Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Mvrti la
Best West
Pages 9 to It
We are showing the most exclusive high grade conceptions and materals that can be found on Fifth Avenue or State
Street. This great store is the leader in all lines for Fall. Prices are a decided saving. You are especially invited to critically
inspect Bennett's merchandise. See the magnificent windows.
r -r--.T-
Lndies' 12-button Kid Gloves
OVCb 3.25 value S2.G0
A lot of Ladles' Pure Silk
Handkerchiefs :
Emb. HundVerch'fs, worth
60c, choice 10
ie.s' 1G button Kid Gloves, regular $3.75
Trimmed and embroidered, worth to nOo, choke. . .23
Ladles' Hemstitched Swiss Handkerchiefs. Be value,
each, at 3?
N value, on salo at $3.19
! J Men's Furnishings
Manhattan Shirts
Initial showing of the fam-
attan Shirts; all the
.50, $2, $1.50
Men's Hose
All the latest
fads and fancies
in imported one
half hose, excep
tionally fine se
lection 50c to $2.50.
Special for Saturday 100 dozen fine black lisle
hose seconds made to sell regularly from 25o
to 50c, black only 19f
50 dozen fancy one-half hose odds and ends out
of our regular stock values 25c to 39c, Satur-
; day at 19tf
-jJs1 ous Maiih
Men's Underwear
Saturday we will place on sale a special lot
of worsted ribbed underwear, a between sea
son garment, made to sell regularly at 75c,
at'." 50c
Fall Showing in Women's
Tailored Suits
More than 200 suits at these prices to' select from.
Beautiful shades of broadcloth, plums, leather browns,
Copenhagen blues, new greens and garnets, also black.
The Chic Military
The Nobby Prince Chap
The Catchy Cutaway
The Dressy Redingotes
Every suit a this season's winner and
especially priced for Saturday
Fall Bargain Sales in
Saturday we make a specially of unirimmei silk sail
ors; a grand clearing-up sals of thzi authentic down-
to-the-minute styles in all colors; black,
brwn, navy, champagne and all shades
green. $2.00 value, each
Felt hats prettily designed and charmingly
trimmed with cogues, wings or hack- P 1
Us the best $10 line in the w;st. . . P U
CV, T-f nic Special cleaning -up sale
iDlLrC 1 U lb of trimmed Jail silk hats
just the hat required for rainy (P O AQ
weather a $5 00 value for P J ' S
Children's Schojl Tarns and Hats, 50c to $S.50
, Your critical inspection is invited.
Sectnd Floor
en's Fall Eats
We are showing the most extensive line of
soft and stiff hats in Omaha. Prices moderate,
styles the very latest.
The La Crosse, soft
and stiff, $1.50
The Lamont, soft
and stiff, $2.00
The Kingston, soft
and stiff, $2.5A4
The Bennett S
ial, soft and stiff,
at $3.90
V v
' J
John B. Stetson's Celebrated Hats Stiff,
$3.50 to $5.00; Soft, $3.50 to $7.50.
All the new browns and tans in soft and stiff hats
25 dozen men's fine fur-felt soft hats in all the
' latest colors and shapes, bought to sell regu
larly at $2.00 and $2.50, Saturday $1.50
Boys9 Hats and Caps
We are showing all the pretty new novelties
in boys' and children's hats and caps . The new
in boys' and children's hats and caps. The new
$1.00 and $1.50. The new Buster, Tarn O'Shan
ters, 50c to $1.50. The new Caddy, Golf, Eton
and Madrids.50o to $1.00.
Waists. Petticoats
nd Undermuslins
Waist Sale Saturday at $4.95
All the new fall styles, worth up to $7.50.
Beautiful lace, filet nets, plain taffetas In all shades.
Also plaid taffetas in many styles. Saturday will
be a great waist day at Bennetf's.
Silk Petticoats at $4.95
Every shade to match any costume or suit; four dlf
' ferent styles; also extra sizes in black; for Satur
day only .$4.95
. Gowns. Corset Covers. Etc. -
98c, $1.26 and $1.60 Undermullns for -G9
' Sample garments and odds and ends of regular
.stock. - - -.
Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Chemise, Drawers
. all daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery and
tucks; also extra size Gowns and Drawers. Sat
urday . 69
Children's and Mis
Flee CI
Children's Coats, in bearskin, ve
lours, plain cloths all nicely
made and cut full, ages one to
. six yeaffi. 'Also among this lot
will be shown Children's Coat,
ages six to fourteen . years, In
fancy mixtures - and extra good
cloth coats. All spe
' cial for Saturday
Children's Nice, Little'. French
Dresses, made of flannel; fome In
blue and pink checks
'' and plaid. Special ,
for Saturday. .......
Dainty Little Bilk Bonnets, nicely
made with padding and silk lin
ing. Many different styles. Spe
cial for Saturday, in
our Infants' Depart B r
Specials Hardware Saturday
Visit our stove department if in need of a baseburner,
heater or range. "We sell the best the Peninsular"
Special on Range Saturday $25.00
Sapoline Stove Pipe Enamel 15
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Yellow Label Stove Polish 15
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
C-6-4 Stove Polish and Rust Preventer. .. .25
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Wilson Bread Toaater, toasts four pieces at once
(others ask 30c). our price 25
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Large Tin Colanders 14t
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
10-quart Galvanized Palls 20
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
No. 8 Waffle Irons 85
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Iron Candle Sticks
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Garbage Cans, all prices
from $4.50 to 08
And Double Green Trading Stamps.
Stove Brushes. lHc, 15c and 12
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Extra good Scrub Brushes 10
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Extra good Whisk Broom.. 10
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Paints! Paints! Paints!
Ready Mixed Paints at
per gallon J)8 "! $1.30
Beet quality White Lead and Oil lowest
prices. And double Green Trading Stamps.
n fdu;i Mm
m mm
thes for mm
. If you like brown clothes popu
lar color for men now you'll find
here the choicest lot of them ,vou
ever saw.
Brown's a nice color for clothes, I
makes rich looking fabrics, we have U
them in a great variety of patterns j$
and in the smartest of models.
Clothes' for- fastidious and fash- jjj
ionable wearers. i
15 to $25
Boys' Suits Heavy weight all wool,
blue serge suits with knickerbocker
trousers, sizes up to 16
years, at
All "Wool Cassimere and Cheviot
Suits, this season's most desirable
patterns, knee or knickerbocker
trousers, all sizes fl yf tf Z
up to 16 years, at . . . D 3
w it
Japanese China
Wonderful values: Traya, Bowks,
Nut Dishes, Sugar and Creams, all
prices from 10c
Three-piece Mayonaise Set, f,poon,
bowl and plate, special, a set, 75c
Cut Star Table Tumbler.-:, three
stars on side and one on bottom,
straight shape, 20 dozen to sell, at,
each 20?
Beautiful New . Electroliers,
prices from $4.08
See our values at this price.
Dinnerware "We show, the line,
prices and patterns to suit all. Kd s
from $175.00 to $5.00
- 1 i. -.1)
Meats Meats
rrcab Dressed Spring- Chickens, "111 f
par pound -s-4 2-'
Fresh Leaf Lard, 10 lbs. for 11.00
Fresh Pork Kuant, per poum 83o
Sirloin Steak of nntive steers, per pound. .. . 13Vio
Rib Koast, all bones out, per pound lOo
Choice Pot Roast, per pound, 7c and fio
lioiling Beef. 8 lbs. for 250
Mutton Roast, per pound 7Ho
Mutton Stew, 8 lbs. for 83a
No. 1 Family I,akn White Fish, In 10 lb. pails, ?So
And 15 ?i-een Trading Btamps.
Kama and Bacon. Tns Zarrst Stock In ths City.
Just received a larRo shipment of Morrell's Iowa
Hums, every ham la selected and guaranteed,
per pound l&Ho
And 30 iGreen Trading Htamps.
Morrell's Iowa il'rld.?. Helected bacon, narrow
strips, choice arid well trimmed, per lb 17V40
. a ,A "i n ii i . t . i
r- a
special sale: oim cut flowers
Ths new Bos "Mrs. Marshal Tleld" neTer before In Omaha, at dos . .
The new Bos "Blohmosa" at, per aosen
Brides' Boses, per doien
Carnations, per dosen
ale btflas at 10 A. X. Testibule.
Bdnnett's Big Grocery i:iHmiJ:;SXmy
Bennett's Capitol Flour $1.40
And 76 Green Trading Htamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, 8 lbs. $1.00
And 100 Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, lb.... 35c
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Tea, B. F., Japan, Oolong, Gun
powder, English Breakfast, per
pound ,68c
And 60 Green Trading Htamps.
Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle 25c
And 20 Green Trading btamps.
Malta Vita, four pkgs ii5c
'.twenty Ids. Granulated Sugar
for $1.00
Bayles' Yum Yum Pickles, large
bottle ibc
And 40 Green Trading Stmnps.
Blood of Grape Juice, pint bot
tle 2Go
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Blood of Grape Juice, quart bot
tle 60a
And 60 Green Trading Stamps.
Swedish Safety Matches, dozen
boxes 6c
Gillette's, Washing Crystal, doi?n
packages 10c
Cauliflower Pickles, four bot
tles for 26c
Royal Macaroni, Ilk pkg 10c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Armour's Chip Beef, Jar 14c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Bargain Suap, nine
bars for 26c
Seversl dozen cans Seal Island
Clams, three cans 25c
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
A quantity of cleaned Currants,
three pounds 24e
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Fancy Cluster Table Raisins, a
pound 25o
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Genessee Lima Beans, SI cans 25c
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Tnrchlake Red Kidney Beans,
three cans 25c
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Genessee Succotash, S cans 30c
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Chocolate Menler Calte 12c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Unecda Biscuits. 4 pkgs 16o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Franco American Soups, can 20o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Extracts, as
sorted, bottle 18c
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Sunnyslde Tomato Soup, can 10c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Bayles' Cider Vinegar, quart bot
tle 18o
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Worcester Salt, two sacks.... lflo
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Wiggle Stick Bluing. 6 sticks 25o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder
five pound can $1.00
And 100 Green Trading Stamps.
Fresh (Country Butter, lb. ...22o
Ice Cold Batter Milk Free to All.
Grocery Seotlon.
Stick Candy, assorted, twenty
sltcks for i.
I Per pound ic
239 dozen Indies' Imported full fashioned Hose in all
over lace, luce boot, gauze, lisle and hand embroidered
lisle, worth from 60c to $1.00 per pair. In two lots
per pair, 36c and 19c
246 dozen Children's Imported Ribbed Hose, double knee,
260 value, per pair 19o
rim DC EL CX'BANOS A straight 10c Cigar,
VlUrllViJ-"" each 5 Box of 25. . .1.25
H. O. 1 pound ran... ...45o
Patterson, 1 pound can. .4So
Tuxedo, 4 2-os. cans....30o
Lucky Strike, four 1 2-8-ounce
cans 30c
Bennett's Boeclal Tobuot
per pound 85e
Double Ofreen Trading
Stamps on all articles pur
chased In this department
Art Section
Rear Second Floor
Many new novelties in Framed
Pictures, from 19 P
Saturday, all day, 20 ff n a11
Framed Pictures.
Toy Department
Iron Express Wagons, good, strong and well made,
steel wheeJs; special Saturday, $1.12 value Q0
The Best line of Handcars
. See the Exer Ketch at $5.00
The Sunset Flyer, special $3.08
Sidewalk Roller Skates, all prices and styles
at $l.BO, 05c and 45
40 Green Trading Stamps with Each Pair.
College Pennants and School Ppnnanta hour aff
luent in west, all prices, 1.50, $1.25, 1 and 50
A 'gtitful retreat when shopping; largest Soda Parlor in the city; bright, airy and cool -FOUNTAIN
Love Story of an Alabama Girl ii
-The World". Warrant."
'Humane f a Tory Bell and r
irltit C aptain" lha. Theme of
Harold Morton Kra
mer's Story. .
'Hie World's Warrant," by Norah Davis,
ih t:. flovc' stoiy of an Alabama flrl. It
'. abundant liu l lent sot against th south
-f today a tu'k.round. It Is bold in
?s. cut'cn and lias strength and power. 1'Ur
.'I.iiiui-U r uiJ uutural, which adds to tht
lT.- I v( Ue uikiuI and surrrtslns; com
i i i..ei: tnt' i Mrh tlu'y are drown. Miss
Pa via la fcuuihuiKi, and wrltrs of a scc
l.m !f Dixie land lately found in stories,
tlttvli lend a freftii Interest to her book.
Altosether. it Is a n-markuble novel, in
plot, style, and il hold on the Interest.
UoiiK'lui. Slitntii & t.'o. Is the publisher.
'rl noti-wortliy aitu-lrs appear In the
3 jt:nb;r luo of Stem. the Maxltie
t Mj.iifrM. A comfarlion cf the wurkuig
meth ds of Philip D. Armour and J. Ogden
a-rnujr b!s son sod euivessur. Is con-
trtbuted by Arthur Oraydon; a series of ar
ticles is begun by Quy Cramer, dealing
with the undeveloped resources of tho
l ulled Slates; another series is announced
which will treat of the classes of securities
in which business men may conservatively
and profitably invest their surplus; and a
well illustrated article by Daniel Vincent
Casey describes the work of the Winona
Technical institute at Indianapolis, Ind.
In the September number of The North
American Review the editor announces that
the experiment of publishing that periodical
twice a month Is to be discontinued, and
that henceforth the Review will appear
monthly, In enlarged and Improved form.
It is stated that new and attractive fea
tures will be added, and that the price will
be reduced to M a year and SS cents a copy.
With its new cover, of artistic and ap
propriately dignified design, the Review Is,
in appearance, one iof the handsomest of
American magaslnes.
In the 8,eptfcnroer number of The North
American Review appears the first install
ment of a series of articles, to be published
monthly under the title of "The Great
Minds of America." The subject of the
present article Is Goldwin Smith, and the
article is accompanied by a r.oble portrait
of that illustrious historian.
American readers who like to keep in-
i firmed touching English opinion on Amer.
i an affairs and tendencies will be inter
ested in an article, "Is America Heading
for Aristocracy?" which The Living Age
fur September 21 reprints from the London
Fenlmore Cooper" Is the title of an
article by Prof. Brander Matthews of Co
lumbia In the September Atlantic. Cooper,
the earliest of our authors to be widely
read beyond the boundaries ef our own
language," the w-fr shows to be a novel
ist whose Influence has been felt by Park-
man, Thackeray, Alexandre Dumas, and a
score of lesser authors. Cooper's Indian
Mr. Matthews defends on the ground that
Cooper was an optimist, and. while telling
the truth about the savages, he did not tell
the whole truth he suppressed to a certain
extent the native ferocity and cruelty of
the red man. Like Scntt, the American
romancer deals with the brighter side of
life. Prof. Matthew's essay is a just and
readable appreciation of a great figure in
the history of English literature.
VGayle Langford, Being the Romance of
a Tory Belle and a Patriot Captain." by
Harold Morion Kramer, author of "Hearts
and the Cross." It is a romance of the
"times that tried men's souls" In a way
that wil permit no one to lay It aside when
once he has begun It. Oayle Langford. the
heroine, Is as imperious and unfathomable
as she Is beautiful, and her patriotic lover,
lan Lester, captain in the Continental
army, is possessed of audacity beyond the
common lot of man, else there could be no
story. The time is that of the Declaration
of Independence, with most of the events
In Philadelphia and Trenton. General Wash
ington is Introduced In a human and alto
gether effective way. Action crowds upon
action from the beginning to the end of
this exceptionally good novel. The Illus
trations are by H. C. Edwards. Lothrop,
Lee & 6hrpard company is the publisher.
"Tho Optimistic Life," or "In the Cheer-lng-t'p
Business," by Orison Swett Mar
den, author of "Pushing to the Front," is
especially commendable in that it Is de
voted to preaching the higher success, tho
kind that uplifts one. The table of con
tents shows the practical ground covered
by Dr. Marden's new book. It shows that I
"kindness Is catching," and that one of the
iiiwbi jju i i vji iml-b is a rii laiillll y . 1 1 aiu
treats of other' things in a business life
the need of proper vacation seasons . keep
ing a grip on things;' leaving one's troubles
at the offlre; the difference between work
and drudgery; the cost of an exphiplve tem
per; keeping fit for work In brief there
are thirty-eight chapters, each going
straight to the mark In a very few pages.
and saying things that stick. Dr. Marden's
books might also be called the scriptures
of the tollers, and their value as Incentives
to success cannot easily be overestimated
Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
"Marlon's Vacation, by Nina Rhoades, Is
for rather older girls than the famous
".Brick House Books" by this sterling au
thor, Marion being thirteen. She' has for
ten years enjoyed a luxurious home In New
York with the kind lady who has done all
for her that could have been done for her
own child, and who feels that the time has
now come for this aristocratic though lov
able little miss to know her own nearest
kindred, who are humble but most ex
cellent farming people in a pretty Vermont
village. Thither Marlon is sent for a sum
mer, which proves to be a most important
one to lirr in all its lessons that come only
through mingling in a life quite different
from what she had known exclusively for
perhaps too long, as wise "Aunt Clara"
has come to feel. It all comes out very
joyously, as the popular and thoroughly
commendable books of Miss Rhoades have
a way of doing. Illustrated by Bertha G.
Davidson. Published by Lothrop, Lee &
Hhepard company.
Tha casual observer is first attracted to
I'ncle Remus' Magazine for September b
the originality and charm of its cover de
sign. This represents the first of a series
of "Southern girls" snd is drawn with
grace and vigor by E. M. Ashe. It is calltd
"The Richmond Girl" and the face and
figure are typical of the unusual and fas
cinating beauty which o
many Virginia gentlewomen.
The contents of the magazine amply ful
fill the Interest and anticipation created
by the preceding numbers, and every fea
ture is well handled.
"Her Prairie Knight," by B. M. Bower,
is a realistic story of the plains, it, is the
vest from a new point of view, that of a
gay party of eastcnen who exchange their
usual summer panics for the rough homeli
ness of a ranch-houeo sheltered by the
great Bear Paws. It naturally results, of
course, that with the coming of Beatrice,
Keith Cameron, one of the cowboys, neg
lects his cattle now and then; and natural,
too, that Sir Redmond who has accom
panied the visitors from Newport, and who
has made long selge to the heart of Bta
trice, resents the glances of admiration in
the bold eyes of tho good-looking cowboy.
It may readily be surmised that the fair
Beatrice, between her two admirers so
stronjly contrasted, hus an exciting time.
Hut when the time comes that a choice
must be made, the reader will apree that
the keen-witted American girl said "Yes"
to the right man. The book 1s clever and
entertaining, with an atmosphere of whole
some western humor. Published by G. W.
Dillingham company.
Books reviewed ara on sals by The
Bennett Company at cut prices.
Above books at lowest retail price. Mat
thews. ?i Sou'.li Fifteenth street.
Candy and Alrofcol.
Dr. A. C. Abbott, health commissioner
of Pennsylvania, has propounded the
theorv. or. as he modestlv nrarr n
it. the "ousplrlon." that "tho appetite for
'n'nui mij mo tippiiiv mr c-tnuy ar fun
damentally the same, the choice of one
or the other Indulgence being determined
by - the temperament of the Individual."
Tli.r ta u .4 .... 1 . t i .1 i
m " ... .11 Mm in I M v or
of this view. Women, as a rule, take to
panilv n4 tmAn It .. I . . I v.... .
- ...... ... vii"i, uuv women
aie coming to drink more alcoholic I'.uuors
and men to eat more candy. Altogethe
JlJ' f""m "tt "mount of
alcohol consumed per capita during the
last few years, and concomitantly with this
there has been an astonishing Increase In
ho conauinptlon of sugar In all forms. In
rhM. nJ?.nt' dls,rlct other masculine
ffi ' '" 'Vr," confectlonarle. hav,
multlp led so rapidly a almost to rival
the saloonsNew York Independent.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Smiles that won't come off are apt to
grow monotonous. y
It s almost as easy to worry as it la to
tell others not to. w
Consistency may be a Jewel, but a girl
prefers a solitaire. "
Wid0vW U rlrh nd Prett oon
gets over being one.
i A h"h'T wv" ks if a razor pulls un.
less ho knows It doesn't.
When a man pleases himself he gets tha
appiaueo of at least one person.
All things come to those who wait ex
cept the man who owes you money.
A good many buchelors are wearing socks
with peekaboo toes and heels.
If you would become a student of human
nature begin by studying your own.
There would probably Ih- more women In
ventors if they were anxious to discover
new wrinkles.
Mnny a man's final disappearance Is the
result of a strenuous attempt to keen uu
appearances, r "
It Is sometimes sdvlsahte to employ a
night watchman to look after men who ara
as honest as the duy is long.
A man's silliness may border on the
ragged edge of lunacy, but you can t mako
the woman he is in love with believe It
Chicago News.
Beo W Ads for Bun-a Boostera.