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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1907)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY KEE: OCTOBER 6. 1D07. 5 9 u X. 1 V 1 r.REAT DAY FOR CATHOLICS Thomandi of Laymen and Many Di v nitariei at Cornerstone. 2EBEMONIES FOE CATHEDRAL trchhUhna Ireland Will Dellve Making for Umki One of Tea Lara-ess Edlgees la Coaatrr. When the cornerston of St. Cecilia' cathedral U laid In Omaha Sunday after noon, by lit. Rev. Richard Bcannell. bishop of Omaha, thla city will b assured of one of tha ten larceat churches In the t'nlted States, and a monument to Catholicism, tljV"" 01 lne retora catnearai, one or n grandest of England, will be raised In .the west. ' To attend the ceremonies attending- the laying of the cornerstone of the old world edifice, four archbishops, eighteen bishops and a number of monsignors and high church officials will arrive In Omaha Satur day. It will be, perhaps, the largest gath ering of prelates since Omaha became the see city 6f a great and prosperous diocese. Besides the men of purple In the church a list of prominent speakers will deliver addresses at the cornerstone ceremonies, raong them Senator Norrls Brown, Lieu tenant Governor Hopewell and Congress ' man O. M. Hitchcock. Arokblaaopa aid Bishops. Archbishops who will be here are Ireland 'of St. Paul, Keane of Dubuque. Quigley of Chicago and Christie of Oregon. Bishops - . ( will be as follows: Bonacum of Lincoln, ' Carrlgan of Blouz City, Btarlha of Lead. , v Davis of Davenport, O'Oorman of Bloux ; Falls, Keane of Cheyenne, Bhanley of Fargo, Bcanlan of Salt ake City, Mats of . . Denver, Burke of Bt. Joseph, McGolrlck of Duluth, Cotter of Winona, Jansaen of v Rellvllla. Cunningham of Concordia. Len llian of Great Falls, Carroll of -Helena and v, Leavenworth. The Abbot Conrad. O. B. B., ( 'f .of Conception, Mo., and Monsignors Lent . y , han of Fort Dodge, la., and Flavin of Des Moines will also be among the prelates 10 arrive In Omaha for the ceremonies. . V The program for the services Sunday was announced late Friday eventng by the chancellor of the diocese of Omaha. 1 , The parade will form on Farnam street, be , V t ween "Seventeenth and Nineteenth streets, '.')" and march by way of Farnam and Thirty "V' ninth streets to tha new cathedral at Ftoi tleth and. Burt streets. The parade of - ecclesiastics and civilians will leave Nlne ' ., teenth street promptly at 1:30 o'clock Sun day afternoon. ! The ceremony of blessing and laying , ,. th cornerstone will be performed by ' Bishop Richard Bcannell of Omaha. A " ? large cross has been placed on a plot- form where the main altar of the rathe dral placed. Here the bishop with hie assistants, deacon and ubd--?con, to "gether with 'chanters, will gather nn1 intone the antiphon "Slgnum Salutls" and the paalm "Quam Dllecta." Ceremony Will Be Inprmlr. Following this impressive ceremony Bishop Bcannell and his deaconst will 1 march to , the northwest corner of the 1 building, where the cornerstone will be blessed. Returning to the cross ttto bishop kneels while the litany of the saints Is chanted. After placing the stone In position the ecclesiastical pro cession will pass around the Inside of the church aa the bishop blesses the wails of thd great cathedral and returns tothe croas, where the choir will chant "Venl Creator." ' . Archblahop Ireland will then deliver the dedicatory sermon front the platform of, the cathedral and this ' will be fol- Lifted npQnc d by the Episcopal bleaalng, r j- nceT by the bishop of Omaha. Secular addresses will follow the last rite of the church 'ceremonies. Right Rev. Richard Bcannell has ar ranged to entertain at dinner the visit ing prelates and 1 clergy at the Con'ent of the Sacred Heart, Immediately follow ing the ceremonies at the cathedral. It will be one of the most notable dinners ever served In a western convent, owing to the distinction won In the church of Rome by the guests of the bishop of Omaha. Prlevts of Oaaki, Priests of Omaha are to escort the pre lates from the bishop's residence and will arrive at the cathedral In advance of the parade. Besides being the special pride of Catho lics throughout the west, the cathedral of St. Cecilia will be Interesting to the people of Omaha and thousands of visitors who Pimples Stopped In S Days ETery Possible Skin Eruption Cured In Marvclously Quick Time by th? N?w Calcium Treatment. Brad for Free Sample Paekage Today: Boils have been cured In S days, and some of the worst cases of skin diseases have been cured In a. week, by the wonder ful action - of Btuart's Calcium Wafers. These wafers contain as their main In gredient, the moat thorough, quick and ef fective blood-cleanser known, calcium sul phide. - Moat treatments fory the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow In their results, and besides, many of them are poisonous, Btuart's Calcium Wafers con tain, no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harmless, and yet do work which cannot fail to surprise you. They are the most powerful blood purifier and skin clearer ever discovered, and they never derange the system. No matter . what you suffer from, pim ples, . blackheads, acne, red rash, spots, , blotches, rash, tetter or any other skin eruption, you ran get rid of them long be fore other treatments can even begin to show Jesuit. Don't go abound Willi a humiliating, dis gusting mass of pimples and blackheads on your face. A face covered over with these disgusting things makes people turn away' from you, and breeds failure In your life work. Stop It. Read what an Iowa ' man said when he woke up one morning and found he had a new face: ' l.afBy Oore 1 never saw anything like it. Wiere I've been for years trying to get rid t pimples and blackheads, and gueas I used everything under the sun-I used your Calcium- Wafers for Just seven days. This morning every blessed pimple la gone and , I can't find a blackhead. I oeuld write you a volume of thank, I am so grateful o you." You can depend upon this treatment being . t never-failing cure. ' Just send us your name and address In full, today, and we will send you a trial package of fHuart's Calcium Wafers, free . to teat. After you have tried the sample and been convinced that all we say Is true, you will go to your neareat druggiat and get a Soc box and bo cured of your facial trouble. They are n tablet form, and no trouble whatever te take. You go about' your work as, usual, and there you are, cured and happy. rlfiid ua your nam and aJdreaa today and we will at once send you by mail a sam ple package free. Address F. A.-. Stuart Co Tf Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich,. UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES PERUNA. ! tU-Senator M. C Butler. Dyspepsia 1$ Of en Caused By Catarrh of the tilvmachPeruna Relieve! Catarrh of the Stomach and Is Tnerejore a Remedy for Dyspepsia. Hon. M. C. Butler, U. 8. Sen ator from South Carolina for two terms, in a letter from Washing ton, D. C, writes to the Peruna Medicine Co., aa follows: . "I ran recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble. 1 have been using your - medicine for n short period and I feel very much relieved. It is indeed a wonderful medicine, besides a - good tonic." CATARRH of the stomach Is the correct name for most cases of dyspepsia. Only an Internal ca tarrh remedy, guch as Peruna, is avail able.. Peruna Tablets ran now be procured. go in and out of the gates annually, be cause of the architecture of the new church. It Is t the most typical old world church In the western hemisphere, fitted to the ne cessltles' of 'American custom!' 'and- forms. The interior finish, decoration, glasa and furnishings are now only in the earliest stages of study. It Is the painstaking study which has been' put on the plans, by the Bishop of Omaha, which Is to make the edifice a monument to Catholicism and Christianity. Under the direction of the iblithop, -Architect T- R- Kimball began studying, the work on the cathedral over six years ago, and his work will have progressed only so far as the corner stone tomorrow. Actual construction on the church began In April, 1906. The third lot of building contracts will be completed late this fall. . Iden of the Work. An Idea of the wo.-k which will be re quired to complete the cathedral may be gained '"from k list of some of the ma terials to be used, as given by the con tractor. ... . I .There are in Its foundations, buried under the ground, f,262.00 pounds of concrete and 00,000 brick. The struqture will require 100,000 cubic feet of cut stone, backed up with mote thun 2,000,000 brick. A half acre of roofing tiles will be used on the roofs. Not less than 100 tons of steel will bo required to support the roofs and floors. . Fire Tbooaand . la I. lne. The procession, which will start from Seventeenth and Farnam atreets promptly at 2 o'clock,' will be one of the largest religious demonstrations ever witnessed in Omaha. Fully 6,000 persons will be in line, Including Catholic societies and representa tives of each of the Omaha parishes. Among the societies which will-march In a body are these: Italian society of Omaha. 700 strong: Aloisla society, Bt. Joseph's lodge, Catholic Turner society. Ancient Order of Hiber nians, Knights of St. George, Bt. Peter so ciety. Knights of Columbus, Crelghton un iversity students from the medical, law, dental and classical courses; Catholic Mu tual Benefit Association of America, St. Cyrill Methodj Bohemian society. Tho various nationalities will be grouped. It Is expected that l.OCO Poles from South Omaha will be In line and the Bohemians and Syrians will also form separate sec tions. ' J. A. C. Kennedy will be marshal of the day and will be assisted by the following aides: Thomas F. Swift, Arthur Coad, Ar- j thur Melady, . John Garvy, l)r.i Frederick Ingdon, William Donahue, Frederick Her mank and William Baehr. The line of march will be on Farnam street to Thirty-ninth, thence to Daven port, on Davenport to Fortieth, and from ! there to the cathedral. At the northeast I corner of the cathedral a review stand has J been erected, from which the procession 1 will be reviewed by the church dignitaries. WINTER THINGS ON MARKET Cranberries Kkow Up aad with Then Lets of Other Dainty Thlaga for the Table. Cranberries ' were among the newer things in market Friday morning and while they ware not as large nor as red as they will be later they were of fink quality and sold for 10 cents a pound. Home grown sweet potatoes can no longer be counted among the luxuries, for they are plentiful and sell for $1.2 a bushel. Irish potatoes are M cents a bushel. Hub bard squash sells for 10, IS and 20 cents each. Green corn Is still to be had and of remarkably good quullty considering the lateness of the season. Egg plant is I cents each. Horseradish root is to be had and sells for 10 cents a pound. Okra Is ( cents a dozen and small green onions three bunches for 4 cents. Midget pickles are selling for 75 rents a six -pound basket, but the majority of them are a little rusty looking.- The local market afforded an abundance of home grown grapes Friday morning and they were of fine quality, being firm on tho stems as well as sweet and ripe. They sold for SO cents a basket. Tokay grapes are also fine and pleattful and sell for 10 cents a pound. Russet pears are M and U cents a pound and are large and sound. All the best brands of package creamery butter sold Friday morning for XI cents a pound and creamery and country butter of equally good quality sold from N la 10 cents a pound. Strictly fresh eggs are selling for S3 cents a dosen and ' awonda" may be had as cheap as IS cenia. Chicken la li'i centa a pound, ducks, lut cents and geese 15 cents a pound. HILL ROAD GETS CAUGHT Burlington Fined for Violating Safety Appliance Law. KNOWING DETECT NO DEFENSE Rallagr of Joda-e T. C, Meager, Wkit Its oa This erlea of Cases la the Valte. States Coajrt, The trial of the safety appliance cases instituted by the United States against the various railway companies at Omaha for violation of the safety appliance act was concluded Saturday morning before Judge T. C. Munger In the United States district Court. 1 , The Intt case tried was against the Chi cago, Burlington Qulncy railway, two suits being joined, comprising four counts. The testimony In this case was finished Friday evening and on Saturday morning Judge T. C. Munger Instructed the jury to return a verdict for the government on the four counts. In his decision Judge Munger said: , "The court finds that knowledge of the existence of the defective appliance Is not an element of defense, nor can It so be recognized." The penalty for each offense Is $100 and under the Judgment given Saturday morning the Burlington will have to pay a bulk fine of 1100. ' There yet remains one case against the Burlington to be disposed of, which In cludes seventeen counts embodying seven teen separate offenses. This case has been continued until later In the term, or It may not be tried until the January term of the federal courts. Assistant Attorney General L. M. Wal ter, special attorney for the Interstate Com merce commission, and party, who have had charge of these cases, returned to Washington Buturday evening. He will next go to Cairo, 111., for the trial of sim ilar cases there. Cases Disposed Of. The cases thus far heard and disposed of at Omaha are: United Btates against the Missouri Pa cific, one count in favor of the government and one count In favor of the railroad. United Btates against the Chicago & Northwestern, submitted on demurrer. United States against the Union Pacific, defendants confess judgment; fined $100. United States against Union Stock Yards Company, South Omaha, case taken under adviaement of court. United States against Chicagn, Burling ton & Qulncy, two cases Joined; Judgment for government on four counts; fined, $400. United States against Chicago, Burling ton St. Qulncy, seventeen counts; case con tinued. The decision of Judge T. C. Munger In the Burlington case ts regarded as of vital Importance In this and like cases, as It disposes of the question of "knowledge of existence of defect" that has hitherto been 1 the favorite Issue of the defense. ' This, judge Munger holds, is no defense and 'cannot enter Into the consideration of these cases. Eight era Inspectors at Work. Thd Interstate Commerce commission has eighteen inspectors employed In the work of Inspecting the 2,000,000 freight and other oars of the railway systems of the coun try to establish the faot of defect of the car or engine during the movement of the train. These eighteen Inspectors are ex perts drawn from the railway service and are constantly engaged and must traverse the entire extent of the country and their work Is constantly colossal. The Interstate Commerce commission has already Instituted' over 1.500 suits against the, railway companies of the country for the violation of the safety appliance act and continues the inspection of moving trains. Assistant Attorney General Walter and his assistants carry with them elabprate and complete working models of freight cars, cars of all kinds, engines and railway tracks and such other models as may be necessary In the proper presentation of these , cases. Another question came up in the trial ef the cases at Omaha which relates to the standard, maximum height of drawbars . and coupling apparatus from the tracks. These, under the safety appliance act and according to the American Railway asso ciation, must be thirty-four and one-half Inches, with an allowance for a slight variation of not more than three Inches In loaded cars that may happen to be coupled with empty cars. It is on this question of variation that the undecided cases are now under advisement by the court. SUIT AGAINST I'.MOX PACIFIC Action Filed for Vlolatloa of Tweaty-Elgbt-Hoar Law. United States Platrict Attorney Goes filed suit in the United Btates district court 6aturday morning against, the Union Pacific railway company for $3,000 for violation of the twenty-eight-hour law. There are six counts In the petition find Involve the shipment of cattle and sheep from Nevada to Grand Island. The uhlp menta were made since August 2, 1907, and relate to keeping eighteen head of cattle on the train without rest, food or water for 3 hours and 30 minutes; 600 head of sheep for 89 hours and 30 min utes; 8,21$ sheep for 40 hours and 30 minutes; 2,800 sheep for 40 hours and 80 minutes; 2. 14 sheep for 41 hours and 50 minutes, and 2,240 sheep for 89 hours and 30 minutes. The complaint alleges that all of this overtime occurred be tween Rawlins, Wyo., and Grand Inland, Neb. The penalty in each case is for $500, which wilt make a total of $3,000. NOW COMES MINOR PENSION CASKS Next oa the Docket foe Trial Before Manger. The next cases booked for trial are a number of minor pension cases which will be called Monday afternoon. With the dis posal of a lot of minor cases, which prob ably will be cleared away during next week an effort will be made to get at the land cases not later than October 20. The trial docket shows that there re main twenty-three law and nineteen equity cases to be disposed of In the ctr suit court at this term. But little has been done thus far with the circuit court docket and with the thirty-five cases yet to be disposed of on the district court docket, the present term Is liable to run pretty well Into December. Sleasaehls) !V Irk Barnes. No matter how long or difficult of pro nunciation may be the name of a steamer, the passenger agents and clerks of the vari ous steamship lines make an effort to be correc t In using It when selling tickets to customers. Occasionally they make a slip of the tongue and call the steamer by the nickname used in the office when passen gers are not around. Tha steamers of the Atlantlo Transport Una, the Minneapolis, the Mtnnetonka and the Minnehaha, are re ferred to generally as the "Minnies," indi vidually tiie Mlnnetonka - is railed the "Tonk'1 and the Meaaha the "Mas." The Red Rtar line Vaderland ia called "Father;" the Finland the "Fin." and the Kroonland and the Zeeland the "Kroon" and the "Zee." respectively. The prefix Bt. la dropped when reference is made to the Bt. Paul: the Bt. Ixiuia is called "Lonle." and the Philadelphia to railed "the Phllee." Tin North German I.loyd liner Kaiser Wilhelm der Groeae in the parlance of the office force la the "Big Bill," and the Kaiser Wilhelm II Is "B'ii. York Tribune. BRIEF CITY NEWS Stare moot print la. John IV. Gentlemaa for rorrmrr. Douglas Printing- Co., 314-lt S. 19th bt. James O. Xlnsler hss removed his law office to suite 94. Brandela Bldg. 1. A. Bbineoart, photographer, removed to Eighteenth and Farnam streets. ' Souvenir Postals of St. Cecelia's cathe dral free at Hoffman's, 16th and Jones. Souvenir Postal of St. Cecelia's cathe dral free at Hoffman's. 16th and Jones. Pull Drees Suits and Prince Alberts, latest styles, at Vollmer's, 10T St. lth St. Dr. 31. A. Poster, Dentist, office N. E. Cor. ISth and Douglas, over Fry Shoe Store, R. 1. We always have Rock Springs real. Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 16th and Hatney. The City Barings Bank Is strictly a sav ings ba"hk, and Is limited to the highest grade of securities. Divorce for Craelty Frantlska Novak has been given a decree of divorce from Jo seph Novak on grounds of cruelty. Oar stock of fall and winter woolen ts complete. An order placed now may be filled at your convenience. Gucke'rt a McDonald, 817 South Fifteenth street. Por tha Convenience of our members and friends our office Is open Saturday nights until 9. Call then and t:lk over the matter of your savings or Investments. The Conservative, 1614 Harney street. Knnoheon for Senator JBrown About sixty representative business men will be at the luncheon which Is to be given for Senator Norrls Brown at the Commercial club Monday at 12:30. Mr. Brown will spend Sunday and Monday In Omaha. Sunderland Sells and Boys W. C. Sun derland has sold his residence at 619 North Fortieth street to Mr. Hamilton of Rich field, Neb., for a consideration of $7,200. He has bought Dr. McMullen's house at Thirty ninth street and Dewey avenue and will occupy it soon. Omaha Invites. letter Carriers The Commercial club has sent an Invitation to the National Rural Carriers' association, which will meet at Atlanta, Ga., next week, to hold Its annual convention of 190S in Omaha. The convention has never been held west of St. Louis. Salt for ZTondellvery of Sheep Suit for $1,400 for alleged failure to keep a contract to deliver 1,200 ewe sheep has been started In county court by Jacob Hols against James O. White. Hols says White failed to deliver him 800 sheep, on one contract, causing a loss of $800, and 600 on another, causing a loss of $000. ' Philosophical Society Rev. Frank L. Loveland will address the Omaha Philo sophical society Sunday nt 3 p. m. In room 3, third floor ,of the Rohrbough building. Nineteenth and Farnum streets. His sub ject will be "Snap Shots." The meetings are free and the public Is Invited. This is the opening meeting of the society's season. 1 Pinal Cleanup of Streets Street Com missioner Flynn Is preparing to give the streets the final cleanup after the carni val and place paved streets. In Hhape for winter aa soon as he can collect the con fetti and other remnants of the festival. He has devoted considerable time to cleaning up the Ak-Sar-"Ben grounds each night and the work will not be as heavy as usual. f altitude of Witnesses Owing to the multitude of witnessses the habeas corpus case brought by James B. Palmer of South Omaha to secure possession of his 9-year-old daughter from Mrs. Jessie Hogan was continued Saturday after a hearing lasting all forenoon before Judge Troup. The little girl formerly boarded with Mrs. Hogan and now Mrs. Ilogun refuses , to give hex, uo. . S. rf. Clark, head of the department of public speaking. University of Chicago, will lecture on "The Spirit of Literature" Monday night, and on Tuesday evening will give a dramatic recital at the First Methodist church under the auspices of the Woman's club and principals and teachers of the public schools. Admission to these lectures will be 35 enta for single night or 60 cents for both evenings. Mayor Jim Accepts the Sonor Mayor Dahlman haa accepted the Invitation of the city of Hastings to be present Octo ber 10, II and 12, when he will act as one of the judges of riding and roping con tests to be held during the frontier festi val. Valuable purses have been hung up by the management, of the festival for rough riders and ropers and a large num ber of experts from all parts of the w.est are expected to take piH In the affair. Mrs. Smith Brows Oets Alimony Un der a decree signed by Judge Day, Smith Brown, former deputy sheriff, must pay to his wife $1,000 alimony and $50 a month for the support of their five children. The lat ter amount is to be decreased $10 a month as each of the children attains Its majority. As the eldest is a daughter 14 years of age, $60 a month must be paid for four years. The decree did not cover the divorce, which was applied for by Mrs. Brown on grounds of cruelty. ' Kaasoom WU1 in Probate The will of Andrew J. Hanscom was admitted to pro bate in county court Saturday on the evi dence of Luther Drake and George E. Prltchett. Ben B. Wood and Frank Mur phy, who witnessed the document, have both died and It was necessary to have proof by other witnesses. Mr. Prltchett es timated the value of the estate at $500,000, of which $250,000 is In. railroad stocks and the remainder in personal property and real estate. The will leaves the property to the three children. Salt for Death of Child For the deuth of his 6-year-old daughter under the whoel of a street car A. Kaser, who Uvea near Tenth and Center streets, has begun oulj against the street railway company for $S,0U damages. The accident happened August 26 about 8 o'clock In the morning when little Molla Kaser attempted to run across the tracksln front of an approach ing car. She was struck and ground to pieces under the wheels, death resulting in stantly. The petition charges the motor man was running at a dangerously high rate of speed and the car was not property equipped with a workable fender. lie claims damages for the loss of services. fellowship and society of the little girl. ILLINOIS CENTRAL FIGHT Mr. Fish Advises Stockholders to Meet ad Bead Proxies by Their Ows Acrata. TW YORK, Oct. 6.-8tuyveant Fish.' former president of the Illinois Central railroad, today gave out the following statement regarding the Hartford confer ence of the stockholders In I hut com pany: I shall be more than glad to see V stockholders In every city In the coun try thus get together of Ihtlr on notion and send representatives of their own choosing to the meeting In Chicago on Wednesday, October It. It ts In this ay that stockholders can best como to know whst is being done with their pvt erty. The Illinois Central Railway ."ompany's atstemeul of revenue and expense for the two months ended August H. 1Q07, shows that In August, with an Incremte of 300,:j0 in revenue, there was a tie crease of I J T.S t T In net receipts, thus cmiUrmlng, as their statement for July did, what I said about the net receipts having been paoded In order to make a good showing, whluh showing tha pntetit management used aislduouHly in their hunt for proxies. The) have now mail' u QJJ Piano buyers who miss this opportunity of securing an instrument of the highest character for less than pianos have ever been known to sell for in the history of Omaha, are 'only standing in their own light. We are urging you to attend this sale because we need the money and we positive ly know that if you are contemplating the purchase of a piano within the next two years you will save money to buy now. You can depend on it, that these circumstances will never prevail again. We are overstocked and in order to meet this tremendous obligation, are compelled to dispose of our immense line, consisting, of over GOO of the finest pi.mos at prices regardless of the FACTORY COST. We are offering such high grada c!d makes'as Steger & Sons, A. B-Cluse,, Emerson, McPhail and twenty three others ht prices which should be an inducer) eat to any prospective buyer. If you want a fine piano at a low price, come and see . us now. This sale is being conducted on a spot-cash basis, but a limited number of time deals will be arranged to accommodate those who haven't all the money. Don't Fail to Investigate This Sale In justice to our competitors, we are not quoting prices, but guarantee to save you the cost of an entire musical education. ' P. S. We will ship any piano to out-of-town customers, freight paid both ways, if after a careful examination the instument is not satisfactory. Call or write at once for descriptions, full particulars and free catalogue. PIANO COMPANY Oldest Piano House in the West. Established in 1559 Phno Dauglas 1625 1311-1313 Farnani Street ' Snip. Artanta fnr Sfffinwav fiDl Sons ." y iuiisiii.ii urn i .mi i at least four applications PrpxlM to stockholders and, as many stockholders have written me, ure employing paid asents all over the country, besides using the time and services of a gret number of the company's officers and employes In soliciting proxies. Mr. Fish then gives a statement of the shares held by directors in 1906 and 1907, and continues: Except In Mr. Harrlmans case, the changes are unimportant. The company books show that on September 18, 1'IOT, 14,000 shares of Illinois Central sto-.-K wero transferred from the namu of the "Railroad Securities company" to that of "E H. Hurrlman." and that on September 20 1907, 1,000 more share wore trans ferred from the "Railroad Securities com pany" to a list of directors, officers ami clerks of the Union Pacific and allied com panies for the obvious purpose of uuality lng them to attend the Illinois Central meeting ana worn' iui n,w mw-i-ests of their employer. Those books nlso show that from the Union Pacific hold ings of Illinois Central shares tranaf rs wore at that time made, among others, to two of M.r. Harilman's attorneys In the Chicago & Alton, several, men who sell supplies to the Illinois Central and a number of Its attorneys, officers and I agents, Including that of A. G. Hackstdff, . Us Vice president WHERE SHOOTING IS GOING ON The Moroccan Tons of Csablaca and Its Varied Ills- -tory. This Is not tho first timo in history that Casablanca has been a storm center nor the first time that it haa been reduced to ruins. It has more than once been rebuilt after all but total destruction, and It is likely Ahot It will rise again whin the present' troubles are over. It has a true reason for existence. It is essential to the commerce of Morocco and it is capable of becoming an important port If the empire could only enjoy a few years of peace and order In which to de velop Ha trade. Not that the harborage is especially good at Casablanca. There Is, In fact, but a par tially protected roadstead. There are times when vessels lying there have to lift their anchors and put so sea for safety. But it la about as available as anything along that wild Atlantic - coant, and It has many, com pensating advantages for what It lacks in security. ' . The city was once called Anla, and Its antiquity runs back of Its recorded history. It was a considerable place when in 146g the Portuguese captured It, sacked it and practically wiped it off the map. In 1515. however, the Invaders themselves realised the Importance of the site. They rebuilt the town and it was they who called It Cas ablanca: the Arab name for It la Par-el-Beida. The Portuguese held It only a short time. As they lost their hold on . their African conquests It full once again Into the hands of the Moors, In 1755 it was devastated by, theS same earthquake which reduced Lisbon to ruins, and long afterward remained a pitiful fish ing hamlet, squalid and poverty stricken, but toward the end of the eighteenth century il attracted the attention of spine Spanish speculators and tliey secured concession from the sultan, 8idl Mohammed, to export cereals from It as well as from Fedala and Ma lagan. From this time It began to raise lis head again. It grew In population and wealth. It was gradually rebuilt and pres ently fortified. .As the outlet for the rich and fertile region of Craouia It developed a considerable trade. Just before the French bombardment it was, after Tangier, the most Important seaport of Morocco and It had a population variously estimated at from 30,uuo to 40.0U) Inhabitants, of whom from 600 to N0O were JCuropeans principally French, Spaniards. Germans and English. The city lies in the hollow of deep and spacious bay 'between rocky promontories upon which the swell of the Atlantic breaks unceasingly from year's end to year's end. Ships that anchor in the bay are well pro tected from westerly winds, but are com pletely exposed to those from the north. Jf the view of Casablanca from the sea Is grim and uninviting, the approach from Inland ts altogether charming, according to a recent French travelle. The place la bordered on the land side by a wide space The absolute necessity of raising over S100,00tf to nay off the estate of our late partner, Arthur C. Mueller, has brought about conditions which has forced us to inaugurate THE GREATEST Ever Conducted 1 & 1UELIM mew mi im mi i n 1 1 ' 11 """"" '" I I of gardens having the characteristic Orien tal, subtrophlcal charm. . Amid the palm trees the whitewashed houses and minarets glisten In the African ,sun., The deep green of the shrubberies rests, the eye and trees reduce the glare on the sandy roads as the travoller approaches, the city gates with their old time battlemented towers. The Inviting aspect of Casablanca, hqw ever, is altogether external." Within the walls 11 Is a maxe of narrow, crooked, more or less filthy streets. The houses are neither Spanish nor 'Mauresque, but a sort of characterless hybrid. Hundreds of them are mere hovels and large districts are given up to sheds in which sheepskins and goat kins, bales of wool and sacks of grain are stored to await shipment. The atmosphere Is laden with dust In summer, the streets are slimy rivers of mud In the rainy season. All day the heart of the city used to be alive with a hustling throng on business bent. . Bedouins In rags drove camels and mangy donkeys stagger ing under their loads of merchandise; Berber and negro porters, also overladen Jostled Jewish brokers and money changers clad in long gowns -of dark stuff. Here and there the white burnous of some Moorish functionary might attract attention- as its wearer stalked with haughty mien through the ragged, motley throng. Of the other towns on the Atlantic coast Of Morocco which have been or are- likely to be Involved In the present troubles Rabat Is the largest. It Is about ninety miles south of Tangier and thirty miles north of Casablanca. ' It Is estimated te Pressed By the I WAS all wrong from tha start I That old Tailor didn't know how to 'cut" me, and then ha didn't know how to. make me he's a scamp, that Fellow I When he got through with me I wasn't properly shaped . And a falte chap wag doped into me by Old Doctor Qooee. Goodness I what a Pressing that first on wag I I was shrunken in berg and stretched out there nqtfl I know myself. didn't Bet I looked like avreal good Suit I That wasn't for long, however. I hadn't been worn a week before I began to t'go back to First Principles The false Curves began to coma out the old Faulty Lines to re appear , I soon became a, Show and I started my course of bi-weekly pressings Now I am preased to piece me only four month old. That, Reader, ia the usual End of the Ordinary Suit the result of Improper Tailoring nd Old Doctor Goose ' "dope." StyU " PIANO SALE in the West. ii I have 30,000 Inhabitants, but only sixty of these are or were Europeans. Between Tangier and Rabat Is Laralche (properly El Aralsh), which has 10,000 Inhabitants, sixty Europeans. . South of Casablance are, at thirty miles, Mazagan, with ln.oott people, including 340 Europeans; at fifty five miles, Safl, 10.000 people, Mogador, with 22,000 Inhabitants, Including forty Europeans. Under tho Algeclras compact the French are to police Rabat, Sail, Mas agan and Mogador; the Spaniards, I.a ralche and Casablanca. Fedala, where the Fortuguese are said to be landing contrabrand arms for tlix Moors, is a small town a few miles south of Rabat. New York 8un. Gold In Walls of Old Mint. The passing of the old United States mint building In Denver reminds oldtlmers of the early struKKh-s of the government to make the maintenance of the mint worth while. Then came 1S7S and the great strike at Leadvllle, which brought tons of bul lion to Denver and kept the mint offictnls busy and the institution running at full ca pacity. The destruction of the bull ling markw the end of Ihe chapter. By the terms of tho contrsct for tiie destruction of the building and the erection of the new UoetU rher building on its site, all the material becomes the property of the contractors: and they are serving every particle of plaster on the theory that there must be some valuable settlings of gold dust In any of the pervious material after the mint's long years of use. The plaster will be submitted to a process whereby much gold is expected to be extracted. Denver Post. Bee Want Ads do the business. to Pieces Victim But that, Reader, ia not the End of "Sincerity" Suits, You won't presa "Sincerity" Suite to Pieces, Reader, they're not "doped" by Old Doctor Goose. "Sincerity" Suite and Overcoat ar made by the moet expert tailor in the land Shape and Style are sewn permanently into the Fabric. And to guard against any pos sible defect "Sincerity" Suit and Overcoat when made undergo the moet rigorous and searching inspec tionand should alight defect be discovered, the part is Remade by mean, of the Jieedle, not masked by the Hot Flat Iron. 8ee "Sincerity Clothe". at your high class ready-to-wear dealers. If you should incur your future Suit Happiness see that tbia label i in the nexj suit you buy. as es ap. Notkmm A FUtk Ce.. CAJcege,