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. car
line, 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26'
Poppleton Ave. (15) M517
FOR RENT House, 8 rooms, modern, de
tached; 2 blocks from 24th 61. line to
Bouth Omaha. 2611 Pierce. "Phone Ma
ple 8100. (16)-74 7
$8.601111 Bo. 28th St., 6 rooms,-all modern.
Possession Oct. 16.
$32.607 rooms, all modern, new, 256S Pratt
St. Ready Oct. 20.
$20.002104 So. 10th St., 7 rooms, modern ex
furnace. $.16 00-3:7-31 No. 41st Bt., ( rooms, all mod
ern, new.
$46.00 80$ Bo. 2Sth Bt., 9 rooms, modern,
$66.00 Two store rooms and 6-room flat,
also barn, 18th and Vinton.
110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 4j.
Ground floor.
(15)-9i3 7x
There are not many new houses on the
market for rent. The following are In
splendid condition, well located, and you
can stay won't have to move right away.
2810 Ames Ave., 7 rooms, large reception
hall, storeroom, bath, closet, gss and
electric light $2tS. , .
2323 N. 27th Ave., corner Ersklnfc, 8 rooms
bath, closet $25.
27th and Chicago, Just flnlshad, 5 and t
room cottages, modern except heat-$22.5
rand $25.
'Phone Douglas I960.
(16)-72(i 7
GOOD 8 -room all modern house, within
walking distance, paved street, good
neighborhood. Key at office, Hirilson
& Morton, 912-913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel.
D 314. (li)-Mti.'o
ON CHARLES, near 34th. new 8-R., all
modern, on Harney car line, Hi): near 3Ath
and Burt, 9-R., all mod., near Cuming
and Harney car lines. $32.60; one 29th,
near Ames Ave., S-R., new, bath, fctt; 924
N. 42d, 7 rooms, all modern, $30.
1001 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 2152.
" ' (16) M6o8 8
FOURTEEN-room, strictly modern, corner
brlok flat, walking distance Hlght school
and Crelghton university. Inquire 517 No;
25th Bt. Phone Red 6518.
(16)-M721 7
WE DO expert
rt piano , moving at lowest'.
Douglas 142S. Schmoller fak
o Co., 1311-1813 Farnam.
prices. Tel.
Mueller Piano
FOR RENT Six-room house, modern ex
cept furnace, 1321 S. ' iSth Bt $23 per
month. 'Phone Harney 2369. (15) M87
FOR RENT-S-roorri modern house. 2111
Lake-well located. (16)-M172
OMAHA Van ft Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. U. goods; atorabouso 1130 24 N.
11th. Office lfc Farnam. TeL Doug. loij.
... (15J-2C1
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates. Moving and storage.
Expiessman'a Delivery Co. TeL Douglas
$94. . (li-i58
WD MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and
Storage Co. TeL Doug. 1491 Office, 1713
Webster St. ( 262
FOR RENT After October 5, 313 Chlcagn
street, 7 rooms, large bath room, attic
and laundry, first-class, furnace. $15.
. ... . (16)-M4SS
TinTTSTrTIS ,n " Prti of tho city. Petors
nUUOHiO yruiit Co., N. Y. Life Bldg.
' ' (16)-ti
ClOSE In 7-room house, ' modern except
furnace. 518 8. 20th. . (16)68$ 9x
F. D. 'WRAD has moved his office to Wead
Building, l$th and Farnam Bts. (15)-858
FOR 7t E NT 9-room house, 3215 Dodge St.;
rent, $40. 'Phone Douglas Ht8. , :
I . . ()-7S4 7
2631 Patrick Ave., ( rooms, new and mod
ern $26. -1
'Phone Douglas 685. BEMIfl, Paxton Blk.
. 06-VA
FOR - RENT Modern (-room cottage, one
block from car line; paved street. 911 No.
41st St. Tel. Douglas 1538. (15)-677 7
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
. (15)-2i
FOR RENT Four rooms and bath; every
thing modern: furnace. Tel. Webster 631
2619 N. 30th St. tl& 631
IIOTT&ES ,n 'l rarts of the city.
IlVJUOXLiO trelgh So. is ft Co.. Bee Bldg.
(16 $74
EIGHT rooms, all modern. " Ms pis Bt..
$25 and water lent,
$ rooms. 4"9 William' St., $28.
(-room house, 8i:o Burt St., $15 and watei
CHRIS BOTES, 22d and Cuming Sts.
. Oil M431
ll'O 6-room modern hove. N.- Fenper, 6.t
N. Y. L. Tel. Red St.;. (Ii-124
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except
furnace. 1911 N. 36tb Bt. (151 M!9I
TOn RENT Modern $-room brick !iou
I all conveniences; cloe to isv; rent t:$.
I 2009 WDHs Avenue. Inquire C. M Bach
mint, 418 Paxton Blot k. (16) -477
' Ratldlng.
FOR RENT Three upper floors. Inquirs
j .'" '
1403 Harney
(1S- M:M2
24-92S NORTH S4TH ST.. Boulli Omaha,
good locations for butcher, burlier. ei
K. S. Curtis. 18,8 Harney Ul. II. Schteir
923 N. 24th St., South tlinalia. (16)-M92
FOR RENT Desk room tn Bee office, city
hall building. 417 N. Kilt Bt.. South
Omaha. Apply to manager, (lit iJi
Corner Ixcust and Shrrmau avenue, for
dry goods, shoes or notions; good loca
tion for right party. Inquire Joseph
Houska, Kl3 Bliermaa avenue.
New store room opposite publln library
sslendld . location tor druggist. houvs
furnisher, building supplies, and many
other lines. Reasonable rent.
160$ Farnam. Douglas $'".
. ' ' (lij-Ml 7
Ono store room ta asw "Bnargo" bulldiat
In South Omaha, near poatofUce. wkii
lighted basement, modern show windows
snd awnlagst txst possible location. llaH
Distributor Co.. 1)7 First Nail. Bank KWttf.
pnena Red 74ul. . . .. U.M--A1
FOR RENT Large store loom. l(fh and
Vinton Bta. CL M. Bacamaaa. i$7 Paxton