The Omaha : Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTIOIL Pages 9 to 16. Always Rssd THE OMAHA DEE Best;;. West VOL. XXX VII NO. 88. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1007. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. . i t Correct Hat Styles Men BOTH STIFF AND bOFT IN EVERY GOOD SHAPE They are shown here in all lead inn makes and authentic color ing. The man who loves color may Indulge and not feel conplc nous for the black drrby will share Its great popular Ity with the derby of color this fall. The LaCrossc ..$1.50 The Lamont ...$2.00 The Kingston ..$2.50 The Bennett Special for ......... . $3.00 JNO. B. STETSONS' CELEBRATED HATS Soft, $3.50 to $7.50. Stiff $3.50 to $5.00 L BOYS' AND CHILDKK.VB CAPS Pretty assort ment In all the latest fads and fancies. Includ ing new leather and cloth Etons 25c to 81. GO SATTKDAY HAT SPE CIAL 15 dozen sam ple hats, new tan and brown shades, values up to $3, on sale Saturday NEW FALL SUITS FOR MEN Wl4. AP There's only one really sensible way to buy clothing, consider what you get more than what you pay for it. Our llushmoro Suits rcprescut tho highest type of modern clothes making, tho best the market can show and any one of them is worth more than it costs you. Prices are 815.00, $18.00, 820.00, $22.00 825.00. Men's Black Suit Specials Good all wol black thibet suits, cut in the latest single and double breasted models, lined with line serge or Venetian, splendidly tailored 7 H C l 1 . i !.. t J f 1 m M $12.50, Saturday special at 7 Handsome Suits for Boys in satin blouse, Russian and Eton, Norfolk sty lesr with the right touch of color in trimmings, for boys up to nine yearsj and Belt Coat Suits with bloomer trousers as Qft well as double breasted, suits for boys 7 ) to 16 years, latest fall patterns, at $5, $4, M GRAND FALL DISPLAYS of Men's Fine Shirts Om' GREAT SUCCESS IX MEN'S SHIRTS lias not been by chance. The exclusive pat terns, fit, high clans finish and t--eral excellence of our Shirts is the reason they are popular. They onto In vari eties of sleeve lengths, cost and regular styles, cuffs on and off, patterns the hand somest we've ever shown SI. $1.50. $3 and 32.50 MANHATTAN SHIRTS Beauti ful Fall showing In the latest patterns and weaves, T A A $1.50, $2.00, $2.60 and. J.UU FALL NECKWEAR In all th latest brown shades and new checks and stripes, CO elegant . UC NEW HOSIERY Light, medium or heavy weights, In plain black, black with white feet new pat terns and fancies Saturday ,f. . 25c Fine Fail Footwear Our fall line of Women's Shoes; Auto Boots, like cut, tan, gun metal and patent colt O 0 skin, laced and button, largest line t "U in the city Proper Fall Foot- wear for IVlcn .J Alf leathers all styles Union Made Shoes at $3.3.50-$4-$5 Solid Leather Working Shoes 1 y mi ?. f) 1 rr rf. STJ fl CI Q 1 8 ..Jr. --r ...... OMAHA'S GREAT STYLE STORE 3 Double Green Trading Stamps on all Children's Shoes Saturday. H Very stylish Tailored Suits for Women New I Omaha's Superb Arrivals Every Modiste style tendency of the season. $25.00 Suit values for . . . . 519.50 535.00 Suit values tor . . . . 529.50 Styles are: The Popular Military, and the Chic Prince Chap. Cloths are Broadcloth in all the popular shades, such as browns, greens, blues, garnets, plums and blacks. Many Models especially adapted for the small woman, 4S well as extra sizes. 85 new models far Saturday's selling at $19.50 and $29.50 TOY DEPT. New Toys received daily. Fine line of Kestner Jointed ' Dolls from 75c up. i See our special doll f Q Q j Hand Cars, Automobiles, Coast er "Wagons, Iron Express, etc. SECOND FLOOR COATS Women's - Broadcloth Coats, 52 inches long, loose fitting front and back, and extra full satin lined, collar and cuffs . handsomely braided, special . for Saturday COATS Women's Broadcloth Coat full fitting lined throughout with heavy satin, handsomely tailored fly front or but- ST.??: ..$19.50 S European and American Millinery m m ne stana reaay to prove beyont a peradventure that in the extraordinary elaboration of styles strictly evolved from the greatest millinery artists of Paris--our modes are the leaders of Western fashions. A more entrancing exhibition of these peerless concep Hons, ideatly grouped and graded tor the convenience of visitors and purchas ers, will not be found in any great store in America. AMONG OUR SURPRISES FOR SATUR DAY ARE THESE Strictly authentic fall styles in felt shapes, trimmed with hackles and coques, large drooping effects; a hat not shown elsewhere, worth easily A A $7.50, Saturday for VOAJ V T?sj J J rri i o 125 Sample Coats of Ctvert, Broadcloth and Fancy Jl till 'sUtlyO Cheviot, just what you want for early fall wear,. ' $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 Authentic Fall styles, extravagant sizes, yet wholly becoming for most every up-to-date costume; some trimmed with roses, morning glories, exquisite . foliage or beautiful feathers, Omaha's best style and quality line; could not be purchased under $12.50, tf A fJA Satorday's special price ejlveVv Hats In all the latest Fall shapes and In all colors, including blacks and whites, of all materials, velours, beavers, etc., 1 carrying superb trimming - of silk velvet, ribbons, flowers, felts, wlpgs and feathers, each a revelation' of the artist's skill, worth $20 of anybody's money, Saturday. .$15.00 Visitors are esptcially invited Saturday to enjoy tht beautiei of Omaha's best Millinery Parlors; intelligent, willing salesladies at he service of everybody rich or poor and every facility provided for enjoying the finest Mil imry displays ever seen. Second Floor. EXQUISITE LINES i, Embroideries Laces We are showing soma lines that for Millinery and Dress trimmings are more unique and desirable than anything we have ever before) displayed. Every possible . price from a cent or two to almost 9100 yard can be obtained in this fascinating section. 39c 12ic 2-lnch Venice Applique allover, In butter and white, 60 assorted patterns, worth up to $1.60 a yard Net Top Lace Applique, from 3 to 66 Inches wide, worth x Q up to 25c a yard JC French and Val. Lace, Insertions and edgings to match, y r worth to 10c a yard 6-in. soft French Taffeta Ribbon,. 1 full assortment of colors, worth to 25c a yard, at Pretty Chiffon Veilings, satin edge, new fall shades, tCI- worth to 60c . .1-C ART DEPT. The largest line of Novelty Pictures ever . shown 19c, 30c, 40c, 59c, 09c and on up to 95 The modern Madonna, pretty oval gilt frame, regular $2.60 values, QC special Saturday X.JO Large gold framed pictures. Country Life, several different subjects, regular $1.98 values, - 1 1Q Saturday, each J SECOND FLOOR CARPETS CARPETS The Remainder of the Consignment of Carpets from Chas. P. Cochrane to be sold Saturday at One-Third Off Regular Price. GLOVES Ladles' two-clasp Kid Oloves, f 1 value, 690 Ladles' 12-button Kid Oloves ....$3.00 Ladles' 16-button Kid Oloves ....$3.60 HOSIERY Ladles' Fast Black Seamlen Hose, double sole, 17c value 13Ho Ladles' Imported Gauie and Mer- cerlsed Lisle Hose, EOo value 270 Boys' good weight Bicycle Hose, 17c value 12V4o Misses' Imported Fine Oauge Hose 25c value 19o 1 UNDERWEAR Ladles' heavy fleeced lined Vests . and Drawers, 36c value aoo Children's ribbed fleeced Union Suits. 2Bo value 19o Children's ribbed Vests and , Drawers, size 18 to 34, price fto to 10 Balance of "Forest Mills" Under wear samples, to close, . OKE rOUKTI oft regular price. Ijsmrjj.".- HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' Hemstitched Handkerchlfs, 6c value 3o Ladles' Hemstitched, embroidered corner, 8Hc value So Ladles' -pure linen, very sheer, 16c value . 10o ATTRACTIVE FURNITURE Clock Shelves, Taborettes, Parlor Tables, Odd Corner Chairs, Rockers, Plate Racks, Childs' Morris Chairs, Li brary Tables, Magazine Racks and Pedestals. Hardware and Housefurnishings SPECIALS IN HARDWARE SATURDAY 00 25 $25.00 ..$4.75 150 See that "Peninsular" Range, special for . . . Peninsular Basa Burner, special for. . Perfection Oil Heater. .ttiacK jacK ana r.aicm oiuvo ruuu. . . . And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Sapollne Stove Pipe Enamel And 10 Green Trading Stamps. High stand Waffle Irons for gas ranges 98 And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps. Low Stand Waffle Irons 85 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Rosette Irons and Timble Irons, 3 in set 50 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Stove Pipe, extra quality 15 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Radiator Brushes, the only thing to dust radiators with 250 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Coal Hods, all prices up from 250 And 20 Green Trading Stamps With Each Sporting Gsods Dept. Sidewalk Roller Skates, special, $1.50, 65c, 450 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Special In School Pennants .850 bsbWSs"'mMs1 Ku ChUdren'sSecUon ,:;., Children's coats In silk ve lours, bearskin, plain and fancy cloths, all good, full cut; well made and all the late shades. These coats come in asres 1 to 6. Also In this" lot we have coats for girls to 14: all colors and styles. These garments for Saturday at $2.95 Children's Dresses In light and dark colors, checks, stripe and fan cy m I x t ures; made of nlc materials, all good styles. In ages S to 14; special for Sat urday, at.. $1.19 WAISTS Lace and Net Waists for $8.95 Beautiful Lace and Filet Nets, all new designs, yokes and sleeves dainti ly trimmed. 6KIKTS 110.00 Voile Skirls for $8.95 Made cf best Altman's Voile, many style pleats, finished at foot with one and two folds of same cloth and taf feta silk. ifi ,N1SS LISBEY CUT GLASS We control -the Libbey line and show a larger and more com plete line of Libbey Cut Glass than ever shown before. Bowls, Vases, Sugar and Creams . 1p 5.00 Handsomely cut Water Jugs, 3-pint sizes, $8 values, Sat urday, each, $4.29 Engraved Table Tumblers, regular 75c per dozen, Saturday six for 30c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. The Welsbaeh Reflex and the Block Inverted best light yet, at $1.85 and $3.00 And SO Oreen Trading Stamp Saturday. Finest German China Dinner Bet the thlnest and prettiest china sets we have ever shown. 100 pieces. Saturday $19.98 The Majestic Oaa Light, complete In a box best Q globe, each..BSo And 20 Green Trading Stamps with Each. m ! ml Beautiful line of Italian Carrara marble ; busts, serephs, sirens, beasts r AA and birds, up from .' D.U U Elaborate display of hammered brass and bronze ornaments. Bee these. n MEATS Trssh Dressed Spring Chickens, per pound 18o Fresh Ieaf Iard, 10 pounds for $1.00 Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast, lb..8'o Rib Roast, all bones out, per lb..,10o Choice Pot Roast, lb., 7c and 6o Veal Roast, per pound, 8c and....6o Mutton Roast, per pound 7V6o Veal Stew, tf pounds for 8tio Mutton Stew, 6 pounds for 83o Boiling Beef, 8 pounds for 36a SPECIAL HAM AND BACON SALE 1,000 pounds No. 1 high grade Picnic Hams, every one guaran teed sugar cured, nice and lean, six to ten pounds , average, per pound 80 2,000 pounds No. 1 Skinned Hams, nice and lean, skin and fat re moved, every one guaranteed, 10 to 14 pound average, lb., 1210 8,000 pounds Cuduhy's Diamond O, best brand hams, every one se lected, per pound 15 0 And 30 Green Trading Stamps 2,000 pounds No. 1 Sugar Cured liacon, narrow strips, 5 to 7 lb. average, per pound .... 12 H 0 Morrell'a Iowa Pride Bat-on, per pound 170 And 20 Green Trading SUmps. Bennett's Big Grocery PLEASE ORDER EARLY 20 lbs. Gran. Sugar, fl Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds . ..n.1 100 Green Trading Stps. Bennett's Best CofTei', pound SSo 80 Green Trading Sips. Tea B. F. Japan, Oo long, Gunpowder, Eng lish Breakfast, lb., 6 So 60 Oreen Trading Stps. Bennett's Cupllol Roll ed Oats, pkg He 10 Green Trading Stps. Bennett's Capitol Bak ing Powder, 6-lbs., $1 100 Green Trading Stps. Bennett's Capitol Ex tract, bottlo 18a 20 Green Trading Btps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg Ho JO Green Trading Stp. Diamond 8. Chill Sauce, bottle Zho 20 Green Trading 8tps. Franco - American Soups, asst., can, 203 10 Green Trading Stps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle 2fta 20 Green Trading Stps. Cleaned Currants, thre pounds .'.J4o 20 Oreen Trading Stps. Egg-O-See. 8'pkgs., 26o 8-Slar Corn, 6 cans, too 40 Green Trading Stps. Metaltne, 25c pkg., 10c 10 Green Trading Stps. Li njfjVlSMPBMBjSBl . ml Jell-O, asst., t pks., 2Eo 10 Green Trading Stps. Haarmann's Pickles, as sorted, large hots., X3c 20 Green Trading Stps. Uneeda Biscuits, 4 pack ages 16c 10 Green Trading Stps. Large Queen unves, DUIK pint ...28c 10 Green Trad. Stps. Peanut But ter, Jar, 20o 10 Green Trad. Stps. Lincoln Hutterlne. 2 IDS., ' zoc 6 Green Trading Stps. Premium Buttcflne, 2 pounds 42o 10 Green Trading Stps. Cottage Cheese, lb., 10c 10 Green Trading Sips. Pickles. Dixie Splits, package 10c 10 Gren Trading Stps. Seal Island Clams, i cans 26c 20 Green Trading Stps. Bennett's Capitol Co coa, lb. un... He 10 Green Trading S(r. Bennett's Candies, Gro cery cuon-Sa.Itd Ml peanuts, lb lOo ) xd Candy, lb..., 3c i Carnival Visitors Heartily Welcome Whether Intending to Purchase or Not. This Store is Yours What the October Magazines Offer "Th Domestio Adeniurers." by Jose .palne rskam Bacon, is the lively and en tertaining account of the trial nd ad ventures, domestic and sentimental, of thre attractive young women who keep house in town and country. Their struggles with a rapid possession of cooks, whose varied talents and churauUrs are delightfully de scribed, their romance, and their com ments make a witty and amusing story. I'ublished by Serlbners. Randall ParrUh conirs into the living pres ent In his new novel. "Hetli Norvell." divid ing his Interest between a Colorado mining camp and the fortunes of an actress who lias the spark of genius. It Is the Srst time this widely read author has dealt with contemporary men and women, and this romame of conditions In western theaters, la the dance halls in the mountains. In a ramp under siege by a gang of desperadoes, and In Chicago, Is uniformly Interesting. It to written la ths author's characteristic style, which lias made his earlier works so popular. Mr. N. C. Wyeth, who la now recognised ss the leardlng por(raFer of western life and scenes, has contributed a striking frontispiece to the book, printed In four colors. Published by A. C. Mc C'lurg & Co. One of the most startling fossil wonders uvtr unearthed Is just now causing a ver itable sensation and arousing widespread scientific and popular interest in New York at l!ie museum of natural history, writes Lillian E. Zeh in Technical World Magaxlns fur October. This Is due to efforts ot Professor Henry F. Osborn, who has placed on exhibition a complete reconstruction of one of the oldest, and most extraordinary four-footed creatures that ever trod earth. This ancient animal hitherto practically un known to the outside world, called naosarua, or the carnlveroua tln-ack llsard. Inhab ited the region of Texas In the Permian age, estimated to have been, according to 000 to lO.OOO.OGO years ago. The finback lls ard was a most formidable creature, ter rifying in appearance and possessing a mouth eighteen Inches In length snd armed with terrible tusks. The October number of Popular Mechan ics contains In all 143 articles and 121 Illus trations, snd among the interesting fea tures are a description ot a process for chemically producing sugar from elements almost as free as air; how the big palatial ocean liners of the present sge are taken out of the water after every voyage and given an overhauling both inside and out that surpasses anything In the way of spring house cleaning ever undergone; a new system ot draining a marsh by means ot a water wheel; a method of teaching swimming on dry land; how the railroad Is conquering the African Interior a vivid de scription of the dangers besetting such en terprise In the park Continent; and many others fully ss Interesting. For the prac tical mechanlo there are forty-seven II lustrated articles describing ways other men have found of Improving or lessening their work, and for the amateur mechanlo there) is a splendid aepartmeat describing devices other amateurs have found amuse ment. Instruction and profit In building. Madame Waddlngton, whose delightful "Letters of a Diplomat's Wife" will be re called, has for thirty years been familiar with all phases of life In France, and she will contribute to Scrlbner's a new series, beginning in October, describing "Chateau and Country Life in France." This phase of life Is almost unknown to Americans and It can have no better Interpreter than Madame Waddlngton. Blumenschelii, the artist, has made a series of illustrations for the articles from the actual scenes de scribed. Alnslee's for October has the opening chapters of a new serial by Harry Leon Wilson entitled "Ewlng's Lady," a story which combines the atmosphere of the west with the east. The novelette is a thrilling detective story by Henry Gallup Paine, called 'The Fifth Robbery." There are also short stories by Kate JorJan, Marion Hill. Roy Norton, Rafael Sabatlnl, Mar garita Spalding Gerry, Arthur Stringer and Johnson Morton. Eugene Wood con tributes an entertaining essay entitled "The Chapter on Love," girl of moods, "switching them off sod on every ten minutes to ' make life more exciting for her friends"; a tall, black eyed, domineering man, who has overrid den a thousand Obstacles to great wealth; these are two figures In an uncommonly strong love-story, "The Ordeal," by Lind say Bashford, In October Young's Maga slne. B. M. Bower has a short story In the Oc tober Popular that will prove Interesting reading to those who have any taste for humor. Cowboys like music and get so little of It that an alarm clock furnishes the soothing charms, but it creates trouble In the sleeping quarters. The novelette which opens the October number of Tho Smart Set is by a new Eng lish writer, II. Cheriton Hllgate, and Is en titled "Spinners of Fate." This Issue is particularly rich In short fiction. Catherine Carr, a promising new southern writer, Is represented by a strong story called "The Payers"; Anne Warner, always a popular contributor to any magaslne. writes "Smoke, or FlreT"? Ellen Duvsll has a splendid psychological study which she calls "The Lamp of Psyche"; Arthur Stan ley Wheeler, m "The Endless Chain," writes a clever bit of' satire that will be appreciated by every reader; "The Zoo," by Austin Adams, is a society story that cannot fall to amuse. Other writers of brilliant fiction are E. J. Rath Marlon Hill, Elisabeth Daly, Cameron N. Wilson, Mary Glascock and Wllmot Price. Among the contributors of verse are Charlotte Becker, Theodosia Garrison, Reginald W. Kauff man, John O. Nelhardt, Emery Pottle. Louis Untermeyer, Archibald Sullivan, Else Barker, Rlcha.-d Kirk, Martha Q. D. Blancht and Mary Hlnman Paine. Edwin A. Abbey has made three charac teristically fine pictures for the opening article In the October Harper's Magaslne, Illustrating Arthur Symons's critique of Shakespeare's "Ttollus and Cresslda." In the same number William Nicholson has a striking picture In color of a Morris dancer In England. This accompanies a charming; article on May day dances In old England by Mas Beerbohm. Charles Edward Rus sell writes very entertainingly about Bur mah and the Irrawaddy 'river, under the title, "The River of Pagoda Land." The laxy delights of motoring In Spain are hu morously described by Louise Closser Hale, In an article called "The Manana Habit," and the Illustrations are beautiful drawings by Walter Hall, reproduced, la tint. Prof. Lounabury writes on "Expletives and Non Expletives." "What ' Science Does for Farm Crops" Is another contribution that makes a wide appeal. It Is written by Prof. Snyder, of the College ct Agriculture of the University of Minnesota. Captain Marian tells entertainingly about "Old Time Naval Officials." Another article of striking interest Is "The Bible in Four Hundred Tongues," by W. O. Fits-Gerald. Illustrated with photographs, and showing how the Bible Is translated Into languages snd dialects all over the world. There are seven fine short stories by'Calvio John ston, Harriet Prescott Spofford. U. L. Radford and Harriet Crandail, James B. Connolly, Van Tassel Sulplien, Beatrix Deraareat Lloyd and Marie Manning. Above books at lowest retail itrloe. thews, 123 South Fifteenth street. Mat- Books reviewed sre on sale by The Ben nett Company at cut prices. . All of the books reviewed here are sale in Brandels' book department.