Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16

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Short Traveler! Will Be Carried on
Union Pacific Limited.
Namber ef arh Paiipmrra Each
Trala Will Re Limited to
Aas.aat of Sleeping
Car Spare.
Making total Inc'so cxp'ses
of operat'n. excl've taxes. .$659,803.88 or 8.87
Tb policy of Improving standards of
maintenance has been fully maintained.
During- the year 6,641 tons of new rail were
laid at a cost of 1128,442.86. as compared
with 9,482 tons, costing f2f6.64g.6U in the pre
ceding year. The average weight of all
rails In main tracks was Increased from
15.36 pounds per yard to 66.61 pounds per
yard. There were laid 337,041 ties, at a cost
Df $142,90, as compared with 436.006 ties,
testing I168.CS4.29, the preceding year.
The cost of maintenance of way and
structures per mile of road operated this
rear was I1.7W.S1, as compared with $1,810.00
per mile In the preceding year.
The increased cost of maintenance of
iqulpment was due to Increased outlays In
repairs and renewals ot freight cars, which
and iiaim ceMimio
There is no excuse for I
i : 41.- H
UiViu uic uuuu uu
your plate racks in a marred
condition. A coat of jat-a-lac
can be applied in a
few minutes at a trifling
cost. Suppose you get a
can today and see for your
self just what a wonderful
improvement it makes.
Mi. rmsreuss
Jap-a-Lac Headquarters
and at best prices, at the Sherman A
MuConnell Drug Stores.
4 pt. Jap-a-lac, any color 16e
U pt. Jap-a-lac, any color 26c
1 pt. Jap-a-lac, any color Mm
I at.. It-c H gal. fl ; 1 gal $2.60
Bee us for all kinds of paints and
varnishes and brushes.
Corner 16th and Dodga Streets.
Comer Utb and Harasy 8treeta.
Announcement Is made that the Union
Pacific, beginning Sunday, will again try
the experiment of carrying local pesen
gers on the Overland Limited trains Nos.
I and 2, leaving Omaha at 8:50 a. m. and
arriving at Omaha at 9:40 p. m. A limit,
however. Is plsoed on the sales, the num
ber being regulated by the unsold space
of the sleeping cars and the tickets to be
old to and from the stations at which
these trains are scheduled to stop. These
trains are composed only of Pullman cars
and the seating capacity Is limited-, but
local passengers will be carried where un
sold space will
This Is the second backup the Union Pa
cific has made within a week on the orders
which were Issued about a month ago that
local passengers would not be carried on
trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 9, the Overland
Limited and the Los Angeles Limited. Bo
treat was the public clamor against this
order that a week ago the embargo was
removed In regard to the Los Angeles
Limited, but that did not satisfy the trav
eling public and a second order has now
gone forth granting permission to ride on
the Overland Limited.
Serloas Problem at Haaa.
A serious problem confronted tho railroad
men. The trains being limited carried no
day coaches and were models of luxury.
Not only were they the principal trains
which went west' from Omaha In the morn
ing, but their elegance was an extra In
ducement for the public to seek out these
trains In preference to (he other, although
an extra price was exacted by the Pullman
company for seat fare.
The railroad men claimed that while the
through passengers were at breakfast at
Omaha the local passengers would fill up
the smoking compartments and the bertha
and the rear of the observation car until !
the through passengers, who were at break
fast, could find no seats. To remedy this
difficulty and protect the through passen
gers the order. was Issued that no more
local tickets would be honored on these
trains. A storm of protests Immediately
went up and the railroad soon realized that
mistake had been made. The railroads
could not well defend Its position, because
it did not furnish sufficient local service In
the morning to care for the passengers who
wished to go west at that time. A train
leaves about 7:30 a. m., a alow local, and
that was the only morning train. This
service did not meet the demand and some
thing had to be done. The officials could
not see their way clear to put on extra
trains to care for the local business, so they
had to take the other horn of the dilemma
and let the people ride on the limited
oath End of lllaola Central.
President J. T. Harahan has Issued the
twenty-sixth annual report of the Yazoo
A Mississippi Valley railroad, this road be
ing the southern end of the Illinois Central
system, and comprises 1,239 miles of road.
The report shows the road to havo been
most prosperous. President Harahan says
In his report:
The gross receipts from traffic during
the year were $9,499,669.89, an Increase of
1828,408.66. or 9.56 per cent over the previous
year. The net receipts, after deducting
operating expenses and taxes, were In
creased $114,416,63 over last year.
The tons of revenue freight carried In
creased 806.919, or 13.84 per cent. The aver
age receipts per ton mile decreased from
1.24 mills to 7.50 mills, or 8.98 per cent. This
Is due to a greater tonnage of low grade
commodities carried this year.
The expenses of operation exceeded those
of the previous year:
In maintenance ot way and Pet.
structures by f 29,207.80 or 1.83
In maintenance of equip
ment by., 315,677.86 or 30.42
In conducting transporta
tion by 333,731.02 or 9.5
In general expenses by.... 11,197.18 or 3.98
, -i
Elbow Length Real Kid Glves for $2.98
These are fine quality, genuine Kid
Gloves all lG-button lengths
blacks, tans, white, jr.
browns extra spe- Jr fflk
cial for Saturday, pair.
ity, all silk fabric double fingei
tips, black, white, tan and gray, a
pair, Saturday 98c and $1.25
ladies' and Mn's All Linen fl 1
Handkerchiefs at flzC
Ladies' plain sheer quality linen some cross barred some
embroidered initials also men's very fine 1 51
linen worth 25c each, at, each 2C
Hosiery Sale
Women's fine lisle and cotton hose doublo
sole and spliced heel many silk embroid
ered some boot pat- '"fc r? Tf
jj OKAXA'k Ttrmm roos cxjttib jjj
Buying your meats here means
that you get the very best meats at
the lowest possible cost, as the Im
mense quantities In which we bay
enables us to give you better meats
for less money."
2,000 Spring Chickens, at,
per pound lBHo
(Chickens will not be drawn for
this sale.)
Swift's premium Hams, per Ib..l4ts0
taf Lard, per pound 10a
From 7 to 8 P. M. we will sell 1 ton
of choice boiling beef, at
per pound Wo
terns, at, pair.
at lOc and 143c
Big lots of women's, men's
and ' children 's hosiery on
great bargain square
worth 25c C
pair, pair. . . 1UC17C
Pretxels, per pound
Cracknels, per pound
Uneeda Biscuit, per package .... ..4o
Olnger Snaps, per barrel BOo
Egg-O-See, 3 packages, for 85o
90c bottle Maraschino Cherries. . .65
86c Can Soup 90o
Swiss Cheese, per pound 30a
Fancy Dill Pickles, per dot X5o
Cucumbers, each lo
Lemons, per dozen SOo to 30a
Concord Grapes, per basket 80a
Lettuce, 8 for Bo
Crab Apples, fancy, per basket... SOo i
17th and Douglas SU.
Tel. Douglas 647. !
Private Exchange Connects All Depts. (
Kail Neckwear
Newest fall styles in stocks,
lace collars, "turnivers, etc.
about 50
at ,
iSheet Music
Big Sale Popular Music
17c I
Including: "Love Me and the World Is Mine," "Moonbeams and
Dreams of You," "Song My Sweetheart Hang," "Dreaming,"
"Under the Tropical Moon," '.Colorado," "Will the Angels Let
Me Play," "Awakening of the Birds," "Dixie Queen," "Arrah
Wanna," "March of Teddy Bears," "Because I'm Married Now."
And over a
score of other
live ones that
we have Just
received the
best of new
1 HT7
The hits are
always at our
music dept.
and ask to
hear s o me
new ones. We
have 'em.
f I
.... i
SNature Shaped
It's worse than a mistake to put
regular shaped shoes on children's
growing feet.
There's no time In life when the
foot should he as rarefully looked
after as In childhood.
If you'll bring the children here,
we'll fit their feet with good looking,
durable, Nature Shaped Shoes at
moderate prices.
$I.50tc $2.75
Aooordlng to sis.
Spring- or regular heels.
We can fit any foot that comes.
Your New Fall Clothes Are Ready for You
Now in Our Store and We Are Going to
Hold an Opening Reception to Introduce
You to Them Saturday, September 2ls
YouVe invited; and when you
come youll meet a lot of the finest
clothes you ever saw. We feel that
our good friends and oun good
clothes ought to know each other
These are Hart, Shaffner &
Marx , clothes, and you can put it
down as a fact that better clothes,
more stylish, more perfect in every
respect, never came from the hand
of a tailor.
The new suits are a number of
smart models, and the patterns are
varied enough to suit every taste.
Greys, browns, tans, in stripes, plaids and checks. A
splendid assortment of plain fabrics. Prices:
$15 J 6.50, $18, $20, 22.50 to $35
Copyright 107 " tT
Hart Schaffner W Marx
The New Fall Overcoats are certainly very snappy; you'll find just your kind here.
hardly necessary to say that , Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes are always all-wooL
Other Departments are full also of seasonable goods; hats in the latest blocks; shirts
neckwear like a regular flower garden of color and rich design.
amounted to $764,809.43 this year, as com
pared with S566,6.85, an Increase of
kw.67; also to an Increase In wages and the
cost of material and supplies. The cost of
maintenance of equipment per mile of rail
road (excluding marine equipment) has
this year been Jl.0s5.6B, as compared with
Sfi4.88 per mile In the preceding year.
The Increase in the cost of conducting
transportation of $333,721.03 was due to a
natural increase in business, and to an In
crease In wages and the cost of material
and supplies.
The Increase In general expenses Is due
to an Increase In general office forces, law
expenses and increaaed coet of pensions.
The expenses of operation exclusive of
taxes, amounted to $7,679,730 and consumed
S0.S42 per cent of the gross receipts.
The expenses of operation, including
taxes, was $8,072,975.08 and consumed 84.9N2
per cent of the gross receipts.
Heaviest If omeseekera Day.
"Tuesday saw the heaviest travel of real
ttomcseekers to the west the state has
ever seen," said a prominent railroad mau
Friday. "They were real buyers and the
state Is In a most recipient mood for all
who come along. The recent splendid
weather lias put the state In such condition
that tt Is just right to show off well and
the buyers have been getting In their work.
Many sales . have already been reported
from this last excursion and more are yet
to come. Nebraska iand is still the big In
vestment and the people of the middle states
re Just awakening to the fact. It has
been a long time since there was a crop
failure and there Is no Immediate prospect
of another. The state la settling v, and
the moisture la the better conserved each
Reck Island Loses Mosey.
A decrease In net earnings for the month
of July la shown by the report of that
road for the first month of the present
fiscal year as compared with the same
month last year. Despite the unusunl
rains In gross earnings the net earnings
for the system are only $3,763,089, as against
$:.42S,ti01 In July, 1906. The gross earnings
for the road In July, 1907, were $5,079,160,
as against $4.$93,"08 In July, 1906. The earn-
lngs of all the lines of the Rock Island
system, Including the St. Louts & San
Francisco, the Evansvllle A Terre Haute
and the Chicago A Eastern Illinois were
for July, 1907, $3,K4,0S6 and for July, 1906,
W, lit, 293.
Laaafeer Rates from Boat a.
Now that the railroads have announced
an advance In the rates on lumber from the
Paclflo coast, the lumber dealers are lis
tening for the first auggestlon from the
railroads of a raise In the rates from the
south. The dealers believe the railroads
will attempt It, If they are successful In
putting In effect on November 1 their new
tariff on western lumber. But the manu
facturers of the Pacific coast have gathered
a fund of $XO,000 to fight the advance be
fore the Interstate Commerce commit" Ion
and In the United Statea courts If need be.
An advance In rates from the south would
contribute as much to higher prices as the
advance from the west, for all the yellow
pine used In this part of the country comes
from the southern forests.
Railway Natea aaa Peraoaala.
E. I. Lotnax. general passenger agent of
the I'nlon Pacific, returned Friday from
C. B- Berry; assistant .genersl freight
agent of the Oreat Western at St. Joseph,
was In Omaha Friday.
W. H. Hurray, assistant general passen
ger agent of the Cnlon Pacltlo, has returned
from an extensive trip through the east.
The Northwestern haa arranged for a
bankers' special, which leaves Omaha Fri
day night at p. m. for New York, using
the Lake Shore route from Chkago to New
The I'nlon Pacific la preparing to begin
the construction of Its new viaduct acruss
the tracks at Q street. South Omaha. The
present viaduct has been In had shape for
some time, until it Is reallv dangerous
and as It is used by the street railway
company for Its cars to West Q street and
by a large number of the employes of the
packing houves, the company Is going to
bugln work as soon as possible.
The San Pedro (Salt rke Route! has
contracted for the delivery of 10,000,000 bar
rels of crude oil for engine ruel during the
next five years. The price In 19c Is to be
30 cents a barrel. 36 cents In 19(9 and 45
cents In 1911 and 1912, which suggests that
higher prices for the product are expected
for some time to come. The arrangement
requires that 200.0U0 barrels must be stored
m time to begin deliveries on January 1
The amount Involved In the contract is be
tween $6.0jo,000 and $9,000,OUO.
The long summer has forced upon the
railroads the necessity of furnishing better
and larger facilities for handling their Ice.
At Ogden but 2,5o0 tons yet remains In
sight lo laut until the new crop comes
around and the Union Pacific Is becoming
alarmed and is doing what Is possible to
ward off a famine. The Southern Pacific
Is erecting a new ice house at Carlln with
a capacity of 10,500 tons, the ice to be
shipped from Ogden and Evanston, the lat
ter town being equipped to handle 30,009
tons yearly.
Ta Prevent Bfcoea from Cracking
uae Quick Shlna Shoe Polish. It oils, pol
ishes and gives a patent leather finish and
Is water-proof. Ask your dealer for It.
Betiding remits.
I. Pearlman, 216 North Twenty-second
street, repairs, $5; Mrs. Julia Themes,
Twenty-seventh and Decatur streets, three
cement dwelling, $1,500 each; Sum Zager,
190$ South tenth street, repairs. $50: Frank
B. Kennard, Nineteenth ind Dodge streets. !
alternations, .00; E. A. Fait. 29U7 Bristol '
street, frame dwelling, $1,500; estate B. C. 1
crary, ibjz spencer street, repairs, $1,250.
16th and Douglas Streets.
"Ftultless Bit"
; "N 2
. Brandeis' new and
complete section ef
1 Merchant Tailoring
n The new fa.ll suitings
2 are on display the $J
favorito fall pat- f
m ferns every- 5
a thing new
Buy Your
Coat Now
mum am.
iLniU 2J 1 JV.S
The Most
Complete Line
Boys' Suih
in Omaha
It covers the entire list of eat
ables and table delicacies. No
where. Is there found so many
good, old - fashioned, appetizing
dishes dishes that are appreci
ated by all.
Particular attention is glren to
seasonable foods, and you will al
ways find them here first. ;
You will appreciate the advant
age in choosing from our menu
the articles your appetite dictates.
If you are taking your , meals
out, see us about serving you.
Our prices are reasonable.
Tm Store roupmcAcir.y
1018-20 Farnam Street.
Phone Doug. 711.
The choicest cattle in the
world are raised on the
'Litblf Company's peat
firmj ( larger than Massa
chusetts) on theRirerPlatc
expressly for making
Ueblfl Company's
EJKiraci oi Heel
the leading pure food
product of the world and
for forty yean the first.
. Blu Diauvuiew
H Expert Tailors !
H Moderate Prices J j
8 $20 to $45 I
You Would Not Accept Coun
terfeit Money, Why Accept
Counterfeit Goods.
Good money Is made by the gov
ernment, in watch you have im
plicit faith and confidence. Good
goods are made by manufacturers
who are wining to stake tneir
reputations on the Quality of the
material ottered to you througn
the medium ot their advertisement
in The Bee. Counterfeit goods
are not advertised. The reason
for it is, they will not bear the
close scrutiny to woicn genuiue
goods are subjected. Counterfeit
money pays more profit to the
counterfeiter. Counterfeit goods
are offered to you for the same
Insist on the Genuiue
lleject the Counterfeit.
Full and complete instructions re
garding the opening ot a part of the
Lower Brule Reservation, including
maps, etc., showing the location of tho
land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00.
This land Is less than one hour's drive
from Pierre, South Dakota, the State
Capital. Reference, any business man
in Pierre.
J. W. laughlin,
Pierre, South Dakota.
Try the Waal AM
Column of Tfce Baa
If You
Knew '
How Many
brought or sent their boys to this
store for footwear and the genuine
satisfaction they had from the
ehoes we sell them, you would not
hesitate a moment to visit us or lo
Bend your boy here. You can rely
upon us absolutely and your
youngsters can come to this store
unaccompanied and receive the
same treatment, they would be ac
corded if you were, along.
Our salesmen are expert fitters
and we take pride in satisfying the
wants of the -little fellows in
Sizes 10 to 13 H $2.00
Youths, 1 to 2 $2.25
Boys', 2V4 to 5 Vi 32.50
Is never so serenely beautiful as at this time of the
year when the amusement season is ended. If you
admire nature , without ,the accompaniment- of music,
crowds and excitement you should not fail to visit
Manawa some one of these, lovely. Autumn afternoons.
Why not make up a little party and enjoy a nice,
quiet picnic! - '
Gas and Electric Fixtures
Why spend your money needlessly for new Fixtures,
when we can make your old ones look
as good as new for much less.
We plate Anything in Gold, Silver,
Nickel, Brass or Copper.
Automobile Lamps and Statues Repaired.
314 South 13th Street. Between Farnam and Dnrney
Telephone: Douglas 1773.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam SI.
M ill lACf WwrtJ U Utxfr- mS. I
Ground Floor Offices...
are scarce, especially in the center of the business district of Omaha
This fact is an indication of the growth of the city, as well as th
volume of business which is being transacted. R. C. Peters & Co.
were compelled to move Into larger quarters and because we could
not give them more space they rented elsewhere.
IS VOL' It Bl'SIXKSS GROWING? Don't you want to be on th9
ground floor? Here is an opportunity to rent space that will pleas
you and give you a chance to increase the volume of your business.
TSie Bee Bundling
offers for rent one room 16-6x40-6 and another 19-10x2510 oa the
17th street side of the building on the ground floor There is a large
vault in connection with these rooms and they can be rented as one
large room or divided.
On the Sixth floor we have tor rent three rooms facing 17th street
and three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court.
On the Fifth floor Is a shite ot two offices. 22x20 and 7x20, with
good light. There Is a vault in the larger of these rooms.
We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call and
let us show you through the building.
Remember you do not have to pay extra tor light, water, heat nor janitor
service here as it all goes free.
Ask for Mr. R. W. Eaker, Supt.
17th and Farnam Sts.