I THE 0MAI1A DAIJ..Y BEE: TUESDAY, OCT()HKIt"r. 190?.' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Local Option Set Aside by Removal of the Exchange. REPORT OF CARS ALSO ABSENT ItereeatatlTC of Chicago lloasc Try Da Blnes, bat Are ' Considerably Handicap by Condition. OMAHA. Sept. 17. There was no iocal option market today on account r-f the rtmnval of the office of th Omaha Grain exchange from the , Boar 4 of Trad to the Brandels building. Neither wan th exchange able to pet from tt railroad a report of cars received and h'pped,, a telephone Were not In com mission. The representative of Chicago option houaea tried to do business, hut were considerably handlcaped by the confusion Incident to emigration to new quarters. Considerable cash business waa none on the floor at the new office. Omaha Caah rrlcca. WHEAT No. 2 hard, W7JZXsc; No. 3 Tisrd, 8?11e; No. 4 hard. Rv&a&c; No. 3 spring. vbgVtc no grade. 8Q84o. VOUS No. S, Si'vii6tc; No. 4. 54W "8X4 no grade, &HMo; No. S yellow, u,W '7Vc? No. I white, otWrftfe. OATS No. 8 mixed, ta46Xic; No. 3 color, eS-V; No. a while. tf'yWc; No. 4 white, toylAc; standard. 477j47X4c. RYE No. i, 8fjc; No. a, 78S'7c. CHICAGO OR A I AND PROVISIONS Peat area ( the Trading- aa4 Closing; - : Prices aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. Heavy realigns tales caused a weak wheat market today, the December delivery closing at a net laaa of lVc. Corn waa down c. Oats ara y(tc lower. Provisions were 2VjC to tojower. To wheat market waa fairly firm during the first half hour because of an advanca f Mrd at Liverpool. Traders, however, were bearlshly Inclined because of liberal ship ments from Kusla, and lower prices at Minneapolis. ' Toward the end of the first half hour the selling became more aggTcs Ir because of the weakness of corn, and mora favorable reports regarding the wheat crop of western Canada. The freer offer ing soon caused a decline of lc from the high- point of tha session. The market copllued weak for tha remainder of tha day, and closed In that condition. De cember opened H4 lower to Xo higher, at Mt'c to 9W!, sold off to 97Te, and closed at 88Xo. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 30,000 bushels. The visible supply decreased M,000 bushels, and the amount on Parnate decreased 778.000 bushels. Frlmsry receipt were 11,144,000. agalnat I.ElO.oov bushels on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Dututh and Chicago reported receipt of -714 cara against 814 cars last week aad 1.080 car a year ago. A, break of more than 8c per bushel In tha price of September corn, caused by realising tales,, caused weakness In all other deliveries. Largo receipts and Im proved weathsr for the new crop were de pressing influences. The market closed De;ember opened a shade to tl.Oitf IJJJV lower at 58c to 6K4c. sold up to tofl6SViC and then declined to 67e. Tha close was 668X,c. Local receipts, l.tfj cars, with 489 of contract grad. The feature of trading in oats waa a sharp advanca In the September delivery. ' JO"? ..ny th hct've covering by shorts The delivery made a net gain of lxic. Op tion were weak In sympathy with wheat tV00,"1, Deoembwr opened a shads to j52C.iaW?JL" i2c to, ol1 between "ia and JHc, and closed at 62c. Local receipts were 488 cars. Provision! were firm early In the day because of 10c advance In the price of live hogs. Later the market weakened In sympathy with corn. At the closT Januar? -p, at $8.84. Rlba were down 2c at l4j:ra'?!-t1Lc,,El?",or tomorrow, wheat; Tha leadiiig futures ranr4 .Artlcl"-I P"-I H)gh. Low. ciosc.l Sat y. tVheat Sept. Dec. May ; orn Sept. 96H 94 104 96 1 06 1 $ fa 1 UHi i 4H 3U S3 14 uec. ;TV , Sept. -i lec: May Porn Oct. Jan. Lard Oct. . Jan. Iwt ', T Oct. Jan. 62H r 2S 63H 13 96 1540 10 a 90 '62 in ao I 16 26 a 07 8 83 Tr1 7 96 I 52f 634 IS 75 1520 8 95 8 80 1 IS s 13 90 16 10 1 a or, 8 86 . a 12 7 97 15 87 10 8 86 i iz4' 8 12H 7 8TH 8 on 7 W ' "No.! ' . . . rLOUR-Steady: winter patents. 14.20 4.60; winter straights. 83 9lK.26; spring patenta, $6.10f6.30; spring straights, (4 80m 4.W; bakera. 2.76fS.96. - 'HP 98dtj1.06; No4 8 red, 94ff9ticr .'' CORN No. 2, 62c; No. 2 yellow, 62V62c. OATa-No, t. 64c: No. I white. 47S2c RYEJ-No. 2. 8889c. BARLKY Good feeding, 76fl80c; fair to choice malting, Sik-fillOa. 8KED-Flax, No. 1 northwestern, $1.25: prime timothy seed, 84.10; clover,, contract grades, 1.7S. , . , PROViaiON8-Short rlba, aides (looae), t7.9Oo8.O0; mesa pork, per bbl., tl8.7618.86; lard, per loo lbs.. 89.07; abort clear aides Articles. Raeelnta.' Rhlnmanla Flour, bnla.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oata. bu Rve. bu 16,800 23.S00 124.000 9. W7.200 1 3X3,000 .-..8H4.600 228.30ii 21,000 ' 2.UU LOU.luO "3.900 'Barley, bu. On ihm Prnrfuce Mfthann tniv tha hut. ter market waa firm. Creainerlea, 23 27c; dairies. 23JJ2c. Eggs strong; at murk, casea Included, 14ijl7c; flrsta, 31c; prima flista, 22c. Cheese steady; 12$44o. WEATHER I" THE CiRAtt BELT ghawersn Prohably, Taesday aad Tem pratara Ahaat tha Saaac. 'OMAHA. Sept. 80, 1907. Unsettled weather Is general In all portions of tha country, except the south ern states and on the Pacific slope. With in the past twenty-four hours ralna have fallen In the mountains and east over the central valleys and lake region to ,the At lantic coast, and continue this morning In the lake region, upper Mississippi .and Missouri valleys, with anow at Cheyenne, Wyo. The weather la slightly cooler in . tha weat, and tha outlook Is favorable for rain in this vicinity tonight and prob ably Tuesday, with not much change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding osy o.' the lust three years: 1907 1908 1806 1904 Minimum temperature.... a 42 64 52 Precipitation 08 .00 .00 .24 Normal temperature for today, 61 degreea. Ueticlency la precipitation since March 1, 8.68 inches, Ueiictancy corresponding period In 1906. 164 Inches. Denulency corresponding period In 1906, 5.42 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora aad Wheat Reajlaa Balletla. For tha twenty-tour hours ending at 8 a. 111., 76th iierldlan time, Monday, Septem ber 28. Uf: . OMAHA OIBTPrCT. Temn. Raln- IStations. Max. Mln. fall v.rVhland, Nea 66. .40 Sky. Raining Raining Raining Raining . Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy relve-hour -Auburn, Nan 00 Colunibuo, Neb... 52 Kalrbury. Neb.... 6 Fairmont, Nab.. M 3d. Island. Nb.. M ; Partington, Neb. 44 laatiiiga. Nab.... 68 44 41 4 44 40 SR' 41 38 48 44 40 4H 4 28 .30 .46 .HH :n .25 . .18 14 .12 .Un .46 .00 ' Oo.kdale, Neb 46 Omaha. Neb. 6.1 64 61 64 64 46 Tekamah, Neb.. Alia. la.. Carroll, la Clarinda. la Piuiey. la Sioux City. la. 4 42 .14 Not Included In ivirAfM . IMlnlmuni temperature for period ending at 8 a. m. V DISTRICT AVKRAGES. No. at Temp. llaln- i CantraL 8ialiuiia. Max, Mln. Inchea , t iituagp, in is ; Cultiinbus, 0 1 les Muinea, 1.... 10 .' Indianapolis, lnd. 10 lxiuisvllle, Ky.... 1 ; MUmeapolis. Minn. Ik - Omaha, Neb 16 , St. Lou la. Neb 12 k 45 - T I bt . W 44 . 1 44 T t4 it) s- ' : t S- t: .04 Ralna have continued In all portions of the ern and wheat region since the pre ' eilvg report The weether continues cool ' O''rlcts and freetlng temperatures aoth eavy aud kilUng frosts are reported iu Mu.' eol u ttu rakotaa. Nol-'Us corn and wheat gk.n service fr this aeason I dler-ontimied with thla isne. t he serviie- will be resumed April L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. OMAHA GE8BRAL MARKET , Staple aad laser Prodaew. EiOS -rer doi , 19-. liL'TTER Packing at(K-k. 20t!2ic; choice to fancy dairy, skip; creamery. 28c. l'HEr;flrN' full cream. Wlsconaln twins, i.tc; new full cream, brick, l'ic; do mestic, new Swiss, 26tf26c; new llmberger, l&irl; young Amerlcaa. H!c. LIVE POI LTRY Spring chickens, 10 11c; hens, 9gioc; roosters, c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, fcjiioc: geese, 6c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland, tln-00; me dium, SHOO; No. 1 bottom, 8800; oft gradea from fo.bo to 86.60; rye straw. II. W; No. 1 alfalfa. 111. 00. FRUITS AND MELONS. APPLES Weslthy, tl.40- per bu.; Cali fornia Drtllefleurs, t2.20fe2.26; Wolf river apples. H 60 per bbl. VV'ATERMELONa Each., 254740c; crated for ahlprr.ent, H4o per lb, CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford, standard crate, 2.; home grown, standard, tl-75. UTAH PEACH Eo Per box. 11.86; Colo rado. 11.86. PEARS Bartletts, 13.60 per ox; riemleh beaut lex. 83.00. GRAPES Home grown, t-lb. basket. 28 4?26c; California malaga, tl6. PRITNES-Utah Italian, tl.26; sliver, ; Hungarian, 8200. BLUEBERRIES Per 18-qts.. 82.50. VRUETABi-E. NAVT BEANS Per bu.. No. 1. 2.00 tlO; No. 2, 12.10; Lima, 6o per lb. POTATOES Per bu., new, 875c. BEANS New. wax and string, 40fl0c per market basket. I BKETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Fer market basket, 60c. RADISHES Fer doa. bunches, horn a grown, 20c. TOMATOES Home grown, market bas ket crate, 60c. three-crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c; four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, 94 CUCUMBERS Per basket. 85g40c. CBtKRr-Kaiamazoo, 30d35o. ONIONS-Tellow and red, 2o per lb. Spanish per crate. 11.85 NEW PEPPERS-Per market basket, 60O 1 i SWEET POTATOES-Market basket, 55c; Virginia aweeta. per bb!., 83.60, BEEt" CUTS. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 14c; No. 2 ribs. 11c; No. 2 ribs, tic; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 2 loin, 13c; No. S loin, 9c; No, i chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck. -4c: No. 6 chuck. 8c; No. 1 round, 9c; No. 2 round, 7c; ito. 3 round, 6c; No. i plate, Jc; No. 2 plate, 2c; No. i plate, 2c. TROPICA- FRUITS. LEMONS Limonera, 360 else, $7.00; other brands, 60cfi$1.00 leas. DATES Kadawav 60; Bayers, 6c;' Hal lowls, 6c; new staled walnut datei, t-lb box, $1.00. ' BANANAS Pet medium alxed bunch. $2.0092.26: Jumbos, 82.004J3.60. ORANGES Valcncias. 80 and M sixes. t4.60Q4.76; 120, 160, 178, 200 and 114 sices, 86.16 WtS.00. MI8CELIaANEOtTS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are somewhat unsctled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate gradea. Quo tations range from He to 9o for California fruit and from 6c to tc for Oregon. Peachea are slightly easier, wlrh fancy yel lows quoted at 13c. Raisins ara firm; 11c. HIDE, AND TALLOW Groan salted. No. 1, 8c; No. 8, 7c; bull hide, 60; green bldea. No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 6a; horse, tl.60St.60; sheep pelts, 50cfj tl.26. Tallow. No. $. 4c: No. 2. 80. Wool. 154J-220. COFFEE Roasted, No. 85, 28a per lb.: No. 20, 14o per Ib.J No. 26. 10 per lb.: No. 21. 12c per lb. FISH Halibut, 11c; trout, ltc; pickerel. 10c; pike, 14c; pike, freah frosen, 12c; whlteOsh, 14(5 16c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 13c; catfish, dressed, lie; white .perch. 7c: whlta bass, 15c; black bass. 26c; sunflsh, 6&d:'S srappea, 49c; large crapfJlea, 16c; herring, freah frosen. 6c; white fish, froaen, 13oliu. pickerel, freah frozen, 9c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; native mackerel, I81&360 per fish; codfish, fresh frozen.i 12c; red snipper, 12c; flounders, fresh frozen, 12c: haddock, fresh froaen, 12o; smelts, tfc; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs. 860 per dox.; green sea turtle meat, 2ao per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 65c. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound cans, 81.46; standard, 8-pound cans, tl.fe. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound. t2.2032.8G; sliced. tl.752.36. Gallon apples. 18.26. California apricots, $2.00. Pearo, ti.752.60. Peachea. 1.762.40. L. C. peachea, 82.0002.60. Alaska aalmon, red, $1-20; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.16; fancy aockeya, flat. U.K. Sardines, quarter oil, ,$3.26; three-quarters mustard, 18.10. Sweat potatwa, tl.iedVtt; aur.raut. 90c. Putncklpa, tOcijtl.oo. Lima beans, 2-pound. loctfU.26. Hooked peas, J-pound. tOc; fancy, tl.2saci.4s. . ' ' ,V t-vT St. l.oals General Market. ST. . LOUIS. Sept. 80.-WHEAT-Lower; track: No. ' 8 red. cash. 99c4($1.00; No. 3 hard, 97cg1.00; December, 984ic: May tl .02.431 .08. ' GO HN Lower- track) No. 2 cash, 81 61ci December,' 63e; May, 6Sc;, No. 2 white, 62ft2c. OATS Lower; track: No. 2 caah, - 4Rc; Deoember, ic; May, 61c; No. 2 white, 60o; . . FLOUR Firm; red winter patnets, 14.50 4.80; extra fancy and straight. t4.064.40; clear, $3.2K83.76. SEED Timothy, lower: $4.004.25. CORNMEAl-Steady; 82.86. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, $1.18 61 20. HAY Steady; timothy, 11.0O2O.O0; prairie, tf.00rl2.60. ' IRON COTTON TIES-11.10. BAOOING 11 5-lBc. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing tl5.60. Iird lower; prime steam. 18.62. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts. $9.25; -clear ribs, $9.25; short clears, $9.50. Bacon, lower; boxed, extra short. $$10CTi.: Cler ribB' ,1013V4; Bhort clear. POl LTRY-Flrm; chickens. 10c; springs. 12&12e; turkeys, 13&n5c; ducks, 9c geese. 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery," 22228c. EGOS-Steady; 17c, case coulu. . . , Kecelpta. Shipments. Flour bbls is.ouo n.two Wheat bu 145.000 97,000 Corn, bu 1W.000 , 770O1, Onf. bu 246.000 HO.OOO New York Oeaeral Market. NEW YORK. Sept. lO.-aiTOAR-Raw, Arm; fair refining. 8.46c; centrifugal, 96 test 3.95c; mplaaaes sugar, aide. ReflneU, steady; crushed. t.TOc; powdered, 6.10c granulated, 6.OO0. . -w. 4A5F FEE Steady: No. 7 Rio. 6c; No. 4 Santos. 6c. 1 POILTRY-Dreased, In-egular; western springs chickens, 12018c; turkeys, 10l6c: fowls. 12f14c. BUTTER Strong; creamery specials. 30c extras, 29c; thirds to first. 24f&29c; state dairy, common to finest. 2392c; process common to special, WtiXc; western factory' common to first. 20(j,23c. CHEESE-trong; atate. full cream small, colored and white, fine, 4c; good to prime, 14al4c; common to fair, llrj 18c; Isrge colored fine. 14c; large white. 14lfi'14c ; common to good, HVoMc. EGGS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 3CK(82c; good to choice. 26v528c; brown and mixed fancy, 26tf28c; firsts to extra firsts. 23tr.Sc; west ern firsts. 22iiiC3c; seconds. 19f22c Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provlslaas. KANSAS CITY, Sepv. 10. WHEAT De cember, 92V! May. 97c; caah No. $ hard, 9396c; No. 3, 90ij94c; No. 2 red, $fl9fcc; No. 4. 91rf4c. CORN December, 50; May; 334e; cash No. 2 mixed. 5c: No. 8, 5,.tc; No. . white. 67Ml67c; No. 3. 57c. . OAT8-N0. 2 white, 48c; No, 5 mixed. 47c. ; EGGS Steady: extras, fjc;- firsts, 20c; casea returned, 1o less; southern, lc off. RYE Firm Choice timothy, tlSat.50; choice prairie, 111.00. - BUTTER Creamery, 28c; packing. 20c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2!.ooo l.oi Corn, bu.., 37.6"0 44,0110 Oata, bu 48.000 49.000 . Milwaakec Grata Market.. MILWAUKEE. Kept. 30. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, tl.OMM.lfl; No. 2 porthern. $1.0f1.09r December. Sc bid. CORN Lower; No. 3. 616!c; May. 6!V,e hid BA RLEY Higher; No. 2. $1 (9; sample. 6e tlH.OK. RYE-Lower; No. 1. K8c. Peoria Market. P1XKIA. III. Sept. 30.-CORN-Lewr: No. 8 yellow, 62c; No. 8. 6; No. 4, 61 c. OATS Easy: No. I white, 49r-?c; No 4 white. 4K,c. - ' RTE-Steady; No. 2. 87C8c. WH19IvY-$l.SI. Llveryool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 30.-WHEAT-apt, normal: futurea. steady; September, nor mal; December. 8a d: March. 8 d. CORN Spot, firm: prime mixed American, 6a lid: future, quiet; October. 6a d; Jan uary. 6a Sd. , , . Dalath Grata Market. I IH'U TH. Seit. r.-VI!FAT-No lnuth-crn-. $li:'N 2 northern. t.; Hepiember t, w i. -,b?r. $l.W; May, $l.it'4. OATS-P'xc 1 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Shortt Take Adrantage of Outaida Bnyingr to Corer Short Contraota. PRICES RISE EARLY W DAY Valae Sell with Redaetlaa ot hort Interest aad Market Re comes Irregalar aad lacertala. NEW YORK. Sept. 20 The movement In prices In the stork msrltet today was re garded aa due rather to the adjuatment of speculative contracts amongot principal operators than to any view of the condi tions. The professionals were heavy sellers on the short side last week and they took advantage of the outside selling attracted over the week end to cover extensive short lines today. The selling induced by last week's shsrp decline was most pronounced today for London account. From the lower level of price at the start there was a brisk recovery and a show of vlgoroua strength for a time, but with a reduction of the short Interest and the satisfaction of the demand from that source the market sank hack into a mood of uncertainty and of irregular fluctuations. The money market reflected the prepara tions for the October settlements, as Is usually the case on the last day qf the month, but the strain was so tar short of stringency that the effect was rather to decreaae the disposition of the shorts to cover. Call money did not gt above atx per cerl. The later dullness of the stock market was due In part to the post ponement beyond the expected hour of the delivery of President Roosevelt' speech at Canton, making it probable that Its publications would be delayed until after the day's session of the stock market wss over. There was aome revision of last week's estimate of what the aubatance of this address would be, but this was accom panied by suggestions that the presidential utterances, from which disturbance of fin ancial sentiment wsa dreaded, might be looked for In later addresses. Underlying the present financial situation la the general conviction that a period of abstention from speculative activity Is essential to the sfe working out of the needs to be met. I'he torpid demand for securities, which I one consequence of this abstention, opens the way for bear attacka. Hopeful views are reported among the ranks of the bankers and In other rank of capital, nevertheles. The October dividend and lnteret pay menta, according to the estimate of the Journal of Commerce, will amount to 81W, 000.000, which la the largest ever made for this period of the year, notwithstanding reductions In dividends of some companies, notably the coppers, and readjustment of dividend periods by some of the large rail road companies, which would also affect the comparison. To meet these large dis bursement there are large accumulations of caah which Involve temporary with, drawale from the active uses of the money market, but redepoalt of these funda will bring them buck to the money market. availability of thl large sum has had little reflection In the Immediate reinvest ment demand for securities in the New lork securities market, but It I ome re plenishment of the capital fund neverthe fun1 flnd Breater attraction yet In the money market and In more direct form of lending. Asertrons from rail road official of the sustained volume of their trafllc, and eapeclally of the great grain movement, were features of the weekly Interviews from that source. Cop per weakened in London, but no change wa announced here. The selling of stocks Tor London account here was an element ;,2tihp!;covI7J,, ,n 're!gn exchng f , The punishment administered to the short In Canadian Pacific wa Illustrated bear" to cover elwhera was IJondii wore Irregular. ToUl sales car NeUmYSto'-kc'nin'on. on th. Adams EiorsM alts. Hlfk. Lew. CIom. Amlsssiu4 Copixr (1, ' Car Fousdry.... l.too . ' i, American Cottoa Oil 100 do Bid Amarlcaa EprM .... w 61-4 5D4 M I6H at an, sot, im .... 45 .... 15 li . IS .... W 8 .... 19 SO', M 100 ion 4 7 6 oi 77 77 Mli 18 (5 14 Wt, DI44 0 W'i Mt W st, n 43 S 157 170 ITS 178 35 H tt 144 14 11114 4 I " 6 1714 14 U , ii 4:4 (3 43 43 7 7i 13 13 .... 15414 l'S 470 611 American H. L. pf. Amr. If Mrltls American Llnmt Oil ... do pfd American Locomotive de ptd too ISta 700 Sim ARMrmn I. c It. ...iiv. 42.0O) ao pro t, . Araar. Too., ptd rartlf ... Anaconda Mining Co Alchlaon do pfd Atlantla Coaat Lin Balthnor a Ohio do pfd Brookira R. t Caoadlaa PaclBu 'ntrl of N. i Choaapaak & Ohio fhlcago Great Waatara ... rhlcaso V Northwaaurn . Chlcaso. Mil. St. Paul.. C'hlrago Tar. A Trana. .. do ptd , .. . C, C. C. 8t. L Colorado fual a Iron .... Colorado A Bouthara do 1 pfd do 2d pfd Conaoildatad Oaa Corn Producta, rfd do pfd Dalavar A Hudaon Dal., Lark. Waatarn Dar Rio Grand Do pfd . . . , Dlatillara' Sarurlllaa Sri do lat pfd do M pfd Central Electric llllnola Canlral International Paper do pfd International Pump de pfd ...,.. Iowa Central do pfd Kaaaaa Oltj southern d pfd Loul.rll A Naahvili Mexican Oanlral Minn. A l. Loula Misa.. . t. A S. St. M .. d pfd Mlaaourl ParlDe Mieaourl, Kan. A Tata .. do pfd National Lead Nat. R. R. of Mrilre pfd Ne York Central Near York. Out. A Weat. .. Norfolk A Watera do pfd North Amarlcaa Paciac Mall Pannaytvaul People' Gaa Flue.. C. C. A St. L Praaaed tteei Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Readme do lai pfd do 2d pfd Repuhllo Dtaol do pfd Rwk Ialand Co. do pfd St. U 4 lu Pre, id pfd 8t. Loula Bouthweetern .... do pfd southern Paclfte do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tons. Coal A Iron Taxaa A Peclfle Toledo, St. U A Waaler.. do pfd Vnloa Pacific do pfd failed Statea Elpreaa .... Cnlted Statu Realty lolled Ktetee Rubber do pfd United Stataa Steal do pfd Va -Carolina Chemical .... too 100 1. aw l.6no o a. mo 4.100 77 Mv 44(4 22.400 1T1 100 171 1(0 11 l.0 a 100 144 45.510 117 ioo i ' 7l) 52', K) 4!'k K M 10 14 300 16i soi iiii l,JfH JO 100 45 ' lit" 100 133W ion " 200 161, 00 37 tf joo tr, I. Ml lo 300 lV 400 4H K 7i l.4tn 84 'lei i ii!ioo "ws 100 n jofi it" eoi in .M0 11W l ti .. li.io "j ioo ii" 70a if im its 41 45 Ml .... 13- .... n ti 20 .... : ir,i4 151, 35 37, 24 H i4 534 M 1014a I'M ltSH la 3V, 47 33 ipi'4 32V, 71V, 47" 75 lS iS x" 11.30U wv, ms i ii lot' l,t10 ii' it 1.X u 4M) 400 54 V, 4' IMV, 4. M."0 1274 IliS 1(W 11V, (IV, ion 4m 7. M0 27.3O0 44 Tl IS ST 9X, 44 17 H :, do eld Wabash au ll4. ll' do pfd Coo 1S el Walla-raro Eipreea Wratlnshouea Elertxl Weeiern t'nlon Whellni A Las Eli Wlecooel Central 4 pit 30I) (t ,, MV, Northern Pads 14 MO 1?S 1W J!l Central Leather 1.M0 IT 14V, l, de pf l'-O 10 o m floe Steel !0 45 4! ii (it. Northern pit l!.4no 1274 1-5 137V, Isterborough Mat t 3X1 4 pfj 1.M0 244 24 24 Total eale for th oar. Ki-dlrlden Saa.SOS hrB. Foreign Klnanclal. IONDON. Sept. 30. Kates for money were higher In the market today and th do maud Increaaed owing to the consols settle, nient and various call. Dlacount were firmer. Trading on the Stock Exchange opened In a cheerleaa faahion and with an easy tendency. There were moderate liqui dations In all departments. Including con sul, and the Paris settlement further nit rated against aa Increase ot business. First class securities eased with consols In spite of the fact that the Bank of England ob tained t2.600.ooo in gold In the open market. Germany and France ahared the remainder. 82.0O0.oiii). Americana weakened In th fore noon in sympathy with Saturday break In New Tork. Canadian Paclflo and Grand Trunk Improved fractionally after tha pub lication of th monthly statement of those rada. More cheerful advices from New York In the afternoon arrested the dowri wsrd tendency. I'nlon Pacific Improved and imported moderate strength to the market, which cloned steady. Copper shart at tli close tit si-atiy at abov the wuiat I quotstlon of the day. Kaffir wer fat on Psrls liquidation. ' ew York Matey starket. NfrtV YOHK. Pent. HO.-PRtME MER CANTILE PAPER T P" cent. STKRLINO tXCHANOB-Finn, with net us I buslr.eaa in bankers' bills st 4 BNVrfi 4 8.VA for demsntl, and at t4 R2tJ4.2o for sixty day bills. Commercial bills, l4.81o 4.01 FlLVEfl Bar, (n,ic; Mexican dollar. 5-'"c. ' HOND8 Government, 'steady; railroad. Irregular. MONKT On call, stronger nd higher, Mfm per cemt; ruling rale, 8 per cent: eloa. Ing, bid. i per cent; offered, kt&H per cent. Time loans. Arm and quiet; sixty dsys, hi 46 per cent! ninety daya, oSf Per cene; six months, 8 per cent asked. V. 8. ref. 2, res. . . .104 t A N. unl. 4a . M do rnupon ........ ,lo Man. con. std 4a t7 . 3e. ref M. Central 4 74 do coupon . . do let Inc., 15 II. S. new 4e, ref. Its M K. A T. 4 M no coupon . . . Amer. Tob. 4s,.. do I, 1J do 3d M HNt- R- H M. e. 4 7' ..11 N T. C. tn. ti,a.. n .. a 4 N. J. C. . I 11 .. 37 H Nor. Par. 4a .. S as Ha .. MS Nor. A W. c. 4a.... P5 .. n O R. I., rfdf. 4 iS .. Tl Penn. rtr. tva (It ..tan Reading Oeneral 4. . 4 .. . L. I. M. n. ee.ioau An-hlaon san. 4 .. do ad). Atlantic C. L. 4 .. Bel. Ohio 4a .... do la Rrk. R. T. c. a. Central of Oa 5 . . do let toe do !d Inr 8. L. A 8. T ft 4a. r 4514 S L. . W. e. 4a 7Vi do 3d Inc.. Chea. A Ohio 4e.. WK "Seaboard A. L. 4 71 Chlrafi A -A. 3a tl 8e. Parifia 4a i C, R A Q. n. 4a. do lat 4a rert M C . R. I. A P. 4. W (. RaMeT ta lot', do col. 5, M Tea. A Pac. lata ..111 TCC A . I,, f . 4, M T. B. L. A W. 4a. 74 Colo. lnd. aa eer. A. WH t'nlon Partite 4a .... " Colo. Mid. 4 H4 do re. 4 7t. oio. vout a 4a.... nt v. . sieel tit a.... I4H Wtiha ta 1H Wahaah let 107 d deb. B 3 71 ' Wenttni Md. 4 71 W14 "W. A L R. 4 74 74 Wi. Central 4a W4. Japan 4 to 'V Atchlann er. 4a 3 MS do ct. a 14114 r. A R. o. 4a.., Plat. . ta F.rla s. lien 4a.., do fan. 4a Hock. Valla 4ta Japan 4V. cart do 14 aerie Boston Stocks and Bonds. ROSTON. Pept. 30 Call loans, cent: time loans. SUITS per cent. S per Clo. were Ing quotation on storks and bond ss follows: Atrhlaon ad. 4a ... 7 Amalgamated do 4a Atlantic Men. Central 4a ... 71 Bingham Ati hUon Calnmet A Heela ... i ... tV ... . (M ... i4 ... ol ... I'4 ... V4 .. 7 ... 14V, ... 4 ... i4 ... el14 ;:: P ... n ... 12'i ...78 ... 1i ... a., ... 13t4 ... 47H ... 34 .. H ... 34 ... 44 ... 4 V, ...V do pfd IK14 Centennial Rnaton A Albany ...2'9 Copper Rans ,.. Roaton A Main ... 140 Pair Weat Boston Klerated ....IV Pranklln Fltchburg pfd 123 Oranby , Mexican Central 1', lale Roral N. T.. N. H. A H. .1404 Maea. Mining t'nlon Parlflc Michigan .... Amer. Pneu. Tub.. 4 Mohavk Amer. ftugar .... do ptd A. T. & T. .. Amer. Woolen ... do pfd .Rdlaon Rlec. II Ui Maaa. Kiectrlc .. ..110 Moot C. A C. ... 1144 Old Dominion .... KMS'Oacenli ." :04Perrott ".'SOulncy , 2 Shannon I" Tamarnck 4 Trinity do pfd Maa. Gaa f.JH t olled Capper ... tntted rrult 114 t. 8. Mining .... Vnlted 8ho Mach... It4 1'nlied Stale, Oil do pfd t'tah V. 8. Steel 4 Victoria do pfd an Winona Adventure ........ 1 lt-14 Wolearln Allouei 2s Ex-Int. Bid. Offered. Loadoa Closing Stock. LONDON, Bept. 30. Closing quotation on hi oiks were as ioiiows Con aula, money .... do, account Anaconda AU-hiaon ; do pfd Bal. A Ohio Canadian Parlflc ... Che. A Ohio Chicago Ot. Weat.. C. M. A 81. P., De Bee re D. A R. Q do pfd Erie do lat pfd do .d pfd ...... Cirand Trunk llllnola Central .... Ci M , K. A T Ui I'.' New Tork Central ..147 , 7 Norfolk A Weatero.. It . 67H do pfd . Wi Ontario A Weat. , 33 Pennsylvania ... .134 Rand Mlnea . 8S, Reading , 4 Southern Railway .1!0V do pfd . II Si Southern Pnrtflo . 3t t'nlon Pacific .. .70 do pfd . 20, l 8. 8teel .47 do pfd . 31 Wabaah . 3iv, do pfd .140 gpanlah 4a 44 33 bit, 4M4 i (4 S to 84 si 9' 13 JO 1 Loula. A S'aah. .10 6ILVEK Bar. steady at tl lt-16d per ounce. i MONEY 8 H 4 H per cent. The rate of discount in the open for short bill I t 18'16e3T per cent. Th rate of discount In the open market for three month' bill I 8v4 per rent. New York .Mining; Mocks. NEW TORK. 8epr. 30. Closing quotation on mining stocks war as follows: Adam Can ... T Ltltl Chief Allc 44 Ontarl 434 Breece , 14 Ophlr ...140 .. 14 , , 47 ... II ...tl Rrunawlok Con ., Ja , Potoel Comator.k Tunnel . . . , 24 Svg Con., Cel. A . V. . .;ro sierra Nevada ... Horn 8llTr 1(0 Small Itopa .... Iron Silver ....... ...t 8tandar4 Leadvilla Co .'. I Offered. Dank Clearing;. OMAHA, Sept. ' 30. Bank clearing for today were tl.890.748.lt and for the cor responding date laat year 81.713,851.28. Metal Market. XKTW YO R K M ETA 1 The Indon tin market waa lower, with spot quoted at 1MI 15s, and future at 167 15s. Ixically the market waa weak In sympathy with quota tions, rsnglng from 16.;VH to fcS.50. Copper was lowrr at 63 for both spot and futures In the Ixindon msrket. Locally the market waa weak but unchanged, with lake quoted at tl4.76fi15.00: electrolytic at tl4.60il4.7J: casting, t;4.W 14.50. Lead was lower at kl 6a In London. Locally no change wa reported, quotations ranging from 84 80 to 84.76. Spelter wa unchanged at 21 In Umdom The local market waa firm and htgher-at to.30JjfS.40. Iron wa lower In the fengllsh market, with standard foundry quoted at 64a 3d and Cleveland warranta at bb od. Locally the market waa quiet. No 1 foundry, northern, ta quoted at t20.20tl21.20; No. 2 foundry, northern.' at tl.7O9a).;0; southern gradea, nominal. 8T- WY!?- JP1' 3. METAI.B Lead, lower at t4.60. Spelter, firm at tS.2. Wool Market. ST. IXJl'IS, Sept. 30.-WOOL-8teady; me ;'",m"''de. combing and clothing. 23 a. 2oc; l(Rht fine. 22j22Hc; heavy fine. 17l?c tub washed, 2045r3c. 1 JXJNION. Sept. 80-AVOOI-Aucflon sales: V aW U rtl 1 4 K war n l 1 aVw l l . :ft2s Hd: grewy. lflVidls 3id. Queensland, Ur.'o?,1 f,Ju.red Mai's 8Hd; greasy ... .... .j... 9uui oa. vesr Anst- I trahsn ftiil V.m1am. . , - - : ' New Zealand. 6.000 bales; scoured. lOd; Id: greasy, 7dt.1 4d. Cpe of Oood Hope and Natsl, 0W bales; M4T2. td; mr"w i5n't A.r""!' hal?.;' Te"?: t?iP,,"?;- J"''f7M. Chili. 00 bilesT : iXKia. p,ato- 700 balM Evaporate! Apple and Drleel Frnlta. NEW YORK. Sept. 30. EVAPOBATrn APPLES show a .lightly i.iler one. owing 1.?. ;.",,d,'ni'rd- ""incr .requrrt.f Uc, choice. 9ic: prime, tv49Xe and common to fair. SiijSo. ani i ,DR!.FU fl''T8Prunea are In fair tob tLti'i Wton ranging from - i0!0 ,for California fruit, and from .c to lov for Oregona up to SOc to 40c A,Pr'c.OU "'-'nged. wlfh choT. quoted t 21c: extra choice, 22c, and fancy. 22fi24c at lt"e'.0.nrt.'"U.e ?U,et;0w,,l 'holci quoted i3vc, and extra fancy. Hai4Uo nii.ir,. are .till very scarce on spot Xoo m catel four crown, are quoted Tt lo.' HWA"''' ,B- "O'ndon'l.y.: Cotton Market NEW YORK, " Sept. 30.-4JOTTON-future opened .teady; October. 10 90,7 J,8po' "'""'d QU" Ave point lower Mid. BaTeV rX'U:f mlin' Mfc" Futures closed steady ;. October. -10 98c November. lo95c; lecemtr. 11.11c ary lH8e; February. lL23c; March il" April. 11.32c; May. 11.36c; June. 11.47c; July', ALVESTOX. Sept, tO.-cOTTO.V-Steady ; Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN III Sept. 30. BUTTER Msrket firm on the Board of Trade todsy at 2vc Output for the week was pound: ' Coa Market. NEW YORK. tJepf. ta-COFFEK-Fu-c,00",, net advance of 64100. Sales were reported of 14,000 bags including October. t.86c; November, t.SOc Decembe. t.o43.0.V-; March, 8.15c; May i?CxA.,n,.iuly- ! i?S': . ti u let Rio f. 7. ty-; Santoa No. 1 8c; mild coffee quiet; Cordova, H12XaC Kaaaaa CltF Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 80 CATTLH Re ceipt. 23.UW head. Including tOOO southerns market steady to ahade higher; choio ex port and dressed beef ateers. tj.lisa4 80: ..i1 ,00a-. M ''ern Steers li.OuUl 40; southern cow. 12 .4W88.O0; native tn'- S-2f,yiJ; n,.Uv t3.00-a4.4o" bull. t2-ttv8.0; clva. tSOftKs HCKiS-Recelpts. 8.000 n.ead: market 10c. higher; ton. K 60; bulk of sale. Jd4I.4u: h.nVh8.Kk"'- $-&M: SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. t.Oto head, market steady; lamb. 88 2571t we and yearlings, fc.266 4; rang year ling. ti.40H4.8i; rnge sheep, ti764f 60' nlovker and feeder, 4 Onej 67 OMAHA LIVE STOGK MARKET Fat Cattlt Slow to lower, with Feed ert Steady. HOGS BUN FIVE CENTS HIGHER Large II an of kers aad I. a rubs, with Klllera BtraaaT to Ten Higher aad Feeder Tally Heady and Active. BOL'TH OMAHA. Sept. 80. W7. Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Estimate Monday 9.Mt . Kama day last week 8.W I Same day t weeka ago, . .11 . os 1 Same dav .1 weeks ago... I Ssme dsy 4 weeks ago... .!48 . Snme dav last vesr 10,447 4.400 4.4 M S.Vt a 8.444 I.222 13.314 84.711 i The following tsble shows the receipts of I -.tn hnn init abeen at South Omaha for tie. hog and sheep at Pouth Omaha i year to date, compared with last esi . 17. iW inc.. "er- ! the 'Cattle 88.1.922 IlS'Sli Hog !?0i5 ,e,"oi .Bheep 1.413.1') 1.8!'3.W7 18.1-i ' The following tsble show the average I price of hog at Boutn uinai.a mr mo several daya. with comparisons: De. Iff?. I1IO.1905.I,1904.U9IO.:1BOJ.!1!J- Sept. 80... Bept. 21... Hept. ?... I Bept. 83... Bept. 24... Bept. 28... Pept M... Sept. 7... Bent. 28... s rj'4 8 84 8 081 8 j i so; 121 I 3) 8 li t 141 8 83 i 78 1 31 S 77 1 7 4tl 7 6o 8 Ft 7 7 81 6 801 I 8Vl 5 281 6 7b t ITi It 78 I 7N 8 74' t 6 4 8 18 t 2X1 ' 6 J 6 19 6 4 6 V 8 2V 6 19l 6 87! ! I All I w I 7 34! t 'A 8 M'4 98 t 03 8 1 5 1S 8 74 6 6 SI flept. It... Bept. t... a oi, a to ft. C.i F ',2: 7 31 " 6 I t! i t; 6 ill 7 4, 6 6i Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha t2.4O7.00 t6 jrMoH2o Chicago l.SOd7.23 R.8l.i Kansas City 2.2ofT.oo 6.u"l JO . St. Louis 1.7SO7.10 f a..t1.8o Sioux Cltv t.5OHi.t0 6 WXA41.10 Tha official number of cars of stock brought In today by each roail was: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep C. M. & St. P 5 1 Mo. Pac 1 I'nlon Pacific svstem 6ft In C. N. XV. least) C. A N. W. (west) 98 U i3 C, tjt. P., M. & 0 3 C. B. A Q. (cast) 8 2.. ( . A Q. (wt stl 200 7 19 C. R. 1. P. (oast) 4 llllnola Ctntral 8 4.. Chicago Great Western. 1 Total receipt., .3t8 82 95 The disposition of the day's receipt wa a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. BIH-ep. Omaha Packing Co 601 040 Bwlft and Company l.fil ! Cudahy Packing Ci 1U44 0.12 ,V7 1.9-H 1.318 2.CI8 Armour A Co 8.7 1.037 Bklft and Co.. K. C Swift and Co.. Ft. Worth 138 Carey Bentjn N5 Lohman ae Co ...443 McCreary & Carey. 213 Hill & 8on 2M P. P. Lewis, 07 Huatoii U Co 234 , Hamilton & Rothschild.. 81 L. F. Hus 513 I. Wolf 69 J. 11. Bulla 23 Bam XVerthefmer 214 Mike Haggerly TV J. B. Root A Co 157 O. MoConnaughey So T. B. lngraham 2 Sullivan Bros 80 Lehiner Bros 1 Luer Packing Co I'n Wlsmoth 119 Other buyer St . .... H.0M Total ...SH 3.4CO 15,810 CATTLE Receipt or cattle thl morning wer very liberal, 888 cars being reported In, There was a ateady and heavy fall of ruin during the greater part, of the morning which naturally Interfered with the trade besides making the- cattle look their worst. Strictly good beef steers. both corn-feds and rangers, seemed to be In very fair demand on th part of local packer and cattle answering to that description commanded ateady price with last week. On the other hand common to medium gradea wer low stller and generally Sloc lower. Oood cow and heifers were also In pretty fair demand and when th trade waa one under way there wa a fair movement. Price on the better grade were generally steady with laat week but the common" and Interior grades like beef steers were slow and dull with sales looking 5iil0c lower. The supply of stockers and feeders wa very large but there was also a pretty good buying demand, as speculators succeeded In ch-uring out their cattle x-ery well at the close of last week and were on tho market for fresh supplies this morning. Uood cat tie were generally quoted about teady, but thh tendency on other aiadea waa. If anv thing, a little easier. Quotation on cattit-: ckod lo choice corn fed steers. J ti. .';' 7.00; fair to good cortx-fod cattle, t5.4ro.2&; common to fair corn-fed steers, tt.oOftStiO; good to choice rsnge steer, t4.7i.ti6. 60: fair to iiood rangu stuera. 1 84.26(34.76; common to fair range steers, t3.6ij4.25: good to choice corn-fed cows snd ! helfeis. t3 7&g-t.50; fair to good graas cowa i and heifers, 83.00&8.60: common to fair grass cows and lienor. 2.wjj.oi; gooq to choke stockers and feeders. l4.76do.26; fslr to gixid stockers and feeders, H.00a4 75; common to fair stockers and feeders, 13 00 04.04). Representative aales: "a. 14... A. Pr Ne. At. Ft. ut 1 40 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. S3 heifers. 4 cows... 729 2 SO IS heifers.. 728 2 85 , 900 2 35 33 cows. 915 2 80 890 2 (0 14 cows... 7X2 J 20 2 hulls. HOGS Sold pretty generally 6c higher thl morning, at least the desirable kinds did. Borne of the rough heavy and undesir able stuff may not have experienced much improvement. While the trade waa not very active, the offerings changed hands for the most part In very fair season. The hogs sold largely at to.tM.10, with a top et $6 25. Today s advance carries the mar ket tu a point that I right at a shilling higher than one week ago. K. :.;.. ...: ..:. 44... ft .... :t 13.... 43.... IS.... fs ... H.... 11.... 40.... 11.... U ... (4.... bt.... 4... 40... &.... 2.... 41.... AV. ...311 ....sr. ... 372 ...!6J ...;(4 ,...ti ,...8:1 . ...:t :..n ...v.a ...l.'S ...330 ...324 ,...314 ...357 ...S"4 ...304 to ...3T ..3 .21' . ..3D ...171 h. 40 IS) 40 40 fr. Mo. A. h Pr. 40 6.. 1 374 ... i X 00 fij g7o ... iK 00 S i77 ISO 5 45 4 WI 114 25 ISO 4 00 t 47', 73 2l 10 4 M 4 li ...... 20 ... 4 M 4 34 S4 371 ) 4 00 tli 64 'J4 .. 4(6 4 ti 77 344 .to m 4 X U 340 ... M 13 M HA 10 IM 4 0 71 Jk llu Ot ( s Ji3 ... 4 T4 4 40 4.S ...L'4 4) ftlV, 4 l 47 2i7 40 f 10 40 7 177 ... (IS 4 44 274 ... 4 1 I to ' i?.t ... io I 72 331 ... (10 4 KVl 44 143 44 4 1 6 44 43 !3 go ( 10 i 4.X 37 2.17 W 4 14 " 4 44 '62 KYI ... ( M i 72 213 ... 4 26 44. 44. .27 4 44 bHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were very liberal, althotign considerably short of the record breaking run of a week ago. It wss to tie expected that th rain, wntch beaan Buarinv mnrnlner en,l wh.i showed no algns of letting up thia morning wouia tenu io Keep a gooa many country buyers at home. At the same time Chicago reported the opening there stesdy to loo . lower. Quite a 1'ule of 4he stuff also ar rived wet. All' there facts were againkt th seller, and early It looked a if tho market might ba alow and tower. Contrary to expectations the demand wa very good. Packera all wanted liberal sup plies of klllera and they started In can, picking up everything that would do tor killers, paying price that were anywhere from strung to 10c higher. Quit a string of lambs sold up to IT 10. Feeder buyers also proved mor nuinerou than expected. Missouri buyers bought tan double decka n lambs the first thing In tli morning, which, together with the iroe buying on tli part of packers started t lias ball to rolling. The rcauit was that feeders sold freely at good, steady prices. The offering changed hsnd ss fast as they could be put In shape to be shown, snd a good deal faster than they could be weighed. To sum up the market aa a whole, It waa in a very aatufactory condition as viewed from the sellers standpoint, feed ers being fully steady and killers strong to ;0c. higher a noted above. quotations on good to choice killer: Lamb. 8i.7fc47.16: yearling wrthera. 85.60(4 Me; wsthers, t4.axQi.26; ewee. 4.-6.00. No quotation sie given on fair ta good killers, a feeder buyers ar taking prac tically everything of that d-crtpf lo at better price than packer will pay. Quotation In feeder: Lamb. $ti.0r'S4t .; common lamb. M 6"9.00; yearlings, ti.to-ij 1.40; wethers. t4.7Vgila; ewes, 4 0O.j4S6: common ewe, ta.26.jja.76; yearling breeding ewe. 18-00434.60; aged breeding awe, li.VyA 1.71. Representative sale: No. Av. Pr. 1033 Wyoming lamb feeder .., 6 8 80 867 Wyoming ew feeder 97 4 83 317 Wyoming w feeder 83 4 to 84 Wyoming w feeder 9$ 4 16 14t Wyoming wethers 1?4 4 M IKi Wyoming wethers 1".' h :'A .' Wyoming wethers 1-1 8 IS SI Wyoming ewe culls M 8 pi HI Wyoming ew culls 4 S !' I Wyoming ewe cull i 3 ? CIIICA4JO 1.1 tE ST4KK UlNKKf tattle Rteaaly, to Btroaar for Rest. IMhera Weak to Lower. CMICAOO, Sept. 80 CATTLE Rec Ipts. estlmaled. nii; market steady t strong for lest: others weak to 10c lower; steers. tn.WT.Mi; cows, tt.fti4Ji.Ypn; hetfers. U.trt. 78; bulls, t-.AiMii.f'O: rsivra, tYHndfi.nO; s ock era and feeders. tJ.fv&iYno. HOtaH Receipts esilmated. .H'.tw head: market strong to lnc liluhir; choice heavy shipping. 86 eVxffH.Ti: light btilchet s, rt.7.4 1.n: llaht mixed. PVoOftitt.7 1; pack'ng. tj6 ti4o; pigs, t'l.t""""!.!; bulk ol sales. ! 7 tat. 2i.5j PMEEP AM l.AMRS -llei elpls, . x I 44.J77 mated. 40,0iio head; market stesdy; Intube. 2' .;5 I . 7.S0; sheep, l.!iO(j1.;ti; yearling". ta.7o TIM i sS (m. " , . . , ft f.anla Lite Stock Market. ST. LOC1S. Bept. SO.-CATTLE-R'celpta. R.6Uti bead. Inrlutllng 4.000 Tcxana; market fnT .IlvM ateadv: lexans slow; na ive ehlmlna and exnnrl steers. 8C.ty..'.lf : dressed beef and butcher tcrr. t.Oti.9. steers under l.01 lbs., Hr,1H; st.vkers ami fenHrs. tl.7fl4.(; cows snd hellers. i ts.ihsJiM.hhj csnners. tl.ootli.im; hulls. 2.;.ih' t.,f; calves. 8.'.orKti8.no; Texas and Indla.i steers, tS.2Mii.S5; cows and hrlfpre, tl.T.i 3. 85. 1ICIOS Receipts, 6 head; mnrket'lOff Uo litgher; pigs and lights, rV.WH.; pack . -.2..ri.ti6; butchers and best heavy. tfl.4'W.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. X.rOl head: market steadv; native millions; 3.o Jrt.: lau:bs. tt.tatf 7.80; culls and bucks, .-.il!J.2; slocker. 3.2Ml.76. Rt. Joseph l.tve Btork Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Bept. 80. CATTLE Receipts, ;t.l0l hfsd; market, active: na tives. t4.5i&.!i0: cowa and heifers. tl."S1 1.Wi stockeis nn,1 feeders. t3.7Si4.7fi. IUMJ8 Receipts, 3.5nf. head; market. 5c to JOp higher. Top, t60; bulk of sales. BliEKP AND LA MFS Receipts, fi.rtoii head; market, steady; lambs, eo.oiffi7.25: yearlings, t5.ftvtjn.23. long City Un Stack Market. BIOT'X CITY. la.. Sept. 30.-L(pe. lnl Tele gram.) -CATTLE Rec 'lpt a, 3.)head; mar ket steady; beeves. t5.5(iti .60; cows and hetfcrs.S2.6fi4.2fi: stnckra ami ftMura 1 n i 164.60; calven and yearlings, 82.50(13. 85. " HOGS Rccelnts. l.al! market iitie elllng at to.80-(f.IO; bulk, tf).85S6.9J. Stock In Right. - Receipts of live stock at the alx principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. HogK.8hei-p. Bouth Omaha Bloux City KanKaa City Bt, Joseph Bt. Louis CMcugo ,v... Total 2;.i 6.000 o.Mai 5.100 40.U0 7,401 51.20& 84.0AJ JUDGMENT ELEVEN THOUSAND Verdict Handed Down In Favor Chicago Firm Agmlnst liar Spring Bank. of The I'lilted State circuit court of ap peals for the Eighth district has J;ist handed down an opinion affirming Iho Judgment of the circuit court for the Ne braska federal district In the case of the Sllberman Bros, of Chicago, wool mer chants, against the State Bank of Hay 8prlngs, In which Bllbermun Bros, are given a Judgment for' 111,779.40 against the bank. The case grows out of a eult brought by Mllberv.ian Bros, against the bank for JIJ.CPO for the seizure of 60,000 pounds of wool and appropriating the same after 811 bermnn Bros, had contracted for It. The selsure of the wool occurred In June, 1906, and Judgment waa given Sllberman Bros. In the fnlted State circuit court for the district of Nebraska on October 1R, lfKW. The Stat bank of Hay Springs appealed the case and the dee Ik Ion Just handed down against th bank is the result PLANS , FOR BRYAN BANQUET Mayor Jtna Egpeeta to Gat iepreent alive Democrat freiui Month ta Speak. Arrangement for th Bryan banquet of tli Dahlman Democracy club are pro greening despite the fact th feast will not bo spread until December. The msyor Is Worklnff to secure the nresence Af r,nn I speaker of prominence other thn the guest of honor and expect to secure a men from the south, who will be In a position to tell the "Peerless Leader" the attitude of that section of thx country toward his boom for the presidency, which will be sprung at the meeting. It lias been decided that the boxes will be reserved for women friend and relatives pf the men who buy seats for the banquet and that th general public will be In vited to seat In th balcony. ' It I the Object, of the club to sell 1.000 seat at tl each and It I . expected that thl will cover th cost of the entertainment. BUILDING CITY IN ITSELF Braadels Block I Stractnro of Mag. nlncent Distance, na Grain Man Discovers, A city In itself and a building' of mag nificent distance Is the Brandels block. "Where la the Omaha Grain exchange?" aaked a man who got off on of the east end elevator at the aeventh floor. "One block to your laft," said the ele vator man. . ". He walked a block down a passsgeway and found the Grain exchange. The exchange moved to Its new quarter Monday and many business and profes sional men ar now. in transit, so to speak. Many office buildings will hsve to make extensive directory change on account of the emigration and Immigration occaaloned by the new building. The upper floor are not quite finished, but most ot the lessee wlH occupy their quarter within a few ! days. GUILD ON THE COMMISSION Commercial Clab Man Say 14 Is Lie. Irablc liar Railroad Classl. cation rnlforaa. "it Is not desirable to have railroad class ification In Nebrsska different from that of the adjoining statea," say Commissioner John M. Guild of the Commercial club, when asked what the club thought or the Action of the State Railroad commission in kuspeiiding Its approvalif the new sched ules submitted by the railroad. "We do not understand th commis sion' a -lion. Among the article affected by the new schedule, those which are shipped within the state In carload lots for Instance, lime, cement, lumber and coal are governed by commodity ratea and the matter of classification is pot involved at all. We expect the commissioner finally to approv the schedule, but we don't know why they are holding It up. i. TRANSFER, CF SITE DELAYED Consummation of Sal of St. PhUoe mean Cathedral Walt on j iy, v Joh n Doer). -""""""" " ! No trsnsfer pf (he St. Phllotnena cathed. ral property on Ninth afreet to tli John Deer. Plow company has yet been made, although it was expected to close neg.Hla. tloas by October L Th Deer company ha had the abtrct In It posesslon two; or three weeks, but has not passed on it. In all probability tha lllnee of President Deer is parijy responsible for th delay. A Bishop Scsnnell ha tt.008 of tha Deere company' money in hi possession, th Catholic t' not worrying. A plana are now, th lat services will b beld in th cathedral oa October 11 . H.Mil 4.4iO . 3.3(0 2.O0 .23.IKIO (l,Ci0 . 8. .VI a. 50 . 8.t00 6,C0 ,8c,00J 30.000 IX TH E FOUL M OF THE PEO TL h Joke that Goes on English Waiter Failt on American Waitress. JOKER TRIES IT IN SORROW Fair l.aily Imply Passes. th Itrder In and Free-sea the fjlter with a Decided I jr Icy Mara. He mas a Joval. Jolly snrl of nan. till ! man who went Into a PoukIb. street res j t a urn ut one d- last week. He had lw-x companions and, to Jin's by the demeanor i of all three, they were expecting some- thing to happen. The Jovial man explained to his friends. "I'll Just try the Jolie on this waitress." ho said. "You'll se her open Iter eyes." Then he laughed some more. While the waitress Is getting the lc water, napkins, plates, knlve and forks w will explain, g en lie reader, what the man was golrg to do. (It Is the custom of all reputable story writer to take, advantage of such Intervals for such explanations.) This man had read a story about an American traveler going Into an English rafo and giving to Ihe obsequious msn servant an order for "two fried eggs, on I fried on the other side and the other on tha other." The bewildered waiter, ccnrd Ing to the story, departed with lialtlr , step and troubled brow only to return fler a few moments and humbly request the trx-eler to repest the order. Thl th traveler AU with an air of long suffer ing patience and the poor waiter departed with step still more halting and a brow still more troubled. After an Interval dur ing which the sound of scuffling wa heard In the rear of the building th Walter re turned with hla coat torn, his collar gone, his necktie hanging out of his vest and tasked the traveler "would 'c, mind taking boiled eggs, an 'e'd 'd ome words wllh the cook." The Jovial gentleman was minded to glv the same order to the wsltress In th Douglos street restaurant and he expected hi two companions to witness her discom fiture and bewilderment. The young handmaiden having now re turned with tho Ice water and other sup plies, the slory man proceeded. j "I want two eggs," said the Jovial man, looking as solemn tts the cherubic cast ot j hla feature would permit, "I want two I eggs, one fried on one side and the other tin the other." I The Jovial Joker was nearly bursting with Inward laughter and was Just wonrterlitii how he would compose Ills features fnifll- j clently to repeat the onr with due soletn I nity when the young woman should ask It when he suddenly heard an order shouted to tha cook: "Fry two, on straight up and one over." He wa bewildered for a moment nd then looked up to see his two friends grin ning at him. The waitress went about tin work, shooting a look of contempt at the would-be Jokers from time to time, and, when the Joker looked cautiously around after a time lie saw the scornful eye of tin cook un him. He wa made to feel thai this particular establishment was no plaot for such a despicable scoundrel a would give an order Ilk that. Hla friends, being hi guests, were si considerate as possible and one even pointed out that tha place whero h -had mad hi faux pa wa when he tried upon a woman the Jok In which a mcr mar hod been the victim. He should 'have madi allowance for the uperlorly sharpened Will of woman, - i . . Morning af'the c-oruer' Of Sixteenth gnti Far nam streets. Wind blowing at good rate to dry soiled street. Ten. newaboyi wondering how, to make mor money of! Hie cam number of people, putting In tlnu throwing corn at pedestrians. "Sure If a hard time, but thl wind all: help us," said a britfht faced kid, with blacking case standing In th doorway. "The hat will blow off today and b Ihkktr than duck In th streets." Chasing ' hat is . g new "cnteTprla J ut Omaha newsboys,' and according to'tl. boy at Fifteenth and Farnam, the gatil and captain give up 'moid to a boy who chases a hat around the comer and then give It a lick or two with a brush, tliart they will for carrying a grip -weighing naif a ton to the Tenth atreet depot. ' "Can't stand paper sellln' alone during carnival," said oao o( th buy Monday. "How ran a mft support a family on tl.W per day." he mused erlously, "and so show at the same' time." - From under a welt worn coat a newsboy will pull a whiter cloth brush, when tha ii Iiat piece ol a gent blow half a block I doii Farnam "tree(, and th hat wlll'b cleaned up in a minute. A whit cloth take th mud from the weat band, and th man who' mlnuta betqre was saying un holy thing and feeling hi whiskers pop lik fl if crackers a the tiajt went alHn, says "God bless you little man, barefooted boy will) feet of tan and a hat brush la your pocket." Almost always twenty-flve-cant shiner oines to th boy. who caught the runaway lid, and many of the boy feel they hava solved the problem of "how a man may live comfortably and keep family on tl s per day." "It U wonderful the way cienc lia progressed the last few year In th meth od of determining, whether blood stalng come from animal or human being," de clared Judge W. W. Blabgugh, who Is as sisting la the defense of two Syrian h are accused wllh murder at Denlaon. la. "In our murder c it hat been necrjr to. get considerable expert testimony along this line. It I claimed by the expert that they ctn tell whether a atatn I mad by animal or human blood, no matter how old th blood stain is. .It I poastbl to find out by the experiment whether tlx religlou sacrifice mad before the time of Christ were of human being or of lower animals. The . blood stslns on Egyptian mummtea hav baan investigated in tha same way. The Investigations are being used In experiments to determine the. truth or falsity of the darwinian theory. It I believed by some that the investigation will show that animal blod I entirely dif ferent from human blood nd tht the human race and th animal kingdom there for cannot be related." A recent tain cauesd water to pour do gulch In the southeastern part of town and chicken yard wa practically demol ished. The owner, a woman ot farelT birth, felt that the city should pay her or the loss of her fowl and called upon As sistant City Attorney Rln for advice. Th attorney wa In doubt a to th legality o her claim and told her that lit city ould caroely be held responsible. After argu ing the matter with him for aome 1 1 in tha woman cloed her ppel by saying: "What can I do; my chicken ar all gon and I have no money for themT Can't yon give me aoni advice as to what to do nextr "My advice to you is to rals ducks next year," replied the attorty. Caere) of ttaleac Shlnar- Shoo . Pollslr aay it I th beat and not lasting pol.sH thy have ever used. It give polish to th leather and It r. n't rub off on the etolhlng. LA well aafgiled user is th advert lsenVent. , , Show ubstltutor that you hav a mind of' r own by galtlng wbat you a- for,