Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
FACTS ABOUT PE-RU-NA. 1$ There Any Scientific Basis For The Claim That Peruna Prevents Infective Diseases ? ' t Lth tt' of September and October that torn of the most infective dueaset are at their height. Malaria and the infection fevera of -antamn find thew month wpeciaUy faTorable to the growth and propagation cf their deadly germ. Why i it September and October are tha month, waen oca diuaset flonriihf Contaminated Drinking Water. com. mi occurrence u a matter that need not be discussed here. But the fact that a superabundance of these germs is alway accompanied by an epidemic cf the diseases show that there is some relation between them, that when one it present the other alway appear. C There i no way known to man yet by which the germ of these diseases tan be entirely avoided. Sanitary science is gradually doing away with them w2A l,L1ililiey remaln 10 eeat numbers. EVERY PERSON IS EX POSED TO THEM COSSTAUTLY. The germ of infection disease are about us everywhere, but only certain people uccumb to their baneful influence, Thi bring us to consider the econd reason why September and October are the especial seasons for epidemics. The fact that everybody is exposed to the germ of disease and yet comparatively few contract the disease shows be yond doubt that there must be some special reason why one person eets the disease and the other does not. The kin, when unbroken, protect the outside of the body from disease jerm, but it is well known that a raw surface or an open wound disables the kin from protecting the interior of the body, and disease germs may enter on men oooasion. Diseased Mucous Membranes. enronio catarrh, render th disease germs. Hence they enter through the mucous membranes of the stomach, of the lungs, the intestines, accumulato in the blood in great num bers, and set up inicctive diseases that may prove fatal. Since w cannot protect ourselves entirely from the presence of disease germ, the only thing that remains for us to do is to KEEP THE SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES INTACT so that the disease germs cannot reach the Hood, even though they assail us from within aad without This explains how it is that Poruna may be regarded as a preventive to these diseases, and suggest that It should be taken during the month when they are prevalent Penma -hA8 thoroughly established itself as a catarrh remedy. Many thousands of people have taken Peruna for chronlo catarrh, and found them selves completely restored. Sometimes the catarrh is in the stomach. Other times in the throat and lungs. Sometimes in the intestinal tract Peruna seems to act as a restorative in all these different forms of catarrh, and thus produces healthy mucous mem branes. . - Even if disease germs do enter the stomach and lungs, the healthy mucous membrane tend to protect the blood from their encroachments. This is the claim made for Peruna, and the claim is based on science and experience. Pathologists have been aware for many year that A HEALTHY SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANE CONSTITUTE PROTECTION AGAINST IN FECTIVE DISEASES. This is a weU established scientific fact ' The experience of thousands of people in all parts of the civilized world ha established the fact beyond dispute that the USE OF PERUNA DOES RESTORE THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES to perfect health, and thus protect the body from disease germs. PLATE FITTERS You may have had trouble In get ting a plate that fits your mouth. I rmploy experts In this line and am told reDPatpdlv that. I run fit. nlataa .niln. Jactorily when other dentists fall. ' i can fit von with n apt nt mv eth on Rubber for 16 00 and I vlll uaraute my work in writing. .. 1 1OT psasEEaaaan What the Governor Really said was: Quaker Hye MEWS RECEIVED RrOHEST AWARD AT Si. U... Wir, Fur. l'J04i ri, Pura Ti mU lW - trial E.a.aUias. ItXSi Uvia aad Clark EipoaiMa. ' PartW. Ur.M. 19U5. "The yhiskey with a Repulati Far Sl al all FirM-ela.a Bars. CaJaa - mm Dai Saataa. S. HIRSCII & C0M Kansas City, A. Sampson. Un I a .ii !a Hsinma 1 Bronchitis turtHl hj m mUd, Hew method that remove the ru.c, 8top.icart noises, stops illM-lutripng ears, orx-ns the ears and restore, the hearing. Cures CaUiili and Asthma, la ery staipe. v To all applvin) for treatment diiririR SEPTEMBER we offer our SERVICES AND TREATMENT FREE. You pay us for the actual cofct of the medicines. , 3 Will Cure l3any snd tho ciost complicated cases will not exceed $5 for the month. ELECTRICITY TATIOX, ad EXAMI NATION" U FRKE. f GiiS Hd Or. Branamam o, 305 Now York Life Building Bee Want Ads There are two re atom First, the air and drinking water and food are especially contaminated daring these months by the germs that give rise to such diseases. Whether the disease THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES, when they are healthy, PROTECT THE INSIDE of the body from disease germs. But the slightest abrasion of the mucous membranes, or derange- m Ant ftf 4 It A m n nnrt m ww athVma a as V. mm i THE ORIGINAL "NO. PAIN" DENTIST Phone Douglas 6711 Boom 4, Bushman Blk., 16th and Song-las sta. Opon Evonlng. natll 9. Sunday. 10 to 3. of North Carolina I Ho. bales Aui-iu. Omaha, Sirs. it. 3. Kinnajr, Fremont. KVb.. y: Kor twelve years 1 suffered with catarrh f th no. thrust ana mid. He ear. Had naful noiMea. could not eat. was weuk ad run !wn. 1 ant now well and my l.erln Is perfoct. 1 am elad to recom mend the diVtora to all." Dr. . Dosrwald, lath and IMerce streets. In speskln of his case, says: ! suffered from asthma more than 22 years, had shortness ut brestlu constant wheezing 1-sUllin; In my chest and cougklnit. 1 went JL. Vr- Hranaman Co. a physical arerk Their new treatment cured me. I cladly rsoommend this new treatment to all " t'atarrhal Inflammation of the Bladder all flonucli, l.lver and Kidney Diseases' all Nervous Diseases. Blood and Chronlo Diaeusvs- Munie Treatment as effective as Office Treatment Wilts for Home Treatment Symptom Blanks and KKKR hook of tes timonials eipUlnhiK and Illustrating the Branaman Treatment. Omaha', Neb. Produce Results E on" A t-WZ v. r.?.r . VV B THE OMAHA PRIZES FOR BEST WINDOWS Awards Will Be Made by the Horn , Show. DTI EE EST IS ALREADY KINDLED Thonaaarl of th ame Llttl Ratio, hole Bona as Wora Before Have Been Ordered tor Dlstrlhotloa. The Omaha Horse Show association has announced that It will offer the usual prises for tho best window decorations, the win dows to be unveiled at Hast eight days be fore the start of the show. The windows must be decorated In some way to suggest the fourth annual Omaha Horse Show, which Is to be held October 14 to 19. Quite a little rivalry was evlt'ent last year among the leading merchants. They vied with each other In the expenditure of much time and effort, as well as no Inconsider able amount of money In order to obtain the honor of having the best decorated window In Omaha. This year the prises will be awarded as follows: First Prize Eight-seat bo for the entire season. 8-cond Prise Six-seat box for the entire season. Third Prise Four-seat box for the entlro season. Fourth Prise Two season tickets. . Fifth Prise Two season tickets. Sixth Prise One season ticket. Many of the merchants are already mak ing plans on a more liberal scale than heretofore, and It Is expected the citizens of Omaha will see efforts In this line that will make the - windows nothing: short of marvelous. A fair and. Impartial commit tee will pass upon the merits of the win dow previous to the show. Same Small Buttonhole Bows. The small buttonhole bows which were seen In such profusion last year here will again be In evidence next week. Several thousand have been ordered and It Is ex pected this amount will not last long. The posters are on the way and some new Ideas will be seen along this line. There is a spe cial opportunity for Omaha to draw on the large stables this year for high class horses. There is no lack of Interest and enthusiasm even at this early date. The Inquiries for premium lists have been pouring In from all quarters of tha United States and Canada. The first inquiry was from Indianapolis, Ind.; In the next mall came requests from Oregon. Colorado, Cali fornia, Illinois, New Jersey and Georgia. Following soon after this came requests from Winnipeg and Alberta, Canada. Judg ing by the present Interest, we will have even a better show than last year. It is .the Intention of the officers to produce some . new and startling' innovations per taining to thls'fourth annual Horse Show. OMAHA HORSE SHOW KNOWN FAB Attracts Wide., Attention and Elicits Words of Praise. That Omaha Is already getting a goodly supply of advertising from Its Horse Show Is shown by the numerous press notices all the eastern papers are giving it. It is looked upon as quite a wonder that Omaha bhould stand alone of all the western cities which Is able' to give a horse show this fall when all' other towns are falling down on the enterprise. The directors of the Omaha association could see no reason for laying off for a year, because Omaha and the country surrounding was never as prosperous as this year.' In addition to printing the prize Hat of the Omaha show In full. Bit and Spur, the leading horse show paper of the country, gives the Omaha show this notice: The Omaha association deserves the high est credit for currying out Its plans to give its show, the enterprise being no light one in the face of the fact of the failure of the other shows to follow suit as In years past. This being the case, the exhibitor who is entering his horses at all this sea son should encourage this broad-gauge as sociation to build up its show and at the same ttme avail himself of the opportunity of competing for the liberal purses put up Eleven thousand dollars In prises are distributed among seventy-nine classes. Entries to these classes close October 1 and the term of entry Is 6 per cent of the purse. No city In America has a finer au ditorium, with better arena or seating and stubling capacity, all under one roof. Its central location In the heart of the city is another factor In lta favor, and the di rectorate of the show has won the reputa tion, all too rare in these days, of giving a clean, square show, without fear or fa voritism. The Omaha show follows the . Missouri state fair a fact which all saddle and har ness horse exhibitors at tho latter should take Into account; while the decision of Chicago to have a horse show the week of October 8, following Ixjulsvllle, puts Omaha right in line to handle the horses shipping from Louisville to Chicago, where It Is city " 8llort nlsnt' run 'o tne Nebruska The classification is very complete and a perusal of the premiums offered shows that they are exceedingly liberal. Thirty six clusses are devoted to heavy harness horses, and the exhibitor with a small string of leather wearers has a magnificent opportunity to coin money. Harness and saddle ponies, three and five-galted saddle horses, cobs, combination horses, hunters Jumpers, commercial horses, two sales classes and a class for cow ponies make up a most comprehensive classification Local classes are liberally provided for" and there Is very little plate offered-very i ce In Its way, but, as one practical ex hibitor puts it, "Plate doesn t pay feed i! S'.nhu2uc!d rate" wl" tak on all railroads for this event, and anyone who has ever exhibited at Omaha will tell you that the people who run the show are To Omaha From Ashland Lincoln Crete Friend .. ., Fairmont Sutton Hastings Mlnden lioldrege " Cambridge McCook Curtis ..; Waterloo Fremont ' North Bend ', Columbus Central City Giand Island (Jlbbon Kearney " Lexington Gothenburg " Aggregate freight Q,n twenty-two curs of Pjunas eacn to Omaha, one car from Awregate freight twtyVt ut ),uw pounds each to Omaha, one car the most hospitable and courteous business. In the The executive committee Is made Un of E. Peck. T. U. McPherson. R. C. Howe F. B. Cowgil. Thomas C. Bryne, Arthur c' Smilh, F. A. Nash and Alfred Darlow' George Wllklns of Chicago will manage the show. Ked and white will be the of ficial colors and the Auditorium will be lavishly decorated for the week. Kntries close October 1 and should be addressed to Secretary Harley G. More, head. 413 New York Life building, Omaha who will supply full information not made clear already. I.oavaed iraaastaa (alUawa. EL, PASO. Tex.. Sept. .-A special to th. Herald from Dullmrt, Tex., says: While a base ball game was being played at the lalhart county fair here ye-iterday the grandatand. crowded with l.uuo spectators collapsed. ' Fifteen persons were injured All of tliem probably will recover. Thi most seriously hurt were Airs. J. IX Howard and Mrs. Harry Wright. It ;-ou have anyuimg to trade advertise It -in the For l'xrliang column of Ths SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMDER 22, 1907. T -. . c. . s- &m gm I v -; ; t&5tt& &si6 ria4 In Must' lisitite fifth' no use LETTERS FROM BEE READERS Comparison of Freifflit Bates that if Very Interesting. SENATOR SIBLEY MAKES SHOWING What the Nebraska Farmers Art Farina- to Kallroads, and What Roaie ' Others Are Asked to Contribute. Contributions on timely topics invited. Write l:tbly on cn side of the paper only, uh name and address appended. On request names will nut be printed. Unused contributions will not be re turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will be subject- to beinft cut down at the discretion of tlio editor. Publication of views of correspondents does not com mit The Bee'to their endorsement. Freight nates Compared. CURTIS, Neb., Bcpt. 20.-To tho Editor cf The Bee: For the Information of those who may desire to know how freight rates on wheat and corn In this state compare with the rates In forco In neighboring states I have compiled the following table of rates on wheat, selecting twenty-two representa tive towns on the Burlington and Union I'acific ljnes In Nebraska. The first column represents the rates In force prior to July i. 1907, the second the present rates under the Aldrlch law, the third Is a 10 per cent reduction from the Aldrlch law as contem plated by the railway commission, tha fourth Is the Union Pacific's Kansas tariff, the fifth the Iowa rates, the sixth are tho Illinois rates, the seventh the Arkansas rates and the eighth the Arkansas cotton seed rates. For the purpose of showing how these different tariffs average I have computed the freight ' on twenty-two cars of 30.000 pounds each, one car from each station, .under the corn rates In addition to the wheat rates. Anyone can Judge for himself If the railway Commission Is Justified In ordering a reduction of 10 per cent from the Aldrlch rales now in force. To a farmer way out in Lincoln county it appears that If It ts confiscatory to, order the railroads to receive $701.10 for the same service they would perform in Ksnsus for $691.60 the railroads must have been doing a llttlo confiscating themselves when hoy charged the farmers $916.50 for the same service. j. A. BIDLKY. Following are the freight rates on wheat In carlots in cents per 100 pounds: 7.001 6.16 7.65 6.36, G.! 7.66 9.H 6.OO1 6.70I 6.(01 8.0o 8. 00' 9 tfll 6.00 R.fO 6.03 7.oo 7.5-1 7.50 8.0) 8. Of) 8.0i) 9.00 S.'iO 9.00 6.00 5.00 6 00 7.00 8 J 8.00 8.(0 N.00 9 00 o.uo lO.Oii 12.00: 14.00 U.5 7.001 6.5n 7. 8. (i 8.50: 6.f 7.80' 8.60 7. ni 8. fx l 10. iO 11. HO 7.M 10.71 9.6n K.iiu 10.00 12.2.1 11. 0! lO.Ool K.S0 1-'.24 U'.iniI s.Bii 8.601 10. no 9.301 11. Ui 10.00 11.001 lo.sol 12.001 16.0IH 13. ft) IS. Oil 13.) 12.LM 12.60 10.501 12.24' 13.K)' II. ft, 16.CH 13. en 18.00 18.0OI 16.30 13.77! 13.601 12.50! 11.501 n'oul 13.77J 14.001 13.60' 12.00 13.0o 15.30 18. M 15.75! 14.1s 14. 00 6.00: 13.60! 12.001 13.001 6 53 6. 00 6-701 5.50 6.00 6.0o 6.00 6.00 8.00! 7.8o .(io oo 7.65! 6.90! 8.101 I.3o 10.2oj 7.00: 9.5:1 7.00 13.00 16 00 8.60 13.fii 1J.24 10.50 13.60' 12.241 12.0.11 .'! .UO lO.ttl V.601 9.501 11.01 Ib.w 1,1 oil 13.; 4i ,3.5f,t ,,,.5,,. j0 -J lb.00 13.61.1 12.24 13.001 lo.H iy.4l 17. 60 14. US: 13.10' 13.50 12.IKII 11 .ml ll.W 11.00! 18.0J9 In l l - ,u r..l .n - Z'l 12.0O! . w.iii m.irti n.oi) n. 13.0o 6C3.00 1S1.50 ' I 1 Vaa Etten la Self Derease. OMAHA, gept. 2o.To th CHiinr . r-.' Bee: The article In your naner entm,. Van Itself Etten Ht-news the Fight." while in 1 it may be said to i. .. .. 1 leaves me In the attiinH. r, ! or a fool, - " vrrins a Knave inasmuch as It does not .1.1. whole truth. T" I. V. , . 1 auouia nave been in. corporated In it th. fact, that Van Elten liege, that thl. land conveyed to Mr. U-.vItt by the .heriff was not the land taxed and sold for delinquent taxes, was not the land foreclosed on. a. shown by th. specific description In plaintiff, petition In tha action, as th. land sold for alleged de llnquent taxea. nor at any time so claimed; nor yet i it the land which th. decree fav. as the land it. Judgment was a lien on. Yet this sale of other land to satisfy thl. alleged decree was confirmed, affirmed and rehearing denied, all of which Is illegal and unconstitutional On violation of tho law. and con.titutlon of Nebraska, th. law. I liHf. IISPI liEiLQf i e i ai si u p? a-" s - 1 : t In order to pay the obligations due the estate of our lale deceased partner, Arthur C. Mueller we have decided to inaugurate a piano sale Ftflt SroT CASH ONLY. We have agreed to the payment of over $100,000, therefore any person.can so what an opnortunlty presents Itself for the piano buver to get a piano of the; highest character at a saving of $100 to $200. Some pianos will go at a grent deal less tnan lactory cost.. . . 4 . , Will? Because we are long on pianos and short on ready cash to meet this tremendous obliga tion which Is forced on us at an unfortunate' time. This will mean a ereat sacrifice of nrtrea hut th mincing words. ,' WE TELL YOU THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH WE KEED THE MONEY to pay off our great Indebtedness to the Mueller state. We are not going to publish a single price on any piano because it would ruin our competitor business forever . No such opportunity will again cycur In your lifetime. By attending this sale you are enabled to buy a Stcger & Sons, Hardman.'C. A. Fisher.. Emerson. A. B. Chase, McPhail. Steck and 23 other reputable old makes at your own price. Our loss ts your gain. REMEMBER AVE NEED THE CASH, but if you haven't all the money, come and see us any way, ns we may be able to accept a limited number of time deals, even though some of the pianos are sold legardless of the factory cost. This sale starts tomorrow morning at 8:00 a. m.. Remember the time, the place and the pianos. p- s -To out-of-town customers we will ship any piano on approval and pay freight charges both ways If the Instrument, after a careful examination. Is not entirely satisfactory to IU owner Call or write at once for catalogues, bargain list and full particulars about this great money-savins sale. , Sclimoller & Phone Douglas 1625 SELLING. MORE PIANOS THAN ALL ad and constitution of the United States and the Inherent right of the citizen); in fact, of the decisions of the supreme court of this state, and the well known fact that real estate taxes are not a personal debt, bat can only hold the land the'y are' as sessed and levied against, and the fact that Van Ktten has for years tieen struggling against this conspiracy to defraud him of his property and thus far. ineffectually. I could add much more of the greatest interest to the public kept Ignorant of the practical workings of some of our Institu tions of "good government," but refrain. These I may give specifically at another time and by different proceedings. DAVID VAN EVTEN. Request from Mrs. Davltt. ATHASSBL, Selchester Road, Glenageary, County Dublin. Sept. lS.-To the Editor of The Bee: I have come to the conclusion, after consultation with several of Mr. Dav iLfs Intimate friends, that the time has ar rived when practical steps should be taken with a view to paving an authentic llfe)f my late husband published.' For this pur pos? I am at present engaged In collating the many documents, which he left In his will to me, and which must, of necessity, be the guide to the author who will be en trusted with the work, which will be in harmony with the spirit of my husband's will. I may further state that, without uo cecs to these documents, it Is Impo.oslblt for anyone to define or explain the pari taken by Mr. Davltt in the many move 1 PIJISJ lansillj ItTWWaSWMWWWW - -J it ;1 Smart New Fall Skirts We are showing a beautiful assortment of ne.w models In skirts flue trillions, Fanamas, Ser ges, Voiles and, Imported Xoveltles. Pleated in various styles at 34.90-8G.90 37.0O $0.75 $14.75 1 ., Mueller Piano Co 1311-1313 FARN AM CT. OTHER OMAHA STORES COMBINED . tens ments In -which he was engaged during his eventful career, and that no one yet has been afforded that privilege, with a view to writing a life. In order to' assist in the biography being complete one, I confidently solicit from my late husband's friends a loan of any letters or documents which they may at any time have received from him. I will undertake that all such documents en trusted to me,, for that purpose, will be copied and returned without delay, and, in making UBe of same, let me add, that the terms of Mr. Davltt s will will be rigidly adhered to. Yours truly. MARY. DAVITT. ANOTHER MOTOR GOES EAST Fifteenth Tarned Ont h- Union clfle Is Jent to .t York on Otrn Power. " Pa- Motor car No. 16 of the Union Pacific left Friday night for Chicago over the Mil waukee road, running on Its own power as second section of No. & It goes to New York to the Erie road in exchange for the experimental car, which was sold to that road last year and which has " been In service since. No. 15 Is a much larger car than tho other, being 200-horse-powcr and the same type as Nos. 7 and 8, which are now doing service on the Union Pacific. Motor car No. 14 left for the east over tho Illinois Central to be given a trial by that road around Chicago. It is of the same type as No. 16. New In Ladies' , -a. Tailored Suits Two New Fall Models in Women's Tailored Suits ,f" the Best We Have Ever Offered at $15.00. They are made of fine all wool broadcloths, In all shades- one Is a tight fitting coat, trimmed with braid and ttrap; the other is a new Prince Chap style, neatly trimmed, beta nave pmuea sairts witn folds They are faultlessly tailored, and will compare favorably special, at.. For $25 We Offer You the Btfct TaUor Made Suits, : ? ' Sold for That Price, in Omaha They are made of l etter materials; the workmanship Is bet- ton an1 UAa. . . n-., .uu wen uiu more exclusive models thr.n you will flr.d einewnere. i ney aie made of the finest broadcloths and new stripes fitted and semi-fitted jaunty 24-lnch to 32-Inch lengths a very special offering. at..v High-Class Tailored Suits Styles at inactive waiting smts 36 steels, smartly tailored, tight suits of ricb lustr broadcloth the latest decree of fashion values, at New Silk Waists A remarkable lot of handsome new silk waist's in plaids and. plain taffetas. In all new shades regular $7.50 values, will be placed on yf ni sale tomorrow; special at.... ft j ) U1Y SjlSHf Is3 J; COURT MAY 'WAIT ON MASONS" Federal Marhlnrr) l.lkeljr Not to Start Monday In View of Jabllee. In view of tlie golden anniversary of the founding of the grand lodge of Masonry In Omaha Monday and the act many of the federal court officials are on the com mittees. It is possible tho'openlng of court may be postponed until Tuesday. This matter ts not definitely determined upon, but will be left to Judge T. C. Munger. wht will preside at the opening session of thl courts with Judge W. II. Munger. It Is alto possible there will bo no printed trial docket for the term until after Octo ber 28. This Is made necessary from the fact that the present petit Jury panel is drawn from all quarters of the state In stead of distinctly the Omaha or North Piatt division, and the cam's now pending come from all parts of the Nebraska fed eral district. A printed dorket for the Omaha division would necessarily includn only such cases as belong exclusively In the Omaha division. . and the petit Jury for the trial of lliese cases would have to be drawn from the territory Included in the Omaha district. For this reason the printed docket may . not appear until after another Jury panel .is drawn to, try tlm Omaha division cases. This Jury may be drawn some time during the forepart of October. The grand Jury .rooms are being put in readiness for the assembling of the federal grand Jury Tuesday next. . , W'ijWnii Hni!r rWSaj iJaKaaadHWI at the bottom fit correctly with JJO suits. $2S Beautiful New Fall $35 inch made of Imported won- fitting coat in all tnade, remarkable $35 Models 515 I