THE OMAHA SUNDAY UEE: SEPTEMBEU . 29, 1007. 'i 1 'J CRA1N AND PRODUCE mm train Prices Work Lower on Uiaal Saturday'! Dullness. PIT CEOWD DOMINATES WHEAT Cora Prleea Sofleia, bat TradlaK l I.lkl Drana4 for Oats Pair a tka Market fa Stronger. OMAHA, Bept. S8, 1907. Grain ) fairly steady at the atari and Worked lower toward noon.. Little Intercut was shown and the usual dull Saturday market pre ailed. Cables tame some higher, but the rrowd was aa neansn as ever and were renin-. nnrpi .....cuiiriu,, um wtui mil imiH freezing weathrp wun Killing irosi la re rear the close on selling by the pit crowd, ported In South Da, u.a. unu in I. o .e vy (fommlsslon houses bought some, but llttla frosts were general In the Missouri and .Merest wa. evident. I extreme upper Mississippi valleys. The yr September wheat opened at 8c and w-atiier will Drobably be lair In this Closed at WWo Corn was soft and some pa sir r on selling of the future options. Trading was very light, however, and ths market had no par ticular feature. September corn opened at 57 He and closed at 6?a. Oata were some stronger on some good scattered buying. Demand waa fair and offerings were lighter and few trades were made. September opened at uOftc and closed at fv-c. Primary wheat receipts were 971.000 bu. and shipments were 7w.(HK bu., against re ceipts laatyear of l.OSO.ouu bu. and ship ments of 727,000 bu. Corn receipts were 864,000 bu., and ship ments were Ja,0i) bu. against receipts last vear of 682,000 bu. and shipments of 3TJ,0vW Clearances were 179.000 bu. of corn, 8,000 bu. of oats, and wheat and Hour euual to too.OfO bu. Liverpool closed ' tad higher on wheat and "d higher on corn. Beaboard reported 131.010 bu. of wheat and 125,000 bu. of corn for export. Local range of options; Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.! Yes'y Wheat-! , I Prpt... m4 t4 H Wi 8H Dec... H3 si 9-V, 921 J May... 98 987 98 9bk 98 Corn Bept.,. 67S, 57S 57 B7 67 Dec... 5:i W 824 52 o3 May... 64ft 64ft 53 63 64 ate Bept... R04 frff, 6f 601i SO Pec... . 60 60S 60'k 60 60H May... 61Til 51T.I 81 61 614 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 924TttV4c ; No. 8 hard. Hue; No. 4 hard. 86i(bic; No. 2 spring. Vi'gjbr; no grade, Isru84c. CORN No. i 4t.c: No. 4. 64V?T65iC: no grade, 664c; No. 1 yellow, 6iU6iVtc; No. 8 white, 6tiVu574c. OATS No. 3 mixed. WiiKVbc. No. 8 white. 4741171(0; No. 4 white, 45u47u; standard, Onf 4HC. RTE No. 2, SWfRlc: No. 8. 7879c. Carlut uerelpta. Wheal. Corn, Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth St. Louis .... 1M 147 200 49 4:w 86 612 186 69 64 CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading: aad Ctoslas Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 28. increased receipts and geneial lac of support caused a weak wheal market here today. At the close December wheat was off c. Corn was 4 io lower. Oats were unchanged. Pro visions were k4c lower to 24c higher. The wheat market, with the exception of a tew minutes at the immediate opening, was weak all day. The first quotations were firm becausu of higher caulcs, but prices soon slump, d on reulixing From then until the close the market was weak. Very little support was given and the bearish ' senllniont seemed to grow stronger as the seas. on advanced. Much ' emphasis was laid on the lact that the firain arriving at Winnipeg la grading, itgh. Reports from the seaboard were aiao encouraging to the bears, as they declared that the' demand for export was poor. . Trading In the pit was largely local and professional in character. December wheat viied unchanged le Ho- higiier- at, U.M "W sold, between Wc .and 1.0M and1. osed weak at iHe. Clearances of wheat nd flour were eyual to twu.OcO bu. Prl- inary receipts weie 9',8,0U bu., against l.OoO.UW bu. on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 74b cars against M cars last week and 2 cara one year ago. cause of a slack demand, lare offerings of cash orders and a poor shipping call. These factors offset the weather conditions. whlcu were considered threatening to the Aii cum timiKui was weaK an day ne- , ... . i.- crop, u Deing predicted that heavy frosts will follow the rains that have prevailed iur eeverai cays throughout the corn belt. i ue ciuse was weaK. December corn opened unchanged to Vtt'c lower at ouhjcSiac to 6fo, sold between 6bVMwSo and and closed at te-newiV. lcal receipts weie 612 cars, with iii of conUract giade. . t mar-.ei was exceedingly dull. but prices held firmer than those of wheat and corn. December oats opened Hi-o higher at 82c, sold between ic and l o:4c and closed at 624(i5i',c, the final quota tions being the same ss that of yesterday. Local receipts Weiw 186 cars. The provisions market opened firm be cause of higher prices for live ho.s. but WIS market anon Ih i-niiia aubv uln . the 0 tXr option, by packers. At 'til i .wi .V '' K. wa" zrc' 'ower at tlh.M. iWowVr Wsfvg." " Wi" I Lstlrnaied receipts for Monday: Wheat aiu headrn' u' w r: ""' n'u ... " . x"n 'euuing rutures ranged as follows Artldes.1 open., Hl.l Low. ) CloseTieT Wheat Sept... Iec.... May... Corn Sept... Dec.... May... Ou. Sept... Dec.... May... Poi.. Oct.... Jan.... Lai u Oct.... Jan.... Rio. Oct.... Jan.... 96M 864 4l 964 I i nm i 1 164 1084 l 0i)',4 1 064 1 W 106T, 1 06 1 4 1 06 62H 63 R9-ui t s 5S4 ;, 4 5M.W4 !4u: -Hi 624 62 -4 624 62 62K K 62Ha4l i624'J"i5245J-4 0354 I' M4y4l wi fcJ4 I 14 00 14 16 16 44, 16 45 13 90 16 M 13 90 16 30 14 00 16 824 9 10 8 86 9 10 8 W 07, 074 i" 8 8241 8 86 8 b.'4 8 2241 8 2241 8 1241 8 124I 25 ' 024i 8 06 I 7 9741 7 9.41 8 S No, 2. Cash auotatlons were as follows- FLOLK-bleady; winter paient'a. 24.Q .W; winter iralghts. I3.9nw4.26; snrlna WllKA'f-No. a H-T'ti-. 1 1. 1 na- xr- 8S.-4H 31w; No. 2 red, 4ii4ti4c. ' . ' , 111 .i V . . . ... ...... . - v ' 1... w. o..jiu.v...: iv,. x i' u , , .I 0 tJ,ki4C. I tlA l'S Ne. 2, 52c; No. 3 white, 4MiS0t4r ' R V E No. 8. ciMi4c, I BAKUK-I.Oii .Ing, 7o4j!iOc: fair inl lil.. av- ai A. s-V I1U.4. 3 II IsaVl t I ItM . eK."'II aVl.lJU. 8tliD4V-.Su. 1 i.e. ,.. atfrn. S1.24U: nrlm timolliy, ii.M, clover, contract grades, Slti.'o. 4-rtOVISIONS Short rins. sides (loose) S8.10t8S.30. Pork, per bbl., S13 90&14.00. Lsrd' per lu lbs., '4t74. Short clear siiiea tboxed), 36.UnjS.76. Recelnt. Shipment. Flour, bbls 26 6u0 41.400 Wheat, bu 13-'.0i 215,7uO corn, bu oJ.'.ixj froa.on) .Oata, bu Koxtwiu ii.7oo Kye, bu la.eiaj s ,i Barley, bu 111.100 On tne Produce exchanae todav th hut. ter market wax firm. Creameries, iSvus 2t4o; dairies, ruc. Eggs, firm; at mark, ii.nuuiu, .. ,.,ii4c, uraia. A. ; pi .,110 Urals, U 4c. Cheeae, steady; l-Utlllc. St. Iitsls uenrral Market. " sai a saagaTii ST. LOUIS. 61-Dt. M.WHFAr.Iilwi.rt track: No. 2 rvd. cash, 31 taajjl Ol; No. 1 hard December, Hic; May. Sl.Uti 1-U,r,T ... CORN Lower; track: No. t cash, 140 624c; Det-einber, 644c; May, 67s;574c; No. J w 5'. . 7" . OAlS Lower; track: No. $ cash. 444: Dec-ember, 4tc; May. 514c; No. 2 while. tit-Slue. 8KK1 Timothy, steadv; lt.0u4ii.4O, CORN M KA L Steadv ; 32i. BRAN etruug; sacked, east track. $1.18 tj-l.sw. HaT Steady; timothy. $11.00420.00: prairie, Sx.0tMrl2.Sft. IKON 4-OTTu.M TIES-3110. AOttINr-ll 5-bk-. HKMP TWINE-lle. PKOVISIoNS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing 315 60. I-avrd. ateady; prime steam, 35 a-'4. lry sail meats, atea.iv; boxed, exir shorts. Is 26: clear rib. 8s. S: short clears, pawn, eiu, uoxeo, extra court, 110 US; clear ribs, $10.12H; short clears, 1U 4i- FOt. tiTHY Firm) ehlckene, 10c; springs, litiiV. turkeys, Uvfcgi4ftc; ducks, yc; No. Ht T'l KH-FIrm: creamery. y.!8V4c. 1-XiUS Firm; 171.4c cane count. SJ .it SVilttmetlta Flour, hhla ti on ?4 I vv nrai, du 4,aiu ISMAV OM- bu uo.w. 2.uuo WEATHER IX TUB GRAI BELT Pair aad Warmer Bandar, Sara "! Mr. WtUk. OMAHA. Bept. 2S, 1907. Rain was general throughout tho Mis souri valley dutlng Flluay. aiiU rainy a. id Unsettled weather continues general throughout the middle Mississippi valley, lake region. Ohio valley and southern states tins morning. The weather la clear In the west and snutnwest, but la unset- I tied In the extreme northwest. Cooler weather prevails in the central valleys and southwest, 'but temperatures are snme- 1 vl. at l.i.hfl. In lha west mil ' northwest vicinity tonight and Sunday, with warmer aunday. Omana record of temperature and precipi tation comparey with the corresponding day of the lust three years: 1907 1908 1S06 1904 Minimum temperature ... 41 47 68 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .52 Normal temperature for today, 62 de grees. Dtiii-lency In precipitation since March 1, 6.48 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, 2.46 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1905, r.24 Indies. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn aad Wheat Regloa Bnlletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at a m., 75th meridian time, Saturday, Septem ber 28, 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Ptatlons. Ashlnnd, Neb.. Max. Mln. fall Skr. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 37 41 .70 Auburn, IS eh Columbus, Neb... Falrbury, Neb.... Fairmont. Neb... .87 1.29 .38 .41 .46 .00 .26 .39 .17 .48 .00 .81 .68 .00 .02 84 87 83 34 32 38 81 41 34 34 37 40 30 34 Or. Isl ind. Neb. tlfartington. Neb. 62 Hastings, Neb.... 62 Oakdale, Neb 49 Omaha, Neb 62 Tekamah. Neb... 68 Alta, la Carroll, la Clnrtnda, la.... BIMcy, la . CI I .... t'i .. T 64 . 60 50 . , 44 64 Mtmn u i temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Received late, not included in averages. - DISTRICT AVERAGES. I 'No. ot Temp.- Rain- Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. 111. 22 60 60 .72 66 62 .04 76 66 . .08 74 44 .01 82 66 T 54 82 T 64 36 .40 82 44 .16 Cliimhus 0 16 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 ' Kansas C'tiy, Mo.. 14 Louisville. Ky 15 Minneapolis, Minn. 10 Omaha. Neb. St. Louis, Mo The weather is warmer in the extreme partem portion of the corn and wheat region, but la much colder In the west and central portions. Light to heavy frosts oc curred In the west portion and freezing temperatures with killing frosts were gen- , ex si In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri vaneys. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. I Kansas City Grain and Provisions. I KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28. WHEAT De cember. 93',c; May, ftSTc. Cash: No. 2" hard, fWyfric; No. 3. 9tK(94Hc; No. 2 red, k,Wa9i No. 3, 9:94e. CORN December, tic- May, 53c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 5fiV4i57c; No. 3, 6M:'Sa6c;.No. 2 white, blhVub'itic; No. 8, 67ti67V4c. i OATS No. 2 mixed, 4Sp49c; No. 2 mixed, 4J'?47c. LLTTER Creamery, 284c; packing, 20o. EUGS Extras, 22c; firsts, 0c. The following Kansas City cash prices ere furnished by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade: , ArUcles. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat , Dec May Coin W4 Deo mwm My....A iMkiUI -- A asked 1 " New York General Market. K.FW vorll, , ." ' L NEV , YO,RK' f?1' 28. SUGAR Raw, Arm; fair rellnlng. 8.4oc; cen.rlfugal. 9i, 8 9aCL mola"e8 "gr, 8.10c; refined steady r "u,hed. s-'i powdered, 6.10cj granulated, , 6c;, , a : V v7jw, v , Ba,TA?"r ! "OLLTRT Alive stesc ,12c: 'owls. 15c; tur Bte,11y: springs, 12(jl8c; steady; spring chick- Keys, lSo; dresicd steady: sitt nics. li'uixc: turktvi l mn. i-imc. BUTTER-Qulet, but steady; unchanged. ' mrwuf-nnn, uncnangea. EGGS-Unchanged. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 2.-FLOCR-Flrst patents, 6.i5n6.8o; second patents. 85.15(9 6.25; first clears, 83.904.00; second clears. i;t.iO!ii3-:o. FLAX Good demand; closing prices were Ji'.ltVi: to arrive. 81234. PPAN In bulk, 2o.7teil.O0. WHEAT-September, l.uHs; December. Sl.OoSi May, 81.08HW.l9ii; No. 1 hard, old, 81.10; new, tl.(9; No. 1 northern, old. 81 09; new, Il.o&H; No. 2 northern, old, 31.064; " inn 11, UIU, neW' No. 8 northern. 81.931.04. Blilwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Sept. . id. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northwestern, 81.1i4ii.l :U. No.. 2 northern, 31U8jl.l0; December, 994o bid. KTE Steady: No. 1. 8Sff9c. ! C(HA06RLKY"""fh N' ' M cuitix Lower; No. s cash. 6263c; May, mo bid. Peorln Market. PEORIA. 111.. Sept. J8.-4-ORN-8teady; No. 3 yellow, (JW'iiwlc; No. 2. l14c; No. 4. 6l4c; no grade, ilht'uCic. OATS Easy ; No. 3 white, e0tlc; No. 4 white, 4fc4to. RE-Sieadv; No. 2, 87tj88c. WII18KYM134. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Sent. 28.-WHEAT-nnr nnitilnal: futures, firm: September. 7 ai.A- I Decen her. 7s Ufcd; March, 8s 14d. ! CORN Sport, firm; prime mixed Ameri- can. 5s 10d; futures, firm; October, 6s 1 sa; January tnewi, ss okd. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn.. 8ept 28 -WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 21084; No. 2 northern, $'.f'; Septembsr, 81.07V; December, 81.06; May, $1,114. OATS On track. Ble, Boston Copper Market. Tries quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York and Roalon Stock exchangea, 11: Hoard of Trade: so Ml. h gan t I Mohawk 51 84 V vada Consolidated.. sit North Bulla r,u 17 Old Oosalaloa II UHO.reola SI m.nlie Bingnam Blk Mounuls .. Boatoa Consolldatail ll .. . fia It I nam . . I Calumet Arlsona. liJ Parrott )j Cum. BIT 4 hoo 8s, 40 Shoo, pfd th 80 Quince 1 44 Shannon 10tg Calumet A Heels Centenalal Cooper Kanga ... Inly West , larls-Dalr , H.laktlala Eaat Bulla Laaallo Oreene Copper ... Oranbr H. lv.ila I. le Roral Keeeieeiaw S. Pliutmrg... Maaaachuanlta .... Ex-dlv. 7H. iiwnri 3 14 Nlplssln. ei-dl. l(a 14 ei ri"ny 11'nlted Fnilt It I'n l -d States, ooa. 4 Rhode Island 44 I't.o Consolidated . t !' Copper 14Vj Victoria I w -ona 104Wol.erlne 84Arradlas It . 4t . 54 . I "4 4 . s 13v . 4 foreign Financial. LONDON. Scut. 8. Th rates for mnnev ,n T mar"" ,x,"tf continuta nnn under I m itrui - f til ia n 1 I 1 1 sonnnl sa tarara . . i ..4 Tm.. InaT (ill t Via Kt Ir avnlian va uiaa , , . , i ' with first-class securities fractionally dearer early In the day. on Investment turchase. but they eaed later on tho large gold shipment to Eypt. Amerlcsns started esy at about nar'tv and developed I wnkness on week-end reallxationa. due to fears of a poor New York bank statement , The market closed flat, with prices 1 to 2 points lower than yesterd ty. Foreigners, !"' nnH rnpi PARIS. Fep. :8 -Prices on tha Pou-se todav were hesvy on S-w York sdr'ces. K1CRL1N. Sept. 28. Prices on the Bourse today wer weaker on New York advice. Movements of toocle. NEW TORK, Bept. 28. Imports of specie for the port of New Tork for the week end ing today wer $.3,842 silver and 874 644 gold. exports or specis rrora in port ei new . York for ths week ending today wer 313,- la suvr aad s,tsu gold. I I I 4H 93V4 931. RT98H-14 97, 61 61 61 I 544 63 63H NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Continues to Decline Through out the Short Session. VOLUME OF SELLEfO AUGMENTED rear of ' Effect of President's (oasis Addresses la West aad Soata tke Moving Factor, NEW TORK, Sept. 28. Stocks continued to decline today and the volume of selling was augmented. The principal motive avowed for the depression felt by the sell ers was the fear of the consequences of the coming addresses by President Roosevelt In the west and south. It Is supposed that these addresses will largely advocate the extension of measures against corporations. The selling continued to give evidence of a professional origin for large part of it, but the fall In prices had the usual conse quence of dislodging weak accounts and of Inducing some liquidation by the senti mental effect on holders of securities. The bank statement was weak and was made the occasion for sums of the selling. The decrease In cash was only as much ss the lowest of the preliminary estimates, and the loai. Increase was moderate, but the falling off of 32.758,625 In the surplus brings that item down to 85.646,575, which offers a narrow margin of resources with the inter ior movement of currency In full force. The clearing house banks report an Increase of something over Sl.Ooo.Ouo In government de posits. There was some demand for remit tance to London by cable, incident to the end Of the month, but demand sterling waa lower. The heavy withdrawal of gold from the Bank of England for Egypt was the feature of the foreign money markets, but the discount rate In London was unaffected and the turn of the quarter is looked for ward to there to bring relaxation. Crop damage reports were In circulation, but the grain and cotton markets moved moder ately. The lack of explanation for the sell ing in the news caused rumors of some possible undisclosed development. The cov ering of shorts after the publication of the bank statement waa evidence of the professional nature of the selling. The closing tone was feverish and unsettled. Bonds were easy. Total eales, par value, 296AOOU. United States 3s have advanced H per cent and the 4s have declined per cent on call during the week. isumoer of sau-s anu quotations on the New Xork Stock exchange: sale. High. Low. Clots. Adams Eipren AnuilKtRuted Copper Am. C. r Am. C. F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil ptd Am rican Biprsa .., Am. H. A L. pid Amvrlusn Ics Am. Linseed Oil Am. United oil pfd Am. Lcromotlro Am. Locomotirs ptd. ........ Am. 8. R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar ReOnlm Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaoonda Mining Co Atcbiaos Atrh.soo pfd Atlantic Coait Lino Ualtimore A Ohio Dal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific , Central of New Jener A Ohio Chicago Ot, W Chicaio & N. W Chicago, M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. ptd C. C, C. A 8t. L Colorado F. A I Co orudo A 80 Colo. A so. lit pfd Colo. A 80. 2d pfa Consolidated Gas Corn Products Cora Products pfd Dolawar A Hudeon Del., L. A W , Denver A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Er.e , Erie let pfd Brie Id ptd General Eltctrlo Illinois Central , International Paper Int. Paper ptd InL Pump , Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central , Iowa Central pfd Kauua City 80 K. C. 80. pfd loui.rllle A Nash , Mexican Central Minn. A St. L. , M., 8t. P. A B. S. M M., 8t. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd Mliaourl Pacific , Missouri, K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd New York Central N. V.. O. A W Norfolk A W Noriuik A W. pfd North American Pic. Be Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C, C. A Bt. L... PreaMd Steel Car. Press. d 8. U. ptd Pul.min Palace Car R acting Reading 1st pfd Reading Id pfd R1.PUDII0 Bteel Republic 8lel pfd Rock island Co , Rock Island Co. pfd St. U A 8. P. id pfd St. Louis B. W St. L. 8. W. ptd S-.'irhftru Paclflo So. Paclflo pfd So. Rsllway . 1(0 47,40 1,300 , 4 (6 m i M fl4 aoH too 100 35, to 504 504 e4 H4 64 400 14 t00 119 14 lo4 100 774 74 M It 04 71 IT 4. coo .6!0 . I0O 3.100 M 4 4 i4 ti K 178 424 K4 794 S4 4.800 43 434 U,U0 1614 lot TOO 100 384 e s 2lM iU'A US. 144 u U.soo 1174 Lies U4 4 II tl LOCO 800 '"iio 7. 40) 800 MO 814 884 ..... 7 184 tO iO u 214 as 41 4 it 4 U 44 1544 1M 474 UK IB 874 24 H 1064 17 8 f) 126 47 U 844 44 44 a 800 654 554 i,o' w ltrtt 10s l.DOU 17 800 40 164 84 o0 1.800 474 844 47 834 800 47 47 .100 1044 1034 10314 1'V J-" J3' .HA 3J0 704 7G4 7014j 7 t4 12 824 18,000 li4 l:k liss 400 U sou 44 600 244 834 161 Mt 15S 04 74 W U 11 111, 414 (1.800 (14 "4 1.100 S04V 14 1,800 400 184 444 184 484 Mi ::::: it 134 M4 1044 10H 14 U 51 .. 13,400 144 too 110 '"iii '" 80. Railway pfd Tennesato C A I Tesas A P.iclfl? T , St. L. A W T., U. LaW, ptd.... t'nloj Psclfie Ijnloo Paclfie pfd V. 8. Bxpreaa. V. 8. Reeltr V g. Rubber U. 8. Rubber pfd U. 8. Steal V. B. Steel pfd Va.-Osro. Ch mlcal Va -Caro. Cnem. pfd.... Wsbaah It 844 510 too tl 44 3'4 244 8 0 4 1 61.1 0 1:44 if, 4 l!5v 100 114 tl4 kl . 1.3 0 100 .. tOO . 83. -00 . 31,10 600 '. "'lOO . 100 41 44 45 74 t 4 a 10 144 IM ltt 70 . 874 t'4 H4 ' t4 M4 It 'ii." l4 174 u ..... 4 waoaan pra ! Welis-Ksrgo Eipnes ... Westlnguouso Eleclrio , Western Union Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central W.a. Central pid , Intertorough Met lt.t. Met. pfd Central Leather Centril L-sih'T pfd Northern Pacific Bloss-fihenVld Steel .... lot too 1,310 tt 14 4 17 w 4 16 17 t"0 II 0 T.l'O 1374 1264 124 10 44 44 44 Or rat Northern pfd 4.S.O 1844 I2i4 Lit Tout sales for the tay, 374,10 shares. Clearlasj Honso Bank Statement. - NEW TORK, Bept 28. Ths statement of clearing house banks for th week shows that the bank, hold 86 846,576 more than th. legal reserve requirement.. This is a de crease of 82.755,626 as compared Willi last week. Ths statement follows. Amount. Inc. Dec. Loans Sl.'00.SM,6rt0 82.772,500 DepoMta $1,829,900 Circulation .... 60.63.6O 19,900 Iegal tenders. 70.t7.1'iv 372,800 Specie ta".W7.8l ITS 445.f 5 W4.675 2V).7!M:!5 13.549,926 3588.800 Reserve ' Surplus 1 Pes. required. 8.10H0 2,751. S26 457.975 2.4h6,475 Ex. U. S. dep. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Sent. 28. Bank clearlnt's for to day wrra Sl.frl3.6S8.SS and for the corre sponding dale lsst year tl.5t?,K60. 1 Clearings for the week compared with the corresponding week last year were: 19n7. I!, Monday 83.ia 4"9 98 SI. 07, 344 OS . Tuesday 2.W4.215 63 1.555.545.30 I Wednesday 1.9!2,!7TS 1.514 3T4 80 Th'irsday 2 Oil, 795.36 1.630.405.02 I Friday 1.741.976 02 1.467.408 IS Saturday 1833.5Hii.38 1.562.565.80 Totals :....8ll.703.179.34 89.417.840 36 Increase over the corresponding week last year. 32.2o5.538.99. New York Money Market. NFW TORK. Sept. 28 -PRIME MER CANTILE PAPFR 7 per cent. 1 BTERLINO EXCHANOtS-lrregular. with actual bus'ness In bankers' b'lls at 81.S5259 4.7fi:l0 for demand and at 84 815!r4. 819.1 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, $4.8147 4.8! S- SILVER Bar, 674c; Mexican dollar. 62V.C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. I VIOVPTT On rail, nominal. Time loana. dull, with Utile offerings; sixty daya, 64'9 64 per cent; ninety days, S 4er cent; six mutiths, $ per cent Money Sent to St. l.on!s. NEW YORK. Sept 28 The Unit'd States subireauary today transferred $J0O,000 to 8t I-oula. Evastorated Apples aad Dried Fro Its. NEW YORK. Bept. 88 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continue quiet but spot prices are rlrmlv held. DRIB DFRUIT8 Prune ar In fuU d. mand at recent prlcea. Apricots ar quiet and peaches steady, with prices unchanged. Raisins are unchanged. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Condition of Trade and 4aotatloauj oa Btaple and Fancy Proelaeo. fXlOS-per dos., 19c. RU'lTCR-Packing stock. 2c4Xi; choloa to fancy oalry, Zic; creamery, 28c. CHlwKSt-Nrw full cream, Wisconsin twins, iac; new full cream, brick, loo; do mestic, new Swiss, 2oj;ac; new llmborger, 164ilc; young Americas. lc. LIVE POL LTR1T bprlng chickens, 10 lie; hens. 4410c; roosters, c; turaeys, 12c; ducas. svlbc; geeaie, oc v 11A x choice lo. 1 uplard, 810.00; me dium, 8.uv; No. 1 bottom, .o0; off grades from to ss.ou; rye straw, ..w; N 1 allalfa, sll.ou. FRUITS AND MELONS, APPLES-Wealthy, 31.40 per bu.: Cali fornia Bellefleurs, fc.2V4i2.J.s Wolf river apples. 34 00 per bbl. A 1'o.iuidt.i.vNo-EKti, 24uc; crated lor shlpnent, 140 er lb. CANTALoUPK Rocky Ford, Standard crate, 32-26; home grown, standard. 81.78. UTAH PACH&&-Per Ooa, 31.36; Colo rado, 31.36. PEARtS-Partlstts, 83 80 per bo; Flemish beauties. BOO. G RAITS- Horns gror-n. 8-lb. basket. 82 CV6c; California malaga, 11.75. . PRUNKS-Utah Italian, 81.86; sliver, 81.26; Hunsriun, 2 On. BLUEB EUtRJES Per 18-qts.. 82 60. VEcJi:TABt.n;a. NAVT BRANS- Per bu.. No. 1. 87.000 tin; No. 2. 32.10; Lloia. 64 per lb. POTATOES Per bu new, 176c BEANS New wax and string, tomato per market basket BEETS. TURNIV8 AND CARROTS Pet market basket, 609. RADiKHLS ler dos. bunches, horns groa n, roc. TOMATOES Horn grown, market bas ket crate, fcfk tiitee-ciown loon Muscatels sre quoted at c; rour-ciown, liic; seeded raisins, 9449 CUCUMBERS-Per bssket, S6S40o. CEtKHV Kais i.asoo, Sufeiic. ONIONS-Yellow end red. 2 per lb.t Spsnlsh ner crate. 81.35 NEW PKPPERS-Per market basket. K. SWEET POTATOES-Market basket. 65c; Virginia awt eu. tier bu'.. i3.6u, IlEEr CUTS. uki p tt is-fio. 1 rios. i4e: wo. z ribs, lie; No. 3 ribs. 6c; No. 1 loin. 19c; No. 2 loin, 13c; No. I loin, J4c; No. i chuck, 64c; No. 2 chuck. 44c; No. 3 chuck, 34c; No. i round, 9c; No. 2 round, be; No. 8 round. 7c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 2 plate, 4c; No. 8 plate, c. TROPICA- FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonera, 360 else, 87.00; other DATES Kadawst 64c: Bayers, 8c; Hal- low is. 6c: ne sti Ted walnut dats'i. -lh box. 31 .00. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch. 3?00t2 25: .Jumbos. ttOUtjaeO. ORANGES Valencies. 8U and H sixes. 34.6Hi4.7i; lit, 160, 17. M0 and 218 also. 86.2 V S.UV. M ISCRLLANEOTTg. COFFEE Roasted. No. IS, .K per lb.; No. 20. 1440 per lb.; No. 26. lto per lb.; Vr. ei lOLi.. . IK CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea are somewhat unsetled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediste grades. Quo- taiions range irom ec to so ler California nun nnu itum ojtu 10 ocj icr Oregon. Peaches sre slightly easier, with fsncy yel lows quoted at 134c. Kalsins are firm; Uc. FISH -Halibut, 11c; trout, 13c; pickerel, 10c: plko, 14c; pike, fresh frosen, 12c; whii ehsh. 1418c; buffalo, c; bullheads, skinned and dresi.ed, 111c; cattish, dressed. 17c; whit perch, 7c; whit bass, 16c; blacg baas. Ziic: sunMsh. SdiSc: eCiSo.. large crupples. 16c; herring, fresh frosen. ec, wniieiinn, irosen, ijaic; picaeiei, rresh froxen. c; Spanish macaeiel. Itic; native ...Mno.v,, mww yoi uii, wuusii, 11-wsr .ivj 1 r-u wii-spwr, izu; nounuora. fresh froien, 12c: haddock, fresh frosen. Uo; smelts, ioc; shad ro. 4bo per lb.; fiog legs, SCo per dox.; green sea turtle mekt, Lo per lb. CANNEO GOODS Corn, standard west No f sues No I. 7t- hMii mZ 'L.-. i 1 j - .v.- - . z?im"i" em Hlw, TAmatia rannv 1. - - - - uaum, vh M1U1UI, luf nisu 81 46; standard I S-bound cine: 21 j . ffi "et WM b cttle, there being notnlng or ln anting spring, wrier, i the first oner- ue.. u Booies? Vrated 2?u? s?&h .uZ ot consequence on saie In nrst hands. ,n oprtng goods were shown th fancy ; apples, gratea, Z-pound, U-nXa-!, Sliced. Tk. n..l . ". L" l 1 ' wnn sni AA not h,iw.r In lru. I trjwewwthlnar 1st l.i6W2.3b. Gallon ancles. 8J.25. California ,. "T "i ik navp oeen .-,--: r'.:""".r.7i:".':' ' " ... . ' soo uvt u u ur, i. r.,. t mi r.i. ,1 ri u r, J". sooui on a Dar w in last week, but " r"''- - t wne manv weeKE tne irrnaoie mercnani 31 V7562.40. L. C. peaches iiwWitO Alaska 00"'"by rger than a year "go. Th , P'"' ner; .W"" aerr",d' ow; had been riveted to his bed by typhoid ' too 634 W4 H4 Ialnn redTsiio; fancy Ch fever. Now he was convalescing. He 3.i00 4 1.4 i4 finTnociVe flitl fi 8i K &' ' "t.'.,, n .th2 clamored for something to eat. declaring- W4 uti, three-quarters m.i.taV 88 1M that he was starving. t.O lS 138 m Sweet potatoes, Sll.35. ntatioraraut. is& "Tomorrow you may have something to ' .. . 7... lis Pumpkins. SOce 31.00. Lfma besns. i-poundi ro.VMl'.hwlth nfturai result that prices ISrti'namas l! K ind 1km fnT?. i t" P"mlsef the doc or. The merchant .... is locnioLJu. boaksd pens. 2-Dound. 0c; fancy nv hown aoma flrmnoss. and close ntmn wi?h rrt! '.hVeh L 1 realised that there would be a restraint to. . ..s u 81.M1.45. r' o th. week It is safe to quot the good Ci til.c d haX Srat? S I his appetite, yet he saw. in vision, a modest , .. uihLn . ..r. . M ... . kinri mmm Ia i, jt. i ... i.i.?i - . rw.. oeen piacea, is exhausting first' hand T, 1 1 i . v. i- w...ui.a K'i ."-Tallow. otttoV!lJr he good kinds ar. No. 2, 84c. Wool. 164322c. ! Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 28. COTTON-Fu-tures opened firm; October. 10.78c; Novemi ber, 10.900, offered; December. 10.9o0; Janu ary, U.lio; February. 11.16c; March, H.2oc; April, 11.27c, bid; May, lL33o; June, U 36c, bid; July, 11.88c. futaies closed steady: September. .97c; October, 10.97c; November, 10.99c; Decem ber, 11.13c; January. 11.21c; February, ll.lMc; March, i:.83c; April, 11.37c; May, 11.41c June, 11.44c: July, 11. 48c. Spot closed quiet. '"S''er; miooiing upianos, 11.86c: 111 In HI I ft a-t 1 1 f 1 IrU 1 sia ..I.. iilddllng gulf 12.10c; no sales. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 28.-COTTON-Spot J nil hrle.a A maIhI. kl-V... . . . "T;' I Sr.""V'r. m a - U!i " T i '. ' "ooa miaaung, 7.ia; mid- Ollng, 4 64d; low middling, 8.24d; good ordl nary, a.uOd; ordinary. .K0d. The sale of the day were 3.0u0 balej. of which 800 were f'culstlon and export and Included .2,ef bales of American; receipts, 6,000 bales lncludli 700 bales of American. Futures - y ana ciosea stesay; oeptem- 7? - t oepiemoer-tioiooer, .'d: October-November, 6.02Hd: November December, 4.9ed; December-January, 6.9tid- !. T'"... ru"7, is4a; rebruary. March, 6.96d; March-April, S.87d; April- "l i,.ei?i. msyjune, D.WK1. UALVavSfON, Sept. HI. COTTON 13C. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Sept 28. METALS The metal market were more or less nominal In the absence of cables. Tin was weak but without further change. Copper con tinued weak and unsettled, while lead and spelter were dull. Iron was unchanged. ST. LOUIS. Sept 28. METALS-Lead, dull; 84X2MrG4.66. Spelter strong; 85.24. CHICAGO LIVB ' STOCK MARKBT Cattl and Skeep Stoad trona- to Hlgker. -Hoas CHICAGO. Sept 28. CATTLE Receipt, 4C4) head; market steady; beeves. K10 7,25; cows, li.26tTS.40; Texas ste.rV $3.7(v if jx.'M JT." "-00 ,tokr" " tecdor... 82.6O!S.00. . .'.AUS "S; " . 4.oir.w. HOGS-Recelpt. S,(W head; market trong to So higher; light. .288S.774; mixed. 86.954i8.80; heavy. 35.8tMS4.70; rough 5-l6-: bul" f ! riufjB-Kcceipt... s,tt head; market 86 Kl'-i 6.50. 8HEF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,600 hesd; market steady; native. $3.00ig.40; western, $3.0i)ff6.00; yearlings, 36.404.80; lamhs. $4.767.46; western, S4.7687.60. Haaaaa City Llv Stock Markot. KANSAS CITT. Sept 28. CATTLE R. eel its, 1,000 head; no southerns. Market steady; native steers, 34.7537.00; southern steers, 33.0m4jH.60; southern cows, 82.Oufi8.2s; native cows and hellers. 3i.0uaj5.25; strnk- ers ana iceaers, u.uutcw.Io; nulls, Z.50$3.7; csives, iJ. 1; western steers, 6d.oo-&o., western cows, $2.2o64.l. HOGS RecelDls. 2 000 head. Market StMdv hnllc nt - u 1 - - tfl UAJ M. wm. u .mars, 1 IV.I J M , 8.lu6.20; packers. 8.16u6.86; pig. and ii. ht, 20434.36. SHEEP AND LAURS-Reeeints I AHA hesd. Msrket steady; muttons, 8 OOtfiS.Pi; lambs, 8ej.0fa4f7.20; range wethers, 85.'X"Ui.5; fed ewes, S4.6Oti4.60. I New York Lie Stools Market. 1 NEW TORK, Bept 28. BEEVES Re ceipts 1,076 hesd; nothing doing in live cat tle: feellnar Arm: dressed beef hulet .,, steady at 6447l0c per lb. for natlvea le nan Deer, tu4c; exports today 867 cat - tie and 4.4U0 quarters of beef. CALVLS Reoeipts, none; very little veals and gra Mrs entirely n: ml al: dr jssej oalvea steaay; city dressed veals. jl14Wo pr lb.; country dressed. 7idl24. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta 3.271 1 heart; shun slaadv l.rr.K. Hrn. n ll.k. ' sup 8.00 1 In t. Loals LIT gtwek Market. ST. LOUIS, Bept 28 -CATTLE-RecelpU, 80 head. Including thirty Texans; market steady; beef steers. $4.O0f7.16:; Blocker and feeders, $2.754.76; cows snd heifers, $3.1054.86; Teas, steers, $3.264,.; cow. and heifers. 31.754r3.66. HOGS Receipts, 3.800 head; market steady '.o 60 huher: plas and lisrhts. 86.6049 6.7; packers. V, 26438 66; butcher and beat neavy. an.HOti uis SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.40 hsad; niarket steady; natives, 83 05436 40; lambs, $3 50717.26. Ions City Live Stock Markot. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Sept 28. (Special Tel. egram.) CATTLE Receipts 100 head; mar ket steady; beeves, S4.254M40; cow and heifers, 32 50454.60; stockers and feeders. S3.ixri4 7S; calves and yearlings. 82.75D3.86. H OQa Receipts, 3 bead; market Steady; selling at $6.TE-u4.JjO; bulk. $S.8vti0. , .-...w. vl. u.w.,siiiv everytnine ' hsvin. ply: sneep So. 124.00; lambs, 37.S74ri , been clsaned up before the close of thi ; culls, 36.00; Canadian lambs. 37.76. market yeatsrday. Thai rie.i.... HOOS-RecelpU. l,6o head; market nom- I this week hav tvtan Very largV showlna a an stcaur 1 or an weignts. 1 uoerai gain over the OMAHA USi STOCK MARKET Good Kindt of Cattle Generally , Steady for the Week. HOGS TEN HIGHER F0S WEEK Pat tkeep Plfteea to Qaarter Lower Ht Foodora tfcaarter to Fifty Coats Lower for tko Week Old Ewes Slow. SOUTH OMAHA. Nsb., Sept. 28, 1907. Reoeims mn: i. M.,a Mheen. Official Monday t in. .1 iu.huu .... Official Wednesday . cmc al Thursuay ... Official Friday ..... Estimated Saturday, 4.44 II. 1. 1 17.48 20,318 3.M) - b.ii 8.31 7.473 S.6K4 4. His days this week....lB.45 84.716 ltf.t Sam days last week.. ..84,441 36.8 75.348 Ssme days 2 weeas ago.J3.34 42.107 76.34 Sam dava 8 weeks n 81.6z2 7o.7S7 Sam day 4 weeks ago.. 23 TO 48.529 W.137 Sam day last year....28.SJ0 25.938 99,258 Tne i i,. i .ii.u . ... .m....m ut cattle, hegs and sneep st South Oitiaha for , th year to data, compel ed with last yean 1907. 190. Inc. Deo. Cattl S63.S4S 726 457 128.391 hos l.KsB.mi lH.ls3 96,014" Sheep 1.8a6 108 1 3D1 tod ....... .o49 sue luuowina taole snows the sverage prices oi nogs at South Omaha for tne .a i several days, with comparisons: - Dt' lm' 1" U90.lO4. 19Q8. 1902 .1901. ' Sept. 15... 8 0 1 141 s I7 I 8. 1 fi I s 2 I k 6 Ml 7 sol e -8 81 8 81 8 .6 oept. 18... ' btC 17. ..j I bept. 18... 1 bept. iy... 1 Sept. SO... Sept. 21... I Sept. 22... Sept 28... ; Sept. 24... 8pt. 2o... 804, i n i fill U 6 081 S 32, StLl t 83 IT4 I ei, 1734 I W i M, 8 77 ( SS a 8 Ft g b4 g m 76 t ,1 B4 e. 9 II 6 8J) 6 M S 81 814 8 331 I 76 6 SM 7 4 6 Ml 75 6 7a i 79! 7 ui s sxt 81 8 IS 19 6 74i 7 7 6 944 6 2 6 681 7 06 I 7 361 I 7 841 ! bept 2t. . BfpL i?.. bept 18.. Ij 5 24 8 87 6 98ai e 20 6 19 6 H 8 IS) 8 11 74 8unday. RANGE or PRICES. Cattle. .321jaS.45 Hogs. 32.8038.25 Omaha Chicago 6.wotro.!W Kansas City S.omtiX.OO - Louis l.loif.lo .lv4o.3o 6.ZOV4.M 2.6UU4.40 t wivua a.ouffayo.iu ine omeiai number nf mn of stock brougnt iti today by each road was: cattle. Hogs. 11 r . C. M. & Bt. P 2 Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific system..,. 1 1 14 3 17 I 11 5 i : c. im. eaat 1 C z N. W., west 12 "s C. St. M. A O C., B. & Q., east.,., C, b. dt U., west.... C, R. 1. & Pi, east. Illinois Central Aijinoie central . Chicago .Great Western.... Total receipts . 21 lne aisposliion Of the day s receipts was .-. n iui cunning ine num- uer 01 nead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs ... .... 614 ,.. 244 737 ,.. 87 1,82 n 77 ... 137 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company., Cunahy packing Co Armoux A Co. Cudahy from Kansas City BmhtfrvmltonwSth. Hill A Son K. P. Lewis J. B. Root dt Co. : Olner buyers ... Totals. 8,410 thr hsLnd.-graaa Wi. wn oh h hiln II Lsll III V I) MF S sari SNA innra w.iAi..r 1 . i . t . eta lTv homed eaVtii hS.";Sr- iSV. cattle, on which ther was mVliowt,CO,fltMOnt 'ld " mUOh loaieo lower. .T" " " V'D " very mtie !. c be noted" on ihi market for cows and helfara nrio... . 1 .. most part of th week remained just about where they were at tha ein 1... . LVTL.r,V" , Horn llttla weakness was developed, but It mad up before the close of th week. !Lri t0" "'-iy Price? ill" the " graaes 01 stocKcrs snd feeders Wesk. common and meriium eaaed off, being possibly lotjleo lower. The r"felpt ' feeders have been very large ll3 week, but there has also been a VSIW llhrl imiihIm, j . 1, ,-:"". uwrnana, so 1 , ii-,"''V oeen aept well cleaned !J.Poi At th S'0" of the wak speculators still have a few cattl nn hn one Is looking for a large att'endano ef buyers th coming week. Quotation on cattle: G .od to choice corn. aStuE7-905 ,alr 10 00J -n-fed ' common to fair corn-fed po. amra so cnoic and heifer.." 83.0ftS8.60; conon lo Ul' grass cows and heifers, 32.0Of3.S0; good .7.""" 84.004 76; common to fair atock.r. and od Bk-EF STEERS. No. . P le. A Oa, 3 840 I 91 HEIFERS. 8 380 8 10 STOCK ERS AXtJ FKItDKR" 8..... 7g 8 4 a tt t 4 1 WESTERNS-NEBRASKA " 4 steer... ..1022 4 28 1 steer 115 f 75 heifers... 78 8 IS 2 heifers... 75 I 75 "" 800 8 90 7 cow... .1 877 8 90 eows 840 I IS 13 cows... S7S 2 tn HOOSJ No great change took place In the hoitrad : ul about SolnVV tna?tSfker2 wer hoW.n. baTk and WkllVcS . k.i. - . 1 . 1 1 1 , - which made thVtrad i.A iu , wnicn made the trade very late In enaninir and caused It to be rather dull nS 5ig : glng all th momtaf OsA there was Ta fslr SJylna dsrnand ai Price. p;wfo;Vhear.yrv land caused It to be rather dull n5 a., IT morning. On the nth.r erauy steady with yesterdsy, Ths msr- v, nowsrer, was uneven, soma sales look ing easier, and other, strong, but the average market was as noted above. The tendency of the market all this week has been upward, and at th vios the ! wss on week ago. In other words the market is now very close to 36o h'iarher ! then ths low point of th month, which was th lHh. " wn,qn Kspresenlattvo sal.: Z " T" I ' tvu-jo mgner than it , no. av. k. r. Na. AV. 744 177 lav Pr. . .. 8M SO 3 M is., 41.. 84.. Ift 8 tt 13.. ...810 ...lit ...111 It 6 10 ... 10 80 I 19 44. . , M. 44. 10. ei. ....84 M I 47(4 ....ill 340 I 00 ....t4 SO 4 M -- ... 44 ....161 44 I M ....13 ... 4 00 I e., " 1 a! "" I ?" ...!. ... 6M ...lot ... I M ...M 120 I M ...111 ... I U .'..M -SO 6 174 ...8:i 40 I ITU. ...tto let 1 to M IM ...!0 ... t0 ...SM 40 t tO 44. M.. ....Ht ' S 4 M M.... tl.... 41.... 81... 70..., Tl..., 17... II... 46..., 71..., 17... tl.., TO... 71 .. ....III ....254 ...1st 4 04 40 I 00 W I M ....m ... g a ....m 140 I M ...,t4 IS II ....Ml M IM ...175 140 4 M 40 1 m ,...tst M I M 1 ....841 40 I M ....! ... I M ....841 IM 474 ....IM ... 4 174 let srr Ml Ill 14 mi IM I 'I M IM 40 I to .. IM M 8 10 0 i 124 44 t 15 i ti 1 11' 1 1 45". tt I tt III u'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.r .87 3 IM M 6M tt.. 64 3se m ... S ao 67 IM 48 4 M SHEEP Ther war no fresh recelnta sheen here this mr.Tn71?-1 .15 IPH.. . knMi,.... ,,.. "" ..". COrrelluinilln. .uL of a year ago. While the recelnta dy ware tne largest on record, the total 1 breaker " by U meD' 'cor1 . The Lsrara, run su k. , -.Tvh JflJ?. ud.-fL0' h.w,.?k f? brli?Drkt. h?5 lhm SSPIS.lU",tJ ."k"! Jl.m l.T.11" raptaiy tenaca lower unlll Friday when. wun more numerate receipts, there wss eonsldsrabl Improvement. Allewlnar. fe Improvemeot in values for Friday ths mar. get at the close of th week I only about miao lower on lat sneep ana lambs com pared with ths doe of th previous week. If comparisons were made with the middle of lsst week, which waa the extreme high point of th year to date, the amount of th decline, as a matter of course, would be still greater. Feeders suffered worss than killers, and they are 26o to Sue lower than the dose of last week. Common kind of Umba, which owing to th very good demand and the moderate upply previous to this week wer Belling very close to tn can ,. . 8.687 . ., i.c'M ... 8.466 ... &.tM6 ... 2,895 ... 42S better grades, broke badly, suffering In w.mnj rase a aecline ot 75c er possibly mere In tt?e esse of very common culls. This decline makes the spread between g id Stuff and comon kinds snout wnai it m.hi to be. The-e were also a good. many o'.d'CFVFRF TF5T OF FRIFNDSHIF and very poor ewes received during the wcea, ana iney likewise sunered severely, It being a very difficult matter to move them at all, as buyer fm ed to be look ing ter better grade of feeder. Considering the large receipts and other conditions connected with th trade, the market this week has bv ho means been In bad shape, aa prices evn after th de cline are still high. VJuntatliTs on aood to choice killers: La nibs, 3H.7MJ7.1B; yearling wethers, 86.609 6.75; wethera, 840v6.3; ewes, 34.awu6.0u. No quotations ate given on fair to good killers, as feeder buyers are taking prac tically vrYthlng of that description at bet'er nrtres thsn narker will oav. vuotations in teeaers: uimns. B.gtr7rs.nn; ; wethers, 34 75.115; ewes, $4 904.36; common ewes, 83.2&i3.75; yearling breeding ewes, 26.0Ofc4j.50; aged breeding ewes, tS.Vfj 8.T8. Representative sales: t No. . Av. Pr. so native ewes M 6 0ft 22 na tlv yearlings, feeders...., 14 8 09 IS astir lambs 71 TOO St. Joseph LIT Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sent. 28.-CATTLE-Re. ' celpts. 226 head. Market steadv: natlvea. 83 6t441.U; cows and heifers, 31. 70434. 40; 'JfJ'?,'" feeders, 83 754.7S. HOGS Receipts, 2.738 head. Market was StesJIy: topi 841424; bulk of sales. 8S-10T8 8HHEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,250 head. Market steady; lambs, W5fvg'7.25; i ""s, w wjo.j wrinere, ewes, 4. 75i6.26, trade: CONDITIONS IN OMAHA Week Expected to Be Lively with the f.OPMl Jobbers. This week will see g large at tendance at the fall merchant' meeting In Omaha, as manv retalleia from all narta of the state have postponed their buying j that they might come at the festival sea- son and bring their families on a pleasure Jaunt. Last week's floor trade was not large but mail orders and orders from traveling salesmen came In freely. Winter goods of all kinds are in brisk demand now and regarding some lines in which there U is irouoie in getting snipments irom tne laciunes, in reianere are gelling a nine Impatient. The jobbers promise them the delay will not be extensive. Reports from every section of the corn rrowlng country declare the crop well out of danger. In some localities the ripening of the grain was assisted by llaht frosL Prices on sll sorts of farm producta are such that the farmer are happy and the country merchants beaming with expecta tlon. Work of all kinds Is plenty snd everybody has money to buy what the farms produce. Local shoe manufacturers and jobbers are booking large orders. Reports from the .. 1 retailers indicate an enormous rail trade, I with the. consumers buying a better grade 1 , 01 Kooas man ever oeiore. no cnange in learner nas oeen maae in tne last weea. The hide market Is reported dull. SUerht Decline In Cotton. Early 'In the week there was a slight de cline In rsw cotton, but It seems to have been fotced by speculators and the general .. Dener is tne lower oasis win not last long. A 16-rent basis seems assured. In view of 1 the strong position of the raw material, the 111. D,l VHS IIUDIIIUU V. .11. . M weakness in cotton yarns Is surprising. eastern manufacturing autnt thorlties declsrlng it is Due temporary, since no lustincation for It can be found. Finished cotton good? remain at the highest figures in years Buyers receive no concessions; they find many lines hard to get and some sold up months In advance. Silks have been advancing for a month and are1 on a higher level than for years Reports from the silk countries tell of light stocks and no prospect ot a decline. More usual Interest Is being paid to the fancy woolen goods for the spring of 1908. Reports from Paris and other cen- tms In Europ Indicate that the soft woolen innrics are to enjoy a conemeraoio vogue . - . "5".if .,"re"t. ?UV iiiiuisig u 1 uicu iiv in inntr orn r Vh. iod. they wat fro "n." ho5 I they breaK UP thel" r0" " P'ce them among a number of agents In this ww t.hey re P'-'nrout ?Kel"r stock..thbut de' uvery rtow d inefl3ltirt Ag- m c, vemngs .nav failed to come uo tn tha 1 standSd' .7 t'tlSS fSSTSL S.-1?" ' 1..1.K1 1 u lu r"""" ""a, niwisii, panama weaves nave outstrlDied the voiles. lave outstripped the voiles. . , Paints, Oils aad Glass. Early in the week thsra advance In the price of Unseed oil, which "" 2t$Jl SS.JSliS. P rawsand boiled. Whll linseed advanced. luipeniine prices declined. All kinds of varnishes are Arm owing to the high prices on gums, owing to short supplies. There of "glass1 Pl quotbla chnes In th prices tIile. ".'i""1? ! ,u'"", mt satlsfac-.?imM,,tr?- Th Nmln of fall ha hJfTfitte? b"ynaT. and local houses are S?.r2i,Uu'S,r.order" :han "y time during the last six months. Opium con tinues to sell on the basis of 87.76 to 37 80 for powdered, and tl lu.. . f"m.'-.9u.ln,"e remalnsTon a basis of I und-rtci m"Mt h" " la apparent to tha observtner (,.,. . oonlP'a to reduce the price of their com" , "odiiy by reason of the Uci that th, high seek I J5S raPiaiy'-aid-fn" ordelo disuse 1 of It, the mines hav had to reduce the ar awning pnc. At th beginning of tha sum mer copper was- 26 cents a pound In New tkriT0V.V" .1W...cenU; reduction hS yet . been mad In the nrina ne ... Ki"'..bui. that ta boun1 t eon If the present bSSlS on Copper Continues. Tin plat remains normal .nil Ik.M no change in th price of manufactured tin goods. A few hardware specialties hav been ffected by price changes, but none that will largely Interest the trade, "ar aad Otker Uroeenes. Bus.r, wuin raw ana reinnsm rm. n. im M week ago. Refined If price lower than Justified I P'"" 01 "w- w some unec- countaoie reason tne msrket refuse, to ad vance. Pure molasses Is strong. Roasted Brasii package coffees range from 13 to 134c per pound In the New Tork market. ' Th general situation Is un changed. By reason of the lively demand for all kinds of teas and the scarcity of both Japan and Chines new crop teas, present ktgh quotation, probably will be maintained. RJc Is unusually firm. Th miller and packer of th south ar not forcing ealera. Prices od domestic sardine, ar expected to ad vane early la October. Salmon of all grade show an upward tendency. California snot beeches ar scare and It I. predicted price will advance. Pre offer ing of Maryland tomatoe wer mad dur ing th week, but the jobber aflected in difference. The crop moved much larger than expected and probably will bo large enough for requirements. Corn Is strong. Interest in the dried fruit marke 1 ccn- STOCK BARGAINS W hav oa luvad and can deliver at one subject to prior sales: Mt Ola. Mat, to 14 O. A. Coffee, 4T. 13ot Wag Sol ., tel .. Mo IM Cos. Jag.. IM 14 Cga. A N. Y A. L. tot M outgoes. Hills, lo 11 60 Int. Win., Or., lie 100 Cblpasunk. Is toot riorenoa Hop., lie tout Maa. Combine. la loo Ot. West. Oil. IIHi IM Bldwell SIM., It lf.00 Ilr Bell. Col., la lus Of. Cosablsa., 1M loot Searcbllgbt O. B , to J Wis. -Tea. Oil. loo lot) B. at Tunnel. 40 loot In. Mis., Or.. Uo ml Borllngtoa. Arts.. 4 lv Old. Hot, t4o 104 Keremoos Pea.. THs. too Rio Do ores. Col., Z7t V allure gates., lie. 40M Ollpls Misos. 4 so JO Ot West. Oil. It 109 Ot Canbeo, Wa 60.000 MORE ON HAND. WRITE Ud. OUR CLIENTS WANT 304 rnele Seat 0., to l-.iO Emptm TXsa., 10 fie utd. Sierra, tm to Cans.' Marroai, sea M O. A. Coffee, 144. fa Hew gteektea. ltd Maaeoges O. R., 30s 100 klk. Pearl M la Night Hawk. 4e UN) Superior a FiUab. Western Businass Excdangs ltd Xa Stall Bt, CnOoafo, EL BQYCE & BLASIHGIIAM, cm "d stock 8oks Renders customers the beat service In Omaha. Trades la 1,000 bushel grain and upwards; 10 share and upwards. reliable firm. Room 4 N. T. Life. Omaha. Long distance telephone, Douglas 7645. ! lered In prunes snd Jomers are noldlng off I tn tne nope or innuenring the market, rew Csllfornla seeded raisins sre available. The 1 Supply of currants is below (he normal. ' . - - - lllahballa PI gar In Case of Trie Pala Fnjeytnsr tke Carnival. Friendship had a severe test at police headquarters, when Ed Tears m of Al bright secured the arrest of Frank Chamberlain, charging him with' taking 831 from Ms pockets on the rsrnlral grounds. After the money waa found on the complaining witness and he was locked tig, the accused man returned to the station . and begged Captain Dunn to release the man who a few minutes before caused hit arrest. Pearson-and Chamberlain were seeing the carnival together, and Pearson was Imluig- 1 Ing In a few high-bulls to make Ak-ar-Ben colors run together more than th rain k did. Suddenly he went Into his pocket to secure some money. The roll of bills had i disappeared. Pearson grew excited at ms- . Ing his vsrstlon money and accused Cham berlain of taking It, Then an officer waa '' called and both men went to th station In ' the wagon. Pearson could not got to th desk fast ' enough to sign a complaint against Cham- ' certain, charging robbery from tha person. Chamberlain was searched, then stripped. The money waa not found. 1 "Search Pearson," said Captain Dunn. ' In a memorandum book the 231 In bills was ( found, neatly rolled between the lcaVea . By this time Pearson's last high-ball begat ; working, and ha was fairly dlxcy after find ' Ing th money. He staggered around li such fie that the captain thought ht needed a place to sleep and ordered him j locked up. Chamberlain was released, and left th station. Then friendship began Svorklng for th ; complaining witness. Chamberlain returned . to th station and pleaded with th captain to release Pearson, saying he would take . his friend and put him to bed, but he dU , not like to leave him at th station. Tiu . captain couldn't fee (Yiat a better bed could , be found for him, and Pearson stayed at -th JaiL New Faaklon In Wills. It is quite time that a new Taahlon in' wills should appear. The old style hat ' been to matte wills as full of holes aa a " sieve for the lawyers to fight about. It now seems to be the growing practice In , New York to have one's will subjected to expert ente-mortem construction and cri. tlclsm. The Idea is for tha teststor to as. ' sume that he is dead and to discover by 4.. an Independent expert examination during . his life. what Is likely to happen tu his will after his death. J . Daniel 8. Remsen of the New Tork bar, ., author of 'Remsnn on the Preparations and Contest of Wills," recently eald: "T'hr plan of submitting wills to a rigid criticism, ; after they have been made and before the testator's death. Is new In tha sense of Its becoming popular. It is also Justified by ru eults. In a majority ot cases such examina tions reveal one or moro weak spots, and. requently grave errors are found in wills' drawn by lawyers of high standing. Ac little caution on the part of Mr. Tllden . would have prevented his fiasco. As a re-, suit Of this movement, I predict that th rising generation will be spared much lltl- gatlon and many fortunes will be saved 1 irom the blight of family dlcord."-Law Notes. Here ia vour dinner." said 4h nurse 1 next day, as she gave the glowering patient., a spoonful of tapioca pudding, "and th , doctor emphasizes that everything else you do must be in the same proportion." Two hours later the nurse beard a frantic 1 call from the bed-chamber. "Nurse.", breathed the man, heavily, "I want ti do some resding. bring me a post-' age stamp." Harper's Weekly. If you hav anything to trad advertise , it In th For Exehangs, columns of Th 6e Want Ad pages. An Unequaled Opportunity The NEW TORK MAIL says: "A utrlks of shipping ore has Just been mad In the working of the Nevada .ulnlng company working on the Florence. The ore was found In ' a wlnxe 110 feet east of the shaft . at the 200-foot level. The or body ' Is 2 teet wlje In which the pay atreak show, to tha extent of 18 to 24 Inches. 12 Inche. gave an aver age a.-,eiy of $71, .while '6 Inches returned $1,400.. It will ba seen that an average of $100 will be easily maintained." Next to th Nevada leas on the west 1 th famous Rellly lease, which produced $1,000,000 In gold In 90-days. On th north and adjoining 1. th ground of th !sln T.A..I,,., .mt Mlntn. rnmm.,! they are making heavy shipments of or running from $100 to $200 a ton. Tho Nevada lease has this same vein and con ditions warrant the assurance of th same grade and quantity of ore within 80 day. ihat development, may be pushed to tha utmost In opening the known reserves of the mine within the time of th lease, thd Nevada Mining company has consented to th management placing stock sufficient to accomplish this end at the low price of 10 cents per shars; and a. only a few' thousand dollars: will b required, whirls when secured will cancel thi sale, rosoi vatlon. should b. promptly mad by wlr or letter to Intur delivery. No .alaii. - Every dollar goe. Into th mln. . Three shift, of men ar working daily. . Help tak out th gold and .bar th profit.. You cannot afford to lose the chance. Send In you order, for stock at one. W bellev It Will be worth 60 cent la sixty days. s. Address, . . E. R. ARGERSIXGER, 23 SU.e Bank Block, ColdltelrJ. Nevada W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. W offer, nb)ec to sals, IS to 80 s bares of Stock Tarda at 87 state. lei. Louglas 1 0S4 WE have bought 30,000,90 feet ol mahogany and other chok cablaei woods, also 6,000,000 tie; have, con tracted cutting and delivery, aec.trlm quick profits of $5,000,000. Wo offei treasury shares for working caji'al al a low figure. Com. to brokers. Bank references. San Jose Lumber Co., 2585 Kenmore Ave., Chicago.