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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1907)
TITE OMATIA DAILY BEE: MONTUY,' SETTEMBETl 23, 1907. Want - ads Atrrrtltrnratt fee me mul ad Mlmi will a tanea nntll 3 an. In the nralif edition nnd tll far the anemia aad lnU7 editions. Cash mast arceapaay all orders for want nda a a 4 rrrtlanaral will l accepted tor Iru tana 14) seats for the flrst Insertion. Rates apply to either Tk Daily ar fianday Bee. Alvraya eonnt six words a a line. Combinations af Initials ar an sabers renat aa aaa ward. CASH HATES FOR WAIT ADS. ft n fit la r ( uisinrATios oi insertion, per Urn; lO rents. Twa ar more ceosecotlve Insertions, ser lime, II cents. F.arh Insertion made on odd days, 10 eeata per line. fl.841 per line per mania. CASH RATES TOR NOTICES.) Death aad Fnneral Notices, Cards af Thank aad Lodae Notices, T cents per llaa for ane edition, niornlna or rreala 3 cents a lino far each ad dltloaal edltloa. Snnday, 1 cents a line. Aa ad taken far less thaa 8 rent. SPECIAL. CLAnSIFiCATIO It xenr advertisement la Inserted ander aar ono of the classlncatloaa stlvea below. It will be charged at the f ol io win c rates I Ono Insertion, 4 cents Iter Ilaei three to si conseeatiro In sertions, S rents aer line each inser tion seven or more consocatlTO In aertlonn, S cents per lino each laser tloai BO cents per lino per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. Bt'SINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except A cents. Solicitors aad Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Ions, Birds, Dnfi and rets. Horse and Vehicles, l'ualti t aad Kkbs. Furnltare, Typewriters and Sewing; Machines. Pianos, Orgsst nnd Mnslcal lustra ments. OFFERED FOR RENT I Famished Rooms. Untarnished Room". .Housekeeping; Rooms. Itoardlns; and ttoome. WANTED Tt BUY Want Ado for The Deo mnr bo left at aar of the lolloisg drag stores one Is "year corner droBlst" they are all branch offices of The Be aad jonr ad will be Inserted Jnst aa promptly aad on tie same rates as nt the main office la Tho Bee Bolldlna-, Seventeenth nnd Farnnm Streets. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnara. HerancV. 8. A.. 14t2 8. 10th Bt. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. B-nson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy, 23d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 218 Sherman Avs. Caughlin. C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Are. Conte, J. B.. 81st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Phaimacy, 24th and Lake. Cermsk, Emll. 1264-6 B. 13th Bt. Postman Pharmacy, 406 Hamilton. Khler. F. H., mi Leavenworth. Foster ds Arnoldl. 213 N. 26th Bt. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, l!0th and Lake. Green s Pharmacy, corner Park Avs. and Vaclflo. . . Qreenough, O. A.. 1026 H. lOtb Bt. Grecnough, O. A., 124 8. 10th Bt. Hayden, Wm. G, 2920 Farnam Bt. llamcom Park Phar.. 1501 8. 29th Ave, Hoist, John, 024 N. 16th Bt Huff, A. 1., 2924 Leavenworth St. KlnR. H. B.. 2288 Farnam St. Kountsw Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. Z4tH. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th Bt. Lathroo, Chas. K.. 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, I,. B., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drus Co., "4th and Ames Ava. Schnefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Srhnefer, Aunust, 2631 N. 16th Bt. Br-hmldt, J. II.. 24th and Cuming 8ts. Storm Pharmncy, lfith and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamii'on fits. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES IOUCKS William C aged 41 yeara. died Saturday, September 21, 1907. Funeral from late residence, 2469 Harney street, Tuesday morning- at :80 o'clock, under the auspices ot Capitol lodge No. 3, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Knight Templar escort. Friends of the family Invited. LODGE NOTICES. Capitol lodge No. 3. Ancient Free and Ac cepted Masons, will meet at Masonic temple at o'clock sharp Tuesday morning-. Sep tember 24, te attend the iuneral of our late brother, William C. Loucks. Members of sister lodges and sojourning Masons are Invited to attend. LA FOREST L. PRATT. Master. ANNOUNCEMENTS v MCARTNET INSTITUTE. 1U3 FARNAM ST. . - ciaaaes now open. ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship,' Business Correspondence, General Ofllce Practice, i Also i Preparatory for Civil Service, College or a profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. ' (D-MS13 OH ' TILE FALL TEEM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open tn both the DAY and NIGHT seaslons. Yet it Is not too lata to enter. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Te legrajiUy and English. The catalogue ia r?' H. B. BOYLES. PRES. BOYLES BLDG, OMAHA, NEB. U-83 WANTED Musically inclined young peo ple, to demonstrate Effa Ellis Illustrated Music Courses. Exceptional opportunity for organisers of illustrated music clubs In every town; no competition. Call or write ESa ElUs. 1611 Farnam, Omaha. 0-MMa 14 MORAND'8 classes tn dancing for adults are new open. Lessena, Tues. and Frt., 3 a. m. Entrance epp. Burwood theater. Call or Te! Doug. 1041. Private lessena 1 X4 4 MUSIC every evening. Hotel Rom -Tt! SIGN PAINTING B. H, Cola, in Douglas. , . (U-1WI TH20 CITY GARBAGE CO.. offloo 4th and Leavenworth a lb. TeL Douglas 1387. . tU-1 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. L'XKiGUT. 1M Farnam. a KOR SAl.Vl 1!7 modal, two-cylinder Butck ear; geo condition. . Sea at fc N. Mth BC t2)-Mltf7 24 FOR AA LE Olds' automobile runabout: prVe, $JBU, Object in selling, have two n.aoMnes. Inquire of Doo pierce, Blair, ,etv (Z) bb X4X BARTER AND EXCHANGE AM LEAVING town, will sell hl-h grade plsno vary cheap, with or without sim plex player, or exchange for anything useiui to me. jiaaress u iw, rare bm. . (3-17I 34X FOR BALE, or exchange, for rood livery. lu acres or lows s rtcneat corn ana si fslfa bottom land. For particulars ad dress, box F, , Mondsmln, Iowa. 0)-MSTt-x BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-dste hard ware stock, located In' a good Nebraska town of 1.P0 Inhabitants; will invoice about $4,00(1. Including fixture. This Is a good, paying proposition. Has a good trade and In one of the best locations In town. Will renslder part exchange, the balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. (Si Molt TO EXCHANGE Patent right en a lawn weeder for removing dandelions from yards. Fortune in this for the right party. Will trade for stock of bsrdwsre or land. Specifications sent on request. Address Y-J02, cars Bee. (3)-M887 Btix FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa gons and Implements, located In a small Illinois town; will Invoice sbout tl.TaO. Also house and 3 lots In same town. Pries for real estate, 11.500; Invoice Tor stock. Will exchange for farm land In Iowa, Kansaa or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. 13) M517 TO EXCHANGE Land for automobile, 3 acres, cloae to Dominion Cfty, Manitoba, for White Steamer, 1905-6 or 7 model. lAnd value, 320 per acre. Lock Box 438, Spirit Lake, la. (3)-M3ta 27 X FOR EXCHANGE Six lots with plenty of fruit; two-story brink house. 10- rooms, 3 cisterns. In southeast Nebraska town, for western land or will trade on good ' Improved eighty. Harrington dc Co.. Crab Orchard. Neb. (3 M274 26 A GOOD INVESTMENT. -Win exchange for good Omaha , rental property, a subdivision of 415 acres, located just five miles from the center of a large and psosperous coast city. Tba city Is built out more than half way to my land aiid Is well built up all around me on small tracts of 5 and 10 acres, which Is used for am a 11 fruits and truck gardening. This land will make the owner big money Inside of a year or two at the price I am asking for it Ad dress the owner, P. O. Box C Wood River, Neb. (3 174 34 WANTED A practical shoemaker to buy my business In Teksmab. Neb.; price, J150; snap. H. W. Raver. (4 M?77 17 x TO EX CHANGE Land for automobile; 830 acres, twenty miles east of Winnipeg, for White Steamer, 1906-6 or 7 model. Land value, 1-0 per acre. Lock Box 4.W, Spirit Lake, la. (3M 27x FOR EXCHANGE. 300-acre productive farm In eastern Ne- nrsska. by owner; price, ilb.uuu; want 17.000 to 310.000 merchandise or good clear city rentals. Address J. M. Livingston. Ne braska City, Neb. (31667 24 FOR SALE OR TRADE Meat market, best, complete, dolnsr the best business with least expense In a town of 12.000. Frank I. Olsen, Grand Island, Neb. FOR SALE OR T RA DE1 280-acre bottom fsrm, well Improved; would consider good established business; part cash and rental property, or all cash; none but legitimate deals considered. Frank L Olaen, Grand Island, Neb. (3 M577 25x BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD CHANCE TO MAKE FORTUNE IN ALASKA. I hav nlns very good claims thai I want developed, any one of which should make a mine by their showing were they developed. I want lle.000 la make mines rf this -property. I couid give them the Guckenhelms for a song if I would and let them grab this portion ef Alaska, the same as they have the Yukon. 1 ask the public those wish ing to make money. Particulars, five claims upon Hawkins Island, three upon Hump Back creek, one at the head of Cordova bay, all within two miles of tidewater and In the new copper belt of Prince William sound. Assays 1 and 5 per cent surface rock. David C Kippen, Cordova, Alaska. Reference: Hon. Lee Van Slyke, U. ti. Commissioner. (4 M366 0cUx READ Are yon looking for a farm, business or Investment We have General merchandise stocks of all sizes. Shoe stocks. Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurants. Rooming house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. ' Houses and lota Farms and ranches. -. . . Call and See JACOBSON & CO., ' 836 N- T. L. Bldg Omaha. Neb. (4 M1S0 Oct!" BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, general merchandise store with meat market In connection, at Dwlght, N. D. This Is an old-established business In the heart of tho Red River valley. A large crop Just now being threshed around here, flock Invoices . about 312,000, turning over more than $35,000 per year. Any one looking for a good business snd money maker, answer quick. Address O. H. Friswold, Dwlght, N. D. (4) M37 I7x EXCLUSIVE MINING ST? OCK BROK ERS. Mtntng stocks bought and sold. All orders quickly executed. List your stock with NEU8TADTL ft DAVIDOV. Authorities on Mining Stocks. Tel. Red 124. 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (4J M391 Oct .16 FOR BALE Stock In well-establlshel local corporations, needing more' capital from growth of business. I per cent annual dividends guaranteed on preferred stock; common stook earning 20 per cent. Write or see jonn a. uisnqp, sa Hurr diock, Lincoln. Neb. (4-M3U 27x Do You Wish to Make a Change IP YOU have a' farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell, or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA. NEB. ' CD Mia Sept, 26 FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen- irai iuwa, town or is to u nun area: i rail roads; am going Into other business. Will sell building and furniture or fur niture alone and rent building. Bote! H black from depot. It looking for a snsp get busy. Address Y 1731 Bee. 4 M6U INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C DRU8EDOW ds CO.. STOCK BROKERS, get) Near York Life Building. TeL Doug. 3MB. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALS Oood. clean stock af hardware. value about $4.e.s0. Including tools and fixtures, looated in the beat county In Nebraska; will make liberal conces sion for cash, ar trade for land in good locality. Address P. a Bex 653. Msrya vUla. Kan (4) M3t6 2x WANTED A partner, to travel with ma through Colorado, California, Washing ton and Oregon this winter; K60.000 In sight. A good legitimate business propo sition to the right man; $3,W0 required. Address S (St, Bee. (4 M627 4x 'RAPIDLY advancing stock tn a substantial corporation; $it or more may be invested. Address H KS. Bee. (4 646 g OWING to the oandltlan of my health I offer my lumber and coal business for aale. H. L Converse, Shicxley, Neb. . (4-M375 DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price. Wrlto or see us for bars sins. Denver Drug Exchange, 1711 California 8t Den ver, Colo. 14 MS O-Vx WANTED A partner with $500.00. In a legitimate business that is paying 10 per cent annually.. For Interview ad dress D $2, Bee. (4) M851 23x FOR BALE Pioneer restaurant. Hastings; good location for right party. Tlbbeta, Mercy dc Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4 M-T5 OctTx OGDEN HOTEL FOR RENT and furniture for sale cheap. Inquire C E. Kimball. Ogdan betel. Council Bluffs, Ia. (4 M114 23x THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city ot 30.044) inhabitants, and building for rent. Address. A. Omaha Boa, Council Bluffs, Ia. (4-M(U2 OUi FOR BALE Only bakery and lunch room la tewn over 1,000; doing good buslnusu; cheap if takea at once. A. J. Bishop, Liberal. Mo. (4) M07 Jax ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee, Ia.. has farm .lands snd town property for sale or trsds. Write whst you hsve and want. (4)-M4 Octlx FOR SALE An old-eetsbllshed bskery ia towa of 1.M00 population. For particulars write D. S. Sacrist, Burllngime. Ksn. (4-Mai rx RESTAURANT for sale cheap. US Broad way. Council Blu?" . 4 7&4x B Many Omahans have won success through "BEE Want Ads." Many moro could do tho same if they would use "BEE Want Ads" BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS DIRECTORY HELP WANTED FEMALE . (Continued. 1 (Continued.) ' Hoaaekeenera aad Dumestloe Cent d FOR BALE Bowling alley In good rtre Ne- Dreaasaaklna. brsaka town, doing flmt-claas business; WANTED Competent girl for general reason for selling, party leaving town, in FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney housework. Tel. Harney 3394. (T 3i7 24 Address T 101, care Bee. (4 239 25x ij&j. (&;-2U TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M CAGUK BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE 8TS. (4)--'Ul WH have anargsln In a rooming house; rood location. See Smith & Linton, Me Cague bldg. (4-j342 26x BUSINES8 CHANCE Act quick; only store In live lows town for rent October 10; small stock necexssry; can clear 32.000 annually. Address, full Information, Otto Ross, Valley Springs, 8. D. (4 MiSl 2x MILLIGAN, NEB., DEBIRES BID8 for 4, and 3-Inch tubular wells; board re serving the right to reject anv and all bids. Send all sealed bids to E. J. Kotas, village clerk. (4)-Mt 33 WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent of 36.000 or I4.0U). . You can make aame or more at no ex pense to yourself. Address L 62, Bee. (4-M271 FOR BALE Livery barn and stock; snap If taken at once; good business. O. P. Casey, Crystal Lake, Ia. (4) M289 26x FOR SALE A good 8-chalr barber shop. W. A. Plelstlck, Hastings, Neb. (4) M069 27x NEBRASKA43.600 practice for R.ile for price of office outfit. Address Y-2, care Bee. (4)-M626 012x WELL established blacksmith shop; good trade; a bargain. R. W. Hopkins. Her wyn. Neb. (4) M51 02x $600 WILL buy H Interest In established manufacturing business; will pay $4,000 per year clear profit. R. E. Brackott, Lansing, Mich. (4) M90 iix SOMETHING GOOD. $j0 to $150 a week in your locality selling stock In a Nevada Gold Mining company that Is a winner. Big thing for the In vestor and for party who sells it. In vestigate this. For partuclnrs, address 8 135. Bee. . (4) 6) 630 WANTED To buy newspaper in central or southwestern Nebraska, county seat firefn red, or only paper In town of not ess thsn CjO; confidential. Address Y 99$, care Bee. (4) M766 2Cx RESTAURANT Finest In the state out side of Lincoln and Omaha; easy terms. Send for description. Red Cloud Real Estate Co., Exclusive Agents, Red Cloud, Neb. (4 M9tM 05x FOR SALE Grocery and meat market; best location In Omaha; established nearly 16 years; will sell at invoice. C. W, Shrader. 26th and Blondo. 4)-M231 25x DRUG STORE for sale; tee only drug store In good northwest Iowa town; a money-maker; will invoice about $3,u00; only those with cash considered. Ad dress Y 6, Bee. (4i M136 Oct. 2 BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest In the stste outside of Lincoln and Omaha. Easy terms. Bond for description. Rtd Cloud Real Estate Co., Red Cloud, Neb. (4)-M66 06x ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks bought and sold according to their value. Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bids. (4) M143 Oct 6 FOR SALE Good 2-clialr barber shop and bath In good town; other business the rea son for selling. W. E. Bitney, Snearflsh, S. D. (4)-M288 26x FOR SALE 14-room hotel, furnished, in a good, growing town, at a bargain; cause of selling, sickness. For particulars rail or address Albany hotel, Chevenne Wells, Colo. - . ., (4)-M230 x WANTED A partner, active or silent, with $300.00, to Join me In a money making business; absolutely no risk; Investigate. C 325, Bee. (4) M352 2$x I WOULD like to Interest gentleman who has business ability and a few thousand dollars In the manufacture and sale of big money-making invention. Address Box 726, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M.195 24x ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE. Very close In snd desirable. Act promptly If Interested. Price. $700. House has ten rooms and all modern. J. H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIFE. (4 MBltl 28 BUTCHER shop for sale; I want to sell my up-to-date meat market, everything In first-flasa ahene miu( rt-vln-. m,1ia--. reason for selling, old age. Address Y lai care Bee (4-M493 30x FOR SALE1 Hotel furniture and business; equipment new; with or without bsr; 75 miles from Chicago; three leading rn.II rosds. Address Fred A. Wlrlck, Rochelle. In- . 4-M393 2Sx WILL Invest $500 and invoices In legitimate and profitable business. Must submit to careful Invest isaU in. Give full par tlculara, first letter. Address M 334. care of Bee, (4)-M47 24x BARBER SHOP for sale: only shop. Ad dress, Barber, Soraers, Iowa. ' (4) MS77 28x FOR SALE Country newspaper, doing a .gftod business. In booming town. News, Plattevllle, Colo. (4) M149 24x FOR BALE Good-paying three-chair bsr ber shop and bath room. Address Box 24, Mitchell, a D. (4) M148 24x RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; secunj floor; no posts; tOxtO; long lease. A G Ritchie, 220 a 15th St, Omaha. (4) ft ' MEAT MARKET doing good business for sale or rent with fixtures. P. H. Harry Greeley, Neb. (4-M153 24x NO PUBLICITY In selling your business. C J. CAN AN, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaht. (4-l6 825 DRUG store for ssle everywhere. F. V. Knleat. 707 N. T. Life. Omaha, (O TO BUY. TRADE OR SELL aee"RUSr NE83 CHANCE BUNNELL." 822 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doua-. 514. m BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aactloneera. SALES made on mdse-, Jewelry, household goods, live stock, fsrm Implements, etc Roth ft Tyrell, 1213 Douglas, Omaha. (5)-21 BsiWrs. EXPERT shaving and halrcutting. 30 N. Mth. j 7M Ol Coaimerclal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL aV CO., $22 N. Y. Ufa, Doug. 6149. (5)-Ms3S Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co, Omaha. 45) 514 Carpet Clean la. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1911 Farnam. (6-ai$ Chattel Leas. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co, 501 Bee Bldg. (5)-Mi Calna Pa In tin a-. OIL AND CHINA PAINTING-Class les sons until Oct. 1, 60c. Figure psinting a specislty. Mrs. Ethel Vols. 2227 DodWe. 'Phone Taylor 4246. (6)-M44i O Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 1 1606 Farnam St Doug. 6497. -2i Millinery. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, (24 8. 3Slb St. 'Phone Harney S9C8. (SH-649 Oil MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Doiwlaa 6170. to) M9SS Octo M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1SC3 Far. nam -213 RKDFERN BCHOOL Dressmaking, 20 Douglas Blk. E. H. Hill. D. 4t4. (6 M473 Dentists. BAILEY tc MACH, 3d 0e. Paxtoa. D. 1016. W-21J Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5) -21 1 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. 10 J J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 9000. (5 M44S Go Carta. GO-CART Tires. Lawrence. 27C3 Leaven worth street. (5 M3M ucta) Hotels. THE SCHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney (6J-U5 ' Lanaroaa-eal PTrATFJiATN803' of languages KjIUXISULjJIXL' jrrench, German. Span ish. Davidge Bldg., Uth and Farnsm. Day and evening classes. (6) 119 825 liocksmltha. KEYS, etc Heflln, ir4 Farnam. Tel. D. 274. (6-22J Ofllce Snpnllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. ;06 South 18th St. TeL Douglss 6642. (5) M820 Oct4 Safes, Shatters, Etc OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of flro escapee, shutters, doors snd safes, G. Andreen. Prop., 102 8. 10th St. 3)-22 Osteopatky. JOHNSON INS., US N. Y. L. TeL D. 1S61 (5 223 Dr. Bowser, over. 1602 Far. TeL Doug. C370. (5-MlS4 8 26 DRS. RINGLER, Rd 5467. Neville block. Phone 5 M707 8 JOx Photoarapkera. C. B. TRUSSELL.' llfi South Uth St. 5-224 Shoo Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red M (E-rt7 PrtaUsg. OUT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Ssr-Ben visitors, call and see our new Imported calendars for 190S. Lyngstad & Jarve, 16: h and Capitol Ave. . ' (5) 225 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING vjyatch. clock, jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxtoa Blk. Tel.. U67. ., . (5)-aa ho rtnlalng;. .fuu.t - ' I CENTS every dfn ladles' or gents. 211 8 13th. t-4U S27 teraae. . BTORAGE at 140R Harrier.' HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. M CARTNEY 'IN8TITUTE, 1S02 PARNAM ST. Classes now open;' able Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 107a . (7 M513 O10 " 1 TWO good saleswomen wanted; only ladles capable of meeting the public need apply. Address Y 12, care Bee. (7) 111 WANTED Comptometer operator for rail road ofllce. State experience and salary expected. Address F 2S0, care of Bee. , . (7 M406 23x WE WANT several lady stenographers. Keystone, 404 Bee.' (7) 450 22 BUSINESS woman, single, 27 years old or over, to assist with books, help with col lections and general office work; salary to start, $ per week. Apply Room 714, New York Life Bldg. C7H-548 23 Factory aad Tradea. WANTED Women for hand Irnners and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson Bt. CI M540 WANTED Good talloresses for ladlia' tailoring: good wages and steady' posi tion. 2207 Farnam. t7) Ma73 24 Itonsekeoplac aad. Domestic. WANTED Girl for central housework In family of three, where second girl Is kept; good wages. Mrs. IL K. Rosenthal, 1043 S. 80th Ave. (7)-MU COMPETENT. GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. 'Phone Webster 8723. (71-M112 WANT a girl for housework, no washing and no cooking.- 1329 So. 31st St. . (7)-M104 a WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, $35. .Canadian ofllce, li'th and Dodge. (7i 2a WANTED Good girl ' for general house work. Byron R. Hastings, 516 Dodge St (7J-M7W WANTED A cook and children's nurse. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 178. (7)-4?8 , 1 . WANTED Good g!rl: must be good cook; Bohemian or German preferred; three In family; no children; good wages. Apply 2S70 Pacific Bt. Telephone Harney 2i)5. ' . (7)-M263 23 WANTED-Experlenced girl for general housework, small family, no washing, best wages. Apply 561 Dodge St. (7-IT3 CAPABLE girl for general work. Two In family, it St. Mary a Ave. (7) M388 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, tiiree in family; $6 per week. Tel. Harney 2663. 3S01 Dewey Ave. (7)-S05 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or ironing: best wat;es paid; referencea required. Apply 719 N. Stth St. (7-120 23x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; have laundress; Mrs. Tolf Hansen. 3402 Lincoln boulevard. Tel. Har ney 1516. (7) 1B0 WANTED Girl for hodsework; small fam ily, small house, good wsges. Ill No. 31st Ave. (7W332 :$ WANTED Celrl for chambermaid; country girl preferred; good character required; ticket furnished. Perkins Hotel, David City. Neb. (7)-t06 87x WANTED Competent girl for general housework, no washing or Ironing; wages $7 per week. Inquire 604 S. th St. . (7)-4ol 3 WANTED To go west, an experienced I nurse maid, to rare for three children, 4 ' t and 8; must be refined, neat looking and I sew well; wsges $25 and Increase prob. able; excellent home; fare paid: refer ences. 1143 S. lst. (7) 176 24x ' I WANTED Cook snd second girl. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1506 South Eighth St. (7) 404 2SX GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; modern conveniences; good J'ay. Inquire 03 New York Life. (7) 410 COMPETENT laundress. Call at 3727 Jack son St. (7)-M418 23 COMPETENT girl for housework; no wash ing. 3316. Burt St. 7)-M41i 2fx BEST Inducements offered first clsss girl. Phone Harney 2043. t7r M463 WANTETJ A girl for general housework in a small family. 1518 Center St. (71-M3S1 24x WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family. Apply 1120 8. 31st St., or 'Phone Harney 2.'7. (7) M360 24x At Iscellaaeoaa. WANTED Young lady for outdoor work in city; salary and commission LI. Frayer, 2813 Dewey Ave. (7 M176 29x (7) M176 SJSx LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; easy learned: $1.60 to $2 dnxen. 60S Paxton block. 7 M106 2Jx BCRUB woman wanted et Hotel Rome. Apply Housekeeper, E floor. (7) M141 4 GIRL to operate shirt machine. Dalhart Steam Laundry Co., Dalhart, Tex. (7 M3K9 27x WANTED A neat glii who Is competent to do plain cooking at the Creche, 1824 Harney utrect. Wages, $'J0 per month; room board and washing furnished. (7)-M3S7 23 WAITRESS and dishwashers. Buchelor' hotel, 2olh and Farnam Sts. (7) k WANTED Scrub woman. Aprly J. Ia Hrandels & Sons. (7) 5ti2 24 WANTED Stock girls. Apply ladles' cloak department, Hayden Bros. (? M526 23 HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitors nnd Salesmen. ' SOMETHING GOOD. M to $150 a week in your locality selling stock In Nevada Gold Mining company that is a winner. Big thing for tho In vestor and icr party who sells It. In vostlgate this. For particulars, address 8 136. Beo. (3-t! 330 WANTED Salesman in store; no expe rience required. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney. (9) M'S 24 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (!') 125 WANTED An experienced solicitor for Job printing; good wages. Anchor Pub lishing Co., 306 S. 18th Bt. (9) M353 23 WANTED At once, several experienced salesmen for men's furnishing depart ment. See A. L. Schentz, main floor, Tho Bennett company. (9)- M371 33 WANTED An experienced salesman or promising young man of some knowledge In the trade, to decorate windows and as sist in selling furniture, carpets, etc.; must be a man of integrity and good habits; no other need apply to the Fied B. Tucker Furniture Co.. Colorado Springs. Colo.. 9)-M9.S4 93 WANTED An experienced : city solicitor for office furnishing, typewriter sup plies, stationery, etc; good wages. An chor Publishing Co., 306 S. 18th St.' (9) M354 23 TWO good salesmen wanted; only those willing to work and anxious to make money need apply. Address Y 14, cure Bee. GOOD salesman wanted for eastern house to hsndle high class proposition and will ing to leave city. Address Y 13, care Bee. (9)-412 WANTED Six men by Dodd Mead & Co. to sell "The New International Encyclo paedia" In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa; good commissions and a guaranteed salary to the right men. Call at office, 718 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9J-M518 24 WANTED A salesman to handle, as side line, our line of ladles' and men's belts for next season, for the states of Ne braska, Kansas and Missouri. A good proposition for the right man. Only those with flrst-elasa references need apply. Los Angeles Art Leather Co.. Ixs An geles. C al. (9I-M349 24 WANTED First rlasa. experienced sales men In gent's furnishing goods depart ment. Apply J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (9)-01 24 Buys. WANTED A bright oy, over 16 years, to hold copy for proofreader. Call at P composing room. (SJ-t GOOD boys wanted, frst class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th BU (9-MS6S FOUR or 5 stronar boys; best wages 111 Omaha. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. ' t.i-193 WANTED An office boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam Sts. (91-12? WANTED Office boy, to run errands. Call Omaha Hotel Supply Co., 314 8. 13th St. (!)-237 25 BOYS 16 or 17 years old factory work; good chance. Bemls Omaha Co. (9I-M509 23 BRIGHT boy to set type and run Gordon press, printing cards, tags, etc., for factory. Address O 836, care Ree. (S)-M5( 23 WANTED Strck boy. Apply ladles' cloak department, Hayden Bros. (9) M525 23 Clerical aad Office. MCARTNKY INSTITUTE, ISO? F!NM ST. Classes now open; noie instructors. Complete short hard and business course and prepsrsiory for civil service, rollese or a profession. Day and niclit sessions. Tel. D. 107u. Ci-.M5M Mill BUSINESS today demunds a business, edu cation; if you work In-the daytime you ran get a business education nt night al Association institute. Y. M. C. A.. 17th and llarnev; classes In commercial and technical branches; Instruction by prac tical men; great opening rally Septem ber 23. (91-M271 23 WANTED Clerks, both m?n and boys. In railroad office. Address P. IS. Southard, A. P. A.. U. P. R. R.. 4th floor, Paclfio Express Co. Bldg., lltb and Harney Sis., Omaha. Neb. (9)-M37octl WANTED Registered drug clerk for re. lief work about September 20. No boozer. Slater dc Wler. Elwood. Nob. . (--M?ll 23x WANTED Assistant bookkeeper In whole sale house, Permanent position and ad vancement for a capable man. Address, with experience and references, (1 2S1, Bee. (91-638 23 Factory aad T-raoe. WANTED Two watchmakers and one Jeweler. Address P. A. Staples, 112 First St.. Portland, Ore. ($) um 2x I WANTED First-class coatmaker at onci; I good wares; steady work. J. Dyaung, I Merchant Tailor, Hudson. Wis. ' (9) M349.27X WANTED At once, one coatmaker and one bushelman; good pay; steady Job. P. E. Fugelll, Tailor, Lander, Wo. (9) MS4 7x WANTED A first-clsss candy and les cream maker; stste age and experience. Apply J E. Miller. Leadvllle. Colo. (r)-.rr: St HELP WANTED MAU Factory aad Trades Loatlaned. WAKTF.D-lood. sober barber: 316 per I week guaranteed. Fred Cooper. E1 e- ' mont, a, L. t) Ai4sucix WANTKD Gordon press feeders; highest wages. Apply Omaha ITlnUng Co., 10th and Farnam streets. tW) M377 WANTKD Men to learn barber trade; will rqulp and place you In your own shop or In good position In few weeks; don't overlook this chance. Investigate. Moler Barb. college, 110 8. 14th St. ()-M3t8 St ELECTRICIAN' to do first-clsss house and line wiring; give full references as to character, habits and qualification end state wages axpeeted. Exeter Electric Light and Power Co., Exeter. Neb. 9)-M37 24 WANTED Operator for shirt machine; starcher; ladies' clothes troner snd tin Isher; none "but competent workers wanted, to whom good wages will bs palil. AdJress, Inclosing refeiences, Dal hart Laundry Co., Dalhart Texa. (9)-M361 !7x TAILORS WANTED-A first clsss ladies' snd gentlemen's tailor; a steady position and best wages will be given for one year to the right -man. Apply to J. J aw Ui, 18th and Farnam Sts. (9I-M109 GOOD tailors for Indies' tailoring and pressing; good wages and steady post tton. 2207 Farnam. (9) M674 24 WANTED An all-round tailor; good place for steady man. . Address James Tuc ker, Sidney, Neb. (9)-M216 26x MAN wanted to . rebuild automobiles. Write Y 9, care of Omaha Bee. (9)-M27 2 WANTED Printer-manager for one of tle best weekly papers published in north west North I'BKota: printer must take from $i00 to $5u0 Interest; you drsw $16 per week and get prorata share of pro ceeds; references required. Address B. P., 1907. Towner, N. D. (9)-MJ86 26x BI-ACKSMITH wanted to run ahop on half In BemldJI. Address W. S. Chapman, PcmldJI, Minn. (91-M282 26x WANTED First-class tsllor to buy r. first-class merchant tailoring trade: rea sonable. Address 427 East Jefferson St., Hprlngfield, 111. - (9) M20 i5x TWO TAILORS wanteds Diets & Keck, Muryvllle. Mo. 9 M455 Si9x WANTED Tile ditchers to work bv rod; make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Ntckerson, Neb. . (9-36 WANTED At once, butcher or sausage maker, single man; must be good one In his trade and strictly sober; German Preferred. Wm. Tlmmerrnan. Manning, owa. (9)-M'J'4 33 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knicst. 707 N. Y, Life. Omaha. l9)-281 WANTED Fine coat maker, bill $9 . to $16.60, back shop, steam heat. William H. Shepherd, 401 Locust St., Drs Moines, la. . . (9)-MX5 23x MACHINE men and lumber men; good wages. Omaha liox Co., East Omaha. 191-192 WANTED Carpenters Ft. Russell, Wyo; hours; $4 per day. R. W. Bradley Jk Co., Cheyenne. Wyo. (S)-M2MI 23x WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $25 per week. C. A. Tucker. Lincoln, Neb 9)-3S9 WANTED Printer to take foremanship of county seat weekly. Must be good work man. Boozer not wanted; state wages and send samples of Job work. Journal, Tekamah, Neb. l9)-M486 24 WANTED A coat maker at once. McCord ToKgery Co., Atchison, Kan. (91-M391 24 WANTED A first-class barber, single. $18 per week guaranteed. Address Ernest Slmden, Rawlins, Wyo. (9) M498 30X WANTED Competent glasier; good wages and permanent Job. Apply Koatka Glass and Paint Co., Lincoln, Neb. . (9I-M37S 24x atlaceUaneoaa. BOUND young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen rush sea son on leading railroads here. In the west and on new lines being completed: experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers. $200; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $150;, many positions now open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training association, 620 Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. (9) 415 Oct8 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N. INcT 721-722 New York Life Bide;.. Hours, 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Traveling salesman, good line, $100. Bookkeeper, hank, $75. Assistant bookkeeper, wholesale, $65. Stenographer, $60. Two stenographers, $S6. Office clerk, young man, $55. ' Young man to act as floor walker, $flj good chance for advancement. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. 9 M581 23 WANT Railway mall clerks. $18 Weekly; examination soon; preparation free until appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. : (9i M238 30x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no csnvasslng. National Dlst. bu reau, Chicago. III. (9) M287 26x WANTED At Avery. 2 men with We have 2 nice cottages for tatm. Steady employment. Omaha Hydriiiilo Press Brick Co. ' () M2tf 23 HUSTLERS everywhere, $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, samples, no canvassing, steady. Merchants Out door Ad. Co.. Chicago. (9) MS4 23 x WANTED Flour packers and sack sew ers tn flour mill; steady employment. Address Jam.'s Brown, Msln 4k Couteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (9) M367 27 WANTED Al first class all around grinder, to leave city; transportation charges paid; $25 per week to the rlgnl man; prefer married man and will pay transportation charges of family If msn proves satis factory. P.eplylng, give referenre, yeara of experience, also age. Address Y j, care Bee. . . t91-M83 PHYSICIANS who are registered in Ns braka for ofllce work only; no operating; permanent; advertising specialist's nftice; good hahitx and appearance most essential; salary, $60- weekly and com missions; niennon other states you are registered in; . also reg. pharmacist; t hours' work. Address Dr. M. J. Kraua, Hotel Murray, Omaha, Neb. (9) M3l 26:: WANTED A first-class soda water dis penser; one willing to wcrk In bakerv and confectionery; good wages; steady work. Apply J. E. Miller, Leadvllle, '.'olo. I (flj-M273 -XX WANTED A good gardener with soma hJiow ledge of landscape gard'nlng; good pay and permanent position to competent I man, mainea vr single; answer pitiinptiy j snd fully if Interested, sn it is now Unit; to plant, notner fc Ktoacisru, iiucKr, Texas. (9)-M4T7 2X WANTED A good slaughter house man ot once. E. A. Crockett, Plainview,' N'o. (9) M3680x FREE Employment Bureau supported by Business Men'n sssoclatlon : helps work men find positions. Cull &42 Nsw York Life iiulldlnt. (11-152 825 DRUO CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Increased salurles. Denver Drug Ex ihange, .711 California SU, Denver, Colo. (9-M3W O20j. LOST Lady's gold watch, with monogram "A. A. R." Return to 1044 Georgia Ave. Reward, (12)-6ai Ox YOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omahs Pehool of Law. Eren'n aetnn only. Further information, address Secre tary. Wl Y. Life Bldg 'Prion, linn -J. () MM7 Sept2 W A NTfh Ofie first r'in hntn jretMr for each stste. good money for right party, represent N-hre-l-H ccrnerstl'M. rfererr-e s"l bond. Stamp for r'v. Address 8 170. care Pee. ()-ttS LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. 1 SPAN nice drivers. 2.100 lbs.. I and years old; one work mate, l.tdO lbs.; ons work mare. 1.36 lbs. 84 Maple St. TeL Webster 3 (ll)-M4s 2kx LIVE STOCK FOR SLE Hsnei aad Yeblel roatlnned. NOW Is the time to but your dilvlnf horse or single wsgon horse, as we tir making room for Heavy ininpii. Have . several fine single drivers fur lad ps; ( or $ exUa ttood smgln wason horses; have some good cheap (arm tennis Omaha Horse & Supply Co., ieur 4l N. 16th St. (11 -M.1J WE are selling delivery wagons teaming gears, btigglns. carriages nnd lisines cheaper than any other firm In mh.t. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loih mid Jonas Sts. (llt-L'.x; RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. a? Stone, t$ Lincoln Ave., Council UluiTt till M 10.1 ONE 2-sest, two runnbouts. top buy, all rubber-tired; hock harness, ono double express harness; one or two horses Come In. The Harney St. Stables. un-6 Horses bought snd sold. Myers. 11M Ion (ll)-2i OI ONE rubber-tired buggy, nearlv new, $. ine tanopy top road bURiry. excellent cuun. sojs L'avenport Ht W A Dllworth. (111-M524 24x ronltry aad Cans. FOR SALK-One hundred head of Homer pigeons, will give a bargain; thev ate pure bloods and best quality. Apply B. W. Cooke, Kimball, Nebraska. GOVERNMENT bock free. Mool'squsp Co., Omaha. (1D-M776 02 Cows, Birds, Doers and Pcta. FOR SALE Two purples, $ months nidi mixed Russian wolf and stag hounli also the mother. She Is a fsst dog and the puppies are very promising. Msr rlll Bowers, LeRoy, Minn. 11) M144 24x LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. 24th. TeL Webster 82f. (12)-Mfu8 04 LOST Dun horse with single harness. Re. turn to W. 11. Simpson, 1H miles west of Benson. 'Phone Bciiun 4182. (12)-57 FOUND Bunch of keys Wednesday morn ing In or near Beo Bldg. Owner can have same by paying for advertisement snd Identifying same. (121-182 20x LOST On Saturday morning, ladles sliver .rocket book, with chain; white Kid lin ing; only small amount of change. Ho ward for return to Bee office. . (12)-M408 24X. MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. gL'ICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13;-U4i ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the ' matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 2ua St.. Omaha. Neb , . (12)-Mlo BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 13)-243 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all trestment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglss U67. Calls answered dsy or night. (13)-12 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, 30 yesrs' practice in confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence. 2421 Charles. Omaha. (131244 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Did you ever hear of a BARCyUN SALE OF MONEY? That Is Just what we are having. WH HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. , . If you den! with us you are assured of a fair square deal Irom start to finish. AS LOW KATES as can be mads by any ALL THE' TIME'"necessary ' for" you te "get on your feet" In case of slckneat or other trouble. JL . Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., f 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 16th Street Entronce. (141-M714 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal. ary; easy to get; no red tape. You gel money same day asked tor at small cost. Open evenings t'.ii '.. (14) 249 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., n;om 8, Barker Block. (141-262 UNION LOAN CO. We will make a special low rate on col lateral loans, mortgsges on personal prop erty and notes, without security. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 310 He Bldg. , (14)-M154 Oct. 6 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TIl5 PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary leans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phnno Douglas 75. (14)-2M CHATTEL, salary and storsgs receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. ' (14) 246 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating, all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. (14)-246 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol msn, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14)-261 LOWEST rstes. chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., tl4 Board of Trade. H4 M8.1 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. j(tC4:,;G,i No. 24th St.,' South Omaha; s!x. room upsrtment in new "Scargo" building. All modern convenience!!. Including hot water In kltehen and bath. Hall Die tribute; Co., 317 First Natl Bank Bldg. 'Phona Red 74(1. (16) Mol3 STEAM-HEATED flat, medarn. 220 N. 224. - - CIS) M4a MODERN $-room brick fist, 300S Paclfio St., $40 per month; beat residence district ir the city'. 'Phone Harney 3283 for par Oculars. M. . Kellner. . ,. (15) 240 . 3 FOR RENT i-room flat, corner 2Sth an Douzlas Sta Globe Land and Investme Co. 'Phone Douglas 6602. (151-191 Boardlna and Rooms. . . . , DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, . (U)-64 . VIENNA Lotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) A NICELY furnished rooms, close In, good board. The Rose, 2020 Harney. (15) M3S1 25x WANTED to 8 respectable young men to room and board In private fsmlly, 3627 Davenport. 16 58 2x 'ornlshed Rooms. Don't be a back number! , 'Why tire yourself out looking for desirable rooms? -Corns and ss. us. " . OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. ' TeL Dou. i-M. o N. Y. Life Bldg. - llilMo PE8IRABI.E room In moderq house, prl vat family. 14 8. 25tli St. (15)-Mim !4x FRONT ROOM with sleeping room adjoin Ing; first flour; (Lute in. Tel. Red ;'(. U5 M'JS i iOx BOOMS In all parts of tho city. G ioij. Isiad. 403 Pee Blilg. Tel. 1) 31411. (15) M303 12S 8. 26TI1 St., largo east front room. suit, able for three gentlemen: house strictly modern; roomy porches Ui'e. simcy lawr- (!! ,6x FURNISHED ROOM-Vet y flwiin ile, r fc ence required. 64S Soutn "tl H . (1j-K3 Oct;.) FOR RENT Furnished room. 1C17 Dodse St. (15)-3i: C.'k ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 71 Solid 2th street. 15i 335 j t