Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Famished Rttmt
LARGE front twm. control location; pri
vate family; gentlemen, with ref-r-ence.
C sag. Bee. 1K) MS72 2Sx
NICELY furnlahed. room. ' S S. X.fh Ave.
1B ST S Jbt
ELEGANTLY furnished room. 1915 Cnp
Itol Av. 16 0 8J3
FOR RENT-Two furnished room. 4121
Hamilton St. (16 34
TOVNa man wanted In share n nice $12
room; reference required. . m P. 2Mb Ht.
(151 -M1BS 24X
tEf?IR.ABLE front room, alcove, suitable
for two young ladle or gentlemen, hil
B. 24lh Ave. (15)-C
FOR RENT Iarge front room and alcove,
for man and wife, by day or week. 3KT0
Farnam St. fl5 4GS J3x
S'TCELY furnished room for rent. 11R 8.
'FLEASANT furnished room; modern
none, reierences required. Z7"l Wool
Worth Ave. (151-MC4 Ux
JTNE room, walking distance, private
family, transients during Ak-Hnr-ncn
Week, $0 N. 224 Ht. (15y-M424 2x
PLEASANT south room, new house, quiet
clone In. Tel. Douglas 363.
' i . (!) M407 2Rx
JT7RNI8HED rooms. Secure vour rooms
In advance for Ak-r-Ben from Smith
4k Linton, McCague Bldg. Doug. &9".
(15I-M4TO 2fx
CLEAN furnished ' roomi house modern;
rent reasonable, 387 . 24th St. Tel. Locust
tl3. ...... . - (15) M4ti8 x
BEAUtIfC!. large front and other rooms;
bay window; clean; best refcronres. fill
N. 23d. , .. OBi-Mm 2Sx
JVKNIBHED front room In private family,
strictly modern, S04 - N. 23d Rt.
' (16) M9 23
, DESIRABLE front room. 623 sTlTth AveT
- -i.v. (16) oflS 28.x
tfOR RENT Front roOm( modern flnt, hent.
electric light, gas. bath and telephone,
to gentlemen, 222 N. 24th. (15)-S4) 28x
Unf nrnlafceit Rooms, .
ONE elegant unfurnished ' room, strictly
modern, M3 Park Ave. (l&t 7S1 30x
THREE unfurnished room. 1120 N. 17th St.
TWO nnfurnlshed room In modern coltago.
3416 Capitol Av. (lii) 4il 24x
Fnrnlsfcedi Houses and Flat.
rtJRNlHHED hous for rent or psrt if
, furniture for sale. 711 Georgia avenue.
' (15) M991 2i.i
SIX-ROOM furnished flat, close In; oak fln
Ish, hot water heatr furnished. Hastings
A Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (15) M304
- Housekeeping; Rooms. '
1 LIGHT basement rooms complete for
housekeeping; modern; cheap for tho
Winter. 909 8. 27th St.
(15) M142 24x
NBATLY-FUKNISHED room, with break
fast privilege. 218 aforth 23d Ht.
1C M194 g
House sue? Cottages.
W have si a (Strictly modern St. T,ouls
flat now In construction to be completed
October 15th and November 1. They have
and 6 rooms. All the rooms are extra
larga and well lighted; all modern con
venlencea furnished and.. Ah . owner also
furnishes shades and gas boaters.' These
are going to go quick, so file your Appli
cations at. our. office. Building Is located
at 30th and Mason - Bts., In the Hanscom
park district and we- have the plana at our
Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg.
(15-15 223
i ' r " 1
1A brand .nw..etght;-rpom, bouse. .405 Dodge
.ySt.'.Hot water heat, hardwood finish,
1 walla beautifully decorated with latest
(pattern of paper. $4S per month.
" (Oround Floor.) N. Y. Life Bldg.
. (15) M5CS
V ' 1
M N. J9TH Troom and hall, all modern,
$40. Ktb and Webster, t-room, all modern,
132,64. Z723 8. Sth. near end of Farnam
line, new 7-room, all modern, 1.7.60.
4713 N. 29th, new (-room cottage, bath, $20.
Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2152.
(lfi)-M468 28
JTOR RENT One aoro, block from Florence
Car; good 6-room house; furnace, gas, good
cellar, deep well with force pump, cistern,
tood earn, cow yard, chicken house, all
lnds of fruit, large garden plat. An
shade, majnlfleent view. Will lease for
ye a A 129 per month. O. O. Wallace, Brown
block. (ii)-ilJSi 23
X0 BO. 26th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, new
porcelain bath, all woodwork just re fin
ished and house put In good condition.
Bear two oar lines; bouse and location
specially convenient to rent rooms If
esu-able: H0.
1320 Farnam St.
C1B)-M427 24
fix rooms, second floor 1902 N. Wth Bt., city
water In kitchen, $14.
One 8-roora all modern house, $40, southeast
cornsr Mth and blnney.
cutub jbuijk, Kd ana Cuming Bts.
SVH HAVE SOs tenant and ' no vacant
houses, so It you wish your property well
rented, list It with' Rlngwalt Bros. M
South 15th St, . (15) W3S3 24
01 WILLIAM ST., 6-room cottage; modern
except furnace; one bloek from car line.
' (16)-551 26x
PATRICK AVE.. room, new, modern
except heat. Is. .
J6.Cao 6L, I room, modern except heat.
'Phone Doug. 685.
.' ... - . (16)-M16t
501 new cottage Just completed. 27th
and Chicago streets; modern except heat;
6 rooms, a2.50; rooms. J6. Q. a. Wall
Mo. Brown block. . (16) M3S3 ti
yna DO expert piano moving at lowest
price. Tel. Dotiglaa lw. Bchmoller 4k
Mueller Plan Co.. Ull-UU Farnam.
- - (16) 28
ROOM modem cottage, 220 Capitol Ave .
$24. Key at Boeton Meat Market.
O)-M470 2Jx
CMAHA Van 4b Storage Co. cack, move,
ator II. U. goods; storelieuse 1120 u M.
Wth. Ofllce lu Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1V.9
IOU8EHOI.D good packed, forwarded -cheap
freight rates. Moving and storage'
Fipressmeu Delivery Co. TeL Douglas
; J(15)-2j
ll-ROOM. modem house exoeDt
till Pteroe St.. one block to cur. luqulre
iu bouiu tout. st 4. n. Aitnouae.
v lt) KENT By owner. SRI N. d. new 6
4 room modern, cottage, TU Webster 1&6,
1 (la) m
rVB MOVB PIANOB-Maaaard Van. n
Storage Co, TeL Doug. 14M. Omoe. 171$
Tveosier oi. (15)
ilOUSES !?'tM rrt city. R.
P,?4.111-'" tor room. 16th and
Vinton Bts. C. M. Bachmann. 437 Paxton
block. (i5)seo
HOUSES. Inauraaco, Rlngwalt. Barker Plk,
16 la
' HOUSES 1,J .Prt" f c r
.IVUtu-o Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg.
1 , it-r
l-trora modern house. N. Ferrer, tii
N. Y. L, Tel. Red Sirt. iU-U4
FOR RENT $24 00. cottage, t rooms and
bath. $11 8. $lst St. Harney 1767.
, , (It) M295 ilm
JX RWT-T-room houaa, ttn Bsward.
two blucka from rar, modern exrept fur
nae, fine yard, 1-6.0. tlsV-M17
T-ROOM booeo, moder except farnace.
tet 0, SStk (. (1-Mtl St
looes aad Cetisgr
FOR IlENT-Oct.. i.T. all modnrn t-roon
hoiife li Koiintfio f'lnce. Inquire of
owner. Tel. IourIs l?' or Wehuter 1"1.
(151 M4. 2:tx
FOI. RENTDeisched s-room modern
h"iie. two Mocks from Slth Bt. rnr line.
ill Pierce Bt. Phone Maple 61e.
(In) --76 27
FOR H KNT-T-room house; modern except
funisi e. IMS No. TOth Bt. 116; 24 2B
FOR RENT 8-room modern fcouo. 2110
Lake well located. (15) M172
7-ROOM modern houre. Inquire Sher
man avenue. (lo MiiTiJ
S-ROOM cottage for rent. Address A 2S6,
care Bee. (15) Mittl 2Sx
41 a I Id In bts.
1213-15 Harney til.. 4 rooms
i and bument, SSxlDi. Will
make alterations and Im
provement t- suit tensnt.
1320 Farnam St.
(15) M2ii 24
The six-story and basement building at 120
Howard St., formerly occupied by the
Haywsrd nrothers po Co., for rent.
Annnol rental $l',40O. Floor sn.ico !a S)xl3I
. ft., and all floors a::d basement contnln
about 2O.0U0 snunre feet surface. The
bullillns; has 'a good elevator and odlee
apartment, and Is equipped with a modern
fire sprinkler system.
R. C. PETERS & .CO..
120 S. 17th St. Bee Building.
(la Mi'utf
1608-10-12 Harrey St., five floors and base
ment, tx!32 feet, now occupied by Midland
Ulass and 1'alnt company.
(16) Miffll 2
Coal Yard.
Suitable for lumber, coal or
building material, etc.( busi
ness trackage near, ground
fenced In, sheds. 10th and
Jznrd. Apply
13J0 Faruam fit.
U5)-M425 24
Oflheea. ...
FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city
hall bujldlng, 417 N. 2cth St., South
Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 1)1
DESK rtom. GOG Taxton Elk. () 476
1 -' 1 I,, .
One store room In new "Scargo" building
In South Omaha, near postofflce, with
lighted bssement. modern show windows
knd awnings; bst possible location. Hall
Distributor Co., 317 First Natl. Unnk Tllilg.
NEW STORE ROOM, corner Locust and
Sherman Ave:, for dry goods, shoe or
notions; good location; good pltice for
right party. Inquire Joseph Houska, 26.13
Sherman Av. (15) M357 27
FOR lectures, concerts, dances and balls.
Fraternity hall, 1818 Harney St., opposite
Public library.' N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714
Farnam St. (15)-M307 019
$25 PER MO for 2129H Farnam St.
$35 per mo. for atore room, 2210 Far
nam St.
$100 per mo. for 1615' Howard St.; good
basement, 20x60 feet.
GEORGE A 'CO.. 1601 fArham' Bt. '
(15) M293 22
DRUO STORE; best unoccupied location
ior local arug misiness m city, will al
ter and lease to right party. Also A-l
grocery location. BEMIS, SOU Paxton.
Blk. 'Phone Douglas 6S5. (It) M340
STOREROOM, (121 8. 16th St. Clarke Powell,
wii rarnam bi. lib) zos
OOOD location for barber or butcher; 924-l!6
North 24th, South Omaha.. Inquire S. &
Curtis, 1S08 Harney St., or 928 North 24th,
South Omaha. (IE) 600 23
ANCHOR -and Iron fencing) wire fencing
6o per foot. 206 N. lilh St. Tel. Red 814.
113 HAND furniture bought and gold; busi
ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly
with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 S. Mth
Bt Tel. Douglas &M6. (161-M469 S29
FOR BALE Furniture of a tO-roem house;
all or part; furnltcre must be mostly
cash or term. 2517 N. 18th St.
$00 nearly new, slightly used, high-grade
stove and ranges. Yon can save half
by buying of us. We do what's right.
141$ Dodge. Tel. Doug. 4787.
' (16)-132 Oct.lS
FOR 8ALE FHirnlture, bed, gas range, etc.,
base burner, two tons of hard coal. 3309
Maple St. (16)-M&78 24 x
Pianos, Orgpana, kins tool Inatrmaaont.
Orer $100,000 worth ot pianos sold at
less than factory cost. Call or write
at once for prices, catalogue and
bargain list. -
New Pianos for rent, $3 and up.
TEL DOTja. 1625.
1311-1313 FARNAM STREET.
. (16) 138
FOR SALE CHEAP-Stnry & Clark cabinet
organ, IS stops, a beautiful, strong-toned
Instrument, suitable for church or home,
good condition; cost liM. Address L 7:14,
Bee. (16-S
OLD ITALIAN violin. The tons will ap
peal to the finest srtlst. Call or address
AU lisnton bi., Council Bluffs. .
(W)-64$ 26X
PARTT leaving city will sacrifice good
upright piano, mi . California.
(.16) 567 2S
UPRIGHT Kimball piano; fine condition,
$; owner leaving city. 181t Davenport.
(16) 341 2bx
Bl'FFETT Parltone saxaphone, la sole
leather caee. used eis months, good a
new, bargain. N. lth Bt. (16) 340 26x
Pool aad Billiard Table.
FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool table. We lead the world la
fr'teap bar ftxturaa: easy payments, Ht aa.
wlck-Baike-Collendar. 407 H. 10th St.
Vynowrltera and tew lag Mncalaaa.
FOR SALE High grade econd-baad typo
writer; good condition; a bargaJa at Ml
Call room Sud. Bo bldg. (HJ 471
OKI Remington typewrite. &'. 6, In good
cor.aition, tot sale cbe Call at bo
etc. OO-SSan
Typewriters aad Sewing
QOOD Sewing maclilnes. f.rd. ' 41f, N.
23d Bt- (lti-MW') W
ONE R KMINOTON typewriter. No 6: In
plendid condition. Address K 191 . Fee.
(16I-1W ?
600-gaIlon Worthlngton duplex pump, sire
l2xlOV4x10. for sslc about October 1. This
pump has seen about six months' actual
service and Is in good condition; will sell
at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Bridges, ensi
necr Bee Bid. (1Q-670
Yrs, get your fruit, and While 'o;t are
sboul It get well-bred and swrf t-temptred
fruit created tindfr tlie divine phrenic rules
for correct pjritv and the best educating
metaphysical Inllui-ncp. Drive riut or take
the cars to Benson, then follow the stune
pavement to the Wiuard's Spring Lake
tarm. where you . can supply your fruit
wonts In No. Y and 2 peaches, crahs. plums,
apples, of ninny surfs snd for all purposes,
and bred up to a qual'ty differing from all
other breeds.
ill yf (fiORE WIT T TAV3,
Telephone Benson 23S.
(10) 331 21
and Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen
Uunsila, No. 141i lainaui tit., for Sale.
Trustee in Bankruptcy,
S2 New oik Life Bldg.
i'hone Douglas 1267.
(16) M359
RIDPATHS History ot the World Amer
icanized Encyclopedic! Bt ilunnica; new
International encyclopaedia; on small
niu' paynents. Webster . Una
brlJged Dictionary, $13 edition only
this week. B. U. Roborts, southwest
corner LUlh and Farnam Bts.
(161-4I7 Sp
Pl'LPITi conimentary. Td volumes, prac
tically new, $46; otherwise sold for $t.
Rev. L. W. l'lehn, K. 1. Benson, Neb.
(! M.i0 25
Largest, most up-to-tUie stock at lowest
prices In the city, sel-.ct naw. Delivered
when needed. Inspection Invited.
CIS So. loth St. Tel. Doug. US1.
FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-syrup.
two body, refrigerator base, counter" au
tomatic carbnnatQr, filter, all as good at
new; also drug store fixtures, counters
at'd show cases. Howell Drug Co., 16th
and Capitol Ave. (IS) li
FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, Sev
eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster,
large cofee mill, two large automatic
oil tsnks and store flxtuie too numerous
to mention. Olohe Land' and Investment
Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) S7S
FOR SALE CHEAP-2. H. Pi Fairbanks
Morse gasoline engine, new; has been run
only a few times; will give a bargain.
Apply to B. W. Cooke, Kimball. Neb.
(16)M6M 27
FOR SALE Finest boarding house tn the
city; beat location all furnished: walk
ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 30!
Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. (!) 174
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid en all
orders; catalogue free.
Omaha. Neb. . (16) 77S
FOR SALE Five pool and two billiard
tables at less than half price; must be
sold and romoved (his week. 3 No. 24th
St.. So. Omaha. . , . H) M166
APPLE trees, 10c; plums, !0e; grapes, Sc;
raspborrles, lc. Cyrus Harvey, Al
toona, la. (16) MS 89 !3x
SEND US your mail order for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots,. Myers-Dlllnn
Drug Co., Omaha. 08) 277'
FOR SALE Furnace, suitable for heating
a 9-room house; good as new; apply at
once, 3527 Harney St. (16) 823
HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and
retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug - Co.
SIMPSON Rockaway, nearly new, very low
price if taken at once. 914 Jones St.
'Phone Douglas 1707. (16) 46 30x
paint, Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co.
FEW bargain In 2d hand soda fountains,
monthly payments. Derlght, Ull Farnam.
. (16)-284
FOR BALE A $16 heating stove for $S.
$810 Decatur. Tel, Webster 2812-,
U)-M421 28
SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer.
416 N. Wth. (18)-2t
HAT-$9.(K) per ton. Wagner, SOt N. lth.
HALLS safe, new, 2d-hand. ISIS Farnam.
; . p-i
LARSON 4 CO.-Book free.
Bee Bldg.
D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma
. chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117.
I (17-678 Octll
IDEAL HAIR PARLORS, room 11, Crelgh
ton block; new management; manicur
ing, halrdresslng. Markman-Petera.
TeL Red 2347. US)-M63
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a
(rangers are invited lu visit the Young
Women' Christian Association rooms, 1616
Farnam street, where they will bi di
rected to suitable boarding places or
Otherwise assisted. (18j 5
PL.KAl 1NG Button. VuoMnY
1 t.uai IMW Embroidery.
Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and
shrinking only 60 per yard. Send for
prlco list and samples.
10 Douclas Block. Tel. Douglas 1916.
(IS) M644
M ONETIO O'teology and Massage.
Room $. M204 Farnam St., 2d floor.
(IS) Mitt SS4)
A HOME for women during confinement
will find comfortable homes for babies
whose mothers cannot caro for them; ac
commodation first-class, terms reasonable.
Address Mother Lee, Superintendent Tin
ley Home. 'Phone Douglas lf'l. 403 San
croft. (18) MS Octlta
THE SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off
clothing: In fart, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114
N. St., for cost of collecting, to the
worthy poor. Call 'phono Doug. 4185 and
wagon will cell. (1 all
MARSAflE halybeate scrub baths
JUlDOAUl' and chiropody. Expert
lady operator. The Elite, Room $00, Bar'
ker Block, 15th and Farnam Bts.
(l)-an Six
6EWINO machines renttd. Neb. Cycle Co.,
Ifith and Harney. 'Phon Douglas 1M3.
8TRINGES, rubber goods, by saail; eut
prices. Send for free catalog;.. Myers
Dillon Drug -'o Omaha. (ll tt7
Dr. King. 130 N. 24ta St. Tel. Web. SoiJ.
M A fllC FTTf; treatment and bath. Mme.
01 AUXN IUIIVj gmUb ug N 24 floor.
OMAHA Stammerers Institute. Ramge
iulidiag. CitUi
Make enuiee of artlcla for exhibition at
Douglas CoBBty fair at eacretary' office,
Nlnleenth and Faraant Stn carnival
rneuBda. OfOce will be opened Tuesday,
fiepteiaao U. G. W. lUrrey, Secret arr.
j Gf-M It
la. ng 1R7 Nor 17
TOl'NO lady wants ntletnsn correspond
ent, sre 0 to SO. Address Y-1K. rnre Be.
( (ldt MOT 23x
WHAT Utile hoy or alii or musically In
clined ptison would Pk to do a little
work nt liome to help per for a musical
education? Mr. Ferfleld. 111 Karrs)n St.
(lM-Moll T4
RUSSELL t M K1TR1CIC CO.. 432 Ramge.
(IS) 'Jul)
PATNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. L. Doug.
1TS1. (
R. C. PETERS & CO., Bee 31dg. (l!)-292
1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 716.
(19) 29a
C. M. RICH. 10th and Locu'rt. Tel. Web. 1476,
(IB) Si I octJx
Almost new, 5 rooms, 50 ft.,
south front corner lot. sewer,
water, gas. bath, well built,
cor. Larlmore and 2?d, not far
from Rome Miller's $23,000
country place. Can make
terms. Act ciulckly. '
Harrison & Morton
912-91S N. T. Life., Tel. Doug. 314.
, (19I-M4I7 24
Elsht rooms, fine condition, large lot,
rents for t!5 rer mo. 'On easy payments,
$1.S"0. .
National Investment Co.
Douglas Block. Douff. C691.
(19I-M4W 23
PLEASANT home or good Investment, -loom
all modern house, laundry, corner
lot. trood location; also vacant lot adjoin
Inn 2,vl Woolworth Ave. (19) M43a XiX.
BEMIS Park house of 8 rooms, modern,
sightly, cement sidewalks, fruit and
shade trees on premises. If Interested call
at 3610 Lafayette Ave. (19) M471 24
FOR SALE Cheap, fine -room modern
house; hot water heat, and full lot, and
barn; also 6-roorh eottase. modern except
lurnace. Call at 4236 Harney St.
(191-552 IKx
Lot at 26th and Fort streets only $226. S
O. Nordquist, Owner, Ui S. lirth St.
24 LOTS In Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying
well, close lo car lino; 10 minutes' ride
to Omaha. Will sell altogether or in
bunches of five. For prices and terms ad
dress H 42, cars Dee. 0$ 157
FOR SALE OR RENT 't'M'e uw,'
modern, l-story home, 7 rums, reception
hall. 2021 North 20th St. See It. 'Phone
Webster 8167. -i. (1-M35$ 24x
FOR SALE Ten room house, large double
lot. beautiful modern , home in splendid
repair. In exclusive .residence district.
Worth $18,000. Will sell for litUe more
than half; easy terpa. Address B 206,
care Bee office. (19) 344
LIST your projierty wttii Chi Boyor, J2d
and Cuming St. (19) 2SS
Will buy elegant new home In West Far
nam St. district." now. occupied by the
owner. Hardwood finteW, cemented cellar,
paved Street, permanent sidewalks. Ev
erything new and In first class condition.
Thl I a bsrsstn."'
Room 1 New York' Life Building.
- tl9r-M71S
LIST youf real estjate'and rentals with
C. E. Smith. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug.
8307. 1 r (19) M449 23
NEARLY new; mod. 6-r. home, Hanscom
park; paved St.; fine trees; finely deco
rated; too small for us; win sell for S3,67A
..or trade and pay difference for 8-r. mod.
Address V 337, Bee. - (19) M 473 2ix
10-room house, strictly modern, basement
under entire house,- laundry, 126-bbl. cis
tern, good brn, location unexcelled. Call
401$ Cuming St. (!) 408 23
Affords one of the most desirable location
In Douglas county for attractive suburban
borne. ...
Sell by the acre.
One acre equal five city lots. .
Let us show It to you.
New York Life Bldg.,
Board of Trade Bldg.
' (19)-M592 24
WESTERN IOWA rem land fot ssie and
exchange. WrKe H. L, Craven A Co.,
Onawa, la. (20) MdSi OlSx
Farm, 160 to Ji)0 acre, choice, rich farm
land, to rent, near Council Bluffs. Apply
W. L. Selby, 440 Board of Trade, Omaha,
Neb. (0)-MiS6 23
KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete
list of Kansaa lands. Agents wanted.
Glob Land and Investment Co., Omaha,
Neb. (20 M516 O10
untinvi su v rt) t irn
13,000 acre. 14,4u0 sheep; fins Investment;
frospsctus rrse. snomr una Agency,
Ielena. Mont-' . (30) M7 Mx
nj onrnalsn.
Fine Eastern Nebraska
For ante or exchange 290 acre highly
Improved. Price, S1&.0U); will take one-half
or two-thirds of value in improved city
property or merchandise.
. J. H. Sherwood
$37 N. T. Life.
(20)-M617 M
120 aeree, located mile west of Platta
mouth, Nab.j all la blue grass pasture;
70 acre of bottom land, the balance
rolling upland, with some very fine tim
ber: running water; two tnlle. from rail
read station; quit a bit of It can be put
under cultivation if so desired: will make
an elegant dairy farm; phoe $6 per acre.
Will exchange for town property or
stock of goods. Writ to jT P. Falter,
FlattameuUi, Neb. (20V MiiJ 34
$ ACRES, unimproved. Baar Florence;
fine grrevo. balance fans land; easy
term. A T. Seybolt, $6$$ Grand Ave.
Fbooe Webster 197$. ($0) MJie
V I RST-CLAJBd Nebraska farm and ranch
(or heme or invoatweat Boxnin timaho.
WHEN Ton writ airrertlaor nisi
br ft take but an astro aantkn or two
onta Dakota. ,
Yon can always find good rich wheat land
and Just the kind of a stork fsrm you
want by selecting from our 100,000-acre
tract in the famous Hettinger county.
North Dakota. Qo out and see It. Look
us up. William 11. Brown Co., Rlchardton
or Mandan or Molt, North Dakota, or 131
Lasalle St.. Chicago. 111. . () MSM 87
Tuesday, Octohor 1. we will run a sperlal
car to he Oulf Coast country In Texas.
Low railroad rate. Berths and meals
ressonshle. We hsve fine land that will
double In price within a year. Two crops
a year, mild Winters and no asthma or
hay fever. Join our excursion and see for
yourself. Land sold on easy psyments.
("nil or address,
540 Bee Rld.
(201-556 23
CHEAP land-Jacobson A Co.. 935 N. T. t
(30-M44B 29
WANT wide-awake real estate man
from each town. Nebraska. Iowa and
Dnknta, to sell our Nebraska and Oulf
Const country Texas linds. Control
TOM) acres. Pay liberal commissions.
Wrlie u for prospects Orsssmeyer
Sch.iaf Investment Co., 1AM P St., Lin
coln, Neb. (20)-41
WHEN writing to advertisers It takes hut
a stroke or two of the pen to say you
"" l' . in Tl-e fiee
LOWEST RATES Eemis, Paxton Block.
WANTED City lean. R. C. Peters A Co.
LOANS on Improved ?My property. W. H
Thomas. 605 First National Bank Bldg.
. (J-03
(1,000.000 TO LOAN on business and
oenco property in umana' lowest rates;
no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 IS
Y. Life. (22)-30
UNION LOAN ft INVEST. Co., 3:0 Bee
Loans on Real Estate. Bldg .
Buy 1st and 2d tntges. 'Phone Doug. 2WI.
(I2)-MU9 Oet
WANTED City loans nd warrants W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 13;o Farnam 8U
$500 TO $60,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates;
no delay. GARVIN PROS., 10u5 Farnam.
. O!2)-307
PRIVATE MONEY P. D. Wead. 1820 Doug.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investmant Co.
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
$o00 TO JCo.ODO TO LOAN-Prlvnte monev;
no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U
FARM mortaagc of $2,(.0, 6 per cent semi
annually; also a city mortHage of $1,200.
drawing 0 per cent, for sale. Patterson,
1G23 Farr.ain St. (22) M441 2S
When you have anything to advertise re
member It only takes a stroke or two
or the pen to mention the fact that you
saw. the sd In The Hee.
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
hoes, pianos, feather bed pillow, quilt
nd all kinda of tools; or will buy the
furniture of your house complete .The
highest price paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Douglaa 3971. (2S)-M366 8-' J
CASH . paid 'for second-hand- clothing
shoes, etc. 20S No. 16th St. Tel. Red
8326. (2o 2io
CASH paid-tor old books. Crane-Fov Co..
8i3 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (ii) 110
When you have anything to advertise re
member it only takes a stroke or two
of the pen to mention tho fact that you
saw the ad In The Bee.
Are your rooms still vacant?
If so you are losing money.
We can fill 1,600 rooms this week.
Tel. Doug. 8881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg.
. , (26) M570 23
WANTED Suite of furnished rooms for
housekeeping, in desirable residence cart
, of South Omaha. References exchanged.
Address ' hzm care Bee. (26) MM 2Sx
Have you any vacancy
We can fill them for you.
Tel. Doug. 3881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg.
( 2 6 ) M571 23
Will exchange the use of good set of
brain for an opportunity to get Into busi
ness; am at present a "machine" for a
large corporation, with prospects of In
crease In salary and privilege of being an
employe all my life; am willing to lnves:
hare of earnings In good business. Ad
dress S 202, care Bee. (27) M.HjS 23x
YOUNO attorney of five years' experience
would like employment with a mercantile),
real estate or bonding concern. A-l refer
ences as to ability and character. Ad
dress K 269, Bee. (7) M411 24a
YOUNO man stenographer will be "pen
for position about Oct. 1; ha clerical
experience; reference. Address L 211,
care Bee. (27) M9D4
THOROUGHLY reliable man of 36, mar
ried, ho bad habits; fifteen years busi
ness experience; last eight In coal efrico;
best reference. Address L 333, care of
Bee. (27)-M462 24x
EXPERIENCED book keener wishes set of
books to keep evenings. Address N 835, !
care lict. - (27) M600 ZSx
WANTED Position aa chauffeur by com
petent man; can give references. Ad
drsss 422 South 18th St. (27) M278 2t)x
A MOVING PICTURE machine operator,
careful and of long experience want a
gooa, steauy position; prefer a smaller
town. Please send correspondent care
of Bee, Y 100.
(27) M20S lax
tlllery Horses and Draft. Saddle and
Paok Mules Chief Quartermaster's Office,
Omaha. Nebraska, August 29. 19u7. Sealed
proposals, In triplicate, will be received at
this office until 13 o'clock m.. central stand
ard time, September i4, 1907, and then
opened, in the presence of attending bid
der, for forty (40) cavalry horses, one
hundred and alxty-three (163) artillery
horse, three (3) draft mules, wheel; four
hundred and eighty-four (484) pack mules,
ninety (90) saddle mule and on (1) cart
mule, for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska,
or other prominent railroad point. The
animal to conform to specifications for
cavalry and artillery horses and mules.
United State reservee right to aeoept or
reject any or all preposale or any part
thereof. Particulars and blank for pro
posal will be furnlahed on application.
Envelopes containing proposals to be en
dorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mules"
and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse,
Chief Quartermaster. A26-37-E19-20-21-23
hereby given that the Farmland, Fremont
nd Railroad Drainage District Is about
to leaue twenty-ftv thousand dollar of
is per cent Interest negotiable bonds pay
able In twenty equal annual Installment
Owners tt real estate or an eaaemsnt
therein apportioned for benefits may pay
to the treasurer of said district on or be
fore sixty day from the date of tho Brst
publics tton of this notloe, the proportlan
te share of such bond Issue properly
chargeable against such real estate, and
thereby exempt such real estate from lia
bility for payment of bonds, and the
xsonnt of bond tu will thereby be re
duced the amoHnl of auch dvano pay
sneoiav Date ef first publication hereof.
Eeplemnor la, 107. PartnlanA Fremont and
(tallroad Drainage District. JJy J F. Hau
te, Secretary. SU-D21L
Union raellc.
Leave. Ar
40 pm
00 pm
JO em
The Ovsrland Limited. ag 8 60 am ag 9
The Colorado Express., a 8 50 pm a 6
Atlantic Express n 9
The Oregon Express... a 4:10 pm a 8
The I.OS Angeles I-4m. atS:f5 fm a 9
The Fast Mall a 9:30 am a 6
The California Express 4:0Opm a I
Colo -Clm s to Special. al.':10 am a 6
Beatrice Local b 1:4! am bl
North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 6
Cbleag A Novthweotor.
:O0 pm
15 pm
4i pm
b0 pm
o0 am
It pre
15 pm
54 om
Chicago Daytlght a 7:03 am all
Bt. Paul-Minn. Kxd a 7:60 am alO
:00 pm
Chicago Local elLtOam a 8
:M pm
:2 pm
:30 am
li am
:40 am
.33 nm
Sioux City Passenger ..a -0 am a 8
Chicago Psssenget , a 6:00 pm a 9
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8
St. Paul-Minn. Llm 8:2pm a 7
Lo Angeles Limited.... 9 30 pm ali
Overland Limited alO.OO pm a 8
Fast' Mall a 9
:23 am
:04 am
Sioux City Local a 8:50 pm a 9
Fast Mall a S
I'win Ctty limited., a 8:38 pm a t
Norfcftt-Bonesteef r:40 em a I
Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am all
Deadwood- Lincoln aS:O0pm a 8
Casper-Shoshonl a 3:00 pm all
Hastings-Superior b $ 0" pm b I
Fremont-Albion b S:S5 pm 1)12
thleaa Great Western.
St. Paul-Minneapolis 6:30 pm T
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 7:30 am 11
Chicago. Limited 6:05 pm
Chicago Express 7:) am 11
Chicago Express ,. 3:30 pm 3
CnlraarO) Mil aokee A St. rani.
:20 am
;S6 pm
:40 am
: pm
' am
:35 pm
25 am pm
:43 pm
:S9 am
:7 sm
:.15 1 m
:30 pm
Chicago A Colo. Bp'l.,..a 7:02 am all
c l Ore. Kxnress a 6:20 pm a 8
:50 pm
Overland Limited a 9:5S p. 11 a 8
I'erry Local a 4:15 pm alO
::90 am
30 am
Chicago, nook Island A PaciOo.
Chicago Limited $:45am all
Iowa I,ocal i 7:W m a 4
Dee Moines Passenger, .a 4. Of' pm al2
Iowa Local aiTMlam bl
Chicago (Eastern Ex.)..a4pm al
Chicago Flyer a 6:U0 pm a 8
Rockv Mountain Llm. .. .all :49 pm a S
Colo, and Cal. Ex a l:.Vpm a 4
OW1. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a 2
Llncoln-Fairbury Pass..b S:46 am blO
Mlsaoarl PaclnVo.
K. C. A St. L. Exp a 9:00 km a 6
K. C. A St. L. Sxp all :15 pm 6
Nebraska Local a 2:00 pm all
St, Lout Express a 6:30 pm a 8
St. Ixnil Loc1 (from
Council Blufls) a 9:30 am all
Blanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm blO
Illinois CeatraL
Chicago Express a 7:20 am' a $
Minn. A Ft. Paul Exp...b 7 SO am a 8
Chicago Limited a6:00pm a 8
Minn. A St: Paul Lnitd.a 8:80 pm a 8
:30 pm
::w im
:30 pm
:5o pm
:2J pm
:3i om
:3 am
.40 pm
45 pm
:15 am
H am
88 pm
40 m
30 am
IS pm
15 am
48 pm
65 pm
30 am
30 am
Denver A California...
Northwest Special.......
Black Hills
Northwest Express
Nebraska points ,
Nebraska Expres
Lincoln Fast Mall
Lincoln Jjocel
Llnioln Local
IouisvUle & Plattsm'th
rellevue-Plattsmouth. .
Uellevue-Plattsmouth. . .
Denver Limited
Chicago Special
Chicago F.xprets........
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
. 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
a 4:10 pm
.a 9:39 pm
a 8:0 am
.a 6: to am
b 1:46 pm
.b 8:10 pm
.a 8:10 pm
.b 1:16 am
.'11:B8 pm
.a 7:00 am
.a 4:80 pm
.a 6:30 pm
.a 9:16 am
.a 4:4 pm
,alA:45 pm
.a 9:18 am
.a 4:45 pm
a 4:10 pm
a 4:10 pm
a 4:10 pm
a 6:43 am
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pni
al2:ll pm
b 9.06 am
a 8:00 pm
bl0:20 am
a 7:46 am
b 1 :30 pni
a 6:46 am
a1l:48 pm
8:6S pm
a 8:80 am
all :30 am
a C:30am
a 6:10 pm
St. Louis Express
Ksnsss i:iry aa ri.
Kansas City ft St.
Kansas City A St
Chicago, Sf Pant,
Mlaanftn1la .
- Leave
.b 9:3( em
,.a i:O0 pm
,.b 8:48 pm
. 0 8:45 am
b 9:10 pm
ail 20 am
b 910 am
c $:89 pm
Twin Cltv Passenger.
Sioux City Passenger,
Emerson Local
Fmerson Jcal
Mlsaonrl Pnclfle..r
Local via Weeping
Falls City .Local....?...
.a 8:05 am a 8-30 pm
.a$:50pm all :20 am
n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c SunUr
only.. A Dally except Saturday, e Dally ex
cept Monday, g Carries only Interstate
TEMPRESa" Lin of the) Atlantic.
Pint CI as on Rail and Steamer.
Empresses sails from Quebec Sept. 20,
Oct. 4-18.
'O. B. BBZrjAMTV, General Agent.
832 Bo. Clark Bt., Chicago, in.
Coeintr Committee Meet nnd Select
Officer and . Delegate to.
At a meeting of this county committee
of the socialist party, held Saturday night
In Crounse hall, officers of the committee
and a delegate to the state convention at
Lincoln, were elected. Utmost harmony
prevailed and the election of the delegate
and officer was made unanimous. After
the election an Informal discussion of the
questions of the campaign developed the
belief the delegate to the state convention
might, have the sentiment of the member
Of the committee. .
C. p. Vaughan wss elected chairman of
the 'committee; William Wfcltman, secre
tary, and J.- N. Carter, treasurer. . G. L.
Porter wa elected delegate to the state
Those Appointed on the county committee
are: Frank Lemleux, F. J. Kreyce, O. 8.
Anderson, F. 8. Irwin, C, Q. Inelin, A.
Eatabrook. F. Smith. Norris Brokkey, W.
C." Crandell, 8. D. Davl, Charles Moenek,
William Weltman, 3. R. Wangberg, M.
Oross, W. B. Silver, J. N. Hall, E. I. Mor
row, George - L. Johnson, - George Wells,
C. C. Vaughan, F. A. Wemmer, George
A. Dlstlehurst, Michael Sutton, J. Dona
hey, R. Johnson, Albert Hunt, W. T. Left,
A. Greeman, A. Dokalli, Charles pestello,
J. F. Larson, G. C. Porter, J. F. PJerron,
W. Vleker. ,
Loclnre Will Bo Delivered by Rv.
C. Henry Brown af Sontk
Rev. C. Henry Brown, a missionary from
South Africa, will begin a aerie of lec
ture nt Zlon Baptist church next Thurs
day evening on "The Ethiopian Movement.",
Mr.- Brown ha been engaged in mission
ary and educational work In South Africa
for seven year. HI home 1 at Makeneng,
Basutoland, South Africa. He was for
three years a teacher In the Kimberly city
schools and was later secretary to tho
paramount chief, the Rt. Hon. Letsle of
Basutoland. He framed the first deputa
tion to King Edward of England In behalf
of the colored people of South Africa. Suc
ceeding the Boer-English war, he engaged
In Important work, elevating the South
African people during the first period of
reconstruction. ' He ha been commissioned
by Rt. Hon. Chief Letsle to com to America
for the express purpose qjf collecting Afro
American missionaries and tradesmen t
ettle la Baautohand. He will deliver a
series of several lecture on South African
matter before leaving Omaha.
One of the worst feature of kidney
trouble I that It I aa InsHlous disease and
before the victim realizes Ms danger he
may have n fatal malady. Take Foley'a
Kidney Cur at the Brst gig-a of trouble, a
It corrects Irregularttlea and prevent
Bright' disease and diabetes. AU druggist.
Tb Be Waal Ada a re the Stoat Business
Coming' of Ak-Sar-Ben Will Brin-j
Bayers to the City.
Wire alle In Trice, Leather
Advance " Slightly and HIsrKer
Basts on ReflneA ftnarar
I Predicted.
Ak-Sar-Ben . is coming in m;vficrn(
pomp this week and thousands of nii
ful subjects from all the broad siate will
be In his capital city to do him lienor. And
of course the Jobbers In the capital city
will extend the glnd hand of welcome to the
visitors and take them Into their bin stores
and load them up With goods. The attend
ance at the fall merchants' meetings in
Omaha has been good so far, but It, is ex
pwted to be so much larger during the Ak-tfnr-Hen
festivities that the numbrr or mer
chants for the fall will be greater than any
other sen (on.
Tho warm weslber ot the last ten davs
hns helped In micturlng corn, nuiklng mil
lions ot dollars for the farmers In the corn
producing Sections of the west. Business
conditions are good. Money is til free cir
ruilution In Nebraska, despite the irported
stringency In Wsil street, anil bank clear
ing at Omaha arc each day far lnror than
for the corresponding ds of last year.
A slight advance In the price of wire nails
hns been made, but it has not Interfered
with the volume of trade, for building
operations sre heavy as over and t no
builders must have-nails. They must Im
hate builders' hardware and '.he drinaiul
for tills line continues to hold up. Some
declines may he expected noun In copper
goods, say the hsrdware dealers, for tun
Is a decrease In tho price of copper. Out
side of this there are no features to be
noted In the hsrdware marke't. Jubbeis are
filling rush orders for fall and winter sup
plies and are hooking more orders than ut
the corresponding season 0 any oilier ea.r.
Leather Advances liahtly.
Sole and upper leather advanced slightly
last week, the strong market lieina mm to
liberal buying by the manufacturer.
Orders from the men on tho road ronlTmir
to gladden the hearts of the locnl silo
wholesalers, for the orders are liberal.
A high quality of soods Is being buugul
and everything Indicates prosperous condi
tion among the retailer of the country.
The trade In rubber goods has been espe
cially active, due to the near approach of
that st s son, when slush Is plentiful and to
the fct that the retailers' shelves wer
almost cleaned of rubber goods Inst spring.
For weeks the shortnge in the cotton crop
wss not felt- by the retail trade, but at last
It has become a factor that must bo
reckoned with, for the mills are about to
advance the price of finished goods b the
Jobbers. Early Hsl week the statoniem
came from the manufacturers thst the raw
product had become a great factor
In the manufacture or tlnislied goods
ss were the demand and the price of
labor. This statement Is regarded aa a
preliminary to Increased prices. There was
a slight falling off Uist week In the move
ment of goods at the Fall River market,
but conditions indicate a renewal of the
market activity of the Jast several montns
Prices generally have an upward tendency.
Woolen, silks and linens hold strong as
cottons and there Is no prospect of any
lower market In any of these lines. The
buying of wintrr goods proceeds satis
factorily and the local houacs aro busy
shipping out their fall i.rr.T
Ontlook for Sonar.
There was renewed activity In refined
sugar last week and an advance of 1
points is expected. Keports trom the west
on this year's crop of beet sugsr are that
it is larger than last year, but the Lnlied
States beet sugar production has lltti
effect on the market.
r-nff. h.n ntilet. with prices un
changed. Teas continue firm and. higher
prices are expected soon, aiuiounu m m
last few weeks Japan and Chinu teas have
sold nlgher than for years.
As the season advances, the tomato mr
k.. Arm nnd it is now considered
certain there will be no low basis on
tomatoes this year. The pnen or pttas wu
not be any larger than required by normal
demand. The tendency In canned fruits is
toward higher basis on southern peaches
and New York nrples, as well as California
fruits. - " ' . '
Tho Slcwerd Milling company of New
Orleans says: "Tho weeks rice market
closes in a whirlwind of activity, all ofter
Ings absorbed at an advance quotation, the
Improvement in values being more botably
reiloctcd In extreme top grades, which are
difficult to secure, regardless of price. In-,
favorable weather In southwest Louisiana
and Texas has delayed harvesting fully a
week, and with laree sales of rough rice
being made at $3.60fi3.K3, to be delivered
when threshed, the u;.de cannot hope for
any cheap rice from this ourc for -some
time to come. Receipts since August 1 ap
proximate S50.0O0 bags. The stocks of rough
and clean In the hands of receivers, millers
and dealers are nominal. We expect new
crop Japan In the next week or ten day
if weather favorable."
Herring nnd Sardines,,
With reference to Holland herring the
Strohmeyer A Arpe Co. say: "Shipments of
late have ben quite large. Holland cablee
tcdav that catch Is poor now and that
price aro rising. Quotation today how
an advance of about 2tt centa per keg and
26 centa per barrel over last week' figures.'
One of their shippers of Norway mack
erel cablee that catch so far Is very poar
and abnormally high prices are being paid
to the fishermen again thla season. The
fish ss a rule runs small, so that large sices
of Norway mackerel are likely to be aearc.
"The catch of .oil sardine In France."
the company say, "continue a failure and
the season being so far advanced there Is
no likelihood of 'many more being packed
this season. French sardines are almost
Unobtainable. Portugal has had no small
fish suitable for Dlngley s for soms time,
nd some of the best known brand have
been out of the market for several month.
Norway reports very poor catch of sardine
and. of course, are unable to cope with the
larga demand. Owing to the scsrolty of
French and Portuguese sardines there ha
been a largely Increased demand for Nor
way smoke ssrdlnee. Prices for good and
well known brands are held very firmly.
The catch of sprats wtll not begin .before
the end of the year.' Stock here aro very
email and firmly held."
"Stock fish la being offered freely from
Norway at auch high price that buyora
ar not Inclined to place their order."
Draft and Caemlcnle.
Opium Is receiving small dus. Prlco
have slightly advanced now, tho baal being
$7.71 to $7.60 as to quantity. Quinine I mov
ing mor rapidly. There 1 a Arm under
tone, but the basis still remains at 1$ cent
for 100-nunce tins. The demand for Harlem
ell continue good and price are well main
tained. Iron by hydrogen I firmer and
price have advanced about 10 per cant.
There la activity In vanilla beans, no
change In quotation, but Indication of
harp advances. Essential oil ot every
kind remain unchanged from our lat re
port. Early In the week the turpentine market
gained additional strength and at the pri
mal markets were more active than In some
tune. Linseed oil 1 In fair demand, et
r rices which have prevailed for the last
w week. There has been a slight decline
In the price of seed, but It la doubtful
whether this will Immediately affect prlcee
on oil. There la a strong market for glass,
with prices unchanged.
Announcements of tho Tbent)."
Mr. Canning Ellery and hi groat band
of fifty, musician will arrive today from
Chicago. He will open the week of band
concert at tho Auditorium tonight, when
the band will present a special -program
arranged for the semi-centennial
celebration of the Masonle grand lodgt
of Nebraska. The first concert of tho en
gagement to which the general puWi
will bo admitted will bo Tuesday after,
noon. Mr. Ellery nnd hi leader, Mr.
Toddea Olrolamo, will take room nt th
new Rom hotel.
If you have anything; to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange column of Th
Bee Want Ad page.
I'n fraternal.
Tho candidate for Initiation into the rrtue
trlous Order of Wnangdoodle had been
tessed In n blanket, subjected to a haircut
with a pair of sheep shears, compelled U.
walk en a gravel path with hi bare foot,
and th performance wound up with ht
sltelneT down an Inclined plane aad ssiseti
lnr Into a tank of be water at th foot.
Then he waa stood up before a high dig
nitary, who thus addressed htm ! -
"Stranger, you have eafely pasaod the or
deal of Introduction Into thl ancient and
honorable order, and we hall you a a tried
an wU beloved brother"
"Brother!" sputtered the shivering
wretch, hi voice trembling with Indigna
tion. "Darn yer picture. If you treat a
brother thla way. I'd Ilk to kaow What
do to soma foliar sou U lm f
Chicago Tribune.