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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1907)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1907. 13 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats t on tlnaed. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Pn finish, hardwood; fully modern. Hmm heat, hot water, large gas rans. bath, Inner and rear hull and six handsome, large, high-ceiling outside rooms; s-end floor, dote In; best In north mil of city; last on, balance, rented, rent, $&; heat, $t; references, 'phone Douglas 0X0. BEM1S, i'AXTO.N BLCK. j Ui;-M.;3i 21 MODERN' 8-room brick flat. 3003 Pacific St., $40 per month; beat residence district la the eft jr. Thot)" Harney 33 for par ticulars. II. Kellner. ' 'l."n--2to FOR RENT Ready October 1. two new $-11. brick flats, walking distance, 50. Ap ply 2C Capitol Ave. (15) M267 22 fcTEAM-HEATED flat, modern. Co'n. 2nd'. (la) M12 j'OR RENT-4-room flat, corner 29th and Douglas St a. Olobe Land and Investment Co. 'Phone Douglas 6062. (15) HI Hoarding aal Roonu. BOARD and room In finest down town rcallon, large front room with alcova; four windows, all modern, suitable for gentleman and wife or tu or three gentlemen. References required. 114 8. llh Bt. (IB) Ml 43 22x UEWE Y European Hotel. 13th ind Farnam. (15) 264 1ENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (10) NICELY furnished rooms, closn in, good board. Tho Rose, 2020 Hurney. (la) 34 380 25x PLEASANT front room, with first-class board, for two; new. modern house; pri vate family. TeL Webster 233. (15 M792 21x . . . . DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board; hot and cold water In rooms. 123 8. 26th Ave. (15) M848 21x ornlhed Rooms. DE8IRARI.E room in modern house, prl- vate family. 12S 8. 25th. 8t. (151-M1G9 2IX FRONT ROOM with sleeping room adjoin . lng; first flour; close in. Tel. Red U5)-M9SO 23X ROOMS, $2 per week-, good dining room. Ogden hotel. Council bluffs. Ia. (15)-M9S 22x FOR RENT Four connected -strictly mod ern furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping; with furnace heat. 127 80. 25th St. Tel. Douglas 6:49. (15)-Ml::9 22x Why Have Your Rooms Vacant? DO YOU KNOW? We can fill rooms this week. Why not let, us till yours? OMAHA RENTAL CO., 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas SKX1. ir. ROOMS In all parts of the city. Gang istad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. I). 341'.'. . (15) M303 12S 8. 26TH St., large east front room. suit, able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; roomy porches, large, shiidy lawn. (15) 75ix- FURNISHKD ROOM-Very desirable, refer ence required. M0 South 24th St. (15) K3S0 Oct20 IJkKOE front room, central location; pri vets family; gentlemen, with refer ences. C 206, Bee. (15) M372 23x TWO beautifully furnished rooms for tight housekeeping. 1538 North 20th. . (16) M390 22 FOR RENT In thoroughly modern West Farnam and Boulevard district; large, cast front room with bay window and alcove bedroom; also two good sized rooms. Bplendld home-like, house. Walk ing distance and close to Farnam car. . Gentlemen preferred. Address A-24 cure Bee. (15) 319 22x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, 718 South ttth street. (15) 335 2ix ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4301. (15) 3a3 22 FOR RENT Furnished room. 1617 Dodge St. (16) 212 -tx NICELY furnished rooms. 556 8. 25th'' Ave. . (15) 327 S2UX KOI HARNEY, furnished rooms. (15) M674 S22x ELEGANTLY furnlsltcd rooms. 1915 Cap ltol Ave. . . (15)-769 823 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 412J Hamilton Bt. (15) 634 LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen, private family; 6 minutes' walk from postofnee. 215 N. 23d. (IB) MS28 21x HANDSOME furnished rooms; private fam- lly; fine neighborhood. 303 N. 22d St. (15)-M840 21 X HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, In new brick flat; everything first-class; reason able terms. 614 N. 201b, St (US) MS51 21 NICELY furnished front room for light housekeeping: also large parlor, In mod ern house. SSls DougUs. (15) M93J Six YOUNG man wanted to share a nice $12 room; reference required. 12ft B 25th fit. (1W---M1M 24x MODERN furnished rooms. 2411 Harney. (1j)-244 23 laf arsOsked , naoaas. ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly modern. &3S Park Ave. (lii 71 8wx THREE unfurnished room. 1120 N. 17th St (15J-421 FOUR large unfurnished rooms; modern. 624 B. 2titti Ave. 21 X rnrataaed Heases and rials. FURNISHED houce for rent or part cf furnlluie for sale. 718 Georgia avenue. (15) Mtl 2Ji B1X.-ROOM furnished flat, cloao In; oak fin ish, hot water lieat; furnished. Hastings St Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. 05) M'Mi FURNISHED HOUSE. 10-room. thoixiuglily ruodern . house, in most desirable part of Kountxe Place, ceo un regarding lease. - , GEORGE &. CO., 1801 Farnam St. (16) M:94 23 Ueasekceplns Jjtsvma. 3 LIGHT basement rooms complete for housekeepiug; inodesri; cheap tor the winter. SO'J S. 27th St. (15) M142 24X NHATLY-Ft'RNISHED room, with break fast u ivilegea, 2iS North 23d St. (13) Ml 94 35 Houses and Cottages. IM N. IHTH--room and nail, all mod., $40 3414 CiiAiloi, new s-rooin. ail mod, $33. Hth and Webster, l-room. all mod., $32.50 tr:t 8. lth. iwcr end of Farnam Una, now 7-rooni. all mod., 1 4711 N. 2ih. new 6-reoin cottage, bath, $20. 'KEErtC REAL ESTATU CO.. luul N. Y. JOfa Bldg. 'Phone Duug. Ho!. (19)-M16 21 BENSON HOME. l"OK RENT. 4-room l.uusu, with J lots, tl and cistern, barn, chicken coops, shade trees; lot fenced $11. TURKELL & CO.. -Tel. Doug. ll.-J. ivoviu 17, Patterson Rldg. . (16)-M310 21 MIS IZARD 4 rooms, well, furnace, c'.ilcken lo-rk., large lot; ,ood pliup lur chllu:eu; ' TUHKcLli & Ct., TeL Doug. 1123. ltoo;u 17 Patterson Biug. (u aim 51 43 PATRICK AVE., 6 rooms, ne. r.ioJeru except heat, JJ. 'TfgCass Si. 6 rooms, modern except h.vt. EEMI3. PAXTON VJOCB. 'Phono Dvu. 13. C1M-V1H OR RENT $24.00. coVaga. thorns ar$ bath. $11 S. lint Su a.ruey r.T. . . (i ji iiinrii KU BRISTOL ST . T-rj-urfrnrliTa hiu letiod barn; luriM yard, all ia b-t of fepair; $SS.0 per moniL. UEORUE 4L CO., 16)i lrfia : .-I. ' (i)M:$is TOH RENT T-r-oii hous. modem except furnace 1913 No 25th Jt. i:j)-li2 "OR REN'T-8 room asadcrn house, .n Lake well located 4W ill.l ' OFFERED FOR RENT llausra and Cottages :-ontiaaed. FOR RENT 7-room house. J&S Seward, two blinks front cr, mod"rn except fur nace, fina yard, $26. 00. (!.') MKO FOR KENT One acre, block from Florence iar; good room bouse; furnHre, gas, good cellar, deep well with futre pump, cistern, no. id barn, cow yard, clilchen house, all Kinds of fruit, larae Harden fiat, fine al.ade, magnificent view. Will lease for year, $25 per month. O. G. Wallace, Brown block. (ln M.JSJ 23 FOUR new cottages just completed, r7th and Chicago streets; modern except hcatj 6 rooms, K2.oO; 6 rooms, $20. O. O. Wall ace. Brown block. (15) M33 23 7-ROOM modern house. Inquire 223 Sher man avenue. Hi) M.i7 ONE 8-room, nil modern house. $r). 8. E. corner 21th and liinney. CHRIS UOVIiK. sail and Cuming Sts. (15)-192 Blx new. strictly modern 7-room brick houses; Rue location; 3 at $32.50, and i at $... Two S-room modern houses. $.10 per month each; all of these houses are In good neighborhoods and convenient to cats. Barn, near ISth and Iaicust, ft per month. i. 11. Dl'MONT & SON. 1305 Farnam St. (15)-m 21 FIVE-room cottage, now: reasonable rent. 40I0 Jo. 26th Ave. J. Kendis & Co., Paxton block. (15) MluO 23 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1025. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnum. (15) 2i9 OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move, store H. 11. goods; storehouse 1120 24 N. 19th. Office 10u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. IV 9. (Id) 261 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas 894. (15) 2. U-ROOM, modern house except furnace, 2611 Pierce St.. one block to car. lnqulro I3ul South 25th Ave. J. H. Altliouse. (15)-C6 FOR RENT By owner, 3831 N. 22d. new 6 room modern, cottage. Tel. Webster is.ii. (15) 283 WE MOVE PIANOS-Maggnrd Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 148S. Office. 1712 Webster Bt (15) 283 TTfiTTKK'.S ,n a" Prts of the city. R. UWUOUO c Patera & Co., Bee Bldg. (15)-2w FOR RENT Large store room, lfith and Vinton Sta. C. M. Bachmann, 43? Paxton block. (15) 363 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt Barker Plk. (15) 265 TTrTTOTi,CJ in all parts of the rltv. uuuoiiO crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. . - , (lb; 374 BRICK dwelling, all modern, 9 rooms, 614 so. win t. Appiy tMmer J. jseviiie. iu Neville Blk. (151-V19 21x $C0 6-room modern house. N. Y. L. Tel. Ked 32i7. N. Fenger. 628 (15) 124 NEW 7-room modern brick residence, oak finish, hot water heat, polished floors, shades and curtain poles, combination fixtures, walking distance, $45.. Tel. Red asm. (15) S2U 22x WHEN writing to advertisers it takes but a stroke or two of the pen to say you saw 1 ne aa in j ne 1 see. , flalldlagrs. POP. RENT, A SIX-STORY BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. The six-story and basement building at 120g nowira m., rormeriy occupied Dy tne Hay ward Brothers Shoe Co.. for rent. Annual rental t2,40 Floor space is 20x132 ft., and all floors aad basement contain about 20,000 square feet surface. The building has a good elevator and office apartment, and Is equipped with a modern lire sprinaier system. R- C. PETERS & CO.. CO 8. 17th St. Bee Building. (W l Ml OS RETAIL LOCATION lflOft-lo-lJ) Harrey St., five floors and base ment, 66x132 feet, now occupied by Midland vtiuss anu rami company. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM PT. (16) M2U1 28 O Uveas. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city all building. 417 N. Cth Bt. South umana. Apply to manager. (15) 134 DESK room. 60S Paxton Blk. (ffi)-478 tares. One store room In new "Scarao" bulldlna In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows ana awnings; Dcst possible location. Hall uiuiriDUtor Co., nil rirst Natl. Bank Bldg NEW STORE ROOM, corner Locust and 1 Sherman Ave., for dry goods, shoes or notions; good location; good place for right party. Inquire Joseph Houska. 20i3 mierman Ave. (15) mji, 37 FOR lectures, concerts, dances and balls. Fraternity hall, 118 Harney St., opposite Public library. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 ! arnam St. (15) M.'lo7 019 $25 FER MO for 2129H Farnam St. $35 per mo. for store room, 2210 Far nam St. $100 per mo. for 1815 .Howard St.; good uuseineni, zuxbu reel. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam St. (15) M293 28 MODERN Storks rnn tm.'vt Modern store room, light, verV desirable, nnnimlln miKll. UK..... .. . . A t i .. -r uu..i. iiuiaij. nrji LU 111UB' . pendent Telephone building, 19th and 4141 iivy. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. 1600 Farnam bt. Douglas 3S07 (15) ".'i BAKERY nnd large store room for ren or sale; cenlruliy lix-ated; If Interested u will pay you to lnvesCTBate. Address n j.if, care xiee. (15) M197 i2x DRUG STORE; best unoccupied location ior jocai uiug Business in city. Will al ir ana lease to right party. Also A' I.Toctiv liuotion. REM IN, 800 Paxton. Elk. 'Phono Douglas 6i0. (15) M340 STOREROOM, 621 8. 16th St. Clarke Powell, put r arnam tsi. (15) 2wl OFFERED FOR SALE Peaclag. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing to per foot. ZOO w. iiin si. lei. Ked K14. Farultare. FURNITURE for ten rooms, complete for housekeeping, good location, modern, close In: three rooms psy all expenses $2"0 If taken this week. Address H-2U, care Bee. (is) 3-4 2ix ONE piece linoleum 12x12 feet: new Au- fust 1; 1 cherry book shelf; 1 Herrlck No. . refrigerator; 1 cook stove. 2119 Grant St. (16) 246 21x SECOND-HAND furniture and piano for sale. 620 North 23d St. (Hi) MITti 2-x tD HAND furniture bought and stld; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 S. Htii Bt Tel. Douglas 6S6. (16) M4C9 E29 FOR SALE Furnlturo of a 10-room house; all or part; furniture must be mostly cash or terms, wli N. Ulh St. (1C)-M(17 FOR SALE Cheap, alano, side board, steel inr.fii and other household furniture. 522 N. 27lh St.. Soutil Omaha. (16) &1S14 72 WORTH SEEING! 4TOVK3 & RANGES AT HALF P?ICE! iOj nearly new, ahgh'ly used, Mgh-grads stores and tatige. Ysu ran fuve liiif ty buying of us. V." tin whet's r ght. CHICAGO KL'RNiTl P.E CO.. W.2 D'Air. Tel. Do'.ig. 4T87. (18) 133 Oct. 18 ItT le soi l tkif eek: Brnerson upripht titno, OMASi-vf, e :. rcnr tible. thalis, lt.-h.en c:'rt. r-if'tter-st ir and o:aer hi nlsiiifii,- ci h sv.n room hoi. t a fractUu their valve. Se :.rd St. filKx t pneca H.-.ole.:i t. :. n v Augur 1- 1 cherry Vc.-'k slid'. ; t stove. 2r.i1 Orant B. (M 24i 2lx t- ai'S. O ges, Varal lnnn. A NEW KIMBALL Organ fn- i1e che.p. SUN 17th St (iv-J J2J2 3JX OFFERED FOR SALE Pianos and Organs Continued. FOR SALE CHEAP 111 ory ClsrX cabinet organ, 13 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned lnelrument. suitable for church or home, coed condition; cost $2.7). 'Address L 734, Eee. (16)-I70 Red Tacr Piano Sale 100 new. slightly . used and second-hand Pianos' at a deep cut In prices. A big red tag. on which the price Is marked In plain figures, attached to each Piano. Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. Kimball Upright I 68 6lnger Upright 90 Shubert Upright 120 D.tvls ft 60ns Upright 136 Gabler Upright 173 . The same easy terms 34, $5 or IS monthly. Don't miss this chance. Mrs. Piano Buyer, Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Doug. 1623. 1311-1313 Farnam St. U6J-M 338 UI'RIGHT Kimball piano; fine condition. $;i; owner leaving cily. lslll Davenport. (16) 341 2x Bl'FFETT Baritone saxaphone, In .sole lea tner case, used six innnins, good a new, bargain. 3u8 N. 16th Bt. (16) 340 26x Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world: In c leap bar fixtures; easy payments. Uruns-wlck-Baike-Collendar, 407 b. 10th St. (16)-271 Typewriters and Sewlag Machines. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. (1CJ-671 GOOD Sewing machines, $5.00. 415 No. 23d St. (10) MSSO i ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, tor sale encap. can at Hea office. (1G)-2X ONE REMINGTON typewriter, No. 6; In splendid condition. Address E 1H1. Bee. (16) 186 24 Miscellaneous. DUPLEX PUMP 600-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, size IZxlOttxlO, for sale about October 1. This pump has seen about six months' actual service and 1s In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Bee Bldg. - (16)-670 FOR SALE Three hundred tons of flno Ice. Will quote price f. o. b. at Perry coon Valley Ice Co., Perry, la. (1S)-M813 22 . APPLE trees, 10c; plums, 20c; grapes, Sc; raspberries, . ic. cyrus riurvey, ai toona, la. (16) M989 23x- 25 New Cot Beds, cost $1.25, only 60o each; also -6 good iron beds at a bargain.' zoia Davenport. , (16) M998 23x LADIES railroad ticket to Denver and Salt Lake, good until October 31. Bell cheap. 'Phone Harney" 2634. (16)-M318 22 FOR SALE Five pool and two billiard tables at less than half price; must bo sold and removed this week. 418 No. 24th St., 80. Omaha. (16) M 150 FOR BALE Furnace, suitable for heating a 8-room house; good as new; apply at once, 3527 Harney Bt. (10) 828 J. P. O'BRIEN'S .SALOON and Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, No. 1416 Farnam St, for sale. W. W. DODGE, Trustee In Bankruptcy, S25 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1267. til) M35i RIDPATHS History of the World-Americanized Encyclopedia Brltannlca; new International encyclopaedia; on small monthly payments. Webster's Una bridged Dictionary, $10 edition only $3.25 this week. B. R. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnam Sts. (18)-447 Sp?1 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION - FIXTURES LargestmoKt up-to-date stock at lowest prices in Hie city, solect now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. B U 110 ESS-U li AN DEN CO., $13 So. 15th St Tel. Doug. OIL (16)-27 STANDING DESK, black walnut, 6 feet: also black walnut roll tup desk; both good repair. 228 Bee Bldg. (18) M260 2.x FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain. 24-syrup, two body, relilgeiatur base, counter au tomatic carbonator, (liter, all as good S new; also drug store nxtures, cuunttrs and show cases. Howell Drug Co., loth and Capitol Ave. (lti)-48 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral shvw catei, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tvnks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (1G) 771 FOR SALE CHEAP-:8 II. P. Fairbanks & Morse gasoline engine, new; has been run only u few times; will give a bargain. Apply to IS. W. Cooke, Klmbsll. Neb (ia)-M0D4 27 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (ld)-27S FOR SALE Finest hoarding house In the city; best location all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 803 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. (16) 278 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M'CONNELi, DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. do) 27$ SEND US your mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dilloti Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 277 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. U6j-27C I1AY-I9 00 per ton. Wagner, tol N Kith. (16) -2b0 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 131$ Farnam. (ID 27V FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, Monthly payments. Deright. 1818 Farsam. (16)-2b5 BIO lot of odds and ends, crockery, brass goods and glass, to sell In bulk. See W. B. Elms. Second-Aoor, The Bennett Co. (161 M221 21 SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer, 418 N. 16th. (1C 20 FOR SAI.r-K-hole range or 14-Vw!e stove at Jtxe n. :eirt Bt. o)-i33 2!x TWO tradlrs; stamp bjjks $5. Artirs 1! IDS, care Bee. CS)-2'7 Eg GET YOUR FRUIT. Yes, get your fruit, and while you aro abeut it get well-bred and swei t-tempe-od fruit created under the d'vine phrenic rules for correct purity and the best educatrng nietiirhyH'caf Influence. Drive out cr take tii carK to Fenson. tl.en follow the s'.uim raven.ont to li e Wlziord s Spring Lake fan-i. iero you f supply vnur fruit ivar.le In I.'o T and t pesches. crl-s. i.!ui.i'3, arules ,.J .:any sorts sr.d fer all p-irrosvs. ani kre,1 up le a ullt dlffr:og from all thr breeds ;ilF)DORE WILLIAMS, Tpl'.ur.e Beiikon 2C5. nS-K4 24 WHEN" YOU write to advertisers remem ber It but ati tkitt troke or tan of the pen to rnentl.m the (act that you saw tLe ad In 'i'n Bee. PATENTS LARSON CO. Book free. Bee Bld ' U7) 2k3 D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17 678 Octll PERSONAL IDEAL HAIR PARI.ORS. room 11. Crelgh ton. block; new managemenf; manicur ing, hairdiisslng. Markman-Peters. Tel. Red 2247. (1S)-M6J6 YOU NO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are lavlted to visit the Young Women s Christian Aaaoclation rooms. 1518 Farnam street, where they will bs di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (1) 915 ni ti-ri.t A Dyeing and cleaning, sponging- and shrinking only 6c per yard. Bend for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas IMS. 081-M644 M AnKTCTTP! Osteology and Massase, j.U.AUi vapor and Tub Baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (18)-M1S1 62t A HOME for women during connnemT-nt will lind comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them; ac commodation flist-clnss, terms reasonable. Address Mother Lee. Superintendent Tin ley Home. 'Phone Douglas 19:1. 4f3 Pan croft. (181 M18 OctlSx THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothlnu: In fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and sell, at 114 . N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to thai worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413 and wagon win cm. cisj nu W A A flP ehalybeate. scrub baths liVOOVll- a,, chiropody. Expert lady operator. The Elite, Room 200, Bar ker Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. (18). 327 22X A COMPLEXION satin smooth and fair given by Satin skin powder. Four tints. (1S SEWING mnchtnes rentfd. Neh. Cycle Co., loth and Harney. 'Phone Douglas 11 (18)-284 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut E rices. Pnnd for free catalogue. Myers lillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 287 WANTED A wife, not over 23; want a woman willing to travel; 1 nm In show business, nged 2S. Will explain all when you call. Call at once. H. E. Kennedy, 31 N. 6th St., Council Bluffs, la. (1S)-M.1!4 21 x HAVE just started on my own hook; will do painting and tinting at a very reason able price; work and material guaranteed; , give me a chance; the heneflt will be mu tual. Shank, 26uO M St., South Omaha. Tel. 2047. (18)-M26'i 22x A FIRST-CLASS painter and paper hanger will do work In exchange for old clothes, old furniture or merchandise of any kind or will pay highest cash price for same. Call or .Address Shank, 2600 M St., Bouth Omaha. (18) 844 22x PRIVATES CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr! King. 1320 N. 24th St Tel. Web. P.:.59. ,(18)-2S8 M AilNF.Tin treatment and bath. Mme. IMAUlMliXlVy Smith. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18) 800 OMAHA Stammerer' building. Institute. Ramge 08J-283 PI3NNELL MILLINERY CO. 1511 Doug la. (18) 187 Nov. 17 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATES DEALERS. RUSSELL Sc M'KITRICK CO., 433 Ramge. 419J 29 PAYNE 1NV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 1781. (19)21 R. C. PETERS & CO.. Bee Bldg. (19) 292 GEORGE COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758. (19) 2'JS C. M. RICH, 16th and Locust. Tel. Web. 1476. a) 14 Oct2x CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. . . LIST your proiierty with Chls Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (19) 0$ AUCTION A Development Sale al LAKE JAMES PARK by auction SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, AT 2 P. M. One of the finest lots in this beautiful ad dition will be given FREE (absolutely free) on the day or sale. No conditions what ever, save registering name and address. Full particulars in special circular Just Is sued. Get one. Call, telephone or ask our salesmen. Go out before the sale and look the ground over and be ready. Salesmen on (round. ONLY 30 LOTS TO BE SOLD NOW This Is an opportunity of a lifetime to start for that Home. Remember date and place. Office, telephone Red 2107; Lake James Park telephone, Benson 4! Colonel C. W. Kaley, (formerly of Lin coln), auctioneer. Get oft car by our big sign at Military Ave. anil 5lst, 8 blocks east of Krug Park. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRl'ST CO. CHAS. B. WILLIAMSON. PRES. 1201 Farnum St. U. S. Bank Bldg., (ground floor). , (19) 328 20 KEYSTONE PARK Opened for sale May 11. 1907. In four months we have sold 58 out of 90 tracts, Into which it was originally dl-vidcd-ONLY 32 UNSOLD. What does this prove? It proves that because of the rapid growth Omaha has shown In tho past few years, and the Increase In real estate values around Omaha, there has developed a de mand for a SI BcRBAN ACREAGE. AD DITION, such as KEYSTONE PARK not only for homes, with beautiful sur roundings, which cost less to maintain, out tor uttracllve Investment features Wo have 33 of the very boat tracts left for sale. Next year It will be too late to buy In KEYSTONE PARK. Come In and let US talk to you and con vince you why wo think you should Invest In Keystone Park. D. V. SHOLES CO., Board of Trade Bldg. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (19)-336 a BARGAINS IX LOTS ON SOUTH SIDE We have a number of lots that we aro offering for sale from one-hulf to two blocks from the riw extension of the car linu sjuth of Hausi om park on 2. J avenue. Larea lots ("xl'jt feet, 4C'J. These all lay fine and sightly, and Avill surely advance a Kreut dial In price us sunn as n.o 3-d street car line la completed, which they are working on at tin; present lime. We will sell what we have left on Very easy terms. Hastings & Heydcn, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. (is)-;j8 &i YOUR CHANCE To get a 7-room house; It has city wat-r, i i:cn, sewer and gas; bcn put In fine rvialr; good bam; It s vacai.t nov and musl be sold el onco. 1. e gieat scrip?. Tni Is tnly aliout tv.o milel fri.ui the pot'.o.liCe. i' s Clf. -Jip at $1.. 1'ul her orei- a 11. jM tain ut.J $.2 per mtn:'i. J. W." CO. Doug. I'M. J-at'on r.l't. U'.M M Wj H CTC1IJNS0N-B0LIKDC0. Ofrers a good propotty at 2o22 Maplo St., at a low prl'O. Fu'il lot, 8-room houite with large reception hall, gus. buth and furnace; good barn, permanent walks, Irou fence, (hade trees. 12.60U takes It. SEE HUTCHINSON-BOLLARD CO. P.ooin No. 2! Patterson Blk,, litU and Putnam. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOH SALS. (Continued. FOR SALE OR RENT Nearly new. strictly modern twij-story home; 7 rooms, recep tion ball. Ktil North 20th St. Pen it. Phone Webster 3157. (19I-M.T-8 24x MODERN COTTAGE. 6-room coitaae, thomugly well built, double floors, surface finer being ma ple; large bath room; nice attic, plp l for gas and wired for electric lljfht; all modern plumbing; fill slse screens, et.; south front lot. 67x100. lying high anl slghtlj-, two blocks south of Ames Ave. car line, stith and Boyd. Price, $1.9o. C. O. CARLBEKG, 111 New York Life Bldg (,9) M201 $1.W WILL IUY a 6-room house, city water, sewerage, barn, cistern, on strcit car line, paved street, walking distance. 4M Maple St. 7 rooms, story and one-lilf, cement cellar, well, cistern, lawn, burn, fruit trees, two lots, two blocks from car line; the owner Is moving on a farm nnd will sacrifice on this property. See us about the price. 1915 Plnkney St. 9 rooms, modern thr'igh ont, facing park. Int 50x124. Take $1.5 to handle this property. This will make a delightful home, a quiet plnce to live. In a good part of the city. The owner Is a non-resident. Let us tell you about the price snd terms. Turrell t- Co.; Tel. Doug. 1129, Room 17 Tatter. PMtt (19I-MH09J1 FOR SALE Ten room house, large dotibli lot, beautiful modern home In splendid repair. In exclusive residence district. Worth $1S00P. Will sell 'for little more than hmf; easy terms. Address B .ti6, care Bee office. (191344 r nfM.'T Vn Vm? A Tl A mi ATM wuiuou a wi i u.wiuxim 10-room new house, thoroughly modern, hot air furnace, gas and electric lights, lot south front. 76x134. Near Kbuhtzo Place and one block from Sherman Ave. car line. Price cut from $3,750 tu $3,500 for quick sale. C. O. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) M2&0 21 $1,G00. Nice S-room cottage near 20th and Dorcas Sts., full lot, plenty of fruit and a small barn. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 110 Board of Trado. Tel. Douslas 49. ' (13)-MJt 21 SIX PER CENT STRAIGHT LOANS. You had better let us p'ace a straight loan on that property of yours. None of the bother of paying monthly Installments. Cheaper interest rate, too. Come In and let us talk It over. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 100 20 LOOK at 3717 No. 22d St. If you want a o-room cottage cheap; part modern and everything In best of repair. Price, $1,700. Tel. Webster 10P9 or Webster 3709. O. M. UNDERHILL & CO. (19)-118 20 IN WALKING DISTANCE. On 27th St., near Leavenworth, full lot, east front, fine shade trees, 6-room house, good barn; price, $2,400. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. (19)-M30 22 NICE 6-room cottage, on corner, east front, one block to car, on paved street; bargain at $2,250. N 199, Bei. (19) M302 21x CLOSE IN LOTS IN HOME PLACE $700 TO $1,000 t South front lots on Lake St., between 16th nnd isth $700. West front lots on 18th Bt. $850. Corners a trifle higher. These are the best and lowest priced close In lots you will ever buy only a rcw left. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam fc't. Reo Bldg. (lav-235 20 $7.Q0O Will buv eleaant new home In West Far nam St. district, now occupied by the owner. Hardwood ftnlsn, cemented cellar, paved street, permanent sidewalks. Ev erything new and in tirst class condition, This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Llfo Building. (19)-M715 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest, You are protected "by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit wnen you buy a "iverr aDHtraci, 1614 Harney. Tel. Doutflas 547. (19) TWO HOUSES 3331 BURT STREET, $2,100 Owner wants to sell these two houses at once and has made a very low price. One has five rooms and the other three rooms. Lot 66x132 feet, lot alone worth $1,600. Houses always rented. This la a bargain. Go out and look at them today. Hastings '& Heycleii, 1704 Farnam St. ' Bee Building. (19)-&)7 20 DON'T BUY YOUR 5-ROOM cottage until you have seen this on beau tiful Bristol Ht.., close to 24th St. car, pav ing paid: & large rooms below and 3 others can be tlnlsheif above;, has back stairway, cemented cellaf tinder whole house, con crete walk, lot 44x132, all modern Improve ments except heat. Get busy, as this will go this week. O. M. UNDERHILL CO.. Tel. Webster 1069 or Webster 87U9. Office 330 No. 241 h Bt. (18)-117 REAL ESTATE TITLE - TtUST f - CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. -', 19) 296 BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 20th and Fort street only $226. S O. Nordquist, Owner, 624 B. fcnb Bt. a9)-751 t4 LOTS In Halcyon Heights. Benson. lying Well, clone to car line; 20 minutes' tide to Omaha. vAll sell altogether or in bunches of five. For prices and terms ad dress H 42. rare Bee. (19) 167 REAL ESTATE FARM AND Ul.MCU LAND FOB SALE. Itwa. WESTERN IOWA corn land foi sale and exchange. Write 11. L. Craven Co., On aw a, la. (2o) Miioe 013x Kansas. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete 1st of Kansas lands. Agents wanted. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. (20j-M516 O10 Mtaaonrt. HOWELL county, Missouri, 160 acres, H.5UU, 100 acres In cultivation; house, barn, orchard, good fences, plenty water, good location. Hinds & Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. (20) U988 32x Nebraska. 0 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balance turm land; easy terms. A. T. eeybolt. 3622 Grand Ave. 'Phone Webster 1970. (20) M360 WRITE me if you want to sell your farm; no agents. Address E 327, Omaha Bee, , (20) M34I 22x FiKMl'-CLASS Net rasxa farms and ranches tvr homes or invnimtnt. Betnls 'iinaiia. U) acres, located C miles west of Platts- mouth, Neb.; ul l.i blua giasi pssijre; 7t aeita 01 Lotum land, tne balance rolling cpL.ini. Aith fcynie very flno lim ber; running v.'fi'er; (wu miles from rail road Btp.tlon; n .H a of It can be put vr.uui- cultivation if no dsirtd: will mult on -Ifgii-.i. iM:y farm; pnuo $00 per ucro. Will excrsnae tor lown property or siok or goods, wnie tg j p. 'ttl"r' ia)H-M1'2 21 I'.'u' umouu.. Neb. 170 seres close to Omaha new 12i room house, furnace heated and all necei sary outbuildings. 1 m 1 acres in fruit ui ail mini, iiiio imu, rn 11 ii,u, tiusu 117 college, schools, electric cars. This Is one of the best farms In eastern Nebraska, lmpiirvements alone are worth $10,000. Price only $0,000. 440 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Nab. ihuus, Douglas 15 1 u. (iO; 192 ii REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH l.t.NU FOR SALS (Continued.) oath Dakota. OUT THKY GO. Yott can nlwavs rind good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm you want by selecting our 100,i-acre tract In the famous Hettinger county. North Dakota. Oci out and see It. liok us up. William H. Brown Co., Klchardton cr Mnndsn or Molt, North Dakota, or 131 Lasalle St., Chicago. 111. () ilti V Xlscellaneons. CHEAP land-Jacobson A Co., 93t N T. L. (?i-Mte) 2$ REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Benils, Paxton Block. (22) -H WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. (22.i-3i.ll LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 605 First National Bunk Bldg. ' ()-303 1,000.000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In cimahai lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N. Y. Life. (22)-304 UNIONS LOAN INVEST. Co.. 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy lBt and 2d mtgcs. 'Phone Dmig. 2W4. (32)-M12 Ot 8 WANTED City loens and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (221-306 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. uakih &uub., ivn f arnam. (22) 307 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1530 Doug. (JX 3W MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. czi aoe LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Llfo Uldg. (22) 3t5 $500 TO $65,000 TO LOAN Private money; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 n. y. l (i-MS5 WANTEDTO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating atovts, carpets, lino leums, ofllco furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete The highest prices paid. Call the rlRht man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (25)-M366 S-7 CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoos, etc. 308 No. lttn bu Tel. lied 8326. (25)-215 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 313 S. 141 n. rnone juougias u.i. ta uu I WANT to buy a good second hand tour- lnir car cheap for cash. Y 9S. care timaha Bee. (26)-M633 21x WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two connecting front rooms, with meals. In private family; young couple and 8-year-old baby. Address S 25S, Bee. ia) nm zix WANTED At onco by two. married couple room and board; clore. In If possible. Only private family considered. References If deslrwi. u zoo uee. us) i-x WANTED Suite of furnished rooms for housekeeping, In desirable residence part of South Omaha. References exchanged Address F 328 care Bee. (26) M360 23 X WANTED-SITUATION WANTED Position by registered druggist as manager of country drug store; nest of reierence. write at once. Addres: Y 9t3. care Bee. (27) M772 21x WANTED Position as bookkeeper; can give references. Address x .8, liee. (27) M147 22x SITUATION wanted by thoroughly ex perlenced bookkeeper, with good know! edge of stenography; can furnish bond and nrst-class references. Address t: 189, caro Bee. (27) M213 22x YOUNG man. 22. wishes position as an slstant bookkeeper; can do ledger post ing; am also railroad clerk, with 3 years experience; nrst-class reierences. Ad dress J 195. caro Bee. (27) M226 21x AN OPPORTUNITY WANTED. Will exchange the use of good set of brains for an opportunity to get Into busi ness; am at present a "machine' for a large corporation, with prospects of In crease In salary and privilege of being on employe all my life; ant willing to Invest snare or earnings In good bu.sines. Ad dress S 202, care Bee. (27) M'JtiS 23x A MOVING PICTURE machine operator careful and of long experience wants a good, steady position; prefer a smaller town. Please send corrispondenee care of Bee, Y 100. (27) M303 2ox YOUNG man stenographer will be open lor position snout cut. 1; nas clerical experience; references. Address L UtS, care Bee. (27) Msut WANTED Position as chauffeur by com petent man; can give references. Ad dress 422 South mil St. (271-M278 2Gx When you have anything to advertise re member It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw 1 lie a j in rue Bee. . LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE PROPOSALS FOR Laying Water Matus Sealed proposals will be lecelved by the city clerk o Beaver City, Nebraska, at his ofllce until the 80th day of September, 1007, at 8 o'clock p. rn., for the f mulshing and laying of 10,840 (eet 4-inch cast water mains (wt. 22 lbs. to foot): S.400 feet of 2-inch surface galvanised Rialn (m-vssure 2li0 ibs. to aa. Inch): 3,550 , feet of 6-Inch main (wt. 33 lbs. to foot), ana -i,ai ieei ui ft-incu mam iwt. -u ids. 10 iwo, with 18 two-way Are nosxle hydrants for IVlnch fire hose with all necessary fittings for all mains and hydrants. Bids to in clude the digging of all ditches at leant J',a feet below tho surface of street at. any place and the established grade of the city and also to Include all connections and extras as shown by the Dlans and sped flcallons on file at ofllce of said city clerk One-half of contract price for laying and furnishing said mains as above to be paid in cash and the baltnce to be paid in war psants drawn on general fund of said city (option to city to psy all casni. All bios must be accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cenl of the amount bid as a guarantee that If the bid Is accepted the bidder will enbrr Into contract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserved the right to reject any or all bids. W. L. LEONARD, city cierB. H7a:4t NOTICE OF BOND ISSUE NOTICE IS hereby given that the Farmland, Fremon and Railroad Drainage District Is abou to Issue twenty-five thousand dollars of s'x per cent Interest negotiable bonds pay ame in twenty equal annual installment owners of real estate or an easemcn therein apportioned for benefits may pay to the treasurer of said district on or be fore sixty days from tha date of the first publication of this notice, the proportlan ate share of such bond Issue properly chargeable against such real estate, and thereby exempt such real eatato from lia bility for payment of bonds, and the amount of bond Issue will thereby be re duced the amount of such advance pay ments. Date of first publication hereof, September 14. 1)7. Farmland. Fremont and Railroad Drainage District. Ey J V. Han son, Secretary. K15-D2U. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR-tlllei-y Horses and Draft. Saddle and Puck Mules Chief Quartermaster's OflVe, Omaha, Nebraska. August 28, 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at tills ortlce until 13 o'clock m.. central stand ard time, September 24, 17, and then openej, In the presence of attending bid ders, for forty 4i cavalry horses, one hundred and elxty-three (103) artillery hArn.i IhrfA f3l draft mulfl uli. ! hundred and eighty-four (44) pack mules, j ninety (90) saddle mules and one M) cart mule, lor delivery at cimaha. Nebraska, or other prominent railroad points. Tne , niiiiaia m vviiiiinii iv iJeviui.-eiions lor 1 -, . .. .1 ...-.ill .. 1. . . . - . .1 , ! cavalry and artillery horses j m,M. ) iiur, Bun mules. United Btatss reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Fsrtlculars and blanks fur pro posals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to b en dorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mules' and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, CUM uftriefmaster. AJ!6-27-Si9-20-Kl-ia RAILROAD TIME CARD taiOX STATION 10th AMU BIARCY. I nlon Parlfle. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. ag K . am sg J prs The Colorado Express. a$;i0pm a 6 00 pa Atlantic Express. ...X. a 9 srr The Oregon Express. .. a 4:10 pm a 5:00 pm The Iis Angi lcs Urn. aU.W pm a P. 15 pm The Fast Mall a :. nm a 6.4i. pm The California Express a 4:'i pm a 6 S' pm Col.v-Chlcago SpiH-lal. a12:10am a:Wnm Beatrice l ocal b T 42 am b 1o pre North Platte Local a 7:42 gin a 6:li pra (hlcagto A ortnfters, Chicago Dm light a7:05am a11:M n St l ahl-Minn. Exp a?:5'iam al0:00 pr Chicago Um-sI aU:20am a 3: pre Sioux City Fassenge,..a v-0ain a S.: pit! Chicago passengei a 8:"pm a9 :wtr. Chl.-aaii Koeclal a 8:0 pm a 8 23 are St. Paul-Minn. Llm a 8:2 pm a 7 40 am Ixs Angeles Limited. .a 9.3" pm al'2:35 prB .alO:00 pm a $ 23 an Overland Limited. Fast Mall a :( ani ...a 8:50 pm a:20air a 8:3i p ...a 8: pm a 7:40 atr. .. .a r:40 am a 6:35 prt loiwx City Local... ast Mall .... win City Limited. NorfoOt-Honesteef . .Incoln-Chadron ... b 7:40 am all :3ft ant a 8:00 pm a 5:35 pre ,....a 3:00 pm all 25 a b 3:00 pm b ti "i pit b 5:35 pm bl2:4S pm Western. Dead wood-Lincoln . Casper-Shoshonl .... lla.itlngs-Superlor . Fremcnt-Alblon .... hteago Great St. Paul-Minneapolis R:3Hpm T:J0 an t. Paul-Minneapolis.... IMim ii:prc Chicago Limited 6:05 pm 8:27 am Chicago Express 7:J0am Chicago Express 3:30 pm S.30 piu hleago, Mllwsakes A St. Paal. Chicago A Colo. fip l....a 7:02 am aJl:50pri Cal. t Ore. Express a :20an a 3:2jpm Oveiland Limited a :r pm as::sian rry laical a 0:1a pm ai'J.juars htcaifo, Rock Island at raelfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:45 am aI1:30p Iowa Local acwam n:.iipin lice Moines 1'asscnger. .a 4.0" pm aiz.Mpto owa Local ait:4iam S9:b.ipm hlcago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:uOpm. a l:Japm Chicago Flyer a 6:U) pm l:3in W EST. Rockv Mountain Llm. . . .all :40 pm a I:ram Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:3a pm a 4:40 pm tiki, and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm aJ 4.Pm incoln-Falrbury Pass. .b 8:45 am bl0:la ano Missouri raelfle. C. & St, L. Exp.. C. & St. L. Exp.. ..a 9:00 am 6:55 am ..all :15 pm a 6:35 pra ..a 20 pm all:40 am ..a 6:30 pm a t:30 am Nebraska Local Wabaata. St. Louis Express. St. Louis Local (irom Council Bluffs) av:.suam axi:iapn Blanberry Local (from Council lliuns) o o:w pm div:id am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am' a $.45 pnv Minn. & St. Paul txp.,.D T:mam a s oopir Chicago Limited a 6:00 pin a 8:30 am Minn. & bt. 1 aui unuu.u :au via a s:ou am DVHLINGTO.f STA. aOTU A MASOV, Uarllngtou. . . Leave. Arrive. Denver & California a 4:10 bm a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pre Black HillS ai:iupm af:iupm Northwest Express a 9:80 pm a 6:48 am Ki.hrki nolnts 1 I D. tin a 8:10 diii Nebraska Express a:20ani a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Man. ...... .0 t;upin iu:u pm Lincoln Local. b :06 am Lincoln Local a 8:00 pm Louisville & Plattsm'th.b 8:10 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a 8:10 pm a 7:46 am TUntt smooth-Iowa tj 9:15 am Belle vtie-l'iaiismouin.. Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chlcaao Flyer b 1:30 pm ..all :55 pm a 6:48 am ..a 7:00 am e11:4lipm ..a 4:30 pm a 3:56 pm ..a6:S0pni a 8:30am ..a 9:15am an '30 am ..a 4 45 pm all :30 am ,.a10:45pm a 6:30am ..a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm ...a 4.45 pin Iowa Local., St. Louis Express Kansas City t. joe. t.-nn Cttv St. Joe. Kansas City & Bt. Joe WEBSTER 9TA lOTfl A WEBSTER Chicago, Bt Fanl, Minneapolis A Omaha. Leave Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . .b 6:S& am b 9:10 pm Bioux City Passenger,.. a 3:00 pm all:20am Emerson Local ,bB:4Rpm b 6:10 am ,.C 8:45 am c 1:50 pm Vmersoo 1iesl Mlssonrl Pnelfle. Local via Wesplng Water .a 8:06 am a 8:30 pm .a 3:60 pra all :20 am Falls City Local a Dally, b Dally except Bonday. e Sunrta only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally ex cept Monday, g Carries only Interstate passengers. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS flDIPMT CfjARK'g TSNTH AmTJAf. WRIfalU 6 CRUISE, Fob. I, 'Ol, T Hut, ht speeUlly ehsrtra4l . "Armblp," 18.00 tons. THHaa TUUKS ItOUMB THB WOtRn. rxAJTX O. ClABX. Times Blag. Hew Tor FRUIT BRINGS HIGH PRICE Scale la 80 Lofty as .to flaggest tU Existence of Local Trnst. Is there a fruit growers' trust Ui Omaha? Well, the Retail Merchant evidently thinks so. Judging by this article In the last Issue: The Nebraska-Iowa Fruit Grower' as sociation seems to have a grip on the fruit prices this year and Is holding up tn prices higher than ever before In this city, which waa evident by the prices that black berries brought during the season, not go ing below $2 at any one time, although tho crop this year was tho largest ever pro duced In this section. Grupes are now coming in in good quan tities at a pi ice never heard of before, whllo with an ordlnnry crop In the past they brought about 12V4 cents a basket, they now bring 25 to 80 cents. "Wy) Omaha Orape Growers' association Is shipping four carloads of grapes a day from Florence and the Council Bluffs Grape Growers' association six cars fron Council Bluffs. Many say that grapes are so plen tiful around Omaha that were It not for these associations, which set tb prices, grapes would be selling at 12 or IS cents a basket. The growers retort that while the fruit Is plentiful close In Douglas county, Nebraska, and Fottawattamle county, Iowa, on the whole It Is a very short crop In Nebraska. Iowa and Kansas. They can get good prices by shipping ths grapes away and will not sell In Omaha for less. FRANCIS WILLARD W. C. T. U. Situ t alon la Organised frith Thirty Charier Members Orncers Are Elected. ! The Francis Wlllard Women's Christian Temperance union was organised Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. George W. Covell. 2516 Wirt street, with thirty members. Its next meeting will be with Mrs. A. B. Hunt at her Florence home at Minna Lusa, September 26. These officers were elected: President, Mrs. Clara Bur bank; vice president. Mrs. D. J. Burden; recording secretary, Mrs. A. N. Eaton; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Viola A. Hart; treasurer. Mrs. Laura White Taggart. Mrs. A. B Hunt and Mrs. Charles Newell were elected delegates to the state con vention at Lincoln October 16. 18 and Mrs. C. W. Ogle and Mrs. Clara Burbsmk. al ternates. MINISTER AFTER SALOON MAN Canon Hell Will Fll. Charges Against Liquor Seller Who Let Iters Have Drink. Complaint Is made by Rev. Robert B. II Bell against the saloon at the northeast corner of Nicholas and Sixteenth streets. The complainant alleges that two boys, one 13 and one 16 years of age, secured liquor at that place one day this week, from the effects of which they became In toxicated. One of the boys was under the rare of Canon Bell, having been paroled to him by the Juvenile court and henca his activity In the matter. Rev. Mr. Bell will proceed against the boys In the Juve nile court snd will file charges against thg proprietor of the saloon before the Boare) of Firs and Police Coiumlsblootigj ,"