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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1907)
14 THE Oil AHA DAILY DEE: NATTKDAY, CK TURKU lOOi Want - ads AlTtrtlirmrntt tor in re-ant aet eolamn tII1 be taken aatll IS an. for fa tla edition and until p. m. Cash anl accompany all orders for rvant ada and na advertisement will fca accepted for leaa than 10 ceata for the llrat Insertion. Kate apply to either The Dally ar Bandar Bee. A I ware roaat all wards to a line. Combinations of Initials or nambera eoant as oao word. CASH HATES FOIl W15IT ADS. HEGILAR CLASSIFICATION - On Insertion, per line, 10 cents. Tiro or laore consecutive Insertions, per line, U cents. Each Insertion made oa odd days, 10 rent per lla. S1.50 per line per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Funeral Notices, Carda at Thanks and Lodg Notices, T ceats per line for one edition, morning- or evening I 3 ceata a Una for each ad ditional edltloa. Sanday, 10 ceata a line. Mo ad takes for lesa than SO ceata. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION II poar advertisement la Inserted andcr aay da of th classifications circa helow, It will h charged at tha fol lowlif rates i Oa Insertion, 4 ceata per line thre to six consecntlv In aertlona, 8 canto per Una each Inser tion i seven or mora consecntlva In aertlons, 3 ceata per Una each laser tloni 60 cents per line per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP 'WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, Solicitors and Snles. men. OFFERED FOR SALS. Cows, Birds, Dokb and Pats. Horn and Vehicles. Ponlttr aad Esn F'nrnltare. Typewriter and lewis Machlaes, I'lnnoa, Organ and BInsleal Inatrn ' meat. OFFERED FOR RENTl Knralshed Rooma. I'nfnrnlshed Rsou. Housekeeping Rooaaa. . Boardlnie aad looms. WANTED Tt BUT" Want Ads for Tho Dee may ho left at aar of th followas droar store no Is "roar corner drnn-it" -they aro all branch offices of Tha Baa and roar ad will, be Inserted last as promptlr and on th same rates as at th mala offlc la Th Be Batldlac, Seventeenth aad Faraani Streta. Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam. Beranck, S. A., 1402 8. 10th 8c - ' Beeht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemii Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumlnf. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Bhermau Ave. Caughlln. C. R.. th and Pierce Sta. Clifton HU1 Pharmacy. 2218 Military Av Co.ite. J. B.. list Ave. and Farnam. Olssey Phaimacy. 21th and Lake. Ccrmak, Emll, 1264-8 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler. F. H., 202 Leaviviworth. Foster Sc. Arnold!, 213 N. 26th 8t. Freytag, John J.. 1914 N. 4th St. . Florence Drug- Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, XOth and Lake. Green's P.iarmacy, corner Park Ave. ana Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1025 R 10tn St. Oreenough, O. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Hayden, Wm: C, 2920 Farnam St. ' Hanscom Park Phar.. 1501 B. 2th Ava, , Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. I,., 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King.- H. 228S Farnam Bt. Kountce Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. 1 Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th St. I.athroo, Chas. B., 1324 N. 21th St. ' Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., I'th and Ames Ave. ' Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Sehaefer, Augunt, 2631 N. lfith Bt. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming 8ts. ; Borm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming, i Walton Pharmacv, roth and Grace Sta. Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following marriage licenses have been Issued. Name and Residence. Age. Paul E. Rehschuh. Omaha 23 Lena Cahrs. Douglas county 23 Lin wood U. Smith, Omaha .' 23 ('lira Matiscn, Omaha 16 Chris Swarslander. South Omaha 30 Ixiuisa Hoffman, South Omaha 23 Alonao Pryor. Qulncy.'lll over 25 Hannah Luenlnghoener, Qulncy, 111.. over 25 Alfred Dvbbro, Omnha 36 Amelia. Bjerke. Verden, S. D 21 Walter Cage, Des Moines, la 37 Fannie McClure, Des Moines, la 29 Ralph R. Ralston. Norfolk. Neb 29 Rose Retilaff, Oakdalc, Neb 24 Joseph Roslevac, South Omaha 22 Catie Qorub, South Omaha..... 18 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' B'rths Guy P. Ice, 3519 Franklin street, bov; William Spooner, 1914 Paul street, girl; John Hart, 1H:JH St. Mary's avenue, boy: Christian Jesperson. am' Franklin street, girl; Clyde Housh, 2528 Rees street, boy; Thomas Donohoe, 215 Poppleton ave Due, boy; Joseph Kisch, 3344 Larimore ave nue, boy. Deaths Grace Iren Finck, 3008 Mason itreet, aged 26 years; Daniel J. Walsh, ID13 Dorcas street, age 82 years; Otto John ton, 24i9 South Sixteenth street, age 16 rears; M. J. McMahon, 1205 Cass street, ige 61 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 180J FARNAM ST. Classes now open. AMLK INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, General cfllce Practice. Also prepaiatory for Civil Service. College or l profession. Day and night sessions Tel. D. i0;o. (D-M513 OI kltbS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces llio niK'tilng of her dressmaking i mi Ion :il2 N"ltli lSUi. You are coidl.Hly In! v:ted to call. (l-M7iS COS" IORAN'D'8 classes in dancing for adults , now open. Lessons. Tues. and Frl., 8 p m. Entrance opp. Burwood theater. Call or ' Tel. Doug. 1041. Private lessons. a 138 4 FALL TERM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. EVERY DAY Id ENROLLMENT DAY . . DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. VISITOR WELCOME. CATALOGUE SK.NT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. BOHRHOl Gli BR03., and Farnam Sia. - (l) -383 I THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4ih ami Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Dougtaa 137. U)-l UUE1C every evening. Hotel Rome. (D-TSJ F. D. WEAD has meed his ortV te Wead Building. Hth and Furnam fits. H 6of $IG"pAINTING-a. II. Cole, 1301 Douglas. ij 1; THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE ts now open in both th DAY and NIGHT sessions. Yet it is not too lata t enter. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typearlting, Te legraphy ai.d . I.nglish. The catalogue la r"' II. B. BOTLES, PWES. BOYLES ELDG.a OMAHA. NEB. AUTOMOBILES BEND for our Hat of second-hand automo biles. DERIQHT. 118 Farnam 2 2c BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1,000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about 14,000, Including fixtures. This Is a good, paying proposition. Has a good trade and In one of th beat locations In town. Will consider part exchange, the halunce caau. Ulob Land and Investment company. (3) Mols FOR EXCHANGE We have timber, fruit farm land In east ern Washington and Oregon; mild cli mate; fruit land has netted $500.00 per acre; will exchange for hotels, good resi dences or any property of equal value anywhere; can nistrli any deal, large or small. We have abstracts showing per fect title down to date. Price of land from 11.00 to 1126.00 per acre. Give full particulars In tirst letter. Address Box 154, Omaha, Neb. (4)-M706 llx SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. A beautiful suburban home of 7 rooms, independent water system, lnr?e cistern, good barn, sheds, chicken house and yards; 6 acres of grapes, 200 plum, 2M cherry and 100 apple trees, and an abun dance of small fruit and berries; a fine home with an annual Income of 11,000 to 11.500; might consider some land, or house and lot In Omaha or Council Bluffs. ALVA SMITH, Council Bluffs. Iowa. (3) M220 llx FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa gons and Implements, located In a small Illinois town; will Invoice about $1,750. Also house and 2 lota in same town. Price for real estate, tl.600; invoice for stock. Will exchange, for farm land In Iowa. Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. (3) M517 FOR SALE Or exchange.' fine section of land In Kimball Co., Neb., at 16.50 per acre. Can give clear title, or long time on about $2,000. What have you? It's a bargain. Who wants It? AMERICAN LAND A IMMIGRATION CO., Sidney, Neb. (3)-M571 9 TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city property, good 287-acre farm, three miles from good town; right In heart of oil and gas fields. For full description address J. M. Nowcll, R. F. P. No. 2, Humboldt, Kan. 13) mois iox A BARGAIN Will sell or exchange lor land, stock of dry goods; positively great chance; must act Immediately. Address x 49, care Omaha, (3) M607 10 UPRIGHT piano, $65 cash, or trade. 107 N. 12th St. (3) M316 6 TO EXCHANGE-Illlnois stock and grain farm for western land. Box 242, Frank fort, Ind. (3)-M689 6x BUSINESS CHANCES READ Ave you looking tor a farm, business or Investment? We have General merchandise stocks of all sizes. fchoe stocks. Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture nd undertaking. Hotels and restaurants. Rooming house furniture. Drux stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms and ranches. Call and See JACOBSON & CO., $36 N. T. L. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (4) M16J Octlt Mining and Industrial Stocks. We buy and sell any active unlisted I stocks. We have rare bargains In in- i lustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid) Investigation, we have Bargains in sev eral active mining slocks in Nevada, also several bargains in copper stocks. We receive weekly reports from all the Important mining districts in the United States and Mexico. KOBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., Stock Brokers, 809 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3605. Omaha. Neb. t4)-426 029 Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers LISTED AND UNLISTED MINING STOCKS BOUGHT' AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchanges. DON'T BOY STOCK FROM COMPANY . DIRECT. We can save you from 5 to 20 per cent on any mining stock. LIST YOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH US. We give prompt service. NEU8TADTL & DAVIDOV, 604 K. Y. Lit Bldg. Phone Red 1294, (4 M2J THE Endless Belt Street Car Advertising signs are in actual operation In Lincoln, - and that company will declare a div idend Nov. 1. The time to buy stock Is before a dividend Is declared. The inventor of the car sign left for Des Molneb last night to attend a directors' meeting of the local Car Sign company there. Incases have been obtained by the promoters of the new device in eeveral large cities. If you care to know more about this business and- how you can be come scandalously , rich by making a small Investment now, call on or write Car Stun Headquarters, 21 U. 8. Nat l Bank . Bldg. (4I-M702 6 FOR SALE AT A SNAP If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at Yankton; five passenger trains daily on the Milwaukee; train No. 3 stops twenty minutes for supper; will sell at invoice or lump It off at $1,660. Don't stop to write, but come an! see it; It is a bargain for th right man. George F. Harrington. Yank ton, 8. D. (4 M306 OSx FINE 10-room house, modern, fine location, walking distance,' full of roomers. Must be sold, leaving town. Address J-IrW, t are Bee. (4) M503 8x FOR SALE Twenty shares Nebraska Telephone stock at 95. with accrued In terest to date. Address Y 21, care Bee. . (4) M970 6x OWING to the condition of my health I offer my lumber and coal business for sale. H. I. Converse, Shlckley, Neb. 14)-M3T5 MONEY Do you need It? We are In a position to furnish capital for any merit orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securities; char ters procured In any state; do not fall to confer with us, It will be to your in terest. R. Kaats & Co., bankers, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. (4) 214 9x FOR SALE Clean stock of jewelry; doing good business; good location for Jeweler and optician; about $1,400; write quick. E. E. Wood. New kirk. Okl. (4) M410 6x FOR SALE The only exclusive imple ment stock in a city of 6,000; no' trade; mild climate; plenty of natural sas. Ad dress S. J. Howard, Cherryvale. Kan. 14) M305 15x WISH to meet gentleman who can interest few people to extent i( $5,000 or $o,Outt. You can make same or more at no ex penv to yourself. Address L Bee. , (0-M271 FOR SALE The best four-chair barber shop In the best town in South Dakota. Address Y 26, care Bee. i4 M606 llx FOR SALE Hardware stock in North ern Colorado town; stock and fixtures will Invoice about $5,000. Address Box 112. Eaton, Colorado. (4) Miill lox FOR RALE Good law. loan, real estate. Insurance and abstiai business: com-plet- set of abstract books to all lands in .ouuty. Addles i Box 381, Maysville, Mo. (4) M4t7 7x FOR SALE Stock of hardware In gol eastern Nebraska town doing good iiesa; reason for selling, old age. For particulars address Y 104, care ilec. (4)-Ma66 6x FOR BALE Half interest In good saw mill to man to manage and will take output of mills aa cut; good pro pot I Ion. Po.'tottUe box iu. Houston, Tex. (41463 7x LOOK. Grocery and meat market doing $1,000 busi ness a month for sale at sue on the dollar, or $1 2m) for all. 2ri West Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. (4) M437 7x FOR SALE OR RENT A modern hotel, lo cated in Central, Neb. Fully equipped. Good reasons for a change. Address Y 7. care Omaha Bee. (4 M64 7x RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; sec on 4 tioor; r.o posts; auxtu; long leaae. A. U. Ritchie, tl) 8. 15th 8u. Omaha. (4)-. TO BUY. TRADE OR SELL see"BUsT NEBS CHANCE BUNNELL." 822 N. . Hi: Tel Doug. 61 1. (4-201 R.eit Your Rooms To Ak-Sa.r-Ben Visitors Advertise BUSINESS CHANCES tCuminu'd. ESTABLISHED BROKER AGE FIRM WITH STRONG CLIENTELE OF INVES TORS, IS NOW OPEN TO HANDLE A LIVE PROPOSI TION. WK CAN FINANCE A MERITORIOUS ENTER PRISE QlKKl.T, AND AT A LOW EKPENSE. AD DRESS. GIVING FULL PAR TICULARS, TO C SuS, CARE OF BEE. FOR SALE OR TRADE An electric fight plant. 40-horse steam power, machinery nearly new, In good run ning order; water worka In connection with plant. For further particulars, write or call on 8. B. WICKtZBR, , R. D. No. 1, Lushton, Neb. ' 14 584 5x BUSINESS CHANCE In one of the best county seat towns In Nebraska, an up-to-date line of millinery; ladles furnish ings, laces, embroideries and notions; will sell at Invoice rrlce, somewhere near I't.o'iO; done $X.500 worth of business last year; has been established 20 years; party wants to leave the state. Addn-ss box 614, Broken Bow. Neb. (4 M611 llx PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only news paper In South Dakota town; cylinder, jobber, power, plenty of material, large territory, good crops, terms to suit. Journal, White Rock, 8. D. (4)-M612 2 FOR SALE $2,300. Steam laundry, Includ ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically new; no competition: business thoioughiy established; weeKly receipts, $126 to glrto; under aggressive management, business could be tluiibled almost Immediately. This properly, with equipment, will Invoice 4.WiO. Address H. S. Kurnt, cashier First National bank, Sac City, la. (4J-M448 Oct31 FOR SALE One of the best and most up-to-uate machine, blacksmith and horse shoeing shops in southeast Nebraska; will be sold cheap If taken soon. For particulars call on or write Geo. E. Pea body. Uulo.Neb. (4J M239 5x FOR SALE A good paying liuiel In Cen tral lows, town of 10 to 17 hundred: 2 rail roads; am golnz into other . apneas. Will sell building and fur.iitjn ..r fur niture alone and rent fcuildlns- Hotel H block from depot. If looking for a snp get busy. , Address Y 173. Bee. C4) MS11 FOR SALE Finest restaurant in best lo cation, 30 rooms in connection, unin cumbered, clearing $400 monthly, worth $6,000, but on account of sickness will take $3,U00. For terms and particulars ' address W. A. Felld, Box 298, Little Rock. Art. 4)-MtM7 llx FOR SALE 15-room furnished hotel, res taurant and confectionery, In good grow ing town at bargain, account sickness. Cheap rent. F. L. Brldel, Geneva, Neb. (4J-M718 llx BUSINESS CHANCE W'ilL exchange new corn shredder, in tirst class condition, for any klifU of property or stock; write quick. .V. A. Greer, Elmore, Minn. (4 M443 7x SIXTY daya only; eighty-barrel flour mill; elegant location; twelve-room residence; all for $2,700. E. W. Jones, Rlchvllle, Douglas co Mo. (4) -M247 5x A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi ness. Address P. O. box 191, Park City, Utah. (4) M628 Ux I HAVE from $2,000 to $4.0C0 to Invest 10 fer cent net. What have you to offer? saac N. Watson, 1710 Farnam. (4)-M625 A NEW moving picture theater In city of jaj.uuu, oniy z in town ana tnis one tin best. Good reasons for selling. $1,200 buys it. Address Y 48, care Beev (4) M6b8 6x ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee, la., has farm lands and town property for sale or trade. Write what you havo and want (4) M281 Octl9x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M CAGUE BUli.D1 '. HTH AND DODGE 8TS. (4 iui MEAT rtKET doing good business for sale or lint with fixtures. P. B. Barry, Greeley, Neb. (4) M240 6x NEBRASKA J3.6U0 practice for sale for price of office outfit. Address Y-2, care Be. (41-M6J6 012x ROOMINO houses for sale, all sizes. Gan getad, 403 Bee Bld. Tel. Douglas 3449. t 7S5 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, for sale cheap. Address W. E. Kagan, Utica. Neb. 14 M931 10 DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price. Wriio or see us for bargain!!. D.-nver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., D?n vcr, Colo. (t M3b5 O20X THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 80,000 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A, Umatui Bee, Council Bluffs, la. (4) M612 Oil's FOR SALE Pioneer restaurant, Hastings; good location for right parly. TlubeVg, Morey & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4)-M273 Oct7x WILL someone please inform me of good opening for restaurant? Address O 3J, car Bee. (41-M544 9x DRUO stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (Iv-tS RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad way, Council Bluffs, la. 4) 754x BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest In the state outside of Lincoln end Omaha. Easy terms. Send for description. Red Cloud Real Estate Co.. Red Cloud, Neb t4)-M96 Obi AN A-l proposition for party with small amount of money to Invest. Call between 4 and d o'clock, Her Grand hotel, W. M. Roberts. (41 M630 lOx FOR RENT Furnished hotel in Junction town of 800. Brick building. Address Y 105, Bee. tl) 671 13x AN A-l proposition for party with small amount of money to invest. Call b-- tween 4 and o'clock. Iler Grand hotel. W. M. Robert. (4) Mi30 lox ALL OR PART of furnishings, i roonik. only hotel town 1,100. A bargain It taken soon. Clearing $35 per week. If you want a good proposition, come quick. Terms. Hotel Logan, Lyons, Neb. (4) i ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocxj bought and sold according to their value. Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4)-M143 Oct F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building. 16th and Farnam fits. f4) 657 WILL pay $1,000 commission to anybody that can raise $5,000 for a proposition that will pay more than 100 per cent on the invest ment every year. For particulars write P. O. Box 349. (1)-C32 8x - - WANTED A good reliable man to do our delivering. Will pay $'J0 per month. Must have $400 to buy outfit. D. B. Smith Ext. and Spice Co.. ifrl 8. 10th St. (4) 52S 4x FOR BALE Grocery and meat market. Doing good cash business. One of the best locations In town. 'Phone Douglas 411M. or address S tot. Bee. (4i 576 5x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artists. H. O. BUNNELL at CO.. 82J N. T. .If. Doug. 6149. 5)-M Carpet CleaalaaT. SANITAET Cleaning Co.. llf Tarnam. (5 1 2U ' Chlaa Palatini" OIL AND CHINA PAINTING-Class les sons until Oct. 1, 66c. Figure painting a specially- Mis. Eibel VuU. S7 DoiVe. fnou Tyl- 424t W-Mllg O If '.111' 1 .JMHH.1.II. iWJLIII iwajt Them in BUSINESS DIRECTORY (ConUub4.j i Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., auccesaor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5)-2H Chattel Loans. , Chas. D, Stanton Loan Co., 'M Bee Did-. (5) M6:6 ChlrcfMdlst. DR. P.OY, R. 2, 1501 Farnam St. Douit. I9. Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 136S. (6-2U MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Plk. Tel. Douglas 5170. (5)-M959 Octa REDFERN school. R, 20, Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 4684. (a) AI473 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far. nam St.. t6)-ili Mrs. Broach, 2722 Farnam., Tel. Harney 636. to M693 Oct24x Dcntlats. BAILEY & MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1W5. (5-2W Florists- HE63 & (jWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (S)-:i L. HENDERSON, 151U Farnam. Tel. D. 12.3. (5J-2JI) J. H. BATH, KJ3 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (aj M449 Go Carta. GO-CART Tires. Lawrence, 2703 Leaven (a) M381 Octal . worth street. , Hotels. THE SCHILTZ, European. 16th and Harnoy . f-13 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (5) 222 Millinery. LADIES' ,:ats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leoln Pepber, 626 S. 2Stb St. Phone Harney 3.-M8. W 541) Oil Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. .1664. ' (61-223 Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (5)-M4o5 Oct. 31 ! DR9. RINGLER, 306 Neville block. Phone Red 5467 (51 M61U Nov.! " ' Vhntographers. C. 11. TRUSSELL. 116 South Kth 8t. ' 5-224 PlnmtAng. PLUMBING and heating attended to at once. Room 3- U. S. Nat. Bunk Bldg., ljth and Farnam. 'Phone Douglns 4i03. . (6) 4S5 7 ho Repairing-. RAPID PHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-nlass work. 1618Vs Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (5)-227 Prlatlaar. 6UT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Bar-Ben visitors, call and see our new Imported calendars for 1908. Lyngstad & Jarve, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6)- 226 HIGH-GRADE imitation typewritten, let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 So. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6562. (5)-M512 Nov.l Jeweler and Watchmakers. - N. P. 6TILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Psjcton Blk. Tel.. 4367. Safes, Shutters. Etc OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a ttiHHri.ilty of fire escaper. shutters, doors nnd safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th SI. . 5--".tt HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1802 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; abie Instructors. Complete shorinand and business course and preparatory for civil service, colle','u or a profession. , Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. , 7) M513 O10 WANTED Lady who has some knowledge of office work und collections; state age, experience and salary. Address A 30a, Be. (7) M6C0 6 GIRLS for railroad offices; education two years High school. Call or address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R-, fourth lloor, Paclllo Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (7)-22 S ANY ono of good character and steady habits, good penman, accurate in figures, reliable In the discharge of his work, with experience In express business, par ticularly as bill clerk, can learn of some thing decidedly to his interest by ad dressing E 310, care Bee. (2) 634 6x Factors' and Trades. WANTED Women for hand irnmrs and machine. Kimball Laundry. Ull .lock son St. (7) M540 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; ono who can manage help; good wages to right party. Address Ettlng Cundy Co., Grand Island, Neb. (7J-M550 15x Housekeepers and Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall, 2215 Eherrnan Ave. Phone Webster 3723. (7) Mill WANTED A settled wlilto woman to ciok and do ercneral housework for two; good, permanent home; good wages; references wanted. Mrs. J. P. Morris Coleman. Tex. 7)-Mtti4 7x WANTED Chambermaid; good har:ictT required; country girl preferred; ticket furnished. Address Perkins Ht.t.'l, David City, Neb. l7) MflOa I2x WOMEN for diy work; housekeepers. itiebses, $3T.. Canadian ofnee, lDUi and Dude. Ct)-ZA CAPABLE girl for general work. Two in family. 2Ui bt. Mary's Ave. (7)-M3e8 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general koikewo'k; two In family; Kuod wages. Mrs. Frank Hadk-y, 2.1 Bristol. (7) -M97 WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3i.'12 Mason. Tel. Harney 2904 (7)-M37S 5 BEST Inducements offered first class girl. 'Phone Harney 204S. M4l GIRL for general housework; small jam'ly; small liuui,-: no luur.dry; good hjci. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 31si Ave t7i 3j7 WANTED A girl to do general housewoik. 6a 6. 261b Ave. ID tJ3 HOUSEKEEPER between 23 and S3 years wunted. T. Teller. McCook, 8. D. (7)-M4G9 031x WANTED Dintng room girl at tho Kim ball house; good wages and transporta tion. Kimball, S. D., L. J. Con int. (7) M610 lOx COMPETENT girl for housework, no h. lug. 3315 Burt street. (7) M449 7 1 WANTED Girl for general housework. Good wages. SnutU la,uiil. tub S. ibili Ave. O) 5S6 i Mni'iiimjisjaTnnHRi, jn The BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Dumcstlca Cont'd GIRL for general hoiisewark; no washing or cooking. 13.9 S. 31st St. (7) IM) 7 WANTED Girl to assist In private family. Work light. 1015 N. 34th St. (7) 643 4x WANTED Girl to do housework. Mrs. Wm. F. Baxter, 3CS0 Marcy St. (7) 633 GIRL for general housework; good wage. 1003 So. 30th Ave. (7) M556 6x WANTEIt Girl for general housework; 4 In family; no washing. 602 No. 40th St. Tel. Harney 2046. (7) Mt4 6x GOOD, steady girl for general housework. Mrs. F. 8. Knapp, 1314 8- 3ath Ave. (7) 685 9x WANTED Good reliable girl; Dane or Swede preferred; good wages. Apply 3J04 Sherman Ave. (7) 174 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. 4819 Cass St. 'Phone Harney 1051. ' (7) 673 GIRL for general housework, good borne, $6 per week. 107 South 31st, one block north of Farnam car. (7) 39 6x WANTED Two waitresses. Koehlrr hotel. Grand Island, Neb. Wages, $16.00. Will furnish tickets. (7) M697 7 WANTED Laundress two days each week. 136 N. 41st St. (7)-Mt4 7x WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; plain cooklmt; good wages. 4rivl Webster St., Mrs. O. C. Edsrcrlv. Tel. Harney S40I. (7) Miilfl 7 WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Call 1311 So. 3)th Ave. (7)-MGS4 7 " Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced alteration women. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Scotleld Cloak and Slt Co., 1510 Douglas. 17) 732 JOIN our Post Card club. Receive beautl- ful post cards from all parts of the world. Send 25c, stamps or sliver. Excelsior t)st Card club, Indianapolis, Ind. (7) M682 llx LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen. 60S Paxton block. (7) M470 7x WAITRESS Permanent position. Bach elors Hotel. 20th and Farnam. . (7) 372 WANTED Five good girls in our factory. D. B. Smith Ext. and Spice Co., S02 S. 10th St. (7) 527 4x WANTED Experienced bon-bon dipper and pattle dropper. Apply Candy Dep't, J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (7.) M714 7 HELP WANTED MALE Aerents, Solicitors and Salesmca. ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., J6l9 Howard St. (9)-126 WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb. (9) M604 21.X WANTED Good' reliable men to solicit In the tea and coffee bualntas. We have the very best proposition In our line. Call or address Jewel Tea Co., J. A. Smith, Mgr., 1911 Cuming St. (9)-676 Wx Clerical and Offlc. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1802 FARNAM ST. Classes now onen ; ante Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession - Day and night sessions. Tel. I). 1070. (9) M51 O10 YOUNG man stenographer wanted; toOto start; spienaia ruiure. jiuuie , care Bee. ' ' (9) 594 4 WANTED A reliable man for bill clerk for old established wholesale house handling perishable' goods. Experience in handling express matter and express employes re quired. Permanent place and good pay for a man who Is accurate and reliable. Address D 3o9, care Bee. 19) 635 6x WANTED Young man for office work, wllh wholesale house; must be, good writer and quick at ilgures; state age, and salary expected. . Address K 315, Bee. . . . (9) M712 7X" 1 Boys. "i WAVTED A bright v.oy, over 16 years, to hoU' copy for proofreader. . Call at Bee comp 'wiing loom. (a-4 GOOD bo'' wanted, first class. pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St. ' (9-M86S WANTED Office boys, must be over 14 years old. Address Omaha Packing Co., feouth Omaha. . () MOtO WANTED Good boy over 16 years; good wages. The Wardrobe, 2016 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1VJ). . . () 638 8 BOY'S with wheels , can make $35 to $15 . jer month, $35.00 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co.. (9J-M692 N4x BOYS for rrlntlng department; good pay, steady work. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. (9) M716 6 Factory and Trades. WANTED Carrlape-blacksmith; one with experience in welding flat and channel tires; also boxing-room foreman with ex perience; both good positions. Address Anchor Buggy Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. (9) M7U 7x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Will equip shop for you or furnish positions. Few weeks completes; constant practice, careful instruction, tools given; Satur day, wags; diplomas granted. Call or write Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. () M6UU lOx TAILORS. A first class ladies' tallir wanted; wages, $25 per week, und steady position. Ap ply J. JawiU, Isili and Farnam St. (9)-M717 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. II. E. Vistuua, Bteinauer, Neb. (9) M924 Oct26 .. WANTED Til ditchers to work bv rod; make $2.50 to $3.50 a ray. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. (9)-3l5 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 7u7 N. Y. Life. Omaha. t)-231 WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $J3 per week. C. A. Tueker. Lincoln. Neb. 191-389 WANTED Good all around wood worker. ApdIv D. 11. Hchmldt Carriage and Wagon Co., St. Joseph, Mo. (9) M597 6 WANTED First-class barber: no booier need a.iply; guarantee 115 per week, or 60 per cent. Address John Stack, Huron, B. D. (9) M593 Oi,x WANTED Tailois to wok i't alteration department Will ray good wvges. O. K. Sconeld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. (!) '31 COATMAKFR wanted at once. Carl P. Lliidecranlz, Holdrege, Neb. l9i M667 OCx WANTED Three first-class. galvanized (.ei't-iriin workers, pieterably those fa m.liar with vntllal vg work. Superin tends! Ventilating wuik. Methodist hos pital, 3:th and Cuming streets. . l9)-M502 8x JOHN RENZ.N'ICHK, 2707 Leavenworth, wants a bJtciier. (9) M573 COMPETENT drug clerk; good salary- 24nJ Cuming St. i9)-M572 6 WANTED Binder who can forward and flnixh. Nebrufcua Newspaper Union, York. Neb. , Id) 62 Cx WANTED Two all-around tinners and fur nace men. Write J. A. Wlngert, Grand Island, Neb. U) M0tt fix 1 HELP WANTED MAL (Continued.) Miscellaneous. WESTERN REF. BOND APS'N (INC.), 721-722 New York Life Rldr, Hours 8:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Traveling salesman, good line, must b able to accept position at once; $75; ex perienced. Peven bookkeeper, S7i-$7B; In and out of city. . , Thtee retail clerks, gro., mdse., do., $03-$r8. Office clerk, bank; $40. Ofllce clerk, must opftt typewriter; $t:.. The above Is a partial list of vacancies. We have mnnv others too numerous to mention here. If In need of a position see us nt once or write for complete list of openings. (Sl-vi,i t BOUND young men. aged 18 to 35, for ftreme.i and t-rakemen rush sea son en leading railroads here, in the west and on new lines being comple'.ed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers. $.'00; brake men, $109 monthly, become conductors, $150; many positions now open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training association, 620 Paxtan block, Omaha. Neb. () 415 Oct$ DETECTIVES Shrewd men wanted In every community to act under instruc tions; previous experience not neces sary; an exceptional opportunity for white men over IS, living In towns, vil lages and hamlets, to take up detec tive work. Our Instructions are clear. Send for free book of particular's. Gran nan Detective Buieau 6, Cincinnati, O. (9)-M690 6x WANTED-One first class business getter for each state, good money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address S 170. care Bee. () 33S DRUO CLERKS Exceptional propositions, Increased salaries. Denver Drug Ex . change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9)-M384 O20x TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $16 per week. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20tli and Hickory. ' (9) 478 7 DRUG CLERK, registered; store experience may bn limited, soda experience preferred, or willing to learn soda part of business; good opportunity to get city experience in a strictly drug store. Address Y-25, care Be. (9) M310 5x FREE "Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. . ' (B)-M92 Oct2 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing- National Dlst. ' Bureau, Chicago, III. (6) M603 lOx WANTED Competent furnace men. 123 So. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. (9) M707 WANTED Motion two-picture operators. Apply Cross. 1402 Douglas. (9) 492 7x V. 8. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to 25 years of age; men with special trades accepted tip to 35 years. An Illustrated booklet, showing tho life of the modern mnn-o'wars man free to those Interested. Visit or address Navy recruiting station, Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Sioux City, la. Post offlco buildings. (91-M519 Nix WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men, Janitors, carpenter and plumbers' , neipers; one nreman; painters; top wsges. 104 Bee Bldg. (9)-M200 02Sx MAN for general housework. Call 6 to 7 evenings. 128 So. 26th St. (9) M431 7x A TAILOR wanted. Graham & Leonard, Rockwell City, la. (9) M548 16x WANTED Teams and shovelers at 15th and Harney Sts., Saturday. (9) 636 4 GOOD, energetic collector; good oppor tunity for the right man. Apply T. Grady, 1316 Farnam St. (9) M6S6 7x WANTED Furniture polisher. Apply Hartman Furnltura and Carpet Co.. 1416 Douglas. . (9) M704 6 HUSTLERS everywhere. $26 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Out . door Ad. Co., Chicago. (9) M700 7x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, on double express harness; one or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-639 SIX head of good horses, city broke, sound and in fine condition for work. Farmers' Creamery, 8th and Harney streets. (ll)-MHOl 8 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, bugglea, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (1D-237 Horses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug. OD-269 Ols HORSES bought & sold. Blake 2531 N 16th. (1D-M466 Nix FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Red 5647. OP 476 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (ID M103 A heavy matched work team. Cash or terms. 2517 North 18th Btreet. (1D-M430 Poultry and EsTsT- DUSTON'S While Wyandottes. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest La w.i Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1&2. (11J-MD81 Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Onjaha. 01) M547 Nov3 Cows, Birds, Doss aad Pet. ST. BERNARD dogs aniV a number of Eng . lish bull and fox terrier puppies. Mac Millan Bros., Bloominglon, III. (4)-Ml'47 6x LOST AND FOUND LOST Young light tan male pug dog; name, "Toodles." Reward If returned to "The Vincent," 19th and Harney. (12) M624 6x LOST On TueBday night at carnival grounds, plain gold bracelet. Mrs. Ains worth, 2111 Sq. 13th. Reward. (12) M602 Bx MONDAY morning, gold chain bracelet on Albright or South Omaha car. Reward if returned to 1203 Howard. (12) M623 6 IX)ST Wednesday, black pocketbook con taining papers and other valuable articles. Reward for return to D. VV. Van Cott, 14i9 Douglas 81. (12) 678 6 LOST-r-Tuesday night on 16th or Leaven worth Sis., small open-face gold watch; monogram A. S. L. Return to 1016 Far nam or 'phone Harney 1K79. Good reward. (12)-6lil 4 LOST Masonic pin, $5 reward, for return tu P. A. Froelich. 2-11 Douglas St. , (12)-i32 4x LOST Tuesday night, diamond earring; liberal rewaid. Sachs' Cigar Co. (U) Mi45 x LOST October 2. near Burlington station, brown Eton jacket. Phone or leave at Madison Hotel. (12) M722 tx MEDICAL FREI; medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attenilnn paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. phoue Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. tU-12 RUPTURE CURKD-No knife, no reten tion from businesa. (Jl'ICK CURE RUP TURE CO , over B. . W. Cor. 14;h and Douglas, Omaha. (UJ-2U ANY poor girl In need of friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. tub ht., Omaha. Nf tf)-M I MEDICAL (Continued.) BEST tierv braeer or men. "Gray Nerv Food Pills." $1 to", poatrald. Blierman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) 21 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AWD CHATTELS. Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN 3ALB OF MONEY? . , ,., That Is Just what w are having. H HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you are tssured of fair snuare deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES ns can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIM73 necessary for yon to "get on your feet" ,n case of sickness or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. 16th Street Entrance. (141 M714 -r DR. PRIBBENOW'3 MONEY loaned ID furniture. pianos, horses, etc., a,3; amount; less half riles; perfect prlvi und Immediate attention on any terms; payments suspended when alck or dis abled. 214 Karbach blk., 209 South K.tli street. (14J-M43.S Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tap. You get money same day asked for at smail cost. Open evening till 7. (14)-249 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO rHB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or alary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'I'hons Douglas 746. (141-250 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Su (14) 246 UNION LOAN CO. ' We will make a special low rate on coU lateral loans, mortgages on rersonnl prop erty and notes, without security. Terms ta tuit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 810 Bee Bldg. (14) M 154 Oct. 8 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom. mndattng, all business confidential. 1301 Douglns. (14)-'46 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8, Barker Block. (14)-252 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 68 principal cities. ToU man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. a-ru LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Nik braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Tradi '14 MS3 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Room. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; hom cooking. Red 3668. 2217 Howard. (li) Ml OctSx VIEN'NA hotel; private dining rooms; enfe. (l5)-266 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-254 FIRST-CLASS board and room. 60S So. 2tth Ave. (15)-779 Q25 NICELY furnished rooms: first-class board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2O20 Harney St, 05)-392 2ix NEW furnished rooms, first-class board; fine location; walking distance. 218 So. 2nth St. . (16)-679 9 Furnished Roomi, i . FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 412J Hamilton St. (151-634 FIVE furnished front rooms for carnival, transient; take Harney oar to California. St. and go one block east. 624 N. 23d. 'Phone Douglas 458k (15) M629 Q7x FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer ence required. 640 South 24th St. (15) M3S0 Oct20 ALL MODERN furnished room for gen tleman, $10. Tel. Harney 8876. 2559 Dodg. (15)-733 128 8. 26TH Bt.. large east front room. suit. able for thre gentlemen; house stnjjuy modern; roomy porcnes. large, - ffjf lawn. , ubi NEWLY furnished, strictly modern front room; furnace heat. 641 B. 24th Ave. (151-M933 BEAUTIFUL large front and other rooms: bay window; clean; best references. 514 N. 23d. (15) M499 05x FURNISHED rooms in private family. 275 California St., on Harney car line. (15) M517 8x FURNISHED rooms. 1911 Douglas St. (15) 117 4x MODERN furnished room, gentleman pre ferred. Tel. Harney 875. 2614 Dodge St. (15) M140 5x TWO nicety furnished modern rooms, each suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred. References required. Address O 285, enre Bee. (15) M266 ix NICB large room, modern. 624 So. iihh. Ave. (15) M599 fix WHEN YOU GET " ROOMS "THE BEST WAY" IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. OMAHA RENTAL CO.. TEL. DOUG. 38X1. 308 N. Y, LIFE BLDG. (16)-rMi09 6 WELL furnished rooms in refined home; transient during this week. 3" N. 22d. (15)-2:8 l)X FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster 3603. 2228 Miami St. (15)-366 MODERN furnished room; gentleman pre ferred. Tel. Harney 875. 2044 Dodge St. (16)-MH0 ix PHONE Douglas 6176 for rooma in private family Ak-Sar-Ben week (15) 39x FURNISHED rooms. Tel. Red U4L ' . (15)-420 6X BEAUTIFUL furnished front room In all modern brick house, fine location; private family. $12 per month. 28 Dodge. (15)-626 4X LARGE front room, with small side room, for two people; man nnd wife preferred; strictly modern: home cooking lm'3 Wirt St., .Kountze Place. (16) MMl 6 TWO parlors, with board, for four gentle men. 39 California. 'Phone D MM (15)-M:0 6x NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 N. 25th St., Tel. Doug. SKS. (15) 686 9 LARGE furnished rooms for four students, near all colleges. 118 North 18th. (15) 72 lox TWO modern furnished rooms, on parlor floor, for light house keeping. 615 N. L'ltli. ' (li) 077 x LARGE and small rooms, exclusive, in new brick flat; strictly modern; reffr ences required. 1813 Chicago. (16) 678 fix WARM east front room, with alcove, mod ern, very pleasant, .close in. tel. nea 1909. (15) m lOx TWO front rooms; furnished; light house keeping, ltou Jones. 'Phone D 6099. (15 M6S3 7 Untarnished Rooms. FOUR rooms upstairs; modern except furnace. 676 8. 2Mb St. (16) 670 6 HoaaekernlasT Roont. 527 'PARK AVE. Pleasant suite, furnished. In modern house, where it is quiet and refined, beautiful luwn. (16) i96 6 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished,' 218 No. 23d St. (15) Mj5J Apartment and Flat. $40.00 61CH No. Z4th St.. Bojtli Omaha; six room apartment In new "K.:argu" building. All modern conveniences. Including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Dis tributer Co., 317 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red '40u (16) M613 FOR RENT 3304 Sherman Ave., nice new. 6-room flat, modern except heat; electric light and gas; laundry privilege and fin yard; $Ua. Telephone Web. Xii. (15J-M551 8 AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., lith and Farnam. Apidy apartmeut No. 2. CIS) -M 415