Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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i ii
Office 15 Scott Street.
Davla, drug.
Stockert HI rsrprta.
Ed Wrtg-rrs'Tonjr Faust beer. '
Bee BrbmliH'a-elrsant new photo.
I-ewIa Cutler, 'funeral director. 'Phone 7.
Voodrlna; fndertaklna; Company. Tel K.
Ir. J. W. TVrry, an eye epeclallst of hlgli
reputation,, at Ieffert'a. 409 Frimdway.
Exrelslor Masonic lodge will mct In spe
cial ivrniftiunlrntlnn this evening for work In
the tlilrtf degree. '
Thera was tut monthly aeaelon of the Com
merctal club last, evening on account of the
t-Bar-lon parade In Ofnahu.
The path to your economical piano pur
chase lrailedlri"ctly to the A. Hospe Co.
atore, 26 Smith Main atreet. Council Bluff.
iiuth, tha young eon of Mr. and Mrs. W.
8. Stillriran of Willow avenue, waa reported
to the Board .of Health yesterday aa uf
faring from diphtheria.. .
Jay Cleaver eon of. Dr., J.- II. Cleaver,
ha left the University of Pennsylvania and
re-entered the. George Waahlngton univers
ity at Washington, 1. C- He first entered
tha Washington university, and then went
to Penna Ivanla. - -.. . . . .
The meeting of the executive committee
of the Young Men's Christian association
to have beeif held yesterday to settle the
question of the site for' the proposed as
sociation building, was postponed until to
day on account of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivi
ties In Omaha. " t "
A broken axle on one oMh large motors
on. the Omaha line delayed traffic for about
an hour yesterday morning. The accident
occurred where the new cutoff leaves the
jnaln track for the bridge. Considerable
trouble was experienced li putting the car
on the tracks again. '
The city council will meet this a'ternoon
in adjourned session, at which time the
bill of the water worka company for hy
drant rentals - will be taken tip again.
Weather permitting, the councllmen will
assess up the recently completed paving, on
Tenth, Third and Fourth' avenues.
Mn. ' Mary M.' Foster, wife of O. W.
Foster of Lewis township, died yesterday
morning at her home after a lingering Ill
ness of several years, aged 61 years. She
la aurvlved by her husband, one son. Sam
uel 1. Morrison of this city; her. father,
Henry Suits, now 102 years of age, three
brother, L. Suits of Oshkosh, Neb., and
Oenrge and John Salts of this city; a sister,
Mrs. Wise Payne, also of this olty. De
ceased waa born in Lewis township and
spent her entire life there. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from, the family residence in Lewis town
ahlp, and Interment will be In, Walnut 21 111
Meat Department Specials.
Beef, pork, veal, mutton, poultry,, flsh,
lunch meats, salt meats, fancy amoksd
himand bacon, etc., etc If you want an
extra good cut send us your order. We
cut only the best. J. Zoller Ior. Co.. 100-102-1M-10
Broadway,, Thjee. 'phone,. Ring
Belt or 'ind. m
Ileal F.state Transfer.
Thefce ' transfers were reported to The
Bee Octobjer by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract .company of Council Bluffs:
Robert Bousfleld and wife to Llxzle
"Wehrll. lot t. block 28. Central sub '
to Council Bluff, w.'- d 11,260
Carl t Cliangstroin . and wife to
'Frank C. RlVsr. lot 2 block 1, ,
Wilson Terrace, 'add to Council
Bluffs, w,., !....., 25
F. T. True and wife to Lucy M. Ham-1
mell. lot 2, block R, McMahon. Cooper -
& Jeffries axld to Council Bluffs, w. d. 275
Surah B. Rohrcr and husband to Man-
Karet-Julian, lot lo, block 38, Beers'
sub to Council Bluffs,, w. d 25ft
John 'Hallo and Mina Halls to A. E. '
Chase, lots 1 ts W. block : lots 1 ;
to 14. lock 11, and lots 1 and J, block t
11, (lalesburg add to Council Bluffs.
w. d ,450
Heirs of William and ' Mary W. s
Kledentopf to A. E. Chase, block S
and 8, Oalesbtii'a; add Mo' Council
' bluffs,' q,- c d. v. -60
.Six transfer. total w.. .........
, 12,850
Figure your barn and house bills with C.
llafer, Council Bluffs, . Ia. - He will save
you money,.- , . i ...
Marring; l.trenaes.
License to wed' were' Issued yesterday
to the 'fallowing: -l
Name and Residence.' " '
Clay Cokrn, Council Bluffs 21
Florence 8 witter, Nebraska City, Neb.. 19
F. C. MacUoriald. Boone la
Marie Iewis, Council Bluffs
Carl Mueller. Council Bluffs
Paula. Jfretdlet, Council Bluffs:
Joseph "Aulger, Tiffin, O. .'.
Cora E. Valler, Council Bluffs
3. W. Cady. .Tekamah. Neb..
Cecelia Neary. Decatur, Neb
C. W. Belt. Denver, Colo... M
R.' Caliu Denver, Colo......... 36
A. J. Aney, I'nderwoad, la.'.'i ;...'..2S
Meta Matteson, Weston, la tz
Amos S3.1 Wright, Weeping Water, Neb.. 23
Beulah.P.' Alien, Weeping Water, Neb.. ..18
Distress After Eating
Do You, Ever, Feel As Though
You Had Swallowed A Brick,
Instead, of A Meal?
That Ireavy, bloated, stt)ffed-up, lead-ilka
feeling. ..tyhfih" jou of tn experience after
eating a meal, 'is positive proof that. some
thing la wrong with your digestive organs.
They a re becoming weak and fagged out.
Thera Irfa lack of gastrld'and other diges
tive Juices. The food 1 no longer properly
digested, and- It form a heavy load cn
your atomactf,' ao that nearly every meal
causes you misery and distress. -
If you are in thl condition, it mean
that you have dyspepsia in some form and
may havo had it tor some time, though
you didn't . realise It.
Now 4s the time to .check it, for if you
don't H will surely develop into worse
form of dyspepsia and other stomach
trouble, which may have aertou result.
But thai t not all. The atomach Is the
hub of the body and an injury to it fa aa
injury to' all. A weak atomach causea tha
whole body to' auffer.S The action of the
heart," liver and kidney beceinea sluggish.
The brkitt become Inactive. Tha nervea
become ' unstrung. The blood lose it
The orrty safe, sure, acientifle method of
restoring "yotir stomach 'to it healthy,
normal' State, is' to usea 8tuart' Dyspep-
la Tablets, Which'' will act aa a substi
tute in 'digesting your food, thus giving
your stomach "a much needed rest.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have stood
the tests tot years. Thousands have ueed
them and beep cured. ' physician all over
the United state reoommend them.. They
are not 'a secret remedy. They contain
fruit and vegetable essences, pure concen
trate. tincture of Hydrastis, golden seal,
lactose,' and pure' aseptic pepsin. These
combined 'Ingredients will digest the
coareert. Hind of food and do the work
Just as well a any good, strong, healthy
stomach will.'
Don't take our word for it. Ask your
physician, your druggist or any of your
friegda, who may have used aUuart'a Dy
spepsia Tablet.' ' But you don't even have
to take their word for 1L Find out fjr
yourself. Send for a free sample package
and try them. That's the surest way to
learn the trutn. Then, If you are satis
fied, you can gi to. your nearest druggist
and get a. ftfty-cen box. All druggist
sell them. . ' '.
Write us( for a free sample 'today.' Ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co, luO Stuart Bldg.,
Nrl.lV ftiklK ' "
Both 'Phones 43.
Joint Session of the Nebraska and
Iowa Associations Next Week.
Dinner at the UramA Hotel and He
- reptloo at tbe Carnegie Library
A toon g the.. Features of
tha Meetings.
The complete program for the eighteenth
annual meeting of .the Iowa Library asso
ciation 'and he' thirteenth annual meeting
of the Nebraska Library association,
which! will hold Joint sessions In Council
Bluffs Onuha and South Omaha, October :
t, 9, 10 and 11, has been Announced. .
Hn r..j.i, AM.nAH n.tni... . i. .4. - '
' , ifr.vaj , ici nuvn vi.iuuci a, inn inu
associations wilt hold scparste sessions,
the lows, association In Council BlafTs and
the Nebraska association In Omaha. On
Wednesday morning there will be a Joint
session In the Omaha library building and
In the afternoon at the South Omaha pub
He library". The evening session will be
held in the Omaha library.
Thursday morning a Joint session will
be held In the Omaha library while after
noon and evening the two association will
meet in Council Bluffs. A feature of
Thursday's program will be the reunion
dinner of the society of the Iowa Library
school at the Grand hotel. Following the
dinner there will be a reception at the
public library building.
As the program Is at present a Joint
session will be held In Omaha but It Is
likely this will be changed to permit of
separate sessions, as routine business In
cluding the election of officers, is sched
uled for this, the final session.
These are the. .officers and standing com
mittees of the Iowa Library association:;
President, 'Miss Ella M. McLoney, Pes
Moines; vice president, Mr. J. . T. Hack
worth. Otumwa; secretary, Mrs. A, J.
Barkley, Boone; treasurer, Miss Kate E.
Thompson. Nevada; honorary .president,
Cant. Witter H. Johnston, Fort Dodge.
Non-official Members Executive Board
Mr. M. Q. Wyer, Iowa City; Mr. M. H.
Douglass. Grlnnell; Miss Alice 8. Tyler,
Dos Moines..
Committee on, IieglslBtlon Hon. C. J. A.
Erlcson. Boone; Miss Vina E, Clark, Ame;
Mrs. Anna 8. Yates. Tipton. '
Committee on Necrology M. O. Wyer,
Iowa City: Miss Mary I. Amtdon. Cedar
Rapids; Miss Hannah M. Babb, Indlanola.
Program of Kxerclnes.
This Is the program for the four days:
Separate session, Iowa Library associa
tion at Council Bluffs Public library.
. 2:30 P. M. BuHlness meeting.
President's address,
Reports nf officers and chairmen of dis
trict meetings.
Report of Iowa Library commission.
8:00 P. M. Recrptlon at Llninger Art gal
lery, Omnha. by invitation of F. L. Haller,
president of the Nebraska Public Library
Joint si in Omaha Public Library
B:3u A. M. "The Libraries of "Washington,
v. tv Dr. w. K . jewett, Jibrarian . uni
versity .of Nebraska, Lincoln.
"Book Buying Methods." A. E. Bostwick, ,
president American Library association,
New York Public library.
11:30 A. M. Tour '.of Omaha In auto
mobile, by courtesy of Omaha Commercial
1:00 P. M. Lunch at South Omaha Publlo
library by Invitation of Soutn. .Omaha
library ' board. '
2:30 V. M. Joint session' In South Omaha
public library building. ., , ... ,.
"Booka Among Farmers,:. Mr.,vO. J.
Wortman, South Bend, Neb. . .
"The Library, and the . Mechanic, , P. B.
Wright, llbratlan, St. 'Joseph, lo.
' "The Listening Child," Miss . Edna Ly
man. Oak Park. 111.' .
7:30 P. M. Joint session li Omaha Pub
lic Library building.
Round table, college and reference .li
brarians. ,
S:00 P. - M. "Spain, Testerday and To
day." stereoptlcon talk with moving pic
tures. E. P. Fitch, Council Bluffs. and C.
W. Martin, Omaha.
9:30 A. M. Joint session, Council Bluff
Public Library building.
"Reference Use of Tublle Documents,"
Miss Alice Marple, reference librarian,
Dea Moines Public library. ,
Discussion, led by Miss Margaret A.
O'Brien, assistant librarian, Omaha.
'Some Demands of Llbrarlanship, miss
M.-E. Ahem, editor Public Libraries, Chi
nas0- .....
"The Book Bide or Things, Miss narriei
Wood, librarian, Cedar Rapids, la. -
1:00 P. M. Tour of Council Bluffs m
automobiles, by courtesy of Council Bluff
Commercial club.
1:30 P.. M. Joint session In Council Blurr
Public Library building.
"Library instruction in too normal
Bchool." Miss Anna V. Jennings, librarian
Normal school, Kearney, Neb. ';
"The Library and the School." Superlnf
tendent V. E. Clark, president Iowa Teach
era' association, Onawa, la. i
Discussion: Pro(. W. N. Clifford, uper
intendent of 'schools, Council Bluff and
Prof. W. M.' Davidson, superintendent of
schools, Omaha. .
6 p. m. Reunion dinner of Boclety of Hie
Iowa Llhrarv school at the Grand hotel.
Council Bluffs. '
8 p. m. Council Bluffs library building.
Address: Dr. N. E. Schaeffer, state super
intendent of public Instruction. Harris
burg, Pa. Reception by Board of Trustee
nf the Council Bluffs Free Public library.
1:80 a. m. Joint session In Omaha Public
Library bulldlnr. "Best Thlnas In Various
Libraries," librarians of Iowa and Nebraska.
Reports of committees. Election - of of
ficers. Unfinished business. - Adjournment.
Headquarter for the Iowa Library as
sociation, will be at the Grand hotel, while
headquartera for the Nebraska associa
tion will be at the Rome hotel, Omaha.
New classes will be formed in tlie West
ern Iowa collets next Monday, September
SO. Day and evening sessions. Bend for
catalogus. 'Phone for information.
Light rigs alwaya ready ou a minute's
notice, comfortable and clean carriages,
Arst-clasa drivers, and the best team in the
city at the Grind livery 224 8. Main. Both
phones, ' 272. ' . t
Head ' f Family Wfclch' Oecaples
- Pro ui latest Place la Camnaanltr.
Former Councilman M. H, Tinley, who
had been critlcajly 111 for .several months,
died st an early hour yesterday morning.
All tho 'members of his family were at
lila beside when he passed awsy.
Mr. Tlnlejr is survived by hi wife snd
eight children, all of whom,1 with the ex
ception of one, are residents of this city;
Hubert L. Tinley, aaalstsnt cashier of the
State Savings bank and chairman of the
Fire and Police commission Em met Tinley,
member of the lw firm af. Hsrl Tinley,
and president or the Board of Education;'
Dr. Mary L. Tinley, Jotia P. Tinley, at
torney: Miss Beatrice Ttaley of New York,
a professional nurse; Dr. Matbew A. Tinley,
major of the Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa
national guard; Miss Aurella Tinley,
tescher in the public schools ef this city;
Oeorge L. Tinley, one of the clerical force
In the postofflo. He leaves ten grand
children, and hie death la also mourned by
one brother. Frank Tinley of St. Joseph,
Mo., and 'two sisters, 'Mia N. Manley of
St. Joseph and Mrs. A. E. Ernst of Quincy,
III. ;
Matthew Hugh Tlntey was born in the
County Cavan. Ireland, April 11, 1WS, and
came with his parents to America In 1HS0,
landing at New Orleans On January .
IVii, tie was united In luauhtge tit Rvsa
Anne Dolan at Galeeburg, III., and a year
later moved to Calao. Mo., In the employ
of tha Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council
Bluffs Railway company during Its build
ing Into Council Bluffs. In April., 18, he
moved with his family, consisting of his
wife and two children, to Council Bluffs.
He engaged In the grocerj' business on
louth Main street until 10, and then con
ducted a dairy until 18. Vpon the or
ganisation of the Council Bluffs Coal ft
Ice company he cntefpa Ite employ and
continued with-the company until bis re
cent Illness. He mas a member of the
city council from ire: to 190fi. Mr. Tinley
was a member of Bt. Francis Xavler'a
Catholic church. ' 1
Foc"ent-New dwelling. 12 Fifth
$30. iJla. T. Officer. 419 Broadway.
If It Is arts, wali paper, paints, picture
and picture framing call on us for esti
mates. H. Borwlck, 211 8. Mnin street.
'Phones 683. '
I. oiler and Moore (Jo Free.
In district court yesterdAy Judge Macy
on motion of County Attorney Hess, dis
missed the case of the state against I -eon
Ixsier and Ed ' Moore, charged with
swindling Charles Gregory and William
Barker out of several thousand dollar In
connection with the fake foot race at
Webb City, Mo., a few year ago.
Losler and Moore were convicted In the
district court here under an indictment
charging conspiracy to defraud and were
sentenced to three years each in the peni
tentiary. Both secured i their release on
heavy bonds and appealed to the supremo
court, which about a year ago sent the
case back for a new trial, on the grounds
that the Indictment should have been for
conspiracy to commit larceny Instead of
conspiracy to defraud.
Gregory and Barker, residents of this
city, were induced by Losler and Moore,
It was charged, to put up about $6,000 on
a "sure thing" foot race at Webb City,
and like hundred of other victim of the
notorious Webb City gang, lost their
County Attorney Hon declined to say
yesterday whether new indictment would
be brought against Losler and Moore on
the 'charge of conspiracy to commit lar
ceny, under the decision' of the supreme
court, but It is believed that tbe case will
now be dropped.
Nclthsr of the defendants '
were In court yesterday and their bonds
are exonerated by tbe dismissal of the
casa ' '
Judge Macy overruled a demurrer to
the Indictment, in the case of tho state
against R. S. Ear ha it and the trial of
the, defendant . will be commenced today
If he reaches the city from Denver, where
he now resides. In time. Three Indictment wards, Parkersburg; W. W. Robinson, Du
were returned against Earhart; in October, i buque; T. J. B. Robinson. Hampton; Judge
ltKW, on the charge of embexslement, forg- sj. m. Weaver, Iowa Falls; E. E. Johnson.
ery and uttering a forged Instrument. He
Is. accused of altering an order given him
for buggies by O. P. McKesson, and with
converting to his own use money sent him j
to. Denver by McKesson for the purchase
of bottles for mineral water.
The case of the state against L. C.
Hanlon of Waterloo, la.. Indicted on the
ciarg of obtaining money tinder false pre
tenses In connection with the organisation
of a life Insurance company among the
members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
was continued until the next term,
The Jury in the long drawn out suit of
C. Hafer against D. Youngkln and Edward
Blakrley, garnishee, brought In a verdict
for the 'defendants. . ',
The .case of -Hugh Boylen,' contestant,
against John D. Hannan was dismissed
without prejudice, the plaintiff not being
prepared to go to trial. , Tho action is
brought to contest the will of the late
Mrs. 1'atro t Neola, Ia.i who bequeathed
the greater rpart , of her ' property to the
Roman Carholio church; Her only living
brother, Ijigh Boylen, living in Ireland,
Is the coatestant, end seeks to have the
will' set aside on the grounds of alleged
undue influence on the part of the priest
of tho Roman Catholic church In Neola.
In the" suit of the Clark Mortgage' com
pany sgalnst O. W. Hayes, G. W. Green
and I .B. Bweet, Judgment was entered
for the plaintiff by agreement. By the
decree the plaintiff company la entitled to
possession of "one red cow, 3 years old,
named 'Bossle !.' The cow was mort
gaged by Green, but when the plaintiff
company, came to foreclose Hays and
8eet claimed an Interest In the animal.
' Bluff City Laundry, rflgh grade work.
Latest improved machinery. 'Phone 314.
' ' TJphoisteransT.
George W. Klein, 19 South Main street.
'Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell 648.
Otttce lr Meat.
. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on
ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone
building, 15 Scott atreet; central location:
only one-half block from Broadway. Ev
erything new; electric light; for 9$ a month.
Omaha Bee, 15 Scott street.
Disregard of Flaamaaa's fllaaala Proves
' Fatal.
GRINNELL, Is., Oct. 3--(Special Tele
gram.) A grade crossing accident occurred
at the Rock Island crossing on Main
street about 6 o'clock this afternoon by
which Mrs. Jonathan Gilbert, about Hi
years old, lost her life snd her body was
horribly mangled. She was on the back
seat of a spring wagon with two other on
the front seat. The flagman Is said to have
warned them not to attempt to cross as
the switch engine was at work with freight
car. A car coining from the east struck
the resr of the wagon and threw the woman
out directly on the track and under the
wheel, which caught and crushed the body,
pushing it about thirty feet before the car
could be stopped. It required nearly an
hour to get the body from under the wheels,
which had to be lifted with jackscrews.
MarkowM Has SMabt Chance.
WEBSTER CITY, la., Oct. 3. (Special.)
The famous case against George Xlackown,
alleged embesxler and lire bug, who Is
charged with having embeisled some $15,
000 from the Northwestern Felt Shoe
company of this city and then with de
liberation and cold blooded determina
tion to have burned to the ground the
company' 3100,000 plant to hide the alleged
embezzlement, I now hung up In the
district court in thia city on a techni
cality. If a motion which, t. C. Chase,
attorney for Mackown, lias filed I given
the same ruling Monday by Judge Lee
that haa been given in the district court
In Pea Moines, the Indictment against
Mackown will be quashed. In which event
it Is likely the famous prisoner will wslk
forth from his cell in the Jail a free men.
Mr. Chase's motion Is based upon the
Iowa statute, which provides that no
member of an election board shall return
his own nsme upon the Jury list. The list
from which the Jury wss drawn that In
dicted Mackown contained the name of
one clerk and one Judge, and upon the
Jury itself sat F. A. lluddleston of this
city, who was a clerk of election in the
Second ward. In Polk county it has been
held that Jury lists of this kind are of
no value. The lists there have been dis
carded snd the indictments returned by
grand Juries upon which wers members
of election boards have been quashed. The
supreme court.' lie 'ever, l as not yet ruled
upon this Interesting technicality, . su that
the action of Judge Lee In the matter Is
still problematical.
Prostrnm for Meeting; tn Tike Place
at Cedar Falls Oetober 9.
CEDAR 'FALLS. Ia Oct. -(Bpeclal.)-The
program for the sessions of the Upper
Iowa conference, which ll be held In
Cedar Falls October S-16, has been prepared
and, given briefly. Is ns follows:
Examinations begin and continue through
the ilav.
Epworth league anniversary. Address bv
Rev. Stephen J. Herben, D. D., editor of
the Epworth Herald.
Opening session of conference, Rishnp ,
William F. McDowell. D. D., LI D., presid
ing. Holy communion. Business.
Missionary sermon bv Rev. D. M. Parker,
D. I.
Address by Wentworth F. Stewart of De
troit. Anniversary, of the Foreign Missionary
Address by Rev. . S. O. Benton, D. D., re
cording secretary.
Conference tnislness. Bishop's address to
class for admission during the forenoon.
Anniversary of Women s Foreign Mis
sionary JVM-lety. Address by Miss Kate Og
born. NhTi Chang. China.
Address by Weni worth F. Stewart.
Anniversary of the Education, Freed
men' Aid and Sundav School aocletv. Ad
dress by Rev. P. J. Maveerty, D. D., field
Anniversary of the Women's Home Mis
sionary society. Address by Rev. J. E.
Address by Wentworth F. Stewart.
Anniversary of the Conference Educa
tional society. Address by President Ed
win H. Hughes. D. D., DePauw university.
Address by Wentworth F. Stewart.
Anniversary of the Conference Temper
ance society. Addresses by W. C. Barber,
Meld secretary of the State Anti-Saloon
league, and also by the Hon. A. C. Rankin
of the State Marshal movement.
Conference love reast, led by Rev. R. D.
Parsons. D. D.
Ordination -if deacons.
Conference sermon by Bishop William F.
McDowell. D. D.. L.L. D.
Conference memorial service.
Mass meeting, for men only, led by Went
worth F. Stewart. (This service may be
held In another church")
. Anniversary of the Home Missions and
Church Extension societies. Address by
Rev. Oeorge Elliott, D. D., field secretary.
Conference business.
'The consecration of deaconesses will oc-
cur at such time as the bishop may direct.
Thursday, October 10, there 'will be the
Laymen's Association sessions. Friday, Oc
tober 11, the lay electoral elections will oc
cur. Both of these days" will be unusually
full, and a complete program will soon be
ready. Among the Methodist Episcopal lay
men who are. looking for honors at this time
are M. W. Sawyer, Cedar Falls; M. F. Ed-
Marshalltown; E. J. Esgate, Marlon: W. D.
Lee, Toledo; E. D. Blue, .Belle Plalne, and
J. J. Clark, Mason City. 'From this number
there nre six to be elected os delegates to
the general confer-nce, to be held In Baltl
more next May. It Is thought that Rev.
W. F. Pltner, presiding elder of the Mar
shalltown district, will be elected. W. W.
Carlton of the Methodist Episcopal church,
Mason City; Rev. T. E. Fleming, presiding
elder of the Dubuque, district; Rev. W. A.
Shankland, president of Upper Iowa uni
versity; Rev. E. J. Lock wood, pastor of Bt.
Paul's church. Cedar Rapids, are some of
the ministerial names that, ere now promi
nently mentioned as probable delegates to
the national conference. )-
A number of the alumrtt of Cornell col
lege at Mount Vernon, who are residents of
Cedar Falls, are planning for a reunion,
with a banquet and ofer social features,
that shall be attractive'. It is estimated
that probably, thcro.l wilt be 126 alumni of
that Methodist Episcopal college among the
delegates who will attend this corning con
ference. '
Chare la Is Mock Disturbed.
WATERLOO, Is., Oct. S.-The troubles in
St. Patrick's church of tflils city are multi
plying and the complications may prove
serious. The feeling among the members
is Intense and the division among them
will cause, bad splrft for years If It 1s not
permanent. Friends of Father Luke Don
Ion have today published a letter In which i
they defend his position and In It they
ueny muny oi xne alleged statements mart"
by the press as false. Today another mem
ber of the disturbed .church, Thomas B.
Casey, has brought suit for permanent
Injunction against the, Rev. Luke Donlon,
chsrging him with barring him and hi
family from the pew for which he had
paid and In which he had worshiped for
years. He charges malicious intent and
the Injunctions served are very sweeping
In their scope, forbidding the Rev. Luke
Donlon from referring to the matters at
Issue In the community In which he lives
and commanding his presence at the Jan
uary term of the district court.
This has slways berni a very strong
church and has about six hundred com
municants. There (s also a parochial
school In thl city under the - charge of
the resident priest.
La Follette at Tenlaoa.
DEN1SON. Oct. 3 (Special. )-Senator La
Follette delivered hi address on "Repre
sentative Government" on Monday evening
as a part of the Lyceum course. He was
Introduced by Congressman Conner and
spoke for three hours. He held up a dark
picture of the way In which the wealth
of the country wai drifting Into a few
hands. lie read the name of the direc
tor of some of the great Insurance, rail
road and Industrial combinea and showed
that the same men were more or less In
terested In them all. He Insisted that the
value of railroad property should be gov
erned and rates be made on the basis of
a proper, remuneration for capital actually
Invested, squeezing out water of stock. He
read the names of sens tors voting no and
There's a
to be derived from tbe judicious daily use
of a beverage possessed of tbe nourishing
and tonic properties of
Tryny of these brands whether on
draught or In bottles wherever you can
Omaha Branch 803-10 Douglas St., Cor. 8th
KaMae Douglas 1081.
aye on his smendirtt-nt to the rate law ask
ing for the valuation of the rsllroads. At
no time did he mention the name of Presi
dent Roosevelt or give him credit for re
cent rate regulation. The senator said
he wit spending hi money In gathering up
facts and printing and distributing books
and pamphlets to enlighten the people ss
to the danger from corporate wealth which
was destroying representative government
In this country.
Officers nf Masons at Fort Dodge.
FORT DODGE, la., Oct .3.-8peelal Tele
gram.) Officers of the grand council of
the Royal and Select Masters of Masonry
elected at the annual state convention here
lodav are as follows:
A. 8. Lswrence. Muscatine, most Illus
trious grsnd master: F. N. Fowler. Ames,
deputy grsnd master; I. T. Forbes. Mar
shalltown, grand conductor of the work:
F. H. McArthur. I'es Moines. Brand treas-
i urer: Alt Wlngate, Des Moines, grand
recorder; E. M. Millard, Atlantic, grand
captain of the guards: Cromwell Bowen,
les Moines, grand conductor of the coun
cil; F, J. Pierce, Council" Bluffs, grand
chsplsin; W. E. Mann, Hamburg, grand
steward; A. N. Alhertson. Washington,
grand sentinel: W. F. Cleveland. Harlan,
High Price for lovra I and.
WEBSTER CITY, la., Oct. S.-(Ppecial )
The highest price ever paid for Hamilton
county land has Just been paid for thy
W. H. Clow twenty-acre piece, which ad
joins this city on the north. J. II. Sim
mon has purchased ' It for SR.OiTO, or $2W
per acre. Mr. Clow purchased his prop
erty eight years ago for $1,760. or SK7.M
per acre. At that time It was considered
that he paid a high price for It. It I
near the city, however, and an Ideal truck
garden farm. Mr. Simmons, who has now
bought it, has sold his 120-acre piece four
miles orth of the city to Illinois parties
for $100 per acre.
Contest for Rig; F.state.
IDA GROVE, Ia Oct. 3-That the $(710.
Ono estate of the late Alex Mcliiigh, banker
and capitalist, will be tied up In the courts
was made certain when 'Attorney M. M.
White, representing four cousins of Mc
Hugh, filed an objection to tho probating
of the will and asked that the paper pur
porting to be the last will and testament
be declared null and void. The contestants
claim that the will waa not duly signed
and executed, that it was not the last will
and tlmt at the time It was made Mcllugh
was not of sound mind, and Incapable of
making a valid will.
Alleged Car Looters Held.
OLENWOOD, la., Oct. 2.-Speclal.)
Sheriff Dalton and Burlington detective
yesterday arrested at Ashland. Neb., Emil
Knwltzke, alias "The Kid ; George Calla
han, "Runt"; AI Palmer, "Whisper," and
William Brockman. "Blackle," part of an
alleged well organised gang of freight car
looters, for robbing cars In Mills county,
la., September 12. 1907. The bunch, it Is
said, ha been "working" train No. 77 from
Pacific Junction to Ashland, for ome tlmi
The four were arraigned before Justice Day
here, and In default of ball were committed
to Jail.
Banquet for Tabor Teachers.
TABOR, la., Oct. 3. (Special.) Last
Saturday the public school board of Ta
bor entertained the superintendent of
schools and his wife and the teachers.
Unique Invitations were received by the
teachers the day previous. The party was
driven first to Director Robert Mawhor's
for a social hour and thence to the Tabor
hotel, where covers were laid for twenty
four banqueters.
Telephone System Sold.
LOGAN, la., Oct. 3. (Special.) This I
moinlnR a bill of sale was tiled with tho
recorder of Harrison county by which L.
A. Little of Missouri Valley transfers to
W. A. Smith of California Junction the
plant of the Missouri Valley Telephone
system. The consideration named In the
instrument was $15,000.
Woman, Beaten Into I'nconselonsness
and Her Little Son Bnrued
to Denth.
OQt'AWKA, 111., Oct. 3. Because he
thai b?en refused food 'an unknown tramp
took horrible vengeance today, beating
Mrs. John Hathaway to unconsciousness
and then tying her 4-year-old boy to u
tree and burning hltn to death.
Enraged farmers and citizens of this
place are scouring the country for the mur
derer, threetening to execute him as he
did the boy.
Mrs. Hathaway, whose home is two miles
from here, lay unconscious for an hour
after the assault of the tramp. The lat
ter meanwhile took her son Into the or
chard, where he tied the lad to on apple
tree, saturated the clothing with oil, set
the garment afire and then left. Recover
ing consciousness the mother went In
search of her child, finding him fearfully
burned, but t111 lingering and breathing
faintly. The child lived until 9 o'clock to
night, when death came.
Takes Jewelry, Wife Calls tUe
Police and Then
M. Klstner, 4324 Farnum street, has proved
himself a practical Joker of no mean abil
ity. His wife went down town Wednesday
afternoon and locked the house up before
leaving. She returned home In the evening
and found the upstairs window open. A
hasty Investigation revealed that her dia
mond ring, three gold watches, some silver
spoons, brooches, lockets, pins snd num
erous other articles were missing. Officers
from the s.atlon were hurried to her house
and after telling her story Mrs. Klstner
As the neighbors wre working to bring
her to. and the sleuths were looking for a
clue, Mr. Klstner appeared ou the scene
and confessed that he was the man that
did the Job. He said lie Just wanted to play
a trick on bis wife and was sorry It took so
serious a turn.
Ooed Beer is a Predigested Food
l4uaa alread.
World of Good
fill BUTZY
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from simple native roots and herbs. For more than thirty years
it has been helping women to be strong", regulating- the functions per
fectly and overoomiufr pain. It has also proved itself invaluable in pre
paring for child birth and the Oliang-e of Life. - ,
Mrs. A. M. Hsirrrmann, of Bay Shore. L. I , writes Dear Mrs.
rinkharn: "I snffered from a displacement, excessive and painful
functions so that I had to He down or sit still most of the time.
Lydia B. Pinkhain'a Vegetable Componnd has made me a well woman ao
that t am able to attend to my duties, I wish every suffering- woman
would try Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and see what relief
it will give tnem."
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women g
Women sullerlntr from any form of female illness are invited, to write
Mrs. Pin Wham, at Lynn. Mass. for advice She is the Mrs. Pinkham who
has besn advisintr sick women free of charpe for more than twenty
reais, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pink
htm in advisintr. Therefore she is especially well qualified to guide
sick women back to health.
Secretary of War Has Private Inter
view with Mikado.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Taft Sit Opposite
Kmiieror and Empress
Tarty Leaves for
TOKIO. Oct. 3. Secretary Taft officially
bade farewell to Japan at 6:15 this evening
and left the brilliantly decorated Shlm
bashl mllrond station for Kobe, amid the
firing of an artillery salute snd great dis
play of fireworks. At noon today Mr. and
Mrs. Taft, accompanied only by Brigadier
General Edwards, chief of the bureau of In
sular affairs, and Frederick W. Carpenter,
Mr. Taft's private secretary-, drove In an
Imperial carriage, escorted by a troop of
cavalry, to the emperor's palace with all
the ceremony surrounding a royal reception.
Entering the audience room, accompanied
by General Edwards, Mr. Taft was greeted
pleasantly by hi majesty, who Invited the
secretary to accompany him to -an adjoining
room, where they conferred In private wllh
the aid of an Interpreter for ten minutes,
after which they returned to the audience
While the private audience was In prog
ress. Mrs. Taft was received by the em
press. Both their majesties showed great
cordiality In their reception of the Ameri
can visitors. Af'-or the audience Mr. and
Mrs. Taft tailed on the Crown Prince Yo
shlhito Huru-nomlya, and upon Prince Fu
shlml, the emperor's cousin, and then re
turned to the palace. On their arrival there
Mr. and Mrs. Taft were ushered Into the
banquet room, where . a ' luncheon was
served, the emperor and empress sitting on
one side of the table with Mr. and Mrs.
Taft opposite them.
The luncheon was most .elaborate,' the
i i
Originality is characteristic of the
Packard shoe. It is Original
in Design, in Fit, and Service.
It pleases the eye, the foot and
the pocketbooL
Sold t $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
M. A. PACKARD CO., Makers, Brooklon, Mats.
If your dealer does not carry the
Packard ' Shoe, write u for
" Catalogue and name of
nearest dealer who does.
M. A. Packard Co.. Brockton, Miss.
Groused Floor Offices
ara scarce, especially In toe center of thev businees district of Omaha.
This fact i an indication of tbe growth of tbe city, as well as th
volume of business which is being transacted. R. C. Peters & Co.
were compelled to move Into larger quarters and because we couid
not glvo them more space they rented elsewher. .
IS VOIK IH'SINESS CltOWlXG? Don't you want to be en tD9
ground floor? Here Is an opportunity to rent space that will pleas
you and give you a chance to increase the volume of your business. . ,
TItio 0sb Building
offers for rent one room 16-6x40-6 and another .19-10x25-10 on tht
17th street side of the building on the ground floor There is a largt
vault in connection with these rooms and they can be rented as oni
large room or divided. . ,
On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th street
and three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court.
On the Fifth floor is a suite of two offices. 22x20 and 7x.0, vita
good light. There is a vault In the larger of these rooms.
We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call and
let us show you through the building. .
Remember you do not have to pay extra for light, water, heat nor Janltoi
service here as it all goes free.
Aak for Mr. R. W. Baker. Supt.
ITtti and Farnam Sts.
rr-i The Bixby-Krelle Co.
from the nm phjgloul disturbances,
and the nature of their duties. In
tnany camea, quick It drift them into
the horrors of all 'kinds of female
ooroplainta, organic troubles, ulcera
tion, falling- and displacements, or
perhaps irreg-ularitj or suppression
caosinp backache, nervousness, ir
ritability, and sleeplessness.
Women everywhere should re
member that the medicine that holds
the record for the larg-cst number of
actual cures of female ills is
banquet room being profusely decorated
with American and Japanese flag and
while and blue flowers. The favors trere
of silver, exquisitely designed. After the
luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Taft bade farewell
to their niaJeBties and returned to , the
8hlha palace, their headquarters, reaching
there at about 3:30 p. m.
Count Hayashl, the foreign minister, '
called on Secretary Taft at 4 o'clock and
had a long conference with him. The Min
nesota will leave Kobe for Nagasaki at H
p. ni. tomorrow with the Taft party aboard.
The leading newspapers tomorrow will
publish enthusiastic appreciations of the ex
cellent results from the presence her of
Secretary Taft. ,
In most cases consumption results from a
neglected or Improperly treated ' Cold.
Foley's Honey and Tar cures, the most
obstinate coughs and prevents serious re
suits. It costs you r.o more than the un
known preparations and you should Insist
upon having the genuine tn the yellow pack
age. For sale by all druggists. 1 -
Moderate Itcdartinn la Shown In
the MarUetina; of 1
CINCINNATI. ' Oct. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) rrlce Current snys: ' There Is a
further moderate reduction In the current; ,
offerings of hogs. Total western packing
was 3(5,000, compared with SSO.000 the
preceding week and 380.000 last year.
Since March 1 the total Is 15,120.0n,
against 14,125,000 a year ago. Prominent
places compare aa follows:
bit,, p0
tillS, (Mil)
Kansas. City .
South Omaha
St. Louis . . .
St. Joseph . .
Indlanspolls .
Milwaukee . .
Cincinnati ...
Cedar Rapids
Bloux City . . .
Pt. Pnul
,1.130 ono
. K2.00
, tiGO.OHO
, 357.000
. 3R0.OI1O
30t',, 000
. H76.0HO
. 47.1.UOO
. au,ooo
High Pressure Steam' Work-
Gas Machines and
Pneumatic Water Systems
for Country and Suburban Buildings.
322 Sooth ISth St Tel. Doofllis