THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill DAY. OCTOUKit I, 1D07. OFFERED FOR RENT Sieoaee mmA ColHtft Coatlaaed. FOTt RKXT-Modem d-rnom cottage, one Mock frotflVsr llti: pivM street. 911 No, 41st fit. Tel. Pouglss 1MH. U5 677 7 HOtTBBS,' insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. . (li-26. FOR RRNT-foiir rooms and bath: every thlnj modern: furnace. Tel. Webster 2bl8 N. 20t.ll St. (16J 631 TTnTTQT'Q In " Parts of the city. UUUDiiO crelgh Bon Co.. Pee Ulig. . ..: ' ' n-r $20 S-room modern house. N. Fenrer, 5i8 N. T. L. Tel. Red 121. (15)-124 FOR RENT 7-room house, moduli except rumict. mi N. 26th St. (15) M!t FOR RENT-fleven-room house within 8 minutes' wlk of the postofflce; rent very reeeonable to family without children. 10 Bee Building. (15) 11 l-ROOM. modern cottage, KV Capitol Ave. (16)- 6M295X floor office. 18U1 rirnim at vncnnl ra nAru mnr cans in our aew zrniinn houses with til. F. D. Wead, Wead building. ' U6)-M3M FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house; an conveniences; close to car; rent J2S. Willi Avenue. Inquire C. M Bai-h-mann, 4l Paxton Block. (16) 477 FOR RENT House, 8 rooms, modern, de tached; I blocka from 24th St. line to South Omaha, 2)111 I'lerce. 'Phone Ma ple 6100. (16) 474 7 FOR RENT Strictly modern house, 9 rooms, in nret-ciass .neiahoornona: an Weal residence. 810 Worthlngton St. Rent 140, per month. o yy- SELBY Thon Douglas 1510." 440 Board of Trade. (16) 473 3 FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 3f Seward. (16) M518 6x Bellalngre. fOH RENT Three uppet floors. Inquire 1401 Harney. . i (15) M-iia .WHEN YOU write to advertisers remem ber It takes bat an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention iie fact that you saw the ad tn Tha Bee. t Offleee. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, . 417 N. IHh St., South Ontaha. Apply to manager. - (1S1 S4 r. , 8ttfr,i ! " NBW8TORB ROOMS Corner Ixcust and Sheranan avenue, for dry goods, shoes or notions; good loca tion for right' party. Inquire Joseph Houaka. 2C2S Sherman avenue. ; ' r' ' 06)-M4i7 One store room tn new "Scargo" building . In Booth- Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modsrn show windows and awnlnaa: best possible location. Hall Distributor Co., JU7 First JJatl. Bank Bhlg. nona Red 7400. (lSi-MIM FOR lectures, concerts, (lances and balls. Fraternity hall, 1818 Harney St., opposite Publlo library. N. P. Dodge & Co , 1714 Farnam St, (15)-M.107 Ol FOR RENT Large atore room, 16th and Vinton Sts. 43. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. ' (IS) 300 tRUO STORE) best nnocoupled location for looal drug buslneea In city. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l grocery kwUion. BEMIS, 808 Paxton. Blk. 'Pfrone Pouglaa 688. 1S M340 - OFFERED FOR SALE FesiB(, ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing to per foot. 20 M. 17th St.. Tel. Red 814. 16 28 ii,, ' Fmrltra. ,( FOR 8ALB Furniture of a 10-room house; all or - part; furniture must be mostly ' cash of term. 2517 N. IStlt St. . ."'.'..... . 0 M447 " '- . '""Worth seeinqi aTOVES 4. RANGES AT HALF PRICEt nearly new, slightly used, high-grade eyji-ne i aod ranges. You" can' save half fc buying p us. We do what's right. OHICAOO FURNITURE CO.. 1411 Dodge. .it Tel. Doug. 4787. - (16) 133 Oct. 1ft SD HAND furniture bought and sold: busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerjv with Chicago Fur. Co., 108 8. 14th. Doug. 6886., , (16)-M464 Oct. 31 I'laasi, Orgaas, Maateal InetrameatSi MliSTRAISE CASH TO PAT THE MUELLER ESTATES. Over i00, 000 worth of pianos gold at lee' thirti factory cost. Call or write at1 once for pricee, catalogue - and bargain list ' Mew Planog for rent,. $3 and up. SCItMOLLER '..& 'MUELLER 4 PIANO COMPANY, r. ' tEL bOtO. 1C2 5. " . W114313 FARNAM STREET. . . ,' (16)-38 FOR SALE Excellent upright piano, taken In on mortgage. Dr. ribuenuw. 214 Kar bach . Block- ... , (16) lis FINE UPRIGHT PIANO at one-half orig inal, ookt: party leuvlug for Texas. 416 tturth S BU . (is i 991 a fcTMINWAY piano, second-hand, good con-, dllion, -cheat. 811 McCague Bid. ..- (1) 437 Oct. 19 UPRIGHT Kimball piano,' fine condition, $40. Owner must aell. 1814 Davenport. - -- ' (18)-63 9X Typewriters am Stwlig MacVlaea.' e i - FOR SALE High grade aecond-hand type- wnvir; Dvn wnmuun; a Bargain at X(hA Call room. U3, Bee Bldg. i (1&) Oil ONB Karalagton typewriter No. , in good eondtuoo. fur aale cheap. Call at Bee offtee.- - . - . (10) 2Ux FOR BALE New and secoad-hand billiard and pool -tablea. We lead the world la ciMiap bar flxturea; easy payments. Bruua-wtok-fiaike-Collendar, tut S. 10th St. - .... (i)-in VEW HOME aewlng machine, oak caac, obaap. 416 N. 28d St. (luGOl 6 ir tvne I' M eactU for quick sale. 137.60. 5U Paxtun o- . . (16)-W 9 TT" MlKsusaseas. sj DUPLEX ;PUMP ' r . . Coa-taMoti worthlngton duplex pump,- else UxKhixlt, ' for sale about October 1. This ump kaa aeea about six. months' aotoal aervlce a ad Is la good coadiUoo; will aell at a bargain. Apply W.'H, Bridges., engl mmr BUU- (i-7v GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATipN FIXTURES Largeat,- seat up-to-date stock at lowest riuaa ta the city, aelect now. Delivered JptteA needed. luapevtioa Invited. BURGESS-GRAND EN CO tU So UU 8k Tel. Doug. ttL UW-873 JMUW 190 09 corpet and case, used leas than a month. ti-OX Mee4 the money. Bee It. ijfnjl Jdwwa4 at, Mfl;-Mil tx OFFERED FOR SALE f Ix-ellea eoaeCwa Una. m LARGE frame cbtjn h building on 3 9th street, just south of Fsrnam. fur "alo for removal or wrecking. Submit by October 10 to Wllllnm A. DeBorib 620 First Natlomtl Hank building. 1184 M608 4 ANT ONE wanting to buy a Hutchison massaoon for the relief of drafnese can get one cheap by applying to Mrs. A. I. ' Wood, 714 8. 26th. St.. Omaha. (1)-M750 6x 10.W10 GALLONS FINE CLARET WINK for sale at a bargain, in lot to ault; will quit the wine-hmiriesa In Kansaa; write at once. The Doniphan Vineyards, Alehl aon, Kan. (IS) M663 OS FOR BALE A butcher'a refrigerator, sev eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large aulomatia oil tank and store fixture! too numerous to mention. Globe J-and and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (14) 171 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN at M'CONNELl. DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. (Ul-775 COMPLETE aet of abstract bnoka for aale; liberal terms. Burkhelmer Land Co., Crea ton, la. (16) M412 7s FOR BALK Roll top deak, chairs, tablea, rug. Office for rent. W. A. Kerf, 4e4-j N. Y. Life Bids. (16)-4il BEND L'8 your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. . Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (II) 277 FOR SALE Furnace, suitable for heating 9-room house; good as new; apply at once, 3627 Harney St. (!) 82 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. U6j-i74 SIMPSON Rockaway, nearly new, very low price If taken at once. 914 Jones 81 rPhone Douglas 1707. 0) S 30x SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co, 1-37S SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer, 416 N. 18th. (16) asO FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. 06)-Wi HALL'S safes, new, Jd-hand, iSlt Farnam. tin) a; HAT -$9.00 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lflth. O)-0 FOn PALE-Oas stove, tin, Call 4H1" No. Jt I li St. (IP,)-680 5 PATENTS. D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chlha designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. (t7)-678 OctU LARSON & CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. U7V-3S3 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6 cts. stamps. R. 8. A. B. Lacey, Rooms 2!-3 I'Hciflc Bldg., Washington, D. C. Eatn Wished 1809. ; (5) MS28 PERSONAL YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to visit tha Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1616 Farnam street, whera they will bt di rected to suitable hoarding . placea or otherwise asaisted. (18) US MAnJF7TTno,,te0l0S'y nd Massage IVUiMIXl Vapor and Tub Baths Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (18)-M29 Oct36 APPLY Satin Skin Cream to wet akin, wipe ory. secures satiny, amootn sain. ac. (18) THE ELITE MASSAGES Chalybeate scrub baths; expert lady oper ator. Room 200 Barker Blk., 16th and Farnam; new establishment. (18)-M819 6z ' PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra, Dr. King, 1320 N. !4th St.- Tel. Web. lbb (18)-2s PLEATING Buttona. Ruchln'g, " 4 1 - Embroidery. , Dyeing . .and: cleaning, .sponging shrinking only 6o per yard. Send, for price list and aamplea. . GOLDMAN PLBATINO CO., 10 Douglas Block. . . Tel. Douglas 1931 d8)-MW4 A HOME for women during confinement will And comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot cart for them; ao com modal ma first-class, terms reasonable. Address Mother Lee. Superintendent Tin- . ley Home. 'Phone Douglas 1921. 43 Ban croft. 18)-vsig Octlsx THE SALVATION ARMY aollclts cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not heed, we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for coat -of collecting, 4o the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4138 and wagon will call. (18)-U WE RENT machines. per' week, ' or J3 per mnnth. Nebraska Cvcle Co., "corner 16th and Harney Sta. (18) 690 WANTED To correspond with ladles between- 25 and 80; object. ' marriage. No flirtations. Reference furnished. Ad dress M 300, Bee.' (18) M557 fx MAnMF.TTf! treatment and bath. Mme. iU.AUlMfjXlV Bmlth, 118 N; tttn. Jd floor. (18) 880 OMAHA Stammerers' Building. institute. Itamge ' 18)-2S3 PftNNELL MILLINERY CO. 1611 Doug. . 1B1 IS NOV.1T SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cuf prices: pena ror rree cataingt.e. Mvers Dillon Drn Co.. Omaha. Ol) 7 REAL ESTATE i REAL ESTATE DEALERS. . RUSSELL, M'KITRICK CO.. 433 Ramg 09) 2k9 PAYNE 1NV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. . 178L - . ' (19)-91 PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (i9) m GEORGE COMPANY, Farnam. Tel. Douglss 754, (19) 2S6 CITV PROPERTY FOR BALK. MODERNCOTTAGE. ' FIVE-ROOM cottage, thoroughly well builtj double floors, surface floora being maple; large bath room; nice attic; pipes for gas and wired for electric light; all- modern plumbing; full alse scree nH, etc.; south front lot, 67x100. lying high and aightly; two blocks south of Ames Ave. car line. 9618 Boyd St. Price tl.0. C. O. CARLBERO. -.911 New York Life Bldg. (19I-M701 BEAUTIFUL COTTAOB-!.8J. Look at 2u26 Briatol. 6 rooms Just completed; lot 4UK132; paving- imia. concrvta walk; all modern except heat. An' Ideal home for some one.- Vine neighborhood. Under bill Co. 'phone W llatl or Webeter 37u) (19) 620 I FOR 8 ALE Two beautiful lota on 24th and Klin; on grade, plenty of aiiade treea; either for business or residence property. 723 So. th SC. 'phone Douglas SSuti. J. B. Bond, direct from owner, no commission. (19) tM FOR SALE COTTAGE, -NEW tVROOM 1523 MADISON AVE. Modern except heat, full'" lot, paved street, paving all paid, one-half block from Sherman Ave., built by the day for a home. Owner called from the city. Price Ii,!. tl,2u0 cash, balance monthly. PETERS TRUST CO.r (19) 490 I LIST your proiwrty with Chls Boyer, Cd and Cuming Sta. (In) 21 FOR SALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard wood floora. mantels, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will sell at a vary low price, to be removed from present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C- C. Roaewater, Bee Bldg, Oaaaha. (19)-MU7 THREE lota cheap. Third and Bancroft Bta. Address H. A. Lee. 4ul Bancroft. U mu ouio aiiuismsiii. ii 1 '-""I'li1, 'ailiJfB 1 Kent Your Rooms To Ak-SbLT-Ben' Visitors ise REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPKHTT FOR t ALB. (Conilnuea.) ' ' 0E0RQP2 & CO. 1401 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE DOUG. 734. DUNDEE - i Why not keep In touch with the extensive Improvements being made about Omaha? Go out West Dodge St., this week and see the grading going , on between 49th and 60th StS. south of Dodge, where over IUO.000 cubic yards of dirt are being moved under one contract. THETf GO WEST -on Dodge St. to 51st St., turn north and go to Ixard St., and see the terri tory between 60th and 62d Bta., In the vicinity of the Happy Hollow club, that has been transformed, snd where there are to be found some of the most beautiful building sites about Omaha, and where sev: eral residences will be com menced this year. THEN GO about one mile further west on Dodge St. and sec the sub division now being laid out In tracts from one to Ave acrea. with , winding roadway, where trees will be set out and where over $100,COO Is being expended this year In houaea and perma nent Improvements: The reason why many are ' planning to build .and live In Dundee Is because Dundee Is , . Omaha's best; residence sub urb; has city water, grus, elec- trie light, an elght-mlnute car service, a grocery, drug store, NO SALOON AND NO OMAHA CITY TASjES. Fine building lots, on' car line, with . cement walks, trees and where streets and blocks are all put ' to uniform grades; $0, on easy terms. . (19) M614 t GOING TO CALIFORNIA? Will sell you my lot and furnished cottage at Avalon. Catallna Island. Fine acreage, fruit or vegetable land; 19 miles frcm Los Angeles, V mile from electric caff line. 100 acrea In Kern Coi These properties all clear. Will sell at reasonable price or exchange for Nebraska property. 8. Hawver. 1414 Emmet. 'Phone W. 867. (19) M663 7 T Mov-e Riaht in a New House in the WEST FARNAM ! DISTRICT r ; The Interior of No. 3612 Dodge St. has been beautifully decorated, the gas and electrlo fixtures and shades are up and the interior presents an attractive appear ance. Large living room In oak, with brick Are place. All oak finish down stairs, hot water heating. Attic ' PRICE $6,500 PETERS TRUST CO., " ' Telephone' Douglas 858. (Ground Floor) N. Y. Life Bldg. (19-96S SUBURBAN 6 -room house, modern throughout, with furnace, bath, private water works system, cistern and cesspool; full cemented cellar, stationary laun dry tubs and fruit room. Barn and chicken house; well and windmill; five acres of very sightly land. . Located 3 miles west of Dundee on paved Dodge road; owner built it I months ago at cost of $6,000; we offer it at $4,000 for Immediate dis posal. A charming country place at a bar gain counter price. May we show it to you? Our automobile is at y6uC service. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., '. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. . (19) M5S7 534 Park Ave. (Between Dewey Ave. and Jackson.) This fine 9-room, all modern home la of fered for sale for 8S.260. Vestibule, recep tion hall, with fine coxy nook, living room with mantel, dining room, butler's pantry with alnk and kitchen on first floor. Four good bed looms, linen closet and bath room second floor. Maid's room finished with light and heat on third floor. Oak finish downstaira. Very flne gaa and elec trlo light flxturea. 8creena for house cost l&0. Storm windows. In fact everything to make a coxy, comfortable home. Owner la going to leave city next month, and can give possession within- thirty days. Lot faces east on Park Ave., with west frunt sge on 30th Street. Can show you through any day. If interested call us up. The Byron Reed . Co.. 'Phone Doug. 297. 21! So. 14th. (19) 4bJ 3 N. P. DODGE & CO. FARM BARGAIN ISO acrea three miles from Lynch, Neb., In Boyd county. Improvements consist of 6 -room house, barn and well, chicken house. l.V anrea under plow, thirty acres paKture. two acrea grove and trees on road and driveway. Running water In pasture a ltd spring at houae. Black loam soil, renting for 8J00 year. : Owner will trade for guod city property to extent of tig, (As) and put In cash difference, as the farm la clear, or will sell for 840 acre. This Is the cheapest farm on the market today. Owner la In city and will be this week and will look, at anything we have to offer. N. P. DODGC eV CO., . 171$ Farnam St. 09) 47$ 3 I Advert , . Them in; REALESTATE CITT i'HOPKHTT FOR SALE. (Contlnded.) KOUNTZE .PLACE THE BEST PLACE TO BUI LP YOUR NEW HOME Where you can buy a large lot, 50x124 tfEET. From $750 to 31.000. . In a very de sirable, ' strictly residence district. Nearly all STREETS ARE PAVED. PERMA NENT SIDE WALKB. Close to good schools, churches and stores. This addi tion Is the very choicest residence district on the north side, located between Locust and Plnkney, Sherman avenue and 24th street. Call for our booklet of Kountxe Place homes. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. (19) MIW8 4 $2,500 For a Short Time Only Two Brood houses, .orie 1 . room 'and one 4 rooms; water, paa and cistern; rent for $30 per month; corner lot, ei'.xllO feet; live In one and rent the other'or a good 14 per cent Investment; southwest corner 19th and Center street; a snap for some one. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 4764. FOR SALE Or would exchange two good lota on Grand Ave., Jutet west of Romo (Miller's place, for equity tn good cottage. Ream & Co., 635 Paxton Block. (19) 589 4x Harrison & fMorton 200,000 In 1910 Is the slogan of progressive Omahans. ' , If this Is realized (and It ought to be) all property in the city will be worth a little more, and business property at a strategic point a good deal more. . " o . -We have a piece of business property at a strategic point that looks good to us, we would like to tell' yon about it. We have no option on It and cannot openly advertise It.' The price -ts $39,000 and any one wanting to be shown, we think we can show.- ' , : V ...-...' HARRISON & MORTON, :; ... (19-637 FOR SALE FINE LOT NEAR FIELD ; , CLU - .East front on 35th Aye.. 188 feet north of woolworth Ave.,' lot fiftAiS feet, terrace sodded, permanent wajk-. Price, $1,500. Nothing finer In that loi-gllty.; PETERS TRUST CO; N. Y. Life- Bldg. , (19)-530 3 . ; IN WEST ' FARNAM DISTRICT '. ( .-- , V We have what we thin Is a bargain. - A ten-room all modern home, east front on two full lots ts "oftored':ror h"e next 30 days at $5,000. Let us take you out today, , O'KEEFE REAL, 'ESTATE CO.," ' 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 21S2. , - -''!iw iutKom a ' BUT TlilS BArVuAlN. Lot at 36th and Fort streets only $226. a O. Noidqulst, Owner, 624 8. 2tith St. .-!, . 09 751 TRACKAGE PROPERTY To lease, 1(50 per month, 150 feet on Sixth St., 177 ft. deep., on B. & M. railroad. ANNA V. METCALF. ' 'Phone Doug. 672. 124 So. 10th St. (19)-48j Octl4 PEAL ESTATE TITLE - ritUST r O K CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. 08)-S8 FOR SALE Lot 10. block 7. 82d St., Mans com Place, 60x190; regular commission to agent Call 13ti9 8. 28th St. 'Pnpne Harney 1622. Call after p. m. (19)-M414 $ AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS ARE INVITED TO CALL At our office for any Informa tion concerning Omaha prop erty. - Harrison & Morton, $12-911 N. T. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. (l)-789 KEYSTONE PARK FOR A SURE INVESTMENT ADJACENT TO GREATER OMAHA In a few years It will be the' moBt popular and attractive. SUBURBAN ADDITION FOR , SUBURBAN HOMES anywhere around Omaha. Jt will be impossible then to buy this for any where near the prices we are now of fering it. If you have not seen KEYSTONE PARK you should see it. This baa sold rap idly because of Its LOCATION, ART ISTIC MANNER in which it is laid out, and the reasonable prices and terms. I We have put these tracts on the market; !tt to 20 acres, $175 to $375 I nr acre. Sea m htfnm it la all rlH PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. New York Life Bldg., D. V. SHOLES CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. ' (19)-M2W I FOR BALE By the owner, a modern T room house. UJ B. tein. (19) MMdg t The' BEE I REAL ESTATE s ' CITY PltOPKRTT FOR DALES. ' (Contlnued.1 16 PF ER CENT INVESTMENTS. Frame flat, sixteen rooms, with six-room cottage In rear; always rented; annual rental, $7a0; only $j,2u0i $3,2o9 cash, bal. time. Ifrlek flat building, sixteen rooms, room for two cottages; rental, $82 per month; J.."'i; 1.5fi" canh, bal. time. Corner lot, with . two-story brick, Har ney near 12th, K&w. l?-rootn house, modern, near high school, $,&; terms. Cottages at all prlcea. If you want a home or an lnveatment. see fl. Hawver, ltilt Emmet St., or 'phone Webster 8E7. (19) M4S 7 BUY acres, sell lota and double your money In four yenrs In Tacoma, the growing city; send for circular with list of-v acreage and the reanon why. D. N. Jacobs, imsi, C St., Tacoma, Wash. , , (19) M818 8x $4 LOTS In Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well; close to car line; 20 minutes' rids to Omaha. Will sell altogether or in bunches ef Ave. For prlcea and terms ad dreaa H 43. care Bee. (II) 167 - itoo Will buv elegant new home In West Far nam St. district, now - occupied by the owner. Hardwood finish, cemented cellar, paved street, permanent sidewalks. Ev erything new and In first cltss condition. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, floom 1 New Tork Life Building. (19)-M71S REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR IALB, Canada. :- FARM3 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. No Interest, no taxea; 40-acre farma for $10 cash, balance In 42 monthly Installments of $10 each; flrvt-class lands In -wheat belt In Manitoba; larger farms If desired; offer good for thirty days only; write for reports on lauds and full purticulars. Western Wheat Lands Co., Ltd., Talbot St., London, Canada. , . 120) 787 fix Iowa. WESTERN", IOWA corn land fot aale and exchange. ' Write H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa, la. (20)-M686 OlSx . Kansas. : KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete list of Kansas lands. Agents wanted. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. - U0I-M518 Olu FOR SALE Fine farms In eastern Kan sas, 40 miles south, of Kansas City. Bar gains, If you will see or write J. W, Lewis, Loulsburg, Kan. (20) M495 8x . Colosado. , 10,000 ACRES OF FARMING LAND IN COLORADO East of Denver offered as a WHOLESALE PROPOSITION ,At a special price, and easy terms. Address, The W. F. Shelton ' Land Agency Dept. J'B'V318 So. 15tn St. , OMAHA, NEB. ' (30)-M275 .Mlsaoart. . - WHEAT, CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS In eoulheast Missouri. To farmers, home seekers and speculators I wish to call your attention to southeast Missouri lands as the best soil that money can buy; I am making a specialty of Mississippi county land; I have farms all sizes and prices; my llst'la too large to advertise, but If you are. Inter ested, write me for full description ' as to these lands that will grow 78 to 100 bushels of corn and 30 to 60 bushels wheat and 8 to 7 tons of alfalfa per acre. I can 'sell you' land from $a) to $60 per acre, according to size and Improvements. Parties looking for homes or speculation will do well to let me know what they want. I have It from 80 to 2,000 acres, and prices are right. After reading this ad write me and tell me what you want and What you want It for, and I will put you on the rlgtit track, or If you can, call and see me. Full description of southeast Missouri lands mailed at your re quest. J. L. BPBAGUE, 423 Chemical Bldg., gt. Louis, Mo. . (2D 796 7x OZARK FARMS. In tha clover and grass paradise of Mis souri, 136 miles southwest of St. Louis, mala line of Frisco railroad.. ItiO acrea, miles from Hancock, Mo., on Frisco R. W. and ihb miles west of Dixon, Mo.; 116 acres in cultivation, balance In timber .land;. 6-room . houaa, barn, smoke house, poultry house and sheds; entire farm under new fence and cross-fenced; good spring; land Is generally level or rolling, and is nice small farm; you will find this farm a bargain at $3,6u0. Send for our de scriptive circular of many other improved farma and timber lands. We also handle fine southern timber and plantation lands and Illinois farms. PICQUET-HARTRICH REALTT CO., 410 Liggett Building, St. Louis, Mo. UU 1-798 (X Nebraska TWO GOOD FARMS Must Be Sold WE NEED MONEY On account of building we are now doing here In the city, we must raise more money at 'once, and will acnlicje these two good eastern Nebraska farms. No. 1160 acrea located 3ty miles N. E. of riairiview, x-ierc o.t jeo. ine d. kj. 26, JH, 4. Every acre good land, fair im provements; 13) acrea In cultivation, 20 pasture, 16 tain grans, 6 In yards grove, orchard, etc., all fenced and crossfenced; a good farm tn a good country: Vt mile to school, rural mail service. Price, If sold soon, $47.60. Buy this and aave $2,000. No. 2 lfiO acrea V mils east of Meadow Orove, Madison Co., Neb. The S. W. 4, 19. 24. 3. In the beautiful Elkborn valley. Except about 10 acres cultivated, thia Is all in graas, has been used for hay and town pasture. The Elkhorn river crosses the place from earn to west, a little timber, enough for fuel and some could be sawed for improvements. The best of black soil, can practically all be farmed. If desired; l'lO acrea south of the river, nearly all tame giaae; would make an ideal dairy farm. This place ta worth $50 of any man's money, but In order to sell at once will take -,loo cash, subject to mortgage of $-!.6uu. PETEKaON BROS., 64 Bee Blug . Omaha. t-"0)-41 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Lcnuia. "inaha. (20-3u0 F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building, ;sth and Farnam Sta. (20 b0 FOR BALE-6-year farm lease, buildings and improvements, horses, wagons and farm tools, -house modern; cily water. See owner oil place, northeast cormr Miller Park and X4Ui St. , (A-M94 4 FOR SALE 240-acre farm $H miles from town; on rural route aod telephone line; soil me-llum heavy and level; 120 acres broke, IS acrea of alfalfa and red clover, 10 acres of ash timber. Price for the next 20 days, $40 per acre. Easy terms. Ad dress Boa t Orchard, Nsb. J. C Alex ander. (30) 401 lOx BUY OF OWNER 12G0 acres Klnball county Isnd at $9.60 per acre, ons-half cash, balance In ten 'yearly payments at I per cent Interest. Addresa C. O. It , 3016 Pacific 8t , Omaha. Neb. (20)-41 Sx Mleeallaaeoaa. CHEAPE8T Isnl In U. S. for the cropi no cash. Js'au luvt. Co., Brandela bla. -) M302 OJk I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Faraa ail Raach Laada. A 9S0-ACRE'stock farm, on the lup val ley, live miles from town, equippea lor feeding Sun cattle yenrly; double set of buildings In same yard; 27o acres plow land, sixty acres alfalfa, balance meadow and tame pasture; river front; $J,4oo cash or will take a good man In on shares. Theodore Helmera, Fullerton, Neb. )) M74S 09 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls, faxton Block. (22 SOl WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22)-9U3 LOANS on Improved eily property. W. M. Thomas, tn jnrst national nan Bldg. (22)-)l WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. U20 Farnam St. LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. B. CO., 1001 N. V. Life Bldg. $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delsy. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N. T. Ufa. (23)-304 UNION LOAN t INVEST. Co., $10 Bee Loans on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy lat and 2d mtges. 'Phone Doug. 2MM. (23) M129 Oct $600 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates: no delay. GARVIN BROS., 19U6 Farnam. (22)-807 PRIVATE MONET F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. (2V-30S $600 TO $,000 TO LOAN Private money; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, $87 N. T. L t (23) MSM MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (22) $09 FARM mortgage of $2,000, t per cent semi annually; also a city mortgage of SI. zoo, drawing I per cent, for sale. Patterson, 1623 St. (22)-M44l 2$ F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building, 19th and Farnam Sts. (22) (Kl WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc. SOS No. lith 8t Tel. Red S326. (26) 21s WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpeta, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinda of tools: or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Doug. 8971. - (26 M463 Oct. 31 WAN JED To buy, a aecond-hand roller top office desk. Address P 303, Bee. (26)-M662 6x CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 313 8. ltth. Phone Douglaa 13a. (2S)4ne When you have anything to advertise re member It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small furnished house or apart ment; two In family. Telephone Harney JUTK (26) 623 Jx WANTED-SITUATION YOUNO man stenographer will be open for position about Oct.. 1; has clerical experience; references. Address 1, 248, care Bee. (27) U99S WANTED Position as clerk In dry goods tore In small town by young lady; ex perienced. No. 180, Stuart, la. (27)-MG6 OSx NURSE would like position In doctor's of fice. Can furnish good references. Ad dress H 296, care' Bee. (27) M467 8x MAN now traveling for one of the best wholesale dry goods houses on Missouri river wants any good specialty line; can furnish the best of references. Address L 399. care Bee. (27)-24 4x WANTED By middle aged' gentleman, position as , bartender; can give best of references. Address G. T., 2756 California St. (27)-M621 6x WANTED Position aa chauffeur, expert, would oars for furnace also. Ref. fur nished, single. Address N 801, Bee. - (27) M66S 9x YOUNO widow, German, wishes position as housekeeper with elderly gentleman or widower with children. Address K 293, care Bee.. (27-&ll 4x MIDDLE aged lady wants position as housekeeper for widower. Call Ash 17071, Council Bluffs. . (27) M 569 9x (When yon have anything to advertise re member It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fget that you saw the ad tn The Bee. ' LEGAL NOTICES LINCOLN, NEBRASKA-SEALED BIDS will be received by the undersigned un til 13 o'clock noon of the 16th day of Oc tober, ' !9U7, for the erection and con struction of one (1) fireproof wing, one (1) cottage, and one (1) store room to be built on the. grounds of the Hos pital for the Insane, Norfolk, Nebraska, bids for the steam heating, plumbing and electric work to be taken separately. A certified check of $1,600 on a bank doing business In Lincoln, Nebraska, must accom pany eaoh bid conditioned aa aet forth under paragraph No. 19, page S, of the technical specifications. The State Board of Publlo Lands and Buildings reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive defects In same. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the undersigned, state capi tal building, Lincoln, Nebraska, or at the office of the Hospital for the Insane at Norfolk, Nebraska, or at the office of the atate architect, George A. Berllnghbf, rooms tKU-604 Burr block, Lincoln, Nebraska, Tha atate architect will, upon request, accompanied with a check or money order for Stxi. aend extra sets of plans and speci fications for private use for those de siring them, and i'H of this amount will be refunded when plans and specifications are returned In , good order. GEORGE C. JUNKIN, Secretary of State. 04d t NOTICE OF BOND ISSUE NOTICJ8 IS hereby given that the Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District Is about to Issue twenty-five thousand dollars of six per cent Interest negotiable bonds pay able In twenty equal annual installments Owners of real estate or an easement therein apportioned for benefits may pay to the treasurer of aald district on or be fore sixty days from the date of the first publication of thla notloe, the proportlan ate ahare of such bond issue properly chargeable against such real estate, and thereby exempt such real estate from lia bility for payment of bonds, and the amount of bond -Issue will thereby be re duced the amount of such dvanc pay ments. Date of first publication hereof, September 14, 1907. Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District. By J. V. Han son, Secretary. 316-DZlt. $26,000 S PER CENT WATER BONDS. Beaver City, Nebraska. Water bonds of Beaver City, Nebraska, In the amount of $26,0o0. Issued In denominations of $j0O each. Interest $ per cent, dated day of delivery, payable at Nebraska Flseal agency. New York City, N. Y.. twenty years after dste, with option of city to redeem same any time after 6 years from their data. Sealed bids will be received by W. I.. Ionard, clerk, up to and In cluding October 16, 1907, 8 p. m. City re serves the right to reject any and all bids. W. L. LEONARD. City Clerk. 8270 12t GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha, Nebraska, October 1, 1907 Sealed propossls. In triplicate, will be received here anil by Quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., rentrai atand ard time, October 30, 1907, for furnishing shelled corn, oata, bran, hay and straw during the fiscal year ending June SO, I9ia, at Omaha Q. M. Depot, Forts Crook, Omaha and Robinson. Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forta D. A. Russell and Mai Senile, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. Proposals fur delivery at other places will not be entertained. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all propoaala or any part thereof. In formation furnished on application be re, or to Quartermasters at the stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage." snd ado-eased to Major THOMAS SWORE, C. u. U. 03-4-6-7-2B 29 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Marv W. Tennell t John W. Pennell. part of lot 2. 8. E. Rogers Oknhoma addition .$ 1 Thomas Hartford and wife tn Alfred Resiim. WVi of H of net 1$-16-ll -20( Alfred Resiim And wlfa to Wll- . Itnm T. Miller, same, .. i 3,104. Same to same, Iota 4 and S, Mock 1, Harrier's Third addition S.50 William T. Miller and wife to Alfred Resum, ne , l-M-9..... 12,009 Hustings A Hey den and Charles N. Anderson, lot 16, Mock 3, Hast inga ft Heyden'a addition . 260 Edward L. Bal he oh and wife to v William 8. Curtis, lots 8 and 9, block l,vVlnut 11111 1 Charles H. Brown to Boulevard Park Improvement company, lot 3, Mock 7, Boulevard Park.. ' ' 1 Henry Maddock and wife to A. W. Speclman, lots 4. 6 and 6, block 4, Deninan Place 2"0 Caroline L. Poppleton and William 8. Poprleton, trustees, to Byron R. Hastings, lot 6, block 2, Sul phur Springs addition..,,,..... ?."$ If. A. Tukey to Mary F. Watson, . lot 4, Ep worth 310 John Krupa to Clara. Krupa, lot 10, Woodlawn Place.... 1 Philip l'leiss and wife to Pom Inlck Felix and wife, sH of lot 7, block S, Improvement Aseo- . elation addition 1,70$ Katie Rudersdorf and husband to C. A. Melcher, part of lots 4 and 6, block 78, South Omaha.. 10,606 John Deere Plow company to Union Paclflo Railroad company, lots 1. 2, S and 4. block 206, Omaha S.VnnO Total , .$1:0.604 RAILROAD TIME CARD UNlOJt STATION lOtk AND MARC V, Cation Faelfle. Leave, .a 8:60 am a 8:60 pm Arrive, a 9:40 pm ll:l pm a 9:W am a 6:00 pm a 9:16 pm a 6:41, pm a 6:S0 pm a :t0 am b 6:15 pm a 6:13 pm The Overland Limited The Colorado Express. Atlantic Express The Oregon Express... a 4:10 pm The Los Angeles Llm. al3:56 pm The Fast Mall a 9:30 am The California Express a 4:00 pm Colo -Chicago Special. alU:10 am Beatrice Local b 1 :d tin North Platte Local a 7:42 am t'taleagro A i or t a wear era. Chicago Daylight..,.. ...a 7:06 am Bt. Paul-Minn. Exp. v.. a 7:60 am Chicago Local all:) am Sioux City Passenget..a V:0 am Chicago Passengei , a :P0 pm Chicago Special .....a 6:00 pm St. Paul-Minn. Llm..., ..a 8:28 prrt Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:30 pm Overland Limited A10:00 pm Fast Mall .';.... Sioux City Local ...a$:60pra Fast Mall l'wln City Limited,, a 8:98 pm Norfolk-Bonesteer rO am Llncoln-Chadron ........b 7:40am Dead wood-Lincoln .,.,..a 8:00 pm Caaper-Shoshonl a 3:00 pm Hastlngs-Strperlor , b 3:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:36 pm a11:M al0:00 a 3 3 a 8:2$ a 9:30 a 8:23 a 7:40 a12 . a 8:23 a 9:04 a $:10 a 8:35 a 7:40 a 6:36 alliSS a :3S all :26 b 6:36 b12:46 r.m pm rm pin am am am pm am i am am pm km pm am pm am pm pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul-Minneapolis...,. 8:80 pm 7:80 St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 7:90am '11:36 Chicago Limited 6:06 pm .8:27 am pm am im pm Chicago Express 7:90am 11:86 Chicago Express 8:30 pm 8:30 Chlcaao, Milwaukee A St. Pant. Chicago & Colo, Ppi....a 7:03 am all0 Cal. & Ore. Expreaa a 6:20 pm a 8:25: pm o vet land emitted : pm a 8:30 Perry Local a 6:15 pm a 10:30 am am Chicago, Ruck Island PaclAe. EAST. Chicago Limited a, 2:45 am all:80 pm pm pm pm pm am am pm om am Iowa Local tl:Wim a 4:30 Des Moines Passenger.. a 4 .tv Dm all:30 Iowa Local , an:40ani b 8:65 Chicago (Kastern Ex.).. a 4:90 Dm a 1:23 Chicago Flyer. ...........a 6:00 pm a 8:33 WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm....all:40 pm a 1:33 Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:95 pm. a 4:0 Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pin a 2:43 Llncoln-Falrbury Pass. .b 8:46 am bl:16 Mlsaoart Paella. ' . . ' K. C. & St. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6:66 K. C. 4k St. L. Exp all: 16 pin a 6i6 am pm Nebraska Local...... a 2:00pm all: 40 W aoaah. Bt. Louis Express a 6:80 pm a 8:30 St. Louis Local, (from Council Bluffs) . ..a 9:30 am all:lS Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bJ0:15 Illinois Central. Chicago Express.... ......a 7:20am a 3:45 Minn. 4k Su Paul Exp.-..b T :20am a 8:66 Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm. a 8:30 Minn. & Su Paul Lmtd.a S:30gen a 8:30 pro am pm pm am am BURLINGTON STA sOTH MASON. Bnrlingcton. Leave." ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 9:30 pm ...a 8:0 am ...a 9:20 am ...b 1:46 pm Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm U:11 pm b 9:06 am a 8:00 pm bl0:20am 7:48 am b 1:90 'rj'ni a 6:48 am all:46 pm a 8:65 pm a 8:30am all :30 am 11:30 am a 6:80 am a 6:14 pm Denver & California Northwest Special... Black Hills Northwest Express. Nebraska points..,., Nebraska Express.., Lincoln Fast Mail..., Lincoln. Local Lincoln Local : Louisville A Plattsm'th.b 8:10 pm Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a 8:10 pm Plattamouth-Iowa .b 8:16 am Bellevue-piaiismouin. Denver Limited. .all:66 pm Chlcas-o Special .....a 7:00 am Chicago Express a 4:80 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:99 prs Iowa Local ..,.,,,a 9:1$ am St. Louis Express..... a 4:45 pm Kansss City St. Joe...al0:46 pm Kansas City A St. Joe. ..a 9:18 am Kansas City A gt Joe. ..a 4:46 pin WEBSTER TA. 10T9T A WEBSTBH Chteagre, Omaha. t Fa3, Mtaneapniia a Leave .b 6:34 am .a :nopm .b 8:45 pm ..c 8:46 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm all:) am b 9:10 am e 6:60 pm Twin City Passenger., Sioux City Paasenger. Emerson Loral Emerson Local Missouri Paellle. Local via Weeping Water Falls City Local a .a 8:06 am a 8:99 pm .a 8:60 pm all :20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sunday only, d Dally except Baturday. e Daily ex cept Monday. . OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC 'EMPRESS" Lin of the Atlantic 972.50 VP CHICAGO TO LIVERPOOL First Class on Rail and Steamer.' Empresses galls from Quebec Oct 18. 0. JB. BEXJAKIH, General Agent, ' 833 Bo. Clark St.. OUoagro. HI. All Premlants Have Been Paid. HURON. 8. D., Oct. S.-(Speqlal.)-All premiums awarded at the last state fair have been paid and alao all claims against the association, have been settled and the, books squared. Secretary C. N. Mcll valne and Assistant Secretary, J, L. San key finished sending out checks yesterday to more than 700 exhibitors. The 'total sum paid In premiums exceeds 87,000. The management and . exhibitors are highly pleased with the way the business df the secretary's office has been conducted and Mr. Mcllvalne, together with the board are already preparing for, next year's fair. Kctr Coal Mines Shipping; Prodact. BASIN. Wyo.. Oct. 3.-(BpeclaL)-Th mines 'of the Owl Creek ' Coal eompajiy, commonly known as the Gebp mines, be gan shipping coal last week. Cars have been loaded rapidly and the company ex pects In a few days to be shipping- too tons per day, and aa the'' facilities for loading are Improved this output will be greatly Increaaed. The quantity Is so great that It ts hard to even estimate tha future out put This ooal can be shipped to hs whole of the northwest to greater , advan tage than any other good grade of coal In the country, so that the- market will be practically unlimited. ' ' ' If you have anything to trade advertise it In the For Exchange columns of TVt Bee Want Ad aagjagv S