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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA ..COUNCIL V . ; Office 15 Scott Street. MIITOH METlU. . Davla, drugs. 8telcert clls carpets'.' . . F.d'JTtoirers' Tony Faust beer. fce Bchmldfa elegant new photo. ' BUT BOBWICK'8 NEW PAINTS. Lewis 'Cutler, funeral director. 'Phona 7. Woodfmg rndeftattng Company. Tel B39. Dr. . W. Terry, an eye specialist of high reputation, at Lefrert's. 4 Broadway. ' Knute Mack Hansen and Anna Mary Oreg-raen, loth of this city, were married yesterday by Justice Cooper. . ( The regular monthly session of' the "wioard of, Education for October la ached l aed'for next Tuesday" evening. UtTDWEISKR BOTTLED BEER JS SERVED AT ALL FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. L. ROSEN FEiLD CO.. Agts. Blalite Sltier and Mary Roselle Clements, both of Florence, Neb., were married In thls"tlty 'yesterday afternoon by Justice Oreenu. Rev. Henry DeLong performed the mar riage, ceremony yesterday afternoon for , Nels Tliomaen ,and Jennie Rasmussen, both of OrniJia, ;..'' WE . WILL DELIVER ALL BT7E8 OF HARD COAL DURING SEPTEMBER FOR 110 A TON WM. WELSH. 10 N. MAIN ST. .'PHONES-. 128. , Wind: and weather :. permitting the Pot tawattamie, Prtsctlla. Argo and Xeniawill sail -the laM raee of the season this after noon at- Lke Manawa. - Thi'lmpei-iMs and Boosters met yesterday afterrJooh on the prldlron at the Ideal Hust ler'a park wRh the result that the Boosters captured the game by a score of 11 to 0. Members of the Woman's Relief corps are tmrueated' to .attend In a body the fimeeal.ot the late M. D. Reed, at m Vt Broadway , .this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Bicycle club will make a run to South , (mtqlia today, after posing for a group of pictures. The riders will take dinner at -Abe' Commercial hotel In South Omaha.' Report -svas msde to -police headquarters vesterday afternoon that Ira Adams, a boy living at 2107 Avenue D, had been severely bitten by a dog said to belong to W. A. Murphy of UW3 Avenue A. The fire department was called last even ing at 8:26 to the Burlington passenger depot by a false alarm. Some passer-by, rinding the alarm box open. Is believed to have turned. In ) tin; ararm. . There will be yto rVw for Council Bluffs tent. Knight of .the Maccabees, on nsxt Wednesday" vonlng. A large class, how ever, will tie Initiated Wednesday, October 9, when every, sir knight is expected to be In attendance. h The Woman' guljft of St. "Paul's church will meet Monday ' afternoon at the resK donee of Mrs. O. H. Jackson on South First street. As there Is business of Importance to come before the meeting, a large at tendance Is desired., D. R. Witter, the "veteran letter carrier. Is taking an enforced vacation on account of his home being quarantined for diph theria, his grand-daughter being the suf ferer. His place Is being filled by Marlon Bates from the substitute list. All 'members of Abe Lincoln poet.' brand Army of the Republic, are requested to report,-at' 3tli) Weat -Uroadway. at 1:46 this afternoon- to attend tlio funeral of their late t comrade,- Marvin- D. Reed.- All. old soldiers are Invited to attend with, the mambera of the post. J. Hess and Chester P. Dudley will play the finals this morning for the 1907 championship on the Manawa golf links. The play will be thlrty-eix holes, which la four times around the club links. William Valentine will be judge. Friend Lenard Hays filed in the district court yesterday original notice of suit for divorce from Maggie . A. Hays, on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and other statutory charges. The plaintiff will also ask' to be awarded the custody of their two minor children. John Ryan, a well known habitue of the police court, was given thirty days In the county jail yesterday for drunkenness. Ryan, as he was led from the court room, told Judge Snyder that he would get drunk jiiM aa often a he pleased and would do t7the moment he wa released from the Aunty jail. County Attorney J. J. Hess arrived home Vesterday from Chicago, where he had been engaged In cross-examining witnesses who have testified In support of the petition of W. C. Rogers, convicted of the murder of Saloonkeeper Forney, for a pardon. The . tetltlpn. for a pardon will be resisted by the local authorities. ' Clyde 'Comirn, claiming to ' be from Omaha, a peddler of ruatlo photograph easels manufactured by himself, was sent to the county jail yesterday afternoon for ten days b Police Judge Snyder, on the charge of stealing 75 cunts from a pocket book at the residence of Mrs. Augusta Lohan, 130 Benton atreet. Coburn made his escape from the theft, but was later arrested by Offlcer O'Neill while peddling his wares On West Washington avenue. V- Glaaaea Are what we sire reminding you about once more. Glasses that help you to see better that rest your eyes and stop, those Irritating headaches are fitted by us. We have a peclaliat of high reputation. Dr. J. W. Terry, who will give you his most careful .ttentidn If you will place yourself In his charge. Lefferfs, eye specialists, the care ful opticians. 409 Broadway. CouncU Bluffs. THERE) IS NO LUMBER YARD IN 3MA1IA WITH SUCH A COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDING MATERIALS AS C HAJPER, CQUNCrL BLUFY8, I A, '-' i.t If It ia arts, wall paper, paints, pictures and picture, framing call on us for esti mates. H. Borwtck. ,211 S. Main street 'Phones 683. ' Flavori With great care, by a process en tirely his own. Dr. Price is enabled 'to extract from wch of the true, select fruits, all nf it krM,. Utic flavor, and Dlace in h, ma - a - I ket a Class Of flavorings of rare J Vf,lln' Tuasai 9. 9- t I excellence. Every fla?or is of freat strength and perfect purity, or, flavoring ice-cream, jellies, cake custards, etc., ' Flavoring VanM Lemon txiracts Orange) Rosa, tin can le used with perfect satisfaction. Full and complete instructions re tarding; tho opening of a part of tn Lower Brule Reservation. Including maris, etc.. allowing the location of the land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00. t This land la leita than one hour's drive from Pierre, South Dakota, the State ' Capital. Reference, any business man In Pierre. J, W. Laughlin, Pierre, South Dakota. CITY SCAVENGERS Iloraes ajid . oat tie hauled free of charge.- Uarbago. ashea, manure and all rubbUh; clean vaults and ceaa puol. A LI work done ia guaranteed, -r Carta promptly attended te. . SHEai.OOa ai fiiasna Xnd. riioae la.t T. Bail 1701 Ked. aawejj-rrsirtiwiit irtte BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43. COURT TO PROTECT BRIDE Harry Xilion Want Injunction Against Wife's Former Suitor, JUDGE HOLDS ORDER IK ABEYANCE Defendant Promisee to Be ood and If He Keeps Mia Word Proba bility is No Farther Actios Will Be Taken. A week ago Harry kelson of this city, a young man 22 years of age, was. mar ried at Logan. Ia., to 'Miss Pearl Taylor, aged 19 yeara. Saturday the young groom, accompanied by an attorney, ap peared before Judge Bnyder In the su perior court with a petition asking for an Injunction restraining Peter Soren son, a former aultor for the heart and hand of the youthful Mrs. Kelson, from further pestering or interfering with the latter. Kelson had prepared a home for his " venu. r. ana wnen lie ana n.a young wire returned to council aiuns after the wedding they were met at the Northwestern depot by Sorenson. Accord ing to Kelson's story as told to the court, Sorenson failed to recognize the fact that his former sweetheart had be come the wife of another and insisted that the young bride should walk homo with him. To this Kelson naturally ob jected, but Sorenson, unmindful of the husband's rights, put his arm around the waist of the young woman and followed this up by kissing her. As Kelson at tempted to draw his wife away, a pojlcu man scenting trouble approached and in quired what the matter was. Kelson dis played his marriage certificate and com plained of Sorenson's attentions to his wife. The policeman told Sorenson to mind his own business and let the young couple alone. The Kelsons repaired to their, new home, but their troubles did not end there. Sorenson, according to Kelson's story, continued his attentions to the young bride. Not satisfied, it was said, with calling her up over the telephone, he paid several visits to her home while her hus band waa absent. He even went to the length. It waa said, of asking her to elope with him to California and that when she refused ' threatened to sue her for breach of promise. Sorenson went on .the witness stand and denied having tried to step between husband and wife. He insisted that his conduct had been above reproach, and It waa admitted that on one. occasion he had said to Mrs. Kelson: "Now you're married, be good to your husband." Sorenson, however, promised the court ne "wouldn't do It again,"' and Judge Sny der allowed the case to go over without determination. Kelson la employed In a local foundry, while Sorenson drives a grocery delivery wagon. The young woman waa appar ently much affected during the hearing and ahed tears while her husband was telling hla side of the trouble. New classes wUl be formed In the West errj Iowa college next Monday, September 30. ..Day and evening sVsslons. Send for catalogue. 'Phone for Information. 122 and 12 Fifth avenue ara two new cottages just completed, with modern con veniences; and for rent by Cj. T. Officer, 419 Broadway. Sagar Coming; for Storage. The Council Bluffs Orape Growers', as sociation will shortly have ' 75,000 bags or 8,760 tons of beet augar stored in its recently completed warehouse on Ninth avenue and Seventh street. The sugar, which will require 150 cara to transport it, will come from the beet sugar re fineries of Colorado and will remain In storage here until about March . next, when It will be distributed to other points. This sugar, being In what Is known as "transit," will not be assesssd for local taxation. The city council some months ago, at the solicitation of the Grape Gjowere association and other cor porations owning storage warehouses in the, city, adopted a resolution exempting from local taxation all sugar in transit. While It waa claimed by the petitioner that the augar was not liable to assess ment, it would not be stored here unless a guaranty was given that it would not be taxed. The warehquse of the Grape Growers' association Is two stories and basement high and Is (0x160 feet. It was the last building erected by Contractor John D. Weaver before leaving Council Bluffs and it coat In the neighborhood of 125,- 000. ... s of the augar are Council Bluffs this ' The first shipments of the sugar scheduled to reach week. Wanted Every man and woman with de fective vision to consult us and get a pair of our made-to-order eye glasses. DR. W. W. MAGARRELL, ' 10 Pearl Street. Optometrist. "ht 1w!.y' "a UU11LTS. CUnilUIUUlfJ BI1U C1BHI1 UBI IlaUCCg. flrst-class drivers, and the best teama In the A l Si 11 am. a w - I n.a.W uiijr at inj unnu uvery o. ramus, ouiu phones, 172. Marriage Licensee. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. George Nare, Bt. Cloud. Minn , M Beanie Brown, Golden, Colo 24 Knud Blssk Hanaen. Council Bluffs J4 ln" Travelers Insurance company of Hart Anna Mary Gregersen. Council Bluffs.... 22 ford. Conn., for $2,000 on an elevator lla BlalneBltsen. Florence. Neb 1 , bllity policy, of which he la th. ...i,. Mary Rosella Clements, Florence, Neb... la Nets Thomsen. Omaha.'..'. Ja Jennie Rasmussen, Omaha 21 Charles LeRoy Gibson, Omaha. .J 21 Hasel Mlgnon Mardta. Omaha L A. Jarobson, Omaha Mayme Bryant. Omaha 4 j 30 omce tmr neat. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on ' ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone I building, IS Bcott street; central location; ' only one-half block from Broadway. Ev erything new; electric light; for SS a month. Omaha Bee, IS Bcott street. Bluff City Laundry, nigh grade work. Latest Improved machinery. 'Phones 114. Board ef aapcrrlsora. The Board of Supervisors completed its work Saturday and adjourned until Octo ber 21, when It will m.-t flrst aa a Pigeon Creek drainage board r.nd later in Joint aesalon with the Harrison county super visitor On October 21 It will reconvene as a county board. The session yesterday was devoted mainly to sltmlng up several hundred warrants for gopher bounty claims. ' The total amount of the claims, however, has not yet been figured. Under the new Iowa statute permitting the payment by the county of the domestic animal fund three-fourths of the value of an animal slain either by wolves or dogs, the board allowed Jackson Lewis KL7S for a sheep killed July t by either 4 wolf or a doc. Former County Attorney W. H. Klllpack, who has been retained by the board to ad vise It In ditch matters, gave It aa his opinion that there was little or no founda tion for the report that the Compton Trust and Mortgage company of Macon,. Mo., would decline to accept the Pigeon creek bonds which had been awarded It. The public know that when they get a Piano of the A. Hospe Co., M South Main street, Council Bluffs, they get more value for their money than they could get at any other place, and at the same time, run no chances 1n buying, as there Is only one price, and that Is the lowest. Cameras and photographlo supplies. C. B. Alexander, 333 Broadway. COLORED MA.V 19 REVERE!, Y CUT Man Who Wields the Kalfe Arrested Siear Creaeeat. John Woodfalk. colored, ws taken to the Edmundson hospital early Saturday morn ing suffering from a number of severe knife cuts Inflicted by Ed Mills, another negro. The cutting affray took place at the home of Mrs. Blackwell, 1117 Avenue C, where the two negroes boarded and roomed to gether. Mills fled after the scrape and was later arrested at Crescent. ' Before Judge Snyder In police court yesterday afternoon he was . rralgned on . char of aault With in . 1(nt to pommlt murder and hls preliminary hearing continued to Monday. Mills pleaded self-defense. Woodfalk, who Is said to be a hard work ing man, has been employed at the Wlck liam brickyards. Mills, who Is a recent arrival In the city, worked at the brickyard one day. The trouble between the two men. It Is said, arose over Woodfalk's re fusal to lend Mills money, Woodfalk managed to walk to police headquarters, where he was given tem porary attention by City Physician Rice, and then removed to the hospital. He was suffering from a deep cut on the right cheek and several cuts on the left cheek, while' the right arm had been cut to the bone near the shoulder. When word was received that a negro answering Mills' description had been seen heading for Crescent Sergeant O'Neill and Detective Richardson were sent by train to Crescent to head the fugitive off, while Officers Lorenten and Peterson drove north on the Crescent City road. The latter two officers Intercepted Mills as he was walking along the Northwestern tracka just west of Crescent. A blood stained knife was found on Mills and he admitted cutting Woodfalk, but claimed he did so In self defense, after Woodfalk had drawn a razor on him. Mills displayed a badly cut finger, which he claimed was caused by Wood falk's razor. Before' getting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and reflnlshing done, get prices of the Morgan Upholstering com pany, 333 Broadway, next to Alexander's art store. Telephone for quick orders. Bell, 393; Independent, 879 Red. Dr. J. W. Terry, an eye specialist of high reputation, at Lefferfs, 409 Broadway. Ileal, Estate Tranafera. These transfers were reported to The Bee September 28 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Sheriff to William Moore, trustee, part wVz ne'i IS and part sw seV4 2376- . s. d ...IS.600 Charles H. Lane and wife to Charles Larsen. n30 acres of - sw V 12-77-44. - w. d J. W. Squires and wife, to, .Mary E. Lynch, .lot 17, block 10,. McMahon, Coopor ft JefTeriea' add., w. d J. W. Shumwav and wife to F V. l',360 1,300 Clobridge, lot L block 2. Sunnystde add., w. d Portsmouth Savings bank to W. M. Clark, lot 15. block f, Harrison Street add., w. d Heirs of Japheth Brown to N. B. , Whltsltt, lot 13, block 2. Avoca, Ia., w. d Christian Andersen and wife to J-'rtarleH. Larsen, slO acres of nw 12-77-44, w. d Mrs. O. H. Gable to Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company, lot 21, block VI, Central subdlv, w, d J. L. Drulen and wife and James G. Megeath to J. H. Florence, lots ft, and 24. block 30, Central subdlv., w. d Pacific Realty company to Clty'f rust company, lot 2, block 35. Ferry add.. John D. Hannan and wife" to" Henry H. Pogge, ety lot 7, Judson's Grand V lew add., Neola, Ia., w. d 400 400 400 325 250 20 1'40 112 Eleven transfers, total. 810,422 Eyes examined and glasses prescribed to correct all defects and ailments that glasses will correct. We limit our practice to the eyesight. All work done In strict conform ity with ,tne natural law of optics.- Treat ment purely optical, we do not practice medicine or surgery. Dr.- J. W. Terry, optician with Lefferfs. 409 Broadway. Boya Tribute ro Dr. Reed. The Boys' West End Amusement club has adopted the following resolutions on the death of Dr. Marvin D. Reed, the organiser of toe club: Whereas, God, in His divine providence. lias removed from our midst the founder of our club. M. D. Ree.l. and while we bow l "r ciuo. m. 1J. Kee.1. and while we to God a will and acknowledge Hla wis. yt our hearts are full .of sorrow at I loss of so true and great a friend; an Isdom, t the a feeble tribute to his memory, be It Resolved. That we tender his mourning wife and family our sincere condolence and assure them that our hearts beat In sym pathy with thm in their greet sorrow. The members of the club will attend the funeral this afternoon in a body and their floral tribute will be a large wreath with the club Initials in flow'ers. . Upholstering;. George W. Klein. 19 South Main street. 'Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell 648. Dr. J. W. Terry, an eye specialist of high reputation, at Lefferfs, 401 Broadway. Salt oa Accident Policy. Thomae McCarol Hied In the district court yesterday original notice of suit aralnat The liability of the defendant company Is claimed by reason of the payment of the Judgment secured by Mrs. Louisa Reed against the owners of the 8app block for personal injuries received In an elevator accident two years; ngo. In settling with Mr RMd- Greenshlelds aV Everest, against W,10m Judn,ent w obtained, assigned the P0"0' ,0 Mr- Part payment. In turn Mr' Beed lnl the policy to McCarol, who brings suit. Meat Dcpartaacat Specials. Beef, pork, veal, mutton, poultry, fish, lunch meats, sslt meats, fancy smoked hams and bacon, etc., etc. If you want an I extra good cut send us your order. We cut only the beet. J. Zoller Mr. Co., 100-102-104-10S Broadway. Three 'phones. Ring Bell or Ind. S3). Eaalcra Star Memorial. , Harmony chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, , will hold Its annual memorial serv ices this afternoon at I o'clock In the Ma sonlo temple, at which all friends of the order are Invited. Congressman Walter I. Smith will deliver the oration and Mlas Brock and Miss Chambers will sing. The chapter mourns the loss by death of five members during the last yesr. They are Mrs. Kate McMUlen. Miss Alice MrOUI. Mrs. Jane Wllklna. Edward Ott and James Anderson. . . I'se Bee eant ads to boost your business. FAST WEEK IX Bl.l'FrS SOCIETY Daaajaters of the America Revela tloa Hold First Meetlaa- of Seaeoa. Mr. - F. C. Rlker Is home from a flailing trip to the Minnesota lakes. Mrs. Ptilker of Chicago Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Oliver of Fark avenue. The Bridge club will be entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. H. Plnney. Mr. and Mrs. Valdlmar M. Johnson left Friday for a trip to Denver and . other Colorado points. Mr. (ind Mrs. Harry Schmidt left yes terday for a month's pleasure trip to Bos ton and other eastern points. Mrs. R. E. Montgomery entertslhed the Monday Bridge club Monday afternoon at her home on Third avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dtirfee have returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives at points In Illinois, Indiana and Wiscon sin. Mrs. F. T. True entertained for Mrs. C. O. Fitch Wednesday afternoon st an In forms 1 luncheon at her home, 26 Second avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stiles, a South Ninth street, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilkinson and daughter, Nellie, of Evaneton, Wyo. Mr. Charles E. Wslters entertained about ftfteen membera of Ivanhoe commandery. Knights Templar, at an informal banquet Tuesday evening at Metzger's restaurant. The Misses Anna and Dora Lyons enter tained Friday afternoon at an Informal kenslngton In honor of their sister, Mrs. msser or ues Moines, at tneiv nome, sin North Seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Baldwin hsve returned from-their Wedding trip to Green River, Wyo., and -at present are stopping at Hip home of Mrs. Baldwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Klnts. Mrs. Charles E. Woodbury entertained a number of friends Informally Saturday afternoon at her home, 904 Willow avenue. The afternoon was spent with music, and light refreshments were served. Mr. snd Mrs. William B. Rue announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Stella Mildred Rue.' to Mr. Edward Louis Hartuulst of Boone. Ia., the wedding to take place Wednesday evening, October 23. Cards have been received by friends here announcing the marriage of Mr. Frank Emmet English, formerly of this city, and Miss Blandina Hoffman, last Wednesdav, at the home of the bride In Serlbner, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. English will make their home in Fremont, Neb. The women of the Congregational church held an Informal reception Tuesday after noon at the home of Mra. Clem F. Ken dall. 711 Sotith Seventh street. In honor of Mrs. C. O. Fitch. The afternoon was spent Informally and with music, light refresh ments being served during the afternoon. There, were about fifty guests present. Mrs. Jackson P. Haake, 11 East Wash ington avenue, gave a prettily appointed luncheon yesterday, complimentary to her mother and sister, Mrs. F. C. Robinson and Miss Msry Robinson of Minneapolis, who are her guests. The. rooms were taste fully decorated, a yellow and red color scheme being carried oat In the dining room and parlors. Yellow and red roses formed the table decorations. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. F. T. True and Mrs. Clem Kendall were the hostesses Thursday afternoon at a farewell party at the home of Mrs. True, 25 Second avenue. In honor of Mrs. C. O. Fitch, who left Friday afternoon for Port land, Ore. There were about thirty guests present, Including the members of the Atlas club. The afternoon was spent with a fare well ceremony, many original songs and verses being given, by Mrs. Kimball. Dainty refreshments were served In the dining room after the ceremony, the rooms being prettily decorated throughout with roses and asters, a large bowl of roses table centerP'el'. lo th d'nlng room A quiet wedding took place Wednesday evening at St. Paul s ' Episcopal church, when Miss Vera V. Llnkey, daughter of Mra Augusta Llnkey. 7(B Bluff street, was united In marriage to Mr. Karl H. Hoist, I?." rfor- Rv- H. W. Starr, officiating. Miss Llnkey was formerly a teacher of the Second Avenue . school, and Mr. Hoist Is assistant bookkeeper at the Council Bluffs Savings bank. Only Immediate rela tives and friends were present during the ceremony, after which the newly married couple departed for a, wedding trip, to the east, after, .which; they .will , make, their home In this city. , A merry Indoor picnic party was given Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Coker,- ttig. Fourth avenue, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens, who are making a jihflrt visit,' here oh their return from their wedding Irlji before going to their home In New .. Mexico. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Groneweg, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCon- nell. Rev. ; and Mri.i Marcus P. McClure Mr. and Mis. Warner Welch, Mr. and Mrs! F. K. , Olcasnn, Miss. Helen Coker of Omaha and Mrs. Pulker of Chicago, Mrs. Stevens was formerly Miss Thatcher, Tor five years organist at the First Presbyterian church. A pretty wedding occurred Wednesday evening at the home of the groom. 206 Stutsman street, when Mr. R. C. Meneray. sr., was united In marriage to Mrs. Laura J. Morris at t o'clock. Rev. Marcus P. McClure, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating.' Miss Nettle Fiemmlng acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Erjiest Meneray, brother of the groom, as beat man. The wedding march was played by Miss Edna .Meneray. daughter of the groom. The bride waa attired In a navy blue suit. There were sbout forty guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Meneray will make their home at 208 Stutsman street. . . The members' of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held their first monthly meeting for this season Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Page Mor rison and Dr. Charlotte McCuskey at their residence. (i!9 Fltst avenue. The aft ernoon was devoted first to the usual busi ness meeting, after which an election of delegates to Hie state conference at Mar shalltown, to be held In October, was held. Mrs. Morrison was elected delegate, Mrs. Macrae regent alternate and Mrs. H. P. Plnney delegate alternate. Following the business meeting a program of music by Mrs. Snyder Stough and a paper by Mrs. H, P. I'lnney on "The Causes of the Revo lution" were enjoyed, after which light re freshments were sorved. The next meeting will be held October IK at the home of Mrs. Southard and Mrs. Runford. latereat lo MarWowa'a Fat. WEBSTER CITV. Ia.. Sept. .-Speclal.) Will the case against George Mackown, the famous prisoner now In jail here charged with the burning of the $100,000 felt shoe factory In this city In lSoe and the embezzlement of 115, COO. be tried at the approaching aesslon of the district court, which convenes Monday? The ques tion Is an all-absorbing one In Webster City, aa the case has excited more Interest throughout central Iowa than any tried In years. D. C. Chase, Mackown's attorney. Is discreetly, silent upon this question. The prisoner, however, tired of his long Im prisonment In the county Jail, Is longing for a change any change from the mo notony of jail existence. He la anxious for a trial and the aoener the better. Harry to Finish Road. FORT DODGE, Ia.. Sept. (Special.) All apeed Is on In the effort to complete the line of the Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern lnterurban railroad into Fort Dodge from the south on schedule time. At the head of the long line of workers who are rapidly approaching the city Is a gang of 100 graders, who work with feverish haste to prepare the grade for the track laying gang that follows. Following tha track laying machine .and the gang that goes with It come twenty-five splkers, and still farther back on the line ballasting and atrlnging the trolley wire Is In progress. The first of the present week saw mllea of track to be laid and much grading to be done to complete the line Into the city. Men in general and women in particular enjoy a toothsome nourishing breakfast Jfood and they find it whin they try Grape -Nuts WITH CREAM "Thera a Reason" c F7. Enough to stretch one-third the way around represents the Perfect" bottle of iff ' ,7 J fiSUSi if PI'"! 1 1 ipiff j f' Jplp JIalf of this has been finished and the hope la to be able to run a car Into the city on Tuesday, OctdBer 1. . Madman is still at Large. tr , MARSHA LLTOWN, Ia,, Sept. 29.-'(Spe- clal. Henry Kaiser, who, while violently Insane, armed himself with a shotgun, butcher knife and . raaor and then disap peared from his home In Eden township, this county, has not yet been found. The same fear and apprehension that Kaiser, while mad, will attack some of the homes of t,le neighborhood still prevails and ex I cltemcnt Is still running high. Farmers , wim are not .n,l in .rrfain. fn- n, who are not engaged In searching for the madman, are remaining at home, where they can protect their families. For two days the search has continued without ceasing, until the country for miles in every direction has been gone over, but without result. The opinion Is gaining credence that Kaiser has killed himself and that his body will still be found. This morning a man supposed to Kaiser was seen in the woods four miles from his home, but after the searchers got on the trail rain began to fall and blotted It out. Charge Against ftanerrlsor. ATLANTIC. Is.. Sept. 29.-(gpec!al.)-A case that has a county-wldo interest has been started in this term of the district court by County Attorney Ooodspecd, ask ing for the removal from office of Super visor H. M. Crawford of Lewis. The charges are similar to the ones upon which Henry Ilollen was removed a few months ago and allege incompetency, misconduct In office and misappropriatlou of county funds. This is the third supervisor who has been removed or resigned besides two other appointees of the bourd, since the county attorney began his tight against what he terms graft in the county offices, and there are still more suits to follow. Negro Preacher Convicted. ; MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Sept. J9.-(Sp-clal.) Rev. George Perkins, a negro preacher, claiming to be a missionary of the African Baptist Missionary society, waa convicted here today In the district court of cheating by false pretenses, Perk ins soliciting money from merchants under the pretense that It waa for the local negro Baptist chinch. The Jury was out ten houis. The maximum sentence that can be Imposed Is seven years in the peniten tiary. Perkins, three years ago, was sent to the penitentiary from Woodbury county for a similar offense. Trial of Pratt la Hashed. IOWA CITY, Ia., Sept. .-gpeclal Tel egram.) The state rushed the Introduction of evidence today showing the circum stances surrounding the killing of William Conncll by Elmer Pratt. The trial Is likely to last for some time yet. Iowa Kewa Notes. ATLANTIC Pickpockets and sneak thieves were active here yesterday. Several parties at the fair lost small sums of money during the Jam about the race track. Clarence Armstrong from Lewis had an overcoat atolen. The W. II. Hamm build ing, where household goods are stored, was broken Into and entered through the back door, but nothing of value waa taken. C. C. Cnnrad had a valuable flowering cactus plant taken from hla front yard and numer ous other thefts of garden truck and eat ables were reported. The police have run several suspicious charai-Hra out of town tlna week, but have no clue to the thefts reported. ATLANTIC Three distressing and serious aocidents occurred here yesterday. Harper Bonnet had one of his flngtrs taken off by a blow from a hammer In the hands of his brother, while playing blacksmith. He was . holding a piece of Iron while his brothel struck It One of the blows went wrong and the hammer severed a finger as cleanly as a knife. Archie Card, whose father was killed last week by falling under the switch engine, was perhsps seriously injured by being run down by a buxgy while crossing the street. He attempted to get out of the way of an automobile, when a horse fright ened at tiie machine, knocked him down and the buggy ran over him. His noae and face were badly cut and bruiaed, hla leg whera he buggy ran ever him hurt and it la feared he was Injured Internally. At the fair ? rounds W. K. Jones, who had an exhibition or the Kirk Implement store, was demon strating the working of a dump cart, when he got his hand caught In the cog a of tha machinery and three finaers on hia left J, hand were so badly cruahod that auuiuta ( tlon may be necessary. Mil e quantity of blue ribbon used by the Pabst Brewing Company of Milwaukee during the past year. About six inches of this blue ribbon is stamped in gold with the words "Guaranteed and wrapped around P2. THY The Beer of Quality : Some idea of the popularity of this famous s brew may be gathered from the size of this order for blue ribbon labels. The blue ribbon is the and is used only on Pabst Blue Ribbon. It is the maker's pledge of quality and your guaranty of purity. When you order beer, insist upon having Pabst Blue Ribbon You can recognize the bottle by the blue ribbon fastened to its neck, as shown in the illustration. Made by Pabst at Milwaukee And Bottled only at the Brewery. . Pabst Brewing Co., 1307 Leavenworth St., Omaha, rhone DouKlag 79. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Urotto Lodce No. 1, Knlgrbta Mystic Circle, Starts Oat . '- Well. of The ' new' order of the Knights of the lystlc Circle Is starting out under favor Mystic Circle Is starting out under favor- able auspices. Grotto No. 1, which was organised August Zl, has now a member ship of over lu) and holds Its regular meet- Ings every Wednesday evening at Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Grotto No. 1 contemplates giving an enter tainment at its meelinir October 9, at which time a class of 100 new members will be adopted Into the society. Ladles of the Army, At the meeting of Garfield circle. No. 11, Friday evening arrangements were con cluded for the construction of the float the circle will have In the carnival parade of women's societies. Owing to the Illness of Mrs. C. M. Peters, president, Mrs. Wolfe, the senior vice president of the circle, presided. Notwithstanding the ex tremely unpleasant weather the attendance was very encouraging. Fraternal Inlon of America. Mondamtn lodge No. Ill celebrated Its tenth anniversary Wednesday evening. The Two Cents per Mile Betwoon all Station on tha .'. tt CHICAGO A OR EAT Better than former excursion rates. Gosd an all trains. Came and go when you please. Take that Ung contemplated trip NOW. Tlokoia and information from . ' J V. C. DAVIDSON. C. P. AT. A.. 1312 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nee.'' M-SM-BEN VISITORS Want Rooms i t Thousands of to Omaha. Tell rooms through an is small, returns large. 4 the world ; This the neck of each IX n Boom mark of excellence hall 'was filled to overflowing J waa rendered which inaJuded aSddresses by Rev. O. H. Schlrfi Ijnd othareV vfi solo ty sketches John McCvAry and tS&T?$ by Mrs. E. Ivans. The ftlrt J11 was an .especially atlractlvtW& ceremony ture. Following thw Droararn refreshment! of punch and wafera were served, the affair concluding with a dance. i The Itrw Pare Taot and Drag Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar tor, coughs, colde and lung troubles Is not affected by the national pura food and drug law, as It contains no oplatet or other harmful drugs, and we recommend It aa a safe remedy for children and adults All druggists. Jamestown exposition. ' Low Round Trln Rates , Via Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paal Rr US for fifteen-day ticket, 143. M for sixty day ticket, 47.70 for sixty-day ticket via New York. Choice of routes and liberal topovers east of Chicago. ' Information and folders at City Ticket Office, 1524 Far nam Bt, or write to F. A. - Nash, Oen'l Western Agent, Omaha, Neb. Railway strangers arc coming them of your; vacant ad in the Bee Cost i L f I am. if . a ' 'with mem. Droararn The Bixby-Krelle VCo. HEATING, PLUMBING, UGHTKG High Pressure Steam Work Gas Machines and Pneumatic Water Systems for Country and ubttrbaa BuUalaaa, . 322 South Hii St, ; Ul Dec'Ias till.