Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Corporation Regulation More Strin
gent Than in the Weit.
Dtj Handed Dwa hr giprtm
Cnrt an rTfii(r Ttt Cat
laVotvlHC PrwpVrly tu 1
v ,'4 i ' Omaha. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
L.INCOLJ4, Neb., Oct. !. (Special.) "If
Nebraska had soma of the laws that the
staid told eaat haa n force we would
surely be called 'pops' and othr names
Jhitended to reflect on our political r.nd
JfuimlntM sense," laid Attorney Oeneral W.
IT. Thompson today after" he had returned
irom , mreitni ui muorneys Bencriii ui
1 Et. Louis. "The meeting was 'ntenscly
Interesting." said Mr. , Thompson, "so
much so that ths officers presant were
hardly able to adjourn long enough for
luncheon. It was a curious Tact that
out of seventeen attorneys general In
attendance five of them were under In
junctions, seme. of them carrying th
weight of as many as nineteen different
order of, that kind, sued out In courts
by corporations to restrain them from
ctlnsj or enforilng laws. One of ' the
number, the attorney general of Minne
sota, expected to be arrested on hla re
turn home for violating an Injunction.
On the whole the officers reported great
progress in the enforcement of laws non
trolling corporations. . The state of Mass
achusetts, according to Its attorney Ren
aBj, has a law which gives a Board of
Control almost absolute power over cor
porations. No corporation in that state
can issue stock without something tangi
ble behind It and the board baa power to
value stock. Wtsoonsln has had no dis
putes between state and federal courts,
because It has a state, law requiring cor
porations that enter the state to do busi
ness to sign a stipulation that they will
not carry suits Into the federal courts.
The Nebraaka legislature last winter
passed such a Uw applying only to cer
tain Insurance companies."
Barllagtoa Passes.
General Manager Holdredg has for
warded to the railway commission an ad
, Aittonal list of persons who receive trans
portation without paying full price for the
Miss Eva Thorn peon, a sister of D. B.
Thompson, and C P. Mullen and E. O.
Bohanau of Lincoln, offloers of his insur-N
ance company, are named as the possessors
of annuals issued on eating house con
tracts,, whll William Worthman, sr., and
jr., also of this city, are, down on the list
ce plastering contractors. ' The MoShane
family of Omaha Is represented by three
members-J. H., F. J. and E. C.-all of
whom are classed as tie contractors. W.
J. Mclaughlin of Bouth .Dakota comes in
the Hame category. Efght residents of
Beatrice hold annuals under grading con
tracts with th Burlington. They are J.
M.. R. J., W. H. and B. X. Kllpatrlck, W.
C. Rich, W. J. Cone, Ktrk Griggs and Joe
Ilourke. .' ).- .'" 'A
One feature of th present report Is that
It contains the names of a doaen Nebraska
Telephone company ofBels Is who get an
nual Burlington sase. The existence of
these courtesies was suppressed by the
Burlington until the Nebraska Telephone
company itself, with a greater degree of
frankness, furnished the railway commis
sion -with the names of, several hundred
Burlington officers and, employes who get
telephone service In their homes at a )
per cent reduced rate, and also Informed tbe
J nmJRlon.)f. aajt agreement .whereby the
ijl piiofia company , and the railroad ex
nange free service -with one another.
About fifty time passes have been Issued
by the Burlington, beside the annuals, to
a number of persons in this and other
weategn states, in addition to all names re
ported on the . lists filed heretofore. ., The
number comprises various occupations from
two Chicago men who make uniforms for
Burlington trainmen to well dlggln. grad
ing ad boarding train contractors. ,
' Six I Japanese labor contractors also en
Joy th privilege of tiding free on the Bur
lington, The names of the orientals thus
favored are K. Akagt of ' Lincoln, B.
Kashko and M. Teraaakl of Denver, .
Ban ft Portland. Ore., and K. Had and
8. Imahasha, , Sheridan, , Wyo.
, Ickwl Held Up.
Charge of fraud have been made be
fore State Auditor . Searl against th
Board of Kduoatlon In school district No.
XI of Garfield county, In connection with
a special election held recently to vote ISOO
bonds for the. building of a school house.
A Burwell attorney, C. I. Bragg, has
written . the audltos declaring that th
board arbitrarily closed the polls five min
utes after they had been opened, for the
purpose of shutting put jvotea which would
have been cast against th bond proposi
tion In sufficient number to defeat It.
. Th request .Is mad by th Burwell
lawyer that th bonds be withheld from
registry until a showing can be mad In
opposition. Auditor Searl , will not ap
v prove th issu until he has Investigated
th facta ...
'. Bragg say in Til letter to th auditor
that he will file a remonstrance signed by
majority of th voters. If given an op
portunity, and that if neoaasary he will
bring suit to enjoin th bends from being
old ;or any money paid, out to oonstruot
th school house.
Beat Osaaka Mast Par.
In tb case of John W.: Burke versus th
City ef South Omaha, th supreme court
Uday filed an opinion holding that a city la
responsible for acts ef neglect upon th part
of employ engaged In repairing streets.
Burke . waa employed lnf repairing streets
In South On aha and through tb neglW
gene of a foreman he was thrown by a
vicious team lnt a deep pit. sustaining
partnstaent Injuries. M sued and waa
1 given a Judgment for damage In th sum
ef emtio. Th city appealed en th
greuad taat tt was not responsible, Th
court holds that th making. Improving
and repairing of streets by a municipal
corporation relate t It oerporat lnter
eel e nly, and It la liable for the wrongful
or negligent adt ot Its agents la th per
formance of such duties.
. Seate-emc Tek Law. -A
new featur In th scavenger act law
la paaeed upon by th oeurt In th caa of
th Prudential Heal Batata company
J. gainst Thumaa F. Hell,, which come from
Douglas county. Tbe case grow out ef
A Pletxainf Experience
. CuQanna
Kaolly' the most delicious flavor of
any flak food known.
Mad by Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd,
Battle Creek. Mich.
Qrocer sell this crisp food for II
oents . fer Pamlly ' else.
th confirmation of a Ml of tnha prop
erty made to D. CV Patterson, trustee,
March IS, 190S. The tficrM-Included a con
siderable amount of special taxes and as
ftessmenta and th property was bid in by
Patterson for ISO. Ifall became the owner
of ' the equity after the sale and Fred
Selllck was his tenant. Pinal notice to con
firm the sal was served on them December
13, 1904, and the entry In confirmation Is of
record Msrch H 1W.
On March 11 of the February term, the
order confirming the sale was entered and
on the twentieth day of the same month
and term Hall 'filed a motion to set aside
and vacate the confirmation. On March
3 the order of confirmation was vacated.
On April 2, Hall then filed supplemental
objections to the confirmation, stating that
notice was not served on all th occupants
of the land and that the city council of
Omaha, In whom Interests the special
taxes and assessments had been levied, had
passed a resolution directing the tax com
missioner or other official to attend all
sale and bid In the property for the city
where outside bids did not amount to a
certain percentage of the city's interest.
This fact was advertised In the Omaha
papers and was well known to all In
terested people. Ifall intended to bid In
the property and pay much more than
was paid by Patterson,' but the tsx com
missioner had told him that the city would
get much more than fie contemplated and
he did not know of the sale until long
after it had occurred. '
The sale was vacated for review by the
court. Hall depositing 1900 as a guarantee
that he would bid that amount. The 'first
assignment of error Is relative to the trial
court setting aside the confirmation of
sale. The court holds that the power of
the district court .over its own Judgments
during the term at which the Judgment Is
rendered Is discretionary and Is not sub
ject to review.
The decree was by default and by It
the owner was not deprived of the taxes
determined prior to' the. confirmation of
the sale.
Jadguent Against Railroad.
For the third time the supreme court
has handed down an opinion In the csie
of John P. Parkin against the Missouri
Pacific Railway company and has araln
affirmed a Judgment tor 17,488.08 obtained
by the plaintiff liu the district court of
Sarpy county.
This action was based upon a contract
entered Into In 1191 under the terms of
which Perkins was to furnish to the
defendant 50,000 cubic yards of travel for
ballast purposes, the earn to be loaded
on th cars at Springfield and approved
by the defendant's superintendent.
The court holds that a new trial will
not be granted upon the ground of newly
discovered evidence where such evidence
la merely cumulative and would not In
all probability affect the result If a new
trial were granted. It is also held that
th defendant is not entitled to a new
trial upon the ground of surprise, as the
testimony complained of as surprising
could have been brought out Dy ciosb
xaminatlon at any of the previous trills.
Cannot Prohibit Card Playing.
In an opinion the supreme court lays
down the doctrine that a city ot the sec
ond class cannot by ordinance prohibit
Innocent card playing In a place of busi
ness. The power to ' enact and enforce
such an ordinance must be specifically
conferred In the charter of a municipality
and there la no suoh -power conferred In
the charters of cities of the second class.
The case In which this opinion was ren
dered was an application for a writ of
habeaa corpus, the applicant being Martin
L. Sapp of Wymote. He was convicted
of keeping a card table In his place of
business and allowing card games to be
played which was In violation of a city or
dinance.1' Ha applied for a wilt which the
court grants, holding that- there- 4s no
statute prohibiting the table and Innocent
games and that the city cannot In the
absence of specific authority pass and en
force an ordinance such as that at Wj-
more. N '
To katforca Child Labor Law.
No further Immunity from prosecution
under the child labor law should be granted
th packer and' other Urge manufacturers
In Omaha, South Omaha and Lincoln, as
Labor Commissioner J. J. Ryder views the
situation. While at Omaha a day or two
ago, Ryder learned that Rev. Mr. Wise
and Mrs. Draper Smith, member of the
Stat Board of Child Labor Inspection, had
agreed not to bring any proceedings against
tb paoklng houses without notice before
hand. H Informed them that enough time
baa now elapsed to permit the employers
to adjust themselves to the law and that
hereafter compliance will be expected of
them. Letter to this - effect have been
mailed to each packing firm and some of
th other Large concerns In th three cities
named. , , .
TJavelllas; t Thayer Moasacat. '
Th monument erected In Wyuka ceme
tery to the memory of General John M.
Thayer has been formally accepted by th
commission named by' the last legislature,
which appropriated a 'modest sum to pay
for It Th commission' has not set the
date for the unveiling exercises, but It will
be some time in October. General John C.
Cowln ot Omaha has been selected to de
liver an address.
JTahraaka Kdaaator la Demand.
Stat Superintendent McBrien has re
ceived word that Principal Crabtree of
th Peru State normal haa received an
offer from a Wisconsin' normal school at
a salary of $3,000 a year. He receives
S 2,500 at present. Dr. W. A, Clark, formerly
principal of th Peru normal and now of
th Kearney normal, has received an offer
to take the chair of, pedagogy at Klrks
vllle. Mo., at a salary -of JJ.000, which Is
much more than he I now receiving.
The recipient of these offers have not
announced their decision, .
School Teaeher Regains Prwaertr,
PLATTS MOUTH, Neb.. Oct. (.-(Special.)
About two weeks ago Mlsa Mary Foster
of Union, th democratic candidate for
county superintendent, while' en route from
Union to Louisville on the Mlssoorl Pa
cific, had her suitcase, which she had
placed behind her seat on entering the car,
taken, but it was not missed until her des
tination waa reached. The loss was at
one reported to th trainmen, who made a
careful search, but were unable to find
any trace ot th missing property. Miss
Poster vu at the Missouri Pacific station
yesterday to take th train to Omaha.
While waiting for the passengers to alight
from th train sh saw a woman step off
th train wearing her silk coat and carry
ing a snltcaae. Mia Foetar followed the
woman Into th waiting room and In
formed her that the ooat waa her and
that ah wanted H. The coat waa banded
to Its rightful owner at one and It re
moval revealed a waist,- which also cam
off. Things were becoming quit Interest
ing, and a number of other article of
femlnln wearing apparel war turned over
to Mlsa Foster. Th woman gave her
nam as Green and Mid that ah resided
In Eagle. Sh also turned over th watch
she was wearing and put up M for tb
suitcase, which ah Mid waa at her horn
In Bagt. Mr. Green had her suitcase
with her, containing a sufficient quantity
of wearing apparel for her to make a re
spectable appearance, and sh waa allowed
to depart for her horn.
Safer Beet Crop Eaeelleat.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct . (Special.)
Owing to th recent rains there has been
a delay la the beginning of the campaign
for ths .manufacture of sugar from this
year' crop of beets at the local tcrtory
and the wheels will not begin to turn and
the knives to grind the beets until next
week. The crop, owing to the good ripen
ing weather of the last six weeks ot the
growing season. Is said te be an excellent
one, giving a fine quality of beets, and th
season la expected to be a very profitable
one, both for th factory and the farmer.
Nellgh Merchant Worked for Forty
Dollar Worth.
NELIGH, Neb., Oct. S.-(8peclal.)-Bous
bills were passed on several N.ellgh parries
late last evening by a stranger. Th bills
were all of twenty dollar denomination con
federate money Issued by the Planters and
Merchants' State bank of Georgia. After
working Peterson A Frady, butchers, and
the Nellgh Cigar company for 140 the crook
purchased a pair of trousers of Borgardus
tc Betlerey and tendered one of his bogus
bills, which Mr. Scllerey promptly returned,
claiming It was 'not good, whereupon, the
stranger took the bill and hastily left town.
The authorities were promptly notified,
but up to the present tlne nothing has
been heard of the grafter.
Presbyterian Pastor Installed.
FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. S. (Special. )-The
Installation of Rev. J. F. Reed as pastor
of the Presbyterian church was held at
the church this evening. Rev. W. H.
Burdtck of OmaHa, moderator of the
Omaha presbytery, presided and pro
pounded the constitutional questions to
the pastor-elert. The' sermon was preached
by Rev. Alexander Corkey of Cedar Bluffs.
Dr. D. E. Jenkins of the Omaha Theologi
cal seminary delivered the address to the
people and Rr. A W. C. Clarke of Omaha
that to the pastor. Special muslo was fur
nished for the occasion.
Nebraaka News Note.
FALLS CITY Monday Mr. V. G. Lyford
purcheeed the stock of groceries owned by
John Powell.
DAVID CITY David City HUh school
this year at the present time has 121 en
rolled. Last year It had 111.
BLUE HILL Ray Frame of this city
and Miss Johnson, living south of ho.e,
were quietly married by Judge Edson.
YORK Two well known York boys.
graduates ot the York High school, left
ror Chicago where tney enter me north
western Medical school.
BEATRICE Another heavy rain visited
this section last evening. The ground Is
In such condition that farmers are un
able to get Into their fields.
NEBRASKA CITY-Sneak thieves Tues
day during the noon hour ransacked the
office of Dr. Raben. and secured some
medals, coins, postage stamps, etc.
HARVARD At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmere, this
forenoon the marriaK of their daughter
Llnle Schmere to Philip Yost took place.
BEATRICE The Northwestern Busi
ness college and the Beatrice High school
have organized foot ball teams and are
preparing to meet all comers on the grld
lrorf. -
BEATRICE George Peterson, who es
caped from the asylum at Lincoln the
other day and who was arrested nere by
Sheriff Trude, was taken to Lincoln last
DAVID CITY Scott A Kelley of Val
paraiso are the successors to G. W. Gates
In the bakery and restaurant business in
this city, having taken charge of same
October 1. .
DAVID CfTY The campaign In Butler
county has commenced and the candidate
are out hard at work fixing up their
fences. It will be a close fight for both
tickets this fall.
DAVID CITY In the last week the
farmers have been made to rejolco. About
J'4 inches of rain fell In this community.
Tney report It haa done thousands of dol
lars worth of good.
FALLS CITY A farmer near here
brought to town recently six ears of corn,
each fourteen Inches long and having
eighteen rows of kernels. This is the stuff
which gives value to land.
YORK Major J. L. Pembleton, the well
known grand army drummer, was again
elected drum major at the national con
vention. This .makes the fourth time Mr.
Pembleton has been elected to this po
sition. . .
FALLS CITY Th " school districts of
this county have appointed a committee
to test the new free high school law. Much
dissatisfaction has been etfnced over this
law, and It will be ought by the county
BEATRICE Funeral services for the
late Martin Plebuch were held yesterday
morning at 9 o'clock from the Catholio
church. Father Petrasch officiating1. The
remains were Interred In the Catholio
cemetery. -
FREMONT The postal ' receipts of the
Fremont offloe show an Increase ot $232.81
over those of September,. 1906. The busi
ness ot uns omce is constantly increasing
and tt will probably soon become an office
of the first class.
VALLEY L. W. Howard and Mis Orva
Harrier were married very quietly at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Harrier, one mile north of Valley,
yesterday. Rev. Mr. Cauffer, of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, performed the
HARVARD The rains have delayed the
several buildings under construction, but
with the fine weather seemingly promised,
they will soon be pushed. Among them
Is .the new bank building for the Harvard
State bank.
YORK Wilbur A. Johns and Jennie L.
Johnson were married this week at United
Brethren parsonage. Rev. C. 8. Long of
ficiating. Mr. Johns Is senior member of
the printing Arm ot Johns' Printing com
pany of York.
NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Jane Jones,
aged 92 years, died In this city yesterday
of old age. She had been a resident here
for nearly forty years and leaves three
daughters and two sons. She was one ot
the pioneers of Michigan.
SH ELTON The members and friends of
the Methodist church last evening gave a
parting reception to the departing pastor,
W. H. D. Hornaday. Rev. Mr. Hornaday
leaves this week for Cozad, to,take charge
of the work at that place.
BLUEHILL Rain fell In this vicinity
all last night. It has been raining con
tinuously since 8unday. The ground Is
at lost thoroughly soaked. Most of the
fall sowing Is done and the rain will put
the winter wheat In fine shape.
YORK At the fourth quarterly confer
ence of the York chsrire resolutions were
offered and adopted regretting that owing
to poor health there Is necessity of re
moval from Nebraska and York of Rev.
Mr. Colony, the present pastor of the
Methodist church.
BEEMER At- the homo of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Albers. at
nigh noon, Tuesday. October 1, MIms
Emma Albers and Milton J. Sullivan were
united In marriage. Rev. George Dun
gan of the Congrrgatlonal church was the
officiating clergyman.
DAVID ITY A Catholic mission w'll
be held In St Mary's church in this city,
commencing next Sunday and continuing
one week. Fathers DouKhrrty and Rohl
man of Dubuque apostolate will conduct
the mission, preaching the sermons both
In English and German.
VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Whit
more rave an Informal reception In honor
of their son. Jesse D. Whltmore. and his
bride, formerly Mlsa Llda Edmtston ot
Omaha. About fifty guests were present
Among those from out of town were Dr.
and Mrs. Edmlston of Omaha.
AUBURN Auburn " and vicinity was
visited by another big rain last Inght It
commenced raining about t o'clock and
continued a steady downpour nearly all
night. The roads are In worse shape than
they have been In the last year, but It
ha put the ground In fine shape.
VALLEY Mr. Maria Harris, aced 6E
years, died at her home In Valley Monday.
Her body was taken to Mead and Interred
beside that of her husband In the cemetery
uoon the land which they homeateaded
about thirty years ago. Mr. Harris gave
the piece of land for the cemetery.
DAVID CITY The records of the local
registrar of the State board of Health
tor the year commencing October 1, 19't,
and ending September 90. 1947, shojrs:
Deaths Males. 21;; females. 18; total, 41.
Oldest person who died, IS ysars 11
months 29 days: youngest days; aver
age age. 44 years 21 day.
NORTH PLATTE So far this year
there has been no frost in Lincoln county
of any consequence. In September there
waa a light frost, but It did scarcely any
damage. It has been several years sinoe
the frost has held off as late as it has
this year. One farmer Is even now Bell
ing green corn In the local markets.
FREMONT M rs. 8. C. Russell of this
cily had the end of the Index finger of
her right hand bitten off yesterday after
noon while stopping a dog nglit. She left
her dog w!tn tier baby carriage in front
of th store and while making some pur
chase saw that he was having a sively
tetio with another purp and was out-
..Sin j.Eif
Whb arc selling the above stock of the Hl0liest Grade Standard FIailOS
that was ever placed on sale in Nebraska, are being overwhelmed with orders. The pianos all of
which are of beautiful case' design, sweet of tone and cjur
able of make are fully guaranteed.
AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS should not fail to see this wonderful array
of matchless instruments which are being sold at less than
the cost of material which is put into them.
COIVIE TOMORROW and, you get the choice of over 300 of the best and
most beautiful pianos in .the state. We quote a few sample prices:
1 Upright New England,
Dark Case
1 Upright Sterling, Mahog
any Case
1 Upright Emerson, Ebony
1 Upright Vose & Sons, Burl ,
Walnut Case
SQUARE PIANOS $10.00, S15.00, S18.00, S20, ORGANS $3.00, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.50,
$25.00, $35.00. $15.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00.
.. .' ' ' V ' , ....... , . . '
THE BAILEY FIA.ISJO CO. of New York was one of the largest mami'
facturers and dealers in America. Come soon for the pianos are going fasti As long as we have
a piano of the present stock we will acknowledge no competition, for not a dealer In
Nebraska can or will give you tbe Quality along wltb
tbe LOW JPrlces we- do on these fine instruments. . 1 " .
You are Cordially Invited
to make this store your
home during Ak-Sar-Ben.
classed from the start. She went to his
rescue and sepsrated the pair, but in su
doing her finger was so badly mangled
that amputation Just below the end of the
last Joint 'Was necessary; -
YORK The recent 'rains were Just what
the York county farmers wanted and Just
what the 'soil needed! tp pnt' lt irt the best
condition for winter. Winter wheat, of
which there Is' a large acreage, mane a
wonderful yield, and the winter whaat
sowed thla Tall Is up1 and looking fine. ,
NORTH PLATTR-Bratt ' & Goodman,
prominent real estate agents of thjs city,
have Just organised a corporation known
as th American Investment & Trust com
pany, with a capital stock of lao.OOO. This
company will transact a general' real es
tate business and will buy and sell, lease
and Improve real estate and act as guard
ian, trustee, receiver, etc.
YORK Th seventh annual sunset social
will be held on October at the Methodist
church of York, where a reception will be
given he old people. All persons TO years
ot age" or older are Invited, and whether
husband or wife is over Jo years both are
Invited. Carriage and aid are provided
for the infirm and" every preparation Is
made for their entertainment. .
NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri Paclflo
has made a change In agents at this point.
Mr. Kraft, who lias been her for some
time, has gone to Monroe, Ia., and he is
succeeded by John Cllnkenbeard. - The last
named has been with the company for a
number pf years and grew to manhood Irr
this city: His promotion meets the ap
proval of all our business men.
BEATRICE In the presence of sixty
guests the marriage of Miss Cora li.
Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gran
ville Hardy, old residents of Blue Springs,
to Ralph R. Hevelone was solrfmnlsed yes
terday at noon at the bride's home in that
city. Rev. M. T. Mase officiating. The
young couple will make their home on a
farm four miles east of Blue Springs.
FREMONT A big delegation from the
Fremont Commercial club went to Hooper
this morning to attend the fair and live
stock show being held at that town. The
association Is holding its second annual
exhibition In a pavlllion erected this year
especially for that purpose. A hog houss
and cattle sheds have also been built.
The exhibit of cattle and hogs was an
especially good one and there was a fine
dmplay of grains and agricultural prod
uct. FALlS CITY John Vandervort came
clear from Texas a day or so ago with
the declared Intention of seeing his two
children. He saw one of them and then
lumliM In the county Jail for threatening
to kill Mrs. Hattie Branum. Mrs. Branum
was divdroed from Vandervort two years
ago and has since had charge of their two ,
children. Vandervort went to Mrs. Bra- ,
num's and when he failed to find both
children there, threatened to shoot Mrs.
Branum. He was arrested and placed ,
Kuuder peace bonds.
BH ELTON The careless handling of a
target rltle Sunday morning nearly cost
the life of the three-year-old son of Ed ,
Kunkle, a farmer living three mile from
Bhelton. The father laid the rifle down I
and went out to the barn. During his .
absence an elder son wa playing with It I
and It whs accidentally discharged, th
tall entering the back of tbe child and
coming out at the side. The mother hur- I
rledly came to town with .the little on '
and the, beat of medical assistance may '
yet save the child' life. (
FREMONT A Fremont news dealer has i
a regular customer who furnishes him ;
considerable amusement. She is a German !
and unable to read or speak English, nor
can any of her family read or speak It.
Every Wednesday for a long time she has ,
come around and bought all th Bnuday :
riapers with comic supplement and a
f'lenliful supply of blood and thunder I
Iterature of the most lurid kind, usually i
75 cents worth of th latter. Sh lives In
th country and gets this reading matter
as regular as shs does groceries. -
BEATRICE At th annual meeting of
the Beatrice Woman's Christian Temper
ance union held yesterday at the home
cf Mrs. A mo Queln these officers w ere
elected: Mrs. A. W. Nlckell. president;
Mrs. S. H. Manon, vie president; Mr.
J. W. Burgess, secretary; Mr. I M. Up
son, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. it.
High, treasurer; Mrs. J. J. Tthbetts. as.
slstant treasurer. Mrs. E. O. Krelalnger
was elected a delegate to tb state con
vention to be held at Lincoln October
If to II and Mrs. Upson waa chosen al
ternate. AUBURN Henry Morgenstern filed a
libel suit In the district court of this
county yesterday against A. M. Englea,
for the amount of l,TS,90o, In four counts.
This seems, to be the climax of the mis
understanding that has been existing be
tween Mr. Morgenstern and Mr. Englea
for some years, but Is probably more di
rectly accounted for as a countt-rchangs
for the Investigation had this spring upon
the complaint filed against Morgenstern by
tViunty Attorney Lambert for the seltln
of tne fire which destrayed Mr. Englea'
lumber yard here on May 10, 1907.
rORK-Harry Randolfe father signed
ball bond for II. OA end he Is now out
until next term of district court, when he
1.. Upright Wellington, Burl 4Cl(l (JA
Walnut Case .
1 Upright Steinway, Ebony
1 Upright Bailey, Golden
Oak Case
1 Upright Cook, Mahogany
1 Upright Estey, Butternut
in' inirisii r Hiiii
will b4 tried on the charge of stealing a
horse and buggy tied In front of the Pres
byterian church In York. Harry Randolf
Is 18 years old and comes from an excel
lent family. The night he stole the Barr
horse he drove his horse and buggy to
York, and after tying the same, he tele
phoned his people that he waa going away
and for them to take his horse back and
then took the Barr horse and buttgy and
drove to Hebron, Neb., and from there
to Hastings, and leaving the horse, he re
turned to York. Harry confessed and
, when asked why he did this he could not
explain ana aoes not realise wnai n nas
NORTH PLATTE The civil engineer
who has been employed to lay out . and
plat the new town of Blgnell, about
twelve miles east of this city, state that
his directions are to lay twenty-four
blocks only, and adjoining these flve-asr
tracts will be platted and the rest of the
land bought by the Lincoln Development
company will be divided Into eighty-acre
tracts. This does not Indicate the founda
tion of a town intended to be the dlvll3n
terminal for a railroad Ilk the Burling
ton, and North Platte people do not re
lieve that the Burlington railroad can do
otherwise than locate the division ter
minal, shops and other railroad improve
ments her at North Piatt.
NORTH VLATTE The Union' Paclflo
railroad Is having a great deal of trouble
with th large quantity of coal which has
been piled here along the switch tracks
In large quantities. Fires from spontane
ous combustion have been repeatedly
breaking out and the rain during the
past few days caused hundreds of such
fires to start In these coal piles. The loss
to the company Is great, not only because
of the amount of coal consumed by the
fires, but because of the- expense of the
great labor required to dig down to the
fires and put them out. The fires always
occur In the lower portion of the piles of
coal. Some SOffO tone of coal have been
stored here, but the fires are becoming of
such great frequency and so much 'trouble
that the railroad company Is offering to
sell the coal to citizens In order to end
. hub uiincuiiy.
I NORTH PLATTE! The city council
I some weeks ago employed the Hofflne Dl
1 rectory company to prepare a city di
rectory of North Platte and to numb-r
I all the houses In this city. For several
weeas mis company tins had Its agents
here at North Piatt doing this work and
the work is now practically complete and
i MM 4 m
4 i:
Kitchen Cabinet, like cnt,
drawer for cutlery, one small
.board. One of the best values
f: - ''- -
413-1S-17 South fOIti Street.
1 Upright Haines Bros.,
Mahogany Case
1 Upright
1 Estey, Mahogany, used
one year
the material ready to hand over ,to the
publishers. The directory company fn
nounces that th population of North
Platte Is between 6,200 and 5,300, which
Is a great Increase over the census of
1900, which gave North Platte 8,640. This
directory company has established a com
plete numbering system of the city. - of
North Platte, aocordlng to the ordinance
passed by the city council In that ie
sped and 96 per cent of the houses In
this city will have steel enamel number
plates placed upon them.
NORTH PLATTE Th agents of th
different Insurance companies nave re
ceived from A. G. Beeson of Omaha a
new rat book for North Platte. The In
surance rates contained in this new rat
book are from 20 to 280 per cent higher
than the former rates in vogue in this
eity for several years. In one Instance,
on a business property, the rate mi
raised from $1.85 a hundred to IS. 17 a
hundred. This raise of rates affect only
the business portion of th city, but the
increase is so radical that serious com
plaint Is being made by those affected,
and a number of Insurance agent her
announce that they can and will plave
Insurance at the former rates In non
union Insurance companies. It seem that
only the trust insurance companies are
bound by the new rate. One Insurance
agent her ha made a calculation and
states the loese paid by all insurance
companies during the last twenty years
In North Platte have only been 26 per
cent of the total premiums collected here,
and this Is true in spite of the fact that
there have been a number of serious fires
during that time and one In particular
which- wiped out a large portion of this
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggist ara
authorized to refund your money If Foley'
Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or
cold. It stops th cough, heals the lungs
and prevent serious results from a cold.
Cures la grippe, cough and prevents pneu
monia and consumption. Contains no
opiates. Th genuine 1 In a yellow pack
age. Refuse substitutes. For sal by all
Red Cros - Cough, Drops everywhere
nothing;, better anywhere. 6o per box.
with two flour bins, one small
drawer for linen, large bread
ever offered,
-M-" ..'-.'..-?.
1 Upright Hardnian, Mahog-f PA AA
any Case ..131MW
1 Upright Behr Bros., Wal
nut Case
Kranich &
Either Cash or we will
make Terms to suit the
purchaser. : -; :
htmt 1 1
Don't Let Indian
Summer Fool You
Gonna be cool soon. -
Cool enough to persuade you to
give a MacCarthy-Wllson $SB auit,
made of this new English Cheviot,
that come In the new dark gray
shades, In cleverly conceived pat
terns and color schemes, a warm
Cold facts, these! ' . '
'Phone poug, 1801. 804-808 g. 18th 8t.
Next S. W. Corner lth and Farnara.
East Side
of V
Ta Photograph
vra KAxa r ; - '
re worth ten time a much
as ordinary ones In the pleas
ure and satisfaction they give.
Let us do your In our new
fcepla style. Your friends will
prue them, and you'll be proud
of them.
Heya's Tot High Quality. !
S. lBh
Oranlt Block.
"We are no wserving dainty
Sandwiches at our fountain,
Drop in when down town
Beaton Drug Co.
15th andfarnam '
, P. S. Our coffee as we mako
it, is the coffee that you'll walk
miles to get. t
For all th New
' BestWssV'''