THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1007. i j- ', 1 1 2L 1C SOOTH OMAHA AND PACKING ft 31 3C (Continued from Pags On.) v i 2 0 On a I a raaflonal Banfe ofi Oroalia, Nebraska Statement Made to the Comptroller oi the Currency, August 22, 1907 RESOURCES Loads and Discount , $8,040,581.98 Overdrafts 3,470.45 V. S. Bonds, for circulation 423,000.00 Blocks and Bonds 628,025.81 Banking Houm and Safety Deposit Vaults 200,000.00 17. S. Bonds for Deposits . . . $02 1, 000.00 Pn from Approved Reserve A genU 1,032,030.30 Due from Other Banks. . . . 1,423,106.48 Cash on Hand 1,224,776.08 Due rxm U. B. Treasurer. . 30,000.00 4,056,602.76 $13,353,033.30 LIABILITIES Capital ...... $1,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 200,000.00 Undivided Profits 180,186.57 Circulation 600,000.00 Deposits 11,873,496.03 $13,353,033.50 THE Bank's deposits represent actire, lire acoounts. A record of over 40 years of suc cessful commercial banking. Depository of the United States, County of Douglas, and City of Omaha. Officers and Directors: J. H. MILLARD, President. WM. WALLACE.Vice-President C. F. McGREW, Vice-President W. H. BUCHOLZ, Cashier FRANK BOYD, Ass't Cashier W. M. Burgess Guy C. Barton I. W. Carpenter A. J. Simpson C. II. Brown J. E. Baum Safety Deposit Vaults, 210 South Thirteenth Street Thirteenth Street, Between Farnam and Douglas LUTHER MIKE, WATI T. BIMllTON, r. P. BM!ITM, D. H. MKl'.E, fresidtit Vlce-Fresldeot Aul Cashier A1 Cashier THE Merchants National Bank I m of-Omaha. Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus and Proiits - $800,000 Deposits - - - - - - $6,250,000 DIRECTORS t LUTHER DRAKE FRANK T. HAMILTON JOHN F. COAD GEO. S. ROGERS G. E. PRITCHET A STRONG CONSERVATIVE INSTITUTION The Capital and Surplus Offer Ample Protection to Depositors PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL BANKING BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE. is conveyed by wires from the generating department. Thero is n. dangerous shaft ing or belting in the establishment. Re cently two direct current generators, ens of l00 and the ether of at horsepower, were added to the equipment. Details f the Plants. Bach of these four great packing estab lishments has Its own police force and its own force of firemen with fire pumps and reservoir. At each establishment fifteen policemen and ten or twelve firemen are constantly on duty. Beds ars maintained for these men and reading rooms, billiard tables and other means of entertainment art provided. Several records have been broken during the last few weeks at the stock yards. On September 23 of this year 48,000 head of sheep were received at the stock yards. The largest previous dally number was 37,000. During the week ending Beptember 7 there were received in ths yards 2,530 cars of various kinds of stock. The largest number previous to the time was 2,300. Eleven locomotives and thlrty-llvs miles of railroad track are owned by ths Union Stock Tarda company and are used, to gether with ths vast extent of yards, alleys and runways In caring for the millions of head of stock thst come Into South Omaha annually. These yards have a capacity for 60.000 sheep, 40,000 hogs and 30,000 cattle. The sheep alone are housed in a mammoth re-proof structure, covering 185.000 square feet and equipped with everything for swift and profitable handling. There are also fins barns and sale pavilions for ths han dling of horses snd mules. Outline of Its Growth. Some Idea of the growth of the packing Industry In South Omaha may be gained from these facts: In 1884 receipts were 88,603 cattle, 3,686 hogs snd 5,593 sheep. In 1885 receipts were 116,963 cattle, 152.524 hogs snd 19,484 sheep. In 1S96 receipts were 686,103 cattle, 1,186,726 hogs and 204.870 sheep. In 1906 receipts were 1.02C.392 cattle, 1,293, 956 hogs and 1,970,502 sheep. In 1906 receipts were 1,679,371 cattle, 2,f9V 651 hogs and 2.165.116 aheep. During this same period receipts of horses and mules increasea from 489 In 1884 to 42,269 In 1906. These figures are too big to be graspeJ. Statisticians might figure out how many times around the earth ths animals re ceived at South Omaha In a year would reach If they were placed head to tall In one great line. They might also figure how many times as high as the Washington monument they would be if they performed the fancy trick of standing one on the back of the other. But even then the mind would have difficulty in grasping the en ormous totals. It required 87,148 cars to bring all this stock receipts to South Omaha In 1906. In other words it took 2,176 trains of forty cars esch, every car loaded full of cattle. Shrew or hogs. Total receipts of live stock for ths year 1906 were 6,680,309. Of these 2.393,651 were hogs, 2,166,116 were sheep, 1,079,873 were cat tle and 42,269 Were horses and mules. Of the total receipts 3,075,616 head cams from Nebraska, 785.723 from Wyoming, 702,227 from Iowa, 370,670 from Idaho, 304,000 from Colorado and 442,173 from other states. Wonders of the Maa-le City. Such then are the four big packing plants and the big stock handling plant which acts as a feeder for them. But around these great business concerns employing about 10,000 men has sprung up a great city. It has come Into existence within . score of yeara with a rapidity of growth and at ths same time . stability of foundation that proves its right to Its soubriquet, "the maglo city." The volume of business done in con nection with the packing and stock indus tries Is enormous and there ars thrtte big banking Institutions that handle most of It. Ths Union Stock Tarda National bank Is located in" the Exchange building right In ths midst of ths yards. It was organised In 1886, nationalised In 1891, has a capital of $300,000 and surplus of 160,000. Its re sources on August 22. 1907, wers $4,818,926. Its deposits Increased from $2,839,527 on January 29, 1906, to $4,249,649 August 22, 1907. The Packers' National bank has a cap ital of $160,000 and a surplus of $100,000. Its resources on August 22, 1907, were $2,732,930 and Its deposits were $2,330,313. Ths South Omaha National bank has a capital of $250,000, a surplus of I2EO.O0O and profits of $100,000. On August 22, 1907, Its resources amounted to $4,131,168 and its de posits wers $3.3(10,841. This institution's re sources in 1886 when it was organised wero $29,25. First MaidDial lul Oroalia, Nebraska 1,000,000 ,p y 2 Capitol Surplus Profits C. X. KOUNTZE, President. L. L. KOUNTZE, Costlier. F". H. DAVIS, Vice-President. T. Li. DAVIS, Asst. Cashier. DEPOSITS: I August 23, 1864 I ie.oao.44 I I August 23, 18T4 S1.230.C00.10 I August 22, 1884 $1,890,862.04 August 22, 1804 $4,119,475,63 1 1 August 22, 1004 7,869,291.34 August 22, 1907 SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS 307 SOUTH 13Uv STREET DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF DOUGIAS. CITY OF OMAHA. sss sw swssssssssswssssjsssi nui ii sismnii iin u jm mii u 11 . a- tin iAnsril'sjr-' vttVn'iHirrr'rr -i W'TfiiinYi AtiWsf Ua 4 0MAIIA IS THE MARKET TCWN (Continued from Page One.) mnnmnxnnaax: isnsxrrmxm UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE NEBRASKA NATIONAL DANK, COR NER TWELFTH AND FARNAM, RESPECT FULLY SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF MER- CHANTS. CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS. AND OFFERS SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR THE TRANSACTION OF YOUR BUSINESS. WE PAY INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. ANCIENT DOGFS . FUNERAL Rare Spectacle of Solents Splendor Witne.ncd on Venetian Waters. Had I timed my visit to Venice, I could not have done better, for I assisted at a ceremony that orlgnally took place nearly 00 years ago, snd vlll never take place again. I was present at the funeral of a doge! Now, Venice has not been ruled by a doge tor more than 100 years, but this particular doge, Bebastiano Veniero, died over S00 years ago, and was decently burled at Murano, and ona might havs supposed that that was ths end of him. This was not, how.v.r, the plsce indicated in his will; no attention was paid to his wishes until his remains, with ths heart intact, wers brought to Venice in June last. Then all that was left of this distinguished doge and brave soldier for he commanded, the Venetian flotilla at ths battle of Lepaato In 1S71 waa placed In ths Church of 88. Giovanni and Paolo, where his statue, done by Antonio Del-Zotto. stands In a con spicuous plsce. I had been aaylng all the time I was In Venice that It was a great pity one could not see the gondolas decked In gay colors and manned by gaily cos tumed gondoliers, as In ths days of the doges; and hare, aa though by ths touch of a necromancer's wand, ws were taken back nearly 0 years. I had not heard of the funeral and was drifting about idlya In my gondola, when the scene of splendor burst upon my gass. Tou may be sur prised at the Idea of a funeral being a scene of splendor, but the barge In which ths remains of ths great Veniero lay was gay In red velvet and ctoth of gold, and was towed by a gorgeous gondola with gon doliers In ths costumes of his day. In ths ons black covered gondola sat a cardinal In robes of scarlet, and before him In an open gondola draped In black came the one surviving Veniero, the ons living de scendant of the Ashling doge, sn old man, the very Image of his ancestor, dressed in black broadcloth with a dop mourning band upon his tall hat. There was nothing mors Interesting In ths whole pageant than this gray-bearded descendant of ths great doge; the last of his line, too, for my gon dolier told me. with a tone of reproach In his voles, that Big. Veniero, though rich, was a bachelor. As ths funeral cortege floated by we fol lowed It to the doge's palace, where It landed and was met by a cordon of sol diers and sailors and a military band play ing a funeral march; the very march, I should say, judging from ths styls of the music, that was played at this dogs's first funeral, centuries sgo. Putnam's Magazine, grain trade of the city has been trebled. Ones ths grain was shipped directly through Omaha and, for the most part, it was han dled by foreign capital. Now all that la changed. Big elevators have been erected with a capacity of e.040,000 bushels, and the J home companies havs grown to such an ex tent that they handle the bulk of the grain. Nebraaka does not have to ship its grain east to get it out of the way and take whatever price Is offered; It stores the grain In the elevators and awaits a favorable market. In. IBM Omaha was the third primary corn market of the world, and this year It is rac ing for second place. 80 far it la ahead of St. Louis, and bids fair to finish the yeai next to Chicago. Corn receipts havs In creased 133 per cent since 1004; wheat re- I celpta have increased 179.7 per cent and oats receipts havs mads the remarkable gain of 179 per cent Total recelpta of all grains for 1904 wers 18,433,286; total receipts for 1904 were 44,p3O,300 bushels. If shipments continue aa heavy for the remainder of ths year as they are now, 1907 will close with about 50,000,000 bushels of grain to ths credit of the local market. I : 1 WHALE TEARSJJP THE RAFT Sportive Monster Waits His Tall and Wtiaki l.os Llk. Tootn. nicks. A whale hunt will be held on the waters ! of Puget sound near Seattle In the near future If the antics of the sportive monster, now haunting this vicinity do not ceaso at once. The latest prank is reported from near Maury Island, where a tow of logs from Robinson's point to Seattle was dis covered by his whaleshlp and under the apparent impression thst it was a new gams solely for his amusement the big msmmal slid beneath the raft of logs and began to wag his tall. The result wss In- , descrlbable. Immense fir trees were thrown Into ths air liks toothpicks. The crew on the tug, having failed to sea the whale, thought that .a submarine mine had ex ploded or a volcano broken forth beneath them. They were panlc-stricicen ana in helpless fNght watched for several minutes the log raft fly Into the air and descend only to fly up ones more. Then, , apparently tired of his gsnie, the whale emerged, apouted a column of water Into the air by way of thanks and dove from sight, leaving the low tow In a dis mantled condition and the whole scattered In varloua parts of the surrounding waters. The tug men spent hours reassembling ths tow and then proceeded toward the city, where they will arrive this afternoon, meanwhile keeping a sharp lookout with funs snd harpoons for ths return of this frollcsoms specimen of the order Cetacea. The cannery bark Harvester waa pro ceeding down ths sound this morning, re turning to this port with salmon from Alnska for ths Northern Fisheries com pany. Suddenly the lookout was seen to rub his eyes and heard to mutter: "Vot Iss der matter wld me? Do I vake or am I dreaming? Do I see a whalsT Can ills be Seattle or am I gone bughouse?" Hs celled to the other sailors to coma and see. "Ders shs blows!" cried companion In wild excitement aa ths whale came to the surface for a moment Just ahead of the bark.. Instsntly the crew plunged Into a discussion regarding ths kind of whale and its slas. Boms claimed It was ISO feet In length, with about a ten-foot beam. There wers defenders of ths opinion that it waa a sperm w hale or chacholot of the division of Odontoccte, and they sven asserted thst they saw ths teeth of ths monster when It smiled to substantiate their statements. Others wers equally positive that It waa a wbalcbons whale of the family Mystlcets and pointed out the plates of baleen hang ing from the upper jaw. Bow head, hump- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 A WELL managed Bank is careful in the selection of j its loans. So should an individual be careful in the selec tion of the bank in which they deposit their money. The United States National Bank with its strength and conservative management offers its services to those who desire such a depository Certificates of Depesit payable on demand without interest. SAVINGS Certificates of Deposit payable In 6 or 12 months with Interest. Your Business Invitod V back, finback and rorqual were some of ths names hurled back and forth by that disputants, while the whale, obvious to the discussion it wss causing, slipped swiftly through the water ahead of the bark. . When a little south of Smith Cove ths whsls disappeared and was seen no more. It Is Impossible at this hour to state whether ths monster is a right whale, a gray whale, a Greenland. Antarctic or Bis cay whale, but definite Information In tho matter Is expected before ths end of ths week from Captain J. Ketchlog Hughes, one of the best informed whalemen on ths front, who Is cruising in the bay hourly In .-arch of ths monster to Identify and If possible capture it. Seattle Times. Tin for ChaaflTenr. Don't maks electrical connection, by using simply a stripped wire; always u a regular battery terminal, and s e that the wire Is securely fastened to ths tut lilt"