1.1 ' V t 1 TOB r OMAHA' DAILY; i3fcE: WEDXEPAU SEPTEMBER 25, 1007. 9 CRAIN AND PRODUCE ilAKhLl i i ' ' Opening ii Weak, with Cablei Cominj StiliWeaW. CONTtlTOED j .t 4 ,;. . ". earn Try tn "ell Market Dowi, bat Little Long,. Grain Comes Oat'' and "S- lloJdlng .' Art; sia4t. ; " OMAHA, Sept. 24". 1W. f ... . . ...... W..L with rl- .'ii; ii ui f . i . , , , n " - " - .... Din 'imin( weaker and liquidation con tlnues. V V '' 'J Ths bAr factor Is trying to sell tha Jur ket down, but very little tnng grain erne out prices- Are' UoldiTig aieaay wi - Ziada lower. v-.'j- " '"'T.i Wheat opened k and lower, wlM heavy litfuldatinn and Weak cables. Little Ion wheat fiitin out and prices firmed up with some strength shown In corn. September wheat opened at 89c and closed Hi t8e. J . . Corn opened lowes; on good weather re pr.it . .heavy receipts ahd weak cables. Host long stuff was out and with soma good buying ltrr AUtumarket took on a firmer tone. September Corn opened at Uic and closed at 65c. OsJ held fairly steady, but there was some decided selling by cash houses, owing to the Increased! toceipl.- September oats opened at 6c and sold at 50V4C. . Irlmary wheat receipts weie 1,1. &. ou and shlpmenU were- 1.114.000 bii.. as salnst receipts last year of 1.393,000 bu. and shlp ii ents of 75.090 bu. , . . . .. , Corn receipts were 1.821.000 bu. and ship ments were 490.000 bu.. as against recelpta last year of.ilf.OOfy-bw and shipments of frie.OOO bu. Clearances were 144.000 bu. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 1W.000 bu. . . Liverpool 'cloned lower on wheat and VaHd lower on corn. ' ' Seaboaid reported 2W..U0O bu. of wheat and 8VJW bu. of Corn forxport. Local range of options: Article.! OrVnTfljIgh.i Low. Close.! YcB'y. Wheat Sept,..' 89 i-.Wii tec... 93 . . W May!., ,69 ! 9He Corn- ,". ' , B'-pt.,. ,56 66 Dec MS 61 Ma... -' .'!vlJi stn Oats . - .. . , Sept.;. 60 60 Dec 48 50 May... blt 62 M MS W 99 9V 6rt4 61 M7i 61 ' . 52 ' -62 .. 60 60H 6014 9- W 61 6i ' 51 Omaha Cash Prlce-Wheat: No. 2 hard. :ra0M-) No. g hard. 90c; No. 4 hard, nJ Mtc; No. 3 spring, 92a'fl94c; no grade. 76 il2o. Corn: No. S. 6.V5oc; No. 4, 63MS64c; no grade, tl2r; No. I yellow, 66oa7R; No. i while, 6ik&5fio; No. 3 mixed, 4ofi46c. Oats: No. 3 white, 46V41j47c; No. 4 white. 4646c; standard. i7WuHc. Rye: No. 2, 8;lc; No. t, 77ar?9c. ' Cariul Receipts. ,' ; .Wheat. Corri, Oats. Chicago 2J6 716 400 Minneapolis ................ 143 Omaha 9H 1S1 t9 luluth 627 ... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS l'eaturea of the Trad i as aal CIosIbk Prices on Board ot Trade. CHICAGO, Bepft. 14. Reports of damage to wheat In tha Dakotas and an active ex port demand caused strength today In the . local wheat market, the December delivery closing at a net gam of Vo-kC- Corn was up w'Ao, Oats were c higher. Pro visions were 10lSo higher. , The strength In wheat developed late In tha day. Prior to that the market was weak, because of a decline of Id at Liver pool. Absence or new developments In the Canadian northwest, and a liberal Increase In the world's visible supply, contributed to the weakness. During th last hour trade, which 'had beer In rather email volumes, became more active on thd, report that nearly 100 boat loads had been taken in New xora lor expori, ana on n?por ui uwiwbo to wheat In the shock In the -Dakotas by '. -wet weather. The market closed firm. De cember opened 3o lower at 99g1.00, sold at 94c, advanced to (1.00 and closed at $1.001.00. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to. 161,000. bu, Th world s ' JClatMe supply, as shown by . Bradstret"s S, reased 5,600,000 bu. Primary receipts were 'U75.000 bu., against 393,000 bu. on the same ,iay last year. MlnneapoliR.. Dulutn and 'Jhloago reported receipts of 995 cars, against K!l cars last week and 1.279 cars a year ago. The corn market opened weak, because of heavy local receipts, the failure of tha ' predicted frost to arrive In the oorn belt and also because of sympathy with wheat. Later came renewed predictions of frost In tha northwest and the market became strong, prices advancing sharply. December ' ' opened Viifrtc to lower, at 6t'6t4o, r sold between S6 and 67Tc and closed firm t 6714c Local receipts were 716 cars, with m of contract grade. . v-The ,oU market opened easy, in sym pathy with wheat and corn, and later be came, firm, oo covering Jy shorts. Later ' ih market became easy, ohlr.fly because of ck- btbuytnr iiemand. December oats jpened ViiV tower, at 81iiSv61Hc. sold b t Lween 614ii' .nd closed at 6i,c. Local receipts were 403 cars.' . - . ; .. The provision market, "was, fairly aatlve, . ort moderate bujmg 'by packers, January pork being ohieny .y Vequest. At the close lanuary pork was 16c Wgher, at $is 30. Lard waa . vmvS hltrhr,Lat...?6, . Rroa were THc ttlgh-r,' at- 7 M. ' , , i Estimated reewlnta fer tomorrow: Wheat. 91 cars; corn, 4U eari;-oats. 328 cars;, hogs, j'a.oeo head.' t -s.-- 'i Tle leading futures ranged as follows: it Articles.! Open.J Hlglul Low. Close. I Tes'y ?Wheae J Corn' IV-O.i j,.May; ,Ost.-V 8pt ; . Deo. - ?, May Pork-. ; txt, ' : Jan. Lxrdr-.T- Opt. 1 Jsn.V Rib.---. . oot-'r " Jan.!,. . ' H VW4 W 9B PS f9ffc - 1 00 99i 1 00SW 1 00 J -1 ft) ' 1 1 0O lt'06(8 106 100H 106106ii4T 'i 6i i n iSi BiS4 671. 6fi 67, 66 SiyWk 5! 87H. . &58 tj'Vi )3S j 62 R3 624 S?H bL'S 61 62 fl4 UM; 62 64 53 14 14 50 It SI 14 K 14 40 15 25 15 82 16 28 15 SO 16 15 9 00 10 9 Ort 9 10 9 HO 3 62l 3 7$ 3 62 3 78 3 66 3 42! " 8 45 4?' 8 45 . .f8 4?t4 7 87 7 to: 7 87f T 96 7 87 No. 1 hsrd, hew. $l.J0ir Ko. 1 -wrthrn. old. I1.1; No. 1 nonlim. . rH-w.-lit'S ; No. J northern, old. tl.f;- le 8 'northern, new, 3107; No. 3 northern, H.04t)t. WRATIIER I. Tllrj' CRAIN . FLT r'alr Wftimdir aaa alUhtly Cooler, , ' Sar IlfrriWelsh.f ; t .",-" QMAUA Bfpt. iilt. The 'nenrm mi'ea noted ovc1 the extreme Upper' vsllcys end CsnsdUn province Mundav morning, -moved enetward during the last twenty-four hours and -Is -central ovrr the Lake Buprlnr region this aiorn Ing. P.alns continue with this dlslurbsnce nd hts.li winds were general throughout the lake region and extreme upper valleys during last nlnht. The weather Is gener. ally clear jvest of the Mississippi river. (Temperstures are higher In the east.' lower valleys and en the Paclfle coast. Another sharp" drop m temperature Occurred last night in tiie upper Missouri valley and ex tietnnorthwest and the weather will be slisjhily cooler In this vicinity tonight, with continued (air tonight and Wednesday. Omaha .record of temperature, and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yen-: - 1907.1906. 1905.1904. Mialmunr temperature ... .. , uu tj Precipitation 00 - 00 ' 00 .6 Normal temperature for today, 63 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 6.97 Inches. " w . ... Dcfilicy corresponding period lnv906, 2.10 Inches. . , .Deficiency corresponding, period lit .lSOe. i.n9 Inches. r , ' ' L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster: Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. ' For the twenty-four hours ending at 8-a. m., 7T.th meridian time, Tuesday, September St, 1907: . . OMAHA' DISTRICT. , . . Temp. Haln-. . " : -Stations - ' Mit Mln. full. Kiev. ABniana, wen noi- ( .no Auburn, iNeb. 87 49 , .00 Columbus, Neb... 83 43 ' .00 Falrbury, Neb... 01 Fairmont, Neb. . , 96 ' 49 tGr. island. Neb. 88 . 46 ' Hastings, Neb.... 87 62 tOakdale,'' Neb.,.. 83 . 45 Omaha. Neh....... 86 V Tekamah, Neb... 87 , 48 41 45. 47, 38 . 46 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .Ifl .00 .011 .00 .00 .oo .U) . Clear 1 Clear dear Clear Clear t'lear ' Clear tlear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear .Clear Clear' Alia, la.... .78 Carroll, la 79 tClarlnda, la...;. 87 'Blbley, la, 76 Sioux City, la... 83 'Minimum : temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. .' tNot Included In averages. ; ' DISTRICT AVERAGES. ' , I No. ot Temp.- Rain- Central. Btatlons. . Max. Chicago, m:.'....... 18 70 Columbus. O....... 18 76 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 78 Mlnnespolls, Minn. 19 70 Omaha, Neb 13 86 Bt. Louis, Mo 10 . 80 Another sharp fall In temperature oc curred last night In Minnesota, the Dako tas and northern Nebraska. The weather Is warmer In eastern and southern portions of the corn belt. Showers occurred In the northern and eastern portions. L. A. Welsh, Local Forecaster. Mln. Inches. 54 . .04 -.66' .02 62 .01 36 .02 ; 48 .00 66 .00 St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUI8. Sept. . 24. WHEAT Firm; track, No. 3 red, cash, 9Kig99o; No. 2 hard, 98c(6'1.02; December, 7S8c; May, $1.04 CORN-Hlaherj track. No. 2 cash, 60o; December, 63c; May, 66c; No. 3 white, 61(661c. ; OATS-Firm: track No. 2 cash, 49c; De cember, 4c; No. 3 white, 62c. BRAN-1.13'1.16. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $4.40Ef 4.76; extra fancy and straight, 34.0im4.36: clear, 33.2rtf3.75. SEED Timothy, strong, 34.00&4.25. CORNMEAL Bteady; $2.86. HAY Firm; timothy, $12.0030.50; prairie, $8.S04il3.09. IRON COTTON TIES-41.10. ' BAOOINO 11 6-16c. , HEMP TWINE 11c. ... PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.66. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.26; clear ribs, $9.j; short clears, $9.37. Bacon, boxed extra short. $10.12;, clear ribs. $10.12; short clears, $10.26. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, HH&IJc; turkeys, 1314c; ducks, 9c; geesev Sc. , i . BUTTER Higher; creamery. 22jf28c. EGOS Steady, 17c, esse count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls... , 12,000 . .6,000 Wheut. bu... u 70.000 122.000 ,Cot, bu...,..,.v&..,. .,, 92.000 ; .78 000 vuio, uu,M i9u,uuv srvtuuv EV YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS !. : ' ."-(. .. .. . , Check to the Keactioii t( Monday it t .': .' Quit Diitinot.1 ' ; , MAEKET IS GEHIBALLY - STEADY Fear of Plneh In Money Dlseonragea Aay Tendency to Pnsh Prices Inward Bonds Are Firm. NEW YORK, Sept. 24.-The check to yes terdsy's reaction, which developed in the stock market today, was quite dmtlnct, but the holding of the market steady seemed enouarh to satisfy those Interested In th support of prices, Further clearings of the situation Is awaited, especially the pssslng of the quarterly requirements on the money market at the end of the month. . The local money market remains tranquil as yet.' the rates for call losns especially showing great ease, but a pinch with th? turn of the month Is regarded as a possi bility. -In addition to the regular require mrnts to he met In New York-pn October 1 there will fall due an Installment of 111. 625.0HO of subscriptions In Northern Paclllc stock. The domestic Interior also Is be ginning to assert Its demands tor supplies of currency, as indicated by the rapid de cline In New York exchange- at Chicago, There . was deposited at the subtreasury today $20,0Cl0 for t telegraphic; transfer to New. Orleans. These occurrences, gave spe cial Interest to reports which were cir culated In Wall Street today that the secre tary of the . treasury had determined to allow the substitution ,of municipal, state and railroad bonds for fcirvernment bonds now held to secure government deposits with the banks on condition that the gov ernment bonds thus released should be used to take out additional note clruclation. This waa a device employed by Secretary Shaw but there was. no official confirmation of the prejMjrt of its adoption at this time. The datalled report of condition of national banks by sections on August 23. reported by the comptroller's office at Washington, was regarded as proving that Interior banks will be able to. command currency, ship ments from New York In the usual volume, the middle western stoud for Instanne. showing that 85.000,009 more Is due to banks or that section than a year ago, while $106oO0,00O' less la due by them to other In stitutions. $ . The statements of treasury operations at Washington each dny do not Indicate that more than $10,000,000 of government funds has been freshly deposited with the banks as yet, while It estimated that a tojal of $40,000,000 or-even $6Q,000,OUO. would be avail able for the purpose this fall. The avoid ance of severe stringency, therefore, Is still hoped for. The virtual granting of im munity to the Chicago & Allot) In the Staid-, ard Oil rebate cases was of moderate Influ ence on stocks, as It had been expected. Re newed weakness of th-t Lindon cnpr lndu tries here, the price of the metal in New York being reported unchanged. An outstanding short interest Jn the coppers helped the re covery. The ' federal injunction granted against the Minnesota freight rata law, helped the Hill railroad stocks. The appli cation for.. a- receiver, for. the New York City Railway company was ignored. Bonds were firm.- Total sales, par' value, $1,114,000. United States . bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and quotations on stocks were as follows: London market. Iwallr the market was weak and unchanged, Lead was In lower st A 20 In London. tOclly It wss wesk but unchanged, Br!er was tinrhangrd In both markets, with Indon quoted at tn. Iron was. unchanged to ld Wgher lit the English market, with stsndnrd foundry riuoled at Ms and Cleveland warrants al S4 10i4jd. Locally no ehana-e was reported. ST. LOV IB, Bept. I24.-MKTAL8 Lead, firm. $1.66. Spelter, higher, $6.06. New York- Money Market. . NEW YORK. Sept 14. MONET On call, e'esdy, 2fT3 per cent;, ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 1 per cent Time loans, quiet and steady; sixty days, 6Vo per cent ninety days, ti4 per cent; six months, 6 per cent. , PRIME MERCANTILE . PAPER-6j7 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, closing easy, with actual business in hankers' hills ' st 34.85HOi04.8iM tor ttemand and at $4 82404 ! 4 M246 for alxty-dsy bills; commercial bills, $4.81I4.2. SILVER Bar. 7Ur: Mextran dollsrs. 62e. ' . BONDS Government, steady; railroad, flrns. , Closing quotations on bonds were fol lows; 1 ...imHocklnc Vsl. 4Ht... L N. ant. 4 .,.1'4 !. e. s 4 ...0tM. rsntnl m....- .. 'do fit tnc ...! !M , K. A T. 4s..... ... tn ...imiN. R. It. of M. . 4 ... Sfc( N. T. C. f. IHl ... nH. . c. s. ., ... No. Psr.ISc 41... .114 o t . Hi!. w;. : 4... . It, o. S. U r(d(. 4 .WKPfiii. ooiit. tm. '. 84 RMdlng srn. 4s H St. t. I. M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of AllCinds Steady to a Little HOGS SELLING A LITTLE HIGHER Another l.nrne Ran of fheep and La nibs and Market Genernlly Twenty.Flve Cents Lower Than Last Batorday. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 24. 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bhecp. Official Mondav Estimate Tuesday 8.6X7 6.200 4.446 l.OO 44.277 31.000 93 n 17 M - Now York General Market. NEW YORK, 8ept. 34.-BUGAR-Raw. quiet; fair refining. . 3.46c; centrifugal 96 test, 3.96c; molasses sugar, 3.10c. Refined steady; crushed, 6.70c; powdered, 5.10c; granulated, 6.00o. COFFEE Steady; No. 7 Rio, a;.,No. 4 Santos, 8c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans. 3748e. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small colored and white, fine, 14c; small white, good to prime, 13f13c; small white, com mon to fair. US lie; small white, common to prime, llHc - EGGS Firm; state, Pennsylvsnla and nearby fancy, selected white, 30632c; good to choice, 26328c: best brown and mixed fancy. 2&ff28c; firsts to extra firsts, 28ft26c; western firsts. V2tf23i seconds. Ifte,- POULTRY Dressed, xiulet; western broil ers, 1170; turkeys, lX316c; fowls. 12(ff14c -BUTTER Strong; creamery, extras, 38c; creamery, thirds to Prsts, 23ffC8c; prpcens, common to specials,' We 34oi western fac tory, .common tO firsts, 19l!J230 ' - POULTRY Alive, quiet; sprinr clilckens, 14c; fowls, 16c; turkeys. 15c. Dressed, quiet; western broilers, 16(gl7c; Turkeys, 16c; fowls, 12314c. 1 Visible enpply f i-Ornln. NEW YORK. Bept. 24.-Speclal cable and telearaphlc communications received bv Bradstreet'a show the following changes lh available supplies as compared with previ ous sccounts: Wheat, tn the United Stales east of the Rockies, decreased-116.000 bu.; Canada de creased 676.000 btj.: totals. United States and Canada," decreased 792.000; afloat for and In Europe Increased 6.600.000 bu. ; total Ameri can and European supply Increased 6.708,000 bu. . .. .. - Corn.. In the United States and Canada, increased 1.402,000 hu. , Oats,- in the United States and Canada, Increased 1,766,000 bu. The lending lncrees and decreases re ported .this week follow! Increases Manitoba, 370.000 bu.;, Minne apolis private elevators. 200.01O bu.; Nash ville, 157.000 bu.; Goderich, 75,000 bu. Decreases Cleveland, 74,000 bu. : Louis vffle, 64,000 bu. ' Adasis Expreu Anialgamtied copper Ai. O. r Am. C. A F. pM Am. Cotto Oil Am. Cotton Oil prd American Gipreaa Am. H. U pfS American Ics Becurltlea. ... Am. Llnamn OII.....,.... Am. I.lnM4 Oil............ Am.' Locomotive ...'.;...;.. Am. Loeomotlvs pfd Am. 8. A K ; Am. 8. ft B pfd., Am. Sugar Haflnlng.. ...... Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa...... Anacesda Mlnlni Co Atehtaon .. ; Atchlaoa -pM Atlantlo Onsat Line........ Baltimore ft Ohio ttal. ft Ohio pt4..j Brooklyn Rapl. Tr ...... Canadian Pacific Canlral ot Now' Jarasy,,'... Chaaapeak ft QklS.. ....... Chicago ot. W Chicago ft N. W.:w. ...... Chicago. M. ft fet T Chicago T. ft Tr.. ....... Cktcage T. ft T. pt....... 0.. C, C, ft St.- L. n Colorado r. ft, I. . Colorado ft So Colo, ft 80. in pfd......... Colo, ft 80. td pfd....'..... ConaolldaUd Oas Corn Products, rfg Corn Pronuou pfd ... .' txUwsrs ft Hudaos Del., L ft W Dsinr ft R. O.. D. ft R. 0. ptd ,. Dlatlllara' Sacurltlas , Erie Brie lat pfd..., ...... Bris id pfd Oenaral ICIectrlc Illlnola Central Intornatlonal Papar lnti'Psparyffhy ;....'. Int.' Pump Int. pMmp ptS.j,'l.ii .'. '.j... Iowa Contra! ..x.....m.... Iowa Cntrarpll. ...".,, .J. Kanaaa City So............. k. u, pfd.:...t....... LoultTillc ft N. ...... -Meatvsn .Castnil, -....... nisn. st ixisia. galas. High. Low. Cloa. m J.VJ iuo 5 53 30,100, 12 68 ...... 5 A. .. 90 MO 113 '118 111 100 1 l,6M 11 M 7 8X M m 1 40 'H 1V 62 HWti 1V .... ss - 1.' 1 aj 4 1M 175 :....f 1 .:-.,4 34v i,m ,i:is oh 'Hi 400 1 ICO IDS 100 irr ,8.1110 M 45 16 ' . '.' ) , 3U0 1,200 too S I ' 2 . , 82 13 " 1044, 104 too II II too 34 M 83 100 142 100 13 141 13 ;oo . 30 ?o too 1514 It '-"jnu 'w "'!?" 400 10 ; 4 u a -4T4 103" -at 15J 474 81 . W 07 20S m m 11 . i to 9 15 66 ion 17 M., St, P. ft S..8. M.......v. ..... 06 M.i 8f. P.' Bp g.. B. pfd. t..' 110 Mlaaouii Paclrc 100 ID ,1. T . tl Mlaaourt, "K.'' ft T.." J.'ra .yii 35 100 M M 1.100. 81 ,4t 61 ., 4 .... ljr !()' 106 w we u ' si, is T- --e-' ' f " " t'asli ouotatlona were ss follows: a FIjOUR Steady; winter patents, $(.3r49( 5 erister straights, $39i4.2B; sprln patents. l.UtS:"Q. spring stralKhts, $4. :&4.W; bakers, J.7i3 M. WHVAT No. 3 spring. 31.0MJ1.O7: No. 3 Drlnar.'. 8lc8l 06; No. 2 red. 96fjwc. CORN N't. 2, 2c: No. 2 yellow. 6V4i " tATaV-No.. J, fcMc: No. 3 white, 4'g67e. R V K-t" I 9ufJUc. HARLKV-4.1ood toedlng. 750c; fair to .rho'c "-siting.-Kvfiic . EKI-K1x, No. 1 northwestern. 31 M Prime timothy, 34.3oj4.3S. Clover, contract grade. 16 71. ' ' v 1 PROVIglONrV-hort ribs sides Moose B.4Vfi14. Mfsl pork, per bbl.. I14.8j14 46 Lard,, per 1"0 H.. tiHO. Short clear sides "e.; .;'tr.T. Recelptg and shipment of flour snd grain-' - -v v ,. "'" Diupment. Mllwankee tirnla Market. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 24. WHKAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. Slto?!.!!; No. 3 nonncrn, m.mgi.v. uece.mDer, l.ooj 1.00, asked. , - RYB Lower: No. X 8S0c. BARLEY Higher' No.. 2, 96c; sample. 75 86c. . ?, CORN Tower: No. I cash, 80flli De cember,. STSic, bid. ' -'lour. bbls..-...:;............ 80,700 , 33 1 '.Vhea. bw..,'.;.t.s.'r4...2('4.(AiO , VH.-Wi 'ovn, tU. ...if... C i....,67s.lun , .114.8HI -ta bo. ,..;.rt.V:'.V oil fo m.vn tye. bu . '...'.. .....V.. 8.10ft '. 1.WA larley, , bu...(....l.. 191.600 . S3.W On the Pruduog Exchange todgy the hut,' ; er niarket'was nTrmjrprc creameries, X3ViJ , V; dairies, 2;'ft.t;-. L'gs, flrui; at mark!" a.es included.. Vea'TV-; nrsts, o; prhus rtts,' !. che,oe" steady, KfUVc. f Kansas city t.raln nad ITTl4oe.7 KANSAS -etTT,'- Bept. K.WHKATV -ecemor. 6lc; May. l0o. Cash: No. 1 hard. ?flieV4c: Ko. a jn",V! K.. t rA 4U-: No. i 81(B2r. , CORN December. 60c; May. 2Sc. Cash: OATS-No. 2. whits, 47(fM3VNo. 3 mixed, .' Jxifr-rTJ'aisc. , timothr- .: .. ExlOaSHeady; eraa. c; firsts. . 30o, mciud.d . ttawe, returusd, la less KtllT. l,j rft, BUTTER-Creamery. 7c; packing. . . ' Receipts. 6liliurien;s.' iV'heat. bu . orn. riu Oste, tj l'il.'0 3n.0l) 17.000 116 8,i'l 2J.0JO Paorla iraln Marked. 'PEORJA,: 1H . Sept. 34 COBN-Bteady; No. 3 yellow, 6tirEc; No, 3, 61c; No. 4, Uc: no grade, 56c. OATS Uni-banaed;- No. 8 white, 4960c; No. 4 white.. 4?4Sc. . , RYK-Stearly; No., 3. .889e: . WHlKX-i;.34..- , ... Liverpool Ornia and Provisions. -UYSRPOOt. " 8pt'. J4.-WHEAT-8pot, nonilrial;, futures, steady; September, 7s 8Vad; lecemtrr. 7s lld; March, 8a d. CORN Spot,- steady; prime mixed American,- is d; futures, eady; October. 6s 7d; January, ts 2d. Dnlnth Grain Mnrket. DUL1TH. 8ept. 34. WH EAT No. 1 northern. 3112: No. 3 northern, 31.10; September, 11.10; December. 11.09; May, :tKl:- r r- '.-.'. v vBoston Conner Market.. - ' ' Hm ..t m ( ..r. & . . t. , .. . J h. a I , -4 '--'-' ' luinieiisii W r uogall I . I'ryan members of New York and Boston ! -jw- . w. HMii.i, . nwu ,1 1 raoc ASntur ....'...,... 11 MlrSlgas Aihus '..'.: J,., ao Mohawk Allarrll Nraila CoaMlldaUd Bingham No. ButU Bl. Mountain 4 Old Pomlniaa .... Boatoa Conolldald. 18 Oacoals Butt Coalition .... 14 Pituburs ft Dululk Calumrt ft Ariaona. 112 Pd.u, Cal. ft Plttaturg .... pfd. ........ CalumM ft Hacls...l Oulacy ... facuasMtal t Nlaaaos I... Coppae Rang u Tamarack , lTrlnltr ,,...vl.seo in ..Kt t zoo , 87 t ..',.,'. ICO I4 j ..:.. 10. ,3f V3I 4S,W 800 w;. 100 . I . 1 44 . .46 i.ioo iuo 110 110 n 1 . IS i'M l'O 100 M.. K. ft IV ptd National Loan) N. R. H. of M, pfd. Nan York Canupi. N. Y.. O. ft W....,..- Norfolk ft W. ....... N. ft W. pfd,-,....-.. Nortk' Amartcaa .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ' paopla's Oaa p.. c, c. ft at. l. . Preasrd Steal Car Prmaed S C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Roadlng Reading lat pfd Raadlog Id pfd Republic gtaal Rapubllc Bteal pfd..' Hork Inland Co Hock laland Cs. pfd Bt. L. ft 8. F .3d prd.... St. Loula a. W St. L. B. W. pfd Boulliarn Paalfia So. Pacific, pfd Bo. Rallwar ...' so. Raitwar prd.v Taonaaaas C. ft I Teiaa ft Pacific Toledo, 81. L. ft W T , Bt. 1- ft W. ptd; I'nloa Pnriflc I'&loo Pacific pfd. U. B. llfTM I, '. 8. Kealty.... U. 8. Rubbar t. B. Rubrnr pfd II. 8. Staal t. B. BUal pfd..... V.- arollna Chemical ... Va. -t'aro. Cham, pfd Wabaik Wabaah pfd Walla-Pargo Eiproao Waatinghouaa Elactrla ... Wwiara t'nloa WhMlIng ft L. E Wtacvnala Caatral Wla. Cantral pfd Northam Paclflo Central Laathar Central Leather pfd.'...... filoea-Bhemeld Btael Great Northern pfd , lntarborough Mat Int. Met. pfd Total sales tor the' dar. UJ.St ah area, 71 78 M M . ia 1 M n 83 loe '84 7 71 81 Tl 1 4S 7 42 V. B. ret. la, rag do coupon f. 8. la. reg ... do enupon f. 8. n. 4a, reg do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a. . do (a Atrhlann sen. 4s.. do sdj. 4a..- Atlantic C. L. 4s.. Ral. A Ohio 4a..., ' do ls ;;.. i, Brk- R..T. 0. 4..., Central of Oa. la.. ' "dk let Inc....... . do Id rnc , dd 3d Inc Chea. ft Ohio 4a.. Chicago ft A. Ia C, B. A q. a. 4... Itngo. Pacific 4s C, R. L ft P. 4a.... do 1st to ctfa....... M . ldo rol.se... M 80. Rallwar ....,,. 10i CCC. ft 8. L. b 4a. M Taa ft P. la 111 -t-oio. ma. b. aer. A. f3T.. Bt. L. ft W. 4a.. 7 ll ...... 4W 4 87 M S ea..l Two dsys this week. ...14 8S7 6.446 66 277 Ssme davs last week... 10.713 11.4i3 62.M Same days 3 weeks ago.. 16.883 13.4ft 34.470 Same days 8 weeks ago.. 17.1H8 12.86 87,4ti Same days 4 weeks ago.. 12.217 10.3.V 36.o'-'7 Sane lays last year 14.647 8.106 63,487 The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, compared with last year: 107. 196. Inc. Dec. Cattle R,l!W 706.K85 123,304 Hosa 1.868.811 106,363 Sheep 1.342.403" 1.84.882 18.020 RANUli OK fr-itiCEb. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.boi6.0 3670fl3J i Kansas City 2.1"i.t 6 0"ii.45 I Chicago 1.26tf 7.36 4 SOu.6.J ; St. Louis 1.7tg'7.8j 6.20M6.W) , 8ioux City 3.Mtti6.60 6.7oi.06 I The official number 01 tars of stoc Seaboard A. Colo. Mid. 4a. ....... n I nlon Pacific 4a.. Colo, ft 80. 4a ! de er. 4s ctfa... Tubs 6a 101 tr. B. BtSel Id ts. jivti ., 1 a s a re m. tti 1 1 omcmi numoer 01 t ars 01 Zl.' Y.Z mWi... in tbrouaht In today by each rosd was !. 4s. . T(n t v.aiLir.iiogi.oiiecr.i t m. -., m. at Bt. r.. 1 s Wabash 1 Missouri Pacinc 4 Union Paclflo 31 C. at N. W. (east) 1 Bee. Ca.. D. ft R. n. -Ulatlllera! IKrle p. I. 4a......... do gen. 4a Japan 4a rtfe. ...... do id aeries. do 4a "... Bid. "Offered. M Wahaah la 71 do deb. R )Wntern Md. 4s. T W ft L. R. 4a.. Wfa. Oantral 4a. 81 Xtrhlaon 4a 80 dO'CT. ts 'h " 1 . ' ' ' SJiC. N. W. (west). ...117 I iC. 8t. P u a n 1 c, d. & u. (east) 8 C, B. Q. (west). ...134 C. R. I. & P. (east).. 1 Illinois Central .. is ..KM .. u .. 71 74 .. II . . 8 .101 London Closing: Stocks. LONDON, Sept. 24. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: ' 2 1 .. 18 14 1 2 38 2 6 12 3 J ' -55 . 82 3 ToUls 300 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tha num.- oar 01 neaa inaicatsa: Console, money . da account ,,.,. Anaconds , Atctlleon .......... do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Paclflo . Chea. ft Ohtn.i.j..' Chicago Ot. W .... C, M. ft 8t. P..,. Tx Beera .......... Denver A, R. Q,.v do pfd .., Erie '...... do let pM do 2d pfd... Orand Trunk Illlnola Central ... LoutaTllle ft Naak. 88 yit M. .. i:n. Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company.. K. ft T. .....'.,. 8 ' Cudahy Packing Co.. Y. Central ,.. lot : Armour ft Co. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 Norfolk ft .. V do pfd ....1...- .. 13 Ontario ft W , .. 34t pennirlranla ..lKand Mines .......... .. M Reading , ,A... .. 10 Southern Rallwar ... ..114 do pfd ..... .. 11 Southern Pacinn, ., U I nloo Paclflo ... .. 7l do pfd v. 1141. S Steal, j... ., 48 do pfd .. 81 Wabaah ........ .-. 11 do prd ..141 Spanlah 4s ,112 I 4 1 ... 8 .,. ...114 ... 14 ... M .., 13 ... It ... 22 ... B0-4 SILVER Bar! steadv. il l-l6d oer ounce. , MONEY 1ii2 percent. : " The rate of discount lh the open market for short bills ts 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 313-1603 per cent. ' New' York" Mlnln Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 24.-Closlng quotations on- mining slock werei . . .. , 8, . Utile Chief .. ViV Ontario ' ...... T3 Cudahy. from K. C ft , Cudahy. from country... Swift, from Fort Worth. 1 , Swift, from countrv Armour, from Ft. Worth Vansant Co Carey ft Benton Lobman Co McCreary & Carey....... Hill & Bon.; F. P.. Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton ft Rothschild.. f P. Hubs Wolf 1. H. - Bulla..: Sam Werthelmer MJke Hag.4rty J. B. Root & Cu T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros Iehmer Bros Sheridan Meat Co Other buyers Adama Con. Alice Breec .'. Brunawlck Con. . Comatock Tunnel . Con. Cal. ft Va... Horn stlTer Irno BlWar Leadvllle Con, .... ulleredi' 11 .'., 3 ... 77 ,..14, ...200 I Ophlr Pntoil Bavaga Blerra Nevada Standard ...., Bmall Hopes .. .. 3 ..800 ..183 .. 11 .. 78 .. 48 ..188 .. 90 PEPPERS-JP er ; market basket. o fT'f '. is t ta t,t at - ton 800 iS.llO M m 27 A. ..... E . 47. 47 47 TO. lit l:in HI 100 , 31 ', li4l 81 V.s. 87 2 8e-' IK 1 III . 1 30 (SO ISO ' 75 14 IS 131 7 II 47 10 2 400. too M. 841 J-f, II - U, 8o ' w: . wi . 'i.iti iio. ii iuo ' - 1 Mlnne-nswlla Urnln Market. , Ml.VNFAPOU; pt.. il.-Flt. Rl.-.rf, -tnis. v.odxSor asconrt 'ratenia ti-,! ; fltet-pleagg, j; ..oiid clesas.i 13 ta-S fX ' . . - . :,. ., HRAN-lfl bulk, 320.704 21 Ort. i VM t AT September, ''7: rwe-ib 1 11 wTV, May, ei-Un. No. l.hard, old, 1.U; j ttonilalon Coal lomlnlia Btael Eaet fc-jte ... Prank Ua Greene Copper Oranhr nei.riie lale Roial Junctlua L. S. ft PHtebars ! .-5i... failed PVnli. t'niuvt State Cosa .. 1 Rhods laland .' .. ftak Cna .. H t'uk-Keiada ,.. '... .". I Vl.-toria . .. 1 Winona , Wutrlns ......... 1"S Arvidla '- I 18 N 14 40 .. H .. M .. 1 .. 17 v " .-144 41 . 8a . l 4 . a lit , 4 Cor .Market, .. SUM1 YORK- fent 'fl -iFTK-r: tur-a uuehunued.',-t?ale4 m rVported of! BOSTON, Sept. 44. Call loans, 4(&5 per cent; time loans, ti7 pr cent. Official ..It i. v- w ... . . 4 Araalaamnted ... . 74 Atlantic .- rrauighm . Hlr.l. ft Heels.... .31 , Ceateanlal-'..:h. 14 Copper Range ... .U :laly Weal ....'., .11- PrankHs ,...l.,'. J UOraabt, .......... .!&- Ule Mnval UlVMaae. MlLlug Auhiaos acll. 4a do 4a M.j. Central 4a.,,, Atrhlaon ,. - da pfd Btuten ft Albanr. Boaioa ft Maine... Rneion Elevate4 '. . Pttckeurg pfd ..-.'. Mexican ( eel ral- . . N T., N. 'H. ft H Ant. Arse. ( here, pfd 7 Michigan m n. row. I u oe nonaps l-ecember at tii.O'i and Mir at 8t,.35 U 2 i" t-jK.t tjiil.t; No. 7 r.io. fitr; N0. 4 Sanius. MUd, uull, Cordvu, U'c. Aaier. Sugar so pfd ... Am. TAT Am. Woolen dn pfd Edlaon Elec. Ills Meea. Brertrte . do ptd Maw. Oas t ailed KrnM. failed 8, ...,,, do pfd V. 8. gtsslv ...... db pfd ...,v., Adventure North Rtte a wete rsalnwa . . Nevada Hid. . . 1 J . , m. ... ' . vat J,rrt.,, t . ;I rxinden - tfn uitrket .vae. Nnhaw.l. .. . l.wer. with "ot fU"ted st !6t Ms sd fu'vires r 4 Kid. 1 nlly the market was fillet st "7.1.1 and K" rr"wr was lower at 164 10s for srut and fuluics la tht-j 11a u . . -.' H4old Dcoilnlon l1Oecol ., It U K.m, 1 J Oulncy Shannon 12 Tamarack ........ - M TrtnHj t,, 88 I nlted Copper .... 1 V. . Mining.....: I'. B Oil, 3 t'tah II Victoria II Wlnnna lWolverlne ......... . 40al. A Arlaons..., M ariaona Corn, r I '. . .. :a .. ' :: 5 ..80 .. l M .. 11 .. tu - ! .. 8 .. 61 .. I .. 12V .. 81 I 10 , .. t I .. 14 I .. 1 .. I .. K I .. 4 .. e ..III ..111 .. 13 . .. ,, OMAH , ceSJpttAL MARKET' ( Condition ot Trade sad (inotntlona on .' Staylft nnd Fanfcy Prod no. EGQS-Per ao.!. ' ' ' ' 1 BUTTER Packing stock, 20tfJ0ir. choice to fancy dairy, 23c; reamery, 28c. LIVK P04JLTKY-Hirlig ehlckane, lie; hens, - eeiijc4 roosters, , 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 861,10c; geese, .6?. " xiAY-ChoicoT No. 1 upland, $100; me dium, ta.ou; No. L Mttom, 38 00; off , grades from I5.W to. 36.60; rye,, straw, 37.00; No. 1 alfalfa, 311.00. -v ,,.., 4 i ... , FRUITS AND' MELONS. . APPLES-WealWy 11.40 per 4u. ;. Cali fornia Uollefleurs; W.'20tl4.28;'i -Wolt -"Tiver PPlf ,34.60 per 4M. jfu .,, vVAXERMKLONd-rJEaQlv 854jk); crated for ahlpn.enL 10 jjcpv'lb. - , CANfAUjUPliV-B.aiiK Ford,1, atlgndard crate, 32.26 homo grown, standard. 31.75. UTAH PEACH fcbV-Per bog, $1,35; Colo rado, $1.35. -. , PHARa-Bartletta, $3.$ per box; 'Flemish beauties. 3B.00.- ' ,t. ., -'. - , GRAPES- Home grown. 8-lb. ". bgsket, 33 326c; California tnalnga, $1.76.- PRUNES-Utatr Italian. $1.26; ailver. 1.?8: Hungarian, 32.00. , BLUEBERRIES Per lS-qU.,. $20.. .; . VEaK'fJlStJSo. NAVY BEANS-Pet bu.. No. 1,. $2-00 a-iu; sso. t, iz.iu; uioia, tic per to, 1 POTATOES Per bu.', new, 376e. 1 BEANS New wax and string, 404J60O per market basket. BEETS.' TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per market basket, 60c. RADISHES Per. dog. bunches, borne grown. 300. - i . TOMATOES Home grown, market baa kftt crt.t3 60c CTTCUMBKReVUper' onsket.'' JR340c. CELERV Kaiaiuasoo, 3oa.:oo. ONIONB Yellow and red, 2e par lb.; npanisn per crate. 11. jo. NEW PEPPERS-P SUV. SWEET POTATOES-Market basket, 66c; Virginia sweets, per bb.. $3.s0. BEEF '-'tJnt. ' J BEEF CUT8-N0. 1 Tibs. 14r- No. 3 ribs, loin, 13c; No. 3 loin, o; No. 1 chuck. 6C: No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 8. chuck, $c; No. 1 mund, 8c; No. 3 round, 8c; No. I round. 7ei No. 1 plat, Jo; No. -I' pints, ao; No. t plate. St;.. . TROPICA!- FRUITS. LEMONS Limonera, 340 else, $7.00; other brands, 60ch31.00 less. - - , DATES-Kaduwav 6t; Bayers, Be; Hal low is, 6c; ne su led walnut date. $-lb DOS, si. w. BANANAS Per medium slfe-d bunch. $'.00trt.25: .Jumbos. 32.0o36t). ORANGES-Valencina', Mi , snd W . slses. $ 6tti4-o; 120, ISO, 176. iJ0 and a slies, 36-tt 66-00. . 1 MISCKLLAKEOTTg. COFFEE Roasted,. Ne. Hi. ?o per lb.) No. 20. 14c per lb.; No. 36, 10 per lb.; No. 21. 12c per lb ' ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are somewhat unsetled-by freer offerings front second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range trom bu to 8e for California truil and trow 6o to 80 for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yel lows quoted at 13c. Raisins are firm; three-crown loose Muscatels are quotttd at 8c;. four-ciown, JOo; . seeded, raisins, . J3 FISH Halibut, lie; trout, J3c; pickerel.' j-t:i pise;' ic; pias, r rresn rosen, yie: vhlterua. 44'816o; buffalo, 3c; bullheads, skinned and d rested. Uc; cattish, diesssd, 17c; white perch. 7c; white bass, 16c; black baas, 2U-; sunliah, 64j8ci crsppWa, tiVc; lurge ci apples. 16c; herring, fresh frosen. c; whltetlsh, frosen, lSejl&c; pickerel, fresli frozen, 8c; Bpsnish mackerel, l;o; native mackerel, Udfjso per fiahj . oodosn, fresh frozen, 12c; red sn-ipper, I20; flounders, fi-eeh frn?n. 12c; haddock, fresh frosen, U!c; melts, 13c; ahad roe, 46o per lb.; frog legs, 3c per dos. ; grn gag turtle meat, too I rt to. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 66c. Tomatoes, fancy 3-pound cans, $1.46; standard. 8-pound cans, 31.26. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound, $2.rV82.30; sliced, U.,a2 2i. Oallon apples, 83 26. California apricots, (2 00. Pears, 11. 76ir2.se. peaches, 11.76(0 i 40. L. C. peaches, $2.uutj2 M. Alaska lalmon, red, (1.20: fancy Chinook, flat. 82.16; fancy sol-keys, tlat, (1 3d. Sardines, quarter oil, 83-n; thrare-ouarter mustard.. (310. Sweet potatoes. ll.H'ul.li. Sauerkraut, 80o. Pumpkins, hocitiil.00. Lima beans. 2-pound, 7octel.2a. Soaked peas. 2-pound, bOcj fancy, $l.ivttl.4. HILi.rl AND TALLOW Groen salted. No. 1. 8c; No. 2. "c; bull hides. 6c: green hides. No. 1, 7c; Ne. t, 60; horse. li.WI 60: Itaeu pelts, Soctj l.26. Tallow, No. 1. c; No. i. $c. Wool, Ujl!c Wool Marfcet. ST. UH'In. Sept. S4. WOOL-Steody; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 23'S' 26c; light fine. tVf-Jto; heavy fine. Kfrlec: tub washed, 20336c. LONDON, Sept. 24.-WOOL-A large num ber of buyers attended the -opening of the fifth series of wool auction, sains here to day. A poor seloctlpn. amounting to 8,3x3 bales, wss offered, but competition wss spirited. Home buyers secured eosrse cross breeds and continental' buyers took good supplies of - medium grades. - The ' few merinos offered sold readily to horn and continental buyers at an advance of 3 per cent. -Cross breeds sold - at unchanged rats. American buysra purchased Ana cross breeds. .Following are Ihe sales In detail (Jueenslgnd. 10 bnles; gressy, 11.181s. West Australia 30' bales: greay.J 71i lid. New Zealand, 1.3 bales- ecniwed, Is -1ti1 rJ- rry- YV? t'n of Oood Hope end Natal. 4n0 bsles: senjred, 8dflB 3d greasy 3eiod. "River Platte, 3v0 bales; scoured, eu'uls Id. 4K8 1, , 727 , 73 '. 169 ! '75 , 60 . 442 , 2R1 . 224 , 223 , 130 . 127 . 81 . 263 , 162 . 32 . W 131 , 103 1 . 30 6 ! vis 1.104 2,084 2,220 3,12u 1,664 630 726 871 3. 498 81 26,728 Totals :..'..' 6.TJ4 8,618 82.645 ' CATTLE Receipts of cattle were quits liberal, but not large enough to be burden some. As there was a good demand both fiom local packers as well as from coun try feeder buyers, the market as a whole was In a reasonably healthy condition. The supply of beef steers, both corn-feds and rangers, was small. The moderate of ferings In the face of a good buying de mand held prtqes steady or - even firm. Sellers as a rule were summing up the trade ag a good, steady and fairly active market. Cows and heifers were also In good de mand, while the supply, though liberal, was not large. The prices paid looked Just about the same as those wliloh prevailed on yesterday's market. There were a good many stockers and feeders, but they seemed to move off quite freely at Just about the sarr-e prices as yesterday. In faot there was not enough change to be worth mentioning. It ia ex pected, that the country will, take a good many cattle this week as a large attend ance f .-people from - the country ts 'antici pated during - the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, whloh open tomorrow and extend over Into next week.' Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn, fed steers, 36.264Lf7.00; fair to good corn-fed cattle, $5.36tt6.26: common to fair corn-fed slsers, 34. 50416.85; good to choice range steers, 34.7r4lo.6o; fair to good range stems, 84.40ii4.7fi; -common to fair range steers, 3.0((t4.40: good to choice corn-fed cows and heifurs, I4.l'"i&kl.60; fair to good grass cows and heifers. (3.10-3.63; common to fair grass cows and heifers, 32.001)3.10; good to choice stockers and feeders, (4.70&6.26; fair to good stockers and feeders, 33'S4.70; common to fair stockers and feeders, (3.03 63.90. BEEF STEERS., -Ho. at. Ft- Us. . AT. -Pr. 80.... 1248 a ao HEIFERS. 8... 8S0 I 06 . .... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . 14....... 871 I 08 I WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 10 cows. SO feeders., t cows...., 12 heifers... 8 heifers. 843 73 760 426 4 calves... 233 23 feeders.. UJ7 14 feeders.. 360 10 cows 1090 14 cows 1108 18 cows 1046 40 feeders.. 923 31 feeders.. 807 67 feeders.. 824 8 cows 693 8 feeders.. - 4 feeders., 11 feeders.., 16 feeders.. cows..... 7 steers.. ..1087 J. J. 23 cows. ....1021 18 steers.. ..1160 J. S. 23 feeders.. lil 6 steers.-.. .130 8 00 3 80 3 90 8 86 3 80 3 00,. 4 26 WYOMING. 8 feeders.. 1175 14 cows..,., 013 3 bulls,. ...1233 8 hellers... 4J 4 heifers... 810 4 feeders. , 0 10 cows.....luc2 r,3 830 062 748 m 4 25 3 30 3 00 8 70 3 80 3 90 4 00 3 36 3 10 8 50 4 OO 4 2 2 26 4 00 Hanber, Wyoming, 11 feeders,. 1067 13 cows..,., 827 82 cows 10)5 44 cows W 19 feeders.. 1029 13 steers.. ..1168 i OOWB.,'...llf6 4 cows 9:0 4 feeders.. 1016 16 feeders.. 6M 63 feeders.. 79 11 feeders.. 707 10 cows Hot 4 30 2 90 3 76 3 10 3 76 3 76 3 30 4 30 3 00 3 60 . 3 20 4 00 4 30 8 60 3 36 3 60 4 00 4 20 4 00 3 60 3 26 4 36 -Lebo, 4 60 4 60 T steers. ...1193 4 45 Wyoming. 10 steers.. ..1061 Spear Bros., Wyoming, 37 steers.. ..1U9 4 30 J. B. Kendrick. Wyoming. M steers.. ..1X0 4 86 126 steers. ...1133 24 cows. ,...1046 4 00 COIjORADO. H. B. Msreolt, Colorado. I 86 4 40 8 cows 830 4 steers.. .,1023 Colorado. 1 steer 1250 1 bull 1460 DAKOTA. . K4 feeders.. 1147 10 cows. ... 960 13 heifers... 763 11 cows 860 3 K5 t COWS 86a 8 86 J. Krsft, 9 steers.. ..1183 4 26 8 cows..... 9t5 8 00 SOUTH 33 feeders. .1187 4 60 23 feeders.. 9HS $ 90 17 cows 10211 3 86 V. Bernard, South Dakota. 49 cows loss 8 86 16 steers.. ..1259 A. M. Oliver, South Dakota. IS feeders. .1196 4 30 10 cows 923 Wyo. Hereford Association, Wyoming. 82 feeders.. 1236 6 26 1 feeders.. 1177 4 7S 75 steers.. ..1243 4 76 Edgar Boice, Wyoming. 139 feeders. HUM i 00 140 feeders.. Mil 96 feeders.. 1277 .4 66 18 bulls Via II steers.. ..1168 4 36 Hlrslg Bros., Wyoming. 24) steers.... 1241 4 90 32 cows 1067 V. Wilkinson. Wyomlna. I 46 feeders.. 1160 4 86 1 steer 1280 Grinder, Wyoming E. H. 37 feeders., 7K3 t feeders.; Thi cows 1113 L. IT readers., 863 3 cows KM J- 4 cows 1076 4 teedere.1060 T. F 71 steers.. ..1160 48 feeders.. 1CM 8. J. 36 stsera....l"a 2 cows (at 3 86 l0 4 16 3 60 4 86 3 65 3 IS 4 16 3 30 5 (10 186 in 4 36 3 96 3 96 3 36 Shul, 8 66 3 16 Milne, 3 15 4 40 20 feeders. I bull 14 cows...; Wyoming. 3 feeders. 3 heifers. Wyoming. " 62 feeders. .1070 . 942 . 615 . 570. I 93 loo 3 76 I 00 3 60 ' KVf 4 66 ( 10 60 3 60 I 75 Lewis, Wyomlna. 4 an u steers.. ..1174 4 15 4 f seders.. 10J4 Bharp, Wyoming. 4S x 1 cows 964 17- I DA HO. 13 cows lOfO 1.00. 66 feeders.. 1043 HOGS The hog market as a whole was In very fair -shape to day. Buyers all seemed to want a few and there waa more life to the trade than yesterday, so thst the big bulk of offerings clanged hands in very fair season In the morning. The prices paid were steady to a little stronger Some of the packers were claiming that their hogs were costing them close to 6c higher. - The most of the bogs sold Instds the-range. (6 8i.iJ.u0. with several loads of right good light bogs as high as 86 80. Yesterday there were no full loads abovs 86.26,-only a pltcn of a load bringing (6 30. Representative sales: " ' Ae. ......800 .....all ......U4 II) IM 8.-8 te aia 121 in 411 vs. lto 8 as ao 12 84 IM Pr. ( n 6 ( ta 7 8 to i T 8 TS I TR I T5 8 it 6 II 1 Kl. 88.. ,. U 81.. 87. a? 8i., At. th t .14 ,.tai ,.r4 .rri .too .870 .n .871 Pr. a a. ' 6 IT 6 87 81 I SO I a a 6 n 6 eo 6 M t ao... ei...: IT.... 81.... r.... 84.... 4A ... 4.... 4!.... ST.... 4. ... :.... .... an... 8.1.... 12.... M.... M.... II.... M.... as... (.4..,. J.... M... a.... M ... 8... 14. .. . t n ..84 . Ii-' . . ,.l'5 ..40 . J11 ..ir 1 . 114 . ri 4 . mi n ..tea so .. ... '..us ... ..ri .21 . .814 ..I4J ..M0 ..IM ,.!1 ..m ..108 80 3 as a 9 I sn I an a ai I a an I a 6 ao 1 I a u a M 6 M 6 ii 1 aa 5 M I M 8 8 I M I" I M I 88 6 88 6 8.1 a aa 6 Ml 6 88 . . . .1 . 71.... -.... 71..... .... Tl ... ... . a.... so.,.., 71 ... 78.... .... II... an 71..'.. 41... 7S .... 81..,. Tl.... 71. .86 til ......T te ....2M ...Ml ....IM ....! .....! ....". ' ...147 ....f7 ....W .... ..."4 ....12 ... SH ....l.'l ....taa ...ta ....l4 ...ni ...111 ....aot ....18 ia f H 8 pn a m 6 86 I 85 I a; a a o a on a 6 a no 6 80 8 on a 00 a t a 00 a n a 6 oa a o 6 ta 8 ttl a 11 a .s a ia a aa iterdsy s a gr.ind total of 44.277 sheep and lambs re ceived, -cm top of that big run there were 21,000 reported this morning, making some thing over 66,000 for the two days. The msrket yesterday was In very good condi tion considering the sine of the receipts. As noted yesterdsy. the general, market wss Kiiloc lower, but there wss undoubt edly esses where stuff actually sold as much as 26c lower. This waa by no means bsd. considering the big break at Chicago last week, snd tho further fsct thst Chicago reported still lower yesterdsy.- The big run tsxed the facilities at the yards to the utmost, and with three scales In operation. Is was six o'clock before every thing sold was weighed up. When the ecales were finally closed the great bulk of ths receipts wss cleaned up. This morning, with another big run on hand, the market was slow In opening, largely because there did not appear tn he the usual number of oountry buyers on hand. Next week the annual fall carnival Is to be held In Omaha, which always at tracts a larga attendance, and It Is possi ble thst a good many buyers will wslt until then before coming In after their feeder. If so they are making a mistake, as the time to buy Is when the receints are large, and If parties wanting feeder sheep snd lambs cannot come In this week they might better send their ordere to some commission Arm. Next week there Is bound to be a rush of buyers, while there Is nothing to Indicate that receipts will be especially Isrge. As noted above, the market this morning opened rather dull, and while eome sales did not look much different from yester dsy sellers generslly were calling the mar ket as much as 10c lower or fully 29c lower than the close of last week. As usually happens with such a decline, there were cases where the decline wss more than that, esrieclslly on kinds that were not smte-M after. Quotations on good to choice killers: Lambs, $6.75f7.00; yearling wethers, (5.600 t.9u; wethers, (.9O0a.i6; ewes, 84.Ma.0o. No quotations are given on lair to good killers, as leeder buyers are taking prac tically everything of that description at better prices than packers will pay. Quotations in feedera: Lambs, (6.2a96.75'. yearlings. $6.606.eO; wethers, 84.7Mid.00; ewes. 84.00(4.40, yearling breeding ewes, Ki.oonjo.60; aged breeding ewes. 36.IKT6.76. feeders,, feeders., feeder.. f'drs.. tftt 6 75 ( 76 6 76 6 76 ( 90 4 SO 4 36 4 90 ( 25 6 70 4 90 7 00 4 90 4 40 4 36 ( 40 4 90 4 40 & 15 . 6 ft 6 16 ( 26 6 25 6 25 5 36 4 40 4 40 60 6 76 8 76 , 4 76 6 76 4 00 4 00 6 36 . 6 46 . 4 65 4 60 5 90 4 40 4 00 6 76 4 76 6 15 6 16 6 15 4 36 5 00 6 80 6 26 5 60 4 26 6 60 . 6 60 9 35 4 40 6 40 4 40 4 40 40 6 26 6 85 6 Ai 0 65 6 40 t 40 ( 25 4 60 6 65 6 65 6 26 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 5 60 6 8.1 96 6 75 6 611 6 60 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Honrs Weak to rivs Cents Lnwnr. CHICAGO. Sept. 21. CATTLE Receipts estimated at' about 10.000 head; market best sleadv: others lower; steers, $S.a&W7. cows, 33.304;t6 00 heifers, W.0Ofl6.75: bulls. 32.6iH.J0: chIvss. $3.0O,.0O; stockers and feeders. 32.40fi6.00, HOGS Receipts estimated at about 14.000 head; market weak to 6c lower; choice Le"y.r,h,';p,n?- H-: Haht butchers. f-404!.6u; light mixed. (66(6n.40: choice light. 4t..4bt.6o; packing (6.4n(t.io; pigs (4.2S.2R: b"lk of ssles. 35.K6&I1 26. SHEEP AND LAMUS-ReceTpte estimated at about 23.0U0 head: market steady to 10c lower; sneen. 83 Stvfc8.7B; yesrlinas. iS TTxil lambs, (fl.ooia7.60. No eoO Wyoming lambs 3o2 Wyoming lambs . 850 Wyoming lambs 176 Wyoming lambs 360 Wyoming lumbs 240 Wyoming (units .';....... 214 Wyoming feeder ewes., 667 Wyoming feeder ewes.. 109 Wyoming ewes 22 Wyoming wethers 7oo Wyoming feeder lambs. liio Wyoming ewes ., 816 Wyoming larnbs S13 Wyoming ewes 276 Wyoming feeder ewes... 1216 Wyoming feeder ewes,. 201 Idaho wethers 86 Idaho wethers 170 Utah feeder ewes 37o Utah feeder ewes 619 Utah feeder ewes 40j Utah feeder awes 260 Utah breeder ewes.. 88 Utah breeder ewes 875 Utah breeder unci.,.,,, J40 Utah breeder-ewes....... Utt Utah cull ewes UUh cull ewes.! An Linn- yearlings , 690 Wyoming lambs lfcfi Wvnmln. 1 ..... I MWyom nS tab. V";.'.:" ,w Tjuiiiing . mmus ... 69 Wynniliia lanitm 211 tVvnmlh. ll l.,.t,. "2? doming yesrllnfcs A Weth's .88 Wyoming lambs 29 Wyom ng lambs L Wyoming cull lambs.! 2Sl Wyoming feeder ewes......... 30 Wyoming lambs ,,' 361 Wyoming lambs 344 Wyorrrlna Intnl. e 489 Wyoming - wethers, itf Wyoming wethers, 90 Wyoming wethers. 114 Wydmlnk ewes 43 Wyoming wes ... 280 Wyomlna venrllnir 1(7 Idaho ewes, breeders til Idaho lambs, culls and f'drs .7? Idaho ewas. culls and f'drs.. 144 Idaho iambs, feeders 186 Idaho lamhn r.n 265 Idaho ewes, breeders.'.'!.'! !"! 71 western lambs, feeders 41 western lambs, feedurs .A western lamhs, feeders 64 western lamhn tmmA-rm 365 Idaho lambs, feeders..!!.!!!! wethers t lambs lambs, feeders lambs, feeders 'esrllnss M Idaho yearlings 77 Utah lambs, culls 08 Idaho 2.13 Idaho 600 Idaho 340 Idaho 374 Idaho 287 Utah 5.18 Utah 118 Utah 47 Utah 59 Utah 4ft8 Utah 423 Utah 351 Utah 3n4 Utah feeders feeders feeders feeders. AV. 67 66 67 66 67 46 90 91 104 105 65 lurl 69 96 96 96 93 107 101 96 95 96 92 92 93 96 66 92 93 67 67 57 67 40 44 86 60 60. 62 48 94 48 57 67 K9 101 98 94 101 78 96 45 84 69 59 96 49 60 61 51 61 10) , 41 68 60 1(10 8a , 66 66 62 42 104 70 6A y g 1 . ns ii.a heifers. 82 (MJ4 80; stockers snd feeders, W ini4MI; calves snd vesrllng. 82.504)8 76. HOGS Receipts, 4w head; market stesdy. selling at (5 70r.n6; bulk ot sslen, (0.16(16.35. t , t. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOPEPH. Sept. 24 CATTLE R celpls. 2,P head; market er-Mve and steady: natives, 34.t)un.ri; cons and heifers. (l.76rV 4.9; stockers snd feeders. (3.76414.76. HO1 Receipts, 6.864 head; steady to wesk: top, (..; bulk of snles. 86aMlan. SHEEP AND LAMHS-He, elpls. 3.074 hesd; sheep slendv) feeders pv0.v lower; lambs. Kfrff7.-: yesrllnss, 86aiiei6.r5; weth ers, K Hw.10.rt; ewes, (4.7rrt6.3. tot ton ,.tarkt. - NEW YORK. Sept. t4.-COTTON-rutures opened stesdv; September. 10 80c hid; Octo ber, 10.73c ; December, iac: January, lO aAc; February, 11.08c: March. 11 08c; April, 11.11c; Msy. 11.16c; June, 11.17c bid; July. U.2.V. Spot closed quiet, middling uplandf ll.90c; middling gulf. 12.18c. No ssles. Futures closed stesdv. Closing bids: Sep temlier, lo.tiec; October, 10,71c; November, 10V: December. 1087c: Jsnunrv, 1097c: February, ll.02c; March, 11.08c; April, H.ISc; May, ll.lirr; June, 11.18c; July, 11 2V. GALVESTON, Sept. 24.-COTTtN-I3C. ST. IUIS, Sept. 34. COTTON-Qulet ; middling, 13c; no sales: receipts, 10 bales; shipment. 14 bales; stock, 3.11". bales. IJVKRPOOL, Sept. 24.-OOTTON Spot, small business done; prices 12 points lower; American middling fair, T.Sid: good mid dling. 7.27d middling,. gtWdt low middling. 4.!d; good ordinary, 6.64d; ordinary, 4.94d. The sales of the day were 4.000 bales, of which were for speculation and export, and Included 4.CC0 American. Recelpta were 8,200 bales, all Ainerlrart. ' llanlc t'learlnas. . OMAHA, Sept. If -Hank clearings for todsy were (2,004.215 .63 and for the corre sponding date last year. (1.665.846.20. FORTY " REALTT TRANSFERS Bnslness of On Day Neta Oss Hnn. dred ' nnd Twenty-Tkree' Thonsnnd Dollar. ' Real estate business Is going , ahead. Monday there were forty, transfers, ag gregating (123,000, and twenty-six mort gages, which . Is better than business has been running for month or two. ' Realty trade la expected to be light, how ever, through the Ak-SaNBen festivities. It always ia. Both sellers and' buyer have visitors during the ' carnival period and don't have time to look at houses and lot. After the king' ha passed by business usually takes a Jump forward.' Among tha sales t)f the last forty-elghl hours are; House at T,writy-rifth nl Ersklne, E. W. Gunther to J. G. Jewell, (4,000; house near Hanscom park, 'E. T. Peterson of the rlty engineer's office to El R. Woods, (4,400;.. house on Thlrty-Atst, ave nue near Davenport, C A Bloniberg to 8. E. Davles, (4,100. THIRTY DAYS FOR ASPHAU Wltkln tknt Pertnd City Engineer Ei peets to Complete Hen-airs . nf Streets. Within the next thirty day Che city en gineer expects to complete hi repair of asphalt street for the year. With the ex ception of two or three short street down town, the principal work to) be 'done I on Fortieth treet and this' will ' be reached some time next week, If present plan are carried out. ' ...: With a Car of asphalt shipped the first week - In September, from California, still missing, the engineer Is buying material In small quantities from Hugh Murphy, who has' considerable asphalt on- hand for work on his oontracts, ' Mr, Murphy expect to begin to place asphalt on the streets this week. ' . .. " . " '- -v . Bee Want Ad Produce Results. RAILROAD TIME CARD US ION STATION 10tk AND MAROY. Union PnctSe. Leave, a 8:60 am a tM pm - The Overland Limited. The Colorado Express. Atlantlo Express... The Oregon Express.,., The Los Angela Lim. The Fast Mall.... The California Express Colo. -Chicago Special. Beatrice Local North Platte Local Ckloaa efc ortfcerssf are, Chicago Daylight... a 7:06 am Bt. Paul-Minn. Exp 7:50 am Chicago Local...,,..,.., el:30 am Sioux City Passenge... vWara Chicago Psssengei ,.i.,..a 40 prn g 4: 10 pm 111:56 pm a 9.30 am a 4:00 pm al2:10 am am am . b 1:42 I 7:42 ( Arrive, a 6:40 pro a lax) pm a 1:30 am a 6:00 pm a 3:16 pro a (:4b pm a 6:50 pm 4:60 am b 6:18 pm a 4:15 pm lambs, lambs, lambs, ewes lambs lamhs ..... lambs lambs yearllnaa . l.'ill Wvomlna lnn.l,e U'vnmln. In m K :ii !'omln yearling's"' feeders' 92 fob Wyoming yearlings 93 W Wyoming .yearlings 92 St. Paul-Minn. Lim Los Angeles Limited.. Overland Limltedr., Fast Mall ioux- city Local. ...... ia Fast Mail.. all:M pm al0:O0 pm a 3:34 pm a 3:88 pin a-lel em .'...'.I. 4:00 pn 'a 1:23 am 71 102 40 68 rwln City Lemlteri. Norfolk-Bonesteef ., Lincoln-Chadron ... Dead wood- Liucobi . Casper-Bhoshonl. .... HastlugS-Superlor V irremont-Albion Chleagn Orent 1:24 pm, a 7:40 am a 9 30 pm al2:iipm .,n.iwt -. . e.oe a aivy aii m v . wj , , , s;ny prr- n s :w am saw pm a M pm ......a r:40 am b 7:40 am ......a 1:00 pm 8:00 pm i b 3:08 pm bS:5 pm WHlm. St. Paul-Mlnneaptflla....'. 8:80pm St. Paul-Minneapolis..,. , 7:30 am Chicago Limited.;...'..... 4:05 pm Chicago Express.. 7:80 am Chlcsgo Express..,,....,. 3:30 pm . a 7:40 am a 6 . 85 pm all:23 am a 4:36 pm all:26 am b 6:35 pm bl'i:46 pm 1: T:34 am 11:35 pm 8 .27 sm 11:36 1 m 1:80 pm tit. Pant. a 72 am all :60 pm 6.10; Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY Sept. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 22,000 head, Including 1,000 head of southerns; market strong; top. $7.10; choice export and dressed beef steers. $6.0t&7 JO fJr te good, $4.7044.00; western steers. (1.76 4z5.; stockers and fenders. (3.506.2O; southern steers. (S.Ug4.35: southern cows. $2.0U((i3.16; native cows, (2.133.88; native "I'ers, (3.15Ca5.(0; bulls, t23t(8.25; calves, (3. 2t4l6. 2S. 1 HOGS-Recelpts, 10,000 head; msrket opened bp- lower, closed steady; top, (t 30; bulk of sales, (4.(16.271; heavy. (6.ot, J1, jokers. $6.1(XS4.X7Vs; pigs and light SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt s, 14.000 hesd; market atsady; lambs, luc lower lamhs, $.SO7.26; ewes and yearlings, (5 ud 4i6vXi, ranue vearllngs. 86.4046 85: range sheep, K76iit6.eo; stockers and feeders, (.1.75 9J6.75. Cklcagn, Mllwankee Chicago A Colo So'l... Cal. & Ore. Express, t... a 4:20 pm a(:362pni Overland Limited , ......a 9:5k pm a 1:30 am Perry Local ,...e i:15 pin, alO.HOam Cklcngn, Rook Island Paoia. - - BAST. v Chicago Limited .a 3:45 am Iowa Local a 7:0" am Des Moines Passenger, .a 4.00 pm Jowa Local an :40 am t'hiiii tEastarn Ex.),. 4:60 pm Chicago Flyer a 4:W put . . WEST. -Rocky Mountain Llm....all:40 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex ...a l:3tpm Okl. and Texas Ex 4:40pm LlBcoln-Falrbury Pass..b 8:46 am Mlssnnrl PnclSo. K. C. A St. L. Exp. ....a 8:00 am 4:66 am K. C. a St. L. aixp Jl:Uptn 4:36 pm Nebraska Local 0 pm all;40am W a bask. St, Loul Express....... 6 JO pn at. Loul Local (from Council Blurts) a 1:30 am 8 tan berry Local (from Council Blufls) ..... lliluvis CsnlraL . Chicago Express........ Minu. A bt. Paul Exp. cnicago Limited.. All -.30 pm 4:30 pm 11:80 pm b 9:5i pm A 1:25 pm g S;8i am A t:35 am at 4:40 pm 1:46 pm bl0:U am 8:30 am aulas pm 010:11 am a 3:46 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:80 am 8 Jo an BURLINGTON gTAaOTH 4k HIIQI, ..b 1:09 pm a 7:20 am' b 7:80 am a 4:00 Dm Mum. St. Paul Ltntd.a 8:30 pm t. I.onls Lira Stock Market. sJ5I-a.LOJ;,t8' PT' $4 CATTLE Receipt , 5.000 hesd, including 1,000 head of Texsns rnsrket for nstlves strong: Texans, l(yg2uo I. r ZZ: snipping ana export steers, 1 (5 tfx&7.2n; dressed beef and butcher steers. lo.ex86.10; steers under l.f-00 iwunrts. (4 0 Hti, I 8.00; slorker ard feeders, (?.7S.i-5 00: rows' and heifers. (3 Uii4.90; csnners. (1.3il80- : hulls, C Ktt4.i6: calves. 8.1 'ftJl.Tt; Texas I and Indian steers. (3 2&&6.50, cow and 1 heifers f.7;93.80. HOGSReceipts, 8.000 head: ' market I tron; pigs ana ngniB, ra.vuff) ;.go; packers S5-au.6f; butchers and best heavy, (i.3ia 8HEHP AND LAMBS Receipt , 4 or 0 head; market slow; natlv muttons. (3 tih, 160: lambs (2 75r6.8: culls and bucks, $3.00 63.25; stockers, (a.Ol.oo. toek In Slgkt. Receipts of iv stock at the six principal western market yesterday: Cattle. South Omaha 4.3UO Bnrllagtna. Denver' sV California.. Northwest Special Black Hills Northwest Exprssa.,, Nebraska points Laavs. .A4:i0pm . 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .A 9:30 pm .a 3:0 am ..A (:M am Nebraska Exjireas.J..... 6:k) srn Llnsoln Fast Mail.. I b litf pm Lincoln tooaj. ............ Lim oln Lo si Louisvllla A Plattsin'th b 3:10 pm PelVevue-Plattsmouth . 8:16 pm Flattamouih-lowa . .....b 3:14 am Belle vue-Plattsmouth Denver Limited all 86 pm rides t Special a 7:00 am Chicago Express ..a4'pm Chicago Flyer ..4:S0prs Iowa Local 3 11 sm St. Ix-uln Express a 4 44 pm Ksneas City A St. Jo. . . al 45 pm Ksnsss ftty Sr. Joe.. .a 4:16 am Kansas City Bt Jo ..a 4:46 pm V Arrive. A 4:10 pm A 4:10 pm 4:14 pm A 4:44 AC A 4:10 pm A 4:10 put all 11 pm 8) 8.08 m A 8 40 pm I10:20 am T:44em iVwipra 4:44 am all pm 3:64 pm a 4 Mam U :30 am H 6am A I 80 ro A 4:i. pm WEB4TER ITA Sioux City.. Kanna City. St. Joseph... St. Louis Chicago .... 2,100 ......22 on 1820 ...... 6.HO .. .,,.10.(iu0 llnta. 1.000 4.5o 11 0l 4 264 8 14,000 21.000 H.O'A 3.074 4 ono 23,(" f rnnl xSTtt A irsitraa MlnnamBUa, A Totgl receipt... t.'....ia a,754 44.074 Ions City LIT Stock Mnrket. 6IOUX CITY. Sept. 24-Speclal Tele- tram.) -CATTLE Recelpta. t.OoO lit-ad; tnsr t steady ; besvea. $4.604) 80; cow and Cklcagn, Oaiakn. Twin City Passenger.. .b 4:8e am Sioux City Psasenger,. .a I o pm Emerson Thecal b 4:44 pm wmerann lyval .e('4Bam Mlassstl Pnolnn. . Local vl Wspin ' ' Water i 06 am Falls City Local. ...???.a ( 64 pm A Dally, b Dally except Sunday, only, d Dally sxcept Saturday, a e4to :nday 4 Arrtys. b4lpm 1124 am b 4 14 am e I 84) pm 1 , ( pm ail :z am e Sunday XfeUjr A v..