10 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1907. Want - ads Advertisements tor tha want ad roliiuM will Ukri aatll IS m. for the evenla edition aad aatll a. m. Cash mast aeconi aaay all erar fur nanl ads aad advert laetur at will he arwrIM for I'm lO ti fat la flrat Insertion., Ratea apply ta either Tha Dally or Sanday Be. Always roaal als wards to a llae. ' Combinations of InltlaU or ambers rontl aa oaa word. CASH RATES FOR WAttT ADS. REUtLAH CLASSIFICATION Ona Insertion, per llae, 10 rents. Two or mora conaecstlve Insertions, per liar, U reals. Uarh Insertion mad oa odd durs, 10 rents per llae. fl.SO per lino per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Heath and Faaeral Notices, Cards of Thanks and Lade notices, T eeato per lino for ono edition, mornlni or even I a a; 8 rents a lino for each ad ditional edition. Bandar, 10 centa a line. No ad taken for less than SO rents. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION It loir advertisement la Inserted under any ono of tha elaaalacatloas give below, It will bo charged at the fol lowing ratesi Ono Insertion, 4 cents per llae threo to six eonsecntlva la aertloaa, 8 rents per line each Inser tion seven or mors consecutive In ertlons, S cents per lino each Inser tion BO rents per lino per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Aa-enta, Solicitors and Rales men. J OFFERED FOR SALE. t ows. Birds, Doti and Pets. Horse and Vehicles. Ponlttr and Egns. Furnltore. Typewriters and Sew las Machines. Pianos, Organs and Maalcal Instru ments. OFFERED FOR HENTl Famished Rooms. I'nfarnlshed Rooms. Housekeeping Roo . Boarding- aad IVooma. WANTED Tt BUT' Want Ads for Tha Deo mar at any of tho follownar dm atorea one Is "your corner draga-lst" -they are all branch ofltcea .t Tho Boa aad nr ad will bo Inserted Inst aa promptly and on the aama rates aa at tho mala ofllco In Tho Beo Balldlaa-, seventeenth and Farnam StreOts. Albach, W. C, 40th nd Farnaro. Beranek, 8. A.. 140 S. lOtu St. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. He n lion Pharmacy, Benson, NfD. Bemis Park Pharmacy, 33.1 and fuming. blake s Pharmacy, 2818 Sherman Ays. Caughlln. C. H.. th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military ATS. Conte, J. B., 81st Av. and Farnam. Crlssey Phatmacy, ?4lh and Lake. Cermak, Kmll, lS4-6 8. ICth St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2W2 Leavenworth. Foster Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. Mth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florencs, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, Win and Lake. Green's Poarmacy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1026 B. 1Mb Bt. Greenough. G. A., 1624 B. loth St. Hayden, Wm. C !9 Farnam Bt. Ilanscom Park Phar.. 161 6. 2th Ava, Hoist. John, 624 N. 16th Bt Huff, A. I,-2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. H. 8.. 22SS Farnam Bt. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th Bt. I.athroo, Chaa. K . 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L, E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer's Cut Pries Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. . Schaefer, August, M3 N. lth 8t. Schmidt. J. it.. 24th and Cuming Bts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, ?0tli and Grace Sta. Worth, O. H.. 40th and rfamUon Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES BCHLUETER. PHILIP September 2. 2:30 . a. m aged 63 years, 1 month ana nvs days. Funeral from the residence. 1921 South Els-hteenth street. Saturday. September 28, at 8:30 a. m., and at St. Joseph church. Seventeenth and Center street, at o clock, Interment St. Mary Magdalen cemetery Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. V .HMO Ilrlhs W. Anderaen, 1809 South Fourth street, boy; Aba Coltoff, 2428 South Beven- teeenth street, girl. n.,ili Charles Bowman. Douglas Count hospital, aged 37 years; Mrs. Lucile McKln- ney. Horence, sgea w years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Narta and Realdence. Age. Fred J. Mvera. Dea Moines, la m Mary F. Frase, Des Moines, 1 28 Wads Gorman, Omaha 24 Mrs. Beulah C. Williamson, umana si Henry W. Pierpont, Omaha 2ti Phoebe C. Smith, Omaha 26 ANNOUNCEMENTS M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1602 FARNAM BT. Classes now open. ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, General Orhce Practice. A1BO Preparatory for Civil Bervloe, College oisJ cheap to prompt buyer. W rits to Al protession. Day aad night sessions f phonse LeFrance, Rolla, N. D. A pro lei. D. 1070. 01)-M51I Olt) MISS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her dressmaking parlors, LC1J North 18th. You ara cordially In vited to call. (D-M7&S OS F. D. WEAD has moved ilia offloe to Wead Building, lath and Farnam Sis. (1) sag . -4 MORAND'S claasea In dancing for adult ar now open. Leasons, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. in. Entrance opp. Burwood theater. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. Private leasons. 1 SJi 4 THB CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlcs 4th and Leavenworth Sta.. Tel. Douglas 137. tu-ue MUSIC evsry svenlng. Hotel Roma.- . 1)-T5J SIGN PAINTING 4J. H. Cols. 1301 Douglas. 1)-11 THE FALlT TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open In both tha DAY and NIGHT sessions. Yet It Is not too lata to enter. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Te legraphy and English. The catalogue Is "' H. B, BOYLE. PRES. BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA. NEB. l-3 AUTOMOBILES END for eur list of second-hand automo biles. DEKIOHT. Ul Fasnaw. U-3u BARTER AND EXCHANGE .WANTED A practical ehoemaker to buy my businars In Tekamah, Neb.; price, llw); snap. li. W. Raver. ttj MJ7I 27x FOR BALE, or exchange, for good livery, ltfi acies of Iowa's richest corn and al falfa byltom land. For particulars ad aT bJ Mondauiln. Iowa. BARTER AND EXCHANGE CCominuanL. FOR EXCHANGE A fins up-to-date hard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1.0O0 Inhabitants; will Invoice about $4,000, Including fixtures This Is a good, paying proportion. Haa a good trade and In one of the best locations In town. Will consider part exchange, the balunce cash. Globe Land and Investment company. (3) M.ilS FOR EXCHANGE Stock of burgles, we gons and Implements, located Is a small Illinois town; will Invoice about ft. 710. Also house and 2 lota In same town. Price for real estate, $1,600; Invoice for stock. Will exchange for farm land In Iowa, Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. tf) M517 TO KXCHANOE-Und for automobile. 320 TWO. BOWLING ALLETB Brun.wlck acres, close to Dominion City. Manitoba. Balke-Collender for sale cheap. Address for White Steamer. 1906-S or 7 model. W. E. Gagan, Ltka. Neb. (4)-M9.11 O10 Land value, $.0 per acre. Bpirlt Lake. Ia. Lock Hot 4:81, (3) M366 Tlx TO EXCHANGE Land for automobile; 120 acres, twenty miles east of Winnipeg, for White "learner, 19n5-6 or 7 model. Iand value, 1.0 per acre. Ixck Box 438, Bpirlt Lake. Ia. (31-M365 27x FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE A well Im proved farm In Bucna Vista county, Iowa, of 180 acrea, for a good, clean hardware stock: can make terms. Address or cnll on before October 1, G. R. Morris, Sioux Rapids. Ia. (S M665 2x BUSINESS CHANCES THE GIIEEN MOUNTAIN GOLD -MINING AND MILL ING COMPANY INVEST YOUtt MONEY WITH US. OUR MINE WILL BE A DIVDEND PAYER AS SOON AS A STAMP MILL IS INSTALLED, AND ONLY ENOUGH ""TREASURY STOCK WILL BE SOLD TO INSTALL A STAMP MILL. We have1 an Immense body of rich oVe, more than can be worked In a llloiime, our mine has been under development for nearly five years, and Is located In the fa mous Tyson gold camp, the richest gold district In Idaho; our mine Is being work ed every day, and Is under good manage ment; our capitalization is small; there Is no personal slock for sale at any price; we have placed 60,000 shares of treasury stock with the Omaha Finance Co.. 212 New York Life Bldg., to be sold at 30c per share, who will give you full Informa tion by writing or calling at their office; no certificate Issued for leas than 100 shares. (4 M628 3x GOOD CHANCE TO MAKE FORTUNE IN ALASKA. I havs nine very good claims that I want developed, any one oi wntcn snouiu make a mine by their showing were they developed. I want 110,000 to make mines fit this property. I couid give them the Guckenhelms for a song if I would and lot .them grab this portion of Alaska, the same as they have the Yukon. I ask the public those wish ing to make money. Particulars, riva claims upon Hawkins" island, three upon Hump Back creek, one at the head of Cordova bay, all within two miles of tidewater and In the new copper belt of Prince Willlum sound. Assays 1 and S per cent surface rock. David C. Kippt:n, Cordova, Alaska. Reference: Hon. Lee Van Slyke, U. S. Commlssioiecr. (4) M368 Oct lx READ Are you looking for a farm, business or Investment? We havs General merchandise stocks of all sizes. Shoe stocks. Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurant. Booming house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms and ranches. Call and Sea , JACOBSON & CO., (36 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) M1B0 Octi: BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, general merchandise store with meat market In connection, at Dwlght, N. D. This is an old-established business In the heart of the Red River valley. A large crop Just now being threshed around here. -Hock invoices about 112,000, turning over more than $36,000 per year. Any one looking for a good business and money maker, answer quick. Address O. H. Fnswold, Dwlght, N. D. (4) M379 27x FALLON, NEVADA, business- opportuni ties. Have a nice wholesale liquor busi ness with agency for SchllU beer, and also for some popular cigars, established at Fallon, Nev.; want a hustling part ner as manager with $5,000. Business with the new growing mining campa Is Increasing rapidly. Grand opportunity to make big money. Address Nevad Distillers & Brewera Co., Fallon, Nev, (1) M608 30x EXCLUSIVE MINING STOCK BROK ERS. Mining stocks bought and sold.x All orders quickly executed. List your stock with NEUSXADTL & DAVIDOV. Authorities on Mining Stocks. Tel. Red 1294. 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (4)-MWl Oct. 18 FOR SALE Stock in well-establishel local corporations, needing more capital from growth of business. 8 per cent annual dividends guaranteed on preferred stock; common stock earning 20 per cent. Writs i:r see. John S. Bishop, 6il Burr block, Lincoln. Neb. t4)-M386 27x BUTCHER shop for sale; I want to sell n.y up-to-date meat market, everything In first-class shape, good paying business; reason for selling, old age. Address Y Id, cars Bts. (4J M.4SI3 30x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSENES8 CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M CAGUK BUILDING; BTH AND DODGE STS. (4-2u6 FOR SALE Hotel furniture and buainess; equipment new; with or without bur; 7a miles from Chicago; three leading rail roads. Address Fred A. Wlrlck. Bochelle, 111. , (4) M3S3 2SX FOR SALE: Livery barn and rolling stock. If desired. In lively county seat In North Dakota; also one quarter sec tion of land In same county; will sell (,i IJC13X FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred; 2 rail roads; am going Into other wuajnesa. Will sell building and furiii:n ,r fur niture alone and rent buUding. Hotel Vi block from depot. If looking for a ant? get buay. Address Y 173. Bee. (4)-M6U RESTAURANT for sale cheap, way. Council Bluffs, ,1a- 633 Broad 4 7Mx RAPIDLY ADVANCING STOCK in a sub stantial corporation; $l or mora may be Invested. Address H 212, Bee. (41-646 28 OWING to the condition of my health I offer my lumber and coal buslneaa for aale. II. I. Converse, Shickley, Neb. (41-M375 DRUG STORES An v where, any Plica, Write or see us for bargains. Denvsr Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver, I'OIO. 14) M3S0 uzvx FOR BALE Pioneer restaurant, Hastings; good location for rigiit party. Tibbe, Morey & Fuller, Hastings. Neb. (4 M27S Oct7x ROOMING HOUSE; must be sold; finest lo cation In city, loll Chicago St. (4I-M917 29x FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream business; have small fountain; gas light system, r . A. Bryan, Manning, la. i4 M44 03x IF YOU have money. that you want to ln Vest where It will bring a big Income answer thia adv. Addresa U z.B. Bee. (4) MierT Oct3x WE have a bargain in a rooming house; good location, sea Bmltb aV Linton, Mc Cagus bldg. (4) 342J6X THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 30.000 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A. Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. (4 M64! OUx FOR SALE An old-eatabliehed bakery In town of l.Soo population. For particulars writs D. B. Becrlat, Burlingama, Kan. (U-Uail 2Tx NO PUBLICITY in selling your business C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg , OmiH (41-1M BJS fReni Your Rooms To Ak-Sixr-Ben VisTtorsl II i H I Advertise BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) U K IJft nE.,1 1 1 IM 1,1.1.1111 liuict, brick and atone construction, three stories and basement, modern equipment, vis: Steam heated, plumbing, bath and wash bowls, electric lighted throughout; not furnished; in Friend, Neb.; the only hotel In the city. Would cost $36.0ti0 to build to rt ay. Will sell It for about one-third Ha value, owing to Its having been taken on a mortgage foreclosure. Rent, ll'W per month; possession November 1. J. B. Mayo, 125 Michigan Ave., Chicago, owner, or Hon. Wm. Burke, Friend, Neb. (4)-M930 Oct3x ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee, Ia., has farm lands and town property for sale or trade. Write what you have and want. (4)-M284 Octlx WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent of 16,000 or Ib,0u0. You can make same or mora at no ex prnss to yourself. Address L 62. Bee. 4-M27! FOR SALE A good J-chalr barber shop. W. A. Plelstick, Hastings, Neb. (4) M669 27X NEBRASKA 13.600 practice for sale for price of office outfit. Address Y-2. cars Bee. (4) M626 OUx WEJ.L established blacksmith shop; good trade; a bargain. R. W, Hopkins, B.jr wyn. Neb. (4) M519 02x SOMETHING GOOD. ' $50 to $150 a week in your locality selling stock In a Nevada 'Gold Mining company that ta a winner. Bit tiling for the In vestor and for party Jo sells It. In vestigate this. For partuclara, address S 13S, Bee. T (4)-630 E30 LOOK! For sale, 1 first-class lumber yards; good location and splendid business; E. Kansas and W. Missouri; prices right; I also have some splendid stocks of merchandise and farms and ranches for sale; will be glad to tell you of them, r rank Gee, Lawrence, Kan. (4) M742 2x LUMBER YARD for sale. In eastern Ne braska, doing good business; good reason for selling; close Investigation Invited. Address S 270, care Bee. (4) M762 2x WANTED First-class moving plot ture mi-ffs.V- chine. New theater. Council Bluffs. (4) M763 2Sx FOR SALE Modern Job printing office, good condition, 1750; write for Inventory. Box 487, Lincoln, Neb. (4) M76I D2x rRl'O STORE for sale; the only drug store In good northwest Iowa town; a money-maker; will Invoice about 13,600; only those wth cash considered. Ad dress Y C, Bee. (4) M138 Oct. 2 BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest In the state outside of Lincoln and Omaha. Easy terms. Senl for description. Red Cloud Real Estate Co., Red Cloud, Neb. (4) M966 06x ALL KINDS of mining and oil stock bought and sold according to their valuo. Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) M143 Oct I HAVE the best drug store proposition In Iowa for sale. I mean business. Drop card for full particulars. C. E. Merta, owner, Gray, Ia. (4) M696 30x LUNCH ROOM AND LODGING ROOMS. $400. Write R. Bain, Winters. Ia. (41-M70B Olx ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE. Very close In and desirable. Act promptly If interested. Price, $70 House has ten rooms and ail modern. J. H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIFE. (4)-M516 28 FOR BALE Confectionery store, on good business corner. Corner Meridian and Pioneer Ave., Puyallup, Wash. (4 M613 SOx FOR BALE Grocery and meat market; best location in umana; established nearly sixteen years; will sell at Invoice. C. W. Shrader, 26th and Blondo. (14) M765 Oz BARBER SHOP for sale: only shop. Ad dress, Baroer, Homers, lowa. (41-MJ77 28x RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second floor; no posts; suxw; mng tease, a. Q. Ritchie, 220 S. 15th St.. Omaha. (4) ff,8 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. , (O $ CIGAR and stationery store In South Omaha; worth $500. will take $200. Call 1011 Farnam St. (4) 686 28 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C. DRUSEDOW CO.. STOCK BROKERS, go New York Ufa Building. Tel. Doug. 3666. , Omaha, Neb, t4 2US F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building, 18th and Farnam Sts. i (4) 657 TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL see "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL. 82Z N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. (4)-207 FOR SALE 2.000 shares Wellington Devel opment Co. stock. What am l onereaT This stock now selling at 50 cents. Ad dress P 2C9, care Bee. (41739 ROOM I NO houses for sale, all sizes.. Gan- gestad, 4C3 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3149. (41-735 A well established manufacturing corpora tlon doing a nrst-class business and pay Ins good dividends for past eight years. on account of some changes Is in need of a general manager with some capital Address W 322. care Bee. (4)-7t6 28 FOR BALE Express and baggage business. Including horses and wagons, in umana; doing large buslneaa. Address A 273. care Be. (4) 774 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aactloaeers. SALES made on mdse., Jewelry, household Soods, live siock, isrm impirmenis, cut oth A Tyrell. 1212 Douglas, Omaha. (5) 210 BarlMrra. EXPERT shaving end halrcuttlng. 301 1 N, X8th. lo) 783 Oi CaataMrtlal Artiste. H. O. BUNNELL CO., Doug. 614. 821 N. T. Life. (6) M Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice creamery w, uiuu . () 214 Carpet Cleaning. BANITAKT Cleaning C0.. 1911 Farnam. ( ill Chattel Loans. Chaa. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (6) M92e China ralatlna-. OIL AND CHINA PAINTING Class les sons until Oct. I, 60c. Figure painting a specialty. Mrs. Ethel Volz, 22J7 Dodge. Phone Taylor 424. (5)-M44iO ChlmpadUt. DR- ROT, R. 1 1608 Farnam Bt. Doug. Jt7. riorlsts. HESS hWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (5) 211 L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. Tel. D. IS J H. BATH. 162S Harney. Tel. Doug. 1000. (&-M4tf Them in BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued. - Dreaamaklaia;. IN FAMILIES-Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. MME. WOODRUFF, 123 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas uliu. to) M! uci.i REDFERN school. R 20. Douglus Blk. Tel. Doug. 4684. (&1-M472 M'DOWELL Dressmaking Sch3o!, lt'3 Far. nam Bt. id)-zi3 Mrs. Broach, 2722 Farnam., Tel. Harney (5) M693 Oct24x 636. Dentists. BAILEY oV MACH, Id fir. Paxton. D. 10'S. Go Carta. GO-CART Tires. Lawrence, 2T03 Leaveu (6) MriSl Oct) worth street. Hotels. THE 8CHILTZ, European, 16th and Harmty ' ib) ills THE KARMA European. 1722 Cap. Ave. (5)-776 2x Locksmiths. KEYS, etc Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. (5 222 2874. Mllllaerr. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; nat. reamers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leoln Popper, 628 B. 2Sth St. 'Phone Harney 3M8. (8) 519 014 OAes) Sappllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and onice nxtures and sup plieJ of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 806 South 18th Bt. Tel. Dourlas 6oG2. (6 MH20 Oct4 Osteopathy. JOHNSON1 INS.. 418 N. Y. L, Tel. D. 1664. (5) 223 DRS. RINOLER, SOS Neville block. Phone Red 64ttl. 6) MUY B oOX Fhntoa-ra patera. C. 13. TRUSSELL. lit South 16th Bt. (6-224 Shoe Repairing:. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618V4 Capitol Avs. 'Phone Red 994 . (E)-227 Printing;. OUT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, oall and see our new imported calendars for 1808. Lyngstad & Jarve, 16th and Capitol Ave. (5) 25 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watoh, clock, Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel.. 4367. (5)-ftl Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty o( fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. :S)-22 I CENTS every day, ladles or gents. 211 8. istn. a eis ot Storage' it 1403' Harriet BTORAGE HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1801 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; able Instructors. Complete shorthand and business courso and preparatory fee. civil service, coiiese or a profession. Day gnd night seaslons. Tel. D. 1070. . (7)-M512 O10 WANT stenographer and office woman. AtF- dress C 274, care Bee., (7) 7 27X Factory and Tradea. WANTED Women tor hand lroners and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson Bt. (7)-M540 Honsekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Girl for genera! housework In family of three, where second girl Is kepV; good wages. Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal, 1043 6. 30th Ava. . . (7)-M166 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; have laundress; Mrs. Tolf Hansen. 8402 Lincoln boulevard. Tel. Har ney 1516. (7 180 WANTED Good gtrl for general house work. Byron R. Hastings, 3616 Dodge St (7J-M798 COMPETENT GIRL tor general house work. Mrs. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 8723. (7)-M113 WANTED Competent ' girl for genera' housework. Mrs. Charles Crary, 1180 S. 30th Ave. 'Phone Harney 385. (7)-M948 2 . RELIABLE GIRL for general housework. Apply at once at 3019 Pacific St.. after 4 O CIOCK. or leiepuone xiu.ri.ey oo;. r (7)-M934 2x WANTEI-ExprtencJ trl for general hnuHAwnrk. mall family, no w a hi UK, Kcssit ivaorAM. Annlv 2fat1 I nrisTA fit. " Y71-57S WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, $35. Canadian office, luth and Dodge. CAPABLE girl for general work. Two in family. 24d0 Bt. Mary's Ave. (7) M3S8 WANTED A cook and children's nurse. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 178. (7)-408 WANTED Girl for chambermaid; country girl preferred; good character required; ticket furnished. Perkins Hotel, David City. Neb. (7)-40 27x GIRL wanted for general housework; snu.l family; modern conveniences; good pay. Inquire 805 New York Llfe (7) 410 COMPETENT girl for housework; no wash Ing. 3315 Burt St. (7) -M412 2ax BEST Inducements offered first class girl. 'Phone Harney 2043. , (7) M4tt WANTED Colored chambermaid at once. 'IHi Douglas. (7) MS33 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 213 Davenport. (7-M632 30x FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping; also man room. Jt ana 40. 04- wium tun avenue (15) 64i 2bx WANTED Good reliable girl for general housework; good wages paid. Apply at TO Park street. (7) 643 26 WANTED Thoroughly experienced maid fot general housework. Telephone before noon. Harney or call at 3f4 Wool- worth Ave. (7) 648 20 WANTED Good girl for general house work; three In family; wages $0; for par ticulars call at 214 8. 19th St. (7)-Mua6 WANTED Girl for general housework; laundresi; $6 per week. 1248 8. Tth Ave. (7)-MK2 1 WANTED Experienced house maid. Mrs Merrtman, 1W2 Blnney. Tel. Webster 2S. (7 M700 27 WANTED Girl for general housework; good home, steady place and good wages. Apply at ones at 2615 C street. South Omaha. (7)-M712 27 GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Ja- qullh, 3017 Spencer. (7-7l7 17 TKe BEE I BaOSn HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd WANTEI-Good girl, must be good cook; Kohonilnn or (lerman nreferretl: three In familv: no children; good wages. Apply 1Y70 Pacific St. Tel. Harney i51P. (7) 7!9 29 Miscellaneous. GIRL to operate shirt machine. Dalhart Steam Laundry Co., Dalhart, Tex. T M369 27n LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; easily learned; $1.60 to $2 00 a dozen. 60S Paxton Blk. (7) MS26 30 WANTED Yoing lady pianist. Apply Brundcls Music Dept. (7) 726 27 WANTED Experienced alteration 4vomen. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Seoneld Cloak and Suit Co.. 1510 Douglas. (71732 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No rnnvaing. National Dint. Hu reau, Chicago, 111. (7) M919 Oct3x WANTED Nice young lady desirous of traveling through the west, nt least one year, with fine people; no trlflers; refer ences exchanged; work photographic; no experience necessary; must be willing worker; salapr small; everv expense paid. Address 134. 8. Gould St. Fherldan. Wvo. (71 M746 30x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. SOMETHING GOOD. $50 to $1F0 a week in your locality selling stock In Nevada Gold Mining company that in a winner. Big thing for the In vestor and cr party who sells It. In vestigate this. For particulars, address 8 135. Bee. (9)- I'.H 830 OMAHA WHOLESALE HOUSE wants re sponslble salesman, to sell perishable goods from wagon to retail dealers. One having had experience on delivery wagon in meat or grocery business preferred. Address in own handwriting, stating ex perience, age and salary wanted. Ad dress E 276. Bee. (9) M946 29x ARE you out of workT Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1S19 Howard St. ' (9)-125 Clerical and Office. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1S02. FARNAM ST. . Classes now open; ame Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, collego or a profession Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (9) M614 O10 WANTED Clerks, both men and boys, In railroad office. Address P. B. Southard, A. P. A.. V. P. R. R., 4th floor. Pacific Express Co. Bldg.. 14th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. (9) M837 octl WANTED Capable stenographer or combi nation office man experienced In live stock commission; good pay and perma nent place to right party. Answer, Quick, care Bee office, South Omaha. (9)-722 29 WANTED A bright v-oy, over 18 years, to hold copy for proofreader. Call at Bee composing room. , , (s94 GOOD boys wanted, first class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 Bo. 13th St. (9) MS68 WANTED Bright, Intelligent office boy; one willing to work and anxious to learn. McCord-Brady Co., 13th and Leavenworth. (9) M683 27 Boys. BOYS, to deliver packages, with or without wheel. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9)-M91Sl Factory and Tradea. WANTED First-class coatmaker at ones; good wages; steady work. J. Dyaung, Merchant Tailor, Hudson, Wla. (9) M349 27X WANTED At once, one coatmaker and . one bushelman; good pay; steady Job. P. E. Fugelll, Tailor, Lander, Wyo. (9) M348 '7x WANTED A platen pressman; steady work; unless thoroughly competent don't apply. Deltch St Lamar Co.. Sioux City, Ia. (9J M747 28 WANTED Good, sober barber; $18 per week guaranteed. Fred Cooper, Edge mont, S. D. (9) M368 Oct4x WANTED Operator for shirt machine; starcher; ladles' clothes lroner and fin isher; none but competent workers wanted, to whom good wages will ba fiald. Addrers, inclosing references, Dal iart Laundry Co., Dalhart, Texas. (9) M361 27x TWO TAILORS wanted. MaryvlUe, Mo. Diets A Keck, () M455 S-x WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. II. E. Vlstuba, Stelnauer, Neb. (9) M924 Oct26 CYLINDER PRESSFEEDER, steady job, nine-hours, $12, transportation; wire J. G. Jessup, Clay Center, Neb. (9) M923 29 WANTED A first class carriage painter, at ni.ee. Write J. R. Lamb, 114 W. 6th St., York. Neb. (91-M921 29x WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod: make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. (9)-315 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-231 WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $25 per week. C. A. Tucker. Lincoln, Neb. (91-189 WANTED A flrst-clasa barber, single, $18 per week guaranteed. Address Ernest Bimden, Rawlins. Wyo. (9) M49 30x WANTED First-class barber; no boozer need apply; guarantee $15 per week, or 60 per cent. Address John Stack, Huron, S. D. (9) M593 Oox WANTED A printer at once; steady po sition. Slate salary. Journal, New Salem, N. D. (9)-M6U SOx FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH wanted: also a good wagonmaker. Gilbert Bros., Atchison, Kan. (!) M664 Olx COATMAKER wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecrants, Tioldregc, Neb. (9) M667 06x WANTED Tullors to work in alteration department. Will pay good wages. O. K. Scotleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. (9)-731 .Miscellaneous. 6OUND young men. aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen du.ing rush sea son on leading railroads hers, in the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, 1100 monthly, become engineers, $.200; brake men, lion monthly, become conductors, $1V; many positions now open: write at ones for particulars. National Railway Training avscciulion. O-'O Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. (9 415 nets WANTED Immediately, by Omaha whole sale house, traveling salesman for Ne braska, south of the Platte river; one acquainted with meat, restaurant and hotel trade preferred. Address In own handwriting, stating age, experience, and salary wsnted. Address F 277, Be! (9)-M945 29x WANTE1-Experienced Installment house investigators and tracers. Apply by let ter. K. Thomas, general delivery. Omaha, Neb. 19) M914 jx WANTED Competent salary or ctiatt.-l loan man for new orllce about to be opened In Omaha by an eastern party with plenty of capital to place It In the front of any now operating here. Ad dress general delivery, E. Thomas, city, ;i M913 &x WANTED One first class buainess getter for each state, good money for right party, repiewnt NeTiraHka corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Addreka B 170, cars Beo. () Ut HELP WANTEDMALE Mlacellaaooas CvaitlaassL WANTED Experienced polisher; must he an all around laundry man. Btar Laundry, Olymria, Wash. (i M749 2x WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN., INC., 7'.'l-723 New York Life Whig. Hours. 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. IrfMlger clerk. $. Bookkeeper., $100. Bookkeeper, $75. Stenographer, $75. Stenographer, $"5. Office clerk. $. t retail clerks, 1 grocery and 1 genl. mdse., $75. (91-M940 27 WANT Railway rr.all clerks, $18 weekly; examination soon; prej.aratlon free until appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. ( M2.I8 SOx WANTED A first-class soda water dis penser; one willing to work In ba!rry and confectionery; good wages; steady ' work. Apply J. E. Miller, Leadville. Colo. (8)-M273 2(Jx WANTED A good slaughter house rtMn at once. K. A. Crockett, I'lainview, N-b. (9) M350 SOx DRUO CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Increased snlaries. Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9I-M3S4 02)x FREE Employmeht Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men And positions. Call R42 New York Life Bldg. (9l-XI9'-6 Oct26 YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of I Jiw. Evening sessions only. Further information, address Secre tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. Ml. (91-M547 SepUO WANTED Two laborers; steady work and good wages. Apply at once to Jay Lav erty, Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. (91-M711 27 WANTED Competent furnace men. 123 So. Main Bt., Council Bluffs, Ia. (9)-M707 W A NTED The First National bank of Omahat offering opnort unit les of ranld advancement and paying liberal salaries, wishes to secure hoys of about 46 years of ago for mail department. 9) 737 WANTED Expert Ice cream maker, who understands fancy cake making. Ad dress Mrs. Wachter, 31 N. th St., St. Joseph. Mo. (9) M741 2x CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. 1 Stenographer fWV 1 Stenographer $75. 1 Boy, office work $3S. Call as early ns possible Friday. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 404-5 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-793 26 WANT man to work real estate. Addresa B 572, care Bee. (91794 27x WANTED A bushelman. Apply clothing depsrtment, Nebraska Clothing Co. (9)-776 28 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE . r Horses and Vehicles, ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-6J RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (11) M103 l SPAN nice drivers, 2,100 lbs., 5 and 6 years old; one work mare, 1,600 lbs.; one work mare, 1,250 lbs. 'Mvt Maple St. TeU Webster 2539. (1D-M446 24x NOW Is the time to buy your driving horse or single wagon horse, as we are making room for heavy horses. Have several fine single drivers for ladies; 6 or 8 extra good single wagon horses; have some good cheap farm teams. Omaha Horse & Supply Co., Rear 414 N. 16th St. Ui-M713 STANDARD BRED GELDING, 6 years old, stylish and speedy; absolutely sound. 706 S. 19th St. 'Phone Red 4945. (11) M950 29 WE are 'selling delivery wagons teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bts. ; . OD-237 Horses bought and sold. Myers. 1114 Doug. (11) 269 OlS FAMILY horse and buggy for sale. Tel. Red 6047. GD-648 26 FOR SALE Two good, big teams; one harness; one 1H and one Shi wagon; one S4. 2825 Charles St. (1D-M674 lx $125 buys a nice, gentle driving horse, run about and harness; horse is 7 years old, coming 8; perfectly sound and a good trav eler and la worth all of $150 alone to any body In need of him; weight about 1,000 lbs. No horse dealer need apply. M. B. KENDIS, OWNER, S41 Paxton Block. (11)-791 29 Ponltry and Eggs. FOR SALE One hundred head of Homer pigeons; will give a bargain; they are pure bloods and best quality. Apply B. -w, Cooke, Kimball, Nebraska. (11) M693 27 - GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (ID M775 Oi Cows, Birds, Doajs and Pet3. ' FINE fox terrier puppy. 190 Webster. ai)-M598 03X COWS for sals. 49th and Hamilton rU. (11) M74I2X FOR BALE Bargains In pure bred collie bitches and stud dogs; strictly up-to-date, working stock. R. M. Dodds. Mankato, Minn. , (11) M933 3x BLUE EYED, white Angora kittens, $10. Will Crawford, Knpxville, Ia. (ID M930 3x LOST AND FOUND 3. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. 21th. Tel. Webster 3-16. (12)-Mii58 04 LOST Dun horse with single harness. Re turn to W. H. Simpion, 1V miles weat of Benson. 'Phone Jbunsjn 4132. (12)-37 LOST Watch charm with E. A. F. on back. Return to E. A. Force, Rome Hotel, for reward. LOST On 16th or. Farnam Bts., between Masonic temple and Puxton hotel, Ma sonic Jewel, square and compasses with hanging bars. Finder please return to Francis E. White, grand secretary. Ma sonic temple. (12) M916 27 x LOST Strayed from 49th and Center Sta., one sorrel mare, 1,000 lbs., 10 years old. strap on left front ankle, with chain at tached. Finder please telephone C. W. Eckerman. Harney 1688. (121-M943 27 LOST Wednesday evening on way to Ben son, black pocket book. Reward for re turn to 1810 Cuming street. Tel. Red 5465. Cli)-7TJ J!lix MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from businoss. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. (13) -243 ANY poor gtrl In need of a friend call or writs -to tha matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at SS24 N. 2(th Kt.. Omaha. Neb. U2)-MIui BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Naive Food Pills," $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman tt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ' 03) 2t3 FREE medical and aurgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dv. snport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by collet; professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (ID 12 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AXD CUATTFll, Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tups. You get money same dey asked for at small cost Open evenings till . (!-' MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and othera without eecurlly; eaay pay meats. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man. room 714 New fork Ufa Bldg- (14) 31 MONEY TO LOAN Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN 8 A LI ..M , 1 . , K. 1 t , Thst la lust what we are having. W HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and muat loan It Out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you are assured of g fair square deal from start to finish. AS IX) W RAT Ed aa can be made by anj firm. ALL THE TIM R necessary for you t "get on your feet" In case of sickneal or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. lbth Street Entrance. (14)-M714 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duft Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. ' (14)-2bl UNION LOAN CO. We will make a special low rata on rol Cll" rsjny ft lateral loans, mortgages on personal prs; criy inn notes, wnnoui security. Terms suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 810 Bee Bldg, (14J. M154 Oct. FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THBJ PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 63S Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 7.5. (14) 364) CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. 0)-$ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aecom . modatlng, all buslneaa confidential, not Douglas. (14TJ-I4I LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. 14)-M63 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. i $40.00-610 No. 24th Bt., South Omaha; six room apartment In new "Bcargo" building. All moder' convent nces, including hoi water in lk. hen and bath. Hall Die tributer Co17 Flrat Natl Bank Bldg. Phirie Red 06. (16) M618 STEAM-HEATED flat, modern. 220 'n. 23d, (16) taiM MODERN, 8-room brick flat. No. 3009 Pa. clilo St. $40 per month; best resldenc district In city. 'Phone Harney 32)18. M. Kollner, Owner. (16) 78 Boarding; aad Rooms. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam tt&)-4 WANTED to 8 respectable young men to room and board In private family. 2527 Davenport. (16) 661 Sue VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe, (15)266 BTRICTLY modern furnished rooms; hom i cooking. Red 3568. 2217 Howard. , (15)-691 OctBx FIRST-CLASS board and room. 508 So. 2ltt Ave. (15) 779 035 PLEA8ANT suite for three young rrten oi women who wish private, homelike quar ters at reasonable rate; choice location! modern; breakfuats and dinners. 6L7 Park avenue. , (16) 771 z9x Famished Rooms. FOR RENT Two rurnlshed rooms. ' 411 Hamilton St. (16)-834 FIVE furnished front rooms for carnival, transient; take Harney car to Callfornli St. and go one block east. (24 N. 23d, 'Phone Douglas 4580. (15) M629 07x DESIRABLE front room. 628 S. 17th Ava' (16) 566 28x N FURNISHED ROOM Very desirable, refer ence required. 640 South 24th St. (16)-M$) Oct20 FURNISHED ROOMS, walking distance, , private family; transients during Ak-Sar ' Ben. 2830 Cap. Ave. Tel. Harney 86S9. ' (15) 721 lx ALL MODERN furnished room for gen ; tleman, $10. Tel. Harney 3876. 2659 Dodge. ' (16) 733 128 8. 2ETH St., large east front room. suit. 5m. suit able for three gentlemen; house modern: roomy porches, large, lawn. (15) I WILL share my room during Ak-8ar-Be with a refined young man; neighborhood 1 17th and Caas. Address K 204, Bee. (15) M630 7x FOR RENT Furnished room. 1617 Dodga St. (16)-tll -tx ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 718 South 29th street. (16) 336 28x PLEASANT south room, new house, quiet, close In. Tel. Douglas 3632. (15)-M407 SOx FINE rooms, walking distance, private family, transients during Ak-Ssr-Ben week. 308 N. 22d St OS) M424 28x FURNISHED rooms, on car line, t6 Ak-Bar-Ben visitors. 1647 N. 17th. (16)-M90 29x J- FOR RENT Nlcely-fumlshed room, suit able for two, steam heat and privilege of bath; near high school. -216 North 23d St. (16)-M910tx NEWLY furnished, strictly modern front room; furnace heat. 641 8. 24th Ave. (16)-M936 AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS! Do You Want a RoomT Don't waste valuable time. Come and see us. OMAHA RENTAL CO., Tel. Doug. 3081. 608 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16 M928 27 NICELY furnished rooms. 656 8. 25th Ave. (16) 327 S26X FURNISHED rooms. Secure your rooms in advance for Ak-Sar-Ben from Smith & Linton, McCague Bldg. Doug. 695. (15) M439 28x CLEAN furnished rooms; house modern; rent reabonable. 207 8. 24th St. Tel. Locust 7191 (16)-M469 2bx BEAUTIFUL lage front and other rooms; bay window; clean; best references. 614 N. 23d. (15) M4t9 SSx FOR RENT Front room, modern fist, hest, electric light, gas, bath and telephone, to gentlemen. 222 N. 24th. (15)-64ri 2Sx ROOMS-AU kinds: board if dealred. 1604 North 20th. 'Phone Webster 4071. (16)-M 769 SOx AK-SAR-BEN visitors ran secure first class rooms by addressing 614 N, 23d. (16)-M684 1 PLEASANT furnished room; modern house) references required. 2701 Woolworth Ava, , (15)-M(i81 26x FRONT room; $0. 637 8. 26th Avs. . (16) M 703 Olx HIGH CLASS furnished rooms in new house; hot wster heat, gas, electrlo light and telephone; neighborhood and loca tion of the best; board if desired. MH Bouth 26th Avs. (15)-M713 61 X FURNISHED room for gentleman. Sll North 18th. (161-M703 Olx BEAUTIFUL room, in smsll family, mod ern and first clsss. 2822 Davenport. (15) 782 S A DELIGHTFUL honu for 1 people; front room, beautifully furnished; best bom r table, strictly private, everything first ' class, best location. 'Phone Red 7564. P 416)-7b0 2x I NICELY furnished rooms. In Btrlctly mod ern Mat. Tel. Douglas 7515. (16) 777 29 ' FRONT room and alcove dumg the Ak-Sar-Ben to man and wife or two ladina. 2670 Farnam street. (15) 771 2 L'afaralshed Roams. ONE elegant unfurnlahed room, strictly modern. 633 Park Av. (Uq 7S1 80x THREE light housekeeping rooms to couple with no children. ;16 Farnam St. (15-M12 2 TWO rooms. 1120 N. 17th Bt. Q6)-7S4 " Fnrnlahed Haaaas aVa Via ta. ELEGANTLY furniahed home. rooms. Small family without children. Wake field, 1911 Georgia avenue. (laj-768 ax . When you have anything to advertise i ' member It only takes a stroke or t T of the pen to mention tha fact that you saw lbs Sd in ins 4 il ) -4 1