Moorish Jewels
iBbnelif inrwi aad tb aii-
tta-la of food tast In Jewelry la a
abasia oterlstlc of omr goods.
(Magnificent Soli
taires, Diagonal
; Rings
Tiffany's, Ban
quet, . Princess
land Clusters in
Emeralds, Pearls
and Rubies.
land wrought
lets gold, with Pearls
iand Diamonds,
'as well as the
jsemi - precious
stones. To be
very popular this
Hand - Carved,!
lEnameled, En
graved, Jeweled
and Extra Wide
Plain Gold.
Our line is the
most beautiful.
lyet shown from
the very simple
to the very elab
orate. Nothing vulgar nor hackneyed, but
onljr that prescribed by the dictate
of culture and good form, thin Is the
case from the most costly, to the less
laborate pieces, no that making a
lection here you can not posHlbly
go wrong.
Bole areata in Omaha, for tha Ctle
fctated Vatek ralllppe Waton.
Albert Ed holm
lta an Harney Its.
Parisian Women's
Renowned Beauty
Mainly Consists of Beautiful Cora
plexions. Specialist Gives
6plendid Formula.
In a recent Interview Dr. Jeun Valller,
the eminent dermatologist, made some very
interesting statements concerning the
beauty of tha fair sex. He claimed the
highest type of features and those that
approach nearest to the old Greek stand
ard are to be found In America. Although ;
n rrencn laaies are world renowned for ,
neir Deauiy, mey iacK tne classical mould i
01 (ace. nut this defect Is evidently caun-
ter balanced by their matchless complex'
( Ions. To this they give the most rigid
ear In tha matter of diet and dally mas-
V : Pr. Valller gave the formula for a skin
food which ' he said had worked wonders
for 'the society ladles of Paris and which,
though a simple mixture, is probably the
most effective known to science for re-
storing the normal rosy complexion and
building up the undeveloped parts of the
faca. neck and bust. The formula Is as
follows: Two ounce, of Rn w..t- n
eunoe Cologne Bplrlts, and four ounces
Sartoin (crystallsed).
The Bartoln Is to be dissolved In a pint I
n not water mot boiling), then when
c4ed to be strained through a fine cloth. I
and the Rose Water and Cologne Spirits
added. This la to be used twice a day
and massaged well Into the skin, and If
persisted In there will be no further need
for powders or rogue. It is not expensive,
tha Ingredients being obtainable from any
druggist, and coming from such high au
thority la well worth a thorough trial.
.lary Lewis Wood
Vocal Culture
Rooms 505-5G6
frupU of HataUda at archest
Yearn de Besske
feaaUanoa TThone. Douglas 3138.
Table d'Hotc Dinner
AT '
-Chesapeake Cafe
11:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m.
15GS-10 Howard Street
Poller's Mandolin Orchestra
The Chesapeake
I New Grill Room
' 1512 Howard Street
Strictly Everything First Class.
, A complete line of wines, liquors
Ud cigar, Imported and doutektic
served from, our own buffet.
SOCIETY RESTS AFTER BALLfe."" m'mb'r" Bt th' H'ppy Ho,,ow
- j Miss Ida Darlow has Issued invltstlons
for a card party to be given Friday even-
Fashionable Set Has Planned Little i" t her hon. i
Until Opening of Hone Show.
Attrndaae at Coronation f Ak-ar
ben XIII Was Heal Compliment
to O at-ef-Town (ilrla
This Tear.
A Receipt far Klnri.
Take a bit of dark piazza;
Ald some moonlight not too much
Press, In two strong hands a small one;
Add of coy reserve a touch;
Sift In Just a plneh of folly.
Mixed with softly whispered lglis;
Of romance add two small teacups.
And the starlight of her eyes;
Then dissolve some pure emotion
In a longing and a laugh;
Mix a grain of deep affection
With a bit of merry chaff;
Add an ounre of mild resistance,
Two of ylehtig then, In mute,
inexpressible enjoyment,
Serve In quantities to suit.
Nixon' Waterman.
The Social Calendar.
TUESDAY Mrs. Carmlchael nnd Mrs
Harte, Round Dozen club at Happv
Hollow club; Ladies' day at Happy
Hollow club.
WEDNESDAY Ladies' day at Country
club: Mrs. George Glfford, card party
f'r members of Woman's auxiliary to
Traeis' Protective association.
THL I. JAT Ladles' day at Ha;py Hol
low club; Mrs. K. Haney. Friday club
at Happy Hollow club; Mrs. Ben F.
Marti, Comls club.
Fill DAY Miss Ma Darlow, evening card
party; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt, dinner
at Mlnne Lua lodge for Miss IVarl
Teetzel of Los Angeles, Cal.
SATLRUAY Dinner and dance at Happy
Hollow and Country clubs.
The week of Ak-Sar-Ben with its Innum
erable accompaniments of good times. Is
at a close and what a Joyous week It has
been! So continuous has been the round of
pleasures that" no particular entertainment
stood out prominently until the coronation
ball Friday evening. What a brilliant event
It was. Society had anticipated it for
months and such long anticipation generally
results In disappointment, but quite to the
contrary It was a marvel of beauty and
was generally counted as one of the most
spectacular as well as the most elaborate
and succesful balls yet given. An Invitation
to be a maid of honor from out of town
was more than an empty compliment this
year, as a dozen or more of the prominent
women of Omaha took the visiting girls
In charge on their arrival In Omaha, feted
and dined them at their beautiful homes,
Introduced them to tho young people, and
In fact were so untiring In their efforts
that by the evening of the ball they wore
repaid, by aeeing these guests gladdened by
a well filled program by Young men that
were not entire strangers to them; a very
welcome change from former years. This
week finds very little scheduled for large
and formal affairs, still plans are embryo
for reorganizing dancing and card clubs
and planning horso show costumes, as this
heralded event la only ten days distant.
At tha Country Clab.
The Saturday night dinner and dances
are still In progress at the Country and
Happy Hollowi clubs and continue to have
a very good attendance, considering the
lateness of the season. Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Lehmer gave one of the largest dinners
at the Country club Saturday evening In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Roger and
Mrs. E. L. Lomax, who are leaving the
city today for a prolonged absence. Their
table had a charming centerpiece of marl-
golds. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lomax,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington, Mr- and
Mrs. Harry Cumlngs, Misses Hattle and Ida
Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson, Mrs.
Dan Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase,
Mr. and Mrs. William Redlck, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Reed and Mr. Harry McCormlck.
With Mr. C. C. Redlck were Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Brogan, Mr) and Mrs. Arthur
ouiou, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low, Dr. and
Mr- c- A- Hu" and Mls M"e Hamilton,
Mr. Earl Gannett entertained as his
guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Wyman,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morsman and Mlas
Bessie Yates.
Mr. Allen Hamilton had eight guests and
Mr' Parley G. Moorehead had
four guests.
At Happy Hollow.'
With Mr. and Mra. John Ross, jr., at
the Happy Hollow club were Mr. and Mra.
T. L. Combs, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Workman,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnam, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Rugg, Miss Ada Porter and Mlas Mildred
Ross. Their table had an autumn center
piece made of fruit and autumn leaves.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Chlckering had as
their guests Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira V. Rennlman and Mr.
and Mra. W. A. Wlggenhorn of Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Havens entertained
Miss June Stevens and Miss Pauline Raper,
both of Pannes City, Miss Tress Keys,
Mra. Julia Goetschtus, Mr. Jesse Rogers,
Mr. Frank Perkins of Fremont and Mr.
Joe Havens.
Mr. and Mra. H. H. Fish entertained In
honor of their guest, Miss Edna Raamussen
of Chicago. Covers were laid for Miss Ras
musten. Miss Daisy, Rogers, Miss Fannie
Howland, Miss Blanche Howland, Mies
Haxel Clarksun. Miss Effle Halght, Mr. G.
W. Bowers, Mr. A. E. Rogers, Mr. Bryant
Rogers, Mr. W. Wood, Mr. Charles Wright,
Mr. Ed Boyer and Mr. and Mrs. Flah.
With Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers were
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker and Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Hayward.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webster had as their
guosts Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Conley and Dr.
and Mrs. McDowell.
Among others entertaining at dinner were
Mr. J. A. Crelgh, who had four, gueata;
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Aastln, ten; Mr.
W. F. Milroy, three; Mr. Samuel
Res. Jr.. four; Mr. H. Leavltt, eight; Mr.
Robert Wilson.- two. and Mr. and Mrs.
Drnper Smith, four.
Mr. Henry Leavitt entertained a purty
of twelve complimentary to Miss Ke.llo
Quirlt of Minneapolis. Covers were laid
for Mis Quirk. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. McDonald,
Miss Alice Marshall, Miss Elizabeth Pin- 1
dell, Mr. Harry Bryne, Mr. Ward Palmer,
Mr. Roy Sundcrlnr.d and the host.
Pleasures Past.
Mr. George W. Lancaster of Omaha cele
brated his 4th birthday Wednesday at St.
Paul, at the home of his daughter, Mra. Dr.
C. A. Fpton of Marshall avenue. A recep
tion was held In the alternoon and a fam-
lly dinner at ?. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster
are on their way . to the boyhood home of
Mr Lancaster at Lexington. Kv.. where
. .... ,.,t, I,,,
..v ... w..m ....
ismer, wuo is in ins win year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Swisher gave a din-
ner Thursday evening at their home. nU
Sherman avenue, in honor of Mr. and Mra.
Joseph L. Prltchard of New York City,
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ben F. Marti. The
table had an effective centerpiece of as-
paraius ferns and at either end of the
t.hle. . clusters of m-Mt. r.rn.tlnn.
tables were clusters of white carnatlona.
Covers were Uld for Mr. and Mrs. Prltch-
ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Marti. Mr. and
Mrs Frederick o.ine. Mr d Mr. ri.
well. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reece. MI'S Mart
Driest of South Omaha. Mlas Bernlce Hess
and Mr. and Mrs. 6 wish r.
Coala" Eveata.
Mra Carmlchael and Mra. Harte will be
hostesses Tuesday at the meeting of the
Round Dosen dub, wnn they will ante.
Mrs. E. Haney will entertain the first
meeting of the Friday club, for this season
Thursday at the Happy Hollow club.
Mrs. Ben F. Marti will be hostess Thurs
day afternoon at the meeting of the Comls
club at her home, 19(9 Farnam street.
The Woman's auxiliary u the Travelers
Protective association will be entertained
at cards Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
George Olfford at her home, nil North
Twenty-third stleet. ;
Mr. and Mis. A. B. Hunt will give a
large dinner Friday evening at their home.
Mlnne I.usa t.jdge, Florence, In honor of
tlitlr truest, Miss Pearl Teetzl of Los
Angeles, Cal. Covers will be laid for
Come and Go Gossip.
Harry Cartan is spending several months
in Fan Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy left today
for a brief visit in Chicago.
Mrs. William Greene of Lincoln spent last
week with Mrs. David Baum.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Duncan of Sioux City
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Updike arrived home
Friday after spending two weeks in Atlan
tic City,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Crouch of AIMon,
Neb., have been visiting Mr. .and Mrs.
E. W Gunther
Mrs. Philip Kelly has returned from a
four months' delightful tour through Ire
land, England and Canada.
Mrs. Arthur D. Brandels, who has been
visiting In New York for the last five weeks,
Is expected to return home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wlggenhorn of Ash
land, Nob., have been spending several
days with Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Checkering.
Miss Pauline Raper and Miss June
Stevens of Pawnee, who have oeen visit
ing Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Koya, will return
to their homes Sunday.
Mrs. Will Coffin and Miss Louise Mc
Whlnnle of Lincoln were guests of Mr.
and Mr. Lowelll at Thlrty-ttrt and Ame.s
avenue, during carnival Veek.
Mrs. Will McGulness Is entertaining her
brother. Seannell O'Ncll of 8t. Louis,
formerly of Omaha. Mr. O'Knll will re
main In the city for a few weeks vUltlns
old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis 8. Clarke will re
turn today from their wedding trip, wnleh
included Chicago, Point Comfort, New
York and other eastern points. They will
move Into their home at Thirty-eighth
street within a few days.
Miss Agnes Benny of St. Paul, Minn who
has been visiting the- Misses Blanche and
Grace Sorenson during Ak-Sar-Ben festivi
ties, will return Sunday evening to her
home. Mlas Benny was one of the out-of-town
maids of honor at tha ball.
Mrs. Joseph L. Prltchard of New York
City has been visiting her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Marti, for the
last week. She will leave Monday for a
short visit In Sioux City, after which
she will again return to Omaha and be
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marti for a
longer visit.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Marian Johnston, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Johnston of Omaha, for
mer Beatrice residents, to Mr. Carl Albert
Bteln, which Is to occur at the bride's
home, 6010 Underwood avenue, Dundee,
October it, al 7:30 p. m.
Tha marriage of Mr. William H. Baumer
of Omaha and Miss Winifred Mitchell of
Vail, la., took nlaoe at Vail last Wednjs-day-
morning. The ceremony waa per
formed at St Ann's church, by the Rev.
James Murphy and waa followed by the
celebration of. nuptial high mass. After a
short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Baumer
will make their, home at 413 North Thirty
ninth street.
Invitation have been Issued forvthe wed
ding of Miss Marjorle Whiting, daughter
af-Irs-"s4 -Mrs. Alexander T. Whiting,
46 Cedar street, Chicago, to Mr. Charles
S. Young, which will take place Tuesday
evening, October 22, at S o'clock, at St.
Chrysostom's church. It Is to be an elab
orate wedding with a large attending party.
Miss Elinor Conover of Chicago will be
maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be
Miss Barbara Whiting, Chicago; Miss
Katherlne Luce, Chicago; Miss Louise
Glbbs, Cincinnati, and Miss Sara Young,
Philadelphia. The best man will be Mr.
George P. Dlehl of Clnolnnati, O., and the
ushers, Mr. John T. Whiting, Chicago;
Mr. George H. Miller, Chicago; Mr. Spen
cer L. Adams, Chicago; Mr. Alonso Benn,
Chicago; Mr. Clyde P. Johnson, Cincinnati,
and Mr. G. I Cobb of Kansas City.
Experienced dressmaker,
1523 Yates street.
13.60 per day.
Barbara of a Kansas Town Ordered
to Come Oat of the Price
' The Methodist town of Baldwin, Kan.,
which is the seat of Baker university. Is
about to enter Into the power of a trust.
The town Is much stirred, and formal com
plaint was made to the county attorney,
who at once saw that the law of the land
was being trampled unaer foot by the trust
formers of Baldwin. He Indited a letter to
the mayor of Baldwin at once, in which he
gave plain notice that the trust must be
dissolved and the people of Baldwin spared
the hardship of having to pay extra for
neck shaving.
Since "Mart" Starr started the first bar
ber shop In Baldwin forty years ago, necks
have been counted as a part of the face
and have been shaved whenever requested,
as a matter of course. Those residents who
do not shave their beards had their necks
shaved every time they had thnlr hair cut
and did not pay extra. They naturally re;
gard it as an abridgement of personal lib
erty and a strike at the vitals of that free
dom guaranteed by the constitution when
they find posted In their barber shops and
flaunted In their faces In the newspapers a
notice to the effect that hereafter neck
shaving mt'at be paid for extra.
ine letter ox um cuuniy auurney is as
LAWRENCE. Kan.. Sept. 17. 107.-Mr. C
W. Mltchner. Baldwin. Kan. Dear Friend:
I received this morning through the mail
a suprlement of 8ptember 13 to the Bald
win Ledger, in which the following notice
was called to my attention: 'Notice!
Alter September 20 we will charge 5 cents
extra for neck shaves. Qeorge Burgett.
McPheetrrs. Axton
This agreement is undoubtedly In viola-
tlon of what Is known as our ' anti-trust
law, which will make these pariles sub
Ject to a fln. cf from n t0 ,1 000 ,nd ,
gall sentence irom miriy aaye to six
months. I have no desire to cause these
rXy'idtmsnol "kn'owU"','.!'".'.
;aw a snd not knowing that they were vlo-
latlng the law.
1 wisn you wouia turn tm inwr over 10
Kour city marshal or to the ronstable and
have htm, for me. to noilfy these parties
that they can t make this kind of eomblna-
lnn rd ,or thm t0 Immediately Call It
pff nd th bMt wy for tn,m ,u do that
would be to publish a card to that effect
In the next issue of your local papers.
" you will have this matter attended to
for me I will appreciate the same.
Don't miss our outing hat sale Monday.
Pennell Millinery company, 1611 Douglas
Remember Pr. Clark's dramatic recital
of PUphen Phillip's Ulysses Tuesday Bight,
1 October 1
Interest Centers in Convention of
State Federation of Clubs.
Walter Meab Miller lwnrt
t'lrrnlar of Inntrncllon to Mem
bers of CJeneral Federation
of Women's Clubs.
From all ovr the stato club women will
gather this week at Hastings for the thlr- :
ti-inth annual meeting of tho .Vebraska I
Federation of Women's clubs, to be held j
there Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The Omaha clubs will bo represented by i
a generous delegation, the majority if the
women expecting to leave Monday after- I
noon to reach Hastings In time for the j
Tuesday program. Owing to the opening
session of the Omaha Woman's dub, Mrs.
A. B. Somers. president; Mrs. D. C. Cam
eron, secretary, and Mrs. F. H. Cole, chair
man of the state federation program com
mittee, will not leave until Tuesday morn
ing. Among the questions that are prom
ised special attention this fall Is the pro
posed change from the annual to the bl
ennlul state convention. This matter has
come up for discussion at the past two
meetings, but promises to be a real issue
this year. '
From the Pare Food Committee.
Mrs. Walter McNab Miller, chairman of
the pure food committee of the general
federation of women's clubs, has Issued the
following circular to dub women In the
Interest of a general campaign to be begun
for pure food:
In a circular went out last autumn this
committee urged for the two years to
come a concent ration of effort along two
First The Improvement of the milk sup
ply. Second The Improvement of sanitary con
ditions in markets and provision stores.
We desire in the present circular to In
dicate definite methods for making the
work of the coming year effective.
There are four main questions always
to be considered In the milk supply:
(a Is the milk dirty?
(bl In It of low standard as to proteld
and fat content?
(c) Is It adulterated by the use of pre
servatives or coloring matter?
(d) Is It capable of communicating dis
ease? In order to ascertain the answers to
these questions as to your local milk sup
ply, we recommend to every club the ap
pointment of an Investigating committee
that shall report within a limited, specified
.time. There are two methods open to
tills committee which will enable it to
reach a true understanding of the facts
and to recommend wise action. It must
first work through existing agencies when
ever possible; and, second, it must obtain
expert asistance.
To obtain a supply of pure milk for
Infunts reoulres still greater precautions,
and in working toward this enl the com
mittee should co-operate witn the local
Medical Milk commission. Where such
an organization does not exist, the com
mittee can help the phynicianu of the
town to organize one. Tho need of he
little child makes a universal appeal, and
It will not be difficult to ralae the neces
sary sum to defray the expenses lor the
first year. Inquiries on the subject mnv
be addressed to the president of the na
tional association, Dr. Henry L. Colt of
Newark, N. J.
The second subject to which your com
mittee would direct the attention of clubs
is 'the better Inspection of u.arlvets and
provision stores, in order to improve their
sanitary condition.
Here is an open field for the hyglunlst;
for, imperfect aa is our system of in
spection In the case of milk, still mor
unsatisfactory Is the law and Its enforce
ment regarding the sale of food that is
stale or spoiled and the condition of
premises that harbor dirt and riles. Tbn
dub pure food committee, on looking Into
this matter, will and in most instances
that the law is inadequate ami poorly
We advise as the first step that a
white list" be made out, and that club
members be asked to patronise thuse deal
ers who meet reasonable requirements aa
to cleanliness of tiremlA n. .i,thicr
of employes and the 'proper screening of
foods from insects and dust. At the same
iime oy judicious praise and blame an
Increasing number of dealers should be
brought up to a high standard In these
regards. A copy of the Portland Clean
List requirements will he sent nn un. n.
cation to Mrs. Walter McNab Miller, Col
umbia, Mo.
We stronsrlv recommend In tha n
both milk and market inspection t-uch
methods as will bring to bear the weight
of a Just publto opinion rather than u
jiiMiy resori 10 legal enactments nnd
penalties. Our committee ahmiri o
else caution regarding sudden a: uon that
cenas 10 upset. Business and to unduly
punish the dealer who has but adjusted
to low standards and a lax Interpretation
of the law In his community. They should
rather endeavor to teach women what
ana wnere 10 Duy, why dirt may mean
disease and how to Justly praise and
blame the Individual dealer. This Is test
brought about through lectures and con-
iprences, as tuny explained In last year s
Omaha Woman's dab Opens.
The Omaha Woman's club will hold its
opening meeting of the fall Monday after
noon in its rooms in the First Congrega
tional church. The features of the session
will be the annual address of the president,
Mrs. A. B. Somers, and a talk on "Life in
the Philippines" by Mrs. C. S. Loblneler.
formerly of Omaha, but now a resident of
Manila. The presentation to the club of
the madonna, brought from Europe by Mra.
Frank Haller. will be made by Mrs. William
Orlgor, chairman of the art department, and
Miss Sorenson will' present a memorial to
Mrs. A. L. Sheets, formerly a leader of the
club's musical department.
W. C. T. V. .Notes.
Both Women's Christian Temperance
unions of Omaha will attend Wednesday's
sessions of the Iowa Women's Christian
Temperance union convention In session at
Council Bluffs this week. Members of the
Frances Willard union will meet at tha Pax-
ton hotel at 9 o'clock and members of the
Omaha union at the Young Woman's Chris
tian association rooms at the same hour,
and all will go over together. The Omaha
union will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday
at 2:30 o'clock Instead of Wednesday.
Hear Dr. Clark, the peerless speaker, on
The Spirit of Literature, October 7 at Flrat
Methodist church.
Will Reqalre Five Million Pound of
Uatablea to Feed th
, Crevra.
Providing food for the 12,000 or more en
listed men during their crutsa to the Pa
cific abroad the ships of the Atlantic fleet
is the problem now occupying the attention
of the Navy department. Bid for 6,000,000
pounds of provisions, Including everything
from fresh beef to Saratoga chips and
pickles, are to be opened at the bureau of
supplies and accounts October t. Contracts
are to be awarded October 10 and the pro
visions are to be delivered by the con
tractors at the New York Navy yard from
November 1 to November IS.
All of the ships of tha fleet, Including the
torpedo boats and the supply ships and th
colliers, are to take their provisions from
the New York Navy yard. Each of the
sixteen battleships Is to be allotted 360 tens,
to carry which amount represents the full
capacity of the ship. Th supply ships
Culgoa and Olarler will take what remains
excepting a small allotment to each of the
smaller vessels of the fleet. The supplies
taken are only for the enlisted men. The
officers must provide for themselves by pri
vate arrangement.
Tha major Items comprising the I.OOO.OOO
pounds of provisions for which bids are
to b opened are 1,000,000 pounds of fresh
beef, l.OUO.OOO pounds of vegetables. Includ
ing potatoes, onions, turnips, tomatoes, etc.;
1,000,000 pounds of flour, 600,0(6 pound of
canned frulia, 100,000 pounds of condensed
A Superb Showing of Fall
Attire for Women.
Candy from Balduffa represents
freshness, purity and toothsomen s
to a perfected degree. It Is fresh
made In our own confectionery from
pure Ingredients.
It's delicious enough to suit the
most fastidious eater of sweets; It's
pure enough for the baby, and 'the
price is always reasonable.
Suggestions from our great variety:
Pure Sugar Stick,'
Mint Puffs,
Candy Curls,
Cream Mints,
Molasses Kisses,
Walnut Taffy,
Salted Almonds,
Salted Pecans,
-Baited Filberts,
. . Nut Wafers,
Peanut Taffy,
Coooanut Strips,
.Chocolate Taffy,
' '
1 al butt
The store rosPfiicAciri
1618-20 Farnam Street.
Phone Doug. 711.
milk, cOO.OOO pounds of peas, 400,000 pounds
of canned vegetables. Including lima beans,
peas and corn; 200,000 pounds of ham, 100,
000 pounds of coffee, 16,000 pounds of tea.
6,000 pounds of pepper, 6,000 pounds of salt,
6,000 ppunds of mustard and 40,000 dozen
So enormous are the qualities demanded
that only a few of the largest contractors
can submit bids. Contracts for each Item
may be given separately, but no part of
any line of provisions will be purchased.
Fifteen hundred head of cattle must be
provided by one contractor, 16,000 barrels of
flour, 18,000 barrels fit potatoes, sixteen car
loads of peaa and 20,000 large bams must be
shipped during the first days of November,
each by a separate contractor, to the New
York navy yard. ,
Official at the bureau of supplies and
accounts are confident that there will be
no difficulty In awarding the contracts, al
though never before In the history of the
United States navy has such a sudden de
mand been made for a stock of provisions.
Beginning today, the Navy department In
tends to advertise tho fact that it is In the
market for provisions, so that contractors,
especially those In the vicinity of New
York City, will have ample time to ar
range for submitting proposals.
Practically everything that men In all
walk of life would relish will be aboard
the ships before they leave. Thanksgiving
dinner, Christmas dinner and dinner on
Washington's birthday aboard ship have
been arranged for. . An additional supply of
turkeys, plum puddings, pumpkin pies,
mixed nuts and coffee will be stored in an
ticipation of these feasts.
The officers of the fleet must lay Jn their
own supply of provisions at their own ex
pense. They may choose what they wish,
without reference to the provisions which
the bureau of supplies and accounts makes
for enlisted men. All of the food provided
will be kept fresh by means of cold storage.
Water will be distilled abroad ship. At
the ports new supplies can be taken abroad
but the orders of the Navy department
are that tha ships be provided without ref
crence to any stops they may make on th
way to San Francisco. New York Herald
Great Interest la being manifested by all
literary people In the Clark lecture and
dramatical recital at First Methodist church
October T and t at I o'clock. Tickets,, 86c,
or ECc for two nighta.
Sllk-Llaed Cells for Pet Do.
Undeterred by th presence of some
friends gathered, It Is to be assumed
through motives of curiosity, sged Mrs
Isabella Fettlg did not attempt to restrain
a flood of tears as she stood In her parlor
at 1411 Hebert street. St. uu i, beside the
llk and pluah-lined coffin that contained
tne body or her pet ao uypsy.
' Half an hour iar the nealed casket
was Interred somewnere In St. Loitls
county by I ndriaker Charles Kron, who
had specially made the coffin.
It had been Mrs. Fettlg's deaire to bury
the pet In her back yard alongside the
body of a dog named r.em, who had been
burled with special services three years
ago, but the police and health authorities
refused permission, and the undertaker
agreed to sto that Gypsy was given t
formal, decent burial In th county.
With thi assurance Mrs. Fettig per
mttted the body to be taken away, but
first exacted a promise from the under
taker that he would net cast the dog
Into the river er leav It nn Die roadside
where It would be reached by deapnllrs.
When Gvnsy died sympathetic boys, at
the request, of the aged mourner, sat up
all night with tne noay.m. ijuis Times
ici?us Ifip TT T TP? Ctfl
HE smartest, brightest and most original ideas of
the best foreign and American artists are here in
bewildering variety garments that the fashion
able dresser immediately recognizes aa authenti
cally correct and distinctively modish. We invite
comparison of style, quality and price. '
Tailored Suits
A collection broad enough to insure the absolute sat
isfaction of every woman's desire for individuality.
Long and short coat effects, tight-fitting walking
coat suits, semi-fitting coat suits severely tailored
styles, varied enough to make it possible for every wo
man to wear a distinctive and pleasing one
Prices Rane $20 to $95
$25 Suits
To the left we exactly portray
handsome striped broadcloth
Skinner lined jacket Suit.
The skirt Is extra wide, with
deep pleats. It must be seen
to be appreciated. This suit
positively priced
elsewh ere at
$36 our price. . .
In anticipation of the Horse Show, we will display a
beautiful line of Scarfs and Muffs suitable for such oc
, casions Ermines, White Fox, Chinchillas, Broadtail, Sa
bles, Black Lynx, Labrador Minks, etc.
A Special for This Week.
For this week only we will make to your order a
Scarf, Muff or Set of Beautiful Blended Mink at the fol
lowing prices:
2-6kin Animal Scarf, with 2 natural mounted heads, $9.75
4-skin Animal Scarf, with 4 natural mounted heads, 15.50
6-skin Animal Scarf, with 4
8-stripe Large Pillow Muff 21.00
Beautiful Large Animal Muff, with natural-trim- ' .
mings ...... .
Come and see the designing and workmanship that
we are putting on these garments. Also compare prices.
ToVa Ti!loTrotv.r in Mi..iTiVv
1 1 aff. IWIWVV aa a. j
V 11 " ' 11
Willi Electric Light in fhe Home
You are enabled to place a lamp at the foot of the base
ment stairway. A simple switch at the head of the stair
way will turn the light on without your first falling down
the stairs. "With the new reduced rate electric light is
within the reach of the poor as well as the rich. In
vestigate. ,
Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.
'Phone Douglas 1062 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
The rhtitoftT!lier.
813-317 Ho. 15th Street,
N Filthy n.atl.n
Best t'hn. West
$15 Coats
One has so many uses for a coat
that is the weight that can be
used in weather when a light
wrap Is necessary, but when the
winter weight is too heavy. We
are showing some very smart,
swagger models, all medium
weight broadclpths, satin lined,
all sizes. No
better coats
shown at
natural mounted heads, 22.50
28,00 $
1508 Douglas St.
Cigars Retailed
At Less Than
Wholesale Prices
lBo Teller Cigars fl.SO per box
cf 1!5 t for Uc
10c Teller Cigars Club House
slse, 6 for K5e
Box of tO for t2.i0.
ISo Unto Clear Havana Marconi's
sixe 10o
loo Pv.lmnr House, for 'o
ISo Independent Brevas s!:e,
I for -jo
Beaton Drn o,
15th and Farnam
P. ft Pleas nut the above olgaig Lra
all wU acwn standard brands.