Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. JOHNSON WANTS SUPPORT .OUR REGULAR FRICES ARE MORE MODERATE THAN MOST BARGAINS. , Says County Attorneys Will Not Help rati avTicsm 44 and 44-inch Iwtgths and a variety of fab rics S10 to S39 RAIN COATS. i; t I 1 1 y gar ments for all kinds of wea ther sio to sas Him Enforce Pure Food Law. . EMPLOYES DISPLEASE GOVERNOR ' Imalat oat Belaar Sabpocaaral Brfor A.t October's Door THE MONTH Of BROWN LEAVES AND FROSTY WEATHER They Will AtteaS Barker laaaalty Hearlasr Rr. OTr. Persraaoa Qalii Caarck. "NSSNSW m Wx:Ji U HI . m H ft J M W ForJOctober; 1 907, "onjale .throughout. America . TO-BAY m Hr All vocal selections have accompaniments by 8-lnch 35 cents victor Orchestra w.iw,8.Rf-, adductor As Til Chora tram ' 'II Trovators" (Ne. n4S) Verdi Cornets' and Trumpets of Pryor'g Band Bnglt Muck Ho. 2 (No jtio) Clarinet and Fluta, by Christie & Lyons Spring Oreetiac (He. f9) Beseaict Comic Song by Arthur Collins Aad UtU Bit Mora (No.f.) nscbsr the Victor Oichestra Duet by Miss Jones and Mr. Murray Kiss, "isa. Kill (II you want lo leara la kin) (No. 5163) . Hoffman Tenor Solo by Harry Tally Take Ha Back to Ifew York Town (jiy) T TOser Songs by Billy Murray torla (No. 5.,) Kleia I'd Ratber Two-Step this Walt, Bin (No. gji) Burt March Song by Frank C. Stanley Honey Boy (No. 5,35) Voa Tilxtr 10-lnch 60 cents; and 12-inch $1 Yodel Song by George P. Watson Arthur Pryor's Band - Telescope Marcs 10-lncb (No. gn;) - Seltzer OOBtfn' Thro' tlx Rrt Humsraoqoa m lack . (No. s BeTirteot Bead Sir (Tha Isdian'a Bride) to-laeh ' (No. ga) Raeg cad Danes (Paa da Echarpaa) ia-lnch (No. jis) . (Fma Baliat SymphoDie "Callirhoe ") CkamlBade Blissful Dream lnirmi i4ach (No. 11659) HeLmund Victor Dance Orchestra . Amkroala Walt i4nck (No. 11663) . - , Tracy Cornets and Trumpets of Pryor'g Band Sofia Maroh Ho. 1 lo-iach (Ifo. ;asa) Army Bogle Call Ifo. 1 (with ike caila anaouacad) ia4aca (No. lata) Victor Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps My Maryland: March 10-iack (No. fit) Sogers Accordion Solos by John J. Kimmel Irlab Boy Marcn to-lack (No. my) KUmmal Medley of Irish Jigs io4nca (No. Xylophone Solo by Chris Chapman watermelon Club March "o-Jwk (No. 5119? Lam pa Clarinet and Flute by Christie & Lyons Sweet VUlona at Childhood ia-lnch (No. 11660) Glover ScataayWalU la-mck (No. 31657) Soprano Solo by Helene Noldi Sock M U Sleep, Mother 10-iack (No. J115) Allen Two New Records by Alice Lloyd . . Tea Splash Me and I'n Splaah To ta-lach (No. 5.j) - Solmaa Story of Clothes tine is-lnch (No. 66a Tate Two New Records by Vesta Victoria Sammer B Ion are to-tack (No. jtlo) Belbary Man, Man, Waa ia-lnch (No. Sai) Helbury un, iran a amain a 00 iiiucb 01 ina menj "Coon" Song by Miss Ada Jones ' BtbeManrathaMoeaWereaOoea Mhwk . tf(o.ss6) . v . Fiecher Bnak, Don't Wake the Baby 10-inck (No eja) Tenor Solo by John A. Finnegan Stabat Mater Oijv aolmara la inch (No. 31666) Koeauu Tenor Solo by Harry Macdonough Maeaiah -Comfort Te My Peoa'e ie4ach (No. ji6;6) Handel Tenor Solo by Byron G, Harlan Heath the Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Maria ta-lnch (No. 5114) Tan Alatyne Songs by Harry Tally Ballooning 10-inch (No. 5013) Kern Broncho Buster 10-Inch (No. $14) Maddea March Song by Billy Murray Honey Boy to inch (No. 1007) Ton Tiber " Coon" Songs by Eddie Morton Marines aaoca da Hootch a-ma-kooch 10 inch (No, 5oi Ton T liter That't Gratitude taJach (No. 31661) Camp "Coon" laong by Arthur Collins It I'm Going to Die I'm Ooin( to Hare Some Pu lo-lnca (No. j8) - Cohan Duet by Cglllns and Harlan Wbof Mer to-iach (No. 5107) Snyder Lyric Quartet The Radiant Mom ia-lnch (No. 31664) Woodward The Kerry Dance (unaccompanied) 10-inch (No. 5198) Molloy Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet Take Me Where There's a Big Biaaa Band 10-inch (No. 5316; Mora Descriptive Specialty by Miss Jones and Mr. Spencer Jimmiean4Maggiunickel-laa4 le-mck (No. 11663) New Red Seal Records x Six New Schumann-Heinle Records Eraoetlrje Scfcunuuio-Selnk, Contralto 10 inoh aiaa, fa.oa each A) Gtrmmm Frahllnfeiett (Spriof-tida) (No. taia) Becker Dor Ted uad das Madchea (Death and tha Maidaa) (No. 17011) Schubert ta-lnch alia $j 00 each Crmm Mignon Xennst da daj Land (Kaawan Tkoa (be Land) (No. 8S090) Thomaa Orfeo Ack, Ich habe sie Teriom (I Hara Lou My Kurydica) (No. etoai) Clack Rheiagold Weicke, Wotaa. Welchef (Waver, Wotaa ) (No. ISo9) Wagner Bolero La Oitaaa (TheOypey) U itmlmn-. (No. ago, j) '-' ' A New Record in English by de Gogorza Emilio de Oorza, Baritone la-lnck aita Drtnft te Me Only With Thine Byea (No. 74077) Three New Witherspoon Records Herbert Wltherspoon, Bass ta-lnch tin each it nfluk Gypsy John (No. 74071; . Clay By the Short Cnt to the Rosea (a) Ti0 Old Donegal Air Black Bhoela of the Silver Eye fb)i 7' 'y Old Ulster Air Mesaiah The Tnunpet Shall Svund (Na. 7400) Handel Four New Powell Records Wand Powell, Violinist 10-inch site, $1.00 aack. Menaett (No. 6467) Moiart Souvenir (No. 64074) Frani Drdla Melodle (No. 64073) oiuck The Bee (a) v. ,.wi Sckobart MinuuWalta (b) f (NO 47) Chopin Any Victor dealer will gladly play these records for you. Go and hear them to-day! leaftb ?..JSsJ ?( I. 3 6. i t 1' New Victor Records on sale) threat hot America on tha 2th of. Ifnry month Victor tTalking Machiiie Co. . f Camden N J, USi. BarUnar Gramophone Company of Moatrcal, Canadian Diatribotota Wrfte) for trM catalogus f 4ar 3000 Racords All These Records on Sale at Our Store r railDi1AulA CORNER 15TH AND HARNEY Western Distributers for Victor Goods GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager We have jail of the above Victor Racords, also the entira Victor Catalog, 'including all the foreign languag9s. We have just doubled our former space in the old Boston Store, and invite you to call and see the most complete Talking Machine quarters in the entire country. PEAMO PLAYER CO OLD BOSTON STORE (From a Staff Corroepondent.) I.lKtYlt.M. Rent. 27. (Siiecial.) Deputy t.- t Thn.nn la nnf r V- K . Illllllin.iuii. . .............. ... ..... . j Ins the support from the county attorneys whlr-h h hWlrvea the law requires tnem to give him. In the enforcement of the pure- food law and he may appeal to tne ov mnr tinilvr the derelict officers' act. Mr. Johnson haa analysed milk, cream and Ice cream from tn of the largest cities or Nebraska. The result shows a general high grade of butter fat and no formalde hyde or other preservatives waa found ex cept at Nebraska City, where formalde hyde la in general use In all milk, cream and Ice cream on the market. One Ice cream dealer there, so Johnson reports, said ha fnrmaidehvda and had always used It. Johnson certified these facts to County Attorney LJvlngatone, with instructions 10 prosecute at once. The county attorney raised some questions about the require ments of the law and asked Johnson to go to Nebraska City and sign the complaints. Johnson In reply forwarded such affidavits ss he believes the county attorney requites. He believes It Is not his duty to sign com plaints because a few 'prosecutions that would require repeated trips and attend ance at court of hie assistants would crip ple the work of his office. Attorney Gen eral Thompson upholds Johnson's conten tion in the matter of signing complaints and says this Is the duty of the county attorney. State Employee Demand Ssbpoenss. As a result of the Barker insanity trial a few of the employes of the state peni tentiary are liable to have a taste of the governor's displeasure. Attorney General Thompson asked several of them to ap pear and testify in the case as witnesses for the state. They refused to appear un less served with a subpoena, though a wagonload of convlcta had been sent up to testify In Barker's behalf. Among those who failed to show up today wss Dr. Holyoke, prison physician. Mr. Thompson complained to the governor this afternoon at the action of the stste employes. Su perintendents Kern of Hastings asylum and Young of the Norfolk asylum came with out being subpoenaed. Rev. Mr. Fergosea WHudrawa. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, who was charged with conduct unbecoming a minister, this afternoon withdrew from the cnurcn ana the ministry and thus the hearing before a special court of ministers came to a sud den and unexpected close. Ferguson and his counsel claimed the chairman of the court was prejudiced and therefore he could not get a fair trial. The withdrawal was occasioned when the chairman refused to permit the admission of affidavits or evi dence derogatory to the character of Mrs. Cross, the woman In the case, and evidence tending to ahow the good character of the minister in other cities. Ferguson came from California to University Place, stop ping off while) en route home from the east, where he went to bury his wife. He preached at the Methodlet town and was at once employed. Jast before he reached the Nebraska town stories arrived of his trouble with a woman In California. . The Methodist conference todsy elected tha following delegates to the general con ference to be held In Baltimore: J. R. Get tys of Beatrice, T. II. Worley of Wymore, George I. Wright of Nebraska City. The lay conference was organised by the elec tion of Goorge Bpurlock of Cass county Chairman and George Tobey of Lincoln sec retary. Coasamptlve Commits gnlclde. Julius West, who was suffering with con sumption, cut his throat and ended his life this morning. The man was living alone In a tent near the state farm, thinking the open air treatment would benefit him. Yes terday he became worse and to those who reached him before he died he said he pre ferred death to living as he waa. Way Clarke Wsstt New Trial. . t' hrlef on motion for rehearing Judge Strode and W. H. Crow, for Harri son Clarke, the murderer, assert that the speeches of the county attorney of Doug las county at the time of the trial were sufficient to Influence the court to grant a reversal. They assert that he 101a tne Jury they should bring in a verdict that would be satisfactory to the people of the community. That the people of the com munity wereialready Inflamed by the aev eral murdera that had taken place was asserted, and this statement of the county attorney only added fuel to the flame. They assert, also, that the statements of the county attorney in demanding the death aentence for the negro make the caae reversible. The statement with which they find fault Is as follows: "It hss been said that there Is no such thing as life im prisonment, and it has been said that life Imprisonment means no more than ten years In the penitentiary because of pardons that may be granted." Delegates to Deep Water Meeting. Governor Sheldon has appointed the fol lowing delegates to the Deepwater con vention to be held at Memphis on October 4 and 6: Colonel C. J. Mllea of Hastings. Sherman Saunders of Bloomfleld, Hon. M. r. vrim nf Arcadia. Hon. C. B. DemDster of Beatrice and Charles L. Marshall of Douglas. Entrance Through Ooston Store Sixteenth and Douglas NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY taaalnt asd t'urlona Kra tares at Lit ' ta a Rapidly Gravrtaa; Stale. Yea, ll las come, and laid a heavy hand n everything in lta reach. Where all waa llfo Monday, Tu Uav morning hung limp and lifeless. Ye. Jack Kroat has spoiled the watermelons fur th'.a year. riatte Val ley News Joint Affsir-Tu l.anriaume young women got oil No. i the vther morning and,' as Mual, weru immediately, gathered in by that enterprising gentleman. P. E. Reader st the Kimball Land company, who pro seeded lo M ats 00s of Uieiu on a home stead. The other had one in Dakota and couldn't take one here, though ahe "wished she could. And so does ReaVr. Kimball Obaerver. . Nature Fake A. H. Carter's parrot Is about as Intelligent a bird as one can find. His cage hangs near the telephone, and a few days ago hs was seen to put his head In a can that was In his cage and say, "Hello!" In a few minutes he removed his heud scd. to the surprise of his listeners, said: "Good bye, good bye, Bernle!" It Is not known who he wsa talking to. Win side Tribune. Carrying Coin Men have various ways of carrying money. Grocers, butchers and mll- I lets carry it In a wad. Bunkers in clean 1 bills, la1 J full length In a pockeibook. When the habllament or cummer must be laid aside ana emu excluding gar ments put on that'a when we bid strongly for your favor, because our gar ments are not merely heavy enough, but they are stylish enough and tailored well enough to suit men of the most exacting requirements of dress. At this store, men who have tired of the exorbitant charges of custom tailors meet on common ground with men who hnre tired of the ordinary ready-mades, and both go away satisfied that they have at last mastered the secret of good dressing at moderate cost. We Will Put Our Time Against Your to demonstrate the superiority of our clothes will you give us the privilege? FALL SUITS IT ROM IF YOU'VE A BOY TO 'CLOTHE You should come to this store and thus fortify yourself against disappointment for no matter how small or how large your boy may be, we've been just as particular about his clothes as we've been with our men's that ought to settle the ques tion for you. Plain or. Knickerbocker knee: pants suits 2.50 to $10 IKH.: 6.SO to $22.50 rwwkmm Lv US' f - V . I s lit -.. fcaaarV"1 V1' I J mmaaataai TMTftZtl " Stav We don't know that we've th. most, but we do Know thatwehav. 186 Styles of New Pall Hats to choose from, and ttiat there is hardly a color, a shape, ora dimen sion in soft or stiff hats that we haven't got in the size you wear. SI. GO up to 85, OO THE NEW are about th. topplost" hat. you'v. STETSONS seen for some time up from $3.50 THIS IS THE HOME OF THE YOUMAN HAT- Sa.OO We think we are' pretty safe in saying we've the SWELLEST VESTS I IV TOWN many styles but the one like the illustration Is in, the lead for popularity prices range from S1.8Q to ST. SO A SHIRT STORE that's what many men say when we begin, showing our almost Inexhaustible variety. Sl.OO to S3. gO NEW, FALL NECKWEAR to suit your taste no matter what it may be prices range up from JUC dustrlal parade, In which over 100 floats appeared, was given this afternoon at 4 o'clock. All the manufacturing and other commercial Interests of the city were repre sented. Including the postofllce force, with nine floats; high school, with historical floats, and the commercial travelers. The game of ball between the United Commercial Travelers' teams of Hastlnga and Beatrice was won by the former; score, T to 1. The celebration was concluded to night, and It waa the biggest and moat successful affair ever held in the city. Brokers only fold the bill once, doubling the money, as it were. The young business man carries It In hla vest pocket. Farmers and drovers in their inside pockets, whether It la (SO or IS centa. Printers usually carry their money In other people's pockets. Beaver City Times-Tribune. Steer Was Crasy Monday Joe Cady and two or three helpers drove in a bunch of cattle which had been sold to Roberts. On the way In a fins steer went craiy and drove the drivers. They- finally tied bun ta a tree and left him. That evening Bob Qa tlemen went out with his- dray and suc ceeded In getting him a piece farther to ward town, when he again balked and was tied to a tree and left. Next morning he I was dead.' The verdict was "an aggravated I caae of brain storm." Platte Center Signal FLOWER PARADE BIO 8VCCR9 Decorated Aatoa sail Carrlaires Bl Attractloa at Beatrlee. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 27. (Special.) The flower parade yesterday afternoon at the anniversary celebration was a glorious success and several hundred beautifully decorated automobiles, carrlagea and bicy cles appeared In the procession. The com mittee of awards voted unanimously that all who participated were entitled to great credit for their work and prises were awarded aa follows: Horseback Miss Helen Scott, first; Max Miller, second. Bicycle Truman Rogers, first. Automobile W. W. Black, first; George Harris of Blue Springs, second. Carriages Mrs. E. J. Shlnn, first; double carriage, occupied by Misses Ruth Ander son, Helen Davis, Vesta Baumer and Ber- nlce Bradley, second. Twenty carriages occupied by old settlers formed part of the parade. Among the pioneers were Daniel Freeman, the ftrjt homesteader, who grasped the hand of W. J. Bryan during Mr. Bryan's address at the high school grounds; Mrs. Charles of 81oux City, who made the trip up the Missouri In the boat Hannibal In 1857, and who formed the little colony that first set tled In Beatrice; C. M. Murdock of Wy more, a resident of Gage county since 17; Judge Broady of Lincoln; Judge J. B. Raper of Pawnee City; J. B. Llnlngor of Wymore ; J. B. Mumford of Beaxrtoa, and many others. Thousands of people spent the remainder of the day and evening throwing confetti and enjoying themselves, as carnival visit ors usually do. In spile of a cold, drlasling rain the tsv Nebraaka evre Notes. PLATT8MOUTH Rain fell in this vicin ity Friday, which was a great benefit to the land for fall plowing. BEATRICE Fred H. a Beatrice horse, won throe straight heats In the 2:12 pace at Emporia, Kan., yesterday. : PLATT8MOUTH Chief of Police Fits- gerald has been appointed truant officer to . see that the children attend school. j BEATRICE A hea.vy rain visited this section last night. The moisture will be of great benefit to the winter wheat crop. BLUB HILL The heavest rain for three months fell here last night and still con tinues. Farmers can now put In their wheat. It Is cool and a frost Is expected after the rain. BEATRICE J. B. Smith, proprietor of 1 the Jersey dairy at this place, yesterdav secured first, two second, three third and four championship prises on his herd of Jersey cattle at Kansas City. I BLUE HILL The teachers of the Blue ' Hill public schools were given a day off Friday to, visit the Hastings schools. This gave the rchooi children a chance to at tend the county fair at Bladen. PLATT8MOUTH Deputy flame Warden H W. Hvers haa been sounding consider able time with a shotgun hunting along the Missouri and riatte rlvera and through Cass county looking for violators of the Saw. BEATRICE John Morris, living seven miles southwest of Beatrice, died at an early hour yesterday morning. He was 7 years or age ana unmarrieu. 1 ne remains were taken to Lewiston today for inter ment. BEEMER The first killing frost In' this vicinity came Wednesday. The weather has been Ideal In this part of the state during the last month for cftrn to ripen and this frost will only hasten the maturing nlccU'. PLATTSMOUTH Beoauee he boilers would not furnish sufficient heat In the Burlington shops, Master Mechanic Helps and H. T. Batton exchanged a few com plimentary words and Mr. Batton tendered hla resignation. PLATTSMOUTH H. M, I-ong, residing a few mllea southwest of this city, Ima sold more than I'.'fO worth of peaches this year, but aays the yield was only about one-fourth as much as usual, and he in tends to cut down about one-half of the I rata. BEEMER John Nellor, a business man of Beemer. for many years, has sold his prop erty in town and moved, with his family, to Peabody, Kan. Mr. Nellor still owns his farm six miles northwest of town and also retains his Interest In the First National bank. BEATRICE-Mr. James Freeman and Mrs. Leila Freeman, both of this city, who were divorced about elx months ago, were remarried at Lincoln Wednesday and have returned to Beatrice to live. Mr. Freeman Is a son of Daniel Freeman, the first home steader. 11.. ... PLATTSMOUTII-Durlng a heavy elec trical storm Friday the roof of the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parmele In this city was struck by a bolt of lightning, which parsed through the roof and the celling. Fortunately no one was Injured and very little other damage done. EDO AR Samuel Doane, si farmer, re siding a few miles south of Edgar, was thrown from hla wagon Thursday about noon and It Is feared totally injured. Mr. Doune is nn old settlor here and Is 75 years of age. His team, which Is a spirited one. ran away with him and he waa thrown out while the team was running. BEATRICE Peter Salts, an old resident of Beatrice, was robbed of a small amount of money yesterday during the flower pa rade at the anniversary celebration. A stranger was slugged In an alley on Ella street by a supposed holdup, who escaped without accomplishing his purpose or be- ut. funic tuum arrive on tne scene. .PDGR7A"...electr,c"1 storm seemed to originate In this vicinity Thureday night between 10 and 11 o'clock. This section has been suffering from a long run of very dry weather. Last night at 9 o'clock the . y. wa" P"'"' clear and no sign of anything but continued drouth. At M o clock brilliant lightning and heavy thun der startled the people, which continued for thirty minutes; then rain began falling and is still falling tnls morning. More than half an 'inch has fallen and it now looks as though the ground, would get a good soaking once me re. ( BEATRICE H. J. Buss.' a farmer living northwest of the city, yesterday placed In .ui ooun wiuuuw at niein a store a cotton plant-that was grown on his fartn. Soma months ago while Mr. -Buss was in Texas he hrOUB-ht hnma mltli him . l. seeds, and- planted them r m his. dooryard. - j ..n.- wjuiiu rin laLimi ana now form a very ornamental group. i TECUMS EH William J. Devenney, for manv veara a nt ihi. .m move his. family to. Omaha within a-' week . uara, . wunri luey-win maae tnelr future home. - Mr. Devenney has entered the . employ of the Omaha Cold Storage Creamery company and will work- In the house. Mr. Devenney' father, James Devenney,- Is employed In Omaha, and he has other relatives there and in Council Bluffs. : Bnrllagtoa Strats;b.entaar Track, TECUMSEH, Neb.,- Beptr 27. Special. ) The : Burlington ' railroad Is plannlna- to straighten its main track through the oatS of Tecumseh. At the present , time the track forms a letter 8- within the corporate limits, coming Into the station on a bend, both from, the north and from the south. Surveyors have been here "ihls week and have staked out a direct , line. It .Is dona to prevent collisions at the depot, which have several tiroes been narrowly averted. If you have anything to trade advertise it In the For , Exchange columns of Ths Bee Want Ad pages. New Fal 00 - ADDISON Arrow 'A SltK COLLAR Mad of Clupeco Shrunk Fabrics Urn oatemi tlerU ea.aaav a aiaaeae In Wearing Apparel for Men. Women 3 Children Un iiJasy Credit Every department is crowd ed with new goods The finest stock in Omaha The' best values The easiest terms. Men s Suits...... $6.50 to $27.50 Ladies' Suits.. ..$7.50 to $30.00 Boys' Suits .......$2.50 Up TOP COATS, SHOES, HATS, CLOAKS. - Come1 in Saturday look over. our stock if you sea some ar- uce you neea or warn we will charge it pay as you can. , Ridflley's Credit Clotbing Co. j 1417 Dotafjlasi St. Elmer Beddeo, Mgr.