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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
THE OMATTA DAHiY BEE: SATUTtDAY, KEPTErBETl 28, lS?7r. Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments. Buy Fall and Winter Underwear Mow Our business in the' regular underwear is growing so large that we must ask those who conveniently can do so to buy their heavy undergarments as early in the season as pos sible. Foreseeing the rush that always comes with the first cold spell we hurried ship ments as mUcli as possible. The new goods are pouring into the stockroom, but almost as quickly disappear. Our underwear is mad e of liberal proportions, no skimping oflength or width. Men's, Women's, Children's. . 11 , For Men . Men medium ' h a v 7 weight trra ribbed cot ton shirt and drawers, extra finish ' through out. all fixes. a popu lar weight tor wear cV. .7:......50c lien's medium wleitht sanitary natural wool . ahlrta and drawers, ex tra wtlj made, f (f each ,....'' For Women Women's fine ribbed me dium or heavy weight cotton vests. high nock, with either long or short sleeves drawers to Bfln match, each JUW Women's fine ribbed me dium weight ribbed cotton Union suits high neck, long; sleeves, ankle length, S 1.00 For Children Children's fine ribbed medium weight white cotton vests, high neck. long sleeves, pants to match, ankle iSKI' ,25c Boys' medium weight gray wool union suits, high neck, long sleeves First Showing Sat urday A spick and span, nsw gathering o f men's fancy half hose. Nev er saw the Inslile of our store till yester day. All the newejt colors, will be on said Saturday OZt at, per pair. ...-' W Main Floor. MURDERER S11UMWAT CAUGHT Man Who Brutally Killed Adami Woman is in Custody. SHOUT TfcUDE MAZES AESE3T Special Sale of Silk Hosiery Very seldom do people of Omaha have such an op portunity to buy fine pure thread silk hose at the price we are- going to sell them Baturday. Every lady appreciates fine hosiery, especially silk. These hose are made by the largest and one of the best slHc hOSe manufacturers In this', country. There are no better all, hose made. Every pair of $3 plain black silk hose In our stock, all broken lines of embroidered or drop stitch silk boss worth up to (4.00 per pair, SATURDAY at, f SQ per fair .. Main Tloor. New Fall Veilings THE VERT LATEST Square chiffon Auto veils, hemstitched all around, each $1,75 With embroidered coin spots, all the new shade esch -yard long chiffon Auto veils, all colors, each, M, 12.60, $2 and tl.7S Lsee Hat Drops, at, each. It. 12. 75, $2.60 and 91TB Fancy Veilings, by the yard from 11.60 to ..'...85a Chiffon, bent quality, yard .75o Bowing Bilk. Veiling, yard 9So Mallne, yard 30o Bridal Illusion, yard. 11.85 and 8o Ask to see our new line of black silk dress nets. Main Floor. .Tempting Specials Linen Department, Monday, A. JC Beoaony Basement. JOS dosen So Tenerlffe Lace Doilies at, .. 5c .8lc 1.00 6 dosen $1.7 Renaissance Canterpleces, '9jsQQ each . . f t each 100 dosen 16o Tenerlffe Lace Doilies at, each 100 dozen 20o Renaissance Dollies at, each ZS doxen II. 7S Renaissance Scarfs, 20x64, eacn 2 Women's Gauntlet Gloves . Once more the gauntlet has become the popu lar glove. We have prepared for the demand with a large assortment of snappy styles In this season's latest shades of tan and black, correct In style and stitching, a full line to select from. Prices $1.75, $2.00. $2.25. $2.60 to $3.60 per pair! Ask; to see them. Main Floor. Howard, Corner 16th St. Bee. -27-'07 Open Saturday Evenings drove the showmen and concessionaires to shelter an caused the pleasure seekers to f rego their enjoyments for the time being. Where Is That Balloon,? Whether Aeronaut Joe Simons' big gas balloon, which left tho Ak-Sar-Ben grounds Thursday afternoon, la In the land where no rain ever falls, or whether It has fallen to some forsaken spot on this earth Is the problem which Is worrying the navi gators of air at the carnival grounds. The runaway balloon left the ' carnival grounds shortly before o'clock Thursday evening, carrying Aeronaut Jo Simons of Chicago. A- slight 'breeie sent It In a northwesterly 'direction, and' when the gas had condensed sufficiently to bring It to earth. It came down, gradually in a pasture near Thirty-eighth and Lake streets. The ureonaut climbed out of his basket, after a trip to the clouds, but the air on earth was warm and the balloon had been ex panded as It neaved the ground.'. Before the aeronaut could fasten the big .balloon, it rolled about and left the earth for the stars. Within a few nilnutes It was out of sight and 'obuld only be seen with a glass. Then it disappeared altogether, and nothing has been heard of it since. Areonauts waited all day Friday to hear of the runa way balloon, but no report came. "It's off above the clouds where the sun Is shining, and I wish I was with It," said SUrions late Friday afternoon. SALTER A LOME IS fNANKOYEO All the Other City Hall Dlcaatarle . Are Basy Over Festival. A certain executive offloer of the city hall stts serene and unmoved during all the hustle and bustle which attends the fall festivities. This contented Individual la C. A. Salter. Are chief. and other visitors to the city who desire to pay their respects to the chief execu tive. He is also presumed to be preparing for , hla part In the . annual parade, and attending to the Important matter of per mitting merchants to temporarily disregard laws covering the matter of signs on the streets until the carnival ends. The chief of police is really the busiest man. He has on his hands about 100 spe cial policemen, and la using his force and hla own time to keep out the thieves who are usually attracted , by such festivals. Bo far he ' has been successful, but he Is hoping all the time the weather Wilt be fine during the heavy days of the carnlvat. With good weather the crowds will be good naturcd. It the sky Is overcast and the weather cool the .crowds will reflect, the atmospheric conditions and an Ill-humored crowd la one of the must difficult things for a police force to handle. ..The building Inspector Is busy with the construction of seats before- the city hall for the accommodation of city officials and thejr . Invited guests during the parades. J , While not connected with the festival the city, clerk is working harder than usual at this; time preparing for reglsrtatlon day and the city treasurer Is working overtime get-' ting out his delinquent and scaveriger tax lists. The city engineer Is getting asphalt re pairs msde to put the streets In presentable appearance during the festival, and trying After Lows; Paraalt He la Finally Take at Verb, Hav Killed ad Assault Mrs. Sarah Martla. BEATRICE. NeK. Sept !7.-8peclal Tel egram.) R. Mead Shumway, the supposed slsyer of Mrs. Sarah Martin, was arrested near Oregon, Polk county. Mo., yesterdsy by Sheriff McNulty. After escaping from the officers at Seneca, Kan., Shumway walked to Ruin. Neb., and remaining there for a few hours, managed to board a trala for St. Joseph, where he remained for one night The next day he boarded a train for Oregon, Mo., near which place he went to work on a farm. He did not change bis name and after going to work wrote sev eral checks, signing them "R. Mead Shum way." This, with the description the offi cers had of him, led to his capture. When arrested Shumway had only SI In his possession. Sheriff McNulty arrived at Wymore early this morning with the prisoner, and, In company with the county attorney of Polk, county, arrived In Bea trice about S o'clock, where the prisoner was turned over to Sheriff Trude. . In the office of Sheriff Trude, Shumway, In giving his tory of the murder with which he Is charged, stated that he came from the field and, on finding blood In the I house, thought he would be accused of the i murder and he made up his mind -to leave. He went to the barn and, after hitching ; one of the horses to a bunsrv. drove away, i About 10 o'clock this mornli Sheriff i Trude and Sheriff McNulty, with the prls . oner, left the city In a carriage for Dewltt, ! where they boarded a Rock Island train for Lincoln. The news of Shumway's cap- ture spread like wildfire and at Cortland, Adams and Firth small posses weYe organ ; Ued to Intercept the officers and their prls I oner en route to Lincoln, but the party i reached that place without being molested. ; The crime with which Bhumway Is charged was the most brutal In the his tory of Gage county and since he made his escape, more than three weeks ago, the officers throughout the west have been camping, on his trail. Story ot Crime. At the inquesj. it was shown Mrs. Sarah Martin, the murdered woman, was attacked by Bhumway while she was engaged in washing the dinner dishes. 'The rooms on the lower floor bore evidence of a terrible struggle, and the supposition is that after the murderer had slashed the woman across the throat with the butcher knife she ran from one room to another In order to free herself from his grasp. After prao tlcally butchering the defenseless woman the murderer carried the body upstairs and placed It under the bed, where It was found in an almost nudev condition by Mr. Martin. Mrs. Martin was M years of age and was the mother of two sons, both grown. Her husband Is 68 years of age and owns 1,200 i acres of fine land In northeastern Oage OOOOOOOOOOCCOCcCCGCOOOOOCOOO AK-SAR-0EI1 IATH o Br rV1 A M CTflCCTC THB PCOFX.KB PVmKITTBB AITO CARPET CO. BT, is- on AHA. 1S87 CHECK TOUR GRIPS HERE. USE OUR WAITING ' ROOMS AND ANY ONE OF OUR FIFTEEN TELEPHONES. THEY'RE FREE. ous, and while the council haa waived the necessity of taking out permits. It has not waived the necessity of, seeing that the worlt is safa. ' , The superintendent of the city hall fa busy with the decorations and the resultant incra&s of work. The King's Highway has attracted the attention of the Board of Health, and an officer Is making dally Inspection of the I county. Bhumway went to work for Mr. food offered for sale at the booths. He re- I Martin about two weeks before and has a porta all food In excellent condition, and i half-brother living near Firth. He la a o o o o o O Visitors Welcome r q Plain Figures and Our Credit System Protect and Help You . At this store Plain Figures protect you because the nraount written plainly on each jgJ tag is the lowest price and the only price the article can be purchased for. There is no Cj possible chance of its being bought for less money by anyone else. AVe do not allow our f1 salespersons to make an y concessions whatsoever or try and "get something abetter'' for you. we believe m treating everybody alike. One Price, and 'sw o o and that the Lowest, to All. Our Credit System helps you because, by its use, you. are enabled to wear clothing in the height of fashion, even though you haven't just now the necessary cash. Our terms are more liberal , our payments are easier and our prices are lower than any other credit store in Omaha. It also protects you because we do not require any pay ments while you are sick or out of employment. "SINCERITY CLOTHES" FOR WELL DRESSED .BEN CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS We are prepared to do business with the man who wants the best fall suit his money can buy that's just what "Sincerity Ulothes are. iSpcml for Saturday, men's hand tail ored suits, cut in the latest style and made from the very best fabrics obtainable, at $20, $18 and MEN'S FALL COATG We are showing handsome nette and top coats, reg ular $20.00 values, at. ... t C) O O O Q O O 8 a o o o o o o o o o nil o o o C) o crave- 16.00 NEW FALL HATS In all the new colors and new blocks. Prices range from I Cfl $3.50 to IiUU O O SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' FALL SUITS Assortment includes jusfc 84 suits. They are Prince Chap, O tight fitting and Fluffy. Ruffle styles. All new materials, O regular $25 and $30 values. We have divided them into puts the seal of approval on the sandwich and '"hot weenie" man. Through all of this activity Chief Salter and Battalion Chief Simpson sit serene and unruffled. In the twelve years preceding this there has been but one fire fn connec tion with the festival. That was last year, when a tent burned, so no unusual service is expected of the fire department. t RAINMEN HELD RESPONSIBLE Graad Jarv- at Ralelek Retarus In. dletmeat Against Dispatcher and Ea(iitm. RALEIGH, Mo.. Bept. 27. The grand Jury haa returned an Indictment for man slaughter against Engineer W. Rlppey, Conductor C. M. Oakley, Chief Train Dis patcher P. B. Ketcham and Train Dis patcher Victor Parvln of the Durham division of the Southern railway for the man about 40 years ot age. A diligent search with bloodhounds was made for the fugitive.Jn the vicinity of Seneca, Kan., by the officers, but the posse returned with out locating the murderer. Sheriff Trude -' remained ' on the trail steadily and located Shumway near St. Joseph, Mo., but the criminal succeeded In eluding him on several occasion when near capture. LINCOLN, Sept. IT. (Special.) Shum way was lodged in the penitentiary here. He declined to discuss the . case. The county attorney of Oage county will In terview him tomorrow, after which the qourae of procedure will be decided on. CROWDS COMB TO t'ORN PALACIS Rain -Does Not Seem to ASTevt the Attendance. . MITCHELL, S. D., Sept. JT.-(8pecial.) With the slight rain which visited this section this morning not a large crowd was to see how much work he can get out of " ' ' . .w .1 J , 1 r lne ectlon tn, morning not a large crown was hi. r.AA ann.nn.i.nnn deaths of the three men killed In the head .exnected in Mitchell today for the Com The atreet commissioner la working a eoll"'on,cn " fu'he railway, near palace, but notwithstanding the unfavora- i. i ( bi, wca,ther, Z.400 people came in on ine OS II uiiv fM r-nixo 77 ,.,.- three special trains of the Milwaukee road RAILWAY CLERKS ON STRIKE from Sioux City. Murdo and Cairton. while the. Omaha road brought in 400 people from crew three times Its ordinary site, night and day, flushing and sweeping paved street. The city electrician and bis force are trying to inspect all temporary lllumlna- The mayor Is busy greeting old friends tlon" to " th,t the wlrln ,g not dner- F Two Hundred from Six Roads Toledo Demand Working; Agreement. at TOE YOUNG MEN'S STORE Separate Entrance' 1517 D.ujl.s St. . ,ii An , The young fellow is the faithful follower of fashion. He is always the first to notice a change and the first to adopt it. Our smart suits are accepted by young men as interpret. in their ideas of style. Our Fall Suits for these swell young Dressers are of smart fabrics and are cut and tailored with all the style that can be worked into a suit. It's the smaller details that put style into a young man's suit, and they have rPAl 1701 noi-eflll ntlsn4iAn " - -.u. viui uiicunuu. vui prices are certainly very reasonable ages to 22 years, 5f pr up to size 38, at , 312.50, S13.SO, 5315. OO up to $23.50 Boys' and Children's Clothes Iany compliments have ' been offered on the scope and style of this greatly enlarged display of Boys' and Little Men's Clothes. It will please us greatly to have your commendation . The Prices Range from $12.59 and n Down to $5.03 Every price and every suit guaranteed. Write for our illustrated cata logue; . Benson a: Thorne Co. Youttg Men and lioyf Clothing Department 1515-1517 DOUGLAS STRXET . . ... : TOLEDO. O., Sept. SI. Two hundred rail way clerks, representing six roads, struck today, demanding a working agreement with their employers. More than that number remained at their desks. An ef- j tort will be made to have freight handlers j and teamsters Join the ranks. various places on the line. The building held nearly a capacity audience. The palace will close tomorrow evening with a flnlnclal success. FOUR CRUISERS DROP ANCHOR Bqaadroa from - Asiatic Station Arrives at 8a.n Francisco and la Given Welcome. SAN FRANCISCO, Bept. r.-Thp cruiser squadron from the Asiatlo station, com prising the armored cruleiers West Vir ginia (flagship), Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Colorado, under command of Rear Admiral Dayton arrived here this morning several hours ahead of the expected time. DEATH RECORD. Prlneo Charles Gnatave. POT8DAM. Prussia, Sept. CT.-Prlnoe Charles Oustave von Thurn und Taxis, youngest son of the late Prince Maxlmllan of Thurn und Taxis and a lieutenant In the first regiment of Prussian foot guitrds. slipped on the stairs of the officers' mess of his regiment here today, fractured hla skull and died almost Immediately. The prince was born in 18S8. Mrs. Blanche Somers. Mrs. Blanche Seiners died at Chicago Priduy, September 27. She Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. F. Hamilton, 1030 South Thirtieth avenue, Omaha, ,and the funeral will be held from the residence of her parents Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. Provides Against Mlno Tires. ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. 8ept f7. (Spe cial.) The Union Paclflc Coal company, ap preciating the need of fire fighting devices of the serviceable sort, haa placed In the mines at Hanna. Rock Springs and Cum berland a powerful chemical fire engine, with a capacity of 160 gallons each. They are so made that one of the pair of eighty gallon tanks can be dlachsrged at a time, when It Is refilled, the other being dis charged meantime, through the same hose and noxxle. With a supply of chemicals at hand. It Is possible to keep up a continu ous light tor any length of time. As many of the workings extend some miles be yond the water supply and as fires are possible at any time, the wisdom of this protection is apparent, when It la known that one gallon of chemical, from these engines Is equal to forty gallons of water, and as very little steam Is evolved on Its two lots; on sale Saturday for 16.75 an 22.50 FALL MILLINERY Largs velvet and silk hats, Fluffy Ruffle styles, $5. values; on sale 53.98 LADIES' FALL COATS In all colors and many different styles. Full 60 In. long, $15 val ues; on sale Satur day at 59.98 o o Q O G O G G G O O O O O O O G O O OOOGOQOOOOGOOOoOGOOOOGOGOO( "hand Impact with the fire, Its usefulness Is doubly apparent. These ' machines were built on order, by ha American LaFrance Fire Engine company of Elmlra, N. Y., and are the. first of the kind to be used west of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. ' One of these engines was sampled at Rock Springs this week by extinguishing a large fire of boxes and barrels in an exposed place, but the fire was satisfactorily reduced to blackened embers In less than ninety seconds. Dismantling Sagar Factory. FREMONT. Neb.. Sept. .-8peclal.) It Is reported here that the machinery of the beet sugar factory at Leavitt la to be taken out and moved to Scott's Bluff. If tho litigation now pending concerning the plant results In favor of the bondholders, tt Is thought that the building Itself will also be moved to that point. This week a quantity of syrup, lett over from last sea son, was worked up. The removal of the factory probably will leave Leavltt with out any Inhabitants. There are only about ten famlllea living there now. . OU Foona In Wnto Well.. SHOSHONI. Wyo.. Sept. !7.-(8peclal. Considerable Interest Is being shown among local eM men by tl discovery ef quanti ties of en la a water well whlca was re cently drilled near tills tow a. ' the oil waa first encountered at a depth of about SOS feet, and kept Increasing In quantity to a depth ' of 90S feet,- at which depth a sufficient flew of water was encountered and drilling stopped. Samples of the oil mf I haver been taken away for alalysts. THE TOASTED SWEET Of tho Cornfield. The chief article of food of one of the most stalwart races of men the world has sver produced, (the American Indian) was "Indian Corn." The women ground it laboriously In hollowed atones and eooked It In a rude manner, but It, together with meat taken In the chase, sustained a race of muscular giants. Two or three hundred years of culti vation has resulted In a very superior grade of the Indian corn, and the food expert of the present day has produced therefrom, by skillful cooking, a food delicious beyond the comprehension of the past. In the growth of com there 1s a period when the kernels are plumped out with vegetable milk, most nutritious. As it slowly ripens, this hardens, and finally becomes almost flinty. The prob lem of the food expert was to cook ths magnificent food skillfully and pre sent Its merits In aa appetising way. Some have been kind enough to say that Elijah's Manna Is the choicest flavoured cereal food ever prepared. The reader can easily render sn Indi vidual opinion upon trial. Care should be observed to know the food has been kept from absorption of moisture from the air, else Its flavour is . reduced. Once opened the package should bo eewrely oiosed or the remain ing contents poured tnte a tin or earthen receptacle and kept covered, otherwise the food loees Its crlspness snd delicious flavour. ' Elijah's Manua Is made at the pure food factories of the Poet urn Co., Battle Creek. Mlvtv DANIEL MAY SJART SUITS Jnry Trial In Sign Cases Not to Sat isfaction of tho City Proaeentor. Delay In hearing the appeal In the cases against Morits Meyer and H. Elsie for maintaining sign In conflict with the ordinance recently passed by the city council may result In the filing ot a num ber of new complaints by City Prosecutor Daniel. The defendants have, demanded a jury trial, In district court and as the Jury will not report until October T the hearing will be delayed. Mr. Daniel as sert tt was the agreement that appeals should be tried at once before Judge Troup. With this understanding he consented to make these t wo complaints test cases and did not (lie against a number of other prop erty ownera who maintain sign In viola lion of the ordinance. . Friday John ' W. Battin, attorney for the defendant, announced they would demand Juries and the pity prosecutor declares If this Is don he will proceed to file more complaint without waiting for the ap pealed, cases to be tried. - j jueyer ana .ihjs were nneu to escn in police court and both carried their cases on appeal to the district court. bars, Cal, her daughter and a governess knocked down and kilted a peasant yester day near Auxerre, about a hundred miles from Paris. The chauffeur in trying to avoid the accident ditched the machine and its ocaupants were thrown out. Mrs. Graham was cut about the head and the governess had an arm broken, but Miss Graham and the chauffeur were not hurt. The party was brought to Paris today In an ambulance. Bridge Contract Terminated. BIOUX CITY. la., Sept. 17. The Great Northern railway and the Chicago, Bur lington tt Qulncy have notified the Combi nation Bridge company that the contract existing between the two Interests for the use of the combination bridge over the Missouri, river will be terminated on Oc tober L Beginning October 1 the roads will use the Northwestern' bridge. The Combination Bridge company will be left without a steam railroad for a tenant. A HIGH GRADE VARNISH AND STAIN COM SIN ID TROUBLE FOR THE POLICE One Bnnrh of Woo the Probation Olfl .errs Dodge la Kend In Sheeleytown. From the heart of Sheeleytown cornea a ray of comfort to the probation officer. It haa succeeded in passing one family feud along to other officers. More frequently the peace officers of the city find work for Mr. Bernstein and his assistants, but this time the shoe i on the other foot. Several days ago Officer Carver was called to South Twenty-fifth treet, where war was In progress between children of neigh bors, lie gave the families good advice and thought the matter would have an end. Friday morning tbe mother of one'of the families put In an appearance at the proba tion officer's room and asked for an officer to go to the scene ot the difficulty. She said the head of the 'families had taken up the fight where the children dropped tt and desired the officer to stop the trouble. "Thank heaven, we have reached the end of on disturbance," responded the clerk of the probation -office. "You will have to take your troubles to a policeman. W will deal with ths children, but with men and women we have no such relations." Tesns Fever In Cheyenne County. M'COOK. Nsb., Sept. 27.-(Bpectal.-In-speotor Dr. W. F. Jones of this city, of the United States bureau of animal industry, ran onto a case of genuine Texas fever In a herd of cattle In Cheyenne county, Kansas, yesterday, notwithstanding this point is 400 miles north of the quarantine line. Thirty-two head have already died and the owner ot the herd stand to loe many mora, a the dlsesse is fatal. Ths dlsesse at present Is confined to one herd. r If your chandeliers are tarnished, you can make them look like new, with a small can of j ap-a-lac. Use either GOLD, ALUMINUM or DEAD black, whichever color is best suited to the surroundings. 5APOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Flat era roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sspollo removes not only tbe dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restorcM tbo tiagtn to iLi'tr natural beauty. VL CM CIO.S AND DRUOGfT 2rs. Wlnslews Soothing Syrup . . . a . HI ... n .Wj I.IONS of MOTHERS f'jr thMr OIIII.lBEt Pas br 1111. 1 TI ' 1 1 1 T 1 1 ft DT17 I BWTHESitie CHILD. MOrTK.NSt!iGCMS.ALLA all PAIN i Cl'PKf WIND COLIC, ana It lh brat reman iur Vl n It tl Ji l& a . nni't 117 umnmnn iq ran t K N H t lie G rj M It. A LLA III oftaa pvory irf kind. Fn .d and Drnr Art. Jun smb. lae. fl-rial Niimlvo la. AS OU) VM WIU, YBJtT.D ULWiVY. I fnr ' If re. VL'in rwtnty.pvf cntR m home. ijantwl q AMUSEMENTS. AUPITORIU IYT Ellery's Great Italian Band ALL THIS WEEK, CLOSING BUN DAY NIGHT, SEW. 29th. SIXTtXN BEAUTIFUL COLORS. SIZES fAOM b4PlNT16AUy: Oft AU BV AU-flKJT CUSS WiHT.MABOWAM VCDRUOKAUM i&r8ubsT,TUTii Friday night will be WagnerGer man night. Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Prices,. 25c, 35c and 6O0 Mntor- Kills n Peasant. PARIS, Bept. 17. An automobile contain tn Mrs. Winiam Graham ot Banta Bar- Jap-a-Lac Headquarters and at best prices, at the Bhermaa ft McConnell Drus Store. pt. Jap-a-lac, any color ISc i,i pt. Jap-a-lac, any color S&e 1 pi. Jap-a-lac, any color c 1 qt., 76C; tt saL SI 96: 1 sal 12 W Bee us (or all kinds of paint and varnishes and brushes. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Corner ltth and Dodge Streets. OWL DRUS C9. Corner lOth and Harney Street. V avwl at 11 svsa a m v CWACWtOH PMONC 0OUC 494 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY 2:15 NOTE Curtain 8:15 sharp TONIGHT PRICES 10c, 25c. 60c. BOYD'S THEATEK THIS) ArTBBJOOT TOmOSTT Ksnrr B. Marrts Present ROSE STAHL In The Chorus Lady VOIOOE. V K A L y Onrtaia tonlfBt at o'olook. 8 INI) A V M A V O I Matin:. I lDlin THEATER niiuu TOBTIOm-T, niBAT and HATCBOIT THE CAT and THE FIDDLE. OmKAT TXICK PEOTAOI.a Sunday The Four Huntings BURWOOD aV.mZif" TODAY! & Eve. Al M) VA sas 1 rtie Great Powell, Cook and Miss Rothert, Fred Russell, Cummins Trio, Dsrr and Evans. Carl Q. Hicks. Pictures Bvala-s, tOe, SO. Beat ready week la advance. 1,003 ATS DAILY MAT 10c