4 V f 0 THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1007. (o SBHB inni sl Ilni ai- IPaicglk&irao (CcDiimipaiini ....OHJR. NEW PLANT.... Constructed Strictly in Accordance Wittn U. !S. Rg?ulation and Pure 3FoorJ Laws IVflost Complete, Convenient and Modern ms . (. v.. sv . -' . i -.-., ; ' . ' , V i " ' " ..-'-1' " - - J.. ' , ""r'.-j '' '' ' ' ..is.. ..' ' ' . i.' J.", - " ?..;-.V,Vt: n VT. : ' " k -WW Where PURE FOOD Prepared With ED BEEF, rVttUXTTOM AND 1POIRIK IMSHlstto2 Mairini, IBFeailkflaikBti Oaicoim Sausage and Luncheon Specialties Visitors Cordially Invited SOILJTjH OMAHA, NEB. THIS TOWN GOES THIRSTY Became Iti Citizen Were Not Quick at Figures. FIRE STARTS A SWIFT DEBATE Rel.tlT. V.l.e of Water and Lumber I. Death Vallcr Wu la iae tlon ud tk. Drl.k En porlam Bra. U KEEN WATER, Cal.. Sept. 18. If there had been aa much knowledge of mathe matics among the cltlseni of thia flourishing desert town as there are fleas, Chuckwala Charley Hennes.y's drink emporium, the Deal h Valley Vault, would not have burned to the ground last night. Because the leading citizens in this town are not aa quick at figures aa they are at raising be fore the draw, Oreenwater has been robbed of its chief center of moral and social up lift. Today the boy are admitting that mental arithmetic beata presence of mind. Chuckwala Charley's saloon burned be cause the leading members of the com munity could not flcure out on the spur of ths moment whether It would be cheaper to let the place burn and rebuild it with lumber at $U a thousand feet or to put the fire out with water costing 18 a barrel. While the discussion went on the fire got so far that the party in favor of using the water were squelched by fece of cir cumstances. Of course, they put up a holler right away, but pow It us up to Chuckwala Charley to tote a couple of wagon loads of pine across Death valley at the present high teaming rates. The lumber baa to be hauled thirty miles; water has to come only about twelve miles. Climate at ISreeawater. The situation in Oreenwater la unusual. Some months ago a real estate boomer put an advertisement in a Los Angeles paper which said tlist Oreenwater was a garden spot of the desert, kissed by the warm anl healthglving rays of a perennial sun and blossoming like the rose. He was right about the kisses. The average sun klsa here in the north end of Death valley registers about 126 degrees Fahrenheit ten months out of the year, and occasionally the Death Valley Dead One has to suspend publication because Its Ink rollers melt. As for the garden business, there is a fine collection of tomato cans out back of Sandy Hedges' place and the Joshua tree grows plentifully la these parts. In passing it may be added that the man who put that advertisement In the Los Angeles papers went dippy from sunstroke up In the Funerals back of town about a week after he committed the crime. Since a tnlagulded mortal picked out this site for a town about a year ago because he grubbed up some copper outcropping down where the foot of the main street now Is quite a few Individuals have come here to Uke a parboiling treatment and prospect for more copper, some gold and grub to eat meanwhile. Matter et Waeala. They usually Uke a good wash at Mojave "before coming Into the valley and. If they live to get back to Mojave they take an other wash at the end of the Journey in Mike Stetson's commodious rain barrel. Oaif those follows who bet t&tt oa a I busted flush before the draw can afford to take a bath all over In Greenwater. But right here mention must be made of the enterprise of Chuckwala Charley that en deared hla emporium to the populace. When Chuckwala put up the Vault he painted a sign and hung it behind the bar. "Free Wash With Every Drink," the sign read. And Chuckwala stuck by bis con tract. After you had bought your two fingers of squirrel whisky and paid extra for a water chaser, if you felt you could afford it, all you had to do was to go out back of the saloon) and there a China boy would pour out about three Inches of real water In a washbasin and you could loosen the surface crust on your face.. The wits In town called this a homoeopathic bath. Chuckwala s homoeopathies made an Instant hit with the cltlsens, and the custom of taking a wah had grown up about the Vault until It was recognised as one of the features of Oreen water s social life. Water Cart Is Lost. , Now it happened that several days ago BUI Hasklns, who drives the .water cart from Ash Creek to Oreenwater every day and thus supplies the town with the fluid, sat down on a tarantula out on the desert road and thereby suftered some pain and considerable inconvenience. He could not sit on tho seat of the water ca,rt for a week, said Doc Burton, the popular vet erinarian and dentist, and since all the they wouln t take the desert road for $100 ihey wouldn't take the tleaert road for tloo an hour the committee on water works of the town board had to hire a Cnlnanian to take Bill llaskin a place temporarily. The Chinaman all right the ln.t two days and kept the Hater supply trom Ash creek pretty well up to the high level. But day before yesterday, Just the day of the lire, the Chinaman dldn t come back to town with the wateicart. The cilhtens don't know yet what had happened to him and today an expedition went out to lind the cart, which is too val uable a piece of town furniture to lo-. liiey msy find the chinaman also. Ftr. Adda t. Bmbarraasiaeat. It was Just when the town was thus em barrassed by a meager water supply thai the Are came to the Vault. One of the boys must have been careless with hi cigar stub. The flames were discovered about I o'clock last night Just when the ciltssns were congregating for their after dinner drink. Chuckwala was the first to spot the blase over In the corner near the faro tables. It was about a foot high and there wus little smoke. "Boys," said Chuckwala. "all who have not yet drunk their water chasers rio. throw them on the Are and I will consider me same a favor. Don't throw any whisky; It's such high proof that It will burn like coal oil." Three of the boys were saving their chasers to enjoy with their smoke and they promptly went over and dropped them on the Are. Chuckwala himself came from be hind the bar with half a pltcherful of water all he had left because of the drouth and spread the contents carefully on the blase. Some hunted for sacks to beat out the Are and some tried to slamo It out Rut wood which has been in Death Valley for a year burns like paper and the Aames quickly climbed up the wall and nrnm t adjacent corners. "Run down to Jerome Jessup's and ask him for the loan of hla nn r ,.., commanded Chuckwala with a tense, white face. "Circulate around by the barber shop and Judge Thomas' place and bring all the water they've got," roared somebody else 'n terror. Cactus Johnny's Calculation. Just as the boys were scouring the main street of Oreenwater for water the rest of the cltltena In town came streaming down toward the burning Vault. Cactus Johnny O'Brien stopped the cltlxens who were going for water and began to argue: ."It'll take three barrels of water to get that Are out," said Cactus Johnny. "There aren't three barrels of water in town, and anyway that makes S24, maybe much moro, if we don't find the watercart in a day or so." The boys gathered around Cactus Johnny and began to argue. "Any galoot with the sense of a Jenny burro could figure that there's 800 feet of lumber in Chuckwala'a saloon," yelled Doc Burton. "Pine lumber from Mojave costs 10 a thousand foot. Eight-tenths of 88v-dlvlde both by two; that equals four-fifths four-fifths of $80, $44. Three barrels of water's only $34. Make It $33 even and Chuckwala still loses. Come on, boys, and get that water." "Now, just watt one minute," chimed in Judge Thomas. "It ain't that I grudge Chuckwala or the Vault my two palls of water, but anybody that wasn't foollsli with the heat could figure out the theory of probabilities In this case. ."Now, supposing we pour three barrels of water on that fire, that's $24 gone, maybe more. Supposing It will cost ChuckwaU $64 to get new lumber from Mojave If lh" whole shack burns down. All right, no far. so good; but listen to me. "What If we go and dump worth f water on that fire and don't put It out '.' There's IM plus VA, which equals $$S, g n' to the bad, If I don't miss my guess. An l what's worse, every minute we stnnd hru talking that fire's going to kep on burnli'K and it s going to take more water to p;i' It out." Oate.me of the Argument. Hoc Burton told JudBe Thomas iin.l 1i was a rat-talled, stuck-up, old luri.a.' and the Judge swung on Doc. Tlie o'.iu i I'fiya gathered around and quit arguing u watch the fight. Jusi about the time that the Judge went down for the count from a cross to the ear the front wall of the Vault fell In. Chuck wala Charley strolled over to the bun"h with a look of withering scorn on hi face. "Gents," said he. "I have to thank ali of you for the advice you have given m.' and for the gallant part you have tak.-n In helping the Death Valley Vault to lit clnerate. "And what's . more," he added, "there ain't going to be any Phoenix bird business over the ashes of this fire. I'm going back to Suffolk county. Long Island, where there's trees and water enough to swim In." 3T What He round. He was a new deputy sheriff and had been out on his first trip through one of the most unproductive sections of Warren county, Kentucky. Among other papers given him was an execution against a man who lived on about the thinnest tract of land and most dilapidated oul-bulldlngs to be found even in this almost barren section of country. When the new deputy came in from his trip he asked one of the experienced men in the office how to make his returns on the various papers. He was told to write briefly the facts, as he found and under stood them, on the back of each one. On the execution referred to above ha wrote as follows: "No property found to satisfy within ex ecution, and none will be found so long as W "kY " Wt" b no Ves." Harper s THE Bankers L LOKI suranc OF", LliMCOLM Oompanv WAS OVE It will sell you a policy $4.00 cheaper than Eastern companies. It will pay you more at maturity. It will keep your money both principal and inter est in Nebraska. Is it not worth while to buy at home your life insurance ?