(T " THE OMAHA' DAIIiY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1907 mm n r: IjPPIM OP II OUT-OF-TOWN VISITOHS ARE ALWAYS WELCORSE TO BOSTON STORE wit. Com hr and check yur baggaga and parcels Iree. Vae our free waiting room with all modern conveniences Free telephone Checks cashed free at Drandele Bank. YOU ARE ALWAYS WEL COME TO LOOK OVER Gfo GREATEST STORE IN to WEST. See th Decorations See the Window Die pi aye SEE THE TWO TUNNELS UNDER DOUGLAS ST. Seo This Great Million Dollar Store in a Brilliant Blaze of Electric Light Every Night. Grand Bargains Every Day Women's Cravenette Goats Women's good quality Cravenette Coats, plain belted backs, tan, olive or oxfords, all sizes, Q9& a $12.50 coat for O Women's Rainproof, well tailored Cravenette coats in all sizes a splendid value worth 50 $17.50, at EMBROIDERIES 18-lnch One Cambric Embroidered Skirt log and Corset Cow Embroideries- pretty open wot, patterns worth op to 26c yard will go on sale at, yard 16k Women's end Children's Heavy Underwear "Women's 75e. quality vests and pants, also, women's .union suits, medium and heavy weight five ribbed and light fleeced OQp lining,-worth upto 75c, at ..... WwC Misses', children's and boys' medium and heavy ribbed vests, pants and draw- , f r XtlL ers, all heavy ribbed, at . toys' heavy, fleeced underwear all sizes up to 34 shirts and drawers at 25c Millinery Moderately Priced All new up-to-date fall styles, exact copies of many jyji of oar $15 and 820 bats trimmings ft MB SIMt$&$kk ' ' feathers, flowers, chonx of silk Tel- . k ri ? & 1 XL vet, ornaments and buckles, Tf el P M" Medium and large hats, In very newest styles and T ,y W colors on sale in our bargain millln- a pa ery section, on main floor, at 23U jrfjg . JHlnery In Basement Regular $4 trimmed ' .. f f vTfr nata all up-to-date, at . . $1 L Hardware -llousef urnlshlngs . SEE THE FAMOIS "GARLAND" STOVES and RANCES-Best In the World V Bargains in Blankets and Comforts Omaha's Largest Bedding Dept. Basemen!, New Store Cotton Blankets "White, gray and tan with fancy borders German finished 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 sizes at 49c, 75c 98c, $1.25 up to $2.75 per pair. V- ' Sample Wool Blankets All wool and cotton chain in white, gray, tan and plaids, at $1.98, S2.50. S2.98, $3.98 and $4.50. Comforter specials, full slie sewed and tied comforters with white cotton filling two to a customer, worth up to 11.60 each, at, each 85c Extra large home made comforts with cretonne and cotton chains covers filled with pure white cotton will go at. each 2.25 Bath Robe Blankets Full size Imported German bath . robe blankets, worth up to (our dollars special this week, at. 1 each I.eCD TEDDY BEARS In Our Basement Teddy Bears are all the rage. The cutest toy of the day. His head, arms and legs can be turned in any direction have hHn grunt when you hit him In tbe'rlbs. Every child should yfO A i A have a Teddy Bear. White or brown ftVC 10 4 D) 'A ' BEE aiit Ad OMAHA Vl J Wjjl rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms or secure " Orders on short notice at a very small cost. ophono Douglas 238 . "TFiCE 17TII AND FARNAM 5T3, IF YOU HAVE TENDER FEET HERE'S COMFORT The ideal shoe for tender feet Is our CUSHION SOLE. It Is fitted with soft, felt leather covered sole, It conforms to, the foot in the most exact and easy manner. Every step In a pair of these shoes Is elastic. To those who suffer with corns or bunions, they are a never falling relief. They're comfortably warm, too. ' Ask one of our salesmen to show you a pair. FOR MEN.! $5.00 FOR WOMEN.. $4.00 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday, Showers. Visitors Will Find A "9 JTikMm. WJr CXI OLD 3K A everything u raainss I or itif pnrobMlBs;. Onr stora is the plaasaatast la town to shop la. It has four great floors and a graat fcaaaman; aaeh la four sqnaras and Ideally aocasslbla by ala ator and stairways. It la sanaly planned and for that raaaoa It Is tha hast for carnival throngs. Trada at Bannatt'a. TO TxTTATTnrmmi? Brexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fariam St. I UJwP SECURITY when opening a Bank Account. Tliis Bank secures its clients by a business experience extend ing over a period of 47 years. By having as its advisers a strong Board of Directors. By a conservative manage ment has made its Resources $13,457,417.95 on a Capital of $500,000.00. Your account invited. First National Bank Omaha, Neb. After the Theater on your way home, you can drop Into The Boston Lunch and get the most delicious, dainty lunch, or a hot cu of coffee or cocoa, and a sandwich. Best of all, you'll relish every thing you get, for it is "home made" baked on the premises. "They: have the proper system at THE BOSTON." Try It. Omaha Store 1612 Farnam Street. Open every hour, every day. ' 10c Cigars for 5c Our prices for cigars ara lower than better" Ur lln mre comPlete and Ak.Kir.Ttun vf ! Inr. w,tl 1 ..... . . ii , . . . ... C 11 iu uey oy takln advantage of our special aalea for lir.l . cm. 10c Imported Biamarcks, So each: 12 B0 for box of 50. 10c Invlnclblea. (o each; 12.60 for box of 60. 10c Counteaa of Venice, So each: tl 25 for bo of 26. box Of 28. lor 10c La Unldad, 6c each; (2.60 for box of 60. 10c Flor De Gounod Perfectos, 6c each1 $2.50 for box of 60 10c La Tonlca Perfectos, 6e each: S3 60 for box of 60. lOo Segarrfa Perfectoa. 5o each: 12 50 for box of 60. 6a Haxel Kirka, 7 for t5c; $1.76 for box of 60. We cut prices on all clgara and carry the moot complete line of Key Weat Im ported goods In tha city. Myers -Dillon Drug Co, Cat Kate Druggists and Cigar Dealers, ISta aaa Tan an Streets HI TXU.OW COBBTZ P. 8. Make our atore your headquar ters and meet your friends at our corner. Full and complete Instructions re garding the opening of a part of the Lower Brule Reservation, Including map, etc. showing the location of tbs land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00. This land Is lens than one hour's drive from Pierre, South Dakota, the tJtats Capital. Reference, any business mas la Pierre. J, W. Laughlin, Pierre, South Dakota. To accommodate carnival visitors the huge advertisement carried by us in Sunday's papers will cover Tuesday's selling. Everything advertised Sunday is good for Tues day and thousands of other bargains on top. Watch the bargain tables. Fine Cravenette Rain Coats Priestley's Cravenette Rain Coats for $10.00. $12.50 and $15.00 An actual saving to you $2. 50 n each, coat. These are made of hard finish worsted materials in dark Oxford grays, plain black anl a number attractive stripe ef fects. Each garment it cut generomly full and extra long, are quarter or full lined withftne Venetian cloth. Rubbers FOR EVERYBODY Very Complete . i Line Children's Rubbers 40c and 50a Women's Rubbers 60c to 75c Men's Rubbers 85c to 90c ' Shoe Section Bennett's Big Grocery MOXEY SAYING LIST OF TEE HtST .91.00 Twenty pounds Granulated Sugar wriniru n vtlf'llUI VUllft. per package 2Rc And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps. 8anton Coffee, roaftted, lb.. 18c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Golden Coffee per pound 26c And 20 Green Trading Stamps Cluster Table Raisins per pound 25c CAnd 30 Gree nTradlng Stamps Franco-American Soup large can 3lc And 80 Green Trading Stamps Franco-American Soup- medium can 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps TSA SFECIAI. The finest drinking quality Teas ever offered. AMPLE FIEI Banket Fired Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, Eng lish Breakfast. Ceylon, Assam Teas, lb 68c And 60 Green Trading Stamps. Dr. Price's Hreakfast Food, four pkgs 25c Haarman's Pickles, assorted, large bottles. . 23c And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Delatour Ginger Ale. bottle 10c Cranberries, three quarts 25c i sr . - 1 TOl $tHNT! CIHMNV Dwms'rrvBrrTxnt MAJUJEB. i High Class Ladies' Tailored) Suits Made to Order Here We have secured the servlws of Mr. 'A. Glgenoun, for three yrar cutter for Psquin, the celebrated Parisian ladles' tailor.' and for several years with one of New York's best tailors, who takes complete charge of this new department. Consult him rcsardinK the new suit or gown. You will find It to your advantage. Perfect style, fit and workmanship guurnntreO. AK-SAR-BtN VISITORS WELCOME TMl RULIABIB STOWS J AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS WELCOME Grand tl I- a" n !'-' ii- oar -Den ween Sale of Fine Furs Begins Tuesday Investigation and comparison will prove variety and quality unsurpassed and prices lower than the lowest. Genuine Alaska Seal Coats shown at, up from ..' 175 Genuine Beaver Jackets priced un from .1.... Th&t Superb Em broidery Window Cloth of gold, band-made lace and filipree. worth up to one hundred dollars a yard, no goods of such quality elsewhere.. i y rH:nrJ Jhe modej 12 size is the nice watch for gentlemen these days. It is thin and not cumbersome.' Gold flHed.'$15 to $25; 14k gold at $35 and up. Let us show them to you. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street Near Seal Blouses and Jackets, with beaver lapels, collars and cuffs, up from. . $39 Astrakhan Jackets, up from Jj35 Electric Seal Blouses and Jackets up from $22.50 Sable Coney Jackets, guaranteed Skinner lined, at .$17.50 Isabella and Sable Fox Scarfs, up from $3.50 Natural Siberian Squirrel Scarfs, up from $3.50 Sable Squirrel Scarfs, up from $2.50 Sable Opossum Scarfs, up from. . . $1.98 Sable Coney Scarfs, up from ...59c See our Crown Jewel Tailor Suits Equal in style, quality and workmanship to $35 values elsewhere; our price . .$25 Grand Sale Winter Underwear A $25,000 Ntock of Men's, Women's and Children's Garments on sale beginniiiK Tuesday at LKSS THAN HALF ACTUAL VALUE. 12 great squares piled high with the greatest lot of underwear bargains ever offered in Omaha. Men s l nderwear, heavy wool, wool fleeced, heavy cotton ribbed or fleeced, worth up to $2.00 per gar ment, at 08c, 75c, 49 and. . ..39 Ladles' and Children's Vests and Pants, medium weight or heavy fleece worth to $1.00, at 49c, 30c, 25c, 19c and 15 Men's and Boys' Fine Wool Sweaters Regular or coat styles, sold up to $2, at S1.50, 98c, 69c and 49 id) etter be Safe Than Sorry During the fall festivities, when our capacity Is taxed to its utmost, it is important that passengers on cars as well as pedestrians on the streets, should exercise more than ordinary care to avoid accident. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET ON OR OFF MOVING CARS, AND WHEN CROSSING STREETS LOOK OUT FOR THE CARS. ASSIST US IN PREVENTING ACCIDENTS Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway Company . Men's Overshirts, extra fine quality all wool, single or double breasted, worth to $2.50, at $1.50, 08c and. . . 49 Men's and Roys' Work Shirts, light or dark patterns, reinforced front and oacK me values, at, each Men's $1.00 gain, at Dress Shirts. 40 Great bar .... 49 HOSIERY AND GLOVE SPECIALS Men's and ladies' fine Maco hose, silk embroidered, worth to 25c a pair, at, palr 12H Children's Winter Weight Hose Fine ribbed double knee, heel and toe, worth 26c pair, at two pair for 25 Men's Heavy Winter Hose, worth 25c pair, at, 2 pair for 25 Ladies' Fancy Lisle Hose, worth to 76c pair, at 49c, 35c and 35 Ladies' Cashmere Hose, worth to 60c, at 25 LADIES' GLOVES The most complete stock in thA at lowest prices. 4 Ladies' Long Kid Gloves, worth to $V ai va.oo, $a.co and i o Ladies' Lonir Silk Gloves, hlnet colors, at l.oo and.... oca Short Kid Gloves, worth to $1.60 pair, Tuesday, at, pair. Specials for Tuesday Only VflS UKOS nrnt.il, . 75 OiLwirii trrir "' -r - - ... iif ,-T., rr,-''-"TriiisMiBMiiijijijuiJ BBfaBMHNIBMnKtnipia 1 l;.,r;;,,.,,-Z:l;,;r;T;r; To Chicago EVENING TRAIN NO. 12 leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m., arriv ing Chicago at 9:00 a. m. Carries all classes of high grade, eleoi trie lighted equipment. Omaha-Chicago sleepers and dining cars located on station tracks; supper is served commencing 6:00 p., m. AFTERNOON TRAIN NO. 2 leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Supper is served in the diner, and the arrival at Chicago is early 7:00 a. m. PAST DAY TRAIN NO. 6 leaves Omaha at 7:00 a. m., arriv ing Chicago 9:30 p. m. for connection with night trains on prin cipal lines for the east. All meals served in diners. YOU WILL LIKE the Burlington's dining car service. What you order is of the best and you pay only for what you order. Rate: Omaha to Chicago $10.00 Tickets, berths, information, etc., ifi mm in Ami CITY TICKET OFFICE: Tel. Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam Street. Beautiful All Over Laces, worth regu- iany 10 so.uu yard, in white and black, suitable for fine lace waists, on sale Tuesday, at 1.75, $1.50, $1.25, 98c, 79c and.. 59 juncra, worm i!c yard, a clean-up, Tuesday, at, yard. New Square Veils, $1.75 and. , Special Line Made Veils, at . , 200 Mexican Drawn Work 30x30, at general -7H 90 30 Squares, $1.00 50c Pillow Tops, at 30 reari Buttons, doze 1 All Linen Laces and Inserting on sale Tuesday, at yard 5 New Dress Trimmings BeBt assort ment in Omaha prices from, yard, 50c to -; 3 Corset Cover Embroideries 25 50c Fancy Pipe Racks at 25 15 35c Fancy Match Hoxes, at : . , Extra Specials Tuesday Domestic Room 9.30 to 10.30 A. M One case of 12sc Teazeldowns, the Amoskeag best outing, not over 1 11 yards to a customer, at, yard 7 $ FORENOON ONLY 8 Vc Apron Checks 6 Is 8c American Indigo Blue Calicp 3H 8 Vic Simpson's Prints . . ... G Full standard Calicoes... 5 Mill ends best quality Calicoes. -3H $1.60 Fine Blankets, extra large 98 At 2.30 1. M. One case of 10c bleached Muslin, fine finish, 10 yards to a customer Q M-00 Table Cloths. , , ,i 49 $1.50 Napkins, per dozen 80 13.00 Home made Comfortable 81.98 1 5c large towels 7 1$ 12V4c large towels.....,.,',;. OH Remnants of table linen" worth up to $1.60 yard, 4 lots 39c, 40c, 30c and 1 1 . . . , . . 25 Remnants of wool dress goods, "worth up to $3.50 yard 4 i lots,, at','. yard, 59c, 49c, 30c and .... ...... ; 25 Peaches Peaches Peaches The last part of our car of fancy Elberta Freestone Peaches will be placed on sale Tuesday. These are the very finest quality offered this season and won't last long, so give your order early. While they last,-Tuesday, at crate ' :. 91.25 m hmdens' nm 3Ebrtl.a.iMi. ; One-way Colonist Tickets will be sold from Omaha' daily till Oct. 31st, for ) BWUUfeaMiadtltjnaVauAMfcftJLsBW 1 VIA DR. BRADBURY, Dontlst, :!J.V.;-.,,.. If 09 FARNAM 8T OMAHA. Phon Douglas 1766 Extracting 25 fmmmmvr Wa make specialty PeroeUi. FOls. .$1 . I ; - r ' '.rJ 1 d roofless 0row,1 3" rYr? J.-c-J' pUtea. Paialeaa work la ruu ......12,00 Dp -- iilnl T I r Ttalogs UU dock. union PACIFIC For further Information Inaulre at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. i none iMugias ms,