THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1007. CLOSING OUT All New Sample, Rent, Re possessed and Slightly Used ii r tr t r - - ri ji J Lit MO I'M I- 1 v You will find in our store a collection of SCMFS, MUFFS of o character never before shown In Omaha fhe care and taste shown in the designing the skill dis played in the manufacture the nicety of finish will appeal to you 'Character" furs from the factory cost no more than "common" uis from the retailer We carry an immense stock of skin .nd make a specialty of made-to-order garments. An Aula- Oaugtl garment win in you ana tnoy are nign,-graae, ex- elusive ana economical. The Factory is the Placo to Buy Furs0 AULABA0GIHI Take Elevator In Millinery Store 1SOS Douglas Strec f INVESTIGATE J The Pest Piano Bargains in Omaha Will Be Found at MATTHEWS HARNEY STREET These are not a job lot of bankrupt stock of unkown makes, but pianos from factories that are in good standing and whose guarantee is of value. It Regular Price Sale Price $260.00 "W. W. Kimball" Piano... $110.00 $250.00 "BeckwitrT Piano i $118.00 $300.00 "Crown ' Piano $140.00 $400.00 ''Wheelock" Piano $175.00 $375.00 "Marshall & Wendell" Piano ... $190.00 $400.00 "Haines "Bros." Pianos $210.00 $400.00 "Ludwig" Piano $225.00 $400.00 "Schiller" Piano $235.00 $475.00 ''Hardman" Piano $325.00 $500.00 "Ludwig" Piano, art case $335.00 $700 "Knabe" Piano $400.00 $400.00 "Foster & Co." Piano .. $250.00 $425.00 "Vough" Piano $270.00 $425.00 "Lindeman" Piano. .$290.00 Also a complete stock of the latest improved M Weber," 'Mehlin' "Henry and S. G. Linden-ian." "Foster (EL Co." high class pianos and "Mason (Si Hamlin' Church organs. We sell direct where not repre sented. Terms to suit purchaser. MTtlE W 0 c 0 0 Manufacturers and Wholesale Fine Pianos 1013115 Harney street, Onr&atia 2E mm J if .rm.fHv&VMmnnmuim i.i''iuAiiijl.H il !HpTMIW, rasa mm yj iSxlDEECS A Ifouir ' Printed Rflatter uif PI psft LTL nM flit" U TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1604. 1210-1212 HOWARD STREET i v Via. MM