7 I! 3. '1 It 14 10 Want - ads AlTfMlwmnto for ta wm ad rolenas will bo taken aatll 13 a. for he eveal-gt edltlea aaa aatll a. at. for (he moralac Baaday edltloaa. Caah mast areosapaay all orders for nail ana Had aa adrerllaenteat will ! accepted for less taaa 10 aeata for the flrst Insertion. Rates apply to cither The Dally or aariar Bee. Al-raya eoaat mix word ta a llae. Coatblaatloaa of Initials ar aamaera coaat aa oaa word. CASH It ATK9 FOR WAST ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Jnsertloa, per llae, 10 ceat. Two ur mere ronseratlve Insertions, per liar, U peats. Each laaertloa mad oa odd days, lo eeata per llae. $1.60 per line per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Funeral Notices, Caraa of Thanks and Lodso Notices, T cents per llae for ona edition, mornln or erealaBi S rents a llaa for each ad dltloaal edition. Saadar, 10 cents n llae. No ad taken tor leas than 8 centa. FECIAL CLASSIFICATION II soar advertisement la Inserted nnder anr one of the .classifications siren . belon, It will be charged at the foU . IsnlBr rates i Ona Insertion, 4 centa per Unci three ta sis -onsecatlvo In eertlona, 3 cents per Una each Inser tion i seven or more consecatlra In sertions, a cents per lino each Inser tion i DO reats per Una per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. RISINESS CHANCES. HELP WAITED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except A treats, Solicitors and Sales men, i OFFERED FOR SALE. Cons, Birds, Dos- and Pots. Horse and Vehicles.' Poaltty and Ess. Fnraltare. Trpertrltere and Sewing Machines. Pianos, Organs and Mas leal lastra- meats. OFFERED FOR RENT! --Furnished Ream. L'afnrnlshed Room. Housekeeping Rooms. Boarding aad Hooms. WANTED T4t BUY Want Ada for Tha Dee mar be left at an- of the following drag stores ona Is "yoor 'corner drogglst" ther nra all branch oBJcea of Tha Boo aad Noar ad will ba Inserted Jast as promptly and oa the same rates aa at the mala vnlce la The Bea Balldlag, Seventeenth nad Farnam Streets. Albaeh. W. C. 40th nd Farnam. Beranck, B. A., 140 8. lOtu Bt. Beoht Pharmacy, 7J0 8. lth St. ' Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Lemls Park Pharmacy, 8ul and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. m Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Ave. Conta, J. B., (1st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Phaimacy, 2tth and Lake. Cermak. Emit, 1264-6 B. 13th St. Eastman pharmacy. 4U46 Hamilton. Khler, F. II., 2Co2 Leaven worth. Foster A Arnold), 213 N. 26th Bt. Fieylag, John J.. 1814 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, loth and Lake. Green's Pnarmaty, corner Park Ave. and Faolflo. Greenough. O. A.. 1026 B. 10th Bt. Greenough, Q. A., 1(124 B. loth 8t. Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt. Hanacom Park Phar.. 1601 B. 2ih Ava Hoist, John, CI4 N. 16th Kt HulT. A. I... 2924 Leavenwor'i St. King. H. 8., 223$ Fainani F Kottntse T'lace Pharmacy, :' V. 54th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. ?i . r't. Ijithrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 2llh St. Peyton, I E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drus Co., ?'th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Bohaefer. August. 2651 N. lth Bt. Behmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 10th and Martha Sts. . Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th nnd Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, !0th and Grace Sts. Worth. O. H.. 40th and HamUon Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES JOHNSON-Otto, October 2, 1907. age 65 years 1 months and 9 days. Father of May and Charlie Johnson. Funeral services will be held from late residence, 2469 . South Sixteenth street, to 81, . Patrick's church, Fourteenth and Castallar, at 9 a. m., Friday October 4. In terment St. Mary's cemetery. Friends In vited. M'MAHON Michael J., age 60 years. Funeral Friday October 4, 1907, at 8:30 a. m., from family residence. 1205 Cass i street, to St. Phllnmena'a Cathedral, Ninth and Harney streets. Interment Holy Srpulcber cemetery. . f LODGE NOTICES. ' Attention, B. a. .' M. Camp No. 848, M. W. A. You are hereby requested to sttend the funeral or Nelglilior Utto Johnson, Friday ' morning at 9 a. m., from St. Patrick ?hurch. Fourteenth and Castellar streets. Interment Bt. Mary's cemetery. W. H. DORRANCE. Consul. H. K. TAGGER, Clerk. . , " ' 1 1 " " MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued. ak Name and Residence. ' Age. William H. Clark, Omaha 49 Mrs. Kate Stevens, Omaha 40 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Eml! Bchipporelt. 1924 Clark street, hoy; William H. Haas, 2Ho4 Bpauldtng, boy; Moses M. Llywolyn, 1306 North Twenty fourth street, girl; Anton J. Anderson, 2130 North Twenty-sixth street., girl; George' A. Rlne, 938 North Twenty-third street, boy. Deaths Richard haven. 2709 South Nine teenth atreet, aged 2 months; Baby Hart, St. Mary's avenue. N ANNOUNCEMENTS Si'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. Wl FARNAM ST. Classes now open. ABIJi INSTRUCTORS. i Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship Business Correspondence. General Office PracUca. Also preparatory for Civil Service, College or profession. Day And night sessions, fel. D. 1070. fl)-M5i: Ol MISS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces tli opening of her dressmaking parlors, boil North Ulh. Ton are cordially In vlted to call. (D M75S OS MORAND'V classes In dancing for adults are now open. Lessons, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. m. Entrance opp. Burwood theater. Call or TeL Doug. 104L Private lessons. 1 8 4 MUSIC every evening. Hotel Roma. (1 753 FALL, TERM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGH 13 NOW OPEN. EVERY DAY 18 ENROLLMENT DAY. DAY AND NIGHT BEHrtlONS. VISITORS WELCOME. CATALOGUE SENT FREE TO ANT ADDRESS. ROHRBOl GH BR08., 19th and Farnam Bta. CD-8S3 i THE CITY GAR RAG K CO. i. th and LxaveuworlB bta. TeL Douglas 13S7. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Couunuou THE FALL TERM OK I3PYLES COLLEGE la now open in both the DAY and NIGHT sessions. Yet It l not loo Iste to enter, limikifif pliig, Shorthand. Typewriting, Te legraphy and English. The catalogue Is tree. It. P.. rOYI.ES. FWE8. BOYLE8 BLDG.. OMAHA, NEB. ll-93 F. D. WE AD has moved his office to Wead Ruildlng, 18th and Farnam Sts. (1) M SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. ll)-)!tl) AUTOMOBILES IEND for our list of secOnd-hand automo biles. DE.RIGHT. IR18 Farnam. 42) 2ut BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A nne up-to-date hard ware stock, located in a good Nenraska town of l.OoO Inhabitants; will Invoice about $4,000, Including fixtures. This Is a good, paying proposition. Has a good trade and In one of the best locations In town. Will consider part exchange, tli balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. 13) Mil FOH EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, fons and implements, located in a small llinois town; will Invoice about $1.70. Also house and 1 lots In unme town. Price for real estate, $1,600; Invoice for stock. Will exchengo for farm land In Iowa. Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, NebV W M51J FOR BALE Or exchange, fine section of land In Kimball Co., Neb., at I'.nu peu acre. Can give clear title, or long time on about I2.mi. What have you? It's a bargain. Who wants It? AMERICAN LAND IMMIGRATION CO., Sidney, Neb. (3)-M571 9 TO EXCHANGE for merchandise or city property, good 2i-acre tarm, mree miles from good town; right In heart of oil and gas Ileitis. For full description address J. M. Nowcll, R. F. D. No. 2, Humboldt. Kan. (D M13 lOx A BARGAIN Will sell or exchange for land, stock of dry goods; positively great chance; must act Immediately. Address Y 49, care Omaha Bee. (8) M607 10 UPRIGHT .piano. $66 cash,- or trade. 107 N. 12th Bt. t3)-M31B BUSINESS CHANCES IlBAb i Are you looking tor a farm, business or InvestsnentT We have ' ..... General merchandise stocks of all six. Shoe stocks. Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurants. Rooming house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms and ranches. , Call and See JACOBSON & CO., I3S N. Y. I Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 14) M16D Octi: Mining and Industrial Stocks. We buy and sell any active unlisted siocks. vve nave rure uuikuhib hi in dustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid Investigation. We have bargaina In sev eral active mining stocks in Nevada, also several bargains In copper stocks. We receive weekly reports from all the Important mining districts in the United States and Mexico. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., Stock Brokers, SWl N. Y. Life Bid. Tel. Douglas 8565. . Omaha. Neb. - 1J vr Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers LISTED AND UNLISTED MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchanges. DON'T BUY STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. We can save you Irom 5 to 20 per cent on any mining stock. LIST YOLK WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH US. Wa give prompt service. NEUSTADTL. & DAVIQOV, 604 N. Y. Lire Bldg. Phone Red 1294. , (4)-M2-JS FINE PROPOSITION One-half interest in business block In Cripple Crock, showing about 20 per cent Interest on the Invest ment, on the best corner In town; gross income $3,700 per annum; expenses about $700, Including taxes, leaving about $2.00V net; we can sell this half Interest for 14,600, part cash, balance on easy terms; this is a big bargain. Write Reynolds A Berbower, Cripple Creek, Colo. (4) M103 4x FOR SALE AT A SNAP If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at Yankton; five passenger trains dally on the Milwaukee; train No. 3 stops twenty minutes for supper; will sell at Invoice or lump It off at $1,660. Don't stop to write, but come and see It; It is a bargain for the right man. George F. Harrington, Yank ton. 8. D. . (4)-M366 08x FINE 10-room house, modern, fine location, walking distance, full of roomers. Must be sold, leaving town. Address J-297, care Bee. (4)-M603 8x FOR SAVE Twenty shares Nebraska Telephone stock at 96, with accrued in terest to date. Address Y 21, care Bee. U MSJ70 6x OWING to the condition of my health I offer my lumber and coal business for sale. H. I. Converse, Shlckley, Neb. (4V-M3T5 MEAT MARKET doing good business for sale oV rent with fixtures. P. B. Barry, Greeley, Neb. (4) M240 5x NEBRASKA $3,800 practice for "sale for price of office outfit. Address Y-2, care Bea. (4) MfJ6 OUi WANT to trade job printing for tailoring; nav. my own ciotn. Address iv care Bee. (4 967 I ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes. Gan gesiad, 4C Boe Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 8449. (4)-74 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswick-Ttalke-Collender. for sale cheap. Address W. K. Rugan, Utica. Neb. 14) M931 10 RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second floor; r.o posts; ux6u; long lease. A. G. Ritchie. 220 e. )5th St.. Omaha. (4).$ TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL Bee"BU8T NFS3 CHANCE BUNNELL." 823 N. T. Ufe. Tel. Doug. 6149. 4)-207 MONEY Do you need It? We are In position to furnish capital for any merit orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securities; char ters procured in any state; do not fail to confer with ua. It will be to your In terest, R. Kaats 4 Co., bankers, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. . (4) Zl IX FOR BALE Clean stock of Jewelry; doing good business; good location for jeweler and optician; about $1,400; write quick. E. E. Wood. Newklrk, OkL (4) M4w fx FOR SALE The only exclusive Imple. nient stock In a city of $,0u0; no' trade; mild climate; plenty of natural gas. Ad dress b. J. Howard, Cherry vale. Kan. (4) MoOalJx FOR SALE The beet four-chair barber shop In the best town In South Dakota. Address Y 36. care Bee. 14) M0 llx FOR SALE -Hardware stock in North ern Colorsdo town; stock and fin lures will invoice about $8,000. Address Box 111, Eaton, Colorado. (4) MoZJ Wx BUSINESS CHANCE In one of the best county seat towns in Nebraska, an ui). to-date line of millinery ; ladles' furnish ings, laces, embroideries and notiona will sell at Invoice price, aoraewhere near done v.v worth or business last year; has been established 20 years; party wants to leave the state. Address box bit. Broken Bow, Neb. (4-M(Ul llx PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only news paper in bouth Dakota town: cylinder. jobber, power, plenty of material, large terrtlorY, good crops, terms to suit. Journal, wtilla Rock, B. L. 4)-M6i2 2?x GENERAL merchandise, stock all clean and new, with postofTice. very liberal rent. In as irrigated vallev: can locate you on government land nearby; can hold claim fcnJ run the business: we havi a snsp for the rl.;lit nar'v Add'" 11. L. looley, sail born. UunAv Co.. Neb. 14)-Mn 4x THE OMAHA Rent Your Rooms To Ak - Sa.r Advertise BUSINESS CHANCES it'uiitinued.) FOR 8AI,-E,300. Btenm laundry. Includ ing building, at Sac City, Is.; practically new; no competition ; business thoroughly established; weekly receipts, to lt; under aggressive management, business could be doubled almost Immediately. This property, with equipment, will Involee K(. Address II. 8. Biirnt. cashier First National bank. Sac City, la. (4) M448 Oct31 FOR BALE One of the best and most up-to-nate machine, blacksmith snd horse almoin sIiods in ' southeast Nebraska: k will be sold cheap If taken soon. For particulars can on or write ueo. k. rea body, Rulo. Neb. (4)-M23 6x FOR SALE Novelty and bicycle shop; good opportunity for health seeker; good machinery, mols and stock; no other in town; owner has in go east. Sunta Fe Novelty Worka, Santa Fe, N. M. (Q-M104 tx FOR SALE A good paying huiel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 1? hundred- t tall roads; am going Into other ness. Will sell building and fun" si- ..r fur niture alone and rent bulldltifj. Hotel 4 block from depot. If looking for n sntp get busy. Address Y ITS. Bee. (4) M011 FOR SALE Good law, loan, real estate. Insurance aad abstract business; com plete set of abstract books to all lands In . ounty, Addresi Box Maysville, Mo. (4)-M447 7 FOR SALE Stock of hardware In gold eastern Nebraska town doing good busi ness: reason fer selling, old age. For particulars address Y 104, care Bae. (4) M555 6x FOR SALE Half Interest In good saw mill to man to .manage and will take output of mills as cut; gooi propotl lo t. Pos tortile box Jug, Houston, Tex, (4) 4ttJ 7x LOOK. Grocery and meat market doing $1,000 busi ness a month for sale at 80c on the dollar, or $1.2i)0 for all. 222J West Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. (4) M437 7x BUSINESS CHANCE Will exchange new corn shredder, In first class condition, for any kind of property or stock; write quick. V. A. Greer, Elmore, Minn. (4)-MI48 7x SIXTY days only; eighty-barrel flour mill; elegant location; twelve-room residence; all for $2,700. fe. W, Jones, Rlchvllle. Douglas CO., Mo. (4) M247 tx A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi ness. Address P. O. box 191, Park Cltjr, - Utah. ' t4 M628 17x I HAVE from $2,000 to $4,000 to Invest 10 Fer cent net. What have you to offer? saac N". Watson, 1710 Farnam. (4)-MS WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent $6,000 or $ti,000. You can make same or more at no ex pense to yourself.- Address L 62, Bee. (V-M271 ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee. Ia., has farm lands and town property tor sale or trade. Write what you have and want. ... (4) M284 Octllx TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON - WILLIAMS, 411 M CAUUB BUILDING, 18TH AND DODUE BT8. (4)-iiU0 DRUG .STORES Anywhere, any price. write or see us lor Dargains. uenver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver, Colo. (4)-M386 O20X THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 30,000 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. (4)-M642 013x FOR SALE Pioneer restaurant, Hastings; good location for right party. U ID Deis. Morey & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. ' (1) M275 Oct7x WILL someone please Inform me of good opening lor restaurant; Address o jun, care Bee. (4)-M544 9x DRUG stores for ssle everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 n. x. Lire, umana. tt t RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad way, council Blura. is. i ?mi FOR SALE One-half Interest In good lumber yard in Lincoln; requires about $13,000. Clarence Reckmeyer, Lincoln, Neb. (4 M108 4x BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest in the state outside of Lincoln and Omaha. Easy terms. Serrl for description. Red Cloud Real Estate Co., Red Cloud, Neb (4) M966 06x ALL OR PARI of furnishings, 22 rooms. only hotel town 1,100. A bargain II taken soon. Clearing $35 per week. If you want a good proposition, come quick. Terms. Hotel Logan, Lyons, Neb. (4) 264 J ALL KINDS of mining and oil stock bought and sold according to their value. Omaha Finance Co., 213 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) M143 Oct F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building, 18th and Farnam Sts. (4) 657 WILL pay $1,000 commission to anybody that can raise o.'iu mr a proposition mat win pay more than 100 per cent on the invest ment every year. For particulars write p. o. BOX 34V. w oss sx WANTED A good reliable man to do our delivering. Will pay uo per month. Must have $400 to buy outfit. D. B. Smith Ext. and Bp Ice Co., 802 8. loth Bt. (4 513 4 FOR SALE Grocery and meat market. Doing srood rash business. One of the best locations In town. . 'Phone Douglas 4200. or address 8 304, Bee. (4 676 5x FOR SALE OR TRADE An electric light plant. 40-horse steam power, machinery nearly new. In good run ning oraer; waier worua in connection wun plant. For further particulars, write or can on 8. B. WICKTZBR, R. D. No. 1, Lushton, Neb. (41-6R4 Bx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Casaaacrclal Artiste. H. O. BUNNELL CO., 823 N. T. Life. Doug. B149. (&)-M Carpet Clejtala-. SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1911 Farnam. 16 31 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. ti)- Ckattel Laus. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., Ml Bee Bidg. (6)-M926 Cfclma Palatine OIL, AND CHINA PAINTINO-Clasa lea sons until Oct. 1, 60c. Figaro painting a specialty. Mrs. feinei vol, zsn uodga. 'Phone Tayloi 4244. 5)-M44s OS riartata. HEB8 bWOBODA. 1418 Farnam, (S)-21 U HENDERSON. 1512 Farnam. Tel. D. ISM. (6-220 J. H. BATH. 1C23 Harney. TeL Doug. no. 8-M449 Dreaaaaakiagr. IN FAMILIES-Miss Sturdy. TeL Harnty 18M. (6-3U MMB. WOODRUFF. 222 Neville B!k. TeL Douglss 6170. (6 Ms Octi REDFERN school. R, 20, Douglas Blk. TeL Doug. a84. te M473 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1823 Far. nam St. & 213 Mrs. Broach, 2722 Farnam., Tel. Harney IX. ) M693 Oct24x Go Carts. O-C ART Tire, worth strteL Lawrtnc. rr1" !. (i)-MIU Oci20 DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, (XTOHKK 4, 1907. Them in BUSINESS DIRECTORY tContlnu-4 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (5-2:3 , Hatels. THE BCHILTZ, European. 16th and Harn-y . t. -is Dentists. BAILEY St MACH, 3d fir. Psxton. D. 103. tols-sn Chlrrnodlst. DR. ROY. R. t. 1508 Farnam Bt. Doug. 8497. W ! Alllllnerr. LADIES' I;ats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Iola Pepper, 626 S. 28th St. 'Phone Harney UflS. tx) 649 014 OBlei Bapplles. PILING cabinets, files and lrdfrers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures anu sup pliej of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 South lkth St. Tel. Doualas 6562. , (5)-M920 Octl Osteopatay, JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 186t Dr. Bowser, over 102 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. t5) M4oo Oct. 81 DRS. RINGLER, 308 Neville block. Phone Red 64iii. tn) mom nov.i rhntoarrapkera. C. li. tRUSSELL. 116 South 16th 8L Plum PIit'MBINO and heating attended to at once. Room ii U. B. Nat. Bank niflg., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4501. (5) 4t6 7 8hoe Repalrlac BAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. 1618ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 99L (t)-2-'7 frlatlas. OUT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, call and see our new imported calendars for 1908. Lyngstad & Jarve, 16th and Capitol Ave. (5)- 225 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten, let ters and jod printing; no joo too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 Bo. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6562. (8) M612 Nov.l Je relera aad TVatca lakers. N. P. STILLINO-Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, l-i Ptotton Blk. Tel.. 36i. afee, Shatters, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a ne:lalty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th Bt. t5-a26 Tailors. FULL, DRESS ' And Tuxedo suits for sale or rent at Friedman's, 211 ,Bo. 12th St.! (6)-MB53 4x HELP WANtED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1802 FARNAM BT. Classes now open; able instructors. Complete shortnand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a professions Day and night sessions. TeL D. 1070. 7)-M513 O10 WANTED Lady who has some knowledge of office work and collections; state age, 'experience and salary. Address A 3U6, Bee. ' (7J-M600 6 Gl RL8 for railroad offices: education two years High school. Call or address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., fourth floor, Pacitlc Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb. t7) o22 8 Factory aad Tradea. WANTED Women for hand lronrrs and machines. Kimball Laundry. 1411 jacason Bt, (7)-M640 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage neip; good wages to right party. Address Eltlng Candy Co., Grand . Island, Neb. 7)-M550 16x Ha-aekeepere aad Doascstles. COMPETENT GIRL for genera) house work. Mrs. Hall, 221S Bberman Ave. 'Phone Webster 2723. (7)-Mll3 WANTED A settled white woman to cook and do general housework for two; good, permanent home; good wages; references wanted. Mrs. J. P. Morris, Coleman, Tex. (7h M464 "X WANTED Chambermaid; good eharactr required; country girl preferTSJ; tlcaei furnished. Address Perkins Hotel. David City, Neb. (7) M605 12x WOMEN for day work; .housekeepers, wsltresses. $3T. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. - (7)-i.1 CAPABLE girl for general work. Two in family. Z4W bt. Mary s Ave. wj WANTED-tA competent, trustworthy girl for general housework: two In family; good wages. Mrs. Flank Hadley, 2.V21 Bristol. (7)-M9S7 WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3012 Mason. Tel. Harney 2904. (7)-M37S S WANTED Cook, with good references; wages $7.00 per week; no washing or ironing, inquire bu bo. ioin ei. , (7)-M500 4 BEST inducements offered first class girl. 'Phone Harney 2048. (7 M463 GIRL for general housework; small family; small house: no laundry; good wages. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 1U N. 31st Ave. 7)-397 WANTEI A girl to do general housework. bs t. 3utn Ave. to HOUSEKEEPER between 26 and 35 years wanted. T. Teller, McCook, 8. l. . (7)-M4 031x WANTED Dining room girl at the Kim. ball house; good wages and transporta tion, Kimball, 8. D.. L. J. Cunint. (7) M610 lOx COMPETENT girl for housework, no wash, lug. S315 Burt street, (7)-M149 7x WANTED Good slrl for general house. work; family of three; small house near nign acnooi; Dest wages. au lapnoi Ave. t. M IX GIRL for general housework; no washing or cooking. ltH B. 21st Bt. to tit 1 WANTED Girl to assist In private family Work light. 1018 N. 34th St. (7)-43 4x WANTED Girl for general housework Good wages. Small family. 605 8. 29th Ave. (7)-w WANTED Girl to do housework. Mrs. Wm. F. Baxter, SuJO Marcy St. (7-533 WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 , ,t. .1 , m ....k a. in iiiiuy; no wasftuix. mJ c u. win oi. TeL Harney 3046. (7 M6o4 tx GIRL for general housework: good wages. 1001 do. uia Ave. til jnaas GOOD, steady girl for general housework Mrs. F. 8. Knapp, 1214 & 3ath Ave. (7)-685 9x allaeallaaeaaa. Will pay hiahest wages. O. K, Scofleld wtcaa ana -it CO., uiv iougiaa. - B.cn Visitors The BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE .M Ucrl la aeons Ceatlaaea'. LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.60 to 82.00 per dozen. 506 Paxton block. (7) M470 7x WAITRESS Permanent position. Bach elors Hotel. 20th and Farnam. (7) 372 WANTED Five good girls in our f acton-. D. P 8mith Ext. and Spice Co., "'2 8. J0!hFJ. (7) 527 4x HELP WANTED MALE A events, Solicitors and Salesmen. ARE you out of work? Call and so us; good hustlers mske good money. C. F. Adams Co.. 119 Howard St. (9)-125 WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb. 19) M604 24x WANTED A salesman for the southern hair or lowa ana an oi cmB m "- overalls, pants and shirts exclusively or as a side line; must, be familiar with this class of goods and know the cloth ing and dry goods trade of said terri tory. The Ehrmann Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, lnd. (9)-M615 4 Clerical aad OlOce. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1802 FAP.NA.M ST. Classes now open; aoie Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (9)-M61 O10 YOUNG man atenographer wanted; $30 to start; splendid future. Address W 305, care Bee. (9)-694 4 t Boys, WA.VTED-A bright ,oy, over 18 years, to holt copy for proofreader- Call at Bee composing loom. (a-4 GOOD bo" wanted, first class pay. A. D. T. Co.. 213 So. 13th St. (9)-M868 WANTED-Office boys, must be over 14 ears old. Address umana racaing iu., louth Omaha. (9) M5o8 WANTED Good boy over 1 years; good waes. The Wardrobe, 201'6 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1729. (9) 638 8 Factory and Tradea. WANTED Good, sober barber; $16 per week guaranteed. Fred Cooper, Edge- mont, S. D. t9) M368 ucttx WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference, rl. it. vistuoa, Stelnauer. Neb. (9)-M924 Oct2 WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make $2.50 to $3.50 a cay. Appiy J. w. Ten Brink. NIckerson. Neb. (9) 346 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-331 WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $26 per week, c a. Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. (01-389 WANTED Good all around wood worker. Apply D. H. Schmidt Carriage ana Wagon Co., St. Joseph, Mo. (9) M597 6 WANTED First-class barber; no booser need apply; guarantee 13 per ween, wr ow per cent. Address John Stack, Huron, 8. D. (9) M693 OaX WANTED Tailors to work in alteration department. will pay gooa wages. -. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. 9)-Tl COATMAKER wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecranti, Hoiarege, jxen. (9) M667 06x WANTED A first-class shoemaker; up- to-date snop ana nnisning macuine; salary. H. L. Walters tt Co., Clarion, Ia. WANTED Three first-class, galvanised sheet-Iron workers, preferably those fs. miliar with ventilating work. Superin tendent Ventilating work, Methodist hos pital, 36th and Cuming streets. (9)-M502 8x JOHN RENZNICHK, 2707 Leavenworth, wants a butcher. t; mo COMPETENT drug clerk; good salary. 2403 Cuming Ht. tj aa.au e WANTED Binder who can forward and rinlsn. KeDrasaa newspaper union, ium, Neb. (9) 682 6x Miscellaneous. ' BOUND young; men, aged 18 to 85, for firemen ana nraaemen au.'inx rusn sea son on leading railroads here, in tha west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $109 monthly, become engineers, $200; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $150; many positions now open: write at once for particulars. National Railway Training association, C20 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 415 Oct 8 WANTED One first class business getter for escn state good money ror ngnt party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address S 170, care Bee. ft) S38 DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions, Increased salaries. Denver Drug ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, jColo. (3)-M3S4 O20x TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $16 per week. Sunderland Bros. Co., 2,0th and Hickory. l9)-478 7 DRUO CLERK, registered; store experience may be limited, aoaa experience preierrea, or willing to learn soda part of business; aood opportunity to get city ex re j Unco In a strictly drug store. Address l" ', are Bee. , (.( fx FREE .Employment Bureau, support!! cy Business Men's association: helps wcik- men find positions. Call 842 New '.rk i-ttim dug. vj na.9M ws GOOD PAY Men wanted ,v.Ty nora to tack signs, distribute circulars, jampies, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bureau,' Chicago, III. I6t-Mti03 lOx WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N.,. INC., 721-72 New York Life Bldg. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 6:30 p.m. Bookkeeper, $S0. Assistant bookkeeper, $70. Stenographer, $ho. Stenographer. $i&. Otflce clerk, bank, $40. Stock clerk, young man, $40. If in need of a position see us at one, We can place you. 9)-M601 4 WANTED Competent furnace men. 123 go. Main St., council tiiuns. is, 9 M707 WANTED Motion v two-picture operators. Apply Cross. 140Z uougias. ix U. 8. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americana, 17 to 25 years of sge; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years. An illustrated booklet, ahowing the life of the modern inan-o'waia man free to those Interested. Vis t or address Navy recruiting station, Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Bloux City, la. Post olilcu buildings. (&1-M519 Nix WANTED-Passenger and fieight elevator men. Janitors, carpenter and Plumbers helpers; one fireman, painters; top wages. tot lies Biag. hi-mm ux WANTED Competent driver, must furnish bond, tialary hM to $7v. Applv 1812 Far nam.' (9) M504 4 MAN .for general housework. Call 6 to T evenings, izs Bo. 2&th tit. (S)-MUl ix WANTED Good Turkish bath man. Pax. Urn hotel. (ill 476 3 A TAILOR wanted. Graham A Ionard, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Haraea aa Vehicles. ONE l-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, ona double express harness; one or two horses. Come in. '4.e Harney 8L SliblM. SIX head of good horses, city broke, sound and in fine condition for work. Farmers' Cieamery, 8th and Harney streets. til ) M01 8 NOW Is the time to buy our drlvins noise or single wagon nui . ,"' making rcom for heavy horses. Have severs! nne single drivers lor ladles; or & extra good single wsgon horses; have some gooi cheap farm teams. Omaha Horse & Supply Co.. Rear 411 I N. 16th St. tU-M.I3 WB are selling delivery wagons teaming gears, buggies, csrrlages snu Harness cheaper than any other firm in Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th snd Jones Sts. OD-237 Horses bought and sold. Myers.' UK. Doug. HORSES bought A sold. Blake 1531 N 16th. (11) M4ti6 Nix FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Red SMi. (111478 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 803 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (ID M101 A heavy matched work team. Cash or terms. Zbi7 Hionn mn street. (11) M 430 Poaltry and Eaars. DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 10X2. (1D-M9SI Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11)-M;.47 Nov2 Coma, Birds, Dofts aad Pets. ST. BERNARD dogs and, a nu-mber of Eng lish bull and fox terrier puppies. Mac Millan Bros., Bloomlngton, III. (4I-M1'47 Sx LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. Xltn. lei. weosier mm. (12) MS58 04 FOUND White-faced steer. Hereford. Frank C. Vnad, 4935 Pacific Bt. (12-M503 4 LOST Wednesday evening, leather pocket book containing several dollars ana a car book. Return to Bee office and re ceive reward. (12) M574 4x LOST Young light tan male pug dog; name, "Toodiea. newara ti returnea to "The Vincent," 19th and Harney. (12) M624 6x LOST-Fox terrier, name "Swipes," brown race, wnite Doay wun large oiaca spoi on back like ace of clubs. Five dollars reward for return to Arthur East. 676 South 18th St., Bouth Omaha. 12) M5S8 5x LOST On Tuesday night at carnival grounds, plain gold bracelet. Mrs. Alns worth, 2411 Bo. 13th. Reward. (12) M602 6x MONDAY morning, gold chain bracelet on Albright or South Omaha car. Reward If returned to 1202 Howard. (12)-M622 6 LOST Wednesday, black pocketbook con- luniiiis pupera nnu umer vttniuuie ariieien. Reward for return to D. W. Van Cott, 1419 Douglaa St. (12)-678 5 LOST Tuesday night on 16th or Leaven. wortn bta., small open-face gold watcti; monogram A. S. L. Return to 1016 Far nam or 'phone Harney 1879. Good reward. ' (12)-6S1 4 MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th- and Douglas, Omaha. (13) -242- ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or wrue to me mairon ok me Daivauon Army Home for , Women at 8S24 N. 21th fit., Omaha. Neb. U2)-Mlld BEST nerve bracer for men, '"Gray'a Nerve Food Pills," ti a box, postpaid, Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-243 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th snd Dav enport Bts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. , (131-129 MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AND CHATTCLI, Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE OF MONEY? , That is Just what we are having.' WB HAVS TUU ttuun nui,i on nana and must loan it out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you are assured of a lair square aeai irom aian to union. AB LOW RATES as can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIME neceasary for you to "get on your teet ' in case or sicanosr or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 112 Board of Trade Bldg. 16th Btreet Entrance. (10-M714 DH. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture. pianos. norses, etc., . any amount; lets half rates; perfect privacy and immediate attenliun on any terms: payments suspended when sick or dis abled. 214 Karbach blk., 209 South 15th street. ' (14)-M438 Bowen. 703 N. Y. Life Bide. advances private money on chattels or sal ary. CUJ W Si. u a . vu B -7. money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 249 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 638 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 7.6. (14)-2tO CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., lrt Farnam Bt, (14)-34s MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cltlos. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. i:;-25 UNION LOAN CO. We will make a special low rate on col. lateral loans, mortgages on personal nror erty and notes, without security. Terms ta suit, 'pnone uougias iao4- 810 Bee Bldg. (141 M 154 Oct. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom modeling, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) 4t FURNITURE, live stock, sslary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. (14-252 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board or Trade, U4i M6S3 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooasa. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; horns cooking. Red 3568. 2217 Howard. (15)-691 OctCx VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (lo) 258 DEWEY European Hotel, 12th and Farnam, (15)-254 FIRST-CLASH board and room. 608 So. 21th .Ave. . (15 778 OI15 NICELY furnished rooms; first-class hoard; reasonable rates. The Rose, si'so Harney Bt. :5)-SM 2bx NEW, furnished rooms, first-class board; fine location; walking distance. 21 S Bo. 2.'th bt. (15)-679 Faralsaed Rooms. , FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 412 Hamilton St. tl6)-84 FIVE furnished front rooms for carnival, transient; take Harney car to California St. and go one block east. 6-4 N. 23d. 'Phone Douglaa 450. U5) M629 07x FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer tuce required. 64e South 24th Bt. (Uj-lteav Oct3 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralsaed Raossa Caatlaaed. AIJ.' MODERN furnished room for gen tleman. $10. Tel. Harney i76. 26. Dodge. (15l ,i3 128 8. 26TH St.. large east front room. suit, able for three gentlemen; houso strictly modern; roomy porches, large, shady lawn. ut-76. LA KOI. pleas mt room for gentlemerv lilt Leavenworth St. (15) 49 x THY "THE BEST WAY" TO GET Til 11 BEST ROOMS. OMAHA RENTAL 4'0., TEL. DOUG. SSS1. N. Y. LIFE BLDQ. (16) M 623 4 NEWLY furnished, strictly modern front room; furnace heat. 611 8. 24th Ave. . (15I-M933 BEAUTIft L large front and other rooms; bay window; clean; host rerereneea, t N. 2d. (15I-M49J o6x FURNISHED rooms In private family, 2758 California ct., on tiarney ca ir line. .If j il5)-M5l7 8 h . I uglas St, 15) 111 x t FURNISHED rooms. 1911 Dau MODERN furnished room, genMeman pre ferred. Tel. Harney 875. 2614 Doitae St. (15) M140 6x TWO nlce'y furnished modern rooms, each suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred. References required. Address O SSr csie Bee. (15)-M36 la NICE largo room, Ave. modern. B24 So. Mth (15) M;i9 6x WELL furnished rooms In icdr.ed home; transients during this week. 308 N. 22d. (161-2JS bx FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster 31503. 2226 Miami St. (15-86s -4 MODERN furnished room; ent!emn pre ferred. TeL Harney 875. 2644 Dodge St. (15) M140 ix PHONE Douglas 6176 for rooms In private family Ak-Sar-Ben week (16)-398x ; FURNISHED rooms. Tel. Red 1841. (15)-420 6x BEAUTIFUL furnished front room In a 111 modern brick house, fine location; private tainiiy. xiz per montn. zutej uodae. (U) 626 4x LARGE front room, with small side room) for two people; man and wife preferred; strictly modern; home cooklna. 1828 Wirt Bt., Kountae Place. . (16) M561 I TWO parlors, with board, for four gente nien. 2539 California. 'Phone D 6161 ,: (15)-M560 J NICELY furnished rooms in new modirn flat. 214 N. 26th St., Tel. Doug. 3998.. () 6Stf Housekeeping; Rooms. I 827 PARK AVE, Pleasant, suite, furnlslod, in modern house, where It la quiet Snd refined; beautiful, large lawn. (16 i HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnlmed. 218 Not 23d St. (16) M551 I Apartments nad Flats. , $40.00 61GV4 No. 24th St., Bouth Omaha: six room apartment In new "ecargo" bulUlng. All modern conveniences. Including- hot water in kitchen anl bath. Hall Dis tributer Co., 817 JficaC Nat 1 Bank Dldg. Phone Red Ttiti- ik) FOR RENT 8304 ' Sherman Ave., nlct new 6-room flat, modern except heat; electrlo light and gas; launury privilege aid tin yard; $26. Telephon Web. 2,16. I .mysuoi s STEAM-HEATED rial, modern. 220 N. 23d. (15) M4ai AN APARTMENT. Ijavldge Bldg., Bth and Farnam. Apply apinmeni r.o. (15- M415 6-ROOM new flat; mdern; 707 Georgia Ave. Inquire 413 Houtn fin. Uoj sisao 4X 6-ROOM modem flat 2910 Shirley St , $27.60. uty oi ix NEW 4-room , brle . flat, 220; "22d a JNlcnoias, ground , noor, mooern si ranare. gaa stovo kitchen cabinet, fi nlshcd. Referens required. Patterso riea ' it-3 t 1 1 nuiii . , wo Houses lnd Cottages. $22 per mo., 26 4 Blondo St,, 8 rooms. modern except fu mace. $25 per mo., Zbi Blondo Bt.. l-room modern except fu nace. i $30 per mo., 6; N. 26th St., 9-room modern house. , $35 per mo., 131 modern house. N. 40trl St., new S-room $46 per mo., 8fc N. 20th St; 10-oom modern house. $45 per mo., Itlg 8 83d St., 10-room modern house, seam heat, 2 large lots south and east fnts. all In fine repair. $60 per mo. eacl, 113-16 N. 26th. Bt., new 6-room modern tuts, oak finish, 1st floors, 4 bed rodms, very desirable. $60 per mo., 2i45 Capitol Ave., l-room strictly modern house. GEORGE A t'O., 1601 Farnam BC j (16) M664 4 GOOD 8 -room kll modern house, within walking dlstant-e, puvea street, . gooa neighborhood. iKnv at office. Harrison & Morton, U'-T13 is. I. Ldie mag. iei. D 314. (16)-M26 1564 No. 20th E , 4 rooms, owner pays wlv papered. 316: 33jt water rent; Manderaon St., Rlngwalt Bros 6 rooma, nice yard, $1160. aott bo. i5tn Ht. (16)-M618 I DESIRABLE lolroom house, fine location' on car line; gipil neighborhood; all moa ern; can be ufed for rooming house, or two families; barn. 3016 Pacific St.; $46; water paid. Tfl. Doug. 836, P. Whtfrtey, It. 73, u. . xiat. uanx tuw. (IE) MC7 ON CHARLES, near 84th. new 8-Rt all modern, on Harney car line, sax; neartn and Burt, 9-11., all mod., near Cunin and Harney ear Unea. $32.60; one 29th, near Ames Ave., 6-R., new, bath, PL: 924 N. 42d, 7 ronmi, all modern, 880. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO..' 1001 N. Y. Lite. . Phone Doug. 2161 1 ( Msoe FOR RENT Six-room House, modem ex cept furnace, 1321 B. 2Mb, Ht $23 per month. 'Phone Harney 2369. (IS) Ii6S7 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. uougias 1625. Benmolie s Mueller Piano Co.. 1211-131$ Farnam (15V259 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. Hack, aove. store H 11. goods; storeuouse iuu-h N. 11th, Office 1609 Farnam. TeL Doug 155a (16J-M "HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; iiicij, (iviti. 0. u . ... a wni. Expreasmeu'i Delivery Co. TaL Doigiat r4. WE MOVF. PIANOS Maggard Van ana Storage Ca Tel. Doug. 1494 Ornet. 1711 Webster Bt. (15263 FOR RENT-s-room modsm house 21V Lake-well located. (16-MU FOR RENT-After October 6. 81S8 Oilcan street, 7 rooms, large bath roeai attk ' and laundry,. first-class, furnace. $46. (15)-M433 TTnTTRF.5 Prtm of tba city, peter Trust Co.. N. Y. LI Bldg t w CliOSE In 7-room house, modern excel furnace. 618 1 8. 20tb. (16)-688 X i ROOMS for rent. 1619 N. 19th ft. (l7i Ix F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Weai Building, 18th and Farnam Bta. (li) 66 FOR RENT Steam heated modern flat 01 second floor of Davtdge bldg., $0. .1 New 6-room cottage, modern exjpt heal 8012 Charles St., $26. New 6-room cottage, bath, hot and co ' wator, 20th and Ave. C, Counill Bluffi fifteen minutes from 14th aiK Doug la ' Sts., $20. -' JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FAINAM 81 , Ckh-M972 4 2632 Patrick Ave., rooms, new and not ern $26. 1 44i Leavenworth Bt., rooms-fll 663 So. 201 h Bt.. 2d floor. The Ornond-$2B. 'Phone Douglas 6t. BEM1B, Paxton Bll , . (16)-47 EIGHT rooma, all modern, 2U3 Maple St $25 and water rnt. . I I rooms, 409 William Bt., $24, 6-rooia house, 810 Burt 81.. ,118 and watt rent. f I CURU BOYCR, 22d and (timing Bts. s r X Rockwall City, la. (9) -Mi 18 lex 1 I