THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1901 II i 1 4 OFFERED FOR RENT .F.o,r,lsle nooms Coatlaaed. I WILL shnr my room during Ak-Bar-Ben with a rtflneJ, young man; neighborhood 17th and taas. Address K 261. H". ,r ' , - (16) MOO ZiX US 8..STH St., large east front room. stnt . ble fotj three gentlemen; hoiia strictly IWI .PH. ROOMS In' till parti of th city. Gang . lstad.,403 B Bldg. Tel. t. JH . - (16) M30I FOR RET Furnished ;roOm. 11T Dodg .St. , " , OB 812 fclEQANTL. furtllhc! rofatn, 71 South 1'Wh street. ' (16) 335 2x NICELY furnished rooms, 605 S. KSt'h Ave. ' ' "' ' (16) 327.SJ6X FINE - rooms, walking distance, private family. transients during Ak-Bar-Ben ,.week. ,) 1.- 2id Jit.- (IS) M4-4, 88 LKASANT south room.. new hous, quiet, clos In. Tel., Doggla 362. 1S)-M407 t8x yrRNlSHED rooms. Secure your rooma In advance fur -Ak-Ssr-Ben from Smith & Linton, McCsgus Bids. rouf . 69, - (15) M 439 MX ?LEAN furnished rooma; house modern; rent reasonable. 307 S. 24th St Tel. Locust 7193. .- i ... . . - (10) M469 BEAUTIFUL large 'front and other rooma; hay window; .clean; beat references. 614 N. 23d. ,.. (ttMl! 2Sx ..'OR RBNT Front room, modern flat, heat, 'j'lrclrlc light, gas. bath and telephone, , to gentlemen. 222 N, 24th (16) 646 2flx ?pR. . RBNT-Largv room at 1J7 S. 25th St. newrv-fiirnlshed Tel. IJoupHb k.149. (15) M5OT 28X K-8AR-DE?f vlxltora can ' secure flrst clas rooms by addressing 514 N. 23d. ' ' ifi)-Mi;$4 1 PLEASANT fUrnlahed room; modern houae; reference required. 2701 VVonlworth Ave. ' Ufi)-M68l 26x RONT roorrr; 83. '637 S. 26th Ave. - (IB) M702 Olx :" . 'Don't get all tired out! . ' ' -. . Come and see us., W have the moat desirable rooms In all ' part of ttio cttv. 't OMAHA RENTAL CO., Tel. Doug. 3S6. 3". N. Y. f Ate Phlg. ' - 5) 6S8 a MClHi CLASS -furnished 'rooms In new house; "hot water, heat, gas, elcotrlo light : Ami ' telephone; neighborhood and locs- Kiii'oi in Deai; Doara ir uesirea. sw South- 26th Ave. - (15) M713 61x Ft'RNlSHED, TOom for gentleman. 318 North '18th.' ,, . ... (15)-M703 Olx -VofamlBhed Rooms. JNfcSele-goiit- unfurnished room, strictly " modern.1 633 Park Ave. (154781 tox THREE unfurnlajied roomsT 1120 N. Tith 8t! ; d5)-42i FOl'R unfurnished houaekeeplng rooms. fliat floor; 171210 ward St, (l6)-36 2i - v- fNiraished Iloaaea aad Plata. SIX-ROOM furnished flak, close In; oak fin ish, hot water TieitV furnished. Haatlnga ' & Hcyden, 1704 Farnam Su (15) M304 i " ';- lloaaykeeplnit Rooma. . VTY-FURNISHED room, with break- . tM jjrlvllegea.. jili North 23d 8t. r f, . .' , S. . ., '.(la) M194 25 : ''X ,:,Mo" "laid CottaKeal - rri.wiACooD-'i." '' 1 We have' .iiX' 'strictly modern St. Louis lata Dow In construction to be completed 1 -.MXotter tflli and November 1. ..They have , f and . rooma. AU the rooms are extru " rge- -and .well, lighted) 'all modern- con iivtntunoes , furolahed and the ownev valeo rumlalvrs shade -and gas heaters, The.) ) golng td go quick, ao file your appli atlona ,at our onioe. Bulldlnff. la located it 30th and Ma son Sis., In tho Hanscnm ark district and we have the plans at our "tltlco; ;. ' - -;" PAYNB BOSTWICK ft CO,, T:'",,,'auirntf"Vi6tnr. -'vr.'-Y:' ure "BtaU . . - . .- 16)-41S 222 - f . - ' ' ' ',,. A brand'ne-W'' house, 4208 Dodge St. ' Hot 'water heat, hardwood finish, , ", yvtills , beautifully . decorated with latest w ' pattern of paper. $45 per month,. PETERS TRUST CO., ;(lround Floor.) t .1.-. ! N. Y. Life Bldg. ... (16) M506 iix rooma, second floor MOt M. 26th St., city water In kitchen, 114. -Dne 6-room all modern house, 840. southeast corner 24th and Blnaey. ' CHRIS BOVKR, d and Cuming Sta. .fU.'- ' ".-, (15) M507 BOl-WILLIAM ST., 4-room cottage; modern except furnace; one block from car line. (15) -561 25x - t&2 PATRICK AVE., rooma, new, modern except beajt, ' 636. ... 4174 Ouas Bt.,-8 rooms, modern except heat, '.:-.-:. ... . BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. iv i - v . i 'Phoaa Doug. 685. . . " m a .' .' 06-M156 ElGHT-room, -all modern, close In, walk ing distance!' half block from Farnam car. 27U6 Dewey Ave. Harrison ft Morton. 913 - N.-T. Ufe. - ' : (15)-M62 28 S"v ' ' ' FOR' RENT-Slx-room "house, modern ex-ci-pt fUrnaoe; 'VCt 8.- 28th St.? 26 per month. -.'Phone Harney. 2358. (15)-M6S7 ;':iTE DO expert -plano moving at lowest " prlbe. Tel. Douglas 1625. Bchmoller ft "y MXjeller- Plaao Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. " r (i5)-r . OMAHAVan ft Storage Co. pack, move. stora, H. H. gooda atorebousa 112D 34 N. th. Office ltiu8 Farnam. TeU Doug. r.68. 15)-21 1.-IQUSEH6LD goods packed. ' forwarded; . rheap freight rates. Moving and storage. T Expreeamien'a. Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas tul . . -. . . -.. TOR H?Nf-Ry owner.-8881 'K. 83d. new - 7"JUDlf tvii. isi. weDster lSoa. - - - : (15)-263 . VVH MOVE PIANOS-Maggard Van . and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14t. Office, 1713 (16) 22 HOUSES P"e of the city. R .ly-''-3 - C. Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. (15)-2t) FOR. RENT Four rooms and bath- every " - thing modern; fjmace. 261D No. 'JCth St. - . - (15)-Mul7 , UOUSES. lnautanoa, Rlngwalt. Barker wik '(.. ', (15) 26 . HOUSES iP .'L1 i""" of 'y .7- V Crelgu Song ft Co.. Hoe liUig - lB-J,4 a i . r ' ' , , ICO 6-room modurn house, ff. Fenger. 6"i - Y- t: T't Red 31:7. (15)-12t -ROOM house, modern except furnara 6CJ S. . - r U5)-M410 28 Xl North 29th, t-.roont cottage, modern - xent heat," $'."i.lA North ilst, T-room, modern except ', teat. r.w. . . -4 -1 North '3Trt. 8-eoom. eewer, bath," gas, ' CO; owner rmys water rent. HaBftnins ft Hcyden, , " '" 11 Faraain St.' ' , , ' ' - (16)-M97 25 1-ROOM cottage for rent. Address AV. 'tore Deo. (15) M391 t8x - Klghl rooma. modern, hard wood floor, tvtn, JUS .AVIrt street, KO. ' evrn . rcoTs, nuxlern. new, hot water bent, rWNurth 'voth 'street. $40. ":.g"t rooTra, I avn. pUrt street, 830. " ' f " V IT. rtATVfl. ''. Y. Life. (I6)-641 S6 'tJrrT;,.'". "nl " modern, .'tr." Wrt-r. J-rot.m. all nioa-rn! ,x. .e..K "M.s,e. r O i;rwi f'lt, "TilT CO., N Y ' '!. PHf. ' -l ne Doug. VB t iRK'T-n.Me.e4- -mw r.r..-rn --'- tn rv-v frim "tr. St l'n ' 5S1) t-rSl Wt ' 'PHnn M..l. " '-'f'wKNT .rnom .iae' niQiirn except I f -TTse. wis No: ssth st. it-zn I ' OFFERED FOR, RENT Homes m4 Ottagea Coatlooed. FOR RFNT -room modern houe. 2110 Lake well located. . . OR) M173 F. D. H EAD haa moved hla office to Wead Building, ixth and Farnam St a. (15) SoS Ralldlaga. RETAIL LOCATION M08-1O-1J Harrey St., five floors and base ment, 6xl32 feet, bow occupied by. Midland Qlaas and Paint company. UlkOROK ft CO. i 11 FARNAM ST. (16) M231 21 "OR RENT, A SIX-STORY RCILDINO IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. The slx-atory and baaement building at 120( Howard Bt , formerly occupied by the Hayward Brothera Shoe Co., for rent. "Annual rental 12.400.' Floor apace is 20x132 ft., and all floors and basement contain about 20, mo square feet aurfaco. Tha - building has a good elevator and nflica 'apartment; and ! equipped with. a modern - lire sprinkler system. . , ' "" R. C. PETERS ft CO.,: i ' 120 8. 17th 8U Ber Building. ' ' " " ." i (16-M.u ' -1' ' enioes. i '. FOR" RENT Desk room In Bee office', city hall building, 417 N. 2Cth SU, Somh Omaha. Apply to tnanaaer. 16-13t- DESK room. 60S faxton Blk. (16)-476 .,. Stores. s . , One store room In new "Scargo" building In South Omaha, near poatofflce, with lighted tiaaement, mortem- show windows and awmnga; best poaatbie -location. Hail Distributor (,o.; 317 First Natl. Hank Bllg. Phone Red 7404. Jlbj NEW STORE ROOM, corner Locuet and Sherman Ave., for dry goods, ahoea or notions; good location; good place-for ' right partyi Inquire Joseph Hoaaka, Hit Sherman Ave. (16) Mi u 7, 2 J WANTED Six tenanta to engage 3 stores and 3 flats - to be erected on Davenport, between 15th and 16th; must know thiif week. S. Hawver, 1U4 Emmet. Phone Webster 857. " (15)-M618 30 FOR lectures, concerts, da rice a and- balls. Fraternity hall, 1K18 Harney St., opposite Publlrt library. N. P. Dodse ft Co . 1714 Farnam St. . (16)-M)7 019 DRUQ STORE; be unoccupied location for local drug business In ' city. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l Kwctry location. HEM IK, J06 Paxton. Blk. 'Phone Douglas 586. (15) M340 FOR RENT Laraa store room. lh and Vinton Sta. 0. Vf Uurhminn 1.17 piTlnn block. ' ' (15)-30 STOREROOM, 621 8. 18th. St. Clarke Powel'.. 2044 Farnam St. (l5)-2f OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fenc'ngi wire fencing So per foot. 206 N. 17 tb St. Tot. Red 814. .. - (16)-28 Farnttar. ZD HAND ft.mlture-bought and sold; busi ness on the: square. Rosenberg, formerly ' with Chicago Furniture' Co.f 103 8. 14th Bt. Tel. Douglaa 6Sh6w (lf-M46 B29 FOR SALE Fumituro of a Id-room house; - all or part; furniture must be, mostly - cash or terms. 517 N. 18th 8t. ,- - (16)-M7 WORTH SEEING! STOVES ft RANGES AT HALF PRICE! 300 nearly new, slightly used, high-grade stoves and ranges; - You can save half by buying of us. We do what's light. CHICAGO FURNITURE-CO.,-, Mil Dodge. . Tel. Dong. 4787. , v. (16)-433 05t.l FOR 8ALB-yl8-lnch "Estate Oak " . heater, cheap; alao Iron beds, refrigerator, etc. Inquire at 2221 Lothsop St.. after 4- p. m. v.-, i, ,.. . 06)-Mtt: 2fix Nfc i ' I ' r ' Pianos, Orcaaa,. Maateat Inatrwmeata. :MUSI "RAISE THE CASH TO PAY THE MUELLER ESTATE. Over 1100,000 worth of pianos sold at lass than factory cost Call or write at once for pricea, catalogue and bargain list .- v . Neiy PlanoB for r'ent$3 and up. . SCIIMOLLER ; & " MUELLER ; PIANO COMPANY, ;; ' TEL DOUO. 1625. ;.; l3;i-i313 FARNAM SfREEf.' (16)-338 FOR SALE CHEAP-Story & Clark cabinet . organ. 13 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned - Instrument, suitafa'.s, for church or home, good condition; oost 3250. Address L 734, Bee. - (U)-37i) OLD -ITALIAN violin, The tone will ap peal to the finest artist. Call or address Sso Benton St., Council Bluffs. , (16)-643 2fiX PARTY leaving city will sacrifice good upright piano, 3211 California. ' - .( , w i - ' t - (1W-667-28 UPRIGHT Kimball piano; fine condition, ,'VdU; owner.leaving clly. 1819 Davenport. . .... . , l 'lAi 'W BUFf ii'T Baritone saxaphone, In solo leather, case, used ,-atx sionlbs. ; good as new, bargain. 8u8 N. loth St. (16) 340 26x Pool mud Billiard Tablea. FOR SALE-Naw and second-hand billiard and pool - tables. W lead the - world In c"ieap bar fixtures; easy payments, bruns-wlck-Baike-Cotlendar, 407 H. lOiit St. ' t!6)-371 . FOR SALE-IIigU grade second-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at toO. Call room bv3. Bo Bldg. - . (1G1 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No, 6, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call ttt Bee office. ; , (10)-C2Sx ONE REMINGTON typewriter. No. 6; In splendid condition. Addresa B lfll. Roe. ........ (IS) 188 24 I MlacelUneoas. DUPLEX PUMP: 600-gaHon Wortbtngton duplex pump, alia 12xHxl0, for sale about October L This pump has seen about -six months' actual service and la in good condition; will sell at 'a bargain.' Apply W. II. Brldgea, engi neer Bee Bldg. 1 ' ' (16) 670 J. P. O'BRIEN'S SALOON . and Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, No. 1416 1'ai'iiaiu bt, fur sale, W. W DODGE, . - Trustee in Bankruptcy, or Ulc Bldg. 'Phone Lvuglae 126I. tl$) M359 R1DPAT1'S liisioi of the World Anier. iiaiiixe'i iL4W.'clunnM linlnii.i; t: liusruiiloiirtl eiK-vctupaedia; . on small . iiM'iiUy pmn.f ntfc WebLter's Una-m-Ulicd DKl:oi.ry, 1'J editum only U-ii till, week. H. II. Ri-her, . -aumbwssl corner 16;h nd Faruam .jits. ' M)-447 Sp i iira.iy .new, u, yifiwtue sold for iui. I Rev.-I VV. Piehn, K. ), -nsjn, N.b. HAY-W 00 fer ton. Wagoer, Hoi N i. ... .v . ' . amt OFFERED FOR SALE Mlecellaaeooa L'oatlaaeg. .1 r Get Torn rRvrr.-" - .Tea, gel your fruit, and while you are kbont It get well-bred and sweet-tempered fruit ereated umler the dtvln phrenic rules for correct pifrity and the best edut'attqg rV:etaphyatral Influence. Drive out or take the cara to Be con. then follow .the stone pavement to the W'lssard's 6prlng Iake farm, where you can supply your fruit wants In No. I and 1 peachea, craba, phima, appnea, of many aorta and for all purposes, and bred to a quality-differing from all other breeds. THK-OnORK WILLIAMS, Telephone Benson 235. (16)-:4 34 GAS, ELECTRIC AND ? COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inapeciton Invited. - BUlttJESS-URANDEN CO. U2 So. I&th L ' Tel. Doug. L - U6)-373 FOR Oak cabinet table, gaa range, ' tulking machine, chalnleea wheel,' etc. ApplyaKB Pacific St. Thursday and Fri day morning from 9 to 12 a. m. . . , ... . . . 0)-M86H 26 W.OOft GALLONS FINE CLARET' WINE for sale at a bargain, In lots to suit; will quit the wine btiaineas In Kunstis; write -t once. The Donlphai Vineyards, Atchi son, Kan. " (16) M(i(B OSx FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain. -21-kyrup, two body, refrigerator base, countev au tomatic carbonator, filter, all as good as new; also drug store fixtures,' counters ' r;d shoW cases. Howoii Drug Co., 16th ' gild Capitol Ajre. - (Hi) 648 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral anew cases, a new neanut roaster. , large coTee mill, two large automailc iriini uiiu mum uftiures 4IU uuioeruu to 'mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 878 FOR SALE Flr.est boarding house In the -city; heat 'location all furnlahed;, walk ing distance, etc.; clifap. Inquire 303 Karbuch Blk., Omaha, Neb. (16) 274 : FOR SALE CHEAP 28 H. P. Fairbanks ft Morse gasoline engine, new; haa been run only a few times; will give a bargain. Apply to B. W.-Cooke, Kimball. Neb. (18)-M694 87 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & MCONNELZ. DRt'G CO.. Omaha. Neb. (16) Wi FOR SALE-Flve pool nd two billiard tables at loss than half price; must be sold and removed this week. 418 No- 24th 8t So. Omaha. .16) M156 FOR SALE Three fine specimens of the .Rocky Mountain black bear, 6-months-old ouhs- Correspond with Morris ft Stevens, Trout Creek, Montana. - (16) M612 30x FOR SALE Two large refrigerators; very cheap If sold at once.' The Fletxchmann ?o., 1UU Chicago St., Omaha, Neb. O6)-M8U0 2Cx " 1 ' ' ' 1 - 1 i A HUGHS, register for sale, as good as .. new. Ranborn Drug Co., Deninon. la.- (16) M708 61x KITCHEf range, complete; alao-late style baby carriage; bargain; parties leaving City. 4219 Farnam. (16) M714 25 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; frlght paid on 110. lots. MyerS-Dlilorj r Drug Co., Omaha. , .(Hi 277 FOR BALE Furnace, suitable for heating a 9-roorr, house; good as new; apply at once, 3027 Harney St. (16) 83 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, whoUsils and . retails Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (16)-J76 SIMPS6jN Rockaway,, nearly new, very, low (16-3M 80x SHERMN-WILUAMS CO., best mixed plnt. . Sherman ft McConnell Drug r0. (14)-S7S FEW bargains In id hand, soda fountain, monthly payments. Tterlghf. 1S18 Farnam. ; . . .. OW-2S5 FOR SALE A (16 heating stove for S3. S8J0, Decaf UT. Tel, Webster 2813. : ' (14)-M421 28 SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer, 418 N. 18th. ... (16) 280 HALLS safes, now, 2d-bnd. 1818 Farnam. GOOD kitchen range with water front for salev quJk.Harney 2726. - (16)-tM679 27x PATENTS LARSON fc CO. Sook free. Bee Bldg. (17) J D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxlon blk. Tel. Red 7117. - ' n7)-578 Octll PERSONAL IDEAL HAIR PARLORS, room 11, Creigh ton block; new management; manlcur- - lug, uairdresslng. Markman-Petera. - Tel. Red i47. (18) M6J6 ' .. THE ELITE - fAKNfjrc Chalybeate scrub bathi operator; -solicits select patronagu. Room 2u0 Marker Blk., 15th and Farnam. c (1S)-1J4 26x -jv; MR. A. A.PATZMAN. organiser ftr tin OhiJ Mobile Car-tign syndicule, lcti, tur umi last night to be gone one year. The syn dicate memheralitpa are about ail taken, and the syndicate will be entirely closed in a tew ddya. If Interested see the modal In Haines' drug store window, 13th and ,- Karnaui, or call at room 31, U. S. National ,' Bank Bldg: . , (lh) M6Dj 26 YOUNG WOMEN, coming to Omaha as sirangeis aro lavtted to visit the Young women's Christian Association rooms, 1516 Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (U) 916 PLEATING ' BS3n' Dyelns and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard. Send for price net and Samples. ' ' GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. . -10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas im (18) M644 MAGNETIC Osteology and Massage. Room 2. 1204 Farnam S:., 2d flof.r. (UI-M1S1 s:6 A JIOMH for women during confinement - will find comfortaWIe homes for bubles whose mothers care for them; ac commodation first-class, terms reasonable. Addres Mother Lee, Superintendent Tin ley Home. 'Phone Douglas lKL'l. 403 Ban croft, (18)-M818 Octl6x THE SALVATION ARMY aollcltB cast-oiT ' wiH.iuiK. in ioci, anyining you do not 5fed;.Jvlf collect, repair and Bell, at 114 N 11th St.. for coat of collecting, to tho . worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will nail. (U)ll ;SKVINO machinre rented. Neb. Cyolo Co.. 15lb and Harney. 'Phone Douglas 16ti3. ; tl t SVRLNGE8, rubber goods, by mail; cut ri,?"- n(5 tor ffee catalogi.e. Myers nllun Drug Co.. Omaha. (18 S7 WkHE Y?U wr,, to nvertlsera remem ber It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Be. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24lh St. TeL Web. toi? ' ilS) 2s f A nTirrnTin( treatniant mi.A, jr JUlV,',iJi Bmllh. US.N. IMM f Z7. f l) trj OMAHA ' Stamrovrers" Inatltute. Ramae Julldmg. 08) 2M PRNNELL MILLINrT-Co'16lTDm.r OS)-l7 Nov. 17 iHEAL. ESTATE RUSSELL ft M KITR1CK CO., 432 Ramga : .ii)-2 FATNB INV. CO- 1st floor N. T. L ' Doug. , a ' (19) 291 R.q. fETERS ft CO.. Bee Bldg. . 13)-ai ntyiitni a, iuiiiiir Il Farnam. Tel. Douglas Tr C. ti. RICH, lth and Locust, Tel. Wfb 1471. . -- a--at ovux REAL ESTATE i Ti i ' ' : . . :.-.1'l., CITY PROPERTY Volt f ALU. 7 rs?m0.: 1 v: P ROP E RT I E S' r ' TO-BE SOLD THlfcWEEk . 'M N. ZTtn-Av,, frlarjovj,ll!U ern house; nonresident owner, lnatructs ua .to close. It, out .at once';, house VacaM;" wba- " lleve $2,360 wllr fcuy It. .; , 4117; Charles Bt.f ..8-tioom . house! wltJi gas, furnaqe, tome, . ' fruit, only 41,760. 2708 Blnney St.!-oom house, with tfcree lota,of,2,CiO. - VACANT. LOTS Tpon"t forget. tho oouth -front lots on. Douglas sV.! beW" tween 43d nA 44tlw .price has been reduced tp. 1650. per lot for quick ; sale; . these t ate 1-the. Cheapest lots In the West Far nam district) w4thutl ques tion. T j.-fif ' ' :. ' ! A few mpre nlce building lots at ' 4t ay Taylor Sts., one block aouttt cf Ames Ave., for $.00 and up. "Acreage7 " . '.,'. i ... -. .. . ( Ten acres, with nil klndsr. '- ' ; f,iuit,,and goddbulldlngs, ' at' ' .;. ' 4Sth and Fowler Ave.- - IK'.'.J " Twenty acres on the West ' Dodge St.' "road" : with'' good ' house and barn, -fruit j Juat the . place to farm ori a small scale; " price, 88,908; owner would ex- -change for Omaha property. PAYNE, BOSTWlCIv & CO . -Main Floor -"if '"'.' fife' "BUJg..'.,",'. A - (19)-M601 28 ANOTHER AUCTION LAKE JAMS PARK , Next Saturday.tee'pt'.28th at 1 p. m. ."Nothing aucceedsiike success. ' Our auction stile' was H success, 'At least one man has cauae to know so. Also six others who shared in his good luck.. ' Mr. Frank J. I'hel.ln of 2625 Cnarlea St., a well known cltlsen, secured the gift lot. The Idt Is worth eTvery -dollar of the-price, too-4300. . We, . therefore', OonSlisded ' to -OOtiUnue the sale. ' Remember the place and the date. LAKE JAMES PARK. NBXT SATURDAY. 2 P. M.I1 SHARP. V 's Come out and see the beauties of this addition and get a lot at your own price; Get two or three' of'them. Be out before sale and pick your -lots. ' Colonel C. W. Kaley,. formerly f Lincoln, Auctioneer: ' - ' ' . , REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRITTT Co., . Charles E. Wllllasneon. Prealdent. ' 1201 Farnam BU C S. National Rldg. .v."..- -,( i:aqoiu: ' (JWi-M88.II., SPECIAliRARG A IN A,r . 8QPMS ,. ; ,r .; ; SPAULDJNG STI115ET . Owner has autrMrtta-us' to seli this fine, large 8-room houaa.1 a sacrifice, modern except heat,- , and; piped, for furnace,., new roof,, good paper, Juat painted and In good repair, permanent-wxUks and good plumb ing, lot la 60xl24sfotitlisMth front on "pauld Ing, three blocks txom Dodge street car line. .We can ceil .Uilatfw 8400 cash, and per month with .tmorett at, frper rent; privilege glvenTtoj-osg more at. any time. iKm't-overlook thisititnap. t; r , i. HASTINGS ft HEYDKN, 1704 Farnam St. - - OW-44 26 -. .... .i . . a .-,..$Tr59 ' V ;C The owner oifth'goutUwest coHjeV of 25th ' and Charles gta. .a.' ft, on 25th BL' by . 120 ft. .on Charles), with cottage of seven rooms and bath, hss-.jnst authorised ua to sell this property'tat above price; he has .been asking 85,000,. bt. must now sacrifice for,lmifledlate sale. Look at ' this. -THE BYRON- REED CO., . Phong Doug. 287. ' ' '' 312 So. 14th Bt. (U)-M(l 28 T $13; 3,000 s. '- ' FOR G BRICK FLATS Renting now' fW $1,140 a' year, and by a Uitlo fixing up will rent for $1,800 a year. . f.m b nt has 7 good rooms, ith ' several more In half vbaae,ment whlch.'iu be used. Flats are strictly modern' lir1 evegy'way,-V'-hnve the latest plumbing and heat '"' Ing. The building, located on tho northwest corner ot,- 21st arid Bur dette, only orie block from the Dodge street car line, rrr three blocks from -' the -24th street -Tfne. This' 'pi'ioe . is'' only good for a short time. It only takes 86,500 cash to handle 'Oi) Uv balance can be paid with 'the rents coming In. very easily. It wll .Vy y6u to look thfa ilitt once? ' Hastings 'f; Heyden, ' SOLE AGENTS. " ' 1704- Farnam Bt . .- Bee Bldg. ' ..-J :;-ttm. tfnf (19) 666 26 WHO W ANTS ;1T v ''twSfesW . :' ON Bl'RT BTKTET. BETWEEN .' J 15th nd lVrt'8t;; foY 1 ' ' ' : $4,0iT ! -' - ALL TAXES PAIjp GET BUSY. . TTIE BYRON. REED, CO, ' Phone Doug. 297." ' "ill if6itlhl4tlk. t ..? - CWrv'O 27 $5,0QP:,- IIANSCOM PARK HOME located on 31st Pt-r between' Pacific' and Woolworth; hoiiK'No; 1119 South 81st Bt.; house haa nli.c rooma, live on first floor and four on second floor; strictlv ill modem; the location is very desirable; lot 60x150 feet, on paved street. uavlnn all raid- trees, good barn. Go out and look this iinl .. ....... , . . .. , . 1 . . r 1 m. tun iui kiiw 4n - worm a. least $2,000. Owner wants to Sell at once. . HASTINGS ft JIEYDEN. 1704 Farnam. St., Bee Bldg - ' " t9) ' FOR BALK To close' up , an estate by partiea living out of Omaha, two fine building lota, paved, curbed, with side walk;, very beat offt-r for caah, accepted or Inatalliitmts;, ene. pleoe lirfvl. w, lot 8. block 8; one p1i-e, Shcfidan Plnce, lot 1, block 2, Address Mrs. Anna lvters, Iincaster, Fairfit-ld county. Ohio. R F. D. No. . . 1)-M62 SOx MODERN COTTAGE. FIVE-ROOM cottage, thoroughly well built; double Moors, surfsce floors being maple; large bath room; nice attic; pipes for gss and wired for electric light; all modern plumbing; full slse Screens, ate.; south front lot. 67x100, lying high and sightly; wo blocks soutk ofrAnias Ave. car line. 3616 Boyd Bt.' Prk $4 960 . - C. a. CARLBERG, . 1-ll. New York Xisisldg. .. ' '' '' :- . : ' Klsl-'MiOl ' - f'f AVOID HIGH RENT. Bity JT716 Capitul Ave., 6 eo..nis, large attic, furnace.- best-plumbing,-tn fact ona of th ntcest boaiao In Omalia. ItatMly. Jo4oter 1. Street paving gora In next niontlt; walking distance.. Price, $3; cask .required, $.); balance aauhthly. CheapesMo llvo in this delightful -cotUgo than to . rent 'aa-old liouao. Look at lt.-:. a - C- S. 6HEPARD. Tel. Webster Ml " ' . ' ' ' !''' t9)-S47 86X ' ' I i .t -L-qrl I' . F. 1. WEAD ha moved hte office to Wead BuUdiiHL-Uth and kaarliam gjia. REAL ESTATE - 4dTYrROriCRTT : , (Continued.) t a- r 356 North 40th Street, 10 room well built, ' thoroughly modern home, hard wood finish,- large :' commodious rooms, hot water ..... heat, first class condition and choice location. On Farnam car liiie extension, two blocks from new Catholio Cathedral.1 Can be '- ' ;. '; ; ,'-' ' seen any day. . D. V. Sholes Co., , (t . ; 110 Board of Trade Bldg.. Ground Floon-'Phono Doug. 49. fc ..- t I; ). ,- I ." ... , at w ! '2t",'':'. -il) M678 2Sx .GEORGE & CO. 1101 Furnim Bt -Phon,XouvtM 754 ; ; DUNDEE- X BY THE END OF 1907 ABOUT 600.000 CUBIC YARDS of dirt will- have been moved ' In shaping up land and road ways in Dundee- and -vicinity : within three years. Thle.' ; ' work ha all been done under v the supervision of most onf petent engineers. Grades have been established-with refer- f .' '- 4)nce to making all perrpa- nent lmprtvemonta necessary ' . ' for the building of a city. ' ' L'nslghtly banks have been ' . - leveled and, uniform gradea- established. 'The many In-''. ' - ' w qulrlea about Dundee Indi- ; . oate that comparatively few '.. " people khow of these exten- ' sfve Improvements. Go out this week and see what' .has ; been done. Some of (he best -lots, with city water, gas, electric, light, . cement walks, trees, and on .s the csr line, can still be bought for $650 each, on easy .. terms; 6 .per. cent .discount , : for cash, and . 10 per cent additional, discount where a . house la commenced this year. ' . . .119) MI07 26 KEYSTONE PARK The largest, finest, most popular acreage 'addition ever plntted near Omaha. 90 sightly site ' for SUBURBAN HOMES 69. TRACTS' SoLDOnly jl" left UNSOLD. ' , More spoken for, ' . Suleqt your tract NOW. Live Near to Nature' Heart! . Plant trees on your own little farm when Abor day comes. , j. The best mother is Mother Earth! ' . Let us show you ' . KEYSTONE PARK " Ft ybu' have been hesitating see us now! Ml be forest is too late. ,, . . , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- '"" New York Lafe. BIdg. ' D. V. SHOLES CO., Board of Trade. (19)-4D 26 $1,960 Five room cottage, near i:3rd and Grace streets; remodeled except furnace. A bargain at tbla price. UQderhill ft Co., 'Phone, Webater li. (IS)) 38 2 FOR SALE Fine store room, suitable for any kind of business, -with five living rooms, an strictly modern; paving paid, in .A-l location: price, for short time. $2,0. 'Phones, Webster 8709, Wester 1059. Underhill ft Co. (19) 40 26 WE9T FARNAM BARGAIN. 856 N. 40th St., 10-room, well built. ' thoroughly modern home, hardwood finish; large commodi ous rjoms: hot water heat; Aist 4'ias condition, and choice loca tion. On Farnam csr line exten sion, two blocks from new Catho lic cathedral. Can be seen any day. D. V. SHOLES CO.. HO Board of Trad. Bldg. Ground. Floor. Tel. Doug. 4S. - - " (19)-M47$ t6s APARTMENT HOUSE A 8-room brick apartment house, near the penter- of town, renting for $33160 per niontn. . Price, $16 60. Half rash will buv It. D. V. BHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade. TeL Douglaa 4. tV$)-n t$ , $26.50 BRAND NEW ' Five-room cottage, built of best ma terial,' modern except heat, cement base ment under whole house, lot 44x131. close to best car In the city, on beautiful Bristol tit-V paving and all special paid; offered for thl week only., . , UNDERBILL; ft CO., Phonss Webster 1068 and Webster 3709. WEST FARNAM ' . c , BARGAIN REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR AI.B. fContlnuad-l . Will buy elegant new home In West Far nam Bt. district, now occupied by tn owner. Hardwood finish, cemented cellar, paved atreet, permanent aldewalka, fev er) thing new and in first class condition. This la a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York , Llle, Building. tho m;i5 FOR SALE Cheap, fine 8-room modern house; hot water heat, and full lot. and : barn; also 8-room rettaatt, modarn except (urn ace. Call at 4236 Harney Bt, (19)-563 JSX - BUT THIS BARUAIN.. Lot at SstU and Fort streets, only 8321. A O. Noidqutat, Owner, 624 B. 2vth Bt. (19) 751S $4 LOTS In Halcyon Height. Benson, lying welt, close to car linn; 20 minutes' rluo to umalia. Will sell altogether or in bunches of fire. For price and term ad dress M 42. cara Bee, . . (19) 163 REAL ESTATE - TITLE-- rUBT CHAS. C WILLIAMSON. Prea. V-. 18)JM FOR HALE Ten room houae, large dnnhlo i lot. beaotlful modern ' home ' In splendid repsir, . In exclusive residence district. Worth $18,000. Will sell for little more , than half; easy term. Address B-206, ' car Bee office. (19) 844 LIST rot" property with Chi Boyer. 22d snq cnimiog cit-. n:o- zvn - REAL ESTATE FARM AND llANCU LANU FOR BALB. WESTERN IOWA corn land foi sale and exchange. Writ li. L. Craven ft Co., Onawa, la. (20) M6S6 013x , -i ! . - Raws a. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete list of Kansas lands. Agents wanted. Glob Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. . (20)-M516O10 Montana. MONTANA .SHEEP RANCH. 18,000 acre. 14,400 sheep; fine Investment; - prdspectus free. Shober's Land Agency, Helena, Mont. - t (20) M7 28x Nebraska- FARM FOR SALE '. 137 acres, Just Ave and a half miles west of Omaha post office, on Dodge St., two - house and barns, orchard and grove of Urge trees covering several acres. PRICK $200 PER ACRE, OR $27,400; ONLY $7.4'I0 CASH, BALANCE I XING TIME AT 6 PER CENTc ' Farm land, no better, near small country towns, In Iowa and Nebraska, I bringing ' from $126 to $200 per acre; land -so near the business center and within one and a half miles -of several of Omaha's . good residences at $200 per acre is a ssfe Investment and must necessarily Increase in " value. ' GEORGE ft CO.. 1001 Farnam Bt ' ' . ' . (2A)-M704 26 $0 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balance farm land, easy term. A. T. Seybolt, 3623 Grand Ave, 'Phone Webater 1970. (20) M360 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farm and ranches - for home or investment. Bemla Omaha. ' " (20) 800 F. D. WEAD ha moved hi office, to Wead Building, 18th and Farnam St. (20) 6t ' ' ' GREAT BARGAIN. ,Sunnyslde,, ISO-acre farm adjoining town; - If In acre lots would sell for $100 to $200 . pet- acre; all the advantagea of town and . farm life; $60 for immediate sale. J. T. Campbell, Lftchflcld. Neb. '.'"I" ,. ' (30)-M671 2x t .: , Dakota. ' " -' OUT THEY OO. You eon always find good rich wheat land and just the kind of a stock farm you - want by selecting frjm our 100,000-acre , tract In the famous Hettinger county, North Dakota. Go out and see K. Look u irp; William H. Brown Co., Rlohardton or M and an or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 Laaalle St. Chicago; lib' (30) M353 27 Texas. GULF COAST OF TEXAS EXCURSION. HOME8EEKER8 excursion to the famous Gulf Coast of Texas October 1. Round trip ticket from Omsh $22 60. Thrr meals and berth In our comfortable private car will cost you only $1.50 per day. We can show you land that will double In value In a year. A much as 9000 ner acre has been realized In growing vegetables for winter markets of the north. This Is the greatest money making proposition as far as land la concerned in the United Btatee today. Do not wait .until -the land sells Out of alght before Investigating. Come wun us this trip. For particulars ad dress The International Land and In vestment Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. i - (,2U)-M6&5 2 WE have Just secured the exclusive north . ern agency for 300,0ii acres of the choicest farm, land In Texaa; apecial car from , Omaha on October 16; special train from Kansas City next day; low rates and very easy payments on very fine farm land. 18 automobiles at destination to show j land; very superior accommodations for , the entire trip If you go with us. Write for illustrated paper (free). Continpental Really Co.. 21-36 U.' 'S. National Bank , Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (20) M696 26 Mlscollaaeooa. CHEAP land-JacoboozTft Co., 936 N. T. L. (20)-MlC 29 300.000 ACRES OF LAND. WE WANT wide-awake real delate man from each town, Nebraska, Iowa and Dakota, to sell or Nebraska and Gulf Coftst . country Texas landa. Control at,0) acrus. Pay - liberal commissions. Write us .for . prospects. . Grassmeyer Kchaaf Investment Co., : 1C48 P Bt. Lin coin. Nth. ... . '. (20)-641 i I CAN SELL any also farm from 15 acres . to 80 acres here In Cass county, Missouri, and loan you 75 per .cent of the purchase Erice; our corn on. them will make 65 to ) bushels this year. J. C. Pntrlck Har rlBonville. Ma (20) M670 2x REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Pemls, Paxton Block. ''.-.- . - ..- (22)-)! WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters ft Co (22)-3o3 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H Thomas, 505 First National Bank Bldg. - . , .. oaao3 81,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates no deiay. Tbomas Brennaa, Room. 1 N Y. Life. (22) 304 ' UNION LOAN ft INVEST. Co., $10 Be Loans on Real Eatate. . Bldg Buy lat and Sd mtgea. 'Phone Doug. f.K4. ' ' (22) M129 0t6 WANTED Clly loans and warrant, w. Farnam Smlt th ft Qo.. IW Farnam St. (22)-30l 8609 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates no delay. GARVIN BROS., 10u5 Farnam! . - - - (22) 801 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. " (22) 804) . LOANS on Improved Omaha- property. O Kaef R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. - - (22-305 $690 TO $66,000 TO IXAN-Pr1vau money; Oelsys. J. H: Sherwood, 937 N. r. L, FARM mortgage of 82.000. per cent semi annually; also a city mortgage of 81,300, drawing- t per cent, for Bale. Pattorson. 1623 Farnam St (12 M441 28 P- D. WHAD ha moved hi offie t Wead iHiLl'MijyhjtndFarriam S's. (22)-6Kl WANTED TO BUY CASH ff ' ontl-hana r!otbfn. W h 'W-i tv test K. 1IUK Mt . rr.l n -8 (26) Zli CASH paid for old book. ' Crsne-For Co lli P. IH4- Phono Dougla Lul. .)-r41() WANTED T0 BUY ttun'.lnued. I WANTKlwro l.iry st nil-liahd fvimll'ire. rook anrl heating stoves, eai-pets. Iln leuma. orllcs (urniiure. old .l .tlies and shoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, o,u!l: and all kinds of tools; or will buy lb furniture of your house complete Tb highest price paid. Call the tipht man. . Tel. Douglas 39.1. . . ()-M.t6 SU WANTEDTp RENT LIGHT IIOI'SEKHEPING ROOMST Why -let them remain Idle? We have nppllcanta for thetn. List With Us. OMAHA- RENTAL CO., Tel. Doug. 3DK1. ,( N. Y. Life Bldg. J26I Mti9 .'" ; WANTEDi-SltUAT10N . EXVERIEiCFD bookkeeper' w ishes set tt IhioKs to keep vnlng. Address N 8ti, care Bee. . . (27)-M50ii 2Sx WANTED Position chauffeur ity com pctertt man; fan give ' references. Ad dress 41 South lhSt i 4.27) Vm8 26x YOUNG man stenographer will be open for pc-sltlo.n"aMut Oof ll ha clerical experience; reference.. Address I. fil, car Bee... . , . U7 M9U4 A MOVING PICTURE machine oferator, careful and of -long -exiwrlence wants a good, steady position; prefer a smaller town, riease send correspondenee car -of Bee, Y 100.. -. (27) M203 26x WANTED Prsjltlen as clerk In dry good .store in mal- Vwn by .young Jady; ex perienced. No., IV., Stuart, la. ' i " --i t . , ,. , j . WANTED Poeltlont -by. experlonoed strnog. rapher; good reference.. Address Hurry Doner, Treynor, Iowa. ' (27) M614 MyL A YOUNG MAN 'want position as book keeper; speak Bohemlat); no bad habit. Address F.. J. ..Cervenka. Ft, Atkinson, Iowa. "' .M"72-2". LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BOND ISSUR-NOTICE IS hereby given that the Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District 1s about to Issue twenty-five thousand dollars of six per cent interest negotiable bonds pay able In twenty equal annual Installments Owners of real estate or an iraaement therein apportioned for benefits may pay to the treasurer of said district on or be fore sixty daya from th. date of the first publication of this notloe, -the proportlan ate share of auch bond Issue properly chargeable ' agalnat such real estate, . and thereby exempt such real estate, from lia bility for payment of bonds, and' th mount of bond isstle will thereby lie re duced the amount of stch dvanee pay menta. Date of first publfoatlon hereof, September 14, 1907., Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District. By -J." F. Han son, Secretary. ' B15-D21t ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Flora D. Sunderland, to Ella M. El mer. B. 25 ft, .of , Jot 3, block 10, , K. V. Bmltirg ' addition.... 2,000 Anne M. Nielsen ' and husband to John - McCalg? - lot 4 In . re-plat of of block 1, Bemla park 3,30t Charles W. Lyman and wife to Wil liam Ronan, lul 1, block 6, Lyman place ... - 30C Byron R. Hastings and. Wife to Thomas Maslbnka." lot 7, black 1, Thomaaon ft Ooos- addition 300 Katherine Fulerman Roberts to' Wil liam H, Crutchfleld. a. 11 ft. lot 6 and n. 22- ft. lol l. Franklin Ha 3.0OC hjoseph Barker ct nl. to Charles W. Hailer, lots Z5b,,Wb ana (. Roanoke . addition 15( Frank C. Hastings and wife to James M.' Raldwln, n, 46 ft. lot 10, block 22. Boyd'a addlLlon l,55f Certnda Sherry ei al. to Ahton Gsant- ner. e. 30 ft. of w. 85 ft lot 17H, Millard ft Caldwell addition. 1,350 Frank A: Wooster to Angelo Ansnla. . s. Vt lot 1 nd e. 4',, ft, lot 2, Hick- - ory pi Ac ....ri.t ,' 1 Walter J. Or pen and. wife to Albert R. Rlhler and. wife, lot li block 1, Portland -placet ... , i. l.OOf. Hastings 4 Heyden to Belle HI Dun-'. am, lot', 10,-. black. 2, Monjmouth '.. park :..............i.i ' Sfif Anna C. "Erirkson to same, strip 2 ft. wide. e. side of lot 14. block 2. Monmouth park 1 Frank E. Matfesim and' wife to John T. Murphy, lot 72, Fairmont place.. 1,681 Ellsa B. Patrick et al. ' to Orric A. Richardson,, lot 6, .block 2, Patrick . place : 561 A P. Erpeldjng to John Freeae, lots 8 . and 9, block 4, penman place . 350 Nellie Hennessey to J. J. Cummlngs and wife, lot 8 and 9, block 6. Lip- , ton place 809 ' ' - Total ; $16,187 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS? Lino of tho Atlantio $82.50 tT CHICAGO TO LIVERPOOL First Class on Rail tuid Steamer. , Empresses sails from Quebec Sept. 20, Oct. 4-18. O. T. BEWJAMIH, Osneral Agent, . 833 So.. Clark St.. Chicago. 111. OP IP NT- rt-ARfi t;nth annual w r 1 1 ' CHUisg. r, s, , t aara " by spaettllr ehtrtend . a. "Artble," If.OOS tons. IhkkM TUtUg ROUND Tub wolrd rAJTK a OUUtX, Tims Bldg. bTsw Tor WORK ON FORTIETH - STREET Car Line from Farnam to CsmiD to Bo Completed for Cathedral Csrsmoates. Every effort will be-made by tha Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company to have cars running on tha new Fortieth treet line from Farnam street to Cuming street. In time for the laying of the corner stone of the big Catholic cathedral Octo ber 6 A car load of the special material needed i to complete thl Una arrived In Omaha Tuesday morning and a large force of men will be put right to work. Should the line not ,be- completed In time a long trlng of car- will brf run 1n 6n the track from the north end to help handle th crowd. Car were run over the cut-off at th eaat end of the Douglaa street bridge for the first time 'Tuesday' morrring, although th work I not complete.. ,Thls cut-oft will be a greet-help ta tha company, especially during carnival week, a it will do away "wlth a long slretqbJof tWe'glngle track over the bridge. .v FOUND DEAD IN HIS ROOM Henry Kale's, Stadeat of freight) University, Dies of Heart ' Disease. Arriving in Omaha but a few weeks ago to attend"' Crelgbton university, Henry Knlch, 28 years of age, 'of 8anta Clara. Cal., died at hi rooms near tho university Tuesday and hi parent have been noti fied, ft 1 ' . V . ; , Nothing is known, pf the young man's Ufa, nor of hi' parent In California. A he was found dead In his room without a mark on bfs bodyor Indication of poi son it I supposed his death resulted from heart trouble and the coroner was not called." The body waa taken to tho under taking room of Ileafcy ft Heafey, where It. await Instruction from Santa Clara. Authorities from the university know noth ing, of the young man nor the circum stances surrounding hi death- except thnt he registered for entrance to the univer sity and It la twlisved died . from .heart failure. , A valuable dog wouldn't sell for l'Vt enls to man who doesn't want a dog. And that Is true with most anything. U. ' The only expedltiou way to fin a man wflo wante to buy a dog Is to speak to everybody In Omaha through tho-want column of The Bee. Those who ore Interested will respond. And It would be a Very uninteresting-d ,g. Indeed, that wouldn't siult anybody. Most anything you don't want can be sold at some price If properly advertised, btraus Ui Omaha nearly eyerybocjy read Th I