The Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. A Ppr tor tha Hum THE OMAHA DEC Best ';. West EDITORIAL SECTIOI! PACES 1 TO 8. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXX VII- NO. OMA1IA, SUNDAY MOKNING, OCTOBER (5, 1907. Horse Show Omaha's Fourth Annual Horse Show 1 DRESS GOODS $ 1 . n 0 lull or suitings: the choicest stuff shown for separate skirts or roat: elegant styles, stripes of lucks of all kinds, grey or browns, etc., 64 Inches wide, Monday, per yard 6So $1.50 plain hrcmdcloth In all colors, fine shade of navy blue brown, reds, -tc. This quality will not wear roush, chiffon finish, very fine, a groat bargain, Monday yard 11.00 $2.00 beautiful novelty broadcloths. In atripca or bcnutlful Ombre effects; eleKint fine quality; the newest col orings, brown, navy, wino, etc. On sale per yard 91.34 $2.60 and $3.00 Broadcolths. 62 Inches wide, plain solid colors only, every shade you want. AIbo pastol colors, pink, nlle, tan, etc. This Is an ex reptlonal offer of swell , browns, Breen and navy Monday, yaid 81.88 UF GIVF. YAH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY SILKS on MONDAY YARD OF BLACK TAFFfcTA SILK OR PEAl DE SOIE The very best $1.26 Panamas In all colors, ever offered In thin city; for dresses, skirts, etc. On sAln Monday, per yard 480 $1.3S'black taffetav, BO in. wide, deep, lustrous black, very fine, Monday, per yard .' . . 75c Is tine tomorrow week. Monday, Octo ber 14th. If you am desirous of se curing something to wear distinctly out of the' ordinary you'll find it lien: pro Newest plaids, colorings are the prettiest, qualities the same as the $1.00 and $1.25 kind, posl-1 Black Tnffeta, every yard "guaran teed to wear enough said the best you can buy for 85c anywhere, Monday, per yard, at 5S Beautiful Velveteens for suits or waists, embroidered blue, black or brown ground with colored dots, worth 85c. Monday per yard 39J lively a rare chance, Monday only per yard . , portioned as your heart would wish. jKfflC2sSSsHsH If'-. .1KB ..t.'.-vrY,-;-;.?...........,- ... .. . . , , - - , - - . S. I , BOOKS Brewster's Millions, riayus QflUlon By (leorirs Barr Mci utcneon. The Prlnoess Passes By C. J. - N. M. AN 11- ltanis. ' The Peer and Tho Woman By E. Phillip Oppenhelm. The Masquerade' Uy Catherine Cecil Thurston. The Prospector Ry Ralph Connor. The Conquest of Canaan By Booth Tarklngton The Speckled Blri Hy Augusta Kvans Wilson. The Clansman Hy Thomas LMxon. Formerly $1.08, now 49c soar. Bearskins, Astrakhans and Pnr ef fects In aU the new fail colorings. Astrakhans, t i all colors, 60 inches children's coats red, brown, ray. Tor Effects Roney skin, etcf, for tight-fitting or loose coats, newest Imported and extremciy stylish, look like real furs; come In brown, tan, rny or swell Mack ef fects. Trices from, pcr-yard M to 18.00 COATINGS blue or 'black,' yard. Gloves This year we are better pre pared than ever, to match gowns In long gloves. Also a complete line of men's gloves In "Dents" and "Fownes." Ladles' 12-button kid gloves $3.00 Ladles' 16-nutton kid gloves '$3.50 CARPETS Brussrlls Carpets, with stair and border to match, per yard 52l4 Room size Brussel Rugs, 9x12, without a seam, strictly all wool pile, sells for $22.50, at $10.59 Royal Wilton Rugs In aJJ. color7 and newest de signs, at -f,36.00 Complete line all kinds small rugs at reasonable prices. Horse Show Windows Our corps of decorators are pelt Ifi j their displays put on,' and promise to produce such superlative show win dows as to innkv Onmlin's Fourth An nual florae Show memorable. Drapery Hewing Machine Needles for all klnd3 of machines, each. . Brass Extension Rods, with brackets (extends from 22 to 44 Inches), ea.3 Silk Pillow Cord, all colors, sells for 25c, at.Ur Great assortment or Shirt Waist Boxes at most rasonable prices. J FLANNELETTES Several thousand yards' of 36-Inch Flannel ett, elegant dark colorings, good quality, will wash flue at great bargain prices: 10c grade, per yard 5M 12 He grade, per yard 7 20o grade, per yard 12 Hf 20 !!;,"..' ii Tuxedo Sails Tuxedo Suits of fine Thibet, with gros-grain silk face , and silk linings, at Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits of. very fine high grade unfinished worsted, silk lined" .throughout, heavy ribbed, silk faced S30 $32 Women's Beautiful TO for the Horse Shew Dalicately Made Up Robes br Horse Show We will shoiu 5S neiv gowns Mon day, the daintiest creations ever shown in Omaha. The collection consists of all the latest copies of, Parisian art. The prices are modest: 59.59-$69.50-$89.5H $95.93 See Horse Show WinJtws ii7 iiADcr. cnniir MILLINERY We're showing an entraadngiy beautiful line of unmade and made Ribeiry and Robes.. Our sfjre advice is yours for less than the asking and it Is guaranteed to bt right. aV II Unmade spangled an 3 .ace robes In combination EVENING WAISTS Dainty lace, filet nets and chif fon at $7.50, $12.50, $15.00 - and ........ $25.00 ot Princess lace and filet effects. Flat Venice and iilet nets. Silver and gold spangled nets combined with ,-. lace. . " v -; '' : f Spangled robes In all new fall shades Magentas, Copenhagens , Empire SL " greens and Purples. EVENING COATS Chiffon broadcloth handsomely' trimmed at $19.50, $25.00, 1 $35.00 and.........'. $49.50 12 so l0 s oo See the Windows and Visit the Robe Room Main Floor GOLD DINNER WARE A New Shipment oi Encrusted SEPARATE PIECES OR SETS Complete. Sets for One Candrcd and Filty Dollars Colonial Table Tum blers; pretty, clear glass, ground bottoms, every oneperfect, six for .:. 25c Four times Green Trad ing Stamps , on all White China sales Monday all at right prices. jnm rtn mm n n tme i auor Maae uns LATEST STILES MODEST PRICES Broadcloth and velvet models in all the new fall and winter shadesbrowns, greens, blues, garnets and tiful models shown for the first time Monday. 1952 - $2952 and $S95i M,mtii m i mm Ml I U,F7KZW ,mJS? , liil : H P5 1J I FIRST DISPLAY is I REONDAY we encompass our great miumery pariors wri a supero display of imported hats for Horse Show. These are strictiynew creations; being strictly new they have not yet been shovjn anywhere in the west 1 ihpv enmp frpcfi from the, hands of the best renowned artists of Paris, Lon- t-j don and New York. Thev havp.hppn M ocnorillxt im nnrforl fnm flmnhn'c Psiiirfft li w m BsT a-iswauflsT m - m a m m J a a Lsi k m a a. m a a a u a a rm m a a am a a a a 'j.a ( .... IR (irnnn nnrse Shrtw iy s m -mm a m -mm m m w a mm w maw a a s mm w fi t U Pric3s, Fifteen to One Hundred Dollars . This superb, display-- unsurpassed in oniprehenslveneBB of 4dea and completeness of detail, not exemplified better or more fully by any great store In America includes modes In white, light blue, pink, em-. plre" green, subdued brown and lavender. These are finished with beau tiful fluffs plumeB, coques and delicate filigree offerings- to lovers of up-to-date fashion in millinery a versatility and a freedom of choice that coujd not be looked for in any greater degree in the cities in which thfese beautiful modes were conceived. Second Floor. Horse Show 1 'NV ooiwear Three-quarter boots; the new shoes fi Fall tan, calf, gun metal and pate colt $5 Riding Boots Military last, hand made i tan and black The only place In Omah that you can be fitted from stock. Evening Slippers Pink, blue, white car van sailor ties and pumps,, special $1 Just Received a Complete Line of Bench Made -Pink, white, blue, red, lavender and black ooze calf sailor tie pumps $5.00 oo i BLANKETS. MS Ths Urrst cotton blanket made, extra heavy, tan and gray only, pretty borders, strictly fast coiors. worth up to 13. 60, Monday, per pair 11.59 $8. 60 all nool plaid blankets, soma come in small rhecks. other Urge plaids, all colors, the ht-st blanket ever odered. Monday, each pair 95.9S LArge white and wool cotton corded blankets, the best blankets for wear, wash fine and do not shrink like all wool blankets, we offer 30 pairs (or Monday at Pretty cotton crib blankets, pink, light bluo, elegant colorings, each blanket Monday l Light and dark outing flannels, firm quality In ;ood ktylea, Monday, per yard ...4Vo HHENS and WHITE GOODS TSri J ZtZl custom house direct from the Linen centers of Europe. The designs are the most up-to-date, qualities the best and prices the lowest. Pattern ClQtllS 2x4 yards, from $9.75 to ,..H.50 2x2 yards, from $5.50 to....: $2.25 . 2ix2i yards, from $11.50 to ....$4.00 2x2i yards, from $6.50no $3.Q0 2ix3 yards, from $3.50 to .....$4.75 2x3 yards, from $15.00 2x3 yds., $7.50 to $3.50 2x3i yards, from $8.50 to $4.00 Also all the 2Vi yard size3, especially adapted to round tables, from $3.50 to $10.75 each, with a com plete line of napkins to match in 20-in. from $2.50 to $5.50 per dozen; 2i-in. $3.75 to $il.50 per dozen. to $S.75 2ix4yds.,$l6.50to$6,50 'S SILK HATS I OH FIVE DOLLARS. Fashionable and wearable, strictly" the latest style in 1 brim width and height. $5.00 MEN'S OPERA HATSAf n'! rw. ' w-l. Hats, mechanically -perfect, proper .shape, contour and make $6.00 Men's Foil Dress Famishing Goods Stylish, correct neckwear, full fashion bosom white shirts, the right collar of every approved shape and degree. Everything In dress fur nishings thoroughly approved for Horse Show happenings. If In doubt consult our furnishing; goods man. Main Floor, Northwest Bennett's rnn Capitol VUdl Lump, ton..$G.50 Nut, ton ...$6.25 Bennett's ' Domes tic Lump, ton $5.00 Double (Jreen Trading Stamps on All Coal Monday. Wagon deliveries from our own yards in South Omaha to all, parts of South Omaha end districts. SPECIAL IN HARDWARE MONDAY SPECIAL LEADERS ON RANGES gi-v FOR MONDAY rSf9!A N. SIT JUvaaee reolasoUr Itagc Iptclal-.5Z6.00 Na. IIS Elcdra rcaiata ar laige. t pedal $33.00 Art Nalaislar Bate Barter ..$2 5.00 FcKiasalar Cak, Special $6.50 I High stand Waffle Irons for Gas Range 08c Stova Boards, prices up. 30c And SO green trading stamps Oil Cloth Binding, set. . 10c Stova Pipe, best quality per Joint 13c And 10 green trading stamp Sapolln Stovepipe Enamel, at 13c And 10 green trading stamps Pancake Orlddles, for 86c and 42c And 20 green trading stamps Regular 15c fire shovel, told everywhere 15c, spe..luc And 30 green trading stamps Black Jack and Black Eagle Stove Polish 10c And 10 green trading stamps Coal Hods, prices up. . . 25c And 10 green trading stamps Dover Egg Beaters. . . . lOr And 20 green trading stamps Best quality Mrs. Pott's Iron Handle lOe And 10 green trading stamps Fancy Deeoredive Lirvens &1 a Big Savmg D0ILIES--Teuerit'fe lace ,and scalloped, round and square, worth 10c, each 5! DOILIES Teneriffe lace, and scalloped, round and square, 15c( each " 10c Teneriff Laca Doillea. Hemstitched and Drawn gcarfa Hemstitched and Drawn quarea, worth to too each, at 25c Each Tent-rlffe Luce Centers. Hemstitched and D:uwn -Lunch Cloths llt-mntitche(l and Drawn ricarra, worth to T.'.c. . . 500 Each HOSIERY ) A complete line of eilk and lisle hose, in all the new shades to match gowns. Also the new plaids and combination effects. See our line before purchasing. Bennett's Great Grocery Best Values in Teas JOS. TETLEY a CO.'i INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS Green Label, at per Green Label, half pound Green Label. quarter U,"d 'i; 60 tln 30 Pound tin 15 40 Green Trading tyP". 20 Green Trading Stps. 10 Green Trading Btps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle 18c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, package 11c And Ten Green Trading Stamps Franco-American Soups, all kinds, quart can Sac And u0 Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, all kinds, pint can. . . : 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. H E AJ KJ V. UT K KS FOlt C'OKKtES VZ Two thousand pound-packages Ben nett's Capitol Coffee 28 And SO Green Trading Stamps. Metaline. 25c package for ....10c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. pa 1 ,' Red Snapper Sauce, bottle. ......... 16c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Metaline, 40c package fo 20c . And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Haarman'a Assorted Pickles, large bottle ...,23o And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Imported Sardines, two cans.... 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pancake, three packages SOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Candy Jrocery (taction Mackintosh's Toffee, pkg 10o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. n'SM3 SbM&09 mMi&fi , V-i'-wr-"am iw 'mt im-"- ki'"imr'-iwi''-- -m- r-tmr"n nsrwri u i '"am l",ifiiiil"wiini"iai nmrw'mT'mimm:Tm m nn m m-mrrT--' m -nrH urn mr nary j H